Speech Therapy | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey everybody we are out here at our anti-hunger campaign which just so happens to follow the freeze here in texas we're not new to this we truly this this isn't something that we did in response to the freeze although we've implemented that into the response we're just doing what we normally do and i'm not always able to help but when i am able to i am so gratified so happy so we're out here it's a beautiful day we got a lot of volunteers we even have some people to fly in from indiana which is the place where i originally started pastoring uh it's an honor and we suggest our service to the community [Music] what's up lighthouse we thank you so much for joining us once again for another worship experience listen be sure to comment be sure to like be sure to subscribe share this video with your family friends or anyone that you may know worship is about to start right now 3. the book of revelations chapter 4 john says he looks up and behold there was a door and he heard a trumpet that says come up hither and i'm going to begin to speak to you and show you what's coming after this i don't know who's watching right now but after this sermon after the worship i don't know what moment you're in but after this somebody say after this things are about to change our father and our god we thank you today god and just like you allow john to go up to a higher place god you're taking us up higher god we thank you tonight god you're about to show us something great and mighty exploits that are about to hit our life god we declare and decree that this is our moment and god despite what's been going on in and around our lives we declare right now that after this moment is coming we pull it from the winds of the north south and we east and west and we say god after this after we've suffered a little wild god we shall come to our place of breakthrough after we've gone through the trials and the tribulation after this god we shall reap if we faint not and so god we thank you that you're bringing us to an expected place a great place where eyes have not seen and ears have not heard and neither has it ended to the heart of man what god is revealing to us and so god saturate our environment right now saturate our place saturate our car saturate our mind with this worship let the worship penetrate like the all of joy let the worship penetrate our spirit man and god will lift up our heads or ye gates and let the king of glory be exalted in god we thank you that the word that's about to come forth is going to be life-changing and it's going to do something great in our lives and we count all these things done in jesus name somebody shout after this we're going higher god bless you praise the name of the lord jesus lighthouse nation how many know that god is in control and we bless him and we lift him i want you to like and share this service today we're going up in the name of the lord jesus put your hands together right here you are god and you're in control seated high you are lord i am [Music] [Music] listen things will change [Music] things will [Music] things will change [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we bless you jesus [Music] where i am listen things will change will change when things will change [Music] oh crazy oh [Music] way crazy [Music] oh [Music] you're good you're good [Music] pleasure we won't stop blazing [Music] things will change [Music] we've come to let you know that things are about to change things are about to change in your home things are about to change in your atmosphere things are about to change in your heart and we decree and declare at this moment things are about to change in the area of your finances i believe that god is about to open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on you that you will not have room enough to receive but you have to receive it i want everybody there watching us today to get in a position of acceptance i want you to unblock your heart i want you to unblock your mind because god can get things to you if there is a wall in between you and him i want you to worship him freely i want you to speak freely and when you worship him freely and speak freely you will be able to give freely they're getting ready to put instructions on the screen right now that will show you exactly how to give if you are a lighthouse 2.0 member to all of you all around the world we thank you so much we thank you that your gifts go through giblify and for those of you all who watch us online and who are local whether you're texting to give whether you're bringing it in person whether you're going through our app whatever you're doing we thank you do you know because of your gifts just the other day we were able to feed 600 families right on the grounds of this church and to give water to people who have been done so bad by the storm that came this way that didn't have running water we were able to give cases and cases of water and food and vegetables to people all because you are faithful when you are faithful this is what malachi meant when you are faithful you put us in a position to have meat in the house and we thank you so much and we pray that not only will you continue to be a giver this is what i said when the lions were forming and i prayed over the volunteers i said god we thank you for the people who are in the line and then we thank you that we're not in line with him and i pray that god is getting ready to erase poverty in your family that he's going to erase lack in your family and he can do it everybody just type it in the comment section with the seed he can do it with a seed and i pray that god is about to put you into a season of overflow do you have your gifts ready do you have your gifts ready all right i want you to get them and i want you to repeat after me i want you to hold up your phone i want you to hold up your tablet whatever it is that you have and repeat after me as i move towards greater i will accept all divine ideas thoughts and concepts that will connect me to my destiny say this like you mean that i believe that what jesus christ has done for me is bigger than what anyone has can and will do to me and because of his full gift i will lend to many nations but will borrow from none somebody shout amen we believe that god is about to do it i want you to begin to worship him right now because he is the god of the seed and as long as the earth shall remain seedtime and harvest time shall not fail come on and worship him come on and worship him from overflow for overflow for more than enough for abundance [Music] hallelujah let's just tell him how good he is how faithful he has been hallelujah let it rise let it rise as our praises fill the sky come on just lift your hands put some hands up in the comment section come on just lift your hands lift your hands i dare you i dare you just lift your hands and begin to thank them hallelujah come on hallelujah yes lord here we go let it rise let it rise as our praises feel the