Special Message To The World - God Has a Plan For Tomorrow - Lighthouse Church Worship Experience

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[Applause] but everybody below lighthouse come on I'm looking off you worshipers to lay bound this morning or a few praises that I came to be used as an instrument of brain hallelujah why don't you look at your name as a neighbor I don't know what you come to do but I come to praise the Lord come on why don't you look at somebody others say now why don't you help me praise the Lord Alleluia now let's actually praise and father we thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh ha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a phrase on the inside I just can't keep to myself look at your neighbor and tell'em nectar preys on the inside I don't know about you but I came to lift up the name of Jesus on the moon there may be somebody that needs prayer the prayer worries are here come rest your hands in the hands of those who are consecrated those who have gone before the Lord for you I know somebody on the left and I've got somebody on the right beats of prayer see I was telling them this morning prayer changes things prayer will break the shackles prayer would do some things that mama can't do that daddy can't do sister brother they do that's why I know that I'm gonna praise him no matter what all the inside I've got a praise that I got can't keep up to myself everybody praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on the prayer warriors are waiting on you so father we come to you right now we thanking you for allowing us to praise you we thank you O God for giving us a praise on this morning o God we thank you for hands the way we thank you for feet to stop o God we thank you for your word that's manifested during the inside of us we thank you for every aspect of our minds Oh God Oh God we thank you for the word that's gonna go forth o God O God whatever the enemy told us O God all that we bind it up right now in the name of Jesus because we're gonna give you an undignified praise on this morning o God we thank you and we love you and your son Jesus and we most graciously pray amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord just in case you didn't know here's some upcoming news and events that you could use in the month of July there will be no Bible study but the fun doesn't stop you can join a summer life group today sign up in the lobby and meet your hosts next Sunday this Sunday there will be no worship experience at the lighthouse central location no worship at the lighthouse central location beginning July 10 and every Wednesday after we are encouraging all new members to come to the White House University so everyone please stand on your feet for a second and let's pause right deep can we please give the host of the 2019 well experience a standing ovation pass the key on Henderson [Music] [Applause] the conference was a major success it was reported to be every major life-changing and you could be a part of the next one by going to twe conference comm it would be a destination experience you don't want to miss and of course you can receive all these announcements and events on our mobile app and for all those counting down to 21 days and you've lost count let me help there are 12 days remains I repeat 12 days remain and I know the devil scared of light house these have been your announcements for this week check out this trailer for this upcoming Tuesday's movie that will be watching here at the light house search it is our hope that we've ignited a good and a positive conversation to tell real stories but we also wanted to treat movies that would reach the unchurched we hope that the conversation that you walk away from will be a part of the change [Music] [Music] [Applause] very refreshing great story this film was made to uplift when you leave the theater it filled my heart it was hard running cinema is so powerful with in the right hands with the right actors and the light filmmakers and minds in the vision come on let's give the Lord some praise in the house on this morning you can do better than that if you excited being a house of the Lord I think you are just doing one we'll just give me five seconds a heart long bursting praise to God you know the announcements have already been given but we have one special announcement that we wanted to make because in the next two weeks here about two weeks we had a special day coming up it's gonna be pastor's birthday in about two weeks yeah yeah and so we were coming here coming to you guys because you know it's after all he's done for us like he spoke a word into your life he has done something for you like we're asking that you just give a small seed now this scene it's gonna be so small that you can blink and do it it'll be that smile but you can she's gonna be smiling it's gonna be a size of 62 dollars now you might say oh Lord reven I don't know about that but but listen it's significant because he's turning 38 years young so 38 years young plus 24 years of ministry that's a long time that's a long time 24 years in anything you consider the master at what you do and it's significant those numbers are significant and let me tell you why because 24 is the number of priesthood we have a priest in the house yeah 20 for another free slip but 38 is the number of glory so when you combine glory and priesthood together you get the number 62 which means stability oh my god so not only do we have a priest in the house but he got the glory the Lord on this life and he's got such a stability all around him and I think that if you show that number to his life not only will you have the power of a priest in your home but you'll have the glory of the Lord in your house and some of us need stability right along with that so this significant often that we're asking you to give if you just show that into the life of our leader something great gonna happen would you do that with me okay we'll get a lot of praise praise in this place I want to give your testimony maybe maybe that's like when you all give I appreciate it but it's not necessary for me to love you I love you anyway it doesn't matter so I don't want you to feel that because I don't have 62 dollars and if I can't give 62 dollars then I won't be one of his favorite members I'm gonna love you if you don't give anything amen I'm gonna love you anyway so don't let that be a prohibitor from your worse or today so the shake it off it's going to shake it off and God if if you want to do it he'll bless you to be able to do it if if you don't want to do it he won't and we still gonna be good alright y'all feel alright now alright I wanted to tell you about a good testimony so we have one of our members one of our members who called me and told me that one of her family members had cancer and how many all know this is the year of expansion and we're in the greater and how many of y'all remember when I told you that greater was not about a building although the building would come that the testimonies were were coming and the building would be a byproduct of that so she called me she told me that the member had cancer who's a member of our church was our cousin and she was set for eight weeks of chemo eight weeks of chemo every but the problem is is that the Lord decided to heal her after five weeks of chemo and right now she is cancer-free and I thought that we would spend about 30 seconds giving God [Music] well you can do better than that I thought we would just give God about 30 seconds of praise do me a favor just tell your neighbor God is healing God is healing so I don't know how many people this year who have been healed of cancer but it's been a lot I don't know I think 48 people student loans have just disappeared at the word of the Lord how many of y'all want to submit your student loans to the heavens right now just do it say Lord could you stop skipping over me and saying about them people that don't need it I need it but you come see about me Jesus it's just been insane and we just started this capital campaign in February and it's been in saying that since February it is only June and you're talking about student loans being cancelled cancer being canceled Lucas being healed it's just amazing how many of y'all know that God is a healer now I want you to do me a favor how many of y'all sitting next to a neighbor that looks blessed do they look less look I'm up and down you know give him this looking down do they look blessed where here's the good news if your neighbor is blessed it means God is in the neighborhood so if you sit next to somebody something bout to happen in your life if you sit next to somebody who looked less how dare you shout and say I'm next I'm next I'm next I'm next I'm next he's blessing your neighbor means he's in the neighborhood and your neighbor doesn't notice so you have to look at him one more time say neighbor I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier but you are so blessed to be sitting next to me don't let him know it I mean they don't know how they don't know how blessed they ought to be next to somebody they got as much swag as you it's that's a much favor and as much anointing and so much glory you sitting at you the best looking thing in this whole church you need to thank the Lord for that homeboy I say y'all I showed enough aright on I want to thank God and he's a good friend of my wife and I and he's a grand huge supporter of our church and he came in from Tennessee he's been with us at the first service we I took him over to a restaurant yesterday and we ate pancakes in the middle of the day how many I can eat breakfast for breakfast I can eat breakfast for lunch I can eat breakfast for dinner only thing I can't do is eat a dessert after I eat breakfast but I thank God for mr. Dudley Deb's come on just stand up so we can appreciate you thank you so much he's an amazing amazing amazing person and we got so much in common and I love you brother not thank you so much and then we've got this I got one of my best friends in the world good friends of mine and he and his sister it's good when you can have when the whole family's your friend have you ever had a friendship you can only be friends with one person offended but the rest of them you can't really deal with cause they ain't right but you I love this whole family I want all of the other people even if your last name isn't ranking but you're here with that family just stand up I want all of their their family reunion is in town Mary and Kay look at it look at them all over there y'all they got the whole section sewed up well I bet y'all got some good barbecue down there on