Wellness Check | Defending Jacob Series | Pastor Keion Henderson

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who are watching us online thank you for joining us on another sunday morning this being the first sunday in september we thank you so much that you are here with us all over the world and to all of our lighthouse 2.0 members we bring you greetings from lighthouse central location i'm going to continue in our series uh defending jacob how many of you all have been watching that series defending jacob um i'm going to continue in that normally a series is about four weeks we've been in this one i think this is our fifth week i think we might i'm thinking about six mo 10 mole i could really do it all the rest of the year because there's so much uh in this in this text um and and then the lord started talking to me about um extending it because i was thinking about going from defending jacob to being joseph and and that is and it transitions right here in the text right right when you get done with jacob you walk right into joseph's front door so we may be in this for the rest of the year uh this is the year of authority and power and um you know we were talking about the year balance and and we think that covert knocked us off balance but let me tell you it rains on the just as well as the unjust and in order for things to be balanced you've got to have both and so god is not asleep nor does he slumber he is still on the job if you have your bibles at home or those of you are here with me let's go to genesis chapter 29 i am not going to read all of it because we're going to cover the first few verses and to contribute to the brevity of time i just want to read i really got to set something up for you and look at verse 1 the bible says in genesis chapter 29 verse 1 it says so jacob moved on and came to the land of the eastern people everybody say he moved on i'm reading in the new english translation of the bible and he saw in the field a whale everybody say well with three flocks of sheep lying beside it because the flocks were watered from that everybody say well now a large stone covered the mouth of the everybody say well when all the flocks were gathered there the shepherds would roll the stone off of the mouth of the and water the sheep then they put the stone back in its place over the whale's mouth do you do you see this constant thing about this whale um if if if you need a subject for all of my churchy people if you just need a subject for a sermon today i want to talk about a wellness check i want to talk about a wellness check um i don't know if anybody's ever had to get one but but a wellness check is simply uh when an authority or somebody um is sent to you to see about your well-being and especially in times like this your mental health um it's a response that's given to you if somebody cares about you somebody they they may call the the fire department they may call the police they may call a friend but they'll say and we've done this for our members keith we we we we don't see somebody for a while and and we've sent people we've gone to people's houses pastor hammond we've knocked on the door and in one instance uh one of our employees wasn't answering the phone we broke in this house um we got skills like that i mean you know sometimes you got to use what you used to do to get done what you need to do but we found a way to break in this house and found him laying on the couch unconscious covert had taken all of his body fluids out of his body and he was he was stricken and he was sick and and we found him in his own vomit uh but see that's that's because somebody cared about him and and and we went to go check on him and he's doing well now and and some of you um may ask why am i talking about this because literally for some of you you've been locked in the house for the last 18 months and nobody's seen you uh off of your social media screen and nobody's seeing you uh on the other side of your mask and nobody's seeing you um um back into the what we want to call the real world and so the lord sent me here today to do a wellness check uh to see where you are psychologically and we're going to use jacob's life to do it but i want you to know that if you if you want to trust god you want to see if he really loves you you always find god um visiting people he loves in and around wales you remember there was a woman who had five husbands and the man she was with was not her husband and the bible says that he met this samaritan woman where did he meet her at the well you remember when abraham uh dug a well uh in in in the wilderness if if you remember uh this text this particular text later on when we get to the story we're going to find out that this this well is later on called jacob's well that there are so many uh interactions uh about whales um we also found out an angel of the lord found hagar in the well at sinai uh so so there's a lot of discussions in the bible in and around wales and every time the lord showed up to one of those whales he was trying to figure out how well they were he was trying to figure out how well they were everybody say wellness check so i want to i want you to put that there and now let's discuss this because the bible says that jacob was on his journey i promise you if you listen to me today i'm going to help you the bible says that jacob went on his journey these six words short and simple these six words um are um are not appreciated because we we those of us watching online those of us in this room we speak english but but god never spoke english jesus spoke hebrew and and they wrote an aramaic and and they wrote in greek so he didn't speak english so sometimes we miss what god said because we put it through our own cultural lens um westernization has a way of missing god's purpose because we view everything through cultural lenses i can give you an example how many of y'all