Leaving it all behind | Pastor Keion Henderson

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Kings 19 verses 19 through 21 if you got to say I got it if you need time say hold up if you don't have a Bible look at the screen the Bible says in first Kings chapter 19 that Elijah went from there and found Elijah and guess what he was doing plowing in his father's field must not have been a small field because he had 12 pair of oxen that's 24 that's a lot of land 24 John Deere's you get it now 24 John Deere's out there plowing the land he was near the twelfth pair eliza passed by him and threw his robe on him he wasn't in church when he got found he he wouldn't have to alter when the Lord elevated him he was working the Bible says he left the oxen ran after Elijah and said please let me kiss my mama and daddy goodbye before I leave Eli's I said okay you can go back but don't forget what I did for you Elijah went back and took his pair of oxen and slaughtered them and he cooked the meat over a fire that he made by burning the harnesses of the yoke Oh God and he gave the people meat and they ate then he got up and followed Elijah and became his assistant Elijah found him working plowing in the field the Lord showed up and gave him an opportunity when he already thought he was in his opportunity he had a decision to make do I leave what I love or do I go to what I'm called no this is the family business he's not working for somebody else read the scripture he's at his father's field and somebody he doesn't know comes and tells him that yo blessing is leaving your mother and father and cleaving unto me forgetting everything you know going into the unknown and then believe in God said do it for every person who's ready for elevation I want to use for us subject leaving everything behind I want you to touch everybody on your way down and ask them are you willing to leave it all behind you may be seated in the presence of the Lord most of us are not afraid to leave some stuff behind in fact you can think about three or four things right now that if you could leave it behind right now you'd walk away with no problem we when we are confronted with those things that have caused this issue pain frustration tribulation anxiety and anger we looking for a reason to get out no act like you ain't never plotted your way out in when you're leaving something dangerous you can't leave all at once there's some things you have to leave in stages but although we all have things that we don't mind leaving behind we all have something to say Lord you can take it all except for you you may not say that out of your mouth you may not you may not say that but but everybody in here got something that you're struggling to leave behind you'll say man I'm gonna get messy okay don't say man some of y'all got some pictures right now in envelopes somewhere that's your boo don't know about I told you you would say they meant I would have been done I understand why you need photos to remember about a time you no longer love because everybody can leave some stuff behind but we ain't all good at leaving everything behind but Liza if he was going to walk into his calling he had to leave everything behind what's amazing about Elijah and Elijah is that before we get into the text we must first look at the names Elijah Elijah we've been a year of elevation e/l liza li sha elevation the highest as Minister Steve talked on last Sunday L and he said that L was the highest and it represented God Elohim and he said that L was in the middle and so if you needed help God was in the Meno if you were going through hell God was in the middle and now you've got Elijah and Elijah l means God but their names don't mean anything different until you get to the of them the beginning syllable Elijah Elijah they both mean God but it changes at the end JA Elijah is Jehovah so his name means God is Jehovah which is why Elijah's main responsibility when he was prophet was to convince the world that God was Jehovah it's why he had to confront the prophets of Bill and get them to see that there was a God who was more present than the God who was prevalent and so he goes to an altar and he tells them he says all right if your God is stronger than my god let's have a party let's have a test let's see whose God is the strongest you say your God build is stronger than my god let's let's do this he says I want you to see if your God can set this wood on fire without a mess it didn't happen then Elijah said ok well I'm going to show you that my God is stronger give me the same wood he says but what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the wood and I'm a dip it in water and after our dipping in water then I'm going to call oh my god and the Bible says that were the lighter calls on God wet wood burns up like paper and the stones that were surrounding the altar also vaporized showing then that your God couldn't burn dry wood and my god could vaporize wet wood and so they needed at that time a leader who would prove to them that God was Jehovah but once that was convinced then they no longer needed a man to show them that Jehovah was God now we walk into a new dispensation where God goes from creator to salvific and now we need Elijah because charmaine salvation so now we go from God Jehovah to God salvation and now Elijah is to show the world that God saves and is they body in here that nose in 2018 he's still safer that he saves from the gutter most to the uttermost and that just simply means that he'll save you on Wall Street and he'll save your Jensen Street that that means that he'll save you in the mansion and he'll save you under bridge does anybody in here know there's something about Abba Father Abba meaning our Father somebody say he's my daddy he's my daddy and and one thing is for sure if you ever had an Abba Father you make sure that everybody knows how good he is I wish he'll do me a favor I wouldn't have to preach the sermon if you would testify and tell somebody you don't know how good he's been to me you don't know how good he's been