It's Time to Make a Move | Pastor Keion Henderson

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ministry team a hand music ministry ban thank you all so much the word of the Lord today is found in the Gospel according to st. Luke chapter number 2 Luke chapter number 2 the physician it's amazing to read this text from his perspective he was a doctor a doctor expressed his birth in different ways then on lookers he he's delivered babies before so now he's discussing the Immaculate Conception Luke chapter 2 verse 1 here's the word of the Lord now in those days a decree don't forget that word everybody say decree it went out from Caesar to tax everybody in the Empire this was the first registration taken when the government of Syria was there and everyone went to his own town to be registered so Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee in Judea to the city of Bethlehem which is the City of David because he was of the house and the family line of David and he went to be registered with Mary who was promised in marriage to him and who was expecting a child just touch a name say I don't look like it but I'm expecting [Music] [Music] you know some things you don't think about after you said it while they were there the time came for her to deliver her child she's 14 years old she gave birth to a firstborn son and wrapped him in strips of cloth laid him in a manger not by choice but by force because there was no place for them in the end which means she did look for something else to put them it was unavailable some of you are looking for comfort is unavailable don't think that's available to you right now is a hard manger because you got to give birth in a hard place [Music] you thought it was gonna be easy and you want the Midwife and the doctor and the nurse and the epidural and the ice chips and ice cream guy said nope I'm gonna let you give birth by a nasty sheet in the heart stone that's used for animals to eat out of while you're not giving birth so another animal just ate out of it before you gave birth in it that's not sanitary and I wonder if the germs are meant to build up the system I wonder if God allowed the environment to happen because it will be the environment that will build the tenacity that the gift needs for every person in this room today and I know this to be true you are in a season where you got to make a decision this is a secret decision though everybody doesn't know you got to make this decision this is this is not the one everybody knows this is this is on a low decisions you got to make this one and this one could make you or break you mm-hmm whether do I stay at this job or do I leave the job we stay in this house or do we move do I continue to try to pay for this car do I just let them come get it who else is this come on now we're gonna keep it real today do I kick him out of the house I do I let him stay do I beat him like they stole something I do I just talk to him that decision to me whatever you do don't sit still here's what I want to talk about over the next few moments it's time to make a move I want you to have five everybody on your way down you'll see to say it's time for you to make a mood hallelujah [Music] hallelujah so yesterday y'all me and my wife and the girls were in the car and I had a photo shoot yesterday I hate photo shoots cuz you mean you got changed all these clothes and and everybody telling you what to do and sit up put your chin down shut up what you can do who did a photo shoot now don't did we do the photo shoot but guess what we was hungry so my stomach is growling and the babies is eating chips and asking daddy do we have any snacks and so I take him over to the Cheesecake Factory no no Grand Lux pardon me I took him to Grand Lux to eat and they didn't even know that I had met their mother there so I took them right to the place where I met their mother and they were shocked she said this way you met mama and and Caitlyn said this is my favorite restaurant in the world we looked at and said hey you got a favorite she does and we left and we went to the Container Store anybody go there I like that place all of my shoes are in plastic containers I don't leave them in the shoe boxes because I need to see everything that I have I put the red shoes with the red shoes and the black shoes with the black shoes and the blue shoes with the blue shoes and the brown shoes with the brown shoes and the gym shoes with the gym shoes and the dress shoes with the dress shoes it is a beautiful sight to see because if you don't know what you have you and they're wearing the same thing over and over again you most people say I don't have any clothes no you just got them all squished up how do you how do I know you have too many clothes you have to iron every time you put them on because everything is smashed up right so I got these containers and I like them and I got those containers and as I went into the container store that was if you go to the one on the West timer it's two lines it's two lines face Westheimer and two lines face post oak and so most of the people come in the West timer line because it's right there right by the Galleria so I pulled in like everybody else and I go in and I get the containers and I pick them up and I look at the line and it's a thousand people in this one and it's 2,000 people in that one and have you ever seen the line so long that it made you not want what you went to the store for I started looking for a place immediately to sit this stuff down and I'm one of the people in the stores I put stuff back where don't go you know like I put I put the package chicken by the t-shirts cuz I'm not walking all the way back over that'd be me when y'all go over and see Nutella next to the gold watch that's me and I'm looking for a place to put it and so I was looking for a place to put it and as I was going back to put it somewhere I walked up on two lines that were completely open that everybody is in these lines and there are two lines over because you know as people we follow each other like if I if I just start running right now you ain't gonna Acts while we're running you're just gonna be like I ran cuz he ran have you ever noticed you go to the airport