I’m Catching My Breath | Pastor Keion Henderson

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I am finally catching my breath that's what I want to talk about I'm catching my breath I'm catching my breath just high-five somebody behind you tell him I'm catching my breath I'm catching my breath I'm catching my breath I've been tired but I'm catching maybe seated in the presence of the Lord I feel glory in the room so can I just get right to it without an introduction because the promise of verse 16 only comes after the peril of verse number one there is no breath to catch if there is no breath that has been lost and the truth is without knowing your individual circumstance I would guarantee that something has happened to you recently that knocked the wind out of you guarantee it I know what I'm talking about because I'm in the spirit and the Lord gave me this word raise your hand if something has happened to you in the last 45 days that wasn't planned wasn't on the itinerary wasn't on the schedule just out of nowhere and it in it and it literally but you still have to go to work you still have to pretend like everything was okay you had to still cook for your children you have to still be there for your spouse you have to do all of these things and just because you were diminished in energy didn't mean you were diminished and responsibility and that is the nature of a winner is that we keep going even though we're tired any resilient people in the room do me a favor because the person besides you don't know tell him I'm so tough dad enough has happened to me last week well I shouldn't even be here this week but I am still here I'm still here I'm still married I'm still a parent see cuz these are things you can all quit on right I don't you could just quit I'm still a worshiper I'm still loyal I'm still faithful I still got a little mine not all I'm still coming I'm still fighting I'm still pressing but I'm tired I am tired I'm tired life has required more out of me than I thought I had to pay and somewhere along the line the wind got knocked out of you and every one of us especially those of us who are serious about the next level you have finally gotten to a crossroad where you got to make a decision man you're either gonna fold or go forward you either go fold it up and say you know what it's enough which by the way if you fold that means you're not qualified but you got a press tour to market because on the other side of the pressing is a prize but only for those who can withstand the upward call and when you are being called up it is only because you're being pulled down you're being pulled down and I guarantee you I'm talking to the whole room not every sermon is for the whole room I appreciate enough sermons to recognize sometimes I'm preaching to half the crowd sometimes I'm preaching to the mature and the immature get to eavesdrop sometimes I'm preaching a sermon about salvation and those of us who are saved have to sit through it until I get to the end but sometimes you come into a cross section where the word sprays the entire canvas and everybody in the room is trying to catch a breath and there is a promise in verse 16 but only after the peril in verse number one if you get an opportunity put a verse one of chapter 3 of second Timothy on the screen because what Paul says and he lets us know that I am addressing this because we are in the last days or your Bible may say the what latter days that it's it's basically saying listen I've got this promise but this promise is coming in the midst of the last days according to the promise of life which is what Jesus Christ so what he's saying is is that it's the last days but guess what that's that's how you know that that it's time to catch your breath because you've made it through the game you've made it through the first quarter you've made it through the second quarter and then you got at halftime you have to make some adjustments right because what you were doing in the first half of your life will not serve you well in the second half of your life I wish I had some sports fanatics in here sometimes you have to abandon the game plan and you have to make some adjustments because your adversary used a different plan than what you prepared for and so now what they prepared is different than what you prepared and so now you have to abandon your original game plan and and act something new and the best coaches understand that you can't always do it X and O sometimes you got to do about instinct we don't have to rely on our instincts we have to we have to rely on our indwelling oh god help me we don't have to rely on our instinct we have to rely on our indwelling see animals have instincts humans have indwelling what is the indwelling the Holy Ghost so the Holy Ghost is the coast and he'll call mid-game decision and if you go with what God says based on what you had planned then God is solely responsible for the results and since he has never lost the case since he's never lost a patient since God is from everlasting to everlasting then when you follow God's plan you have to win can i prophesy to you even though you feel like you're losing that's what winning feels like no you don't know that you won until it's over if you don't believe me and I'm not I'm not profession to have a favorite team but just the other day the the Warriors were up 31 on the Clippers me and Kirk talked about it I turn the game off thinking it's 31 points it's third quarter the game is over I woke up the next day and found out they had lost by four because when you think you got it figured out the enemy will gain ground on you and make you lose if you don't abandon what you had planned I don't know who I'm talking to but God told me to tell you to abandon your original plan abandon the person not the person in relationship abandoned the idea that if you were with this person you were going to be okay abandoned the idea that if you got this job you would be happy abandoned the idea that if you weren't single no more you'd be happy with yourself because I'm gonna tell you you go get somebody and still be depressed abandoned the idea that if you make more money you gonna be happier listen let me tell you something I was reading a story today about a man who became rich overnight he literally went to sleep broke woke up and had a billion dollar transfer because of a business he sold and he woke