sky let it rise let it rise hallelujah hallelujah let it rise oh [Music] is [Music] his mercy endureth forever oh for he is good his mercy endureth forever [Music] is [Music] his mercy is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] foreign give god [Music] is [Music] [Music] his mercy endureth forever forever forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] i dare you to say it out there [Music] is good his mercy endureth forever oh for he is good his mercy endureth forever [Music] [Applause] lift your hands right here just close your eyes right where you are with all this going on in the world somebody needs god's goodness you could use some goodness right now spirit of the living god fall fresh upon us [Music] thou art the potter we are the clay we desire you we are desperate for you we long for you we searched and could not find a suitable replacement for your awe-inspiring wonderfulness god you are our father you are our king and we thank you that both heaven and earth belong to you and that you are a god who forgives us of our sins and cleanses us from our trespasses we thank you that you are both alpha and omega we thank you god that you're both spirit and judge we thank you that you are both keeper and rebuker we thank you that everything we need takes place within your hands thank you for balancing the act in our life god for not allowing us to have too much pain without too much praise thank you god that you've always allowed us to have sunshine in spite of the rain we are indebted to you and as a result of that indebtedness without the ability to satisfy the debt we're indebted but we are available use us god as you see fit with whatever gifts and whatever talents you have given us use us until you use us up and we'll be careful to give your name all glory honor and praise in jesus name we pray hallelujah and amen i know it's hard to do it right now but can you just pause right where you are and give god praise right where you are right where you are come on and do it hallelujah come on lift your hands right where you are he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worth it come on come on you got 60 more seconds come on honor him hallelujah thank you jesus come on let's go on overtime add 15 more seconds to it let the devil know that he lost again come on make hell nervous give him glory give him glory give him glory release our glory we give glory honor and praise [Music] to our god you may be looking at us and where are they this this isn't the south campus this isn't this isn't downtown this isn't west this is this is north we are worshiping in the foyer and i thank god for aaron carter and jj our set designers that put this thing together we just they just threw some stuff together because we thought it would be important in this season to worship in the entrance we wanted to worship in the entrance before this sermon is over i want you to go find the most used entrance to your house and i want you to stand in it and i want you to begin to pray and praise and tell hell no more attack through this entrance no more poverty through this entrance no more sickness through this entrance no more depression in this interest come on sanctify your interests come and worship at your entrance glorify him in your entrance [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah worship them in your entrance don't worry about what the neighbors don't think don't worry about what it looks like on the street come on and worship them in your entrance you're walking into new seasons and you got to claim your space [Music] you got to claim your space i want you to stand on your porch whatever wherever your door post is i want you to own it we're worshiping in the entrance because we're saying god that when we do come back this is holy ground we sanctify this entrance we sanctify this interest and we come into agreement that your entrance shall be sanctified [Music] cancer thought it was coming but after you pray in that entrance lupus thought it was gonna but but after you sanctified that entrance covert 19 was on its way but after you sanctify that entrance hallelujah hallelujah we give glory to god you know why because he is worthy to be praised i want you to get your bible your app whatever you use go with me to acts chapter 9 verse 1. then we're going to go over to acts chapter 2 22 verse 1 so acts 9 and acts chapter 22 when you go to acts chapter 9. i'm only going to read one verse and this is probably one of the most famous uh moments in the life of paul because it's it's that conversion moment the bible says in acts chapter nine verse one it says mean while saul still breathing out threats and slaughter and here's what the bible says that he is going to murder the disciples of the lord he went unto the high priest and so paul is breathing out threats and slaughter against the disciples of the lord and he goes actually unto the high priest that is so important i want you to go to chapter 22. i want you to go to chapter 22. i'm going to read just a couple of verses there the bible says in acts chapter 22 verses 1 it says now this is these are the people that have tried to kill paul as a result of his work for god listen how he addresses people who tried to kill him men brothers and fathers hear ye my defense which i make now unto you and when they heard that he spake in hebrew they kept the more silent and said i am verily a man which am a jew born in tashas he says yet brought up into this city and taught according to the perfect manner of the laws of the father and was zealous towards god and ye all are this day look at verse 4. and he goes to his testimony he says yes it is true i am in fact guilty of persecuting the same way you are about to persecute me because i'm guilty of binding and delivering into prisons both men and women just like you about to do me verse 5 last verse he says as also the high priest doth bear me witness and all the estates of the elder for whom also i received letters unto the brothers and went to damascus to bring them which were bound unto jerusalem to be punished what you see in verse 1-5 in chapter 22 is paul explaining what happened to him in chapter 9. this is this is very important because the paul of chapter 9 is breathing out threats and slaughter by the time he gets to chapter 22 he is calling people who are trying to kill him friends and brothers something took place something changed he was speaking one way in chapter 9 speaking another way in chapter 22 and i if i were you i'd be asking the question what took place that changed the way paul spoke in chapter nine how did his conversation change about chapter 22. that's what we're going to talk about on the on for the next three moments this is what i have chosen to call this sermon and i think we all need it in this season of difficulty i want to talk about speech therapy i want to talk about speech therapy how god is going to change the way you speak spirit of the living god fall fresh upon us eternal spirit is once again that i come