Westheimer did y'all K back there and K is one of my wife's good friends and I thank you all so much for being with us and we also have Bishop Rhonda and LaShawn Demery with us Bishop you and your wife will stand up thank you so much for being with us god bless you yeah that's that's a swag now pastor y'all you got chucks on a Burberry tie and the shirt hang tucked in and he got holes in his jeans my kind of preacher allelujah thank you all so much for coming I know to be out of your ministry to be an arse is a huge sacrifice and I honor you and thank you so much for being here with us listen we've got a lot to do and we're getting ready to run through it so the first thing we're gonna do I'm give you the the plate right all right so the first thing we're gonna do we about the gift like crazy greater and tithes and offered at the same time for those of y'all don't know what greater is we're building a dream Center right out here to my right come on and praise God for it just to give you scale the dream Center is the same size as this entire building just to give you scale so if you add the youth wing this swing the back office is the foyer what we're building over here is it's about equivalent to the same size as this building is gonna have two basketball courts and it is gonna have the ability to have 20 classrooms in it for our youth and they're gonna be able to study we're gonna have wet labs and science labs and all kinds of stuff inside of it's gonna be amazing because we are raising up a generation I don't want our you to find out how to do Church once they get in here if we do that then there will be a gap between generations and there will be practicing on God and we don't have any time to waste because this world is crazy and we need people who can access the Holy Ghost can I get an amen so we're raising up a standard and we're raising up a young group of people killed Rijn and young people who are going to change the world and we're gonna do it with the Dream Center so as you give towards that we had we had one person that came today and bless the Dream Center and gave a gift from their family it is happening from all over the place can you say man so I'm excited about what God is doing and I can't wait to see what goes on again just be patient if you've ever built anything you know that the building is the last thing you do you know that that you got to get Centrepointe out here to move transformers and you got to dig underneath the ground you got to get soil testing so for those of y'all say Dane did know we undid a whole lot we've done a whole lot and when you see that ground turned it's almost over then once the ground once you see that dirt turned it's almost over so we are we are definitely on the way alright our hostess they have envelopes if you want to give online they'll give you the instructions for that on the screen those of you who are online you can go and text it you can give it up how many I'll use cash out let me see what the Lord to say about cash out I've been praying on it if y'all gonna do it I think the Lord said yes how many of y'all will give on cash out it's easy I think he said yes so my prayers don't take long my spirit just got quickened I've seen all them hands that's the Lord where two or three are gathered together here in the midst I said we can do it we're gonna look at it alright when you get your gift I want you to stand on your feet we don't give at our church because we have to we give because we get to we've been so broke that we don't want to be broke again and we like Lord if you get to just true you can trust me with these coins because I'm sure gonna give them back because I don't want to be without how many vote which Lord I don't ever want to be without another day of my life I have tried broke it don't work I did it for a long time too if broke was good it would've did me better it didn't do me right I tries to be broke I did everything I could I spent all my money if it didn't treat me right so I couldn't stay alright if you don't have anything to give guess what God sets you next to a blessed person say let me hold something just look at it right now say I wanna let me permanently hold something I can't give it back but let me hold it and you said your neighbor was blessed let you hold something you ain't about me I'm by myself what you talking about what's your need what you need what you need them zeros and you did that a whole lot of times oh no that's my sister I'm having a conversation with this mental telepathy what you say you see I can't see when these license up here that that's the one thing about these lights I can't see y'all I got you we'll do it privately all right you got your gifts as I move towards greater I will accept all divine ideas thoughts of concepts that will connect me to my destiny I believe that what Jesus Christ has done for me it's bigger than what anyone TAS can or will do to me because of his full gift I will lend to many nations but will borrow from none if you believe that shout pass your gifts to my right your left you may be seated we've got some children that we're going to dedicate to the Lord today and I'm excited about it so as the families are getting ready to come up let's praise God for all of these families and these beautiful children what's that Sonic Jesus [Music] [Music] the word sound like we ought to record their second again [Music] [Music] [Music] these babies are adorable I want to chew our level how many of y'all see babies they just live chewable you just wanna shoot one of their fingers but I was raised in a time with you what imposed to kiss babies when they were young they say grown folks got diseases we ain't even then the world has changed you know when we were growing up our parents when they had children they mama told them they couldn't go outside for three months they couldn't wear heels for certain amount of days y'all young Mama's y'all got swag boy y'all be at work Tuesday I bless the Lord for y'all I appreciate you man the world don't stop novo does it I think that children are such a gift I almost I almost preached a message this morning about Samuel I almost did because I knew you all were coming Bible lets us know that Samuel was raised in the house of the Lord because many many of you probably have done this you either pray for your children are you pray for your children let me tell you something one of the things my mother always told me you always want your children to grow up she said baby you keep that baby on your knee as long as you can because when they get off your knee they get on your heart and I think that it is an amazing thing to be able to give your children back to God because that's the safest place for them you're gonna put them in car seats and you're gonna strap them in but that's not what's gonna keep them safe and and you're gonna buy the best car that you think will protect them but that won't do it it will be what we call the Ark of safety so I want to welcome all of you all and I guess I want to call all of your children by name we've got Bailey who is the child of Brittany where we okay we've got is it is it Liam Liam we've got Kenzie and we have Martinez oh that would be you sir I'm sorry and then Audrey all right so we have all of you all up here and then I see some other little babies are these the settings can I pray for them too is that all right you want to get them back to the Lord - all right and her right that would all that pretty hair I don't know what to do with you we're going to pray for you as well and I think this is a good thing because giving your child back to God what it simply signifies as you recognize that God used you to birth the child but the child is not yours by ownership when Mary went through all of what she went through she still had to give her boy back to God it's the safest place because the world is full of up evil and and I'm looking at young people whose lives are just starting in our eyes but do you know that God already knows what she'll be when she's 30 God already knows what he'll be when he's 40 God already know who his and her husband and wife is God already know he already knows what college they will attend he already knows what attack the enemy has set up for them he already knows what diseases will try to enter their body he already at this point it's on the corner of what street in what street making sure that in eternity past he's already made sure that somebody showed up late so you don't get in an accident in an accident look at how good god is that he'll do something today that will make you late three years from now just to make sure that you're safe enough to be where he wants you to be that's why we give our children back to God because there is nothing that we can do to protect them all we are supposed to do is make sure that they know God that is your primary responsibility to make sure that that child one day says I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and I believe in my heart and you're setting a foundation now sir ma'am you're setting the foundation now that in the time of trouble they'll run right to God they'll run right to the rock and he'll be the joy of their salvation I'm gonna anoint each one of them with oil and an in the oil that I have there is no salvific power it won't save them what it is is the representation of the Holy Ghost and let me tell you those children are gonna need the Holy Ghost but I want to say this so let me all of the parents we're all the godparents said all the godparents raised your hand thank you for spoiling us I had one of the best godmothers in the world I this is my definition of a god mama yes when my mama say no is that girl writes it Kevin fine yeah my mama say no I go right to my god mommy and raise the funds to get it done I thank God for godparents but the reason why we call you godparents is because you really have a responsibility not just about Jordans and not just to put them in good clothes your job is to make sure that if anything happens to these parents that you raise these children in the way of the Lord they have brought them to the altar as a living sacrifice and they're saying to you that I want this child to continue to be brought up in the ways of the Lord and if you will bring them up in the ways of the Lord that's what makes you a godparent all of the grandparents raise your hand oh we think for you any great-grandparents let me give you a hug grandma we have a great grandmother everybody I say how old are you she say eighty-three up there looking good and moving good on the 3rd of August you will be 84 come on y'all y'all got to do better than that Wow I pray that God will give