up and realized that he still lived in the same house and he was still driving the same car he still had the same insecurities why because he thought if he got the money he would feel better but he didn't recognize that his insecurities were not relying on his paycheck and so he was still rich and insecure he was still Hardy and insecure and then watch what he says which is the lesson for the day he says now that I recognize that making money wouldn't change me if I lose it all it's not going to change me abandoned the idea that if you had more friends you would be happy abandoned the idea that if you have connections you would be further and accept the idea that God has a plan for your life and that all things are working together for your good that means your ups and your downs that means the punches in the stomach and the and the knowledge downloaded in the head it means everything is working for your good even though you don't feel good in it so for every person in the room that doesn't feel good I want to welcome you to it's all good because by the time God finishes or you're not getting this by the time God finishes you will have written a book about it by the time God finishes you will be on TV giving your testimony about it by the time God finishes you would have built a business on the back of your brutality when God gets through with you so catch your breath get off the sidelines stop looking for a paramedic para with stop looking for somebody to come with you and help you and lift up your head o ye gates and ye be lifted up ye everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in Paul says the way you will know that we're in the last days don't miss this he says men will be lovers of themselves he says you'll know you in the last days when people are unthankful he says you will know you're in the last days when people are arrogant he says you know you in the last days because people will have a form of godliness but denying the power you you've read it before can I tell you you know you're in the last days of a relationship when you're with somebody who's I'm thankful you know you're in the last days of a relationship when you were somebody who's arrogant you know you in the last day of a relationship when a person loves themselves more than they love you y'all not here with me today see the problem is you keep overlooking the warning signs he says you know you're in the last days when people are lovers of themselves and have a form of godliness but denying its power are you guilty of giving CPR where God has given a sentence has God ever pronounced anything dead in your life and you got back over it just be honest God pronounced the dead but you breathe life back into it he says this is how you will know this is how you will know that they will want and this is for the church that they will want a form of godliness but denying the power see what I've learned is that people don't want the fool God they want a sketch of him they don't want the paragraph of God they want a summary we summarize God he's good he's a blessing yeah but he also corrects and rebukes all y'all don't want to say man see the problem with the church right now is we shouting about a sketch we shout about a sketch and then when the colors come in we don't understand this God who also says not only am I going to bless you but you got to be holy see y'all don't want that you don't want that yeah it's yeah I will forgive you I'm gonna give you some grace but but you still got to live right so we want this sketch of God will forgive us for anything but will require us of anything and when we get to fool God we we demean the church that ain't the count of God I know the kind of God I know his loving yes he is also loving but he also comes in places and turns tables over and so the reason why we're suffering is because we sketch God we become sketch artists and we only draw the parts of God that we want and we summarize God and we only worship over the parts that we want and then when we hear the other parts of God we get silent in church like all of that ain't him it's it's a form of godliness but denying the power denying the power of God that indwelling power of God that works in us and we are living in a day where people are in love with a summary and not the substance all they know is he's good his mercy is everlasting and it's true that he's the provider and he's a miracle worker and he is all that but he and he is a good good father but he is also the Lion of the tribe of Judah and he also destroyed the world with the flood and he will destroy it by fire again are y'all with me today he's both and he's lying and lamb and you cannot summarize God you must accept him for who he really is we're in love with churches that have youth programs in marriage ministries but if we had a prayer meeting and a repentance service see I know I'm right I know I'm right if we had a night of miracles I'd have a line to the freeway if we had a night of turning away from sin it'd only be a few of us in here because we want a summary of God we want a summary of God therefore denying the power of God but if you're ever going to get your breath back you're gonna have to accept all of him that's why I see what some of y'all don't who don't worship like most of us will you see us worship it is because we've thrown ourselves at the mercy of the court we like God we don't deserve to be here we know we shouldn't be here we don't deserve to be healthy we don't deserve so we throw ourself at its mercy see it's not our singing gifts that make us worse for three hours it's like father thank you that you did not give me what I deserve that's that's what real worship comes from and when I see people who don't our worship is because they want to sketch God let me hurry up I'm Ariel but we won't we want to we want a form of him like if we if we if we talking about blessings we height if we're talking about Romans 12 coming to the altar and presenting your body as a what living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto Him which is your reasonable service so we don't want that part of God we don't want that part of God we don't want that part of God we just we just pretend like that part of him ain't over there and and he's all of that can you say man and see and that's why this church will forever worship that's why this church will what we will always repent