This Attack Has Limits | Pastor Keion Henderson

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verse number one job chapter two verse number one again there was a day when the sons of god came to present before the lord and satan came amongst them you'd be surprised how many times satan sneaks in the crowd and the lord said unto satan from whence come as thou in other words he's saying where where are you coming from and here is satan's response he said i've been going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it and the lord said unto satan has thou considered my servant job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and upright man one that feareth god and excu with evil and still somebody say and steal and still he hold it fast to his integrity although thou movest me against him to destroy him without cause and satan answered the lord and said skin for skin yea all that a man hath will he give for his life but put forth thine hand now and touch his bone and his flesh i promise you he'll curse you to your face [Music] and the lord said unto satan behold all right he is in your hand but save his life so satan went forth from the presence of the lord and smote job with sores and boils from the soul of his foot to the crown of his head and he took him a posture to scrape himself with all and he sat down amongst the ashes then said unto his wife unto him dost thou still retain thine integrity in other words after all god has put you through you still going to believe curse god and die already but he said unto her woman you sound like a fool what shall we receive good at the hand of god and we shall not receive evil and no matter how sick job was the bible says in all this did job not sin with his lips do you all see what just happened job is sick his wife is sick of him being sick his life has been destroyed as we know it and the bible says that no matter what happened to his body he refused to allow sin to come from his lips anybody going through anything in here today anybody been attacked in your money anybody been attacked in your body anybody been attacked in your home anybody been attacked in the area of your finances because if you've been attacked in any area of your life this sermon is for you now if you haven't been attacked you can go to sleep i'll be here when you wake up but if you have been through anything and you've been fighting and you've been wondering when enough is enough this sermon is for you and god sent me here to tell you those of you who are watching and those of you who are in this room god told me to tell you this attack has limits that's what i want to talk about i want you to shout it before you sit down and say this attack [Music] has limits you may be seated in the presence [Music] of the lord say it again this attack has limits the life of job has been well documented throughout history even if you are not an avid re reader of the scripture you know at least a small modicum or portion of this most prolific biblical narrative job was in his day the richest man in the land he was jeff bezos before there was a jeff bezos he was a warren buffett before there was a warren buffett he was a henry ford before there was a henry ford he was he was a wealthy man he had so much money that he could not count it he had so many animals that only the scripture could number them the only thing that we can definitively number without any mistake was the number of children he had 10 and even for a man to have 10 children and for all of them to be with him that makes him a wealthy man he up until this time has a dedicated and devoted wife he has a reputation who knows what kinds of businesses and affairs that this man has enjoyed all of his life and none of it mattered when covet showed up because when sickness comes it doesn't actually what your net worth is when sickness comes when cancer comes it doesn't ask you how many hallelujahs you have uttered when it comes it doesn't ask you how many times you've tired on sunday when sickness comes it beats the door down doesn't ask for entry doesn't pay any respect doesn't pay the toll for crossing the bridge when sickness decides to come in it invades space like a night robber sickness doesn't say we're going to be sick next week we're going to be sick next month sometimes you don't find out you're sick until you've already been sick and in the midst of having everything that job had and having everything that his name is on it not it matters not now because the only thing that matters is his health that we can spend so much time in our lives trying to make sure we have the white wardrobe and making sure that we have the right house and making sure that we have expensive pillows and mattresses and sheets and and shoes and clothes but let me tell you something when you get sick you can have a car with no place to go if you get the right sickness in your body you can have the best mattress and you still can't get any sleep if you get sick enough you can have a house but you can't stay in it because you're in somebody's hospital bed it's it's one of those things where you should learn to appreciate the things that money cannot buy i remember reading a story when steve jobs was on his way to his last moment in life he was sick and he was once a vibrant man and and we saw him standing on the stage of apple products releasing new products uh only a shadow of his former self he had become emaciated and thin and he said in his last days listen to this he says i'm a wealthy man but one thing that i learned while i was sick either eat your food for medicine or you would eat your medicine for food job is sick the reason why i went through the litany of expressing all that has befallen him from a physical dimension is because most of the time i have heard this text in all of my life since i have been in the faith i've always heard people speak about job's affliction but for the next few moments if you will indulge me i would like to ignore the affliction and focus on the permission i