The Right way to deal with the wrong attitude | Pastor Keion Henderson

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if you love them come on and just give them praise in this place today come on you can do better then come on and give him glory hallelujah listen I want you to go to the book of James chapter 1 James chapter 1 I'm going to read well I said I was gonna read 19 through 21 but why do I feel the 16 17 18 spirit I'm gonna stick with 19 I'm gonna preach about 16 17 18 that's what we're good verse 19 says we're for my brother and my beloved brother and this is not a gender specific word he's talking to the to the body of Christ he says wherefore my brethren let every man again not gender-specific let every person be swift to hear slow to speak slow to anchor your Bible may say wrath but that's what wrath means slow to anger in other words she's saying don't get attitude so fast can I can I just preach about the right way to deal with the wrong attitude is that Alright just touching them say pastor wants to talk about the right way to deal with the wrong attitude you can sit down this is what they call pastor Reggie that's what they call it up here preaching I just want to make sure that I'm in the right place because I could have could have been mistaken how many y'all would admit to having like a look jacked-up attitude okay who didn't raise their hand there's this little scripture said that all Liars shall have their part of the lake of fire all right everybody has you just you just haven't come across the thing that makes you just act up yet everybody has a bad attitude and and I'm not being down on you today I'm not being facetious because we all deal with attitudes but I thought what better way to start off the year with knowing how to manage your attitude because you know what your attitude is really only your response to what has happened to you I'm reading something and it is it's talking about what's there's an idea and every time I put something in me eventually comes out by way of study I'm reading this it's called stoicism it is this idea from the ancient Greek mythological days where basically let me just put it in in simplest terms life is not what happens to you life is your response to what happens to you that you actually have a choice how you respond to what they do I know you don't think you do because I know you think that because they did something so jacked up that they deserve your response but you do know that you have a decision on how you allow what has happened to you how you allow it to affect you stoicism says that we have to understand that we are held responsible in life for our actions and not the actions of other people so what other people do is on them what you respond to how you respond to what they do is on you old preacher once told me he said if somebody ever treats you wrong and you know that God has your back he said don't kill him let him die he says because if you killed them is homicide if you let them die it's suicide and the blood isn't on your hands how many people in here today how will admit that you are impatient with your response to people who caused you pain that you don't wait on God to do it you do it and then you ask God to do it more come on now we we're gonna be honest and and God tells us to what stand still but what do we do we hurry up we are disobedient and let me tell you disobedience by my definition disobedience is the thing that shortens the distance between pain and pleasure that when you are disobedient to the Word of God listen you cannot be disobedient to God and then be angry about the pain disobedience causes see we live in this time and you if you listen to people people have actually started to blame God for their decisions have you heard people say like this I I don't know why God let that happen to me well the wages of sin is death the gift of God is what eternal life God has a will right but it is called a permissive will what that means is is that even though God is in control of everything because he cannot alter the will of one man without altering the Wills of all men then he allows what he calls his permissive will to allow us to get the ramifications of the decisions that we make Paul says that if you are not obedient God will turn you to what he calls a reprobate mind what does a reprobate mind a reprobate mind is a mind that believes that it has all it needs and so then since it has all it needs then it's also responsible for sustaining itself which means that when you are disobedient God turns you over to a reprobate Mahana you never know when that's gonna be because the Bible says to every man he gives a measure of grace so you don't know when your grace is gonna run out but when it does then God turns you over to yourself and when he turns you over to you you're not only responsible for your choices you're also responsible for your survival and I don't know about you but my testimony is if it had not been for the Lord on my side I don't know where I would be so so so we deal with this in this text and so we've got all of this stuff that's going on whether it's relationships or whether it's social media whether it's marriage whether it's children whether it's your job whether it's ministry whether it's money we got all of these things that are bombarding us and it's messing with our attitudes I've never seen so many people with bad attitudes in my life how many of y'all know I mean people are listening people are so angry these days it's really scary I mean I mean people are