Talk That Talk | I Said So | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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makes sense and so i had some revelation on this subject for a while but i wanted to move from knowledge to mastery i wanted to master it in my own life and then see if there's what jesus calls fruit what we would call social proof does it work and so i'm excited to share with you something that i think is going to really it can really revolutionize the way you live your life i'm starting a new series today called i said so i said so watch this uh somebody in the studio uh let's practice like it's october 3rd i haven't been able to do this in two years so let's practice like it's october 3rd in the studio i want you to repeat after me say i'm about to finish strong see that was see see that you know what that was that was church that was let me do it because he said do it not because i believe it all right let's let's say it again i'm about to finish strong now watch this now somebody's gonna ask you why and your response is gonna be because i said so okay y'all didn't hear what i just said okay one more time somebody say i'm about to finish strong yeah because i said so clap your hands in the studio put some fire in that chat here's our first scripture in our first lesson mark chapter 11 verse 22 have faith in god jesus answered truly i tell you if anyone says to this mountain go throw yourself into the sea and does not doubt in their heart but believes what they say will happen it will be done for them i'm going to stop the reading of god's word right there i want to tag a title this text it's the first subject in this series of teachings called i said so here's lesson number one write it down type it down for our notetakers talk that talk talk talk that talk i want to leap into today's lesson by articulating an axiom that many maybe most of you may be familiar with here it is sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me i think the intention behind this axiom is is actually quite admirable i think the axiom is a declaration that simply suggests i will not allow what you say about me to dictate and determine how i feel about me i think it's an axiom that acknowledges that i can't control your voice but i can control the value that i give it it it's it's it's a revelation that flows from the recognition that you can articulate the words but i actually assigned the weight and some people are suffering spiritually emotionally relationally and professionally because they are assigning too much weight to the wrong words all words shouldn't weigh the same i'm gonna say that one more time all words shouldn't weigh the same watch this the weight of the words should be determined by the one that's speaking it this is why the scriptures are really clear about god's character trait of reliability dependability and consistency because god wants us to rest in the reality that when your mama say it she may mean to bring it to pass but she can't she may have intentions but she may not have the ability cause she not me so she can say she'll never leave you and that might not be true he can say i'll always be there for you and that might not be true your friends can say i'll always have your back and support you and that might not be true but god can say the same thing and when god says it hit different because it weighs more all words don't weigh the same and this is why some people are perplexed by your responses or lack thereof to words they say to you because they are operating with the erroneous assumption that their opinion weighs the same as others they say the words we assign the weight so so i honor the intention of this axiom i honor its intention i think its intention is admirable i think it can add value so although i honor the intention i disagree with the expression because it's not true it's not true no no no words do hurt come here words matter you know how much words matter when john is writing his gospel he uses the word word to describe god you know how important words are god's a word out of all the things he could have called himself he chose to call himself a word come here john 1 is that right in the beginning was the word and the word was god and the word was with god watch this and we beheld this glory the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth excuse me the word became flesh and we beheld his glory the only begotten father full of grace and truth the word became flesh the articulation became a manifestation the logos the thought became a thing because thoughts become things so the devil knows that he can stop some things from happening in our life not by dealing with the things but by dealing with the thoughts and some of you should be excited and be filled with enthusiasm regarding some things god's getting ready to do in your life eyes haven't seen ears haven't heard your heart has not conceived the things things plural no no no y'all miss that i said the things with an s he's not just doing a thing he's getting ready to do some things in your life and the enemy understands this so he's trying to stop the things by coming after your thoughts well i did a whole teaching on this years ago called i changed my mind your mind my mind that is the battlefield of spiritual warfare sir spiritual warfare isn't in our resources it manifests in our resources it manifests in our relationships it's in our mind am i making sense yeah words matter because our articulations have impact now i'm going to tell you the creator the designer the architect of the universe god this is what he says proverbs 15 verse 1 this is what the word says about words proverbs 15 verse 1 says a gentle answer turns