that's why we will always ask for forgiveness I don't care if service starts setting leaven and y'all better be glad that we got a 1:30 service because I promised some time I intend to keep y'all here to fo 5 o'clock but we're gonna always do it why because in the time of trouble coming at David psalms 2075 in the time of trouble he shall hide me so I can hide in the mayor's program I can't hide choir I can't hide Oh the praise team I can't hide in the usher meeting I came hide in a sound booth it is in him that we live move and have our being that's why we worship Him because when I'm sick Oh Mari can't come and heal me he can pray for me but he can't heal me and so we we it is in him that we live it is in him that we move and is in him that we have our being he has set us up on a rock and lifted our head up what above our enemies that yo yo your program can't do that your small group can't do that and while I'm glad we got small groups and while I'm glad we've got ministries at the end of the day we need God oh help me Holy Ghost see are y'all praying y'all here today say a program and in rehearsal can't heal cancer I refuse to become a church full of programs without the power I'll cut all the programs out if we don't have no power I'm not gonna start 12 ministries on top of the ones that we have to get people to come so they can be in here lame and sick and hope I'll cut it down to one ministry the Ministry of Russia [Applause] haven't you noticed how many miracles have been happening haven't you noticed how many debt cancellations have been happening haven't you noticed how much cancer has been dried up do you think that happened because we got a rush of ministry do you think that happened because we got wafers with a plastic wrap over cap do you think that happens because we got an LED screen they can turn it off I still call on the Holy Ghost and he'll light up the whole room why because he's got the power [Applause] somebody shot God's got the power the reason why I'm talking like this is because that's the purpose of second Timothy chapter 3 that's the purpose because Paul has left Timothy and now he's in prison and now the people who would normally be shooting their shots at Paul are shooting them at Timothy because Paul is out of the way that's why you got to be careful when you want to be a boss you don't even know how blessed you have been been number three number four number five Number six number seven because heavy is the head that wears the crown a lot of people want to be out front until they find out they shooting you think you own the solo and you think you want to get this microphone up here and sing and people sitting in the audience talking about oh she missed a note but they can't carry no note you think you want to grab this microphone and preacher today look at you like what in the world are you talking about and people start walking out to church halfway through your introduction you think you want to lead a ministry until you get there and find out that they don't show up until they feel like it you think you want to church because you see a fastest car and what you think he has but what you don't see is the hundreds of thousands of dollars of bills they have to be paid every week you think you want this try try it costs $15,000 to keep the lights on try it calls six thousand dollars a month to cut the grass try huh uh-huh and by the time y'all finish with my toilet paper well y'all stop still in the whole row just use one supply and go home you ain't got to take two rows and you don't have to take my nap this home so you can have some at home it's amazing at home you give them one paper towel you see somebody using more than one sheet you going off with you then put them in your glove compartment you hang them do that touching them say don't run up on this you think you want your own real estate company you think you want your own hair salon you think you want your own nail bar you think you want it run up on it and you'll find out water bills triple net bills internet bills cable bills it caused millions of dollars to do this the pressure of a $50,000 mortgage yo seven hundred and fifty dollars about to kill you Lord I don't know how many pages rent this money i'ma move out to the suburbs it's cheaper see you like y'all don't want to talk but you know you better keep it real $1,500 got you at the author every week some outlaw and it was your help me those chairs y'all sitting in they ate it out as a piece we got thousands of them you do the math and they pay for [Applause] Timothy he the man now the mentor has become the teacher see that's that's why you should you see this food Lord I don't even know where to go because I got so much going on in my head so many people want mentors and then very quickly want to surpass them it's like you get a mentor with the hopes of superseding that person but you don't recognize that whenever you have a mentor really what it means is that men are touring are you are you getting this see a mentor it's men touring and I've learned in my walk as a mentor people want the men but they don't want the tour they want your influence they want you to follow them so that people would think that they don't because you follow them but will you give them advice they don't take it they want the man but they don't want the tour obedience so now Timothy has closed that gap and Paul like I'm on my way out of here you got it and you you have seen everything they have done to me see the best thing to do about struggle is to see somebody go through it first and be there with them through the process Timothy never left him where are the Timothy's the people who won't leave you when you're struggling the people who won't stop you know people they don't mind answering the phone when you call them every once in a while but when you hit that crisis and you got to call them a lot then all of a sudden they kind of disappear actually neighbor are you a Timothy are you a Timothy but watch this let me hurry up and get through this Timothy is now the enemy of Paul's enemies Timothy is now the enemy of Paul's enemies and that's why you have to always be careful when you ask somebody to lead you because their enemies also become your enemies are you with me so far so whoever don't like Tim and that's on top of the enemies you brought to the table so now Timothy is going through a hard time