us a double portion of your strength 84 years old up here standing on her own and just doing good in great health and I pray that God was satisfied you with long life amen any child that has a great-great grandmother or great-grandmother is blessed so these church and a blessed look at all of the support you have you have parents you have godparents you have grandparents now grandparents us parents we have a problem with you our problem with you is you are definitely better grandparents than you were parents because everything you tell us no to you tell them yes to when we ask for candy you say there was gonna give us a cavity when the grandkids actually became you say ìlook candy ain't never heard nobody what happened to your rules but we thank you because a grandparent gives a child an opportunity to have the perfect dosage of balance of love and discipline that now you've lived life long enough to know that it ain't that serious and you live life long enough to know that God is your source and so I thank you and I think that we as a church ought to give God praise for all of these grandparents we honor you and we thank you and let me tell you I wish y'all can see these some of the best living grandparents I've ever seen in my life everybody up here look 25 I don't know who the parents are who the godparents are who the grandparents are I love you all so much I would let's see what's gonna happen is if you start crying because there's something wrong with the spirit so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave you over there so it can look like me and you good man let's the Northeast children with order we anoint you can I ignored her in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the holy ghost we had not you in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of the Holy Ghost in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost we only got one sleep child today y'all two in the same family in the neighborhood what did y'all give him before y'all brought the church today and in the name of the Holy Ghost in the name of the Father holy cups let us pray eternal God our Father we thank you for all of these children you gave them to us and now we give them back to you I pray not only for the children but I pray for their parents I pray for their grandparents I pray for their godparents before it takes a village to raise a child and I pray that whatever the enemy has for this village it will be eradicated in the name of Jesus there will be no sickness to come to any of these bodies that there will be no accident to any of these vehicles and no invasions to any of these homes God even in the day like this we got to pray for the daycare and the daycare providers and the teachers we pray right now God that they would not be abused by anybody both domestically and formally or we pray right now God that we we we pray against childhood diabetes and we pray against your and protein and there you are in God we pray against irregular heartbeats we pray against brain tumors God we pray against childhood diabetes we pray against childhood cancer God we pray right now the name of Jesus that they will all have a clean Board of Health we know you can do it and we command every cell and everybody to align with the Word of God in Jesus name we pray and everybody who loves the Lord shall a man come on lighthouse let's give it up all of these children god bless you all thank you so much it's called the Holy Ghost don't you ever know so if you want me to do that to your baby rig him up to me and I pretty cool [Music] we're getting ready she said that's cheap for everything you can have them all day she's so cute though we're getting ready to we're getting ready to congratulate our lighthouse university graduates [Music] is it's it's it's a lot of y'all y'all must be ready for ministry I'm liking this group right here in church we're getting ready to recognize our lighthouse university grants could we give it up one more time for them these members have completed various courses here at our church and they're the new leaders and the new members that are going to make our church grow in and start a foundation for us just before we get to them we're gonna honor our high school graduates Caleb small Caleb is graduating from Spring High School and he will be attending preview am amber Scott amber is graduating from spring early college she will be attending Texas State University and she is a founding member of the Lighthouse Church taylor roberts taylor is graduating from Channelview high school and taylor is headed to the Air Force Patricia powers Patricia powers is graduating from Humble high school and will be attending Prairie View A&M Brandon Neal Brandon is a founding member of the Lighthouse Church and he's graduating from summer Creek High School and headed to West Texas A&M University Prince William Monroe graduating from Northshore senior high school he will be attending Tuskegee University Trevon Jensen Trevon is graduating from Ammar high school and he is headed to stephen f austin university zakaria Hickman's Zakaria is graduating from summer Creek High School she will be attending the Lone Star College in the fall [Music] Jordan Harvey Jordan is one of our founding members graduating from Oak Ridge High School sheephead it's a Midwestern State University run I agree Renea is graduating from Texas Connections Academy and will be attending the University of Houston Central Campus Haviland builder Haviland is graduating from Kingwood high school and headed to Howard University a Shawn Elliott founding member of the Lighthouse Church graduating from Cypress Ridge high school and attending East Texas Baptist University [Music] Dontae Vinson Dante is graduating from Atascocita high school and he's headed off to the Marine Corps Joseph Cooper graduating from North Shore senior high school Joseph will attend Blinn College Jasmine Charles jasmine is graduating from Carver High School and she's headed to the Manhattan School of Music in New York City [Applause] [Music] Zoe Blanton Zoe is graduating from Kipp North East college preparatory zouri will attend Lamar University pay a big [Music] sayers graduating from Benjamin o Davis high school and she's headed to Blinn College Justice will born founding member of the Lifehouse church graduating from spring high school attending Sam Houston University Herbert Lauderdale a founding member of the lighthouse search herb is headed to the University of Texas Christopher Lauderdale also a founding member of the Lighthouse Church graduating from Humble high school attending Barton Community College [Music] ladies and gentlemen that concludes our high school graduates let's give it up one more time for them now we will move into our college graduates beginning with miss Raven Stokes graduating from Texas State University with a degree in fashion merchandise and a minor in business administration next we have John mass John is graduating from Wiley College with a Bachelors of Science in industrial management [Music] Kamilah lion Camilla graduated from praise you am with the Masters in nursing she will serve as a family nurse practitioner [Music] next we have John fuller John is graduating from Ashford University with a bachelor's from Shawanna is graduating with a master's in social work [Music] we'd also like to recognize two members of the Education Committee who are graduating from college our very own Brandon Bronson is graduating with a master's from Texas Southern University with a master's in organizational communications and development and we have this carol and idols bird who is graduating with the bachelor's in business from the University of Houston downtown last but not least we'd like to recognize miss Litella Thomas who is graduating from evolution high school and headed to Texas women University [Music] let's give it up one more time for all of our graduates we would also like to take some time to honor a few of our graduates we're gonna be giving out three scholarships today two of our scholarships are gonna go for our students who have been working really hard and dedicated to their academic work the first scholarship is gonna go to one of our founding members here at the church miss amber Skye [Music] good job ember our next academic scholarship is gonna go to miss Zakaria Hickman [Music] and the last scholarship we're gonna be presenting today is the pastor Kia and Henderson scholarship this is going to go to a student who has been very dedicated to our church also their academic standards and just holding the bar high for us all this scholarship is going to be presented to Herbert Lauderdale [Applause] [Music] I stopped just seeing Herbert and Chris grow up is just amazing to see all of you guys growing up I was looking at John and penny son is just amazing we love to give to these young people because how many of y'all wish you would have had a leg up or hand up when you were starting but I also want to honor two young men we've got a new award and we're calling this award the five A's award as you all know our five A's our anticipation atmosphere acceptance authenticity and action and as we get that in our spirit I was I was amazed by one of the students who had written a letter for their college admission and and cited the five A's of our church as a way and a reason that they should accept them in and that lets us know that it is it is getting into them even though we may not always see it and so I would like to honor two young lighthouse men with the new award that we started this year for our high school graduates this award is for those who have modeled our core values over the last few years here at the church and those two individuals are Chris and Herbert Lauderdale [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all doing all right let's give it up for them one more time all right now I want to I guess I am I doing this time all right we've got a group of people who have been indoctrinated in the Ministry of the church and have been working diligently and they have been working hard they finished their six-week course and now we are releasing them into ministry I want all of the Lighthouse University graduates to stand to your feet [Music] and lighthouse I want you to put your hands together and bless God for the next generation of leaders ministers and teachers of the light house church y'all come we don't take a picture y'all want to take a picture can we do that because somebody I want to see y'all face for years to come it might take some time but y'all mind taking a picture with me all right come on up this is memories y'all this is this is this memories these are just