away wrath one translation says a soft answer turns away wrath it disarms it causes someone who's who's emotionally inebriated to disengage come here am i making sense he says but a harsh word stirs up anger yaya are you hearing me watch this so sometimes i'm not going to bother this too much i got to come back and do a series on this but sometimes the warfare is in your response that's where the warfare is the devil's saying respond and god's saying don't you respond that's what the word says about words proverbs 11 9 says this watch this with their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors i'm not going to bother that too much either it didn't say the non-religious it said the godless because someone can be religious and godless a form of godliness but denying the power thereof proverbs 15 4 says a soothing tongue is a tree of life but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit so what you mean words don't hurt me the text says a perverse tongue can crush a spirit words can crush emotionally crush relationships crush peace and productivity watch this proverbs 16 24 says gracious words are like a honeycomb sweet to the soul and healing to the bones maybe you've heard this from proverbs 18 21 the power of life and death is in the tongue and those that love it will eat his fruit so watch this let me summarize all of those statements that i pulled from solomon's pen in proverbs here it is your words are weapons here's the question have you been trained on how to use that weapon did you hear what i just said and and and if we want if we want some training on how to use this weapon the word jesus offers some insight in this text on how to use our words in this text jesus teaches us are y'all ready for this how to use our mouth to move our mountains see mark 11 exposes us to an incident in the life of jesus that affirms what i'm articulating about the power words jesus and his disciples his mentees his apprentices are on their way to jerusalem and peter who's one of jesus's mentees observes something that's an indication of the power of words watch what happens mark 11 says this the next day as they were leaving bethany jesus was hungry seeing in the distance of fig tree that had leaves he went to find out if it had any fruit when he reached it it had nothing but leaves and then he said to the tree may no one ever eat fruit from you again and the disciples heard him say it so at a distance the tree looked like something it was not when jesus got close in proximity so the tree represents we're about to see in a minute israel it represents god's people it represents watch this the kind of religion that has semblance but no substance it is it that the text reveals jesus as he curses this tree it reveals his agitation with those that are obsessed with optics and no substance jesus say i can't stand that that all you care about is leaves he says i can't stand that that bothers me it bothers me and i want you to shrivel up because i don't want people to keep coming looking for you because they're not going to handle the disappointment of your emptiness the way i do y'all missed it when people are really hungry and you have leaves you're advertising that you got fruit and when i get close to you i am expecting you to be able to address an emptiness and satisfy your longing but if you don't have the fruit to do that i'm going to be dealing with disappointment as a result of you having optics with no substance y'all aren't talking to me today jesus said i cursed that tree yes sir this is so interesting y'all don't know it's a it's watch this it it represents a dangerous version of deceptive christianity watch this not dishonest but deceptive leaves but no fruit it draws people with promises it don't deliver on come on saying you're more than a conqueror leaves jesus being able to conquer fruit saying no weapon formed against me will prosper leaves being able to withstand the assault of the adversary and still keep your sanity and spirituality that's fruits don't mess with me here jesus is showing what draws doesn't always satisfy did you hear what i just said what draws doesn't always satisfy and i am telling you right now and there's data that backs this up when you see those when you see like versions of christianity that are thriving in other parts of the world there is a depth to it there's dynamic discipleship it is not all the accoutrements and accessories that we are obsessed with in the western world it's leaves and it does not keep people because if they don't have any roots when the winds of adversity blow my lights and my smoke and my screen cannot help them don't mess with me jesus says jesus says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word people live off the word not our cute quotes do we have fruit or cute quotes he says i don't want people deceived by this tree i don't want i i don't want you to ever grow again this tree it's big but it's barren you got it it's big but it's barren it's incredibly visible but offers very little value and we live in an era where everybody want leaves watch this so jesus goes into jerusalem he begins to address some exploitation in the temple which is actually uh the metaphor that the tree was referring to the bible says this though mark 11 verse nine y'all still with me are y'all with me if you're with me put fire in that chat cause we can read turn the corner now watch this tex says when evening came jesus and his disciples went out of the city in the morning as they went along they saw the fig tree withered from the roots now peter remembered and said to jesus rabbi look the fig tree you cursed has withered now watch this don't miss this now we're talking about less than 