and so he writes a letter and he sends it to Paul and he like Paul I'm about to I'm about to lose my mind I didn't lost my breath I can't take it it was easier when they were hitting you but not hitting me I'm out of breath I can't pray no more I don't lost my worship my tires don't went down I feel unwelcomed I'm unprotected I'm exposed it was good when you were writing these letters but now now I got a kereama what what you didn't prepare me for this and Paul sends him a letter back and that's where we get second Timothy okay this is Paul's response to Timothy's complaint notice he only gave him a word he didn't give him a strategy he gave him a word he didn't tell him this is what you ought to do he just told him what they was doing are y'all listening to me he said Timothy he said hey Tim check this out people gonna be people people they just don't they just gonna be they just true yes that's what they do they here today go on a date they just flip out you don't understand he says people gonna be people he said they gonna love themselves they gonna be arrogant they gonna be prideful he said people are going to be people but go down to verse number seven and he says this is the biggest issue with people they're always learning but never according to knowledge can you put verse seven up he says he says here is the biggest problem he says that they are always learning but they're never acquiring knowledge how many people in the church learn so much you come to Bible study you come to church meeting you go to prayer meeting you go to chicken meeting you go to marriage meeting it and everything you always at church and you got all this knowledge all this learning but no knowledge they know everything but they ain't learn nothing have you ever met somebody they got a philosophy for everything they got a word for everything see cuz that's this and that's that but but but where is the app look I know you got information but it is absent of application he says he says they are always learning but but they're never acquiring knowledge well I thought about this how is it personal how is it possible excuse me how is it possible for a person to continue to progress in his learning but never come to knowledge how is it that you can sit in Bible study and in church all these years and still have that fast quick temper like that how can you be in church 10 years and still struggle with tithing it's because you learn him but you not getting knowledge like like literally let's just take time to for instance you've been in church all your life how are you still asking people what is it explaining what tithing is you just don't want to know you don't want to know it ain't complicated it's 10% if you don't know what 10% is you don't deserve no money at all if you don't know what a dime out of every dollar is you don't deserve the dime all the dollar you're not struggling with it you don't want it because you're learning but you haven't gotten to knowledge knowledge requires a response you just don't want to why because your faith has not been activated at the level that you trust God to replenish what you give them bottom line and if the shoe fits where both of them tithing should not be hard taking a dime out of every dollar from a man who gave you the whole dollar do you understand how selfish you have to be not to give back to the person who gave it to you that's why you ain't got no breath because the enemy cannot be rebuked without a tithe so every punch that the devil throws at anant either lands but for those of us who tithe every time you swing a thousand falls at the side ten thousand at the right hand none comes an ALICE not because we perfect because we got seed in the ground all the Tigers in the house if you've ever kept your house after you lost your job if you had ever been underpaid and still didn't lose your house your food your somebody auto shop sometimes you can't race no sickness - you'll see Lois shake this house shake it shake it shake it like a Polaroid pitch the second you should not be in church this long still talking about what does forgiveness mean and do I have to forgive my enemies yes how many times I got to tell you it's it's it's it's it's your learning but it's not knowledge it's a form of godliness denying the power and that's why you can't catch your breath because you're in class ignoring the lesson and I found out until I found out the two reasons you can write this down author write it down I found out the two reasons why people cannot catch their breath either number one they have the wrong teacher or number two they have the wrong attitude because if you got the right teacher and the wrong attitude you still can't learn it if you got the right attitude and the wrong teacher you still can't learn it you got to have the right teacher and the right attitude see I'm teaching good right now but some of y'all gonna miss it cuz your attitude bad yeah you I'm looking at some of y'all right now and you if you gotta know anything about me I'm hard so I ain't worried about you I'm looking at some of y'all like I'm talking and I don't care because I really care about you and I'm not going to not tell you the truth to make you feel better so that you can keep talking about God ain't real and he don't work no you're not following the policies of procedures and when you don't file follow the policies of procedures it doesn't work for you you cannot stick a key in the tire and expect the car to start up you're not following the protocol put oil in your gas tank you ain't going nowhere it works and you can't catch your breath because you won't work it your memory that's long I've been running and I ain't got it ain't it ain't that they have that much stamina is because they they yeah it's because they believe in what God is saying wrong teacher wrong attitude now I'ma be honest with you here it ain't the wrong teacher I'm just going to put it out there I ain't the best but I'm good enough and and and if you if you listen at me at all you ought to be further alone than where you were where you started at all if you just if you just take 1% of what I see it [Music] that old that Oh ladders what people say I ain't growing here you ain't growing here because of what you did when you weren't growing but it ain't because of me you'll get that on your way home it's some other areas where you didn't grow and what you didn't