to me you don't know you don't know what he has brought me out of no he has never ever set wood on fire but let me tell you he has made a way out of no way oh I don't know what your wet wood is I don't know what your altar is but has God ever came and let your enemies know that in the possum in the presence of impossibilities won't God show up and pay rent with no job and pay Cardinals with no money and and keep children healthy with no insurance somebody ought to just spend about five seconds thinking slap somebody to say he saved me no I'm not talking about save me from Hell everybody knows that he saved me from myself he saved me from bad relationships he saved me from getting involved in situations that would destroy my life he covers me in his secret place oh I think I'm for Elijah oh but I am grateful for life sure the saving God the one who looks beyond our faults and sees our needs somebody say father somebody say father and while Elijah is looking for somebody at the behest of God as he begins to prepare himself to be taken up in a whirlwind one of the only two people in the in the scope of history to go to heaven without dying as he prepares to go up in the whirlwind God says to him I am NOT going to allow you to leave this earth until you identify somebody by which you can transfer this anointing and so the Bible says that he goes and he looks and and I think that if he were a part of this church we would have judged him because it seems like if you're going past the church over to somebody you need to go find a preacher that already has a church seems like if you're going to pass the church over you need to go and find somebody who's that seminary it seems like you need to go find somebody who knows how to speak Greek and Hebrew and you need to go find somebody who knows how to exegete a nicer jito text and find somebody who is acquainted with homiletics and homiletics you need to go find somebody who understands syntax and culture and you need to go find somebody who understands that the original text was written in Greek and Hebrew and there were only 6,000 original words and and then when it was translated into English it morphed until fifteen thousand words which is why in the original text there is there are six or seven different Greek words for love but because our language is not so expensive we only have one word for love which is why we cannot explain God in the language of his of the original because we don't have enough words in our linguistic approaches to be able to explain all of the veracity of who he is and so now we've got a quandary and in a quagmire because now you got a man who is expected to carry the church but he doesn't know Church and I'm telling you God is looking for people who don't know Church because it's the people who know church that miss the church God didn't find him at the altar he found him plowing the field he found him working his daddy's business he found him with 12 yokes of oxen so this ain't a poor child this is a rich tower his daddy is balling he he's fine he don't need anything Elijah goes and finds him as he's plowing the field near the 12th set of oxen signifying that he was almost done with the job for the day and Elijah says hey man God told me to tell you that I'm supposed to give my mantle to you are y'all praying with me today now now I want you to understand how imperative and important that this is that God found him working he blessed him working he elevated him working Elijah found Elijah while he was working elevated him while he was working because the first thing you've got to understand is that God does not elevate idle people snap your neighbors say point number one is you got to work it oh I'm so sick of people asking God to work something out and work a miracle and lift you to the next level and you won't even work what he gave you you asking God for a new car and you won't even take care of the one he gave you you're asking God for a new house and you won't even clean the one date he gave you oh you ain't gonna say man but slap your neighbor say ouch yeah the danger of asking God for something else when you not working what you got slapped your neighbor said you got to work that thing come on look at somebody say you got to work it the Bible says in lamentations chapter three verse 27 that a man should bear his yoke in his youth I'm talking to some people in here you got to understand that why you got energy you got to work it you can't wait until you get old and tired and and and arthritis start setting in and the gout start hurting your ankles and all of a sudden you want to give God your time and I'm not being disrespectful but God came do nothing with you because you're always at the hospital you got to work the works of the one that sent you while it was day I'm telling you there's a senior citizen sitting next to you they don't say to you baby you'd better stop wasting your time you don't have as much time as you think you have you cute now and you got stripped now but just keep going to bed and getting up those back pains that happen every month ago start happening every day all of a sudden you're gonna have headaches and you can't explain it all of a sudden you're gonna be hungry but don't have an appetite you better work here while you young slap your neighbor say work that thing you got to work it yeah you're looking at some people they look healthy and and you say oh and I get older I want to be just like you you don't understand it too 12 pills to get out of the bed this morning I just need some honest people in here today I'm not being disrespectful but there go ahead and then say baby I I need Advil for my knees I need ally for my ankles I got a had this for my blood pressure yeah I'm looking good but I gotta warm up yeah yeah see see the problem with the young people the problem with young people is that we think idle is working let me help you understand see I grew up in Gary Indiana where where you get up in the morning in the wintertime and this 12 below zero so y'all Houston folk don't know nothing