ever heard the story about um the prodigal son and and every time we talk about the story of the prodigal son what do we say we talk about uh he was in riotous living right in and we talk and we get to the part about his father welcoming him home with open arms and and he has a ring and a robe and a fatted calf why because in america most of us if not all of us at some point or another have parental issues this is the only country where you can sue your parents and get away with it i mean here in america we we we have to you know we have these deals where um adult kids uh talk to their parents in adult ways but when i grew up it didn't matter how old you got uh my mama would always say i'm still the same age older than you today than i was the day that you were born so that gap is still there and and so that's one of our cultural things but if you were to preach the story about the prodigal son in jerusalem they wouldn't do that because in those days and times they didn't have any parental issues if you disobeyed your father you could get your head cut off they didn't have those issues so if you were to preach it there guess what they would put the focus on the famine part of the story because if you read the old testament every time there was a judge there was a famine and the reason why there was a judge for every famine is because when the people were would would get a deliverance from god they would go and be excited about the deliverance and once the excitement faint away they would go back to worshiping god so what would god do he would send another famine and another judge and then they would get delivered and they would say uh here it is god if you get me out of this have you ever said that before i ain't that's a famine if you get me out of this i'll never do it again and then god gets us out of it and then we go good for a couple of months and then we get back in and say okay god for real this time if you get me out i'll never do it so they had famine after famine so that's what they would do well if we read this text and we step out of our cultural lens and step into the pericappy of the actual text we would discover that when he says they went on a journey he was not talking about going on a journey at all as much as it was those words he went on a journey actually means this in the hebrew watch this he lifted his feet don't y'all miss what i'm just ready to say he lifted his feet that's exactly what it means in the original text everybody say he lifted his feet he lifted up his feet that means that when god got ready to send jacob on the next trajectory of his life he did not procrastinate he did not have any slothfulness he did not say when i get done with this then i'm gonna do that the moment god said go what did he do he lifted up his feet i want you to keep that in mind because when i get to the end of this sermon and i make all of these declarations and all of these promises and some people online you're going to come up and in 30 days and say that pastor made me a promise and he said god was going to do something and it didn't happen in 30 days i'm telling you if it doesn't happen for you in 30 days it's because you did not lift up your feet you you can't sit down and expect god to do what he says he's going to do this miracle is going to require you to lift your feet somebody say lift your feet he lifted his feet here's the scripture he did not procrastinate he did not hesitate he did not wait he lifted up his feet and the bible says the reason why he does this is because he has just had a dream at a place called bethel the bible says that he sleeps on a stone he makes a a pillow out of the stone and the lord shows him a vision and many of us call it jacob's ladder it is not a ladder at all it's a stair step connecting heaven to earth and he sits there and he dreams and and he sees god connecting him from where he is to where he is going and now he wakes up out of this dream and he has power and he has authority and he is enthusiastic he's about to go through a transformation he's about to walk with god and have an experience that he's never had before i want you to hear this the bible says that when he was there he went to sleep on a stone and turned the stone into a pillow somebody said a pillow he has slept on stones for pillars and still he has lifted his feet he has been living in the wilderness without a water supply and still he lifted his feet he is in the wilderness without any company he's single and he still is lifting his feet his bills need to be paid and he is still lifting his feet they have repossessed his car and he is still going to worship his lights are off and he is still going to worship i want to talk to a group of people especially a group of millennials why is it that we allow our circumstances to keep us from worship why is it that that we allowed hard times to keep us from picking up our feet here he is sleeping on a stone and still lifting his feet and i declare it to this generation those of you who are watching me online if you're gonna make it to the next dispensation that god has for you you're gonna have to struggle and lift your feet at the same time you're gonna have to cry and lift your feet at the same time you're going to have to have a broken heart and lift your feet at the same time you're going to have to be unemployed and still lift your feet fist bump somebody say lift your feet lift your feet when you don't have money in the bank lift your feet when you don't know where you're going next lift your feet when you're confused lift your feet when you're sick lift your feet when you don't understand everybody shout lift your feet [Music] he is sleeping on a stone still enthusiastic [Music] that's hard sleeping on the hard thing not complaining about how hard it is oh y'all not here with me today he he's sleeping on the hard thing but he ain't posting about it he's sleeping on a hard