memories y'all click keep clapping as they're coming it's like it's like it's a great thing to hear them say for them to hear you make sure y'all looking good mm-hmm they want to know how they can get one of them t-shirts how can they get one they got to go to lighthouse University then even for sale got to go through the process process and and guys they went through the process they went through the process showed up every week they went to Bible study on Tuesday and then Lighthouse University on Wednesday back to church on Sunday y'all did that for two months and I am so proud of you I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of you you did an awesome job and it's a lot of y'all y'all got a deep class man so everybody mess with one of y'all they messing with all of y'all I can see some thug life in y'all we want to make sure we are continuously praying and I honor this young man right here this is this is brother Jones and brother Jones is the husband of mother Betty Jones who went home to be with the Lord this weekend and I was in the hospital with him in those final moments and you are a courageous man you are a strong man and you are a man of honor god bless you sir [Applause] that's a strong man y'all we were we were in the hospital let me show you how God works within the hospital walked in the room and brother Jones was in there by himself and he and sister Betty were in there they were telling us that that it was the final moments and he went over to mother Jones and he said the pastor's here to pray for you now she had been sitting there and they have been telling us that it could be moments it could be seconds it could be moments and so we were sitting there and she lasts until 6 o'clock the next morning but as I begin to pray for her this woman who they said was not in the room lifted her arm up and reached out to grab me and and if you thought it was just a reflex he put it down and then she did it again and she kept doing it until we made contact as you never know what God will do and we prayed and all is well she knew the Lord she had accepted him in the pardon of her sins and we celebrate her life come on we celebrate we celebrate her life I have a I have a set of golf clubs that she bought me for my birthday when the church first started doing events for me I'm gonna keep those golf clubs for the rest of my life because they meant that much to me and we honor you we thank you so much and to the entire family Barbara and everybody we love you all and we thank you so much this is a big class I'll just kind of look like look like we had Texas Southern down here y'all deep that is beautiful all right I want to stand right up in between y'all right up in here yeah I want to get in there cuz I don't want you I don't want to look like I wasn't in the class and somewhere I'm gonna stand in front of you on one step so you still talking to me is that gonna work all right we're good what's your name oh we need y'all to sit down which I'm doing all right now we don't do the first one we're gonna we're gonna smile but then in a second we're gonna be silly we can do that y'all got that all right you ready all right y'all let's give him a hand all right thank you so much [Applause] well we gettin ready y'all go sit down now y'all had enough time no I'm just kidding and who want to preach anyone y'all want to preach today they all said no thank you I got to do this rehash to recap your class and it'll work we're gonna get ready for the Word of God that was fun that was fun if you haven't gone to lighthouse University you can sign up in the foyer or you can sign up online and you can be a part of this awesome group of leaders who are getting ready to lead the church into the next dimension amen if you have your Bibles and you can stay seated we're gonna go to first Kings chapter 17 first Kings chapter 17 we're going to read verse 1 through 6 verses 1 through 6 first Kings chapter 17 verses 1 through 6 it's good it's good do you know why we stand when we read the Word of God the Bible says that in the temple they all stood and as Jesus was going by the wayside all the disciples stood as the word passed by the way so the reason why we stand it's not according to a tradition it is actually in honor and respect of the Word of God and since the Word of God is Jesus we're actually standing in the presence of a king amen so first Kings chapter 17 verse 1 says and Elijah the Tishbite who was of the inhabitants of Gilead said unto Ahab as the Lord God of Israel lives before whom I stand there there shall be no do nor rain somebody say no do no rain but according to my word did you not know that there is something in your life that is a sentence that can end with one word from God there will be no no rain except for the word of and I decree and declare that this word is getting ready to break open the clouds for you that the rain is getting ready to come again somebody say rain come rain come and the word of the Lord came unto him saying get the hints and turn eastward and hide thyself by the brook hair wreath that is before the Jordan and it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook this is amazing that all of this is happening at the Jordan River do you know how many things in the Bible happened at the Jordan River the word Jordan River is mentioned in the Bible over a hundred and eighty times this is an important location for this to be happening this is where Jesus was baptized by John this is where the children of Israel had to cross through as the last stronghold before they got into the promised land and this is where a lot lifted up his head and saw the the Brooks of the Jordan River this is an important place and it shall be that thou shall drink of the brook and I have commanded the Ravens to feed thee so he went and did according to the word of the Lord and he went and dwelt at the brook that is before the Jordan and the Ravens somebody saying the Ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening bread and flesh bread and flesh bread and flesh Jordan River Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River and in the Upper Room we had bread and you see so you got bread you got Jesus you got the Jordan River and it came to pass after a wild that the brook dried up because there had been no why would God called him to a dry place why would he call him to a place that was drying up I used to and I'm gonna say this we're gonna we're gonna get for the word of God when God called me to Houston I thought I was going to a land flowing with milk and honey and when I got here it dried up on me what do you do because see when it dries up you'll think God didn't tell you to go see it'll dry up and you'll go back home thinking oh there can't be the Lord because surely the Lord wouldn't call me into that pain but what do you do when God intentionally causes you harm when he intentionally allows you to hurt you got to wait on the word of the Lord I want to talk about something that I think will help you would you help me preach this give your neighbor high five and say neighbor pastor wants to talk about between the drought and deliverance and if you're in between those things I want you to just begin to shout because God's getting ready to bring you out you may be seated in the presence of the Lord well ladies and gentlemen one of the most difficult places in all of the world to survive is the middle like when I was growing up as a child everybody tried to get in the front seat or the window but the person in the middle they really have much clout you know what I mean you put you put the the the child that doesn't have the size R that isn't the Alpha child that they sit in the middle and it's it's the same way on an airplane for those of you who have a Southwest anointing I pray that God will give you the spirit of the a list because if you are not an a list or one of those top B Lister's you're gonna get on the plane and the window is going to be taken and the aisle is going to be taken and you're gonna have to sit in the middle next to somebody who's holding their baby and the baby's gonna cry from the time the plane lows up to the time the plane leaves because the middle is a difficult place it's a it's a difficult place how many of y'all have children if you got a middle child she might the devil get on them don't it's something I'm a middle child any middle children in here I get you you gave your mama all kind of problems I'm tell you right now she loves you only because of the grace of the Lord how many of you all have ever been disrespected in traffic somebody pulls over on you you have a finger that is situated in the middle of your hand that if used properly can send a signal without words why is it that the middle finger is offensive and the all the other four have purpose it's amazing the the the convoluted audacity of the middle that that's it's it's too far from where you were and not close enough to where you're going right now there are tensions with Iran and America no coincidence are incidents that that is in the Middle East because there is something about the middle see when you're young you know who you are when you get older you don't care what they think but somewhere in the middle comes the confusion of dressing like your past but fitting like your future oh y'all gonna help me and they're like it's it's you you get about 35 40 years old you you think you young but you ain't and it's amazing that young always moves to whatever age you are when you were young and you were 20 that was young you got 30 30 became the new 20 you got 40 then you start talking about 40 ain't that old because because there's something and and you know what they call it they call it a midlife crisis when when when when your mind says heals but your back say flats anybody know what I'm talking about have you ever had to put on some shoes that you knew was gonna hurt you you have to already tell yourself well I don't know tomorrow my whole left side gonna be out of commission but I got to slay these people you understand it's it's it's something difficult about the middle a child's most difficult moments in school is middle school because they are in between identities they don't know where they are going they don't know whether they're coming they don't they don't they're awkward you know in middle school they don't they're they're they're tall but they don't have the agility it's just an awkward place because the middle is such a difficult place it was even difficult because when Peter stepped out of the boat the Bible says that he stepped out of the boat in the middle of the lake and it was in the middle of the night before Jesus even