The Purpose of The Place | Defending Jacob Series | Pastor Keion Henderson

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hmm [Music] [Music] he raised [Music] [Applause] [Music] anybody know who we're talking about [Music] has he been good in your life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're still in our series defending jacob how many of you been watching online just raise your hand in the comments section have you been watching how many of you all here been watching the series have you been enjoying it i wish i could tell you was almost over but we might be half done uh because how many of you know there is so many parts of this story it's hard to cover um i may just have to turn it into a book and just write it and and let y'all read the rest of the sermons um but today i want to kind of deal with some of the situations that jacob dealt with once he left home and remember he went to a place called haran because his mother told him to go there to look for a wife and when he got there he found a girl named rachel and rachel was feeding her father's sheep at the same time that jacob showed up that's the part of the story we're in now so the jacob and esau thing and the blessing and and the fighting and the hill all of that has taken place now he's a man and now his life is a reflection of his choices because you've heard me say this before you were born looking like your parents but you died looking like your decisions and so now he is in the midst of his choices but the grace of god which surpassive all understanding guards jacob even in the midst of his discrepancies and i just want to let you know that there is no wall that the the vines of jesus cannot climb over to reach you no matter where you are how many of you all believe in that kind of grace i don't want to read all of these verses but the bible just basically says this and i'm in genesis chapter 29 verse 15 the bible says that laban who is his uncle basically says um i heard your mama sent you to be here y'all anybody got an uncle i was with my uncle a couple of summers like your mama sent you here to make me i'm gonna make you a man you know so he goes there and he says well let's make a deal if you're gonna live with me rent free let's make an exchange work seven years said you work seven years he says what's your price he said uh well uh you got a daughter named rachel if you'll exchange her for the work then i'll work said deal the bible says that he works for seven years he's so in love look what he says it felt just like only a few days shout there's some love right there in it seven years nine to five seven days a week and he said it seemed like only a few days at the end of the story it's time for him to give rachel to him and he says oh it ain't our custom to give the youngest daughter first work seven more years and i'll give her to you i really wanted to talk about his reaction because some of y'all you know if people wouldn't uh if he didn't held his end of the bargain how many of y'all got some gangster if you were to work seven years and then the seven years was up and you didn't get what you worked for that's okay let me put in your language go to work tomorrow work all week and don't have no check direct deposited into your account thursday at midnight because you ain't supposed to get paid to friday but you'll be on there 12-1 ain't paid me yet now you get okay let's talk about even though he is in a difficult place this is a hard place eric he is in one of the most difficult places in his life but god sent me to talk to other people who are in difficult places to tell you that there is a purpose for this place let's talk about the purpose for this place you may be seated in the presence of the lord to those of you who are watching online and you are in the city of houston uh if you are not here at this service meet us at vegan bay studios for our central location we'll be there at 1 30 and we're going to do it all over again whole another sermon whole different vibe jacob came to [Music] haran for two reasons the first reason he came was because his mother told him that i overheard your brother esau say that he was going to kill you and since you my favorite boy i'm putting you in the know and you better leave while you still can how many good mamas out there that it doesn't matter how wrong your child is you will defend them do i got any mama bears out there you will go to the school with rollers in your head crocs a bonnet pajama pants and fight a five-year-old about your little jacob she said you got to go son so the first reason he left haran pastor warner is because his mother told him this is your best chance at evading murder number two the second reason he goes to haran is to find a wife because his mother and father did not want him to marry of what would be called the heathen nation that meant marrying somebody outside of their religion or marrying somebody outside of their culture so go where the family is because at least we know that they share the same value system james as we do so go now don't take american context and put it into biblical context because then it was perfectly normal for families to intermarry there are places in the world today where it is still coming so i know we think that it is off-putting but i want you to remove yourself because if you don't remove yourself from the culture you will miss the scripture he was doing something normal by keeping it in the family so he goes to haran where he finds rachel i put that into the discussion is because he's going to one place called haran but he's going to haran for more than one reason he's gone to one place but the one place has two purposes and the reason why i want to talk to you about that early is because sometimes we will leave the place because of the first thing that happened sometimes we will decide deduced and think that because something bad happened in that place then that place is not for us but god sent me to tell you that he is so brilliant in his design that he always puts more than one purpose in one place that sometimes you may endure a hurt in a place but they that wait on the lord shall also receive joy in that place they put paul and silas in prison for punishment but they didn't count on the praise and they didn't count on the release so