thing but he's not taking pictures of the stone and saying look at my life look at what i'm going through what he did is he turned the stone into a pillow because it ain't hard unless you look at it as a hard thing if you imagine that it is a pillow then the hard thing will be made soft [Applause] you can create pillows out of stones oh you didn't hear what i said you you can you can turn tragedy into triumph if you so desire he said yeah i'm on a hard thing i'm still going to lift my feet i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord even though jacob has left his past he still has hundreds of miles to get to his future i don't know who i'm talking to but i wish i could tell you that everything was going to change tomorrow i wish i could tell you but the older i get the more i know that they that wait on the lord it is in that that we renew our strength even though jacob has left his past he's got hundreds of miles to get to his future and the bible says listen this is going to be good that for the rest of the trip he's got all this stuff matt that has happened he's he's had a dream and god has showed him a vision and he saw jacob's ladder and he's got all this stuff going on in his life and then he gets into a season where ain't nothing happening ain't nothing going for him he's in the middle of nowhere and there is no excitement he's in the middle of nowhere and ain't nobody calling him he's in the middle of nowhere and he's only getting three likes per post he's in the middle of nowhere and nobody's congratulating him he's in the middle of nowhere and he's getting no compliments he's in the middle of nowhere and nobody has told him he's doing a good job he's in the middle of nowhere and none of his posts have gone viral he is in the ordinary season he is in a common season he is in his routine are y'all with me today everybody say routine he is in his routine he hasn't gotten a pay raise in years he's in his routine he he has he has not gotten anything that he's dreamed about everything in his journal is not coming to pass in this season everything that he has written is not coming to pass in this season it's just an ordinary it is a routine season and here it is watch this and god told me to tell you this especially to those of you who are young listening to me that the routine is also a part of his plan oh this is good let me move this because most people think that god is not working in their life if something poppin we're looking at social media and we're looking at people getting married and we're looking at people lose weight and we're looking at people buying new cars and we're looking at people change their wardrobe and we're sitting back depressed talking about when it's gonna be my turn when is it gonna be my time god sent me somebody too and god told me to tell you that even when it ain't popping it's still on the plan you better hear what i'm telling you you better hear me you better hear me do not think that you are behind just because extraordinary things are not happening in your life right now i came to tell you that the first thing you have to do is receive the routine that ordinary is okay that if your phone ain't ringing all the time you straight that if you don't have 12 friends to go out and drink wine with you good just because you don't know any famous people yet you straight just because nobody's reposting your tick tock you good god says i am in the routine i am in the ordinary in fact jesus's ministry started regular the bible says that at the age of 12 years old he goes to the custom of the feast well the custom of the feast pastor persia is the routine because he and his parents went there every year what nothing special about it they would go there and they would go back home it was so routine that one day they left him there and it was in the routine that he says oh in this regular routine i'm gonna do something with my life i'm gonna go teach the doctors and the lawyers and the bible says at that age of 12 his ministry came into being and his parents came and found him talking to the doctors and the lawyers it was in the routine that he found his way it was in the routine that he opened up his gift it was in the routine because sometimes god has to let you be off stage so you are not developed on stage because the thing that the stage does it comes equipped with lights and lights always show imperfections and you ought to be glad that sometimes god develops you behind the curtain so nobody will know how messed up you really are [Applause] somebody say routine he's he was developed in his routine and in his routine he walked right into his promise so i'm saying this because we live we live in a sensational world and we get depressed because we look at people's social media posts and and don't recognize that all people do is post their highlights but nobody puts up their low lights you every time i want a relationship just like that and she just got hit upside the head before she posted are you listening to what i'm telling you every season listen to me every season won't be sensational you will not feel like you're on vacation every day the vibes won't always be good the energy won't always be on point you're gonna have some good days and you're gonna have some bad days and you're gonna have to learn to be okay with both of them you're gonna have to learn that sometimes you need to stay your butt in the house you ain't got enough money to go out to eat every day you want to go out to eat every day praying for a miracle you don't need a miracle you need a savings account that's all it is every time you go out these is 20 for valet every drink costs 62 dollars and you know you want the one that comes with smoke and dries and and lily berries and all kinds of stuff on it so that's 122 dollars every season won't be seen sensational don't get depressed because you're not in a spectacular season