asking for your permission to preach not to entertain but to proclaim that you are the christ use me and guide me order my steps in your word hide me behind your cross cover me in your blood that they may see none of me but o lord all of you i'm yours you're mine use me as you're an instrument have me to play the tune of your choice in jesus name we pray amen just tell everybody in your house speech therapy just just speech therapy i'm probably um going to lose a few of you sanctified christians early because of the reference that i intend to make but it is one that i necessarily need to make to get to a point of understanding um as relates to music i'm i'm pretty much old school pierre and i like i like young singers destiny i do but ain't nothing like some good old al green and nothing like some luther vandross and bobby womack some of y'all probably don't even know what i'm talking about already but that was that was a guy uh that that came up through the ranks in that season of singers his name is theodore pendergrass better known as teddy p it's it's and it's important that you know uh that uh theodore darice pendergrass um had five consecutive platinum albums that's hard to do that's hard to do he had five consecutive platinum albums he was in his time what young folks would call the goat he was he was the greatest at his time but but but everybody goes through a moment where you're up and you're down and riding the cloud of pax stadiums and fanfare and fame and notoriety and riches in the year 1982 the month of march that same guy who had danced and paraded across stages all across the world subject to a car accident and the crash leaves him paralyzed from his shoulders down to his feet now don't forget that i said that he had released five consecutive platinum albums one after the other after the other after the other after the other that means he sold at least one million copies of five albums consecutively he sung those songs and and many of you probably know some of those songs turn off the light close the door it seemed like everything had to do with a room but in march of 1982 he gets in a car accident and thank god he survives and would you know it that this man who had five platinum albums to chart consecutively after recovering from his accident goes for about eight years without getting a song in the top 50. how does a man go from having five consecutive platinum albums to not even being able to chart he's the same man he's got the same abilities and he's got the same voice and it wasn't until almost a decade later that he releases another song by the name of joy that all of a sudden this man who goes all of these years charting goes all of these years without charting and then releases a song called joy and charts again you have to ask yourself what was the recipe for success what was the reason for failure and how did he get back to the same place as he was before you're gonna have to follow me on this because before the crash it was turn off the lights close the door but after the crash it was joy seems to me that every one of us in our life have something that we will run into that is designed to change what comes out of our mouth the reason why he could not chart in that eight seven eight nine ten years is because here was a man who used to be abled body and is now sitting in a wheelchair still trying to sing the same type of song but it's very difficult to sing about what you will do to a person when your body doesn't have movement it's it's very difficult to talk about uh what takes place in a bedroom it's very difficult to keep the same speech when something has happened in your life that took your abilities away i'ma get there isn't it amazing i i think i should say it this way uh how running into a tree how getting into an accident changed his voice and isn't it amazing if you're watching me today everybody watching me today if you live long enough you've run into something that changed your tone too you've run into something that that changed who you spoke to you've run into something that changed how you said things you have run into something that has made you rethink your vocabulary when you go through things it is designed to change the way you speak the bible is full of evidence if you don't believe me the bible is full of evidence of how situations and seasons have changed the trajectory of its most famous characters now it's amazing because in the court system when you give a testimony and you change it uh it is punishable by law under the definition of perjury that whenever you say one thing uh and and you stick with that thing and then all of a sudden you change your story uh you have committed perjury which is punishable but but here's the difference between the court of law and and and the kingdom of heaven god is actually looking for contradictions god is looking for contradictions he is trying to create circumstances where contradiction is actually possible if you don't believe me in the court of law if you say you did something or or you didn't do something and it has found out the opposite you can go to jail but here god says listen i want contradictions even if you're weak tell me you're strong even if you're poor tell me that you are rich even if you don't know where you're going say i once was lost but now i'm found because god desires contradictions he wants us uh to change our story he wants us to change the way we speak and if we don't do it voluntarily god actually puts obstacles in our way so that when we run into them we lose our abilities some of you have lost jobs and god is still providing some of you all have gotten decreases in your wages and the lord is still making away some of you all don't have transportation of your own and you still can get everywhere you want to get some of you all have lost family members that you never thought you could make it without and then god comes and gives a peace that surpasses all understanding some of you all had friends that you thought would be with you to the end and they did not last through this last season of your life and yet god is still making a way out of no way why because every once in a while god wants to see who you are when you run into it he wants to see who you are daniel he wants to see who you are and he puts daniel into the position where the king offers daniel something to eat and the king says daniel you can have this food daniel refuses the king's meat and continues to pray knowing that it would get him into the lion's den but god wanted to see how he would act when he ran into a king and hunger and he kept on praying which is why the lion was not able to devour him he wanted to see what shadrach meshach and abednego would do when they ran into fire and because they would not bow the fire did not burn them he wanted to see what peter would do and even though peter denied him he still showed up for his address at pentecost he wanted to see what stephen would do when he was under the pressure of crushing stones and yet he still said that the lord