in the same place where paul and silas were locked up they were also vindicated by god to show the enemy that god always has more than one purpose for one place are you with me so far nebuchadnezzar threw the hebrew boys in the fiery furnace so that they could be lunch so that they could burn up so that they could dry out so that they could be eliminated but god had another purpose not only the fire but he sent a consuming fire to appear in the furnace as the fourth man who was likened unto the son of god daniel was supposed to be food for the lions the lions became a pillow for daniel because god always has more than one purpose so whatever place you're in right now you may be in the painful part of it but if you just hold on god sent me to tell you there is another purpose for the place you're in somebody say there's another purpose our pastor you should say it this way that god is too kind to be mean and too wise to make a mistake so that even though you're dealing with the tumultuous tenacity of pain oh they that wait on the lord shall renew their strength they will be in pain in that place but they will also mount up with wings as eagles in that place in one place the nest for the eagle is a place of rest the heavier they get it is the place for escape sometimes god puts storms in your nest so you don't stay longer than you should could you imagine how long an eaglet would stay in her nest if the mother did not put needles underneath the feathers who wants to get out of bed when it is perfect who wants to get out of bed when the temperature's just right who wants to get out of bed when you don't have any but but sometimes you got to get out of it because you got a job to go to and even though you want to stay in the bed you get out of the bed because you gotta you gotta go to another place because sometimes going to another place equips you to keep this place are you with me so far nobody gets to keep a home that stays in the home sometimes you have to leave that home to go make the resources to keep that home because sometimes god sends you to another place so that you can survive and keep the place do i have any witnesses in this place and online this morning laban said jacob um because we are related uh and and you're going to live with me i think you should serve me and some of y'all like serve because people don't like to serve anymore but service is not a bad word uh in fact god is looking for they who will worship him and serve him in truth somebody say i'm a servant he says you should serve me um for for a little while and and and and jacob said all right well what's what's the pay what's the pay scale what's what's the dollar per hour he said well you name your price he says all right um well my price is rachel and i will serve for seven years in exchange for her hand in marriage now he didn't make this up on the fly he didn't just say i want rachel remember if you were with us the last couple weeks he just saw her at the well how many of y'all remember that she was watering the sheep he saw her at the well the bible says he looked from a distance and here is what the bible says the bible says that rachel was well favored now i got to tell you something because the world the word favor in the hebrew doesn't mean that you have the favor of god if you look up the word favored in the hebrew it means that rachel was well-formed she's a brick i mean from a distance at the well jacob like damn who is that like oh that's rachel that's that's laban's daughter got to have that dog got to have it i'm about i'm about to wife her i i got to have i can't i can't i can't let her get away so he says i want i want the well favored daughter now he gets into the house and recognizes that there are two daughters but there is an issue the bible says that leah exact words has a delicate eye well favored delicate well favored delicate i like favor so i worked seven years for favor don't you miss me i worked seven years for beauty and the bible says that rachel was beautiful and well favored and well formed and the bible says that all of a sudden he falls in love but the lord told me this and i'm telling you this is going to help a lot of people here their relationship starts but the lord showed me something and and it is something that all of us are are guilty of knowing but not always pursuing when jacob sees rachel for the first time she is working now rachel sees jacob working for the next seven years and then the lord gave me a revelation that relationships are about work and they stop working when the workers stop working come on help me out how many of you all have ever been guilty of stopping the work because when you get in your feelings you quit when we get in our feelings we opt out of the responsibility so the revelation that god gave me is that relationships are work she was working when he met her he was working for her and the relationship started working are you listening to me christian or not preacher or not rich are not poor or not male or female american domestic foreign tall short it doesn't matter what your stature is if you are in a relationship they only work when the people in them are willing to do help me out and when the work stops i don't care how saved you are it's over you can bring me to the altar and pray all you want to you can put oil in a food and pronounce it blessed when a person has made up in their mind that they're done working y'all gonna say man are you gonna say ouch somebody say it's over so so the reason why we struggle in any relationship we have is because it stops working when we stop working on our selfishness when we stop working on our quick tempers when we stop working on our jealousy when we stop working on our attitudes then nothing works because in order for it to work then the people inside of it have to work listen he worked for how long seven years and what did he say it seemed like only a few days now why did it only seem like a few days the lord revealed this to me as well he loved her and love covers a multitude of sin when you really love somebody doing for them is a little bit easier than doing for someone else who am i talking to he actually he actually loved her so much that he worked for her for seven years now because of the events of my life over the last three years and what i read