don't get depressed because you're gonna have to make pillows out of stones don't get depressed because while somebody else is sitting back and life is working for them you're in the season where you got to lift up your feet god i wish i had somebody who was really listening to me don't get depressed you have to be faithful in the ordinary your ordinary season is not a waste of time god help me in this place today speak to me holy ghost no tear you ever cried and your ordinary season will be wasted everybody shall receive the routine the only thing ross that messed adam and eve up is that they got sick of their routine every day they could eat from any tree they wanted but one day they got sick of the routine and then they wanted the tree that was in the middle of the garden and it was when they broke the routine that they got kicked out of the garden sometimes god says i am taking you the slow and the steady route i want you to stay right where you are i want you to you you might not get a hundred dollar raise right now take those few pennies but i'm working on something because what i'm doing is i'm creating an entrepreneur inside of you that'll get tired of working for pennies and and giving out dollars worth of effort i want somebody to say routine routine don't waste the routine god is doing something in the regular god i wish i had somebody that's a word for somebody that's a word for somebody it's a word for somebody because everybody wants it to be owned all the time everybody wants to scale all the time everybody wants to leverage all the time everybody wants to grow all the time everybody wants to be promoted at the job every so often but what happens when god ain't doing nothing what happens when you don't put in five applications and nobody's called you back what do you do when everybody else ppp was accepted and yours was rejected [Applause] what do you do when you started a hair salon and the person you watch online she can't do hair as good as you her seats are full and you can kill it and ain't nobody coming but what do you do when god gave you a voice to sing and nobody's calling you and somebody else is average and they're all over the place what do you do when you have a good heart and people are misusing you and you know people who have bad hearts that seem to have friends that they can spare you receive the routine and you know that this part is a part of the journey as well as any other part that you will incur now i'm getting ready to tell you why you need the routine anthony he's in the routine he's ready to get out of it he's tired and he's frustrated this getting ready to help somebody now you don't have to contain yourself because you bout to shout and you can't shout don't take your mask off when you shout please keep it on he is in this routine walking ain't heard a voice in days he's got a 400 mile journey have you ever walked a mile i want anybody here ever walked a mile lately put 400 with it ain't no ain't no uh holiday inn on the way ain't no uber no lift no airbnb nothing no verbo ain't none of that no touro he can't call nobody he got to go his horse is tired too by the way and thirsty because i mean 400 miles he didn't bring 400 miles worth of food with him how do you carry that much water he needs a resource re-up because sometimes in this journey you will walk and you will share what you have with those who walk with you but then when they get tired of walking with you they don't give you back what you gave them when they walk with you so now you got to go to the rest of the journey with not enough because you shared it with them when you had more than enough so now he's got a full journey with half empty pockets nobody to pour back into him oh and by the way his brother is talking about killing him so now he's running from his brother esau who's trying to murder him his mama said baby you got to get out of here how many how many mamas don't care what your son did you go you're going to help him get out she said baby you committed a crime but i'm going to show you how to get out of here she said baby that's what you got to do you got to go you got to go to haran i got an uncle there his name laban go find him tell him baby girl sent you when you get there tell him his sister sent you and and you got to go find your wife there he says all right mama go he walks and he's lifting up his feet sleeping on stones lifting up his feet slip sleeping on stones lifting up his feet going through a hard time not enough to get there and all of a sudden when he gets there in the middle of nowhere he sees three flock of sheep and with those three flocks of sheep are shepherds and uh laban uh had sent them out there and and his daughter rachel's on the way and these guys are out there and uh jacob comes and and i'm sure you know put yourself in a position you know when you're in the middle of nowhere and it's a little dark and you don't know them and they don't know you you know how you'd be like so i think they looking at jacob and jacob looking at them and jacob looking as like okay all right i can get him so if i gotta fight i'm gonna hit him first you know i don't know how y'all think but anytime i'm going into a room i start thinking about fighting and exits and everything just in case i can plan it out you ever seen you ever seen john wick i'd be imagining everything first to get out so he's coming and he's trying to figure out what to do and he said hey who y'all is and they said uh we we from around here where you from and he like i'm on my way to see laban and they like oh oh yeah you cool he said have you seen him he said yeah that's my uncle he said have you seen me so he's doing good business is good everything is going well in fact are you lost he said yeah i'm lost don't know where to go don't worry about it uh his daughter is actually on her way here she's on her way here to this whale right now to water