everybody's in this line and and someone has to say you can go that way too because we are we're just creatures we just follow each other we're like sheep and all we have gone astray so all of those sheep were in line me I'm looking for another way get over here and find out that there are two other lines with nobody in them and so I go and I pay and with my nice and kind self on my way out the door I go and tell a couple I whispered to him trying to give him inside information I say and the wife was like oh my God thank you so much she got the cart and she was getting ready to go and the husband grabbed that they said no we ain't going nowhere he said we're gonna stay right here he said we're gonna stay right here because we've been in his line so long we might as well wait it out then I realized that that's most of us that we are so dedicated to our decision that we're not open for new information that most people are so dedicated to their choice that even in the face of a more excellent way they'd rather stay in the line they're in because they picked it and sometimes God will send you somebody that'll show you another way where you don't have to wait and just because you've been waiting doesn't mean you have to finish the weight his pride got in the way and he stayed dedicated to his initial decision and he could have saved ten minutes had he listened to me but he was dedicated to his choice and the worst relationship you can ever be in is with your opinion it is the hardest relationship to get out of because your opinion will marry you and not give you a divorce your opinion will stay in your life and follow you everywhere you go if you leave your opinion it'll follow you if you move it'll follow you the opinion always finds a way to move in the same house you live in the most difficult relationship that anybody in this room is in is not with your spouse it is with yourself for some of us cannot divorce ourselves from our decisions and we think because we picked it that it is right but let me tell you sometimes you can pick a thing that was good at the time and then new information comes and then you got to make another decision it's time to make a move you are in the most critical season of your life this world is crazy things are going up and down and nobody knows for sure where is going to end up but you do know that there is a protection for the righteous and that God has special things opportunities that we have been engrafted into although we are not the chosen generation we are now a royal priesthood in other words you are not a Jew so you are not according to the original diaspora but what it does mean that when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior that means now you have the same fringe benefits as those who accepted our excuse me who were born of him and now we have been engrafted everybody say and grafted we have now been engrafted into the lineage of Christ and now we have access to everything that the chosen generation has access to which means sometimes we got to be ambidextrous in our decisions sometimes we've got to go with what we feel and sometimes we got to go at what he said sometimes God will stand back to see what you're gonna do and then after you pick your direction he'll come right in it right when you get to the door of your decision and then say I want you to take a left he'll then say go to a place called there and you'll say God was there and God said I'll tell you you're there when you get there sometimes God would allow you to wander and walk and be confused and making decisions and wondering what is going to be without any voice do you know that God did not speak to Moses from the age of 40 all the way to 80 sometimes God will let you walk around for 40 days with no word and you're saying god if you want me to do this say something if you want me to do that say something God give me a sign that God says I'm not gonna give you a sign I'll just be a sign and when you get there I'll show up God says you're waiting on me to give you directions I'm waiting on you to make a decision I'm not telling you where to go but I will make wherever you go the place you should have been do you know that God has enough power to make where you end up the place that he wanted you to go God says go there somebody say go there and I don't know who I'm talking to but this is your their season this is your time to get up and make a move this is your time to leave everybody behind that is not going in the same direction as you this is the time to decide whether you're gonna be friends with them for the next 20 years are you gonna end it in the next 20 days this is the time for you to start changing your phone number this is the time for you to get another handle on social media this is the time for you to wander and figure out who's gonna be in your life for this next season because when you get there you don't want their people you got to make a move and you got to make it now are you gonna stay on that job or are you gonna leave are you gonna put the application in are you gonna sit there and just wait on them to fire you here's the relation you need to be out the relationship and you know it you just want them to break up with you so what you do is you just act crazy and you pretend a girl girl I've been treat him so mean he got to give up sooner or later make a decision everybody say pick where do you stay in who's on the Lord side got to make a decision they made a choice they got up and said I'm on the move we're going to go to Bethlehem because Caesar has called for a census and Caesar said that every male Jew has to go to the place of his origin and his birth now watch this the danger of this season that we're in and we're talking about the Christmas season because this is a season of tradition people don't normally make moves in this season we just contemplate the same stuff we did last year right right you're gonna you're gonna make a new year's resolution and you're gonna say the same things I'm gonna go to the gym and I'm gonna work out and I'm gonna be a vegan I'm gonna be a vegetarian no you ain't listen look at me no you're not you're gonna do it for six days maybe 16 but after that you're gonna get some