in this scripture i did not recognize something until i looked at it just this past week he worked for her for seven years and it took seven years in order for their relationship to take the next step and then the lord told me to tell some of you all based on the lesson that i learned that it can take seven years for a season to change in your relationship if you're not willing to give that uncomfortable thing seven years you'll be out of it before you can be blessed then the lord told me he said keon tell him there is something to it because in order for a week to end it takes seven days and tell him when i was on the cross in order for me to get down i had to speak seven times y'all not praying with me today he says when i created the world i rested on the seventh day and even though seven is not a time constraint what god told me to tell you is sometimes it may take a long time for the status to change and so when you give it 90 days when you give it one year you haven't given it enough time because sometimes it may take seven years for him not to be stubborn it may take seven years for him not to be a mama's boy it may take seven years for that person to get the same kind of work ethic that you have it may take seven years for a person who's married to an unsaved person for them to even hear or want to go to church with you i'm talking to somebody and you may be in there talking about if it ain't listen if it don't happen in the next year i'm out of here but what if god told me to tell you that you could be unhappy for seven years and it would take seven years for the season to change if you knew that kind of work going in who would choose it it could take them seven years to hear what you've been saying every day it could take them seven years for them to get the subliminal message that you're trying to send it could take seven years for you all to get on the same page about how you discipline your children it could take seven years for them to understand how affectionate you need them to be to stimulate your mind it can take seven years from there to understand that you just need to be hugged for 30 seconds it can take seven years for them to understand that they don't speak to you when you walk in the house raise your hand if i'm helping you so far because sometimes we think that two counseling sessions and one fight should fix the whole thing seven years for him to get to the next level with his woman but he kept coming to work and he stayed on the job and the bible says it was easy for him because he loved him i wish i had time to tell you what love was and now these three remain faith hope and love and the greatest of these three is god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have ever no greater love has any man than this that he will lay down his life for his friend when when the lord said peter he said uh will will you feed my flock he says because if if you love me you will do it see he wanted to find out peter not are you a hard worker but do you love me because if you love me you'll work for me you're not you're not getting this so what i'm trying to tell you is the reason why our neighborhoods are so selfish the reason why america is so selfish the reason why we're fighting amongst one another it is not about political parties it is about a lack of love we don't have enough love for one another we don't love our brethren as we love ourselves and when we start loving each other even though we are different and even though our skin is not the same color and when we start loving each other whether we're rich or poor and whether we start loving each other no matter what sin we have committed because the truth is is most people hold back their love when they are offended but they want love when they are the offender somebody say i love you just tell your neighbor i don't know you but i love you i love you and the devil is tricking us because we we don't understand how important love is i don't have to know your name to love you we don't have to be best friends all i want to know all i want you to know is i want the best for you i want god to bless you i want god to lift you i want god to encourage you i want god to bless your family everybody shall all we need is love the beatles tried to tell us faith hope love and the greatest of these three is love and if you go to the new king james version of the bible it says faith hope and charity oh god why charity is something you give to the poor and charity is something you give to somebody who can't pay you back which means that i should love you even if you can't love me i'm gonna talk to this side because some of them over there looking at me out the corner in their eye the reason why love is called charity is because it is given to people who don't have the means to give it back yes you can love somebody who loves you but what do you do to somebody who's so broken that currently they can't love you back that means sometimes y'all gonna be arguing in the house and it's gonna be their fault and you're still going to have to hug them because it's charity work it's not equality it's not me paying you back love because you gave me love love is charity guess what if i got the stream today and i got the patience today you could be wrong today but it is my job to act like i haven't been offended because this love i have is charity not exchanged who am i talking to in this place who am i talking to upstairs i don't know what sermon you came looking for today but i came to tell you there's a purpose for this place and the purpose of this place is to show you how to love when you don't feel like loving and when you feel unloved because the church keep telling you got to have faith no matter what yes you got to have hope no matter what yes but the greatest of these three is love which means that your love ought to be stronger than your faith help me in this church today god so loved the world that he gave of himself even when he didn't get anything from the people he gave himself to peter if you love me you'll feed my sheep it took me a long time to recognize that the one thing love is not is selfish that the problem with most of our love languages is that we love people in the same way we want to be loved but the truth is is you have to love a person the way they need to be loved