Clips You've NEVER SEEN Before From The Graham Norton Show | Part Three

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But I have seen these before

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/salman7944 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2020 đź—«︎ replies
slip dog is a new album bush and a very sexy bit of pr of course that uh the mighty pharrell he co-wrote do you cover it all songs he produced the whole album produced the whole album yes sir wow now is it true that pharrell he was the one encouraging you to be a bit more family-friendly a bit more mainstream yeah yeah he made me change certain words i had a song called so many hoes he made so many pros well that certainly toned it down are pros just prostitutes no they're professionals oh i see silly me the ladies in the video still look quite like hoes but they're professionals they're in a video and then pharrell is it true that he i mean i'm sure he enjoyed working with you but he did have some difficulties working with you as well yeah when we were um working on a particular song called california rome um stevie wonder had came up to the studio and pharrell had called a second hand contact from being in the studio with me and he kind of froze he didn't know how to produce it anymore he was stuck he was like i might have to explain what the yes so pharrell was in an environment created by snoop pharrell was no longer the same pharrell he was he was now someone else he was not he was not the greatest producer in the world he wasn't the best there was just a guy in the room so was stevie wonder trying to talk to him stevie wonder was in the mic booth and you know stevie can't see so stevie was waiting on some direction and pharrell wasn't giving me no direction so steven was just in there just i'm like well well stevie farrell said can you sing this part and then pharrell said can you play the harmonica so i had to basically take over because pharrell was stuck off of space cookies he was in another place i was real happy with his work on that on that track he was happy a couple of days after and then you did go to one of those clubs you went to the ping-pong clubs we did yes uh we did um in our spare time uh but we also shot stills there and i had a very unfortunate experience uh with the ping-pong ball what happened uh uh i was trying to be a you know a showboat and i opened up my mouth to pretend to catch the ball and and and she called my bluff [Applause] it was amazing i'm totally confused okay so you thought the mtv story was okay i'm gonna hear this one yeah off you go bradley you tell us what the nice lady did so you can pay to watch women eject um various objects out of their uh uh vaginal cavity um sort of kites and stuff ribbons [Music] so and the precision with which she could do it is incredible this one very talented young woman and um and so we were all sitting there in the monkey chow myself and stu and i was like this would be a good one todd get this one wouldn't it be funny if and she was just like boom and i was sick again nigella you generous creature i know you're very busy but you've already made us a lovely gift i did a cake and i've got the cake here look forward to seeing it this is the cake you made i don't know how long you spent making it uh there it is but it looks like [ __ ] taste it it's delicious one first a little bit well you're going straight for the [ __ ] who does it i thought i might try that do not cast the first stone straight for the [ __ ] look at that that doesn't work what a cruel joke we've played on you thank you still dry i could eat on but i'll save some room for nature that's right that'd be nice if you visit us around for christmas of course christmas is coming it certainly is are you looking forward to christmas always rio are you really into christmas no i really am into christmas you into christmas i love it no seriously are you yeah last year christmas i spent alone come to mine but nigellas no so but as a child you find chris was quite traumatizing did i yes weren't you in a nativity play that was christian school on christmas i would steal the baby jesuses and the black wise men i tried to create some sort of coup in south florida where it would start a ruckus where and i wrote a letter the white man is falsely plasticized the white crispness and i went on and on and then i replaced the baby jesus with a ham you can't argue with that i think i prefer a ham i've got admitted nativity nice and what are you doing for christmas this year um not going to my girlfriend's house yeah because you have quite a young girlfriend now haven't you yes you do too girlfriend unlikely well here in britain many people will be getting i noticed there's an open space in the back of your seat yes there it is so it's yeah at any moment christmas could come yeah we're all living the world of glamour well you know sex in the city new york david doesn't er i mean maybe on paper it sounds worse than it is but is it true you still live in a next council flat uh yes yeah yeah well you must be making quite a lot of money and gordon