bacon I already know cuz I'm gonna do it some of you have already went and got the tree and they cut it down and it's 8 feet like you wanted or some of you like me went up in the attic and got the cardboard box and brought the trees downstairs how many y'all like real trees how many of y'all like the fake ones the real ones believe in needles everywhere don't they I go back and forth sometimes I do it real and sometimes I don't know it and my mother said it to me today she knows my mood changes about this time of year she asked me for something my momma birthday my mother b64 tomorrow should be 60 for tomorrow and she said she said I got something action but I asked you tomorrow when you putting up the Christmas tree because I know you've been a good move so I might go about one side to put it up but she she said that to me and it made me think about the holiday and the tradition and how the same story's gonna be told in the pulpit oh he was born of a virgin named Mary wrapped in swaddling clothes laid in the manger and everybody's gonna be singing Noel and jingle bells and everybody's gonna be happy and and and everybody's gonna be excited it's gonna be the same thing and you're going about the same people's stuff that don't deserve and spend money you don't have and think that you got to match them because they gave you a gift and all of a sudden you got to give them a gift from here you are spending money you don't have to buy somebody to give because they bought you a gift I suggest this year that when people buy you a gift and you don't have money to buy them one I suggest you go to them say this doesn't mean you get one in return so either I return this or you just gonna have to wait on me the next year do I have a church in here same things you want to go over y'all y'all gonna cook the same stuff you're gonna get a ham you're gonna put them little black things in it and put some pineapples on top of it and put the little red sauce on and you're gonna get some some dressing and you're gonna get potato salad and deviled eggs and y'all gonna eat the same food and and and and get the same ugly sweaters and everything is gonna be the same and you're gonna put that same thing on the bottom of the Christmas tree that you put on there last year you already label it it's in the plastic bin somewhere in the garage or upstairs right now and you're gonna get it you're gonna bring them say my ugly placemats down from that attic and put them on that table you should have got rid of them placemats 17 years ago they still look everybody's gonna watch the Christmas story 1000 times you're gonna watch home alone five million times you go sit in front you don't do the same thing you gonna call the same person time about a broccoli casserole you're gonna call the same person time by the sweet potato pie huh cakes is good y'all ain't never had a cake see you had a cake it's the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over the same people bring the same disappeared it did took the green bean she gonna bring him again this year the girl who did the sweet potatoes she gonna bring it he's gonna be the same thing everybody know what to expect and the one that can't cook she gonna wash the dishes you always tell the one in again cook they got a broom in their hands I'm about I'm just gonna do my part and I'm gonna do my part everybody say it's time to make a move the Bible says in Luke chapter 2 in those days a decree went out and Caesar Augustus said there had to be a census taken of the whole world now watch this the Greek word for decree everybody say decree the Greek word for decree is dogma do GMA Dogma that is an amazing word because the word dogma is one of the only words that is spelled and pronounced the same in English and in Greek so here you got the word Dogma it means the same thing in English and in Greek it is a set of religious beliefs that one describes two and watch this it is the opinion of one in authority so in actuality what the scripture is actually saying is that Caesar used his authority to give them his opinion now I'm getting ready to help somebody in here right now because in this next season of your life in order for you to make a move you're gonna have to get yourself out of relationships where people use their authority to make you think like them oh god help me in this place the most dangerous relationship for you in 2018 it's gonna be the relationship where you don't use your mind Oh God the most dangerous position for you to be in right now is where you don't use your mind some of you all have a job right now you go to that job tomorrow you gonna clock in you're gonna sit in the same space you're gonna sit in the same cubicle you're gonna warm the coffee up at the same pot you're gonna get on the computer and do nothing like you did last week you're gonna do nothing your job doesn't require you to think your own autopilot you're just there to get a check and the reason why you're unfulfilled and the reason why you're not happy even with a paycheck coming in is because you are in an environment where you don't use your head and whenever you don't use your hand you become unhappy because all happiness comes from the inside and not the outside when you are looking for happiness to come in from the outside it is short-lived but when it comes from the inside it is not called happiness it's called joy and that's why the sole writer says this joy that I have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away touch your neighbor say use your mind don't have a job where you don't use your mind some of you get in a car tomorrow and you're gonna drive and you're gonna eat up at your house and you're not even gonna recognize that you turn left or turn right you're just gonna arrive and you're gonna look up and recognize that you're a home because you would have text message all the way they're not putting any thought into the journey and whenever you are in a relationship where your perspective is not appreciated anybody who does not appreciate your presence should earn your absence I want you in this next season of your life to make sure you are not around people who don't care what you think lord help me in this church today