even if it's not the way you understand love and i went to the school of hard knocks to be your professor today to show somebody in this room who may not be proficient in this language that love is charity work which means you have to love the person who least deserves it you still got to love the dude that hurt your daughter's feelings she just stood up and said reverend you're in my lane now i'm sorry i ain't i ain't saying nothing else about that she just stood up you know her sister serious when she stand up and put her dress down i'm done what is jesus if you love me you'll keep my not if you're perfect not if you're holy not if you're intelligent but yes if you love me because when you love me you'll do the things that please me you don't feel like cooking no but if it pleases him you don't feel like washing her car it's hot outside but if it pleases her oh y'all i'm gonna come down here and i got attitude you don't like cleaning up but if it pleases him was raised like this all right that's how you was raised but but how do you love because we always want to talk about how we're raised but my question is how do you love [Applause] well i was raised we didn't hug people but if it pleases me give me a hug i didn't grow up in the house with affection that that's just fine but if it pleases me slob me down that part i want you to know i ain't accidentally said and i'm here i know what i said i drunk protein this morning they told me i got to be done certain times so aaron i'm gonna be done aaron i got you all right this beautiful love story sarge this beautiful love story man beautiful love story lord told me it took seven years and if you're writing notes mama vicki here is the first thing the lord told me that the purpose of this place is to learn patience who any impatient people online and in the house you you working on my i ain't even all the way right i'm not i'm not even right so you can't play with somebody who don't start off right i ain't even right to begin with the purpose of this place is for us to learn that sometimes it takes longer than you're willing to wait how many of you wish you have known that 10 years ago that the purpose of the place is 25 that the purpose of this place i was you all got time i was i was recently talking to a pastor and he had a couple in his church who had gotten a divorce and they had been married i don't know i think 25 years gotten a divorce he went his way she went her way one of their parents died you know something about their relationship they stayed in contact and they stayed friends the father died god shows up for the girl they're in the 60s now they end up getting remarried and the per the pastor that i was talking to he said something profound to me he said if they had stayed together for that period of years time would have made them what they eventually became but sometimes in the midst of the walking in the midst of the journey we don't recognize the purpose for the place and we leave the place without learning the lesson of the place and if you don't learn the lesson of the place you'll end up in the same place and what i'm trying to get you to understand is that if you don't learn the purpose of the place you will make every place this place you will be unhappy everywhere you go you will be frustrated everywhere you go you will feel like a victim everywhere you go if you don't learn the purpose clap your hands if i'm helping okay all right if you want to go deeper say go further all right so so he gets to this place and he learns patience but this love story is tainted by the character of his uncle laban because this joker ain't no good he ain't no good one writer said that his heart was covered by the cosmetic of deceit most women will understand this that cosmetics can change the appearance but they cannot change the person how many of you ever seen somebody all dolled up makeup laid hair as they say in the old school fried died and laid to the side fellas zero to two percent body fat walk around swole up all day long got a turn like this just to turn directions more money than they can spend but it's makeup cosmetics and the reason why i talk about that is you know that you're dealing with somebody who's cosmetic when you cannot get close to them without having a stain [Music] you always know you're in the proximity of someone with just a little bit too much it's because you cannot get close enough without having the mark of proximity on you as you release and if you don't recognize this you better hear me that that is one tough stain to get out cosmetic people if you work for me i'll give you rachel it's makeup he has no intentions oh my god i wish i could be here all day long he has no intentions of being good he has no intentions of being honest he has no intentions of being better he just wants the labor you must understand that there are some people who only want you in their life because when you showed up and start working started working but it was cosmetic he did not intend to do his nephew right let me tell you something everybody in here listen to me if you don't intend to be right leave people alone leave them alone i'm old now i ain't young like i i know when you're younger you can try to figure it out but when you get 40 and 50 years old ain't nobody got time to be playing with you if you ain't serious go set your butt down somewhere please you will save somebody years of pain and yourself too spirit person cause let me tell you something nobody gets out clean don't nobody get out clean everybody gets stained he had no intentions of being who he said he said all right come on and work come on and work i got work for you to do i got work baby i got a job baby he said come on and work he worked for seven years seven years of work and it seemed like only a day but at the end of the seven years jacob goes to laban and says hey man i'm ready to get paid it's friday i've been working for seven years reverend adams i am ready to be paid today now if you use your imagination you know what kind of payment jacob talking about he been looking at favor for seven years come on now five more years to come it's payday laban says oh nephew made a mistake it is not our custom to give the younger daughter away before we give the oldest daughter away look at this gangster talking