about this because when it gets 60 y'all go put on winter jackets and start sniffing some about you got the flu I ain't never seen so many people get sick and heat in my life something wrong with you when you get sick and it's hot outside I don't understand it the only time you supposed to get sick when it's cold and they get about 40 degrees that y'all take a vacation I'll see y'all don't know nothing about this because everybody Houston y'all start y'all car up when y'all ready to go but when you grow where I grew up you had to go outside this is what you had to do you have to go outside and-and-and you have to get up about 15 minutes earlier because what was gonna have to happen is you had to be dressed about an hour before you went to work because you had to go outside and start their car up and then come back in the house and let it run or how many you see that's why y'all cry y'all don't know nothing about it you had to go out there and stop that car up and sometimes they didn't won't turn over you and you got to see what you got doing to do that you got to do this you got to push that gas and get that juice flowing and did you start it up and then you got to make sure you put it on defrost and and then you go run back in the house but see the problem with most young people is yes the car is running but it's still an idle see that's the problem with us young people is we think idle we think that because we're running we're moving you think because you're busy that means that you're going to set it off you think because you're always somewhere doing something that something is going to come to you I come to tell you just because you're running don't mean you're moving because even though the car is running it is still in park and although everything is running and it is burning gas and it is making noise it is not making any progress that's why he says you got to lay your hands on and somebody say lay your hands on it he falls he says you got to you got to lay your hands on it we we we would start our cars up and let them run and and and and and here's the thing when you get in the car you can't turn the heat on right away because if you turn the heat on right away that's like having air conditioned in the wintertime so now you got to let the car run up and warm up and and the car is running and it is making noise and you see exhaust coming from the back and you hear making noise but it is idle and an idle mind oh god help me in this place and I don't mind is the devil's workshop when Elijah found Elijah he was working what God gave him when Jesus found Peter he was on his boat with his fishing business when when when when when Potiphar had had had found Joseph he was already working for the Midianites you've got to understand that God does not bless idle people God is not going to come to somebody who is doing nothing and then give them something to do God is looking for somebody who is already doing something y'all not here with me today I'm just waiting on God to use me God ain't gonna use nobody who's not already using themselves you ain't no God to come and find you and work a miracle in your life and give you something grand to do God says before I give you something to do before I put you over my stuff I need to see what you're doing with the stuff I put you over I'm wanting to ask you how good of a steward are you being over the money God gave you how good of a steward are you being over the person that God gave you how good of a steward are you being over the things that God gave you if your clothes on the floor right now you won't put them on a hanket stop asking God for a new wardrobe if you can't say man say ouch I could go to some of your house right now your dirty clothes hamper is running over your other clothes is on the floor your shoes is on the floor you won't even put them back in the box and then you're praying Lord give me some red bottoms take here the bottoms you got I can I got promising right now I can leave out here right now and go in the parking lot and get in one of your cars and there's a tree growing in the back here in the backseat right now french fries under the seat harder than Chinese arithmetic a hamburger in the back you ain't cleaned up to milk get the baby spilt in 2013 won't change the oil won't rotate the tires and you in the after altar asking for a new vehicle oh you can get cry but I came to bring the pain harp poet to the break just won't stop if you can't say man just shout out you got to work what you got you got to clean what you have you got to do something with what you have before you ask God for something new he's plowing the field cuz God don't bless idle people he don't bless people who still asking him to put him in motion he takes his time Paul says lay your hands on no man suddenly God wants to touch it but he's wondering what he's don't get if he does because just because God gave you a job I ain't gonna make you not lazy no more ain't no anointing for lazy come on y'all help me in this place if I ain't talking about you you ought to say man if I am I only give good news and great news the great news is I ain't talking to you the good news is is you can do something about it if I am jesus said Peter I'm you because you're already working imma let you be the Fisher of men cuz you're already a Fisher of catfish since I know that you're good at your job because last I heard you had so much international had to get somebody to help you carry it so since your Nets broken the natural and now I know your nets will break in the spiritual you can't ask God to fill your natural nets when you have an empty spiritual net somebody say work you got to do better with what you got somebody will take your hand and wind up with it and you complaining about it not only I don't make enough money as soon coming in is it going back it out no as soon as it come in you go out and spin it it money ain't never walked out of your house without your permission it's amazing how we take credit for bringing it in and then blame the money for going out I