was his redeemer i am trying to tell you that god is trying to identify you by isolating you and she wants to see what you will say when you run into something i wish i had somebody who knew how to change their testimony and was able to say great things in the midst of grave things that was evil able to say that god is still good when you don't feel good that is able to say that god is a waymaker when you are lost he wants you to run into something it was the moment that i began to connect all of these dots that i realize i'm getting ready to say something and you may not agree with it you may not like it but i am telling you nonetheless it is true are you ready for this god told me to tell you the first thing after connecting these dots is that in your life the negative is necessary that without your lions we don't know you daniel without your fire we don't know you hebrew boys without your stones we don't know you stephen and without your situation the world will never know you do you not know that god uses your trouble as advertisement he uses your trouble to get your name out he uses your trouble so that you can give a testimony so that other people will know what he does in prisons at midnight it is your circumstance that god is using as publicity to get your name in a place where you can speak his name out loud he says he says i want you to understand that the negative is necessary and i'm getting ready to help some of you all right now because most people don't want the negative but right now these lights are on because of negativity your ipad that you're watching me on or your television the only reason you're able to see me is because of negativity the reason why you were able to turn your lights on when you went into the restroom is because of negativity let me prove it to you see this is what happens electricity is actually the result of an atom that releases the negative charge and whenever you see electricity it's because the negative atom watch this has moved on from the positive atom i'm getting ready to help you right now if you sleep you better wake up right now listen to me if you are listening to me and you see me on this screen it is because you are surrounded by negativity and the reason why you have electricity in your house is because you had a positive and a negative atom and whenever you see electricity it's because the negative atom has moved on from the positive one if you have a remote control if you have a if you have a remote control see back in the day we used to have televisions where you had to go turn them but now we have remote controls that have batteries i want you to take the battery out of your remote on the top you'll see a negative sign and on the bottom you'll see a positive sign why because in order for your remote control to work your battery has to have both negative and positive charges and the reason why this channel is working is because the negative atom has moved on from the positive atom help me holy ghost i'm trying to help somebody in here that's what electricity is it is it is when it is when the negative moves on if you've ever seen anybody have a heart attack and they take those machines called a defibrillator and they shocked him the only reason why the heart that is stopped can beat again is because the negative atom has moved on from the positive atom i wish i had you in the room with me today because here is the key the negativity is not killing you what's killing you is you haven't learned how to move on god help me help me right now in this entrance what what's killing you right now is not what happened to you the problem is is you have gotten stuck and you haven't learned how to move on it's not the negativity that's killing you it is your inability to move on how do i know because job said i don't know what you're doing to me god but though you slay me yet will i trust in you job was able to survive what happened to him why because he learned how to move on and i am declaring right now the next season of your life i don't care what the enemy hits you with you better learn how to move on i want you to shout in your house move on i want you to text it to your friends move on move on from your anger move on from your frustration move on from from your depression move on from what they did to you because you will never ever be able to generate power until you learn to move on you're not going to be able to generate power because you can clap back you're not going to be able to generate power because you can give people a piece of your mind you're not going to be able to get your power because you can put a few sentences together that can slice somebody up five different ways and leave them feeling small thank god that you have that small talent but if you ever gonna be big for god you gotta learn to move on you gotta learn that sometimes watch this god is calling you to separate yourself even from your positive experiences that you have to embrace negativity i was i was doing a funeral the other day and um and and and nick our my driver he was driving me and he said he said pop and he shocked me because i never would have thought about this he said i have learned your secret i said well since you know it tell me he said i learned your secret he said the reason why nothing stops you is because you have a relationship with failure he says he says and since you have a relationship with failure you're not surprised what is difficult he said i've seen you go through tough times but i've seen you move on faster and it began to resonate to me is i know how to move on help me holy ghost i know how not to soak and to sit and not to have pity parties and sympathy sessions and i am decreeing declaring in this next season of your life you are going to move on i want you to shout it i want you to type it i want you to get lipstick and write it on your mirror get a sharpie and write it on your shirt whatever you have to do to remind yourself that you are not going to generate power until you learn to move on somebody say move on move on move on so that's what that's why we're seeing paul in such a light today because in acts chapter 9 paul was cussing folks out and he was breathing out cussed word you think you can cuss you ain't got nothing on paul and the difference between paul and most people is he did what he said paul said i'll kill you and you won't wake up paul paul goes to damascus and he's breathing out threats and slaughter but by the time we get to acts chapter 21 and 22 paul has moved on from what happened to him i can't tell you how many people will never get better not because god isn't good but because they're stuck stuck on what they said stuck on what they did stuck on how they acted stuck on how they didn't say thank you when you when you planned it stuck on how they didn't give you reciprocity stuck that they forgot your birthday stuff that you didn't get the present you wanted for your anniversary stuck on the fact that you've raised those children by yourself i know it was hard but you