doing some of the credit and so everybody's got this attitude they they angry in the morning they angry and traffic they they angry in the bed they angry when they sleep they just sleep with a frown on a face they wake up angry they mad cuz they fooled a mad cuz they hungry they mad just mad look at so labor right now don't look at him dang start smiling until you looked at him and the Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength listen I can't speak for the world but I do know that if you are a Christian you have something to have joy about and even in death the Bible says that we can weep but we can't weep as those who have no hope so even in death the Christian is supposed to have joy and here's what grandmama said joy unspeakable joy so we've got to learn to deal with our attitudes you heard this in school your attitude determines our what your altitude here's what he says in verse 16 James says do not err don't make a mistake brethren he says in verse 16 James says he says I don't want the people to err about God's relationship to their trouble so listen to what he says he says you can't disobey God and then blame God for the pain you can't not tithe and then ask God why am i broken it's true it's it's it's impossible and this is what we do we we err we we make decisions that have consequences and then we get mad at God because he doesn't meet our expectations okay for those of us who tithe and I'm this is our you some other examples it's just the one that came to my head for those of us who tithe let me tell you something we may not we may not be rich we may not have houses we may have we may not have land but let me tell you something we mean it when we said our God supplies all of our needs I need every tire in here to be honest sometimes it coming you don't know where in the world it came from I'm telling you what I know it'll be last minute it'll be in the nick of time it'll be just enough but he is a provider anybody know he is a provider touch three people say he's a provider why because when I am obedient I am now restricted from the consequences see Joe was a righteous man and when death came and when storms came yes he did lose his children his wife turned her back on him his brothers and Friends said his wife said curse God and die his brother said we don't know you all of that happened but because he was an obedient man watch this God gives him double so it doesn't mean that we don't have temporary losses but it also means that we have permanent gains and when you are a root when you are obedient to God he rewards you he takes you out here it is Malachi he rebukes the Devourer earth and that word devour actually means devil don't miss it give he says when you give test me on this and see one eye opened up the window of heaven pour you out a blessing that you don't have room enough to stand see watch this one I rebuke the Devourer in other words when you tie God says your tithe as a force field between what I want for you and what the devil had planned and when you survive it's not always because of your wit it's not always because of your intelligence some of us in here right now have survived because we got that seed in the ground and that seed has been protecting us I don't know what I'm talking about it has protected us from what the enemy has plant touch what neighbors say put your seed in the ground I'm a witness it's true it's true I've bent I remember my mother used to make us put our 10% of whatever we got in the sandwich bag and we had to take that sandwich back to church on Sunday and put it in church and I'ma be honest with you when she first started out I struggled I struggled with because I thought it was mines but then I recognized I recognized that giving God 10% and keeping the 90 is better than keeping the hundred why because god when you give him the ten he'll give him back I know this is simple but I'm just trying to help you before I get in it he'll give it back what good measure press down so you can't blame God for the pain when your disobedience is word watch what he says in verse 17 let's put verse 17 up on the screen because I want you to see this because I wanna this is Bible study right every good gift and perfect gift comes from above listen to that every good gift and perfect gift every good gift and perfect gift now this is why studying is important because if you don't study you look at every good gift gift and every perfect gift gift and you'll think it's the same thing and the two worst gifts here in the text and the Greek two totally different words two totally different words remember the Bible was written in Greek Hebrew and ever made it was translated into English and we don't always have the words so I've told you this before so in in Hebrew in Greek you would have for the word love you'll have storge you got agape you got folio see all of those words mean love but when you get to English we got one word for love and that's what see we tried to get slick and say are you in love do you love me are you are you in love with me but we still using the same word so sometimes when that translation happens it ends up fitting into a English word without giving us the full veracity of the diversification of the term but when you look at it here it's two different words are you with me so far am i helping you so far so watch this the first gift watch this every gift and every perfect gift is from above the first gift means listen the character of the giver so so every giver he's talking about the character of the giver let me