touch the name and said do you care what I think because if you don't I got to change seats you need to be around people who want to know what you think even Jesus went to his disciples and said who do men say that I am you around people who don't care about what you think you're in the wrong circle you shouldn't date anybody who don't care what you wear I don't care what you wear know that they're not interested anybody who's interested in you cares what you wear they care how long your nails are they care how long your hair is they don't mind it being sold to lift they don't mind it being backlund but they don't want you tripping over it y'all gonna save man a seance when a woman is into you she cares how thick your beard is a how thin it is are are y'all do I have any real ladies in here today she cares saying and I can always tell when a brother got a new woman his life his whole wardrobe changes yeah I got those pay attention to him before he met her clothes is all baggy and t-shirt was all loose up here she's an armed baby if you're gonna be with me you got to come with it and so she go get him dressed up and he starts hooking his pants in his boots and all of a sudden he fly and he got a bit old because he's with somebody who cares you got to get out of these relationships that you can be in and not think oh this is good news for 2018 for anybody who wants to do it it's time to make a move when people use their authority to force their opinion on you and what I am saying that one of the key indicators that you are in the wrong place are with the wrong person is that your perspective is no longer appreciated that you got to be in the place where somebody wants to know what do you think if you got a job nobody ever comes to your office and say what do you think about this you probably need to move on you got to be able to use your head everybody say you use your head okay if you don't you need a scripture if a man is going to be changed it must be by the renewing of his opinion know if a man is gonna be changed it must be by the renewing of his ego no if a man is going to be changed it has to be by the renewing of his bank account no if a man is going to be changed it starts in the psychological database that your mind is the key to every locked door your mind is the key to every opportunity your mind is the key to everything that you don't think you have access to that's why the Bible says to as a man thinks in his heart in his hand so is he the reason why you don't have it is because you don't think you can have it I dare you over the next six seconds just to start thinking crazy stuff and stop believing crazy stuff and watch won't God give you what you see this church that we're in right now and there's only a few people who can tell you and I know the strollers they're sitting right there they were with me with the first church that I started in Indiana and they can tell you that 15 years ago when I drew a building on paper I drew this exact building before I ever saw it you remember that mama we have blueprints that if I would have brought you the blueprints from 15 years ago it was this building and I had never been in Houston and I had never saw this building before but what I'm trying to tell you that your mind is so powerful that you can conceive a thing and God made somebody else build what I thought y'all now here with me today I'm the Korean Eclair and if you'll start using your mind if you'll use your mind God will use the person who got the money and he'll took the person that got some money and Bill what's in your hand lord help me in this place everybody's not in the same season so you get it in your head and you think well I can't afford it so no sense a dreamer no wrong dream it God's got somebody somewhere who will build it until you are ready for it God's got somebody somewhere who will make it happen until you arrive God's got somebody somewhere who will build what's in your head if you have the courage to use it this thing right here do you know they can't even build computers that can keep up with it do you know that thus the data that your brain can keep outweighs all of the servers in the whole world that anything you learn you can remember that anything you intake and did you not know when your sleep you're still thinking have you ever had a song where your head that you just walking around wondering like why am i singing that song it's because subconsciously you heard it somewhere and then it came to the frontal cortex of your mind and you started to sing it why because your head is always working the problem is is when you're not always working it Caesar wanted their heads not to work because whenever you have somebody who has a brain it won't use it you can make a slave I'm trying to show you how to be free in 2018 how to stop walking around here like a zombie go to work at eight get off at five go home boil noodles get up do it again go to work come home talk to the kids act like you're gonna help with the homework get frustrated cuz you don't understand what they're doing fix up some quick to eat everybody take a bath everybody go to bed get up do it again work home sleep work home sleep work home sleep you do that long enough you'll die with all your vision inside of you or you'll be too old to have the energy to bring it out you got all of that in you and all you're gonna do is go to work and come home you got all of that in you all you're gonna do is use a small push in your brain to make somebody else just come dream come true that's called a job and not find one hour a day to get what's inside of you out you've got a Caesar in your life maybe it's your boss maybe your own taskmaster but everybody here you've got something that's keeping you from using your head and I'm here to tell you today if you don't hear anything else I said today it's time to make a move would you be mad if you had two cars let me ask you this if you had two cars one was a Toyota one was a Lamborghini the Toyota had gas in it which one would you get in see how you can have a high-performance car with no fuel and it's rendered useless and you've got a Ferrari of a dream with the Toyota mentality and you're feeding your Toyota you