got to learn somebody just say move on you got to learn to move on he he's he says by the time he gets to acts chapter 21 paul is recording the last words as we read here of a free man because up until now he is free and we now see him in the final steps of his third missionary journey this is the last time we will ever see paul freed from this moment forward he is in chains in fact the chief priest said put two chains on him so he is double chained he is on his way to the roman jail he is in jail he is in prison he is in chains but his speech is not and when are you going to learn to keep your mouth free even when your bills are stacking up when are you going to learn to keep your speech positive even when the negative is necessary when are you going to learn to bless the lord not in good times i think i read the bible right i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continuously be in my mouth everybody listen to me it's designed by god that everybody will run into something that will change what you say the only reason why teddy pendergrass was able to get back on the charts is because he went from talking about close the door before the accident to talking about joy after the accident and it wasn't until he found his new voice that he found his new place and i am telling you the reason why you are struggling is because you're using your old voice in your new arena that you're using your same strategy in your new place that you have the same tone you say you heal but you speak broken you say you're over it and you know what you're only over it in public but when you get in private and you get around your friends you go back to being negative and you go back to being nasty and let me tell you even though your friends will agree god is in disagreement with a speech that doesn't match your future you have to be able to handle your negative feelings you have to be able to speak well when it ain't going well i know this ain't the sermon you want to hear but this is the one that you got to gay he i want you to understand that paul by the time he gets to the 21st chapter of acts he has changed his speech is it possible that some of you will admit that you need to go through speech therapy that that your language hasn't moved on from your experience minister to the people holy ghost paul the bible says is led up to the castle and he says to the captain watch this he says cap can i speak to you the captain was shocked the captain said hold on everybody i i thought whoa whoa paul i thought you were an egyptian i didn't know you were educated how many people do you hang around that don't know you he's i didn't know you were educated i didn't i didn't know you you spoke hebrew paul says with all due respect sir i know i'm from a small town called tarshish but i speak hebrew i speak greek i speak aramaic and i speak latin thank you very much he said i'm i'm i'm multilingual i i'm multilingual why because i've learned the language from everything i've gone through see what you have to learn is that every place that god puts you in he puts you there so you can learn the language he wants you to understand that the language you used to ain't the one you can use everywhere you go to that because you are used to ebonics there are some tables that you will not be invited to until you learn the language of the table who am i talking to in here today that's why some people want to be around you but they are so positive that they will not hang around negative people you got to learn the language from all of your experiences and you got to be able to move on and learn that there is a language for every level somebody shot a language for every level there is a language for every level but but but i want you to understand that every negative is necessary and i know why most people don't want to deal with the negatives i know why they don't want to deal with the negatives you know why because all negatives are developed in the dark but everybody want to be on everybody want light everybody want followers everybody want a crew everybody want to click but your best season is your darkest season the season that's developing you is the one where you don't have the strength to get out of the bed help me minister holy ghost the season that's developing you is the season when you don't feel like combing your hair the season that is developing you is when you stay undressed for four days and don't pull the shades up and keep the door closed and don't have enough energy to deal with your children and you're going through something that you can't share god says i develop you in the dark i develop you in the dark i'm i'm giving you character in the dark i'm giving you strength in the dark and here's the thing about god when he develops you in the dark he never tells anybody about the process he just lets you come out shining like pure gold and i decree and declare in your life right now that after god gets done with you you're going to come out shining you're not going to look like what you've been through nobody will know that you've been through hell and hot water because god is about to reward you i decree and declare it i dare you to begin to give him glory right now in your house that god is about to flip the script on your situation here it is and god is about to confuse your enemies but you got to participate in the process i dare you to start worshiping him right now make everybody in the house nervous make everybody in the apartment nervous make them hear you in apartment 915. i don't know who that is but you're an apartment 915 and your neighbors are about to be disturbed because there's a glory that's about to come in your house that's about to disturb everything around you i dare you to do it right now because for some of y'all to worship him when you're feeling bad that's speech therapy because some of you you only worship him when it's good but it's a change of pace and a change of voice for you to bless him no matter what's going on paul was taken up and he says he says cap can i speak to you he says okay go ahead paul says um as for me being in egyptian no sir i'm i'm from tasha's and as far as you being shocked about me being able to speak multiple languages that's fine uh i speak at least four um but but none of that matters paul says none of that matters he says can i with your permission address the people the captain says yes so paul stood on the stairs and the people were halfway up they're crowding all around him and paul begins to speak in hebrew and i want you to open your bible to acts chapter 9 and paul begins to explain what happened to him in acts chapter nine he was so transparent with his testimony he stands on top of the stairs the crowd are surrounding him and he's got chains on his hands and he's surrounded by a crowd and because he's been beaten his skin is swollen and his face is swollen his eyes are nearly shut and he's got blood running all over the place and he's bruised but he has their attention sometimes it is not your voice that gets your