made this but then when you spend it I don't know what happened to it you got to work what you got I am convinced that we live in a season and this is an elevation season that God is testing us to see if we will do better with what we already have as opposed to saying God give me more money so that I can be blessed or giving me more money so that I can't either give me more money so that I could do whatever instead of doing that saying God give me the strength to live on what I already have and when you learn to be thou faithful over a few things then he will make you ruler over much all the people in the room we haven't had a - praise the Lord I can lick a child and tell like um tell me what to do with my money that is my man slap your neighbor so you got to work for it second thing you got to do is you got to respond to it I see so many people who God is calling but they don't respond it's like being a child in your house y'all remember you remember your mama calling you but you ain't want to go so you be upstairs she be talking about Sue and you'd be like how many I remember y'all call your children right now hey that's why you don't say nothing and this this is this how you know then you got to go up to did you hear me call you mama let me tell you the telltale sign that somebody heard you call them never tell you how you know they heard you call them but they don't respond then when you finally get around them they answer you would attitude like what that mean they've been hearing you the whole time so pay attention to that if it was the first time they heard you call him they would have attitude the reason why they have attitudes they heard all of those come so everybody in here either ignored yo mama are you getting ignored right now mama Elijah I know you ain't never seen me before here's what I need you to do I need you to quit your job and follow me and come work for me and trust me to pay you better than your dad now how many of y'all gonna be at your good-paying job tomorrow and a preacher come in your job tomorrow say you God has need of you and in the name of Jesus I want you to quit today and follow me what's he gonna say security you probably tell him say look now I don't play like that don't touch me don't put your own throat touch me just come on man let's go the Bible says that Elijah without a question left his oxen he left all his 125 thousand dollar John Deere's running in the field to follow after a man that he had never met at the Word of God you got that kind of faith can God come to you right now and change your schedule and you just follow him out of nowhere just because he said no if God come to you right now this is what you're gonna do you gonna come to church and say I need a meeting with the pastor and you gonna say okay pastor I had a dream yesterday that the Lord told me to follow him and I just want to know what I should do I just need him to give me a sign Elijah was the sign are y'all not y'all not being honest today y'all not being honest cuz the truth is is this some stuff of God told you to do already you indeed owe anybody it's some stuff he told you to leave behind already that you won't leave you're still struggling with he says I need you to leave it all behind leave your money behind leave your paycheck behind leave your oxen behind leave it all behind and follow after me he says I want you to leave your occupation and walk towards your vocation Paul says that we have to walk worthy of the vocation in which we have been called and the Bible says that when Elijah showed up Elijah I ran and they're on the way out he said hold on before I leave let me go kiss my mom and I'm good bye so they're gonna be worried about me Elijah said going there kissing don't you forget that I'm the one that called you and the Bible says that he kills his animals and boils the meat and serves the people with the oxen have me tell you something when God calls you you got to respond to it and he will never call you in a comfortable season when he tells you to get out of the boat it will be a storm do you know how many days it did not rain where Jesus could have said Peter walk out on the water when it would have been much easier to walk on steel water God waits until the wind is blowing until the waves are kissing each other on the surface of the water he waits until there was thunder and lightning and flashing and flickering and wind and waves and there says Peter now I want you to get out of the boat in the storm because I will never ask you to respond in a comfortable season he waits until your boat is rocking and then tells you to walk on water the reason why most of us miss our elevation is because when storms come and Jesus shows up we say it's a ghost oh god I wish I could explain this in packing unpacking every time Jesus showed up to the disciples in a form they were not accustomed to they got scared when he shows up in the storm the dude that they have been with that fed the 5000 how you don't know what Jesus looked like now he shows up in the storm and and say it's a ghost because some of us can get so caught up in our storms we don't know who Jesus is you got to get to the place in your life where your trouble don't make you forget who he is that not having a job doesn't mean he's not the same guy that just fed the 5000 they're not having enough money to make the bills that mean he's not the guy that didn't raise Lazarus from the dead that just because you don't recognize who he is that mean he's not the same guy that didn't roll the stone away he is the same yesterday today and forever more and stop letting your storms trick you and make you think oh I wish I had a church in here today all of a sudden you get sick and did forget he's a healer and then all of a sudden your money started acting funny you forget that he's a provider he is Elohim el shaddai he is oh my god just I just need all of y'all who standing up just give you a fellow stand up person high five and say I know who he is I know who he is reason I know who he is is cuz I tried them for myself I