24 hours something has withered and and it's withered from the roots but the only thing that jesus used to contrib to contribute to the withering was words he didn't touch the tree he didn't pour poison on the tree right he didn't take an ax to the tree the only thing he used to cause the withering was words he used his words to cause some purposeful and intentional withering and if we're not responsible with our words our words cause some withering too unintentional and unproductive some faith is withering because our words some focus is withering because of our words some of our progress is withering because of our words this is so powerful peter begins to articulate his his amazement and i love this oh this is this is a completely different lesson what jesus does now next is he realigns peter's priorities he says the thing that brings you the most excitement isn't always the most important he said peter you are so excited about what you just saw happen you are amazed watch this and jesus is saying come on peter i didn't do this for impression i did this for education i ain't really trying to excite you i'm trying to educate you don't miss this he says you are so busy being amazed at what i've done that you don't see that this is actually a picture of possibility for what you can do huh y'all better come get me today peter i'm not showing you this to show you just what i can do i'm showing you this to show you what you can do are you hearing what i'm saying here watch what it is he what does he tell what does he say we read the text they're talking about trees and jesus response to peter is have faith in god did you hear what i just said peter says lord i can't believe you did that have faith in god he sang the result that you see is the result of something that you don't see so instead of trying to emulate my behavior i want you to emulate my belief because the god that empowers me to curse the tree is the god that can empower you to move a mountain i did y'all i did this with a tree to show you what you can do with a mountain i think the devil is upset because some mountains are getting ready to move see there are some things god's let you see not to show you what they can do is some things god's let you see to show you what you can do he let you see it with a tree so that you can do it with a mountain somebody give him praise in the studio he's hey peter brad keep bragging on me saying i'll have faith in god keep telling me how great i'm no no have faith in god i'm trying i'm trying to get you to see what's possible you're so amazed by me he's saying you're not learning from me since you're too busy bragging to me about me and you're not believing like me i just did this with the tree to show you what you can do with a mountain come on that's our foundational text jesus said truly i tell you if anyone says to this mountain go throw yourself in the sea and does not dial in his heart that what they say will happen it will be done unto them watch this he says peter peter what i did with the tree you can do with a mountain now what's a mountain the mountain represents that which is enormous insurmountable and otherwise unmovable that's what a mountain represents something that cannot be moved by any conventional methods it's the stuff you can't move if you can move it it's not a mountain come on it's what you can't fix with your with your hard work it's what you can't change with your persuasive speech it's who you can't get through with get through to with your charismatic personality it's what you can't write a check for he said if if it can be fixed by all that it's not a mountain a mountain represents that which is enormous insurmountable and unmovable and he says when it comes to that you can't use the weapon of your will will power don't move mountains words move mountains are y'all here the weapons we use for mountains are words he said peter you see what i did with this tree in the present i'm teaching you a skill you need to deal with your mountains in the future this blessing is a lesson every blessing is a lesson peter if you want to do with a mountain what i did with a tree you gotta learn how to talk that talk mountains don't move when you talk you'll talk that's why they're not moving because you're talking your talk and you're talking their talk and you're talking the popular talk no no it's that talk it is the talk that is the expression of and the avenue for faith words are the expression of and the avenue for faith they express what i believe and they feed what i believe faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of god so mountain movement requires mouth management i'm not gonna bother this because i'm gonna deal with this in a different lesson in this series this is why we got to expand our understanding of the holy spirit because we're relegating his ministry to everything but the tongue yeah the holy ghost is a verbal governor are you hearing what i'm saying he's a verbal governor he says i want to govern what you do with this because what i do through and for you is tied to what you do with this did you hear what i just said the book of james says the tongue is like the ereta on a boat it directs the entire boat and i think when it comes to mouth management we just think about that which is biblically or culturally unacceptable offensive quote-unquote unethical and i think when the holy spirit governs your tongue he's not only dealing with that which is evil but he's also dealing with that which is unhealthy and unhelpful i wouldn't say doubt is evil but it is unhelpful does that make sense am i making sense so when i want to speak doubt does that same holy spirit that i say governs everything else govern that