mean the bible says man born of a woman is of a few days those few days are filled with trouble we understand that people get sick many of the afflictions of the righteous but the lord shall deliver us from them all so we all know the conversation about affliction but i wonder what was it about joel that made god give his permission because you understand that none of us can be afflicted by the enemy without gods say so that there is nothing that you are going through that satan didn't have to ask god's permission before he afflicted so what was it about your anatomy that made god give the enemy permission what is god trying to accomplish by allowing satan to kick your front door in without announcing himself what is it that god is trying to do in your family by allowing you or your sister or your mother or your cousin to go through what they are going through what is god's ultimate plan i want to examine the permission because you know when you are seeking permission you are actually asking for consent if if you are married anybody married in here today are in a serious relationship here here's a deal about a serious relationship uh and and everybody here will attest to this uh when you are confronted uh with an expensive purchase or an expensive proposition that and and most couples have this you don't just go do the expensive stuff uh without conferring with your spouse if it's a woman and and you see something you want uh you'll say well let me let me call my husband and see if that's okr or let me let me run that by my wife now you don't call home and say hey baby i want to know can i buy a bag of flamin hots you don't call home and say baby i just i just wanted to know if it was okay if i bought a pair of jeans no but but when you get a call on your phone and they tell you something like oh are you driving a 2016 such and such well guess what you can turn that in right now and we'll lower your payment and and give you a better interest rate you want to jump on it but you say hold on let me let me let me call home and and make sure that that's all right why do we do that it's not that that that that you don't have the ability to make your own decisions the reason why you call home watch this here it is because you value the other person's opinion am i right about that it it's it's just that when you value the other person you seek their permission now if that is true and satan is seeking permission to attack job and we just establish that when you seek permission you value something then we are able to reduce this to the idea that even though satan is trying to harm job the reason why he is seeking permission to hurt job is because he values job don't y'all miss what i'm saying don't you miss what i'm saying somebody say value satan could afflicted anybody he could have picked anybody he could have picked anybody in the world but he had his sights zeroed in on job it was because he valued job and the fact that he goes through the exercise of seeking permission shows that he has value placed upon job and i want you to hear what i am saying right now you will have less stress in your life when you come to the realization that every attack on your life is actually a validation of value there are a million people that people can choose to hate why they hate you there are a million people they could choose to lie on why are they lying on you there are a lot of people that they could focus on but why are they focusing on you the reason why is because the even the person who doesn't like you inadvertently through their fixation on you shows you that they value you even if they don't like you somebody say i'm valuable i've never seen a bank robber put bullets in this clip to go to a bank that closed last year the reason why he goes to the bank that's open is because there is value come on talk to me guys there is value inside the bank some of y'all have children who are asking you right now for permission to go someplace your children don't risk you saying no to coming to ask you to go to a place they don't want to go they ask you to go where they're going because there is either something or someone there that they value and they risk asking you for permission to go even when they are punishment and they re they know your mouth they know you cuss they know you go off but they are willing to go through all of that just to see if they can get permission because there is something there that they value more than your anger i'm gonna get there in a minute i'm gonna get i've never seen a dog chasing a parked car he's he's only chasing the car that's moving why because there is value in it let me tell you something everything hear me everything that focuses on you values you every one of your haters value you everything that focuses on you values you if your ex focused on you is because they still value you and let me tell you something every person who is fixated on you still wants something from you it may be money it may be it may be an apology or it may be your humiliation but every person who still has their mouth on you their eyes on you their post on you their fingers on you it's because they still value you the real issue is that everybody in your life values you except you look at the way you talk to yourself i want you to listen to how you talk to you i want you to go back and think about the last thing you said to you i can't that's bad i shouldn't that's negative you the dumbest do you hear the language that you have in the conversation you have with yourself and one of the things i found out is the people who have the best conversations with others have the worst conversations with themselves they're always encouraging have you ever seen a woman of god or a man of god you can make it you can be this you can be that god said you can do this but they can't even prophesy to themselves they don't have a word for themselves they don't have a word for their own disposition they don't have a word for their own emotions they don't have a word for their own attitude