stop see when you give the gift and you go back home and say that preacher acts to me for $20 and I gave it and didn't nothin happen you know why something was wrong with the character of the giver see I don't want to say man you gotta say come on now now that's what the scripture says that God loves or what cheerful heart see what nothing wrong with the gift you gave what was asked but you either gave him but grudgingly or you gave it with the wrong character and whenever you give the gift with the wrong character then you rob the seed of his power therefore getting no return because the first gift that God wants is your character that you have to give it from a good place in other words he wants a cheerful Giver that you got to stop giving what a bad attitude oh y'all ain't gonna say man it's amazing how a church starts everybody is hallelujah praise the Lord the praise team is singing is gonna be big and everybody oh you dab and you're doing all that kind of stuff anything and then it's offering time and dealing your tears dry up your Holy Ghost sleeve you sit down and you get quiet and if you were worship doing the offering if you were worship doing the offering if you would if you would worship doing the offering if you worship doing the offering if you will worship doing the offering not fake it because God is a reader if you're a worshipper through the offering and if you give with the right character then the seed gains the power to bless your life because the first gift is the character of the gift god help me in this place so you got to make sure that that that you correct your attitude doing offering that when the preachers up here taking the offer you came be out that time and they go with this again man but then get home some of our Lord open up the windows of heaven and pour me out of blessing no you got to have the right attitude touch and ever say the right attitude when they when we say listen is given time there ought to be praised that erupts in the sanctuary why because the gift shows that the giver is on the way we give and it is given to us so whenever you disperse God feels and then he feels until you get into overflow so I'm telling you that when we say it's often time don't roll your eyes don't get mad and don't let non-tithers talk you out of your blessing you giving all your money to the church what's wrong with you I wouldn't do it if I was you and guess what they may have money but they ain't got divine protection because my gift don't pay my bills my gift make sure that cancer goes to somebody else's house my gift makes sure that the blood pressure stays down my gift makes sure that when I'm not with my daughter that God is protecting that when I'm not with my mother God is keeping that when I'm not with my sisters God is providing do I have anybody who's ever tried God you gotta have a good attitude when it's time to give you just to be excited because they don't matter what you're given as long as it's a sacrifice god it's not counting the sin well your gift is smaller than hers or hers a small you got I don't care about that God says is it is it a sacrifice for you well good that faithful serving you've been ruler over a few things you've been faithful over a few things now I'm going to make you what ruler over much it's not the size of the gift it's the size of the sacrifice and when you give right you're not embarrassed if I took a offer right now say you know what God told me you know that it was a hundred people here who can give a thousand dollars the first thing they were saying all night no church but they got no thousand dollar line I don't like them searches I like them kind of searches lets you come and give what you want I ain't met a stole yet that comes in and say you know what I want to pay I decided this shirt ain't worth about but thirty dollars that's what I'm gonna pay for it no they got a line attached to a tag and they tell you how much it's gonna be and if you don't get that amount you got to get out - hello somebody why is it that we can go other places where the price is set [Music] [Applause] I heard nobody said I would like to go no grocery store to got a $5 milk line it shows you the value you put on the gospel ii speaks of the character of the gift he says a perfect gift now how many of y'all know that God doesn't change he don't change and anybody glad he don't change anybody go ahead to God ain't like us here's what verse 17 says with whom there is no variation no variable God doesn't change he's the same yesterday win today and forever more and here's what I like is a church word neither no shadow of turning oh that's his food you said you got a no Church to understand that ain't no shadow of turning to God in other words he changes not he's the same yesterday he's the same today's the same forevermore this is the gospel ladies and gentlemen of his own will begat he us see the gospel was not man's initiative which is why he has a hard time explaining it the gospel was not man's playing that's why we have to receive it from the Holy Ghost so you have a person trying to explain why God meant what he meant and why God said what he said the Bible says that we know but that which we know we know in part don't nobody know it all so I told you Sunday what is God looking for us to do he's not looking for us to know he's looking for us to believe he's looking for us to believe and so when I give my gift with the right attitude I believe that if I give her the God he's gonna give it to me back and that's why it works for me why