won't fuel your Lamborghini you were made to do it you were made to do it you're created to do it you were born to do it you were bred to do it you've got the power to do it you've got the strength to do it you've got people praying for you for you to do it but you won't do it because you've got a Caesar it has given you the opinion I can't do it I don't have the degree you know people do stuff without degrees every day you understand that right I don't have the money neither did the people who did it it's amazing that if you ever start the money who finds you I'm not trying to shout you today we did that early I'm trying to get you to a place where you understand that this is the time and the season for you to make a move everybody say make a move each Jew had to go back to his hometown and when he got there he had to fill out a sheet of paper and when he got there the the Caesar said all right I need four things from you he says I want you to write your name on it everybody say name he said after that I want you to work with I want you to write down while you work somebody say work then he says I want you to write down how much property you have because in those days property was their money it was their currency so he said I want you to write down how much property you have and after you do that I want you to write down the name of all of your children why in the world does he need that information and then the Lord showed me that in this next season of your life these are the four areas that the devil is gonna attack you in write this down the first area the devil is gonna attack you in in 20,000 in 2018 he's going to attack you in the area of your reputation the second place he's going to attack you is on your occupation the third place he's going to attack you is in the area of your compensation and then lastly if he can't get you with reputation occupation and compensation children he's gonna get you in your generation oh you better write that down right now because the best way to fight the devil is to know which area he's coming from first thing he's going to do is fight your reputation everybody say reputation proverbs 22 and once there's a good man and a good name is to be esteemed more than silver and gold do you know how important your name is that's why the devil's gonna try to mess up your name the devil's gonna try to mess up your name I'm talking to some parent right now there there's there's some chatter among the teachers right now talking about your child and your child is gonna have struggles going from place to place because their name is gonna precede them I'm talking to some of y'all right now at your job people are talking about you and in demeaning you and and and they're trying to tear down your name but I'm gonna tell you that we serve a god that I hide you in the secret place and in this next season of your life God told me to tell you he's about to make your name great before me and touch whatever say God's about to make my name great as a matter of fact if I had 500 people who will stand up and just start shouting your name start shouting what you won't God too attached to your name come on call out your name your last name so that this blessing could cover your children and your children's children come on get your name in the atmosphere as a man thinketh in his heart so is he come on call out that name and assign riches and wealth to it call out that name and start attaching things to it they're everywhere you go that you will be blessed as a matter of fact you might not even be related to the Johnsons on the other side of town but by the time God finished blessing this set of John says he's gonna bless that set you may not even be related to the Hennessey's in Alabama but every Henderson is going to be blessed I wish somebody would open up your mouth and begin to say god protect my reputation don't let what they say about me destroy me somebody say the devil is coming after my name do you know the best way to help your reputation going and tell her about how crazy he is up front you walking around here trying to act like you ain't never done nothin ain't never been nowhere and they ain't never done nothin wrong matter of fact I just want you to just come out and I know y'all gonna get mad but I'm gonna say yep I drunk and I smoked it I slept with him I didn't do it once I did it twice I wanted to do it three times but I ran out of gas if I had somebody here just go ahead all and just tell the truth because if you get it out it ain't news I wish I had somebody to tell them I'm told from the floor I got an attitude I will smack you if you say something to me I tried to stop cussing last year it didn't work I got a few cuss words I still put an A in the name of Jesus y'all in church today y'all getting on my nerve I'm about to go home y'all sitting around here acting like you ain't never done nothin wrong touch whatever say get it out [Applause] been to jail three times for stealing blue jeans just tell it because the devil is coming after your reputation and the one he can harm is the one that is the opposite of the picture you've painted for us you want to want to rock around here talk about you talking toes and and you hold in and everybody need to be living right and then you be living wrong now we looking at you sideways such what I'm saying what I want to be but I ain't what I should be either lord help me I'm going to talk to people on this side cuz y'all y'all with me but they trippin I said tell your neighbor I ain't what I want to be and I ain't what I should be but here's what I'm getting ready to shout I ain't what I used to be do I have anybody here that made some moves do I have anybody who has made some progress I'm not where I want to be but I ain't where I used to be slap the neighbor say God still working on me I might slip up but it's still working on me I might fall back and backslide buddy working on me if I've got somebody in here God is working on make some noise in this place today [Applause] guys about to do some what's your name your name is gonna mean something by the time you finish people gonna be naming their children after you by the time you finish they gonna have to name a bridge after