they can't talk themselves out of the negative cycle they always have a word for someone else and that shows him that you value other people more than you value yourself you value other people more than you value yourself and yet get upset when people don't value the thing you disvalue you cannot require anyone to value you until you do i want to focus on the permission i want to i want to focus on the permission god said god said satan um where where have you been he said i've been going back and forth walking up and down rankin seeing who i can devour just going to and fro now why is satan even there you remember satan used to be the praise and worship leader in heaven and here's how it goes the choir is up here singing satan was directing the choir and the lord of hosts was behind satan and as satan was directing the choir the people began to shout and begin to bow but what satan didn't know is the glory was behind him and so he thought that they would bow into him and so he took what was for god and god says i'm a jealous god and i have no other god before me so since satan thought that he was in the position to be worshiped god kicked him out of heaven [Applause] and he falls to the earth and now really he's doing what angry people do pace can't believe he kicked me out i had his choir on 10. i had them sopranos smoking jack those tenors i had him going i had his choir giving god to oh man his choir wouldn't have been nothing without me if it wasn't for me he's going back to and fro and he's upset because he get he got kicked out and then the lord told me to tell you that anger is a trap that anybody who stays angry this is all they do they walk in the same parameters and and and here it is watch this the latin word for anger is in gay which means narrow the lord told me to tell you as long as you're angry you'll never expand oh i don't know who i'm talking to i'm gonna help somebody today oh i hope you didn't think that i was going to preach a mother's day sermon i ain't got to tell you you're a woman you already know that i ain't got to tell you a mama congratulations thank you boo-boo now can we get delivered when you want to admit that you are angry you will not understand why you just keep going from terrible job to terrible job when you want to admit you angry you keep dating the same person over oh i'ma get in here today and over and over again your health starts failing your mind is empty you get frustrated i need somebody in here today to say you know what lord i have to admit i've been angry i've been holding a grudge and now i understand that my anger keeps me narrow [Applause] when you are angry you cannot expand when you are angry god cannot give you new ideas because why would god give you a new idea for you to be angry about it the world is full of angry people masquerading as if everything is okay just because you can say hallelujah just because you got dressed up and came to church today and most people don't come to church to worship they come for therapy they come asking god to work it out in 45 minutes to an hour and 15 so they can go back out there but let me tell you something you have to work out your own soul salvation you have to make sure that you take care of your mind body and soul sometimes you need therapy sometimes you need to say i'm sorry sometimes you need to change your habits because he's just going to and fro looking for who he can get instead of looking for who he can fix because this is what angry people do they walk and look outward and never stand still to look inward it's my mama fault if my mama would've hugged me i wouldn't be like it's my daddy fault because he was absent it's it's the pastor fault because he didn't see my my gift it's my boss fault i can't believe they promoted the person who show up early every day and didn't promote me and i'm late all the time i can't believe it says he's angry and i was talking to our staff the other day in our church we made a ten thousand dollar donation to a mental health hotline not too long ago because [Applause] people are upset people are angry and they're finally figuring out in 2001 that worship don't fix it they're going to church does it make you psychologically better that watch and tackle the text does not cure depression that saying i'm blessed and highly favored don't really mean you are. and what we're doing is we're just going through the motions to and fro looking for who we can fix looking for who we can criticize instead of stopping and focusing on us and that is satan's problem his anger has trapped him i've been asking god please keep me away from angry people oh i can be around sinful people i can be around gangsters lord give me some thugs with tattoos in their earlobes but get me away from angry people because when you are close to angry people you fall into their trap and you end up following them in the to and fro cycle and you find yourself trapped in your own anger and when you are friends with angry people you don't progress because you're trying to help them and you cannot help somebody out of the mud without getting dirty somebody say he's angry and he sought permission to get to job and then he makes this prediction he said lord i promise you this okay all right if you let me take his kids if you let me take his money if you let me take his house i promise you i promise you he'll turn this back on you here's what here's what god says okay go ahead and do it now it didn't work because he made a prediction what we're reading now is the second time job was attacked he had already been attacked in chapter one this is the second one so the first one didn't work the kids are now dead the cattle are gone the house is gone everything is gone and now what's left is his flesh his body so now he comes and god says okay you can touch him but on the man himself don't lay a hand you don't you don't make him sick he made a prediction he says god i promise you if you let me take his kids and all this he says i will cur he will curse you to your face