sheep so just stay here when she gets here she'll show you where to go now they're friends look at how he finds relationships in his routine all right y'all better hear me you better hear me because the people that are really going to help you get to the next level of your life they not in the club they in your routine the people who are going to show you how to make millions of dollars they not at the trap house they are in your routine they are somewhere in between church and the grocery store and the bank somewhere in between the places you should be y'all don't want to hear me the reason why many of you cannot find the relationship you're looking for is because you always step outside of your routine to get it you always got to dress some way that's uncomfortable to get it you got to put on too much makeup to get it you got to flash too much money to get it you got to rent cars and act like you own them to get it and every time you step out of your routine you end up with a relationship that puts you in reverse [Applause] oh if you can't say man stay ouch so now he's he's he's got some he's got some relationships he's not alone anymore he's surrounded by men who work he's looking for a wife guess who's on her way oh you got to read the bible the bible say rachel was fine or you got to read it because rachel had a sister and and her sister name was leah the bible says that leah was tenderized so so jacob is on his way he got the fine sister and the cross-eyed sister and the fine sister shows up to the whale and when she comes there listen to me i better hear that somebody say the routine now remember his mother sent him to haran to get a what a wife he's in his routine going where he should go and on his way there he runs into the thing his mother sent him therefore rachel shows up and she brings the sheep with her and and the bible says this you gotta read the story when you get home you gotta read it the bible says jacob lost his mind when he seen her he was like dog y'all know how dudes act when they see a girl they'll be fine to be like you we and this how we talk to each other i'm tell y'all we don't open our mouth people like he talking to them they talking to him as folk dudes at the well and and they'd be like man i know now y'all got to understand this is his uncle's daughter this is cousin she got to be fine to make him forget about the rules of family he says man this girl is ridiculous he walks up to the girl kisses her without permission and then starts crying you better read your bible now how fine as a woman [Applause] that you can kiss and just start weeping the bible says she was good-looking he kisses her and and and he starts to cry now listen to this remember why is she bringing the sheep there to do what to give them water it's a wellness check she brings the sheep to the well and when she gets there it's three shepherds there they are not watering the sheep pastor will let me tell you why because there was a stone on top of the well and all three of them have tried to lift it and they couldn't move it jacob sees rachel coming rachel brings the sheep to the well jacob goes over and lifts the stone by himself tell me what a fine woman won't make you do [Applause] [Music] he lifts the stone off the well by himself and look at the other three dudes and said man y'all been wasting time what are y'all doing come on rachel get over here girl and water these sheep i don't know what these fools been here doing but i'm gonna show you how to water can't nobody say no another like i say now another get over here and water these sheets and she comes waters the sheep he kisses her and starts crying she runs home and tells her daddy i think i met the one daddy you'd be surprised what is waiting on you in your routine you better hear what i'm telling you stop getting so thirsty that you come outside of god's will to get ishmael as opposed to your isaac i came to tell the world that i don't know who has been talking to you but i've seen god do more in the ordinary than i have ever seen him do in the extraordinary i have seen him take ordinary people and preach them at pentecost i have seen him find weak men in a wine press and call him a mighty man of valor i have seen him take a preacher who went to the wrong city and make him preach to a nation i have seen him take ordinary people in their ordinary routines and do something with their life that changed the world because you have to understand that god is in the ordinary and most of your greatest relationships will come not when you're looking for the relationship but when you're doing what you're called to do you better hear what i just said some of y'all got a business right now and you need somebody to write a million dollar check for you to get it done i want you to ask yourself are those kind of people in the places you most frequently go no i i recently met a man who has the potential to change everything that i do and i met him because he goes to the same restaurant at the same time every day he has a table and a chair he goes to the restaurant so much that underneath the tablecloth they have his name on the plaque and every day for six hours he sits in the table of four and he has meeting after meeting after meeting four people come in four people go out four people come in four people go out one day shawnee and now in the restaurant i said i don't know who this man is that's at this restaurant but i need to find out who every person in this restaurant has stopped to talk to and i walked up to the man i introduced myself to him and now he calls me for lunch every week he is 80 years old and he's white worth hundreds of millions of dollars just introduced me to the president of a bank and as of friday i am now on the board of the bank because he introduced me to him [Applause] i did not find him at a preaching convention i did not find him passing out business cards i did