don't need anybody else I'm satisfied with Jesus I may not be where I want to be but I thank God I'm not where it used to be I don't have all the money that I want but I'm not sleeping under bridge I don't have the kind of car that I want but the one I got if I put $20 in it it might start it up and if it doesn't start up at least I got a friend who will come pick me up and drop me off I don't know who I'm talking to in here today but there's somebody ought to shout respond to him you see this day whom you will serve work the works of the one that sensuality stay you gotta respond to God you got a bow not outside the fiery furnace you got to stand while you're in it you got to declare that he is Elohim inside of the lion's den and you got a praise and worship when you're behind bars Paul and Silas he only asked you to stand when it looks like you cannot and let me tell you after you've done all you can I'll slap somebody to say stand after you've been through the hard times and after you've been through the rain stand it slap somebody say stand where life knocks you down stand back up when money runs away stand back up when frustration sets in stand back up when the enemy sets up a flood then God will raise the standard against the enemy when the thief comes to steal your joy stand on the word of God on Christ the solid rock us [Applause] bless is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of the sinner nor sits in the seat of the scornful his delight is in walking after the word of the Lord and He will meditate on it day and night and he shall be like a tree transplanted I've told you this before so you'll say like a tree know that standing still that means transplanted that means that he picked his roots up and responded and went to where God said go that means that sometimes in order to get where God wants you to go you got to pick your roots up he had to leave his mama and daddy therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife and the two shall become you can't even get a wife without movin you got to walk worthy of the vote you can't even get to your vocation until you move and you won't got to come where you are and bless you God says I've already come from heaven earth now you come the rest of the way slap somebody say respond to it laying in the bed asking for a miracle God says no get up lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lifted up you everlasting door I don't care how depressed you are get up I don't care what they talkin about get up I don't care how they talkin about you get up I don't care how you feel get up I don't care how much anxiety you have get up take your anxiety pill and get up we got so many excuses is why we don't respond to God I don't feel well if you would get up he'll trouble to water Oh God if you'll get off of your bed and walk Elijah told everything he said bye I'm done with these material possessions I'm out of here I'm gonna follow the Lord I'm going where the Lord said go but if you read his farewell and translated in the original language it doesn't mean he just left it means that before he left he said his house in order the reason why some of y'all can't get up and do what God said it's because your finances ain't in order yeah you see if you would have put what he gave you in order then you would be able to take a day off to serve Him but you can't miss a day of work cuz you ain't in order you can't call in sick cause you gonna need those days for when you really get sick cuz those stuff ain't in you got to get your house in order you got to get your money in order you got to get your finances in order you got to get you somebody who will help you and if you don't know the way you got to find somebody who can help you find a more excellent way you got to get your stuff you got to get your relationships in order are y'all together or not cuz you about to mess up some for sho some for some Oh something and here you are don't know who you own the past or the future and you're going to end up with neither [Applause] slap your number and say pick something be harder be cold but do something been praying about the Sam Steele print on a hot load you gonna pray the woman with the issue of blood I pray one time I got healed immediately if you still praying it ain't nuttin happens got your prints or the wrong God Elisha knew that one of the keys to respondibility is responsibility there God can't call an irresponsible person to responsibility respond civility if you're irresponsible then that is an indicator you won't respond I was at a church being irresponsible will make God not call you because irresponsible means you don't respond there's some people that no matter what God says they don't respond to it so callused in their conception that no matter how many signs they get they do what they want to do and it's always everybody else's fault in there were not for you I wouldn't be like this I hate to tell you you were like this when I met you you got a respond to God you were dying and going to hell he responded to it let me send Jesus because there is no way you can love somebody and not respond to them there's my n if how many of y'all have children the Hat shows when you remember whatever babies in and and now once you get on your second and third you know that ain't never really happening you know all the stuff you thought was the Merc you ever seen that commercial like on your first kid you got Cheerios in a bag and and and you got a bib and and and you got about seven to nine ten extra diapers and and you got about four or five sets of clothes and all that but you get to the second a thorough you black would there be alright we'd be home about three hours it it it's extra lock protection leak-proof anyway when they little and small every time they were hungry you fed them and then when they get older you say you should ate when I tried to feed you you know how things 600 y'all dingo talk about what's real their first child got a meal every time they got hungry bout time you said the second three should eight when we