let me tell you something i want you to hear me this is the word of the lord you do not know this or you may be finding it out right now for the first time but there is an enemy in your life that has a prediction about your response oh man listen this and this and this is that you're gonna have to listen to me right now because the lord told me that there are people in your life right now they are doing things based on what they think you like and love and they have already predicted what your response will be to what they did to you they've already predicted it they've already predicted it but here it is he said that he will curse you to your face and die and he did not because what do we read that he did not let what sin come from his lips because what happened was is the prediction did not come back true and here is what the lord told me to tell you right now i prophesy and predict and i declare in the name of jesus that whatever the enemy predicted about you shall be false [Applause] he predicted that you would die from this disease it is not the word of the lord the lord told me to tell you shall live who am i talking to today you shall live and not die he predicted that your children would be on drugs but god told me to tell you that your children will not only not be on drugs but they're going to be a pharmacist who am i talking to in this place today i don't know what you're going through i don't know what you're experiencing but the word of the lord is that the report is false and the prediction is wrong and if you believe that god has the power to undo what the devil has done i want you to spend the next 15 seconds giving god glory that whatever the enemy tried to do it won't work somebody shout it won't work come on look at your neighbor and tell them it won't work as a matter of fact i need some of y'all to prophesy to your neighbor right now and tell them i don't know what you're going through but god told me to tell you the only way out is true you were never going to get there until you went through this you were never going to get that until you went through it and god said it shall not be so the prediction is untrue some doctor may tell you we're going to give you two or three months to live it's an untrue prediction that was a false report god has a way of making the prediction wrong you were already supposed to be on drugs raised in the house you were raised in oh who am i talking who am i talking to your uncle was an alcoholic your father was absent your mother didn't have the kind of love because she had been stripped of love herself and you were supposed to be a statistic and here you are right now with a job and a family and a career and a house and a relationship with god some of y'all ain't even thanking god for how far you made it this far ain't nowhere in the world you ought to be who you are ain't nowhere in the world you should be working where you were nowhere in the world [Applause] but the prediction was false somebody shouted was false satan said he's going to curse you god says no he not no he's not he's not going to curse me and he he says satan here's what you don't know that this attack has limitations he says you can do this that this that this but this you cannot do you can't touch oh god help me in this place today i'ma get you can do this you can put boils on his body but you can't take his life you you can put cancer in his body but you can't take her life you you can put an aneurysm in that brain but you cannot take that life because watch this every time god gives permission he also gives parameters let me let me see if i can put it this way when we were growing up when we were growing up uh we used to live uh in a neighborhood that only had about three or four streets and i don't know how y'all mama did but this is what our mama said she says all right uh when you go out of this house she said all right don't go past miss smith house over here and and you can't go past miss cooper house over there and the martin luther king center so we have this parameter ms smith miss cooper martin luther king and and everything we have to do was in that triangle reason why mama said that because mama said don't come out of that parameter and you better be in this house before them street light oh no y'all ain't see you little young parents you let your nine-year-old stay out to 10 in the morning at night but back then we had parameters mama say uh before that sun start going down and them street lights come on you need to be making your way back no don't come in here when they own you need to be in this house already before the street lights come on and this was her last her last instruction when mama was ready for us to come in she'll walk out of the house and step on the porch and she say hey it's time to come in and here we are us the three little ducklings we come running in the house just like mama said see the reason why mama set parameters she always wanted to be able to step out where we could hear her voice y'all better hear me in this place today and any time we stayed in the parameters where we could hear her voice she would call and we would be home god said i will always keep you where you can hear me i got parameters on this situation i'll never let you get to a place where the enemy's noise will be louder than my voice [Applause] god says you just need to stay where i can reach you you need to stay where you can hear me help me holy ghost the reason why i'm not letting you go far is because your hearing ain't that good yet you don't listen that well the more you listen the further you can go and now some of y'all got grown children you'll let them go anywhere because you know that they hear your voice even if you're not calling [Applause] if you want the leash to be longer let the ears open wider [Applause] we have to stay in parameters mama come out and say hey and i remember a couple of times i went out of that parameter and didn't hear a call my name and have you ever got a whip as a result of coming in it