not find him politicking i did not find him through an instagram post i found him going to get some chicken wings in my routine and when my routine met his routine oh y'all not here with me today because all i did is i showed up at his well and when i showed up at his well god gave him the ability to water what i was trying to do i am telling you right now that god does great things in the ordinary now i am and we are invited to all of his lunch meetings so instead of him having four new people at every lunch he only has two because two seats are already reserved and he is introducing me he introduced me the other day to a man who has 50 000 miles of oil pipe under the ground and 50 000 employees introduce me to a man who 10 years ago company was worth 63 000 today is worth 5 billion and we're the same age are you hearing the words that are coming out of my mouth sometimes you think you got to put a short dress on and go out to the club to find a husband and your husband is getting ice cream sandwiches on hour nine at h-e-b you don't have to do extra-ordinary you don't have to get all dolled up all the time sometimes you'll be pumping gas and your wife will walk right up beside you i wish i had somebody who was listening to me today i promise you i might not know a lot but i know this that god always smuggles the blessing in the ordinary because ain't nobody looking for somebody who extra anyway the more ordinary you are and the better you make your ordinary it ought to be ordinary for you to be kind help me holy ghost it ought not be a special day when you're nice what i'm trying to tell you if you up your ordinary so now i sit at this table once a week with a man who brings his own peppers to lunch uh-oh she got she said i got she got her pebbles in her purse right now we all have communion bread peppers and wine is a good combination brings his own peppers brings his own meal it's iced tea flavored so so guess what what do you think that i bring to him when i come see because you can't give somebody worth hundreds of million dollars money you just let them know you're thinking bring them a 2.99 meal and what it shows them is that you are thoughtful and guess what for me being thoughtful is ordinary this may be too much for y'all i gotta hurry up and let y'all go i'm trying to show you how to get the blessing jacob jacob stole the birthright jacob stole the blessing jacob did all kind of wrong he should not have been blessed but because he did what god said do god always puts the good and the grace and now jacob who should be written off is now given a second chance and he finds it in an ordinary situation the best drink for you is just ordinary water just ordinary water look at how god makes the best things ordinary the more you seize and stuff the worse it gets you just sometimes you need to eat life ordinary can i can i tell you this so the bible says steve the bible says that that number one i told you he slept on a stone now what did we just see him do now moving the stone can i help you with this y'all ready listen to me online anybody paying attention if you're gonna make it you have to learn how to handle your stone age listen to me listen to me everybody say stone age uh how many y'all used to watch the flintstones anybody and y'all old enough to do that a little young thundercat seen flintstones before okay who is the main character all right who is he married to who is his homeboy y'all know what y'all talking about go ahead what's his dog name yeah so he's stone age everybody say stone age all right so listen to this in the stone age you have to learn to make something out of what you have 2.6 million years ago they said it was a stone age and then they had to make their hammers their tools everything they had was made out of bones and stone every one of you watching me online and in this room you will come up on a stage in your life where you will have to learn to make tools out of whatever's available sometimes god ain't gonna let fire come from heaven and the miracle ain't gonna come you're gonna have to learn to make it on broken pieces you're gonna have to learn to sing yourself happy and use ordinary worship to lift your spirit you're gonna have to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness until you can afford a therapist until you can afford a counselor you're just gonna have to worship until the money come until god gives your husband you're gonna have to learn to love yourself until god gives your wife you're going to have to learn to do for yourself you're going to have to survive the stone age they told us about adolescence they told us about young adulthood they taught us about adulthood but most of them don't teach us how to make pillows out of stones and how to lift them from over our wells you're gonna have to learn how to be resourceful in the stone age you're gonna have to learn to worship in the stone age you're gonna have to learn to be kind even when your heart is broken you're gonna have to learn to speak well even when your mind is confused you're gonna have to learn to hug people you don't like you're gonna have to learn to sit in church sometimes longer than you feel like it so you're gonna have to learn to sit at a business meeting with somebody sitting across the table from you who is racist and you're gonna have to understand that you don't have to respond to the racism you have to understand that god has you at the table to learn the rules some of us are so weak-minded that we cannot learn from people we don't like and when we stop liking them my mind shuts down but what if i told you that god hid the next thing he's going to give you and somebody who can't stand you i recently attended another meeting set across from a person who obviously did not like black people and that person went on and on about how black people should get themselves together and how we should stop complaining