grow and still go here so you got a go cuz you didn't grow but you're gonna blame me cuz it's easy I didn't tell y'all to date I didn't tell you how to put your name on the same lease I didn't tell you to do that that was your decision and now I can't grow there I ain't getting a word no you just sayin don't mess with me I fight every one of you I promise to god I might not win but I'll do it every one of them I study every day to show myself a proof that I might be able to write a divide the Word of God I don't give you warmed over sermons you don't come in here knowing what I'm gonna say next it ain't the same sermon last week or last month or even last year you get daily bread here [Applause] anybody who ain't got the right attitude and the right teacher you ought to be able to catch your breath I don't know who I'm talking to but you need to tell the dev I'm taking my attitude bad I'm tired of walking around with a funky attitude I'm tired of walking around with my nose stuck up in the air I'm tired of walking around timeout I don't know what's wrong with me find out what's wrong with you so that you can go from learning to knowledge and just gonna be honest I ain't over my daddy not being in my life just going to tell the truth I'm not over being molested I'm not over being raped I'm not over what happened to me golden get it out so you can get over it I grew up watching abuse I grew up watching my mother get a head beat in I grew up watching my father addicted to alcohol whatever it is just go and get it out so we can move on my parents divorced it crippled me because it happened at a critical time in my life okay now we know now let's move forward so you can you are in your own marriage you don't have any right to be disappointed about a one you didn't you wouldn't even in you are married with children and you broke up because your mama got divorced maybe you better get up and you better move on and hold your marriage together if you get broke up about divorce make sure you don't get one and let's move on catch your breath slap somebody's house this is the year for me to catch my breath I'm not gonna walk up in this church every week and drive 20 miles to still be out of breath when I leave here I came here to hear something from God and I'm not gonna let him go until he bless me somebody shout catch her breath wrong teachers that's why Matthew 7:15 I believe it says that you got to understand that sometimes you can be listening to false prophets who are wolves in sheep's clothing and let me tell you something about a wolf a wolf has two senses scent and stamina see when you mess around and think you're growing it you get around the wolf that can smell you from a mile away and then outrun you see the greatest thing about a wolf is a wolf can run but thirty five miles per hour in short bursts they don't have to run fast all they do is they just run steady and they let you get tired and five miles down the road when you can't run anymore the wolf comes in and kills why because they can smell you and they got the stamina when you are round wolves you got to understand it can always run longer than you false prophets wolves false prophets wolves see sometimes wolves have words be careful with somebody who always got a word for you and especially if y'all ain't even like that if y'all ain't even like that high God speaking to you about me and we Neve n' like that we got to establish something before I have non pastor speaking to my life I have business professional speaking of my life I have young men speaking of my life but we like that we got a relationship we got something going on you can't just pop up in my lifetime how God told me a word for you what's my name he didn't give me that take your word how you know you got the right person if you don't know my name so you gonna tell me he gave you a whole prophecy about my life but he and give you the first thing my mama gave me a name if you haven't been given charge see in this house I have a word for you because I've been given authority by the Holy Spirit to speak into your life that's why sometimes you come here you're like man how he no have you ever came him like hey let me just go hell and ease your look your little nerves don't nobody tell me now about you some of y'all don't even know your name I can't tell you how many times I go to the mall to somebody like hey passed up like hey you only remember me I used to say yeah I don't even like them are black huh nope I don't know you you don't remember me I go to your church and remember me uh-uh I was there and October for the anniversary baby let me tell you something if that's the last time you've been here don't nobody know you got come around here more often than every quarter for somebody to know who year when Jesus was on the Sermon talking to Sermon on the Mount he talked about the ability of having humility you see most of us can't get to knowledge because we're not humble see arrogant people don't learn so sometimes you got to watch out for the wolf that is in you because arrogance will eat you from the inside out and when you think you know it all you can't learn anymore and the knowledge that you have got you here but the knowledge that you have cannot get you there you always need more knowledge to move along that's what I learned from everybody I learn from everybody five-year-olds 50 year olds it does not matter God as my witness asked my family I learn from everybody a little kick and say something to me to make me say oh and they so honest that they don't even know they're helping you you got to have a spirit of meekness the meek shell and what inherit the earth you got it you got to have an attitude of gratitude too many entitled people in the world they think they deserves stuff you don't deserve anything but death hell and the grave those are the only thing you've worked for everything else is grace I said everything else everything else then let's check we get des grace the law house we live in that's grace the look car we drive that's grace the fact that your children were born healthy that's grace that's grace the fact that you can see walk that's what the poet says a reasonable portion the health and strength that's that's great the arrogance is killing us let me tell you something all unnecessary anger is the stepchild of arrogance all unnecessary anger is the child of arrogance the more