wasn't that we came in too late it was that we went outside of the perimeter now if my mama who loves me will spank what she loves for breaking the perimeter what will god do how much more will god chasten satan if he comes beyond the parameters that god has set for him i wanted to tell you today that no matter what's going on in your life you are safe you are secure and you are centered in the word and the will of god because there is a limitation to how far this attack is going to go i need everybody who came to church today and who didn't come to get a free nap to shout that this attack has limits [Applause] somebody shouted has limits let me talk to y'all at home cause i can hear y'all even though y'all not here somebody say it got limits it got limits i might be sick but i will not die i might be broke but i'm not gonna lose this house i might be frustrated but i'm not gonna stroke out somebody's shot has got limits it's got limits [Applause] he's got limits he's not going to be able to kill you satan cannot destroy you whatever you're going through your boss can fire you and god will still let you keep your house they can repossess your car and god will still make a way for you to have transportation who am i talking to today who's that single mother who was not able to work during the pandemic and you had to stay home and watch your own children and you didn't know how in the world it was going to work out and here you are a year and three months later still making it when you said you didn't know how you were gonna make it and haven't you found out that every time you said you didn't know how you were gonna make it god made o somebody shout he's a waymaker he's a miracle worker he's a promise keeper and he's light in the darkness i need 200 people watching me and 300 people in the room to begin to shout and give god glory and shall this attack has this attack has limits i said this attack has limits i said this attack has limits i said this attack has limits no weapon formed against you shall prosper this attack has limits this sickness has limits this anger has limits this frustration has limits it's limited if you don't sin with your lips because you can break the parameter when you break your mouth you open your mouth and say the wrong thing you can collapse everything that god has built for you that's why the poor have to say i'm rich that's why the weak have to say i'm strong because you got to make sure that when it gets rough you don't let your language fall to the level of your experience i'll let nothing separate me oh i wish i had a real church separate me from the love of god if you let me touch him he gonna curse you and die prediction is wrong the prediction is wrong the bible says that he maintained his integrity in integrity he he stayed the same within no matter what he was experiencing without and that's the problem with most of us is we always look like what we've been through [Applause] i was i was telling a group of people in our staff meeting jay the other day we were meeting and and we were talking about an idea this is going to help some of y'all if you're watching me at home listen to this it won't help everybody because you're going to have to be serious to take this i was reading the book and the author said these words pastor warner he said the problem with most people is not what happens to them but their perspective of what did he says healthy people have what we call observation unhealthy people psychologically have what we call perception he says observation is when you see what happened perception is the baggage you brought to the event oh i don't i know y'all ain't gonna say man this is this is what you call helping this is deliverance preaching right now i wish i could shout you and make you feel like you were happy and make you feel good but you ain't gonna do nothing believe here and go back and think about suicide i'm trying to make you put the devil at bay i'm trying to put those negative thoughts out of your mind he says perception is the baggage that we bring to the situation so what happens to most of us there is what is happening to us and what we saw that happened and let me tell you something do you know how many people are in jail right now because of eyewitness accounts do you know how many people identified the wrong person do you know how many people are in jail right now because somebody said i saw him it was him and they found out through dna analysis years later that it was not the person that you saw because your eyes a lot of you modern people [Applause] the reason why job didn't lose his mind is because he didn't bring the baggage of perception to the event he said though you slay me [Music] [Applause] yet will i trust in you do i have somebody in this house that has a yet praise i said do i have anybody that has a yet praise i might be sick but yet i'll trust him i might be broke but yet i'll give him glory i might be lost but yet he'll find me somebody give him a yet praise [Music] [Applause] jose he said i don't know what you're doing to me though you slay me though you slay me though you afflict me though you let them lie on me though you let him put boils on my body yup though you took all my kids can you imagine job at the funeral with ten caskets across the front so you can't feel this story because you're still in the room leave the room and go to job's house 10 empty bedrooms with the fragrance of this baby still on the pillow a business that he built from the ground up gone in one day all because somebody sought to sift him like wheat no fault of his own going in this baby's bedroom picking up the teddy bear she used to play with and that was baby's dead all because somebody wanted to have fun and i had injury to insult and all of a sudden he's got boils and blisters popping up all over his the body says that the boils were from the soul of his foot to the crown of his head everywhere he moved he was uncomfortable and then the lord showed me a revelation he had the boils on the bottom of his