and then they have the nerve to say this and this affirmative action thing i don't think that anybody should get anything just for diversity's sake i think that everybody ought to earn it if that means that everybody at the table is the one color that's the way it is because everybody has to earn it if i was stupid i would have allowed her personality and thought process to move me in the direction of anger but i learned that it's possible to sit at the table and learn what the adversary thinks you have to be careful and you got to be out of your feelings you can't be looking for your response and you have to sit back and you have to learn how the adversary thinks so that you'll know what to do next who am i preaching to in this place today receive your routine and understand that god hides the relationship in the routine last point now he got a fine woman that went home and told her daddy daddy i met a strong dude that can move stones by herself and uh later on we're going to find out that that didn't work well but it always started off looking good and uh she goes home and he tells her daddy this is what laban says laban says uh who is it she said it's jacob god named jacob she said oh jacob girl that's your cousin uh you my sister rebecca you heard backing them that's that's rebecca in people she said oh but but he didn't let that bother him the bible says made my daughter happy bible says listen to this y'all now i told you he kissed her right the man was so happy that he kissed him read the bible the bible says that laban hugged him and kissed him and thanked him for making his daughter happy happy and after being in the desert for days on end after sleeping on stones after being uh the object of an attempted murder plot of his brother after his father basically saying the other boy is my favorite you ain't you ain't even really mine he's been through all of that kicked out of the house to avoid murder and for the first time and god knows how many years somebody actually wants him in the house god told me to tell you that if you do not get spoiled in your routine the next place you land you will be wanted because he says the third thing is it's after you handle your routine and i send you the right relationships i want you to get ready to be received i don't know how many of you've been rejected over your life i don't know how many of you all have been overlooked all of your life i don't know how many of you all have been second-class citizens in your own family but god told me to tell you that because you did not quit in your routine the next place you end up you will be received somebody say receive the bible says that even jesus came to his own and his own received him not but god says for the next season of your life everywhere you go you will be received they will receive your gift they will receive your personality they will receive what you have to bring to the table and you will not have to be somebody else to fit in god says you better get ready to be received somebody said i want to be received i want to receive and here's what you got to do you got to understand that after all of the dysfunction and all the rejection and all of the insecurity you're finally getting ready to walk into a place where you want it oh my god you're getting ready to walk into a place where you want it and you will never again be rejected because of your past god says everything you were going through i designed it intentionally so that you would be the person who would perform at the right place at the right time on the right level with the right person and you have to go through all of that to get where you are today how many of you feel like jacob that if it ain't one thing it's another how many of you feel like jacob that you that that you did something but it was so long ago they shouldn't even still be talking about it now how many of you feel like jacob where your parents had more than one child and even though they never said that you could tell that either your sister your brother was a favorite they didn't ever say it but you could tell that the other child meant just a little more and it was probably because you made more mistakes than them jacob made a lot of mistakes but he was still his mother's favorite child that's what i love about god he'll let us be his favorite even though we mess up our futures here you are in this church after almost two years here you are in this church after almost two years and nobody knows all the hell you've been through over the last two years and you ain't been able to shout it out at the altar you you were not able to worship your way through it you just had to learn to wait on the lord how many of you sat on the couch for the last year wondering if you were going to make it god told me to tell you that he sent the holy spirit to check on you this wellness check he's letting you know that i will never leave you nor will i ever forsake you and i know that every time you put that filter on your on your story and you smile they don't mean you happy come on holler at your boy just just because you put on a good outfit and you posed it don't mean you were happy you were just trying to show somebody who made you sad that you were happy you were trying to prove to them you ain't gonna break me but you're broken i ain't gonna let them see me sweat but you're sweating i ain't gonna let him see me cry but you're weeping i ain't gonna let him see me quit but you stopped god says get up lift your feet up learn to make pillows out of your stones worship your way through shout even when you're sick understand that he who has began a good work in you will establish it [Music] until the day of jesus christ if you're in this room and you've ever felt unappreciated at any stage in your life and that unappreciation has kept you from picking up your feet or giving it everything you have i want you to stand on your feet