arrogant you are the more angry you are because you think you're right even before the argument begins people who are arrogant they get to anger fast because they already think that they know let me tell you how unreliable your brain is and you think it is reliable you think you remembered exactly how it happened that's when arrogant people argue like that I remember exactly what happened that can't even remember what happened yesterday but they remember every bit of an argument we did we did a study in one of our staff meetings and we showed him a picture we let him stare at the picture for 60 minutes I'm excuse me 60 seconds and they looked at the picture for 60 seconds and the job was it's for instance Ross had to tell Torrance who have to tell pastor Warner who had to tell a pastor Reggie who had to tell rod what they saw so so he saw the picture we're all saw it he told past it he told past he told pastor Roger had to draw it in the picture 60 seconds ago it was to beat chairs and a castle by the time it got to him he drew a mountain lion and a scuba gear because your mind is not as reliable as you think it is I know you think you know it all but you don't even all you don't even know all of what you know your mind is not as reliable as you think it is you arguing about something that's unnecessary because if you would just take the humble road and say you know it's possible that it didn't happen the way I thought it's quite possible that the way I assumed it to be was wrong and might I come to this person or these people or this situation and say you know what it is possible that I got it wrong tell me what happened from your perspective that's humility arrogance says I don't care what you think I'm right or I'm wrong but I ain't gonna admit I'm right which is double arrogant let the church let me get him in here so y'all gonna wake up don't sing the whole song we ain't got time for that mean you grew up in church a long time if you know that song led to deacons ooh how many y'all been to church a long time you've been runners for Jesus a long time me you ain't tired yeah Paul said Timothy you know what you got to know this is where I'm finishing I couldn't even understand Jesus Paul's answer that is he said what am i doing all this stuff and it's the last days and and and help me why does he answer by saying that all Scripture is inspired by God like what I come and tell you how these people treat me you gonna give me a Bible verse I don't hump now I just want all the honest people in here don't sometimes when people give you a holy answer it get on your nerve I just like I only need a hundred honest people the other 400 y'all can go to bed like when somebody be like you know this happened to me in a be like pray about it what you don't think I did that already I don't wanna pray you know the Bible says good things come to those who wait where I ain't never read that scripture it's amazing how people take colloquialisms and say you know the Bible say what goes up must come down no that's gravity no the Bible say when praises go up where but that's what Jesus did to the devil when he tempted him he tempted on me and and and he said man should not live you see by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God jump off this cliff you shall not tempt why would he say that pastor why would he give him a word when he needed a strategy all word is inspired then I looked up inspired in the Greek and as a compound word Theo's NUMA Theo's Numa Theo's means God the study of God theology say Theo whenever you see Theo theocratic God ran see this nation is not theocratic it is democratic which is why we are going to hell and when I say we I mean there are a lot of us in the name of democracy that are doing a lot of things that are not in the Bible feel God NUMA breath God breathed NUMA you you wanna that's why when you can't breathe and your lungs are filled with liquid you have new so what he's saying is Paul the reason why you should be able to withstand what they are doing to you is because God has breathed in you Oh y'all y'all not getting this okay okay alright I wish I had a balloon right now it just came to my head if I had a balloon right now it was rubbery was flat but I blew it up and then tied off to end to leave my air in it my breath created its form [Applause] and since I breathe in it I took what wasn't and made it what was and as long as my breath is in it it will have its formed and if you were to do a study on the molecules inside of it you could connect the breath back to the blower so the reason why you should be able to withstand everything that the enemy has done to you is because God blew into you and because his breath is in you you can now maintain your form tell somebody I'm keeping my form no matter how much pressure I'm under I'm keeping my form no matter what they say about me I'm keeping my fall no matter what they do to me why because this joy that I have can't be traced back to them it can be see you're God's instrument you are God's instrument and in order for a horn or trumpet or saxophone to make a noise you got to blow into it see since God blew into you then he expects a sound [Applause] so for those of you who sitting there like I'm not talking to you you're not operating according to what you were created to do if God picks you up as an instrument and if he has blown into you the breath of life everything in this house if you don't believe me go to Psalms 150 let everything that has breath [Music] [Applause] somebody say God breathe into me he breathes it to me he breathe it to me and since he breathing to me I'm keeping this phone come hell or high water I'm keeping this substance come hell or high water so what the devil has done to some of y'all he's gave you pneumonia and you stopped breathing and you stopped worshiping well God blows in you his spec sir he expects to what sound a saxophone don't got to get warmed up my trumpet don't need the song to be in the key of F sharp a trumpet doesn't care whether it's hot or cold outside it doesn't care whether it's raining our sun is shining it doesn't care it was created to make a noise and if you blow into it right you're gonna get a sound out of it if God has ever breathe into your life no wonder the gates of Hell cannot prevail against the church because in Acts chapter 2 he blew on it I came to tell every person in here if God has