feet and he had on the top of his head and then the lord showed me yes that is exactly what satan does because if you have boils on your feet you can't walk if you have them on your head you can't think so he wants your mind and your progress [Applause] he wants you where you think and where you walk and if everything you touch shall be yours he'll just make sure you can't walk on it and if you think it shall be he'll just make sure that you can't think about it he's attacking you in your areas of strength [Music] he's got so many boys on his body that pus is coming out of them oh that's what the other thing the lord showed me why did you pick boils you you could have picked blindness satan you could have picked a withered hand you could have picked wither less why did you put the boils on his feet and i think that satan was jealous of job because job was was called upright and righteous by god which is what satan wanted to be called you'd be surprised how many people are upset at you because they ain't you have you considered him he put boils all on his body and now job is hideous can you imagine pus oozing from his face he's got boils in his ears and pus that's coming he's got him inside of his nostrils and pus is coming down he's got him in his mouth and pus is coming out of his mouth he can't even shave because he has pus in his beard he has pus on the inside of his hands and on the outside he's got him all over his body and every time somebody sees joe they don't want to look because he looks disgusting and then the lord told me that's the next thing the enemy wants to do he wants to mess up how people see you the enemy is after your reputation he's after your reputation he's not after your power he's after your reputation how many of you all know that there is nothing satan could ever do to diminish the power of god but the bible says that when he went into his hometown he could not perform miracles because they no longer perceived him to be the son of god that means he had all of the power in heaven and earth but he couldn't perform miracles because they couldn't perceive him right and if the devil messes with your perception he can mess with how people see you and people are so narrow-minded that they can't follow a fallen person even though they are a fallen person themselves oh god help me in this place today i've been a pastor all of my life i cannot tell you how many people left me who told me worst things about themselves in an office don't say a man say ouch if you can't say man say ouch i can't tell you how many people have walked away from church's time but i can't follow that preacher because he did so and so but look at the confessions of the people that he never left while they were in the office a person can come into a pastor's office and bring their girlfriend and their wife but if they find out that something has happened with him then they got to leave god and leave the church oh you ain't got to say man put it in your pipe and smoke it how many divorced people can't go to churches where pastor's been divorced sixty percent of the congregation is divorced but they need a pastor who has never sinned [Music] i ain't scared of y'all i'll fight every one of you hand by hand and i'm tell i can't beat all y'all but the first one to step up gonna get a worker [Applause] and that's what satan does and we fall for the attack and the church is still going to and fro arguing about if women can preach and going to and fro and arguing about what we wear in church and going to and fro talking about i can't believe they got a hat on in church would you shut your mouth so that we can open the doors of the church and let people in from the left the right the north and the south so that all may see that our god is able to do anything but fail [Applause] let them come in with purple hair and short skirts let them wear the same thing they want to the club last night but if god ever got a hold of him [Applause] i see this all the time in church where older older members especially the older women that look at it younger i can't believe she got it on but baby when you was her age now you don't wear it now cause you can't but when you was her age or don't act like daisy dukes one out back in your day you talking about short skirt how many y'all remember daisy dukes back in the day hot pants huh six inch heels ain't a new invention and neither is red lipstick holler at your boy [Applause] back in your day you used to be in vegas on the strip listening to frank sinatra and the rat pack to and from you don't take all that music too loud a lot of effort for no progress he's going to curse god and die oh i found it out so the whole time satan's aim was to see if job would give in to his illusion the bible says watch this y'all here with me job sits in the ashes the man who was the richest person in the land and had cattle and money is now sitting in ashes you can see satan he's happy i got him humiliated now look at him he's humiliated now and is he sitting in the ashes don the bible says that he takes a broken piece of a jar begins to scratch himself with it have you ever it so bad that your nails won't work oh don't act like oh y'all ever had no back itch and you pick some how many y'all i mean the back will drive you crazy the back will have you in public looking crazy finding some that could make you just go up to a building and just be here scratching himself don't y'all make no meme out of that i'ma come get every one of y'all y'all do he just scratch himself with a broken piece of pottery lauren don't ever forget this sometimes the only thing that can help a broken person is a broken thing [Applause] had he got a piece of a jar that was not broken it would not have administered him any relief and you are upset about the broken people in your life but sometimes it takes a broken person to understand a broken person god don't send me nobody fixed send me somebody who understands what it's like to be broken god don't send me a church full of people who don't