enemy's attention sometimes it is not your intellect that gets god's attention sometimes it's your bruises everybody stops and looks at a bleeding man everybody stops and looks at a wounded man sometimes it is not what you know that's going to work in this next season it is what you've been through how wonder is there anybody who's ever been through anything has life ever caused your eyes to be swollen shut from the amount of tears that you've shed have you ever cried so much that you felt your heart beating irregularly have you ever cried so hard until you got a headache from the pressure of the screams have you ever been through i'm talking about real pain but here's paul speaking while he's swollen hurt is no excuse to lay down pain is no excuse to quit on your dreams that means you're gonna have to go through that breakup and open your business the same week that means you're gonna have to be struggling financially and dreaming at the same time i'm speaking to some pastor who almost gave up god told me to tell you to keep preaching even though nobody's coming i'm talking to a mother who has done all she could to raise a child only to have that child asking about a parent that doesn't even show up god says be a mother anyhow don't quit be not weary in your well-doing you will reap a harvest if you faint not i know you just got fired but you got to keep your faith i know the doctor has just given you a bad report but god has the final say paul is struggling but he's still speaking he's swollen but he's still shouting i decree that you get enough strength that you'll speak over your pain i was doing a interview the other day on a podcast this is going to help somebody the man says on the podcast he says i want you to go into a quiet place so the interview was at 2 30 i had another meeting at 3. i got caught in traffic trying to go because my intent was to be in the parking lot at 2 30 to sit in silence but i drove through the traffic with my airpods on with the windows up radio off in my little studio my car my my my windows were up you got seats and so there's no echo i thought it was going to be great and everything was going good he said testing the auto i said one two one two he said that's good it sounds good let's get the interview started at about 2 45 interviews going well all of a sudden here comes a fire truck fire truck comes beside me and the sirens are blaring loudly and he had just asked me a question so i couldn't mute the phone while he was asking the question it was on me and this is what i did i began to answer the question and i started talking and as the sirens got closer i started to raise my voice and become more passionate about my answer and i raised my voice until the noise passed i got louder and i kept talking and i kept speaking and i didn't breathe and i kept talking and i kept answering and i was filibustering and i was giving it word afterward and i got louder and louder and louder and you know what eventually because the noise had a destination it passed me up and the person on the phone never knew that i had a loud noise around me and the lord told me to tell you that in this next season of your life he's getting ready to ask so much of you that you will never ever again find a quiet place but he told me to tell you that even though there will be noise around you if you'll just raise your voice and talk until the noise passes if you'll just keep on speaking words of affirmation if you'll just keep talking positively if you'll keep on worshiping he says i need you to learn that it is quite possible and yet it is possible to speak until the noise passes i'm going to give you 40 seconds at your house right now to begin to shout until the noise passes i'm going to give you 40 seconds to shout until the poverty passes i'm going to give you 40 seconds to shout until the anger passes i'm going to give you 40 seconds to worship until the stress passes come on and do it right where you are you got to do it until until it passes he says keep doing it until it passes keep doing it until it passes don't worry about it you got to keep doing it until it passes the fire truck eventually leaves he doesn't know it's there i knew it was there but i knew that i was in control of my speech even when i'm not in control of my surroundings you better learn to control what you can control and let god do the rest paul gets up there and he starts off by saying men brothers and fathers now now we know paul can curse because we read chapter nine we know he can cuss but he didn't do that his speech has changed now that these these these people that he are that he's talking to listen they are the ones who are responsible for his hurt these are the people who are responsible for his pain they did this to him and in our world we think that the people who do us wrong deserve whatever we give them paul as an example shows us something because paul is there to make sure that they are saved and he doesn't let what they do to him disturb his purpose even though they beat him he still wants them to be saved even though they put him in chains he still wants them to be free even though they are responsible for the blood that is coming from the top of his head he is still there that they might be saved and then the lord spoke to me and i'm getting ready to tell you something that you are going to have to deal with the rest of your life listen to me when you are hurting it is much more important that you communicate the truth than you do your experience most people when they are hurting they cannot resist telling the person who hurt them how much they are hurting but there comes a time in your life when you're called to such a high place that you have to keep your purpose even when you lose your passion paul is within his rights to tell them how he feels but it doesn't have anything to do with his purpose and so since paul is there to speak purpose he is witnessing to people who are beating him i don't know if you're hearing me but will you ever have the strength to pray for those who use you will you have the strength to do what paul did and communicate the truth and not always your experience if paul had communicated his experience it would have been negative but because he was emotionally intelligent he was able to speak truth one of the things that is going wrong with the world today is every decision we make fits within our feelings can you imagine what it feels like to be bleeding and still witnessing to the person who drew the blood that's called speech therapy that that's called adjusting the tone that's that's how you get to the next level it's because you learn to speak differently than what you're going through help me holy spirit paul said i understand you i understand you i used to i used to persecute this way i used to i used to do people just like you're doing me look at what he says in verse five he says and if you doubt what i'm telling you go ask the high priest how i used to be it says when i was on the road to damascus this is my last point and