ever breathed into you the breath of life I'm here to tell you that you cannot lose it's not three people to say no matter what you're going to win the battle hallelujah he was reminded Timothy no matter what happened to you don't forget what I put in you so now I can catch my breath or is it his breath [Applause] is it his breath and since is his breath and he's from everlasting to everlasting touch so never say I've never ran out of it I've never ran out of it the devil tricked me I thought I was tired that was just a pit stop because now I gotta get back up and get to my destination [Music] high five people tell them you can't turn around now you can't turn around now you can't turn around now you can't turn around now you can't turn around now you can't turn around now you can't turn around now st. the season to be tired REE then you got to get your second wind and now is the time to do it now is the time to do it now in the face pain death hurt frustration relationship issues money problems baggage that's when you got to go harder you give up now and you might not ever get there you you didn't you didn't put too much equity in a distinctive give up and go back now why would you do it why would you quit now I know it's hard cuz everybody remember I told you this word was for all of us we all struggling oh I know who I was telling this to but it's something about especially for those that how many of you all in the room are between the ages of 30 and 50 raise your hand just look around man let me tell you something these these years these you see now your kids done lost a mind you losing yours and your parents lose it everybody losing their mind at the same time and I don't mean that to be funny if your mother is 65 75 or 85 years old she's not who she was if your child is 18 28 they ain't who they was and if you 30 or 50 you'll kneel you don't even know who you are you feel younge but your knee keep going now [Music] wonder why your back hurt but you don't look old and I'm telling you just walking about [Applause] rebuke you in the name of Jesus your children need money for college your parents are retiring or if not retired this is the most expensive time of your life are you still trying to find out what your career is you got people relying on you and you bout to crack and fold because you ain't ready but you got to get ready it's like this it's the twilight zone emotionally you're crying and don't even know why you're crying but you can't cry in front of people because they rely on you right so do you your sons are asking for stuff you can't afford but you feel like you got to give them what you never had it's a rough time that's what I'm trying to give you the tools to make sure you get the right teacher and get the right attitude and and and know who breathe that is God's air you are breathing since it's his air you're gonna keep your form do you all have what I'm saying today is it clear do you trust him do you believe him I would not have I remember one of the worst days of my ministry I will never forget it I went to a pastor and I asked him what was the secret to pastor him and he looked in my face I promise you this was in the year 2004 15 years ago he looked me in my face he said keep the people ignorant he said if they don't know nothing they won't know what you're doing and it killed me cuz I wasn't gonna get any for that I wasn't gonna do it for that it was the only time in my life my mother had to tell me to get back in church I had gone to college and she she found out that I hadn't gone to church in a couple of months and she said boy I raised you in church she's outraged in church everything you know was God and see even though times have changed even though I was grown seed the way our mama's raised us grown didn't mean nothing I don't know if it's still like that is it still like that for some of us in here like okay you twenty-five and I was still and I joined the true love Missionary Baptist Church in Fort Wayne Indiana under the pastor Jesse white and he later on past hey I wish I I wish I could tell you how many things that I've been through when pastor Jesse white died I was twenty years old so you've never heard his story I've got so much in me I was 20 years old when passed the white died if you went back in and you looked at the old Baptist saying he was a killer go back and found out Jesse white he was a monster he can hoop with the best time he put it in a flat yes sir full voice no falsetto when he screamed everybody went crazy when he passed away out of all of those preachers in there they axed to me would I be the next pastor of the church Church weren't up for a vote and it came down to a couple pastors and do you know on the day that they was scheduled to vote somebody set a fire in the church evacuated the church and then they later on reported the vote had come in and I had lost and the other pastor had won so I've been going through this stuff a long time see what people were going what people go through at 50 I was going through at 19 I had to call my mama tell I said mama I didn't get it she says cause it wasn't for you see I had to catch my breath because that not the winner to this day I have never put an application in at a church to this day every Church that I've ever led as a senior pastor I organized from the ground up to this day and for people who want to know how the lighthouse did what it did and it's doing what it's doing they got to go back and look at the history that when I was 21 years old I'd started a church just like this and it did the same thing that this one is doing I ain't new to it I'm true to it I've done it before in a city y'all got neighborhoods in Houston bigger than the city I grew up in neighborhoods like Sienna Plantation and all those neighborhoods forward if you took the total gross domestic product of every house in that you can probably buy a whole town in one neighborhood there are more there's more money in certain neighborhoods in this city than our whole city and that's including the budget for the city and the people who live in it been going through it a long time it seemed like from the time I was born until recently every so often the devil would do something and not to win out of me if it wasn't that it was starting the church and then resigning from it to come here thinking that it was going to be something else and then it was some