need the word of god send me a church full of people who have been broken don't give me online followers who have never been through anything send me some online followers who understand what it's like to be rubbing up against a broken thing because he was bruised for our iniquities and he was the chastisement of our peace was placed upon his broken body and by his tribes we are healed so it took a broken master to save a broken soul and is there anybody in here that wants to thank god that you were broken but not buried this is uncomfortable i'm bleeding in front of people i don't like to struggle in in the open but have you considered my servant marcia have you considered my servant ron you're not going through what you're going through because god doesn't love you you're going through what you're going through because there's so much value on you if you were not a threat to the next dimension there would be no reason to try to keep you from getting there have you considered my servant put your name in there but it hurts when i walk it hurts when i talk nobody in my family has high blood pressure why do i i did everything that i could to not have diabetes i did everything i could to make sure that my body was why is it in my body my mother died of cancer is it going to be me next see the devil will have you in fear of dying your mother's death how many people live their life in fear because their parent died at a certain age and they live in fear all the way up until they get to that age wondering oh lord help me in this place my mother's mother died before i was born she died at the age of 44. i remember growing up as a child praying lord please don't let mama die at the age of mama i lived in fear now mama almost 70 walking in heels [Applause] i was afraid of something that was never going to happen have you considered the lighthouse have you considered the smith family have you considered the johnsons have you considered the hendersons have you considered the williams have you you've been considered but this attack it has limits you have more time than it does help me holy ghost pastor it's mother's day i know because at the end of this story after satan's permission in god's perimeters job had to reassess his partner his wife said you still gonna worship this dude you still gonna tithe and he letting all this happen to us he took my kids i want to change churches i want to switch guys because i didn't sign up for this joe said woman does god only give us good in other words she says you didn't say curse them when we were at hermes you wasn't cursing them when i was buying those gucci bags you didn't curse them when i bought you that bentley sister job now why should i curse him and die woman you sound like a fool i shall never forsake my god every woman listen to me listen to me women your value is found and how you speak when it gets hard hear me any old school will tell you that if you live in a house with a woman the man is the thermometer but the woman is the thermostat whatever temperature that woman is in that house that's the temperature that's set for the whole house see a good woman can understand it ain't no food on the table ain't no money in the bank but she'll put something together and make it look like the man is providing and everybody be eating at the table and she'll make sure the children respect the man that's what a good woman does she makes sure that she speaks well in difficult times god did not allow satan to touch job's wife satan never touched her but my god he used her and she told her husband to curse god and die already oh i wish we understood the importance of having the right partner [Music] you got to make sure that you have the right partner because you don't find out what their partner is until satan shows up you don't find out what that partner's like until it gets rough mother richards isn't over here i remember when i laid her husband arrested they had been married 50 years and let me tell you something until the day the lord took him home if y'all knew him they were still holding hands in they were still in love and it don't always take a long time because they they met each other one weekend decided to get married the next and in a couple of days they were already married and it lasted 50 years [Applause] i need every woman to stand on your feet right now if you're able to every woman watching me at home right now i want you to look at me don't let nobody tell you that you don't have power oh no no no no no no no no no don't let anybody diminish you can speak a thing i speak that mothers will begin to anoint their babies at night and i want you to i sense this in the spirit the lord just showed it to me there was a mother who has a son the way he's acting right now you're afraid that he won't live long and he's young i see him nine years old he's already acting like a thug on the street he's already acting like like like he'll grow up and be one of those people that we see on tv i want you to go into his room tonight and i want you to anoint him with oil and i want you to repeat these words as you're praying over your son tonight i want you to say this attack has limits i see another mother you have twin girls you have twin girls one of them has curly hair the other one her hair is straight the one with the straight hair is going to be fine but the one with the curly hair is at a crossroads she has a mole on her left cheek she's light-skinned and at the moment that i am talking to you right now she has a burgundy shirt on with white stripes i want you to take her by the hand and i want you to look her in the eye and say this attack pass the enemy intended for this to last a lot longer and to go a lot further but god said it's over it's over i pray god in the name of jesus for every woman that is on their feet in this building and around the world i pray for their children their careers i pray for their hearts their bodies and their minds there is a woman in this room today folded up in her black purse is the