because he blesses the belief are y'all here with me today so here's the first thing you got to do you got to recognize God somebody say recognize God you got to recognize God you got to know when God is talking you got to know when God is speaking you got to know for yourself and the only way you're gonna know when God is talking is that if you have the kind of relationship where you talk to God where nobody else is around Church cannot be the only place you encounter here are you with me this is not the place this is not the place to just encounter with God I mean you got to pray at work how many I'll pray it worked they better be glad you pray too ain't it they're glad you know how to pray you got to pray I pray all the time the Bible says that that you should pray and never what pray and never cease and and that doesn't mean that you got to be weird walking around and bless the Lord O my soul all the time and and put a prayer on your on your voicemail and and a and and no don't be a weirdo and I don't like when people get so saved ain't normal no more you know they they they just don't do it I got in the car and the Lord the Lord started my car this morning no he didn't God don't god don't start cars I got up there and I got the praying in my car wouldn't but I called on the head I called on the Angels in them and the angels came down and started up my engine no they did that's called combustion got after bed and the Lord put on my house shoes touching them see you just too holy for me we give them people who every other word oh I woke up this morning bless God and and and thank the Lord and I got up and he and went to work bless the Lord shut your mouth you can bless him at the beginning and just keep on talking you got a recognize God you got to recognize God you got to recognize him now watch this and I'm getting into the word and we're gonna be done he says he says one notable practice of faith in Jesus Christ is that we receive the Word of God so not only do we have to know God we have to know the word you have to know the word the Bible says that you have to rightly divide the word of God that you might know the word of truth you have to study to show yourself approved that means that that's this is what the psalmist was saying that you meditate on the day at night so what should happen is usually hear a sermon these should go home and either you know either get it on the on the CD or get it on YouTube and listen to it again that's called meditating on it day and night and you got to go over it over and over and over and over and over and over it again and and then that that's how the work gets in your heart because of the repetition of it and and and we always think we need a new word sometimes you just need to listen to the one you heard Amen somebody how many of you know sometimes sometimes leftovers are better now I don't I don't particularly eat them but boy some greens on day two ain't nothing like a cold chicken leg right out the refrigerator just a a cold chicken wing no heat of nothing anybody I'm being fresh out the refrigerator let every man now I'm getting ready to show you something this ought to be a revelation let every man be what slow to speak right you got to be swift to hear slow to speak slow to anger now how many of y'all use that scripture before what I have just showed you is a misapplication of the scripture I did all of that to get you to the place where most of us use this the Bible says that we ought to be swift to hear slow to speak and slow to anger and we think that we can apply that to an argument but this is James executing the gospel talking about recognizing the word so what he's actually saying ladies and gentlemen is that those of us who are saved should be swift to hear the word of God slow to speak during that word which will lead to a slowness of anger in other words you've got to go after the Word of God you got to be quick to hear you got to say I was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house I can't wait to Sunday you got to be quick to get to the Word of God most of us think that when we're arguing somebody see the Bible says you got to be quick to hear you ain't listening to me touch your neighbor say I saw Jesus this text is actually telling us how quick we ought to be trying to get to a word that we should be swift to hear he that has an ear let him hear we have to be swift to hear then slow to respond told God help me that means that you should not take this sermon right now and be tweeting it by the end of the day how you gonna tell your followers what you haven't digested [Applause] here you are here putting out tweets and Instagram posts of a word that you heard and it hasn't even breathe or lived in your life yet and you have given your virtual way before he has been effective if you let it work on you then when you say it it'll be convicting and convicting I'm preaching the yard so you did all this on this high fiber class then you're gonna get here and be asked you can stay at home if you're gonna do it is slow to speak stop taking everything you hear and throwing it right out right away slow to speak be quiet meditate on the day and let it be that word have I hid in my heart that I might not say let it sink in hold it in a little while let it work on you before you try to work on somebody else go to medical school before you try to be a doctor let it counsel you before you try to be a prophet let that work sit on you let it work on you let it break you down let it open up your mind frame let me work