ate see you in the morning that first one if you had cooked chicken and at home and slaved over it and made it grilled in and and and fricasseed it in victory and did all that kind of stuff and then they said mama I like that and then you said well baby what you want I won't talk over hill and did you go to Taco Bell and get them to soft tacos with no lettuce and cheese and cuz only won't meet about time to get on this second or third shot every time I mouth I don't like to well guess what if you don't eat in this house you just won't eat I'll see you tomorrow y'all know I ain't lyin baby walking around they're all emaciated the skin falling off up because they ask you and hungry and you looking at me about time I full surrounds your baby today to need huh got gonna do it tell you they grow God called Elijah because he knew that Elijah could go back without being sidetracked you see some people if you were Elijah you would have got home and seen your mom and him and it came back I'm sorry I can't go I'll be with my mom in my whole life I ain't never lived away from my mom I got to stake what go happening my mommy just sick I got to be here for her and then when she gets sick you at the club I'll let your boy says go ahead you you're going back there but don't don't forget who who upgraded you dog and don't you forget who put your own yummy and he says so you go ahead and go back but don't forget and God called him because he knew that Elijah had the ability to go back without getting sidetracked my question for you is if you go back are you gonna stay some of y'all of you if you go back in and see your past just one time you gonna get weak in the knees and harder to speak you'll lose all control something that will take over you in a day I want you to stay I swallow my pride your love is so sweet ah I can't explain how your lovin makes me blush stars are Lord help let me get back on track oh no oh yeah you got to work for it you got to respond to it lastly if God is going to elevate you you got a minister to it oh we know how to get it well we don't know how to minister to it it's a couple of feathers in here right now your game is tight you can get the number but you'll lose the lady because you can work for it and respond to it but you can't minister you see these lemon dating his sound they like baby I thought I want you to provide for me all I need you to do is minister to me minister he got up followed Elijah he thought everybody thought all he bought the blow he would to do that's gonna get caught up in the world where he's second in command to the tightest prophet we ever saw and the only job he had was to serve David I want you to be the next king of Israel but before you get the throne you must go back and minister to a man who wants you dead before you can come up you got a first the first responsibility of elevation is humility did you know that that when God upgrades you the first thing you do the first response is being humble he has to go back and minister to a man some of y'all can serve people you know some of you can serve people you like but what happens if God calls you to serve somebody you don't know and you don't like don't miss your elevation because you can only be obedient when you agree bob says the only thing if you go back to 2nd Kings chapter 3 verse number 11 the only thing that Elijah could do with this newfound fame was pour hand pour water on the hands of the Prophet he had to serve him so much that when the man washed his hands he had to do the water can you see him Washington lies his feet some y'all go Mitchell better I don't do feet and I don't be touching no feet what if your man like foot massages so you about to miss your elevation cuz you don't do feet so you know what my vice is learn to do feet somebody do yours and ain't that grand huh okay you see them washing his clothes and folding them can you see him leaving this clothes on the floor but Elijah says I'm a serving to complain that I keep having to tell you to pick your underwear you're not gonna keep with night we're not gonna do that I'm gonna minister to you i'ma serve you and I'm gonna learn to serve your weaknesses that even though we keep talking about it and you won't do it eventually we won't talk about it because I would have done it before you even know it was undone y'all help me in this place alone David you're gonna be king but you got to go back in minister to song Joshua you will lead Israel into the Promised Land but you got to serve Moses God I can't understand what Moses be saying he's stuttering go serve him anyway if you will notice and I'm done that every one of these guys who had to serve ended up being greater than the one now close with this if you're in this place today and you're in the absence of anyone who were minister to you there was still another option Davis is that one you can't find anybody to encourage you you must learn to encourage yourself sometimes when you come in church even if the choir is not singing your favorite song you ought to know how to get into the spirit and encourage yourself if your favorite singer isn't singing you ought to know how to lift your hands and encourage yourself it's not true worship that needs everything to fit your agenda in order for you to express it
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
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Keywords: Keion Henderson, Leaving it all behind, Elevation, power of success, Elevation Church, Pastor, Pastor Keion Henderson, church, faith, lhhouston, Senior Pastor, LightHouse Church, trust, how to trust the process, why do things happen, Sermon Highlights, Latest Sermon Highlights, Instant Inspiration, Latest Sermons, Waking Faith, Sun Stand Still, study bible, children's church, pastor appreciation, Bishop, pastor keion henderson, elevation church, bible, sermon, family, jesus, success
Id: Mq3IM7L7Ej0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 38sec (2858 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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