about custom after arrangement because they both know the arrangement and i have a problem with laban that he owes jacob but jacob has to go to him to get paid you know why here it is laban is selfish and selfish people always wait let's talk let's talk let's talk now some of y'all gonna opt out of this part of the sermon depending on which one you are selfish people always wait i'm gonna wait to see if they speak to me before if they don't say sorry i'm gonna be sorry when they say sorry but until then selfish people always wait listen this is how you know you're selfish you're willing to give it after them i'll hug you after you hug me i'll cry if you cry if you hold my hand i'll hold it back but i ain't gonna reach out in i know you there but unless you slide your foot over there i'm gonna pretend to be asleep and some people got that down baby lord don't let that don't touch me please jesus don't tell me if i could just act sleep then they'll think i'm asleep and they think i'm sleep then they'll go to sleep so we'll both be asleep a selfish person primarily is concerned with you fulfilling your end of the agreement while they negotiate time to fulfill their end of the bargain your change needs to happen now but you need to understand why it's taken them a long time to change you need to be better now but not me because i'm selfish i've been this way a long time so i need you to be patient with me while i learn how to be unselfish but because i'm selfish i expect you to do end time what i can't do on time because i'm selfish but i can't admit it because i'm too selfish to have how many y'all know any selfish people he's selfish why would he do his own family like that there's ain't no pain like family pain you know it's the kind of pain that comes with somebody you didn't expect it from the kind of pain that come from somebody that you worked seven years for seven years and this is what i get i didn't come in late i didn't take a day off i gave it everything i had i know i know that you know that because he's getting ready to ask him to work another seven years you don't ask anybody to double down on the effort that wasn't good in the first so we know that jacob and i'm here to defend jacob we know jacob did what he was supposed to do for those selfish laban who has these ways about himself that he just either can't cure or won't cure while demanding the work be done by jacob he's selfish and if there is one altar that i came to destroy today is the altar of selfishness laban is pretending to be on jacob's side and god told me the second purpose for this place is for you to find out who's pretending i'm telling you now there are some people in your life that are pretending and there are some people in this room who are in the lives of other people and you my friend are pretending pretending to be happy pretending to be loyal and at the end of the day you don't have to do it laban did not have to do jacob this way the lord sent me here today on assignment to tell us that it is time that we tear down the altar of selfishness and it's hard because the first law of nature is self-preservation but we can't keep talking about the first law of nature when we're talking about selfishness and then talk about our living the kingdom of god when to talk about money do you ever ever notice how people keep changing kingdoms when they need a blessing i'm in god's kingdom when it's about change i'm only human when it comes when it comes to being blessed and highly favored what is it it's you know i'm in the economy of god when it comes to changing who we are as a person i'm only human either you are spiritual or you are human and by that we mean flesh we all know we're human but that is not monolithic in this explanation we're talking about carnal or spirituality and if the rules of the kingdom govern my life in resources then they govern my life in the way i treat my brothers and sisters somebody repeat out to me god i don't want to be selfish anymore and i don't need anybody in here to fake this because god sent me here to destroy this altar if you have ever been selfish in your life at any time and if you have any selfish ways i want you to spend the next 30 seconds talking in the heavenly language and i want you to connect to god online and in this building and say god i came to tear down what selfishness has built up in my life i don't want to be selfish anymore i don't want it my way or the highway i don't want to do the things that i've been taught i want to break that altar down because when you are selfish you mess up the flow raise your hand if you've ever been selfish thank you for being honest i have i have you know you're selfish you you pre-plan your reaction even before you got a problem you already know what you already know what you're going to do before it even happened but that's selfish because you haven't given grace an opportunity to mandate something different from you because when we are carnal we are selfish let me tell you something about the flesh and i'm gonna give you the last point have you ever noticed that everything you do for your flesh has to be repeated okay all right so y'all remember when jesus was at the well with the woman who had had five husbands and the husband the man she was with you remember what he said repeat after me if you notice if you drink of this water you will never what okay because that was in the spirit now in the flesh she still had to drink water every day because anything you do for the flesh has to be repeated you have to take a bath hopefully every day i ain't talking about nobody i'm just talking about what i'm talking about you have to eat every day listen on a side note we fasted the last 24 hours how many of y'all fasted with us online and in the house we fasted i called pastor torrence at about three o'clock and saying i'm i'm about to fail we started talking to each other i said man i'm so hungry he said you two reverend i said i'm shaking he said me too reverend i said i just imagined i was eating nachos with chili on it now that ain't even nothing i eat but i starved my body and my body became selfish and it wanted something that wasn't good for it and when you are selfish you consume the wrong things lord destroy the altar of selfishness say it again lord destroy the altar of