on your perspective just because you can memorize scripts it only you can be a preacher but I want to get you in right and stop letting people call you to preach stop letting people tell you you ought to be a preacher then they don't call you God does you look like a preacher what they look like you're gonna do this thing you got to burn the midnight all you got to study to show yourself approved you got to walk it you got to live it and then recognize you can't live up to it you've got to know the word everybody say know the word let every man be swift to hear when God's message is proclaimed we must be in a hurry to respond to it I want you to understand that what I'm saying to you right now is so important that you ain't even got time to think about it and we just well you know let me see if that's true see if you are already in your word and you hear me say it it's only confirming what you know that's why we respond some of us that can say hallelujah before the sentence is finished cuz we are yeah that's true I don't write that who am I talking to that I know it for myself don't need nobody else for it is important for us to hear the word of God somebody shall hear the word have you ever noticed and I need 100% participation have you ever noticed how long it takes a sermon to affect people but how quickly negativity can like if I say the wrong thing that you right now you could get it attitude oh you could be ready to fight him three seconds but why is it taking a sermon three years - I'm gonna say it again cuz Evernote like I you get it could be a bomb word or awesome word and then you're like I'm trying I'm just struggling I'm working on it I'm gonna get there good be patient with me God ain't through witness yet it seems like when God is at work it takes so long in and we're always working on it and we're always getting in we ain't quite there but we're on that way but let's somebody say something to you that word gets to your heart quick why is that who am I talking to why is it that your sister can get on your nerd f ass I hope none of y'all sisters don't go to church with George Jesus she said yes she did what why is it that your coworker can get you riled up that fast why is it that your spouse can make you want to commit murder why is it that your children can make you curse the day and then the word of god comes through the same ear gate the same I gain and it does nothing why is that it's because we do not have the right attitude towards the things of God the quieter you are the longer I'm a preach it's not why is it that you could be in the worship service and everybody's slain in the spirit but you like I remember looking out the audience sometimes you know people so smart I said put your hands together and give God some praise one of the baby say it I said oh you love bad baby why is it that evil can get to our heart quicker than kindness you can get your feelings hurt real easy ready way to walk away from God attitude messed up you can recover from surgery quicker than you can somebody hurt you get Church somebody hurt you at church is like you can go get you can go get heart surgeon be back before some of y'all would people who get open heart surgery recover faster than people who get they finish hurt at the church people get they finish heard of the church they need 62 years to recover now you only gotta say man I'm talking up in this place today I'm talking and I'm right about it touching them so I know he right you get your little feelings hurt at the family picnic and you take three years before you come back to the family picnic because you can't stand to be around Ernestine because Ernestine didn't like your cornbread Earnestine Busey she thinks she's somebody and we're quits a raft quit to get angry that temper rate up so yeah I got a snatching spear Jesus angry mad and I slow the wrath why because the attitude is out of whack attitude is out of that perspective is all wrong they hurt me look at what they did to me God why'd you let them do me like that God I'm I'm I'm faithful I'm loving I try to be a good person why they do me like that i her own bother nobody but I finish everything I just don't bother nobody and it's the wrong attitude ladies and gentlemen and you're speaking too quick on how you feel you don't even know how you feel yet and yet you're already speaking on it swift to hear slow to speak we got it reversed we slow to hear and quick to speak I'm almost finished listen what he says lay apart this go to verse 21 this is where I want to hang my head lay apart it's a compound word in the Greek watch this it gives the idea of taking off dirty clothes and putting them in the hamper or gives the idea of a person eating something recognizing that it is not good for their health putting it down on the table and pushing it too far for them to reach it God says that your attitude is like yesterday's outfit I want you to take it off and I want you to push it well you can't reach it when you feel naked that's where most of us are when we are not snapping and going off on people we feel exposed you only feel clothed as long as you getting somebody together you only feel confident as long as you're getting somebody straight you only feel strong when you cussing somebody out and you think it's weak because you didn't say nothing help me hold it goes you think it's weak because you let them get away with it you think it's weak because you ain't get them straight you think it's weak because you didn't let them know what you know but God says that attitude