showed up because sometimes God lets you get in the middle because the middle is a place of vulnerability because you're too far to lean on where you came from and you're not close enough to lean on where you're going anybody feel like you're in the middle in the middle of a crisis in the middle of us a supernatural warfare in the middle of a psychological battle in the middle of a tumultuous relationship somebody shot at me if you're in the middle because this message is not for people who are just leaving and this message is not for people who've just arrived this message is for people who say god if you don't show up I might turn around and go back to Egypt I don't I don't know what I'm gonna do it's the wilderness that makes me want to turn around and even go back to a place the middle is so hard it'll make you want to go back to slavery the middle is so hard that you'll forfeit milk and honey just to go back for safety because that's what Israel did they would rather go back where they came from then deal with the ambiguity of not knowing what tomorrow is going to hold but I wanted to tell you that they that wait on the Lord they then wait on the Lord they that have the propensity and the courage to still trust God in the middle of it they that have a courage and propensity to praise God in the middle of it they who have the propensity and the courage to still have faith in the middle of it you will be surprised at how God can turn midnight into midnight it's something about midnight when you're living in your house as long as the sun is shining you feel comfortable it gets midnight then all of a sudden the creaks in the floor and the dripping of the water makes you afraid to be in the house that you've been in the house all day why because midnight brings about a fear that midday doesn't have to offer and it never something about the middle in between the picture and the proof in between not yet and almost in between i'ma make it and I don't feel like I can in between God is about to do something and God do you even know my name anybody in between anybody in between you got a decision to make the decision that you make could either make or break you the decision that you're contemplating can set you up for the future I'll set you back to repeat your past do I have anybody dwelling in the middle if you're in the middle this message is for you to take your misery and turn it into a ministry so that might you might be able to see what God is really doing and that he doesn't set you up to set you back he sets you up so you can have a comeback I don't know who I'm talking to in this place today but let me tell you you are living the worst days of your life and if you can survive what you're going through I'm gonna talk to y'all over here that I was afflicted I am glad that I lost that job I didn't know that God let them fire me because he had a business in my belly I thought I was getting fired because God didn't like me I didn't know that he was pushing me into destiny I need everybody who's in the middle to put your hands together and clap like the devil's head is in the middle of your hands and I want you to clap until you understand that God is releasing destiny over your life and the reason why I got you clapping as the Bible says that when we clap we release angels in the atmosphere and what's getting ready to happen in your life you gonna need just to lift this burden one can chase a thousand two can chase ten thousand I decree and declare that every demon in your life is being eradicated and God is assigning angels to your future I feel the Holy Ghost and it ain't even got started yet I don't have time to tell you that it was a tree in the middle of the garden that put us in this mess wasn't a tree on the fringe it wasn't a tree at the exit it was a tree in the middle that they could not resist the middle presents irresistible obstacles that wouldn't you're in the middle you get in your feelings when you're in the middle you you you you you you choose wrong when you're in the middle you get thirsty when you're in the middle you settle how let your boy but when you're in the middle when you're in between relationships don't act like you never got out of a bad relationship and and got wood with a substandard placeholder until God since you the ripka see in the middle you settle hah let me not it's it's something about the middle just give your neighbor high fives I'm in the middle of this thing I'm in the middle I'm in the middle I'm in the middle I'm between the larvae and the cocoon and see that's what's that's that's what happens when when when the cocoon has formed see the butterfly has not developed bilcoe it doesn't have wings yet but it came it came walk because they don't have legs no more and and when you're in the middle you you can't you can't use your legs of the past but you have not yet developed the wings of the future and what do you do when you don't have the equipment that brought you here but you don't have the equipment that will take you there god help me in this place of that what do you do when you got business stopped but you got job money how let me what do you do when you have an entrepreneurial spirit but you ain't even started a business yet anybody in the middle of being a boss I'm broke but I'm a boss ain't got no money but I'm rich I'm single but I don't feel lonely anybody in the middle I'm single I'm supposed to feel lonely but somehow I feel like I got company because maybe God is trying to show me something in the middle Broca deny ever been but happier than ever being how does that work when I had when I had a spouse I was unhappy now that I don't have one I can't find myself frown and I'm having a good day I used to have money that from this job he used to pay me now I'm working for less but I got more joy I'm in the middle do I work for less and be happy I'll do I'll go for more and be sad I'm in the middle I don't know what to do I can't figure it out I'm confused I'm between destiny and destruction I'm between the brook and the barrel I'm between the desert and destiny I'm right in the middle and I don't know what to do don't know where to go don't know who to trust I'm in the middle I'm in the middle I don't have my legs but I don't have my wings I can't identify myself I don't even know I act in ways and I can't even help it I wish some people would be honest that sometimes you don't even know why you do what you do if you have a questions yourself and say what's wrong with you why you why you can't get it together it's cuz you're in the middle it's you're in the middle you're in the middle how many of y'all remember back in the day when they used to do double dutch see cuz in the middle you got to use both legs in the middle you got to use and and if you and if you mess around and double dutch and don't jump hard enough and it rope slap you across your ankle y'all in here y'all ain't grew up in the hood of your hair y'all had y'all have real ropes but we use extension cords come on now we use clothes or hangers and clothes lines up it's something about being in the middle and if you ever jumped in the middle of the rope with more than one person cuz see that was the plan you got to have cooperation see the reason why some of y'all are struggling in the middle is because you're going up and who you wit us down and and you growing and they stagnant Ukraine and they line huh let me you trying to grow and they satisfy being ignant you trying to go forward and they stand and steal see if you gonna get out to middle you got to get cooperation as a matter of fact some of y'all sitting in the middle of the row everybody on your left quiet everybody on your right quiet out there you look down and say if y'all don't say something get off my row and go sit somewhere else I don't need cooperation on this row everybody in this section is gonna praise everybody the sections don't give glory everybody the sections don't clap if you ain't about to do what I'm doing they got some seats outside but as for me and my row we will worship the Lord now I dare everybody in the middle of every row look down your oh say open your mouth and give God glory I'm going through too much to be silent I'm going through too much to be sitting down oh by the way if you're wondering why I'm talking about praise because the Bible says that the children of Israel have now turned their worship away from Jehovah and are now worshiping Bell and now there's a standoff there's a standoff going on because they're saying that Bell is God Elijah saying uh-uh Elohim is him that there's an argument between Bell and Jehovah an argument between Yahweh and his way and they say all right let's check this out y'all create an altar and put an animal on it and call on bail and see what happened guess what happened none life's a tie let's make this a little more difficult y'all go get some water soak this wood with it I want you to put water on the sacrifice because y'all know wet wood don't burn the Bible says that they doused that all to it water and Elisha call from heaven and God sent down a fire that burnt up the sacrifice burnt up the wood and burnt up the stone I'm trying to tell you what you've been trusting out a spark but God got fresh fire I decree and declare that if you call on the Lord that he will burn up everything that got you wrapped up is there anybody in the house that understands that God got that fire snapped somebody said God got the fire he burns up the altar and shows them that he has more power than what they've been trusting here it is Thank You Holy Ghost bill you have influence jehovah got power i wonder have you been trusting people who have influence and mistaken their influence for power influence can get you a call but power can get you the job [Applause] influence can get you considered but power can make you be over something you shouldn't even be considered for when you look over your life and you think about all of the things that God has done for you that you didn't qualify for and you still get it anyway you know if that's called that's called the power of the Holy Ghost and if you've ever experienced the power of God I'm dare you shout for 15 seconds and thank God for his path [Applause] watch this watch this J the Bible says that Elijah the Tishbite that's important because obviously there's some other Elijah's so he he gives a specificity and and demarcates this particular Elijah bringing him out of the crowd of Elijah's because this Elijah ain't like other Elijah's Elijah the Tishbite ah we cannot identify tisch bay on the map it's nowhere on the map you cannot find it you can look at any map anywhere they cannot definitively point