selfishness say it again lord destroy my altar of selfishness you won't even know you're selfish until it's too late i know if you're honest sometimes i have to look back on myself and say that wasn't right you didn't have to say that but selfish people want to feel better and not be better because i'll feel better if i tell you what's on my mind but in order to be better sometimes i have to keep what's on my mind to myself and when i get to the point where i can keep what's on my mind to myself and still feel better now i'm maturing because now i don't need to spew venom on you to feel good about me i'm doing the best i can let me hurry up and leave so the purpose of this place the purpose of this place that you're in is to learn patience the second reason is to learn who's pretending the third purpose of this place is to learn perseverance when it came to laban when it came time for him to give jacob rachel laban switch girls on jacob so jacob goes into a dark tent thinking that it's rachel can you imagine how excited he is seven years of anticipation for old rachel and he goes in there and he he doesn't know who's in there because you have to understand that they got the same mom and daddy just because leah was cross-eyed doesn't mean she wasn't fine too come on i'll let you boy now just cause her i was delicate doesn't mean she wasn't stacked like her sister see y'all if you read the bible for real and stop being so holy this thing is entertaining some of y'all will be reading the bible thou art god who created the heavens and the earth i'll be reading it like and rachel what you did so he go in there okay oh and i hear i hear you i know i know i know i can hear you with me yeah but he should have knew her voice [Applause] what is my dude man and if you know anything about the custom pastor torrance being the theologian he will tell you this am i right about this martial she was heavily veiled let me hurry up and get through cleo let me get out of here he's he's he's heavily heavily veiled mother hammond she she she's she's hidden like if you look if you ever been to the middle east or if you've ever seen anybody from the middle east who now resides you you go through the galleria you you can't the only thing you can see is so that's her attire literally her lingerie because in that culture covering up nope y'all ain't gonna tempt me mm-hmm i'm 49 i ain't 35 no more i know better so it's a whole mixture so you got a woman and and and and you got a possible whisper and the bible says he had a vial of drink now isn't that a recipe for a disaster she's delicate he been waiting and he drunk what would you do see this is the problem i can't i can't stand church folk because they always holy until they got a vial y'all are always judging folk but i want you to put yourself in jacob position he been waiting for seven long years to get what a fine favored woman it didn't matter how tender i was jacob said i'm taking one for the team now you can say whatever you want to say about jacob i'm defending jacob leah knew she shouldn't have been in there why y'all up here judge and jacob she was fully clothed jacob didn't know who was in there but leah knew who was in there oh i'm jacob's lawyer you can say whatever you want to lea knew she wasn't rachel so leah didn't say nothing which means that she wanted jacob the whole time it was it was coming to america one all over again how come she always gets the good ones shannon don't look at me like that man so say what you want i work for jacob jacob didn't know who was in there no he didn't shaleen i'm tell you right now but leah knew lia knew she had no business up in there but she went in there anyway she could have said in there jake i mean i'm good with this but this leah i ain't gonna say no i just want you to know who in here she she ain't saying nothing i gotta let y'all go then i saw something can i teach you the difference between jealousy and envy how many of you about show of hands think she was jealous of her sister how many of you by show of hands and online i want you to put it in how many of y'all think she was envious of her sister oh man y'all so smart y'all so smart and you're smart people because jealousy is when you kind of wish ill of somebody you're in opposition with but envy is wishing you had now i know some of y'all didn't know the difference but you've been to school so long you know not to go with the first answer you just went up second on i'm just gonna guess on this one i'm gonna go with envy cause i didn't know the difference until i studied it she was envious she spent seven years wanting the same thing that she saw her sister about to have and so she became frustrated that her younger sister was about to get married before her because remember what the custom was the older daughter gets married first and the older daughter can't the younger daughter can't get married until the older daughter gets it so now the order has been changed and now the older sister has to see god have favor on the younger sister the same favor that was on jacob when you're looking for somebody to spend your life with look for somebody who has the same favor that you have so now and i gotta i'm gonna preach the rest of this essentials so some of y'all wanna come to the after set that's where i'm gonna be she's frustrated with her sister and here it is i'm done she's upset because her sister's season has come before hers all the envy that has been brewing in the earth because you see somebody else winning before it's your turn never let somebody else's season send you into skepticism when it is your turn it will be your time and you don't have to do anything to rush or to fast forward or to manipulate when god says it is to be so somebody say it is so in the morning jacob woke up recognizing it wasn't her and he went to his uncle and said man you tricked me and he said well you know i am selfish but i tell you what if you serve another seven years you can have her i am amazed at jacob's response jacob didn't pull out a knife like peter he didn't pull out a slingshot like david he pulled out humility like jesus and said yes i will you will know that you have changed when you start responding the way you used to and i can't help but feel that jacob must have thought man i kind of deserve this because i've