you by the time you finish they're gonna have to name a street after you by the time you finish there will be a library in your name somebody say I received that about time you finish your grant your great-grandchildren are gonna go to the school named after you [Music] he's gonna make your name great who's gonna make your name great they don't say they're gonna hear that name that's how I heard that name somewhere before your name's gonna be synonymous with money oh lord help me you know we hid a name forward and Rockefeller in shout out some last names to me what's our name out there they don't start saying that name that's gonna mean something that's gonna mean something I hear banks in your name credit unions in your name y'all ain't saying nothing 501 C 3 s in your name some of y'all got open management groups in your name some of y'all gonna open up schools in your name and at the name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue must confess at the name of whoever you are the city officials and the mayors and the governors are gonna have to bow because God's gonna give you so much influence The Devil's coming after your name so he's coming after your reputation I'm God I ain't gonna let it work if he can't get you that your reputation he gonna try to get you at your occupation it's gonna be somebody at that job have you ever had somebody at the job you like you know what if I did if I wasn't gonna lose my job just be honest with me cuz I told y'all don't be no fake now how many have you ever had somebody a job you said if you know what Lord either they don't have to go I'm gonna have to go cuz they don't want this work they don't even know what I'm capable of and I ain't then I can fight I'm just crazy I got I just got all this pent up anger inside of me that if they just catch me on the wrong day the Bible says a man that doesn't work no week so the devil's trying to mess with your bread in Italy but here's the deal for some of you all you need to get fired because God been telling you to start your own business for the last three years and you just comfortable getting the check you can't leave because you get benefits you're comfortable I don't know about you I'm allergic to a job I know this to be true I had three of them in my life I got fired twice and I quit once God don't want me to work for nobody and then some of you all here right now going to job there's nothing wrong with it but if you've been called to something greater and you stay where you are see failure is not accomplishing a goal failure is having a golden opportunity do you know that I have failed nine times for every one time that I want but God makes the one win so big then it makes the nine losses palatable if you've been called to greater and you stay it good it's a sin what is the sin by definition anything that displeases God it displeases God for you to stay average when you've been called to be great you are not created to have a job you were created to create jobs that's why you're never happy on the jobs you have and God's trying to force you out and you just comfortable so the Devil attacks you on your work and there's somebody right now you you every time you see them just black Lord hip has some some just note so no good to say you just don't say just like I speak a spirit of entrepreneurism in this room oh I decree it somebody say I decree it so you got to start decreeing and declaring things you got to start speaking those things that are not as though they were and you got to believe it if you can't see it you got to trust it when you can't trace it you got to pray for it when you can't perceive it you got to believe it when you cannot even bear it and you got to ask God God if you'll do what you did to the two fish and five loaves would you break it and blessing and I told them on Thursday something that you need to know today that Jesus did not feed the 5,000 everybody keeps saying Jesus fed the 5,000 not including women and the children no he did not the Bible says that they found the fish and the loaves and they brought it to Jesus and the Bible says that Jesus blessed it and then he broke it and then he gave it to the disciples and then the disciples fed the people because what the Word of God wants you to know is God will do the breaking and the end and the blessing but you got to do the distributing and so God is going to put it in your hands so not only can you bless the women you can also bless the children and not just bless the children but bless to me and I came to tell you that God is getting ready to make you a distribution center that God is getting ready to download blessings and prosperity into your hands and then he's gonna use you to give it out somebody shot I need to be blessed not to brag but to be a blessing there's some people that won't be blessed until you do it there in your heart there and nobody else's hard there in your heart so God's got to get it in your hands to get it in their hands because they're in your heart he's coming out to your reputation occupation third your compensation the Devils getting ready to mess with your money he already started a knee how many albeit he already started Oh Lord these bills won't go nowhere where they every time I go to the mailbox somebody want something how many all like paying bills like I can't get no consensus on the bills Jesus your money is gonna be under attack because money is the way God gauges your heart seat I think ain't about money it's about the heart so what the devil will do is he will create these scenarios where you spend your money on other things and then when it comes time to make it a seed it's unavailable you ain't gotta agree with it but it's so true he wants you to spend your money because if you spend it is worth a dollar if you seed it it's infinite so the reason why most people don't have enough money is because they spend it they don't see it that God could take 10% of a dollar and take a dime and make it a million as a seed but if you spend the dime you only get 10% our 10 cents I should say worth of merchandise so he attacks your money how does he attack it making sure you came ties with it how does he attack it okay i'ma am I gonna give my engine