that you have it's like dirty clothes and the last time I checked dirty clothes don't fall off because they dirty dirty clothes don't fall off because they're dirty if your shirt is dirty you still gotta push the button through the loop you still got to take it off and your attitude is just like a zipped up jacket you got to take it off it ain't go follow God says I need you to take that attitude and I learnt you to throw it in the basket and the hamper and I need you to close the lid on it so that you can put it in a place that you don't desire to go when you want to get dressed and God says that attitude for you has become your armor every time you feel naked every time you feel exposed every time you feel weak every time you feel inadequate every time you feel rejected you put those dirty clothes back on he says I need you to take that negative perspective and I need you to get it so far away that when you feel naked you can't reach it but we leave it handy we hold it just in case just in case they get on my nerve just in case they say something I don't want to hear just in case I gotta get with them they shouldn't have made me act like that I don't even do it like that no more I'm a Christian but they made me lose my religion God says that attitude is like soil to tire unbecoming of you and filthy and should be thrown in a place where you don't go to get dressed no one helped me in this place it's it's it's dirty I need you to take that quick tongue and put it on the table and push it so far you can't reach it when it's time to speak by the time you get to the tongue you'll be don't forget what you're supposed to say Who am I helping cuz see you can't take the stuff back once you said you can't you can't you can't you can't take it back so once it's out there in the atmosphere how many relationships could you have saved if you didn't react so quick how many friendships would have survived if we didn't blow off the handle nobody here is exempt I'm talking all this y'all even the nicest person here could be mean on some day yeah and this these are the people you got to watch your Mattel you let me tell you one I'm a nice person that's the evil half a day I'm telling you right now when when every time I I'm a nice person I'm the worst person is the one that don't know they got a attitude and some of y'all nice nasty just cuz you ain't like us you look devious [Applause] my spirit is vexed people think just because they ain't yelling ain't arguing yeah but that little look you just gave me better be lucky I'm working on my attitude because it's called growth everybody said growth I was talking to a young man today I'm talking to a young man today and he and I were talking about some stuff he's he's a great volunteer here to church and a staff member and we were talking about this he said man when I grew up he said when I grew up my father he said my father didn't really know how to teach me how to be a man he says so so everything I learned about manhood I had to learn it as a lot do you know how hard it is to learn how to be what you're becoming without somebody who is to show you um that's that's why this message is so important because some of y'all were not given the equipment you are not taught how to do this I grew up under a pastor that whenever somebody came up against him the way to get all I was to go crazy what do you do when you're trying to be a mother who talks about you were raised by mother who yelled what do you do when your heart says stay but you were raised by people who left what do you do when when you are a prayer warrior and somebody else was a knife carrier young man told me he said he said Rev the story blew my man he said I ain't been in church since I was six he said this church thing is new to me he says I was he said I went to church at six now he's 36 and this is first time coming back 30 years some of y'all can't even imagine that 30 year hiatus and he says all I know is when I was young we went to church early in the morning so he said the first time I came here I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning and came he said cuz when I thought back in my life it was early so I just went he came in 6 o'clock the security man said sir may I help you he said I'm here for church's head bro we'll start for it another few hours he's I just went to Starbucks and waited on y'all to open he said but I'm here he said why I said why are you here he said cuz I want to be on the team that's the right attitude he doesn't know anything about church he doesn't know how we supposed to dress he doesn't know Church length he just here because there's some other people who are here who seem to be doing something good and he wants to be a part of it that's what the right attitude is the wrong attitude says I need to know everybody's business and when I know what I'm a judge them and when I judge them then I'm gonna make myself superior to them and then when I'm gonna make mistakes on my acts for grace sometimes I'd rather have people who never been then people who've been in church their whole life because sometimes it is an attitude that has to be unlearned sometimes there's a purity that comes with not knowing my problem is is that we've let our experiences ruin our perception of this thing that we call fidelity to religion and we've allowed our experiences in another place to tell us that this place will be the same and here God has given you a fresh start and you keep a spoiled perspective and I am telling you that this is the year for you to change