been tricking people out of stuff my whole life and so i'm not going to be so upset when somebody offends me because i have been offensive oh god help me because i want to say that jacob shows us that the accusable shouldn't be so analytical isn't it amazing how many broken people have something to say when you are going through your broken season the world is so full of judgmental people who when you have fallen down are judging you but if they were famous like you or if people knew them like they know you or if they were a supervisor like you are and their raggedy life was put on display like yours we would know that they got bigger issues than the people we know about y'all better see a man in this place today it's amazing how people who are broken can be so judgmental your life is not good enough for you to pass judgment on anybody else you got too much going on in your life to be gossiping help me if you can't help the person next to you his response is tapered by his experience you need to remember what god brought you through you need to remember how many mountains he carried you over you need to admit that you were one day away from a divorce yourself and you need to admit that you got a job and don't nobody know your felon and you need to admit that you have two children three children and although we all think they belong to the same person and yes you have been through a bankruptcy yourself or two and you've gone through repossessions and you have stolen from your job and you lied about being sick because you wanted to go to cabo uh i got covert i'm gonna be down six months all have sinned and come short of the glory of god and i came to tell the church today that god told me to tell you that it does not matter jacob or rachel what you have been through i am the redeemer and i still live and i've got grace for that and every morning there are new mercies if there's anybody in this room that has ever been the beneficiary of the mercy of god i want you to give him about 30 seconds of praise that he did not throw you away when you were wrong i got more sermon than i got time somebody say thank you for the grace come on somebody say thank you for the grace if it had not been for the lord on your side it was not about your money it was not about your connections it wasn't about your intelligence it was the grace of god [Music] stand to your feet the purpose of this place is to show you not to quit it's hard to work when you're disappointed it's hard to work when you look like a fool could you imagine how hard it was for jacob to show up the next seven years working for somebody he really don't trust but he trusted in the lord who is the maker of both heaven and earth and without giving you the rest of the sermon because i got more summer than i got time most theologians don't differentiate the fact that it seems like jacob really worked 14 years to get her but if you do the math and the chronology by the time rachel gives birth to her first son joseph it was before the seven years was up even though man had said it was going to be seven years god says i'm gonna fast forward this thing i don't even know that god will fast forward it for you that he will redeem the time and what it takes somebody else seven years to do god says i'm gonna give it to you in seven months how many of y'all believe that you're getting ready to walk into a season where god is going to expedite the situation for you somebody shall do it lord say it again say do it lord [Music] so jacob said go ahead have your honeymoon with leah stay with it for a week then i'll give you what you've been waiting for god told me to tell you that it ain't gonna take that long i don't know who this word is for that although i told you it might be seven years of a difficult season because you've got the favor of god on your life pierre god says you won't have to wait so long if you believe and say i receive it he says once i teach you patience then i don't have to make you wait you got it if it takes you seven years to learn patience then it'll be seven but if you learned it in seven days seven weeks seven months i will fast forward the process and i am getting ready to give you the ability to walk in your destiny prematurely you're gonna get there before anybody else expected you to get there you're gonna get there before you expect it to get there you're going to get there before anybody believed you would if i'm talking to you say that's for me so those of you all who are up there the word of god doesn't just work for people on the front row for you sir waving your hand all the way in the back the word of god is nighty and that whatever you've been waiting for for your family whatever you've been waiting for and praying for for your children and whatever financial difficulties you have been dealing with i decree and declare in the name of jesus that they are over and god is about to reward you and he's going to redeem you and he's going to review you and reward you i can tell you a man of faith i can tell you a man who loves your family i can't even see your face but i can see your spirit i've got lights in my face all i can see is you holding a baby and see your hand moving but god told me to tell you that the hand of the lord is upon you and god is about to bless you with more than you have room enough to receive [Music] whoever you are whoever you are sir [Music] god says that you are a servant of a church and that whatever church you join you will be one of his greatest servants and he said based on that service he's going to bless you that men will serve you whatever you're building is going to turn around and men will serve you [Music] receive the word of the lord [Music] if you're in this place today you've never been saved they don't do this at church no more i'ma do it today if you have never been saved and you have never accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior if you've never said father i stretch my hand of thee if you've never fallen on your face and say god i'm selfish and i need you to tear down my altar and i want to connect with a local assembly online the same thing goes for you they're putting instructions up on the screen right now this is what we call soul salvation it's not enough just to go to church and say i'm connected will you be