i'm done with you he says when i was on the road to damascus a speech therapist met me changed the way i spoke and he he changed the way i thought he says all of a sudden a light shined round about me and i went blind and i could not see and i fell to the ground this is good don't miss this he says it was at noon that that that he blinded me with the light and i fell to the ground but here's the key look at verse 10 of that same chapter he says but the people who were with me they saw the light and heard the voice but they did not understand and at this moment paul was showing god was showing paul the same thing that i am trying to show you today this is how paul knew that he could go no further with the people he was with is that god showed up in his life through a light and they did not understand it and the way you know that you have come to the end of a journey with a person is when god starts working and they don't know it god blinds him and they don't understand what god is doing and what paul and these guys don't know is god is actually separating him from the people who he has been walking with sometimes god has to blind you so you can see paul says this is the end of our journey they didn't understand the purpose they didn't understand what god was doing and when they started that day with him they did not finish that day with him but look at what god does he brings him somebody else and he watch this there was a man the bible says his name was ananias and ananias came and the bible says he was a devout man he was a godly man and he knew god he was a good he was in good report with the jews he came and said brother saul receive thy sight he was with a few guys who when the light came they didn't know what to do that was the end of that journey with him another guy comes up and says oh i know exactly what it is i know how god works he says brother saul received their sight notice god didn't say saul receive your sight it was his friend ananias that said saul receive your sight and the moment that ananias said saul receive your sight here's what the bible lets us know that paul began to see again here's one promise i'm getting ready to make if you survive this season of detachment in your life if you survive this season of the necessary negativity that is coming in your life if you learn to move on from the negativity that's in your life watch this your next friend will come with the ability to perform miracles in your life god is going to send you somebody into your life that when they speak about you things will begin to happen oh my god all of the friends you've had from now from then until now you've been pouring into you've had to rescue you've had to speak well to them you've had to pour into you've had to coach up you've had to encourage god says the next season of your life i'm going to send you somebody in your life that when they speak miracles are going to come into your life god's going to send you a friend that can pay you back help me holy ghost god's gonna send your friend that when they speak into your life things are gonna happen i decree and declare you're about to get friends who can perform miracles god's about to connect you with people who have resources and finances god's about to connect you to people that when they speak your name it will go further than it could when you spoke your own god's gonna make people outside of your tax bracket like you get ready for millionaires to like you before you become one somebody's getting ready to sponsor you help me holy ghost somebody's getting ready to open a door for you somebody's about to make a way for you and somebody says is that god's job yes it's god's job but god says give and it shall be given unto you press down shaken together running out shall men give unto your bosom god's about to send you somebody who can do for you what you can't do for yourself somebody say god send me a miracle worker there's an ananias that's getting ready to come in your life that will be able to get you a job just because they spoke your name there's an ananias that's coming into your life that has an uncle that owns the company and you're about to make six figures just because you got the right friend i don't know who i'm talking to in this place today but getting ready for ananias to come in your direction somebody said i'm looking for him i'm looking for him i'm looking for him don't you pass him up ananias he may not come the way you want him to come he may not come at the time you want him to come and more than likely when ananias shows up you'll be broken down on the ground and blinded because this next friend that you're gonna have to choose you're gonna have to try it by the spirit and not by your sight you ain't gonna see it coming but when god sends it you're gonna know it's the work of the lord when god sends it there's gonna be synergy and everybody around you won't understand and help speak to me holy ghost everybody around you will wonder why ananias and why not me it's because you didn't understand this light you didn't understand this glory you didn't understand this prophetic utterance and god had to send somebody who understood this kind of glory this kind of light this kind of positioning there's an ananias coming guessing ananias coming i just feel like that's for somebody there's an ananias coming and when ananias come your debt's gonna fall off because they're they're gonna know something about when ananias comes they're gonna tell you a stock tip and you're gonna invest a few dollars and make hundreds of thousands there's gonna be somebody who's not gonna be jealous of you but wants to see you make it get ready for your ananias to show up there's an ananias coming your next friend will have the ability to announce a miracle over your life i wish somebody could get that your next friend is going to be able to come into the hospital and speak a blessing over your mother while you've been praying all week your next friend when they pray for your daddy they're going to get healed your next friend is coming with miracle working power ananias said paul receive your sight maybe can i be your surrogate ananias right now receive your sight receive your inheritance walk into the fullness of who you are walk away from people when they don't understand the light can i be your ananias can i tell you the man born of a woman is of a few days but can i tell you your trouble is over this is the last time you'll ever be blind this is the last season you'll ever be sickly you might be alone but you ain't ever going to be lonely again your money about to get right yeah i said it and i stand on it receive your sight you're getting ready to walk into more resources than you've ever had god's about to take your name watch this not national but global when god finishes with you they gonna know your child's name on the continent of africa can i be your ananias i speak miracles over your life i speak power over your circumstance but you have to learn that your responsibility is to keep speaking over