your attitude about going to work go to work and work until God releases you this is the year for you to change your attitude about going to church ain't nobody making you come and it ain't no drag you got to wake up in the morning so I'm glad that I'm alive to go and worship God I am glad that I've got the activity of my limbs I'm glad that I is anybody I'm changing my attitude even though things are not always okay is there anybody here Selma bless the Lord at all times and I'm gonna give them praise no matter what it feels like I don't have all the money I won't buy hallelujah anyhow I don't my bills on behind but thank you Jesus my relationship is in trouble but i'ma bless him at all times [Applause] you have to stop allowing your circumstance to ruin your attitude you can be positive even when it's negative if you decide to you can have joy in the midst of sorrow if you choose to you don't have to be mean because they're mean to you your problem is your attitude is your outfit you dress in an attitude you feel naked if you don't get if you don't clap back you feel weak if you don't get even and you hold on to it and you hold on to it thinking it's hurting them and you are the one dying from it listen to me there is no way to hurt somebody who doesn't care about you they don't care you could walk around mad all you want and they don't care you can block them they don't care if they care they be knocking on the door your attitude is a jack you got to unzip it you got to take it off you got to put it in a place where it is inaccessible to you when you feel like it's time to get dressed it's the lingerie and it's dirty I challenge all of us at the top of 2020 to work on our attitudes it's not frowning all the time practice smiling you'd be surprised how good it feels you know you're so good actually did you know this you can smile on purpose no seriously like you could literally be like what it's true read it you can google it smiling will send endorphins to you it will make you feel better you don't have to wait on something to be funny to laugh I know people that when stuff is funny they determined not to laugh they don't matter you gonna make me laugh smile be happy let people off the hook forgive ignorant people what's the worst that could happen you could be happy you could be happy I wish I had time to identify how many fake happy people we have in the room you ain't happy I'm living my best life no you not you want situation away from losing your mind if one more person say something to you you liable to lose it all I wanted to start this year helping you to work on that attitude and your mama been telling you that since she was this high I know mine has mama you should say that attitude gonna have you in jail not in somebody's grave my mama my mom used to say some old-school stuff she said you need to get your narrow behind how many y'all mama used to say that you know you need to get your narrow behind and get yourself together it's crazy how I'm 38 almost 39 years old now now still hear her talking and now all of a sudden it makes sense because DNA they make no sense to me at all I thought she was mean I thought she is picking on me I thought she was letting my other sisters off the hook and now I'm like she was right and if I had a been quick to here I probably should have been preaching this sermon at 29 not 39 so to speak quick to hear slow to wrath nobody deserves your anger that hasn't worked hard enough for it [Applause] they don't even deserve it but you don't know what they doing to me I don't need to know all I need to know is what your response is to their repetitious attempts to destroy God I leave you standing I'm telling he'll leave instead he did what he will not let it work he will not no weapon no weapon no weapon no weapon no weapon no weapon no weapon no weapon listen to me and you can be wrong but no weapon formed will bear to prosper you just make sure that you don't then try to form a weapon against them because the same promise covers them let them form it all they won't it would not prosper if you need me to pray for your attitude today just stand on your feet how many of you know that dirty clothes don't just come off because you realize they are dirty you gonna have to change tomorrow tonight I'm sorry my bad something will never matter I just come on my last outfit for the day I guarantee I'm um I'm new to this like I used to I remember my mom and I always reference her cuz truth is as I'm blessed because every step I've ever taken she's been there so I'm blessed in that way I'm blessing that way so I only have I only have about four years of my life where she wasn't and that was because I was in college playing basketball and we were all over the place but even then with no money I remember we would play schools like you and LV and pop up my mom was in Vegas at the game just don't know how she did it but I remember vividly and I remember having such a terrible attitude I know it's shocking to you because I'm so smooth now but I really I was really the woman of God just laughed at me like that I mean it had to be bad cuz that she was always saying something about it I was the kid like if I was sitting in the backseat and you were sitting with me I don't want you to touch me you know just don't be playing me so tight I didn't like get off me I didn't want nobody touching me like that and and and they knew it so my sisters in them and do like this and it would make me want to fight I don't I don't want to be touched in and and then I grew up in