fix I'm all tired it just makes sense to give my engine fixed that makes sense physically but it doesn't make sense spiritually that when you see the money see when you spend it you get the engine fixed when you see that you could get a car dealership I want you to understand that the devil is after your money and there is an attack coming and you need to stop spending so much and you need to put it back I know there's some things you want to buy I know there's some things you want to buy you think you deserve it because you've been waiting all year for tea you've been saving up for God says not yet I know you want a new couch but what's wrong with the one you got other than it's old so what everything else in there Oh too something being old does not mean it needs to be replaced not in the season where you're trying to build and go to the next level old it's not an option when you're trying to build old as an option after you've already arrived if that cost you'll run and keep driving it I don't care that your girlfriend got a new car you ain't got to keep up with her cuz she got a new car but she can't tell you that's why she drink water every time you go out to eat cuz she can't afford no pop tell me I'm on a diet no baby you broke you ain't on no diet I just want water and breadsticks in a salad I'm gonna died no you ain't you can't afford no steak everybody say do something right with your money man this is the best part of sermon some of y'all missing it right now you might not be to get your hair done every week you might have to go to every other week you might not better get your nails done every Friday sister said oh Jesus what kind of pressure is this God you might just have some gaps in there for a little bit get a touch-up I mean you got to get a full set I'm gonna say it's a whole lot of things you can do because you're trying to build and what good would it be for you to arrive at an opportunity with nails and feet and no money now you look good but you can't afford to buy in fellas cars rims and you to grow for Playstations now I don't try to get nobody business you ain't got no business being 50 with a PlayStation 4 Asians are playing games they've got to be somewhat down here you should not be beating your son in Madden a wise man provides for his children's children you gotta have some money in the bank that's the problem with our generation we live rich in that poor and then when we die somebody's got to bury us why would somebody after burial you drove an Escalade when you alive what sis does that make y'all ain't gotta save man I ain't going nowhere I'm trying to help you to survive the attack how many years do you want to be broke over spending habits not economics see this kind of sermon this kind of summary right here this make people which church was over literally er they'd be like I ain't come for this I did not come for this this ain't for the ones who ain't come forward this is for the ones who did touch I'll never said I came for this I came for this I came for this I came to get right I came to get my life together I came because I am NOT going to repeat this year I am NOT gonna have the same kind of next year that I have past year my year of elevation is here and I'm going all the way up I'm going all the way up God says you're going to go from the borrower to the lender and I'm not guaranteeing you're gonna be rich I'm guaranteeing you that she's gonna be financially fiscally responsible robbing Peter to pay Paul this over just touching them s over wit that's all with I might not be about what I want but I'm not gonna be crying about no 200 dollar bill and I'm not doing that no more when I go to the grocery store I'm not gonna be up here picking time I put that back click that back just to get whatever you won't just put it in there I'm not gonna be going to the gas station talking about oh I just let it fill up and come back when it's gone let me get 20 on fire no let it go to this fool you put 20 in there you're gonna be back before you get home are y'all listening to me reputation occupation compensation if he can't get you there generation he's coming after your children some of y'all got grown kids they are not exempt a grown child can get addicted to drugs when we think about this children's stuff we always thinking about the kids in school some of y'all got kids in your 30s and 40s all of a sudden your 40 year old child goes through a divorce and it rocks their world what do you do when you pray it against it and you fasted for it and what do you do when a child that she raised and you thought they were on their way and all of a sudden to get a bad diagnosis and the disease doesn't even run in the family this is the first time you've ever seen it what do you do Joshua said in Joshua 24 and 15 he said as for me in my house we will serve the Lord and I'm gonna finish on this I can't wait to you parents get back in control of your house we have lost control of a whole generation they do what they want to do when they want to do it and how they want to do it and some of y'all so scared you tell my well is just a new generation it could be a new generation but if the old method tell you that right now the Bible says spoiler spare the rod spoil the child and I know I have some parents in here to tell your kids I don't care how big you is I will climb up you and chop you down the size they talk about to you I'm taller than you now mama that's good cuz the bigger they are the harder they fall you've got to get back in control of your house your chores will need a bedtime you can't even have a boyfriend he tried to talk to you at he left the clock all he hear in the background ah ah he ought to be the bass somewhere he you talk it to your son the whole time you're on the phone with him sit down Shantay supposed to be safe do you know how the devil is attacking us and two single women who have sons you got to let them grow up you have no business taking a shower with show eight-year-old I don't care how convenient it is y'all forgive me for I got a young church I got to deal with him like this off I know this ain't high church used to be I've been to church of my whole life but this is they crazy y'all don't even