the noise that chatter that clouds your head and you can't even hear yourself think because the devil is filling your mind with the negative report the negative words of high school bullies still ring in your grown head you still believe what somebody said about you 10 years ago but i stand on deck as your ananias and i decree and declare and speak to you and say receive your sight it is time for you to finally see who you are and who you were meant to be it's time for you to walk in the newness of life it's time for you know you've always been the head and never been the tail you've always been above and never beneath you've always been the lender and not the borrower and you were the lender even when you didn't have the money i'm your ananias and i know you ran into something and i know it paralyzed you and i know you got stuck but you still have your voice and if you can change what you say with it if you can change how you respond with it if you can change the vibrato and make sure that when the sirens are going off you still gotta praise on your lips you can make it get ready for the miracle now do what i what you told me you do go into the entrance of your house go stand in it because the last time i told you to go to your door there was a fire spread and we got that under control now now i want you to go stand in that same entrance and i want you to speak the opposite of every lie the devil has ever told you i want you to put a force field of words in front of your house so that when any demon devil enemy warlock which tries to approach your property they are confronted with the word of god i am the handiwork of god he loves me he created me he knows me he redeemed me he delivered me nobody goes through that much trouble for junk you are his treasure get ready for miracles would you just stand in your home wherever you are we're going to lead you in worship we're going to lead you in worship stand i i know that you don't have a a drum in your house but what you you you have you have the holy spirit in your soul come on just stand where you are as the ministry team begins to sing i want you to begin to worship him right where you are because this is speech therapy come on and sing it come on come on and sing it this is speech therapy this is this is your new season you're going to be unashamed you're going to be unapologetic come on yes light in the darkness my god come on work on your speech right now the devil is in your ear but can you say waymaker [Music] i know there is sickness in your body but can you speak the opposite waymaker [Music] come on you got it right there those are all the words we're going to say come on and say wavemaker waymaker promise keeper light in the darkness now make it personal come on and lift your hands and say way make a way make a way maker miracle worker promise keeper line in the dark my god [Music] light in the dark [Music] promised i don't care what you're going through either way [Applause] [Music] we come to tell you that by his stripes you are healed by his providence you are set free and because he is a waymaker there is no temptation that will come to you that is coming to man but god will always provide a way of escape and i am telling you right now that you're standing in the entrance of your house as a sign that you are about to escape everything that held you down you're about to escape every moment of captivity every moment of negativity and by the words of the prophet i say to you receive your sight hallelujah there's nobody like him come on and let him know that you know who he is i've got financial trouble but i know today i've got sickness in my body but i know [Music] [Music] my family nothing too hard for god is one last time [Music] i got [Music] three words for you whatever you're going through whatever you're struggling with [Music] i don't care how bright the light is and how loud the noise is receive die sight i once was blind [Music] but now i see can you declare it on the count of three say it with us one two three receive thy sight oh you didn't say that like you meant it that was all right that ain't gonna scare no devil though you can't be timid make it personal i want you to please die with my because you're getting ready to create this over your own life you're not talking to anybody else this is about you because it's just like being on an airplane they tell you that when it's going down put your oxygen mask on first and then help the person beside you because you can't help nobody see if you can't see first so this is what i want you to do i want you to create over yourself on the count of three i want you to say it like you mean it one two three receive my sight come on come on come on come on come on come on come on receive your site receive your site [Music] receive [Music] your sight that means he could give it to you and you could refuse it you have to receive it receive die sight [Music] what's up guys we thank you so much for watching this message be sure if you haven't already check out the box below and these are instructions on how to give also if you just don't know where to go where to turn who to turn to if you feel connected to this church if you've connected to our pastor in this ministry be sure to also look down below on how to connect with us and to just join us every single time that you see us on sundays or tuesdays whatever worship service that we may have and i also want to take this thing out with a prayer for you guys we pray that this word penetrates your heart may the blood of jesus be with you all the days of your life everywhere your free shall tread he will be with you we thank you again for watching us and y'all have a good day [Music] listen we have created a way for all of you all to connect with us online whether you live in the city of houston out of the city of houston whether you're in another country we've created a platform called lighthouse 2.0 and it is nothing more than my way of connecting to you wherever you are so right now they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen and you're going to be able to go to that link to that place and say you want to be a part come check us out we got a lot that we've given and we got a lot more for you i cannot wait to see you at 2.0 [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 58,326
Rating: 4.9202595 out of 5
Keywords: Speech Therapy sermon, Keion Henderson, pastor keion henderson 2021, keion henderson new sermon, keion henderson sermons, keion henderson church, bible study by pastor keion henderson, keion henderson message, keion henderson motivation, lighthouse sermon, latest sermon highlight, lighthouse church live stream, keion henderson, pastor keion henderson, holy spirit, pastor, sermon, bible, god, god's word, the lighthouse church, Speech Therapy, bishop, worship, church, grace, god sermon
Id: XYI481r-vog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 52sec (5452 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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