deaths that was another though the enemy always swings at a winner [Music] that's why you feel like you've lost your breath because if you can't breathe you can't live if you can't breathe you can't persist if you can't breathe you don't have stamina if you can't breathe you can't keep going catch your breath and when you do make sure that every time you breathe out there was a sound I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise so continuously be in my mouth I want to do something before we go one of the things that I think is the last stronghold for us to go from good to great is to be able to go from a standstill to a worship without a lot of pumping and project that sometimes I'll release you to speak to God and your level is so low that I have to keep saying come on come on come on come on come on but the truth is is there is enough wind in this room to make a joyful noise so let's practice right now open up your mouth [Applause] give him glory you got 40 more seconds come on give them glory don't you complain louder than you worship given born [Music] come on you got you got 30 more seconds give them glory [Music] give him glory give Him glory can run 12 seconds of glory give him glory come on Timbo seconds of glory let the redeemed of the Lord [Music] don't forget you're the instrument not them you're the instrument don't forget the breath is not in the organ it's not in the keyboard it's in the musician and in the worshiper come on you're an instrument use your voice like a trumpet shout into your walls of Jellico come tumbling down shouting - the devil gets his hands over your children shout until you recover from what happened to you you can recover when you don't rejoice rejoice in the Lord again I say rejoice my soul shall make her boast in the Lord [Music] come on Holy Ghost come into this room we're catching our breath we're catching our breath and we're going to use it for worship we're going to use it for worship we're gonna use it for sure [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] with a great give thanks to the Holy One give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ his son give faint with a grateful heart give thanks to the Holy One give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ his son let the weak say I am strong let the poor say I am rich because of what the Lord has done [Music] for us come on Lefty boys and let the wigs say I am strong Oh because of the love the Lord has done do you have one more idea Oh like a week anybody struggled in your finances before [Applause] because [Music] I feel it one more time in my spirit every week and straw somebody push arms around and say I won't tell what's going on in your finances with the policy not because of my job but because of the world [Music] yeah [Music] this is and when people ask I'm gonna let y'all go but I feel the Holy Ghost in this room how you going to do when you do what Gatto for the rest [Music] not making sense amazing fair [Music] and when people that [Music] you serve how you're going to do I know you can ask now it's time for you to do it da so [Music] you know what I'm talking about yes are you for the rest of your life making sense it's making faith [Music] people now I'm going to do with your hair OH - ah ha ha ha you do look at all you do for the rest [Applause] [Music] I make [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't be good at anything you don't practice you can't be good at anything you don't practice if you don't know how to work your practices [Music] you're not accustomed to a practicing get credited until you do it [Music] god Walter yes [Applause] yeah [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] so today [Applause] we're so happy bird [Music] getting out breath God [Music] we're catching our breath and I will not be sad I will sure come on you catching your breath you're catching your breath as low [Music] we don't get out of here saying I will not be Oh [Music] [Music] come on a secret search yeah Oh everybody lives you boys all over this house - once again in this way to see how we Wow Oh - all I will [Music] my soul Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] some street people say I just got my breath back I just got my breast I'm not gonna be tired when I wake up in the morning I'm not gonna be frustrated when I get to work tomorrow I'm not gonna be angry when I get home I'm letting old things pass away and all things have been coming to snaps about us say you're looking at somebody do you look at somebody new you're looking at somebody which is somebody say neighbor after all I've been through I still [Applause] the enemy should have killed you when he had a chance [Music] [Applause] [Music] look isn't matter some day I was sitting deep in sin I was shot from the peaceful Sun very deep this day with either signature eyes no more but the master see mother spirit cars now sorry and say maybe with drops it wasn't alcohol it wasn't a man it wasn't a woman it was a love [Music] I feel glory in this room I've got about a hundred yard cuts in his altar si devil I'm bringing it all to the Lord I'm bringing everything I've got to the officer I'm not leaving in the same way I came that's a change that's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] I've come to blow like that into every area of your life I come to blow life back in every area breathe again [Music] breathe again breathe the can breathe the king the Lois says breathe again [Music] breathe again inhale exhale breathe again breathe the game breathe again three the gal breathe again read again breathe again breathe again [Music] ruff
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 90,474
Rating: 4.8328257 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, pastor keion henderson, pastor, ask the pastors, young pastor, shepherds after my own heart, preach, rejection, leadership, elevation church, sermon, highly sensitive person, faith, empath superpowers, church, empath empowerment, be the leader, inspiration, resurrection church, amazing story, conversation, relationship with god, waking faith, jesus, believing in god, universe sermon, lighthouse sermon, lighthouse church, nature, god, win
Id: CSTInkmgQx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 56sec (5276 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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