out the place where Tish bay was it Elijah the Tishbite so now Elijah who we do not see born on the scene when you look at your other leaders we found Moses in the Nile River we found Jesus in in a manger we found Joshua following Moses you can trace all of the leaders Joseph was in his father's house David was at Jesse's house we know where all of these other leaders come from but when it comes to Elijah he just pops out of the sky falls like lightning down to the ground puts himself between proof and pages and now we see him painted on the canvas of the scripture without even knowing where he comes from and let me tell you God doesn't have to know who you ought to bless you what do I mean by that you don't have to be famous nobody has to know who you are you don't have to graduate come assume laude you don't have to be rich you don't have to be famous you don't have to be God can use you just nobody has to know who you are for God to use you Elijah falls onto the pages and now he is our leader and we're looking at him as a prophet and he has given us the word of the Lord his name is a Tetragrammaton it is a combination of two Hebrew words that denote who God is because his name is Elijah L owe him Jehovah Jah Jah so he is Elijah it's a Tetragrammaton it is a combination of two names of God he is a love job which means God the messenger now we have a boy who is from nowhere who name means nothing and God sends him to Ahab to tell the king ain't gonna be no rain now if there's gonna be an announcement made in the United States of America that announcement is supposed to come from the top down but God uses a no-name person from a no-name place to send a message from the bottom up oh I don't know who I'm talking to you but I came to tell some of y'all you bout to blow up God about to take you from the bottom all the way to the top do I have anybody in here over the next 20 seconds that can praise God for something that ain't even happened yet that you're about to go from the bottom to the top I dare you slap your neighbors say I was broke when I came here today but I declare I'll be rich by the time I get home I was sick when I woke up this morning but by His stripes I am healed is there anybody that knows you guys about to take you from the bottom to the top if you believe that God is about to take you from the bottom to the top I dare you give him 15 seconds of praise [Applause] I know what you're thinking why he keeps telling us to praise why he keep telling us a shout because the biggest argument of Elijah's time was who were they going to worship do we worship bill or do we believe God do we worship bill or do we worship Jehovah do we worship Bell or do we worship Elohim one has influence the other one has power God brought them out of the wilderness and some of us are guilty of this God did all that man to come from heaven clothes that don't wear out water out of dry places bitter water sweet as soon as they're good they go back to worship and bail then God would raise up a judge all right so we had 13 judges now I want to give you something when you go to the Bible from Samson all the way back Samson being the last judge there were 13 judges in the Old Testament also there were 13 famines why 13 famines and 13 judges because every time God raised up a judge they would obey God and as soon as God blessed him they were turned their back on God again and God says okay every time you divert your worship I'm gonna divert the water y'all just missed it every time your worship go the wrong way ain't no water coming your way God told me to tell you that your water always goes in the direction of your worship oh god help me in this place God says if you hold back to worship I'm gonna hold back to water what I'm trying to tell y'all if you need God to open up something you better open up your mouth because God says wherever there's worship that's what I'm gonna sing water I'm trying to find a place to shoot I'm trying to find the places I'm trying to find a place to send this Holy Ghost I got an anointing on me I'm trying to find out what the Bible says he inhabits the praises of his people God says well there's worship there's water I need about 15 people who are in a dry place to worship until the water shows up [Applause] [Music] that's cute it's alright but let me tell you what Elijah says he says at the word oh wait a minute that's a Rhema Elijah said at my word there will be no Dew nor rain now that is a twist go back and read it at my word not at God's Word at my word which means that Elijah had enough power in his mouth to speak and break the femin God had given him the ability to have death and life in the power of his tongue he says at my word but he's talking to a king and so God is shifting from priest to king and from king the priests and now he's letting you know that I'm taking the power of the land from the king and I'm giving it to the man of God I'm giving it to that which is spiritual do you know that you got more power in your mouth than your boss do you know that if you start praying that God will take what comes out of your mouth and make it more important than the people who have rule over you I wish I had somebody who knew that you had enough anointing on your life to speak those things that are not as though they were even though other people are not speaking those things over you elijah hath the power somebody shot I got the power if you would begin to speak you will begin to see everything you see is everything you speak your life follows your mouth and when you can't control your mouth no wonder your life is out of control when you begin to speak somebody say speak well I'm talking about the kind of speaking that doesn't look like I'll sound like what you actually going through okay let me give you example how many y'all ain't got no money to bring be honest you're scared to even look at your bank account cuz you don't know if it's a negative sign in front of the positive sign or you don't know if the direct deposit came out of you just hope they got paid ain't nobody called you so everything must be all right I'm talking about an S circumstance let the poor say I'm rich your life goes into the direction of your mouth and if you keep speaking negative things then you're gonna have negative experiences you got it you got to speak well even when it ain't going with you got to speak well even when you don't feel well you got to speak well even when it don't look well as a matter of fact if I can get seventeen of y'all right now just start speaking well I'm rich I'm balling I'm doing good I'm healthy I'm fine I'm all let just speak with whatever you say to yourself that's what you look like have you ever noticed some people who look beautiful they don't think they are and there's some people who the Lord is working with they got more confidence then you asymmetrical people who got perfect features and all of that but so you got to have confidence in the absence of evidence like ain't gonna be no rain now watch this Elijah didn't know his mouth was gonna get him in trouble here he is time haha ain't gonna be no rain oh just a bill y'all been even been trying to kill people ain't gonna be no rain then God says Oh Elijah Part B go in the direction of the famine whoa hold on now I don't mind preaching but uh I don't intend to practice what I preach you understand I said I I get what you're saying but I had thought it was for have been for them you know I I'm used to land flowing with milk and honey God says no old lies go to the family and I want you to sit there and I'm going to make sure that that I do something that's going to be significant and it's going to change your life but but I want you to know that that Elijah remember what you said there will be no Dew nor rain now rain I get rain I get because it is when the the atmosphere begins to heat up and and it meets condensation in the middle of the first heaven and and the condensation matriculates up unto the humanist clouds and there is an a combustion that begins to take place and and the only thing is it's rain is giving back to the earth what the earth gave to it it's it's it's a cycle but but do it's it's only of the accumulation of temperatures rising and falling nothing major has to happen that's why when you wake up in the morning there's dew on the grass because the temperature is rising and the temperatures are lowering it just accumulates this condensation but but do is it's it's it's it's not rain it's but it is water it's it's molecules its ingredients God says in this next season there's no dune or rain he says not only are there no blessings but not even ingredients you you won't even get blessing particles you won't you won't you won't even get the stuff that blessings are made up there's no do no rain it's gonna be a real drought no puddles no water holes and then when there's no water the vegetation can't grow when the vegetation can't grow the animals cannot eat when the animals cannot eat the people cannot eat so now I want you to see that there are rotting carcasses everywhere the stench is so putrid that Elijah wants to vomit every time he takes a step everything is dead there are maggots and worms all on the ground the animals are dead the birds are dead because nothing is feeding anything and here Elijah is sitting in the middle of death and God promises in life no water no birds chirping no cumulus clouds no condensation no rain three and a half years can you imagine three summers not one drop of rain three Falls no rain three Springs no April showers no May flowers nothing now I know we don't like rain but we hope it rain every once in a while it's a hundred and seventy degrees every day no rain except for a little bit of water that pop up for Elijah and after Elijah had enough water all of it dries up again now we got water Elijah can get the water with his hand but God says you're gonna need bread and meat well how am I gonna get bread and meat because I can't grow grain where am I gonna get meat from everything gets dead God says Elijah chill out I got you I'm gonna send a raven I want to send a raven to feed you now there's certain things that several things that bother me about this number one a raven is a scavenger okay Ravens don't bring nobody nothing Ravens steal from people and they eat that which doesn't belong to them so now God changes the nature of a scavenger and makes him a delivery boy but here's the problem it lies you got to eat every day Ravens God out of 10,000 species of birds you gonna pick a raven why not pick the majestic eagle who rest and soars and doesn't have to flap his wings and has talons and enough power to fly with at least 15 to 20 