results from a test that she took [Music] and it wasn't a good report i see little boxes and i see x's in the wrong areas and it's folded into three equal pieces horizontally and she believes what that paper says but i want you to speak to her right now as i am talking i want you to whisper in her ear this has limits i pray for their power and their strength i pray that the world will not forget the progress that we've made in the area of women and god that you will continue to build up strong women who will keep our homes safe and our children on the right path some of them are going to have to do the first be the first person in their generation to run businesses their mother was a stay-at-home mother but they're going to be an entrepreneur and their mother is asking them right now when are you going to have children when are you going to settle down and get married and they don't understand but that's not what you told them to do now you told them to acquire wealth and i pray that you don't allow the rift between generations to cause an issue i pray for those mothers who are struggling with their relationships with their daughters [Music] and for that day care owner who has been struggling for the last 9 to 12 months i pray god that when they open the doors tomorrow god that you would allow three new children to walk in as a sign one for the father one for the son one for the holy ghost as a sign that things are about to be resurrected in the mighty name of jesus we give you glory honor and praise in jesus name we say amen everybody in here begin open up your mouth and bless them with the fruit of your lips come on come on come on come on come on give him glory come on come on come on come on we're almost done that is who you are [Music] come on waymaker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness come on come on my god want everybody sing it sing it say way makeup miracle welcome promise jesus light of the darkness [Applause] me come on let's just declare it right now that is who you are that is who you are come on and say it like you mean it i know that is who you are waymaker waymaker miracle worker promise keeper provider miracle worker light in the darkness that is who you are when i'm hungry and i need prayer thank you god that that is [Music] light in the darkness that is who you are [Applause] [Music] one more time say wait miracle [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless you come on and worship him on your way out as we pray say we make miracles who you are what an amazing message we just heard from our senior pastor come on go ahead and put your hands together wherever you are whatever you're going through that attack has a limit that attack has limits in fact the bible says weeping endure for a night but joy comes in the morning i want to let you know that whatever you're going through is not going to go over to the next morning that attack has a limit amen come on go ahead and put your hands together for this world amen hallelujah you know here in lighthouse we are all about building the kingdom of god and maybe you are you are joining us in lighthouse 2.0 and you want to connect with us lighthouse 2.0 is this online community where we are all about building the kingdom of god and you want to connect with us you have all the information and maybe you want to give your heart to jesus christ all the information you need is is right there for you to connect with us and agree with us and there are several ways you can do this also another way we build the kingdom of god is through our giving and maybe you don't want to connect with us and you don't want to give your heart to christ and maybe you have done that but you want to give all the information you need is right on your screen today and before we go i want to pray us out because i believe that attack is not going to go over to the next day it's not going to go over to the next hour that attack has a limit let's say a word of prayer lord we want to give you all the thanks we want to give you all the praise because weeping may in the earth overnight may meaning that it's a probability but certainly joy will come in the morning we are sure about joy coming and we've been made in the earth we want to speak to those who have been going through a season of weeping people going through a season of attack people going through a season of weakness of sickness of pain of anxiety whatever it is thank you because that attack has a limit we're leaving this place but we're not leaving your presence we're wrapping this up but we're not wrapping out what you're going to do in our life we thank you because you can do and you are doing exceeding abundantly above all we can ever ask or imagine or think according to the power that walks in us in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen god bless you bye-bye hey everybody what's going on this pk here and listen i want to tell you that i get so many dms so many messages of people saying pastor how can i connect with you i love your messages but going through youtube is kind of difficult where can i come to a centralized place we heard you and that's why we created lighthouse 2.0 lighthouse 2.0 is our tribe it's our village it's the place where all of the people who say i want pk to be my online pastor and pk says i want you to be my online member this is the place where we go the watering hole the ecosystem where we all come to grow together and it is exclusively for you they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen right now that shows you how you make that exclusive step and everybody can get in so you better take first movers advantage and get in while you can fit in i can't wait to see you inside of 2.0 may god bless you and let's do this thing for christ
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 116,401
Rating: 4.8964605 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 47sec (4187 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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