am i making sense so far i got five minutes are y'all all right here it is here it is so so i think i want to give us some answers by asking us some questions this is a sermon but can i take the last five minutes and can we do some group coaching huh joseph humidity says jesus is the master coach all right so so just for the five minutes let me just do some questions so instead of me giving you answers let me give you some answers about some questions all right so if mountain movement requires mouth management here's some questions that we need to ask and attempt to answer here's number one what are your words telling you about your faith your words and my words are telling us something about what we believe here it is somebody write this now many people are deceived about what they believe i don't mean they've been deceived so they believe something wrong i'm saying they're deceived in thinking they believe something they really don't did you hear what i just said right yeah no no no watch this now watch this are y'all here jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks which means the mouth is telling you what's in the heart and if i'm not monitoring and noticing what's coming out of my mouth i won't get the message of what is actually going on inside my heart so some people really think they have a level of faith they don't and they can't get the level of faith that they think they have because they won't receive the message that their mouth is trying to send them that you don't believe the way you think you believe if we let our mouth be a mirror we can actually address what needs to be addressed so we can make adjustments where we need to make adjustments what is your mouth telling you what are your words telling you about your face sometimes our words are telling us your faith is fragile it's not that you don't have it it's just broken easily your faith needs to have a box on it that says handle with care because anytime it gets thrown around by turbulent winds it breaks it's not a judgment but i need to see where it is to get it to where it needs to be are you hearing me my words when they're unfiltered are actually revealing what i believe in the level of my subconscious so belief exists in the conscious mind those things i'm aware that i believe and it also exists in the subconscious mind and for most people they have they have no clue that the subconscious mind is actually driving their behaviors because they don't even know they possess some of these beliefs my words might be telling me i got faith not just fragile faith but fatigued faith if i keep hearing i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired it means my faith is fatigue my words might be telling me i have fickle faith faith that is only present when god is accommodating my preferences as long as you're doing what i want i think that's best what food is feeding your faith words of faith food so when i objectively look at the majority of my words i've really got to ask myself what kind of diet is my faith receiving am i making sense i read this book about a year ago by this mental sports performance specialist and he does work with russell wilson and he says your influence on yourself is 10 times more powerful than anyone else's he says therefore how you talk to you matters and this is what he says thinking about my struggles is not as powerful as verbalizing them are y'all following me he says it impacts the brain differently when i'm verbalizing it am i making sense so if my natural mind leans that way now what paul says in romans 12 makes sense god wants to give me a new one be transformed by the renewing of your mind here's my third question and i'm done are you talking about or talking to your mountain here's the principle if you don't talk to your mountain your mountain will talk to you and the biggest mountain is the mountain in your mind do you understand that's where the mountain actually is y'all hear what i'm saying the biggest mountain is is the mountain that's in the mine so when i talk about talking to a mountain i'm not talking about name it claim it blabbit grab it that's not what i'm teaching this isn't magic i'm not saying that words don't have creative power i think they do to a degree but i think as i'm understanding correctly the scriptures correctly the greatest impact my words have is an internal impact not necessarily external impact that it dissolves the mountain in my mind so i can move the mountain in my life are you here see the mountain in the problem the problem is what i believe about it did you hear what i just said the mountain in the problem the problem is me believing that the mountain is insurmountable so he says i want you to speak right for you so when you talk to the mountain in your mind you can move the mountain in your life are we talking about are we talking to that mountain this is why affirmations are so important holding on to that confession salvation's not even experienced until the mouth lines up with the heart with the heart man believeth unto righteousness but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation did you hear what i just said and i am telling you your words becomes weapons weapons so phrases become power phrases of power words of weapons phrases of power words are weapons phrases of power when jesus was tempted by satan in matthew chapter number four what weapons did he use he used words and he used phrases that were power man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god thou shalt not tempt the lord him your god he uses words as weapons and phrases as power we had this situation i'm talking about we were this close on this property for our atlanta location i'm talking about