pounds in this talents God why would you send me a raven who at best can hold one to two pounds of food I'm in the desert God says the reason why I sent you the Raven it's it's it's it's important that you understand this number one I'm sending the Rick but it's beak is not powerful enough to open up the animal so what a raven does is it flies and finds a meal and once it flies and finds a meal it knows that the foxes and the wolves follow him so the raven makes enough noise so the foxes and the wolves know where it is and then when it finds a meal it makes a certain sound and the Wolves know that there is food and then the wolves go down and they kill the animal and they open it up and when the wolves bite the animal and open it up now the Raven can come down because remember it doesn't have the ability to open up what it needs but what the Raven lacks in strength it has in sound and he knows there was something about the Raven that knows that every time he makes a sound stuff gets opened ah I wish I had somebody in here God says I'm sending you a raven cuz I want the Raven to teach you a lesson that there are some things in your life you are not strong enough to open up but God says if you'll make a sound I'll send you somebody to help open it up for you I dare you give five people uh high five and let them know that this next praise guy's about to send something to help me open it up if there is 50 people in here there's faces something that you don't have the strip to open a door that you can't open an opportunity that you can't open God told me to tell you he's about to send somebody to help you open it up but not if you quiet not if you sitting there with an attitude not if you sitting there talking about it ain't good enough for me yet I need the redeemed of the Lord to open up your mouth God says if you open up your mouth I'll open something up for you if you open up your mouth I'll open up the door if you open up your mouth I'll open up the opportunity somebody oughta [Applause] [Music] look at three people say open up your mouth open up your mouth open up your mouth God says I'm about to I'm about to redirect the water if you'll read I read the worship if you'll open up your mouth and give me glory you'll wake up and find out that the enemies you saw today you shall see no more and if you were sick and tired of being sick and tired and you were ready for God to do something in your life I dare you open up who we go saying Bible says he inhabits the praises of his people when you shout the Holy Ghost shows up Holy Ghost shows up and opens up stuff that you can't open God opens doors that no man can shut and he closes doors that no man can open and not to create declare that when you redirect your worship upwards gotta make sure that your work goes upwards he'll make sure that your life goes upwards he'll make sure that your opportunities go up somebody slap your neighbor say I'm going all the way up and when my hands go up they stayed out I dare you over the next thirty Seconds to not let fatigue make your hands come down I dare you over the next thirty Seconds let the devil know I don't feel like worshiping but I'm gonna do it anyway I don't feel blessed but I might bless the Lord I don't feel like a victorious person but I'm gonna give you the victory [Applause] as the deer pants for water so my soul thirsts for you Oh God blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of the sinner nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight there it is his delight is in the law of the Lord and he doesn't meditate on it day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water day and night day and night day and night I will bless the Lord day and night I will bless the Lord at all times even if it's night in your life it ought to be day in your worship even if it's night in your money it ought to be day in your worship I guess somebody to bless the Lord stop letting your worship drop because your brook is dry you can't keep looking at your life and letting your worship match your life you got to take your worship and make your life come up to the level of your worship stop taking your worship down to your feelings and make your feelings come up to the level of your worship you ever seen somebody come in church they so defeated in their life they take pain worship the Lord God says okay you hold back to worship I'm a whole back dead water I'm the whole back what you need I'm a whole back what you've been praying for it I'm a whole back what you've been hoping for don't let nothing get in to where your praise neither height nor depth nothing shall separate me from the love of God not losing a job not losing a friend not losing a relationship not losing a house or car nothing shall separate me I'll bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be not in my hands not in my feet not in my rock not in my way [Music] [Applause] that's the toys to the drought lasted three and a half years I ask myself god that's a long time to let somebody struggle there any half years is a long time to struggle how many y'all have had a struggle that loan it's no I'm serious this is for real how many other has something it just it was then oh six it was there no seven it was down to oh eight one thing you all know here keeper now that I've know three and a half years Rob the reason why I think I'll let it last three and a half years it's because he always makes sure that the struggle will last longer than the storage because if the famine last six months and you got seven months of water then you don't have to wait on the Lord can I help some of y'all God just waiting on you to run out he waiting on you to run out of plans he waiting on you to run out of options he's waiting on you to run out of manipulative twos to get he just waiting on you to run out of your intelligent self he just waiting on you to get tired God playing rope-a-dope with you he leaning on the ropes of heaven just waiting on you to swing yourself tired so you just give up and say okay father I stretch he waited till the bell rings right three and a half years everybody did those that didn't move and didn't get away nobody's alive three and a half years no rain three and a half years they haven't seen a flower bloom three and a half years I haven't seen a bird fly over here three and a half years not one bull or lamb alive everybody's gone no then God says all right Elijah here's point number one for your son you're gonna have to submit to the procedure God is doing something in your life the reason why I won't in is because you won't submit to the procedure you ought to stay here until I tell you to move or why are you still here I told you to you are suffering for longer than necessary because you will now submit to the divine procedure of God over your life three and a half years that's a long time it's a long time if you ever have to wait three and a half years for something you know how long it is it's a long time but it ain't them all and Elijah is there about a group and the Raven is feeding them God says the lies are sent that Raven because sometimes surplus messes with your focus if I leave you with too much what am i preaching to I got a good friend I was talking with him today he's a business leader he said sometimes I just wonder why God why did you just let it all come at once he said I realize now that sometimes God our Father which art which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our if I give you too much I won't hear from you until you run out if I give you too much and a lot of y'all got a lot but it ain't as much as you're destined for you have all you can handle that keeps you coming back to the throne of grace and when you get to the place where you don't appraise what you have to determine the next time you go see him then God will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing surplus message with focus I can't give you too much because I won't see you till you run out so the bird I picked was based on your character not my ability I could have sent you an eagle they brought you 12 pounds of meat but you wouldn't pray tomorrow I didn't even have to send a bird I could have sent you a entire bison that could have had his own water supply and I can I could uh I could have brought you a different bison every week but you had Raven faith I know my sheep and I know that the only type of faith that you have is the kind of faith that needs me to show up often because if I give you a surplus you will have no focus if some of y'all had a million dollars right now you wouldn't be here that's the bottom line most people come to church to put a praise in to God like he a slot machine here's a praise pay me all right god I showed up I'm here that some people don't come see about God until they feel like he hadn't seen about them you shouldn't be too rich to come see them you shouldn't be too busy to come see them how many family reunions you're gonna go to Amy but one of y'all family with you how many events you're gonna go to on a Sunday how many brunches you got to go to it's the same menu oh hell let your boy up in here I'm walkin what they come walking tall and I'm preaching heavy and God says I am so tired of people wanting me to make them an option and they make me a choice I'm so tired of you people wanting me to make them a priority and they make me an option you hold back the worship and I'll hold back the water and there was nobody in here that has as much as God wants you to have whatever you have he intended to give you more than you could ever imagine Elijah says all right I'm gonna stay right here god I'm gonna stay by this Brook I'm gonna let this love splash the water come up I'm gonna get my water it's gonna disappear I got to pattern the Raven gonna bring me a new chick chicken sandwich from Popeyes and then y'all over to God six ounces all right okay then he's comfortable and some of y'all right now okay god I got to pattern go to work 9:00 to 5:00 kiss my wife when I get in the house Pat my kids on the head do a couple of homeworks that I don't even know what I'm doing anybody at the stage where your kids work is confusing you I look at them Trojan homework and they asked him were stories I'm like um the only actually mama actually mama this was she do actually mom I'm a man of God I send today mama all right I got it I got my pack I'm in the groove three o'clock every day - rayvin gonna drop me off a sandwich Elisha go to Zarephath wait a minute I just got comfortable at the brook ain't got a disturber just when you get comfortable in one place he calls you to go to another just when you learn how to handle one thing he throws another