committed [Music] will you work for god while he's working for you if you're in this place today and you're not a member of a church if you've never accepted christ or maybe you've accepted him but you want to get back on the ball i want you to meet me at this altar right now i want you to meet me at this altar right now i know you got your mask on they'll keep you socially distanced but i need somebody to take a step for jesus and when they come i want you to begin to bless the lord i want you to begin to bless the lord when they come god bless you my brother come on lighthouse make it a big deal they'll take you that way and god will perfect god bless you come on lighthouses they're coming you're blessing the lord [Music] somebody shout sooner or later it's gonna turn into my face god bless you daughter come on lighthouse make it a big deal [Music] god bless you god bless you there's another family there's another family some are joining online right now welcome to your church welcome to your family [Music] sooner or later [Music] god bless you that's still coming that's still coming [Music] soon sooner or later god bless you my brother god bless you my sister [Applause] god bless you god bless you [Music] sooner or later [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] okay i can't i can't make this up all right first of all bring this family right here i'm just a quick volunteer somebody i don't know sir uh in the white shirt i don't know you do i do i know you you don't know me come here real quick okay because see y'all don't believe god is real all right i want you to stand here come up here don't worry about it come up here i want you to stand here i want you to look up there and tell me can you see anybody can you see anybody's face no sir can you make out anybody's countenance anything do you know anybody up there just silhouette sir okay just silhouette so all i see is silhouettes i've never seen this man a day in my life but remember the prophecy he's going to be a servant in the church he comes to me and says sir hired me to be the floor guy in the dream center wow [Music] y'all don't tell me god ain't real i need somebody to open up their mouth and begin to give god some pride [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at how god does things ahead of time see prophecy doesn't work it didn't happen because i said it i said it because it happened y'all not here with me today and i decree and declare that this is not the end of the work that god is getting ready to do more for you than he's ever done before do you work other than that do you okay you own your own company what other skill sets do you have your general contractor jackie are we still looking for a building maintenance man you're hired please step down sir step down you got a full-time job you got a full-time job somebody give god some praise in this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh now let me tell you he got the right spirit he said sir i own my own company but this is my guy right here he's in between jobs right now can he have it yes somebody give god some praise give god some praise somebody give god [Applause] [Music] come by somebody said it's gonna turn out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sooner or later [Music] [Music] jackie how long have we been looking for that position we've been looking for a position to feel for over a year which shows you that god will never let anybody take your space that he will keep it vacant for a year if you will trust him look me in my face sir if i can trust you you can trust me you give me one percent of your trust i'll earn the other 99. if i can trust you with this building you are hired you have a job and there is plenty work to do and let me tell you this ain't the last building we're gonna build the purpose of this place was to show you patience the purpose of this place was to show you who was pretending the purpose of this place was to teach you perseverance and they remember this scripture i don't know how many you know don't forget this one they that wait on the lord what you say those that wait on the lord shall renew their strength shall renew their strength they will have wings they will fly and never walk god bless you my brother i love you man all right let's go home so i i wanted to bring this gentleman up here thank you for for your help sir because a lot of people they look online and haters to say it was planned but if you stand here you can't see nothing never seen that man a day in my life i had no idea that he was hired to be the floor contractor for the dream center we don't even have the floors yet so i haven't been over there to see the floor kim how many days ago did i just pick the floor i just picked the floor a week ago i didn't know who was going to do it i just know what i wanted prophecy is not me making god doing anything it is me proving to you that god does it and then i announce it lord thank you for these souls you added to the church thank you for those who came online thank you for being a visible demonstration to the church of jesus christ that you are still alive we give you all glory we give you all honor and all praise in jesus name we pray everybody shout amen fist bump somebody on the way i'll tell them i love you ain't nothing you can do about it god bless you [Music] [Music] turning back [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] over [Music] is [Music] it's turning around [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have [Music] if you want to join be a part of what we're doing here hit the number on the screen and remember share send this message to someone someone needs to hear it let's go to the lord in prayer full of god we just want to say thank you just for the word that was given we prayed that someone's heart was touched and someone's mind was changed we love you god all these blessings we ask in your son jesus name amen hey remember we love you here at the lighthouse church nothing you can do about it see you soon [Music] if [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 28,717
Rating: 4.966527 out of 5
Id: 2v_wQsgtPes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 18sec (5118 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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