the house with all women can you imagine how many words I've heard over my life no because they don't know my mom and them don't notice and women y'all don't notice y'all just be talking you don't even know it we be in the house they be quiet when y'all come we can't even read our own mind because I'll just be levitate we having her down once it she stored they had a sale for chicken the chicken was $2.99 and then I told him no I didn't want to see it and then I went over there guess what girl I seen charlie and Charlie was over they ain't seen charlie 35 years hey let me tell y'all even gained weight and she wasn't that big when she was in high school but I told her she had big tendencies I mean just food [Applause] [Music] [Applause] am i right ladies it's true and I ain't talking about y'all I'm just calling the spade a spade it's all good I am but I don't mean to so what I'm saying is they don't even know and my sisters and them be going back and forth for momma tree like oh mama you messing with us and my mama be like you deserve it and they just be going and I'll be listening to him and I remember having a problem with it and now I'm older and I'm like what a blessing it is to hear their voices they're all alive and they get along and what a blessing it is to have them all together because one day we live long enough and it won't be that way I've changed my attitude about a lot of stuff I'm only telling you that because I know it can be done I used to used to get angry real real quick I mean it wouldn't take much and I was a fighter because those are my clothes so he was my thought and I realized this I used to think I was brave I wasn't brave I was actually scared scared to get hit first always swung first and then fall so many people my momma then gave up on me I remember I remember she gave up on me me and my sister Danielle here we didn't jump so many people in our lifetime lord help us hi mi preacher I don't know how I got up here but I've changed my perspective and pain will change you here's what I learned sleep people don't change until remaining the same hurts too bad and one day being you it's gonna cost you something I'm begging you to find out ahead of time what not shifting your attitude will cost you what not shifting your perspective will cost you what what not shifting how you see things are listen how you was raised that ain't the way my momma raised me and so you a terrorist in your house trying to push the way your momma raised you not recognize that how mama raised her some kind of way too as an attitude adjustment necessary for the next level I'm asking God to do it for us today how many of y'all want God to do it hold your neighbors hand spirit of the Living God fall fresh upon us tonight we come boldly yet humbly before your throne asking you to forgive us for not shifting how we thought it should be it really was a lack of humility and a lack of dependence on you and so God we we cast that care to you we thought that if our father had been there we'd be different we thought that if our mother had done certain things we'd be different but none of that really mattered we were we were in control of our destiny the entire time so God we come today at the top of 20/20 really meaning at this time to have your way we take these unclean lips and this unclean heart and this uncircumcised heart and we cast it to the sea of forgetfulness and God help us not to feel naked when we're angry and help us not to feel unclothed when we're not snapping back and help us to not take so long to forgive and God created us a clean heart and renewing us a right spirit we know you can do it because you've done it before we know you will do it again do an encore in our life today Oh God when we get home today there is negativity on the other side of the door when we get home today that will be pain waiting and when we get to work tomorrow that will be people who don't like us so God since the circumstance may not change change us change us change how we respond change how we react change what we say give us a new vocabulary give us a new speech give us a new sound in a new song God that we may deal with the same things in a different way and then reward us because we're seeking after you make us better make us stronger make us wiser in Jesus name we pray if you love the Lord come on and give them some praise in this place tonight come on give them glory give them glory I'm working on it I'm working on it I'm working on it come on let's take it one time before we go home Lord I'm available Lord Lord [Music] my by you Oh [Music] [Music] ha spirit of the Living God dismisses from this place but never from your presence allow us to get home and find everything in order and all of God's people said amen hugging them and tell them I'll see you something got left [Music] haha [Applause]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 186,139
Rating: 4.8747268 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church, The Right way to deal with the wrong attitude, the wrong attitude, the right way sermon, keion henderson sermons, latest sermons, mindblowing sermon, lighthouse sermon, lighthouse worship, lighthouse christmas, lighthouse church of humble, lighthouse church worship, latest sermons of light house, keion's korner, Pastor, worship, Bishop, faith, jesus, God, forgiveness, sermon, bishop, god sermon, power, strength, waking faith, church, lighthouse
Id: X-5HwjrU1As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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