know what I deal with I'm telling you might think I'm crazy but it's all of us we I'm dealing with us together y'all forgive me y'all gonna come back on another Sunday okay thank you I love y'all so much these people ain't but 32 and 33 years old you got to ask them and and most of us didn't have no father no mother not they didn't even tell us this stuff so the reason why they clapping is because they are hurting and feel helped at the same time because they're thinking that man I wish somebody would have told me this before but I'm gonna tell you right now we're gonna redeem the time we're gonna redeem the time God's gonna give you everything that you thought you needed everything that the devil took for me you gonna get it back such a name said you're gonna get it back single mothers you've got to let these boys grow up stop babying them because you're gonna give a grown woman a baby then she's gonna have to do one she married anyone she had and you married couples get these big kids out of your bed time he's scared of the dark well he just won't have to get over it he better pray the Lord give him light cuz ain't no way in the world see and see some of y'all women y'all keep you your sons and their bear cuz you know that's a way to get over to request in about 15 minutes come downstairs and say you scared don't make me I come out there fight all y'all just when you hit a TV go I've come downstairs him downstairs [Music] convenience will a child he's coming after your children and he's using you as the weapon you're cussing in front of them wonder why they custom to teach Apple I'm grown and you ought to be grown enough to know that kids repeat what they hear I don't even play crazy music around my children I don't care what movie I'm watching katelin walking room change the channel you don't get to keep watching it because they walk in your room make a decision you even kick them out to change the channel [Applause] no wonder they have in nightmares they watching your movies and stop making your children your friends and right now I'm talking to Japan's who have older children who have been hurt and you start telling your daughters about the pain that their father calls you that ain't their business you keep that to yourself found your girlfriend to tell her and if you ain't got one that'll keep my mouth closed tell yourself he's attacking our children and he's using us as the weapon and we've lost a whole generation and we've got 25 and 32 five-year-old zombies walking around here with no identity no plan nowhere to go nothing to do they won't pray they won't go to church they won't do nothing they don't have any answers no prayer life no knowledge of the scripture can't keep a relationship no morals no values just alive and we're being taxed the Caesar and we've lost a generation but thanks be to God that we serve a god not just of a second chance but of another chance and like Caesar did in those days I decree and I declare that God is getting ready to bless your occupation your reputation your generation and your compensation and I'm telling you right now your money is about to get right your family's about to get right your mind is about to get right your house is about to get an order I was somebody right now will begin to give God about 30 seconds of phrase that all things that get ready to work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose somebody begin to worship God in this place today Joshua said as for me and my house we will serve the Lord that word serve is the Hebrew word Abad which means to worship it is the same worship that the woman at the wheel had when she met Jesus when she was asking where should we worship and Jesus says the day will come where you Jews would not worship on this mountain or any other mountain what God was trying to tell them is what I'm trying to tell you that worship is portable in other words wherever you go you ought to be able to worship whatever you're in you ought to be worship slap somebody a high five and say my worship is portable whether I'm in season out of season I still got a worship whether I'm in the field or whether I'm in the house I've got a worship whether I've got money in my pocket or whether I'm trying to get a loan I've got a worship do I have somebody in here who would bless the law with me let us exalt his name together over the next 30 seconds I don't care what's going on in your life worship God that a move is about to come in your direction [Applause] and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit stand to your feet it is time to make a move and you know what when it's time to make a move it's not comfortable I did not come today to entertain you ought to make you feel good I came to tell you to get off of your butt and get moving that every successful person you admire started with what you had 2 eyes 2 ears 1 nose 1 mouth in fact some of the ones were succeeding had enlisted you some of them were blind some of them will were missing extremities some of them succeeded in wheelchairs and on crutches you got all of your faculties what is your excuse get up [Music] and make a move because the baby will not be born until you get to Bethlehem God use Cesar's plan to get Mary and Joseph in position he used the taxation system for the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy that the Savior had to be born in Bethlehem they would have never went to Bethlehem any other way God told me to tell you he let it happen because you
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 241,728
Rating: 4.8197894 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Time to make a Move, Lighthouse Church, Houston, Relationship, worship, worship 2018, Pastor, church, Bishop, faith, senior pastor, Latest Sermons, jesus, God, imagination, grace, success, forgiveness, sermon, god, pastor keion henderson, lighthouse worship, best worship, evening sermon, bishop, message, pastor, opportunity, christian music, god sermon, power, strength, gospel, savage jesus, When God reverses the curse, reverses the curse, It's Time to Make a Move, waking faith
Id: yRZf0Ytclyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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