right now if you're watching online and you've ever felt rejected or insecure or you felt that your best was never recognized you can stand up at home [Music] i came as the attorney for jacob with the word from the lord he told me to tell you that all will be well everybody say all will be well i've said this to you before god told me that he always ends and well done and so if it isn't well he's not done this is a wellness check you're at this watering place with a stone on the top of it and god says i'm getting ready to lift the heart thing away but you're gonna have to learn to lay on hard things sometimes you're gonna have to learn to keep lifting your feet even when you're lonely and nobody's talking to you and nobody's calling you and nobody's dming you and nobody's inviting you and you're still gonna have to lift your feet because i've got a destiny for you and you may end up alone but in your routine i'll help you find the right relationship somebody said god send me the right relationships send me somebody who will show me what to do with this llc show me show me somebody who'll help me get this 501 3 started so give me somebody who's a landlord god who'll let me get in the building even though i don't have the money if they let me in there for 90 days i promise you i'll work hard enough to pay the rent back god send me somebody who'll put me on games send me somebody who will be a mentor who will speak to my life who will show me how to make ideas and create wealth send me people i don't want any other people in my life who i have to always live i don't want to have to be the one that always pays i don't want to have to be the one that's always up in spirit sometimes i'm down sometimes i'm crying sometimes i'm frustrated send me some helpers send me an errand and an earth that will lift my arms god sent me the right relationships in my routine and then lastly god thank you that i will be received at this next stage in my life somebody say i'm received i'm received right now in the name of jesus i pray that wherever you go wherever your feet shall tread god is going to give you the people and the property thank you holy ghost he's going to give you everybody in the room everybody in the room will see a glow on you everybody on you will see a glory on you there will be people who want to invest in your company before they even know your name they will see something on you and god would have showed it to them all the future millionaires in the room shout you talking to me [Music] anybody's sick who wants to be healed say you're talking to me anybody who feels alone who wants to feel the presence of god say you're talking to me anybody who's got a vision a mission inside of your belly and you want god to birth and somebody shout you're talking to me holy spirit have your way in this place let us run into people who want to help us send rachel looking for us send laban looking for us let us meet the next person who will unlock the door to destiny at a restaurant sitting at the table hallelujah [Music] thank you holy ghost god told me he's going to give you houses you didn't build i don't know why i see it in my mind right now i saw god just give somebody two cards that they didn't pay for i saw the interest rate on your loan they're gonna send you a letter and tell you that it's been dropped you're not gonna even have to ask for it they're gonna drop the interest rate to a payment that you can afford [Music] and it's all in your routine routine everybody say routine listen to me i'm letting you go you need to get ready to get accustomed to being blessed [Music] that when you get blessed it's not a miracle you just live the blessed life somebody shall i live the blessed life [Music] i pray that god will bless you and you're going and you're coming no matter what you've done or where you come from that god has a grace for your situation listen as you give i want you to give sowing into that grace knowing that god will allow grace to find you in every place that you are they're going to put instructions up on the screen right now that will show you exactly how you can give whether you text it whether you mail it in whether you give online however you do it we are so grateful for your gift i want you to know that freely you give freely you receive i want you to know that god has a blessing with your name on it and then he's going to multiply you as plentiful as the stars are in the sky do you have your gift because as you move towards greater you will lack nothing get that gift right now i'm going to pray that god will multiply it i don't know why i hear this word but i've been asking god to take every gift and multiply it 12 times i don't know where it came from but whatever you sow right now i'm asking god to multiply not hey everybody what's going on this pk here and listen i want to tell you that i get so many dms so many messages of people saying pastor how can i connect with you i love your messages but going through youtube is kind of difficult where can i come to a centralized place we heard you and that's why we created lighthouse 2.0 lighthouse 2.0 is our tribe it's our village it's the place where all the people who say i want pk to be my online pastor and pk says i want you to be my online member this is the place where we go the watering hole the ecosystem where we all come to grow together and it is exclusively for you they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen right now that shows you how you make that exclusive step and everybody can get in so you better take first movers advantage and get in while you can fit in i can't wait to see you
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 31,342
Rating: 4.92132 out of 5
Id: YGuuAqxbF-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 23sec (3323 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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