this close this culture we were so close i had the team ready to make the announcement at the last change night it's like this this this this close and then something happened through a little wrench in the plans we had to do a little more kind of investigation because there was something that was being withheld from us a little bit and we found that out and then all of a sudden they did another deal out from under us cut out their own realtor and so when a guy that's working on this for us called me and told me this he's like i'm so disappointed i'm so and in my heart i'm like i'm disappointed too but this is what i said protection not rejection you didn't hear what i just said because the only weapon i got now is the one are you hearing what i'm saying protection that's protection not not rejection god's protecting us not rejecting us he's not withholding something to give me something else inferior right and i'm like no no i'm ready to get the building because i'm ready to open up and momentum then when when i start hearing that then i start saying to myself god's timing is god's kindness his timing gets kind of i don't care did you hear what i just i don't care what culture says and what trends say god's timing is god's kindness he said whenever i do it i'm being kind if i don't do it when you want me to do it i'm being kind y'all seeing practically how this works so let's practice a little bit i want you to say this in this studio put in the chat the favor of god is on my life it just is so when a door closes that's true when the door opens that's true and when a door closes that's true when the answer is yes that's true and when the answer is no that's still true when they walk in your life that's true and when they walk out of your life that's still true say it again the favor of god is on my life you're not approved you didn't get the contract the favor of god it's on my life application deny you didn't get the scholarship the favor of god is on my life they decide they don't want to go through on the engagement the favor of god is on my life that's true so let god be true let god be true and every man be a liar god's putting my name on people's minds that i didn't even know knew me come on y'all not talking to me you're not talking you're not talking you're not talking god is putting my name say it god is putting my name on people's minds that i didn't know me whoa i'm prophesying dms coming to you out of nowhere and you're gonna be like you knew me i'm prophesying you're going to be making introductions to people and people you're going to be introducing yourself and people are going to say i know you that's the talk what do i have to lose talking that talk i lose nothing talking i have nothing to lose everything to gain talking that talk say it again this is in my spirit the favor of god yet today is on my life i want to pray for us and i want you to know i want you to know why at the end of this every message i pray i want you to be clear on why i do do this so that as i pray and as you release your faith as you believe and express faith for when i'm praying you know why i'm actually doing it all right so god gives us the bible for revelation but we need the holy spirit for implementation you can't do what i just taught you from god's word without god you can understand it you can have notes about it but the but you can't do this without god god has to the holy spirit is your helper is that the word he's your helper and so he has to help you so that's that's what i'm praying i'm praying for just like the the holy spirit on the day of pentecost empower believers to speak in glasgow earthly languages and the apostle paul talks about praying in the spirit which is unintelligible to unintelligible language earthly and heavenly i'm praying that the holy ghost gives you a new tongue that you start speaking the language of faith come on if he could if it could cause people to speak natural languages that they didn't learn in the book of acts a language that's not natural for them are y'all following this faith talk it natural for a lot of us but the holy spirit can do it for them he can do it for you about a few weeks ago i taught my my coaching group something called quantum leaps and i asked them i need you to revisit what you believe about growth because you believe growth can hap only happens incrementally the bible says it can happen exponentially listen to me everything that you actually change changes in a moment sometimes it takes years to get you to that moment but everything you change change in a moment did you hear what i just said when you change your diet to change in the moment it didn't take years to change it took years to get you to the moment to change lord give us quantum leaps god almighty i pray for quantum leaps not addition multiplication and i pray that the holy spirit now gives us new tongues and helps us to talk the talk of faith to speak like you speak to align our words with your words and i thank you that as we do this with our mouth you're going to move our mountains just release it all over this room whoever's watching this whenever they're watching it give them a new tongue a tongue of faith and optimism and positivity in jesus name we pray for deliverance from doubt in jesus name amen if you're thanking god for what he did in your life today clap your hands all over the house lord have mercy yeah yeah yeah listen man we gotta go i want to pray i've been addiction
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 19,194
Rating: 4.970612 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: Pjv5v4fVhBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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