thing at you just when you master one situation now you got to develop a new skill that you did not have you stopped drinking gneisses alright now we're gonna stop cussing God you're taking the too fast I need to need it both of them God why am I gonna go to the widow's house cuz she suffering with the same thing I'm suffering go to Zarephath which by definition of the Hebrew is the place of refining okay God says now in the first season of your life I was training for reigning you got it Jake alright there is no rain but Elijah you will reign so I'm holding back to Rai in to get you ready to re i G touch somebody said he's training you for raining training for raining he's training for raining because he Lysa is about to be like the hugest mouthpiece for God one of the few people in the Bible dead went to heaven without dying it even doubted Bible say he was just caught up so now he says go to Zarephath which is the place of refining so first training then refining see when you refine something it's already valuable but it still has some impurities so so when you find gold in the ground Gold is valuable but in order for it to be translated into something that can be worn and displayed it has to be refined so God says what I'm doing for you right now is you still got some rough edges you still you still okay now now what causes something to have to be refined something has to be refined because it doesn't recognize how valuable it is so it connects with things that's worth less so if you if you find gold when you pull gold out of the ground it still got dirt on it go what are you doing letting dirt hold on to you don't you know that dirt is worth less than you don't you understand that you and dirt ain't in the same category don't you know that you can't go to a jewelry store and buy dirt don't you understand that you'll be displayed but it'll be walked on why are you a display piece hanging out with stuff to get walked on so God says I'm refining you because you haven't yet figured out that what you're connected to is beneath you and you so busy trying to fit in you can't stand out that's my girl from high school it ain't your fault she didn't grow so you either better find out if you want to walk into your destiny or do you want to stay on your friends level when you got a whole nother destiny to go to somebody say refrying that's why you're struggling and who am I talking to and I got to go cuz I got a preacher in another 30 minutes at the church are you getting an hour I can't give it to you no better than this have you ever been in a situation where you've been with people in your life and all of a sudden you start to feel like we don't even [Music] see being unequally yoked don't just mean your boo some of your friends are like if you ask them I want you to do me a favor I want you to ask one of your friends either if they're not here have them watch this tournament action what they got out of it it's gonna be totally different than what you got out of it their response is gonna be so juvenile you're gonna you're gonna have a deep revelation of the Spirit you're gonna ask them what they got out of it and I guarantee to be about what somebody else did about what somebody well I know what I got out of it people need to mind their own business he just you ain't even getting them out of it so he goes there fact refining the last point he goes to that woman and says listen and this is something that you need to get he goes to the woman he says to her God told me to tell you to feed me the lady says brother prophet I don't mean to be rude my husband just died and all these brothers been coming over there trying to get fresh so I'm a little skeptical anyway she's and she's a widow and now she's trying to figure out if emotions all over the place you don't want to be on the rebound you know prophet come to town got a nice robe on so she like hold on this raunchy robe is appealing but I just want to see if the way you were you trying to take this brother prophet brother prophesy oh no oh no no this ain't about that I'm hungry yeah I know you hungry brother prophet that's what they all be saying no no no no not like that brother no no sister sister Widow I'm hungry I haven't eaten and and God told me to tell you to give me your last pancake she said you can't have my cornbread that's for show if you you better get to taste out of your mouth if you think you're gonna have my cornbread go on get your own potion - cornbread this is my cornbread tell him ray he's saying I cannot listen if you don't know what I'm talking about just go home just get out cuz this is the second time y'all don't got on my nerve if you don't know life leave you don't know Ray and Earl and go now if you got to go give me your last oiler and your last flower end of the story she says I can't he said you must and she did and the Bible says this woman who ran out of flour and oil put it together and gave her last portion to the Prophet and then every time she dipped in the barrel this woman who was running out it's no longer running out I decree and declare that you're getting ready to go into a season where you're gonna go from running out to running over slap three people and say I'm going from running out to running over get ready for God to take you from destruction to destiny from the brook to the Barrow from not enough to more than enough the only two things I want you to know today you gonna have to submit to the process but you cannot stay in this place God told me to tell you if you stay in this place you will starve somebody say if I stay on the starve if I stays thinking like this I'm gonna starve if I keep talking like this I'm gonna starve if I keep processing like this I'm gonna starve if I keep behaving like this I'm gonna say if I keep reacting like this I'm gonna start he's a keeper I know it for myself and I know some of y'all you're right where Elijah was it's a tough season it's a dry season it's a frustrating season but it was only a stop not a state this ain't permanent okay I've told you about speaking just say this to yourself this too shall pass so you got signal sir and Jack Elijah had the word in his mouth right so if I say this too shall pass did it has to pass because I said so you know the only reason why they left because you haven't told it to the only reason why I haven't stopped cuz you just been enduring it you just spend - this is my lot in life and this is what I'm supposed to be going through the Lord know what he doing he do know what he doing but he watching what you gonna do victory is mine I told Satan [Music] death and life is in the pout of your tongue you have to speak those things that are not as though they were you got us you got a sweet if you don't speak it you won't see it even for you young people who are graduating college in high school I'm a straight-a student that's what you say that's what you say that's what you speak to yourself I'm a winner I'm not a follower that people will respect you when you speak well you're gonna get what you say you can trust me on that and let me tell you something else you do not get what you hope for you only get what you see let me prove it to you how many of y'all hope that God will give you a million dollars in the next 30 days ask him in 30 days if they get it you don't get what you hope for they've been hoping for that since I met you don't get what you hope for you get what you declare if God hope for a world it wouldn't be one but when he wanted one let there be and then there was if you speak it it'll happen I need every person to stand up on your feet the Lord sent us and so this morning I believe in my heart that there's some people in this room even those of you who are in overflow yet even those of you who are watching online I want you to hear the word of the Lord as it comes from my mouth the guy told you that wherever you are don't stay it's time for you to move on now if you're in this place then you know it's time for you to move forward move forward in your mind move forward your mentality move forward in your reactions move forward in the way you speak even in the way you process and the way you see the world we are a people on the move and sometimes you got to get around the people in order to become you see when you go into the Serengeti the Lions they hang out in prize y'all bless God for them as they come and even heaven you know God is blessing when they come before you Axl [Music] [Music] the Lord will give this place a date you may say what did they do they just gave their life to God they said this is the church that I want to grow it god bless you my brother whoever you are just come for me up nobody say the Lord will come on lighthouse making a big deal making a big deal come on come on see sooner or later [Music] [Music] I will let you go if I'm not released I'm not released I'm not released so I can't release you [Music] [Music] everybody says soon [Music] keep on singing there mess with somebody you need to just minister to your neighbor tell them it's turning around is turning around turning around my body hasn't been around but not tell me to tell you that is [Music] [Music] we prefer don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on and give a pray Lord God we won't quit in the middle of it we will praise you in spite of how it looks we will pleasure in spite of how it feels thank you that you are a provider in throughout places that no weapon formed against us shall prosper we're gonna leave out this place victorious even though we may feel that everything around us is dying we are going to believe you and your report and what you have to say we're gonna follow your suggestions even though your ways are not our ways and your thoughts are not our thoughts but we're headed towards destiny and we thank you in advance that we have arrived in Jesus name we pray somebody say man talk somebody on your way out tell them I love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 14,828
Rating: 4.9550562 out of 5
Keywords: Lighthouse Church, Lighthouse Church Worship, Worship Experience, Lighthouse Church Worship Experience 6/23/19, Pastor Keion Henderson, Keion Henderson, The LightHouse Church, keion's korner, Pastor, faith, jesus, God, grace, sermon, bishop, god sermon, power, missionary, prayer, amen jesus, amen, believing in god, preaching, christianity, evil spirit, god's word, parents, god, atheist, the lighthouse church, lighthouse church live stream, lighthouse church of houston, lighthouse church live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 14sec (7574 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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