has made the houses nice and cheap well yes and that's you know and i and the thing is i live in a flat i bought six or seven years ago is fine but except it's much more unpleasant than it was when i moved in obviously because i've been living there but i i sort of the prospect of the last time i moved was i think the most stressful day of my life ever and i the prospect of moving in is terrifying now houses are getting cheaper and cheaper i've got another excuse not to move and i actually i hate the fact that i have to take pride in where i live i i hate it's all on the television the whole time everyone's like oh i you know i couldn't stand this living room i'd have to change that i'd have to why do you have to change all these all you need is a roof heating a tv and a fridge and you're sorted what sort of [ __ ] all do you live in everyone's got to give such a massive [ __ ] about their domicile why because it's a nice thing to surround yourself with if that's if that's your hobby fine but why is there so much pressure on me to be bothered to move and tidy up and paint the place and worry about that bit over the cooker that's melting you see there there are a lot of other slovenly people out there and when we get around to it we will speak this you've got to give in the celebrity version of how clean is your house oh kim and aggie going to come around we just gotta go oh my god we wouldn't let them yeah i mean why would i permit that why does anyone permit why does anyone put that apart from they do clean your house for free i've never felt my house is so dirty that i wouldn't mind public humiliation i mean just either do it yourself or pay someone just like no i want it for free and i don't mind the whole country thinking i'm a slob you could do a cartwheel [Applause] you're all in proportion you're not [Applause] i haven't shaved my penis why would i do a car would i pick up a gun i'd just pick up a gun i wouldn't no no no no no no you wouldn't because they're firing at you right and you can't run because they're shooting head height you go oh i know i'll do a cartwheel let them shoot my legs less important than the head right pick the gun up crumble because they've shot my legs and then you suit their problems straight away mid cartwheel yeah they're shooting at me glasses come on now i'm shooting at you without your glasses on i can't i don't know what have you to do a column i'll give a thousand pounds to charity if you do a partner why is a gobby to charity junction tomorrow if you do that cartwheel i died this is this is going to be brilliant i should have ironed more than the front of my shirt and i'm swaying [Applause] oh okay here we go how do you do a cartwheel oh you do you know how to so just put your arms up okay so careful [Applause] yeah okay how am i going to get my legs up in that farm you're kicking me out no i don't mean i don't i don't need to hit something momentum is your friend yeah really why did you put a banana on the floor well i thought it must be picking up a gun i wouldn't run before you can walk you you need a bit of momentum so you go back there right and then look so look so you're gonna run up here right you're gonna put your hand there and you're gonna your legs are gonna go it's gonna be amazing they're gonna go we're gonna slow it down you'll do that and you're gonna go i think it's possible you've made me believe it is possible okay here we go here we go here we go is it that hand on the ground that hand on the ground yeah that hand on the ground kick that leg for all your work yes for all your worth okay i know lucky me yes uh it's the the two of you he plays a he plays a congressman and i play a contemporary bellow dancer do you yes yes he's a match made in heaven yeah and you were doing lots of exterior filming oh yeah which is actually a problem when you're shooting with someone like him because he's vastly famous and wherever he goes people are like like they feel like their brains melt you know when you look at someone's face and you realize their brains just melted when they see it and we were having to do we had this awful day we're having to shoot a very emotional scene lots of crying and you know begging with each other where we're outside a very public place and there are about 350 people crowded around watching us do this emotional scene that's mortifying it's really really hard and so matt was just managing to squeeze a tear out when someone from the crowd went murder matt look to me he starts loving it this is the worst day of my life
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 1,787,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton 2020“ Graham Norton new season, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, snoop dogg, dwayne johnson, ricky gervais, stephen merchant, david mitchell, emily blunt, ed helms, bradley cooper, ricky gervais stephen merchant, ricky gervais graham norton, graham norton rare interviews, graham norton rare, graham norton show old
Id: 9FpwE8ZIxr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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