Graham Norton - 29/9/17 - Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie & Reese Witherspoon

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] they seem pleased they seem pleased with our lineup uh lovely to see you now recent hours do you know each other out of show business land a little bit i've seen her in the parking lot at school at school at school yeah picking up and dropping off so do you do the school run harrison uh uh my son is now of driving age oh yes my daughter can drive too so she drives her little brother it's a different world isn't it here no one drives to school no unless they're a bus driver they do not drive no that's a good thing that's a good thing and now reese with a spoon how hot are you right now the emmys how many emmys did bigger their lives thank you yeah uh we won eight emmys yeah and what a brilliant night it must have been i was nervous though because if there were so many people nominated on our team and instead of just you know i was just worried every single time they'd talk about somebody that they weren't going to win but then they are going to i was just nervous so by the time we won i went backstage and i burst into tears oh um i was yeah nervous now ryan the last time you were here was to celebrate la la land and of course that went on to all sorts of accolades and wins but there was yes yes now at the end of the oscars i don't know what you're talking about well let me tell you okay so the end of the oscars when yeah la la land didn't win but had won uh so there's a picture of you this is right when i think you find out that la la land hasn't won yeah what emotion is this that was amazing just so many memes i remember it was so good well did you see uh what the crowd looked like oh we've got a picture of that the crowd are amazing matt damon looks like he's swallowed his own teeth i mean it was like they were watching their uh childhood homes catch fire it's never the rockers never cared about anything more were you there you guys i wasn't i was shooting in um atlanta at the time i was watching it on tv though i had this similar expression to that yeah because that must have been a bonkers moment when that all went down well it was uh you know interesting but it was uh you know unexpected but uh i thought someone had been hurt you know the the way everyone was uh talking amongst themselves it felt like someone had had a heart attack or worse and it felt like some someone was in danger and then i found out that they just read the wrong name now here's the thing i would have thought harrison ford that you wouldn't like these sorts of award bashers but you would never go but you do go don't you on on the rare occasions i've got anything to do with it yeah which is usually a presenting an award that's an honor is it then i then i've won because at margot shield blush she won't tell it but she is an enormous harrison ford farm it's true isn't it yeah this is really weird that's why we separated you yeah well this is your intervention i mean to be honest i'm not saying of that notion your help don't you worry i can count on him i have to admit something harrison um though indiana jones is like one of the most iconic characters ever um my favorite movie that you're in is actually six days seven nights [Applause] very good movie if no one's seen it i guess it's still available i hope so i should stay on this side i'm getting too excited i have a bunch of dvds in the back of my car i'll meet you out in the street [Applause] let's start tonight with harrison and ryan's movie it is the much awaited blade runner 2049 it opens on the 5th of october and i mean the expectation the hopes for this will hide ridley scott's involved harrison you're involved but presumably this isn't the first time not just involved [Applause] okay my question is this so it must have been mentions of a sequel between it was 1982 wasn't it when it came out so between then and now so why now why not before i guess because ryan wasn't available well for many years he wasn't available yes well not for 30 years but they were waiting for me to grow up but they decided to have to go ahead anyway no they finally came up with a good uh with the story i read it i thought it was awesome i thought it was great and i as i read it i read about the character that um ryan ryan it's ryan ryan came to play and i said and i with great enthusiasm i called up the producers and i said this is great i can't wait to get blah blah blah and uh what a great part why don't we see if we can get um uh ryan ryan ryan gosling yeah and they said oh yeah oh uh i don't know how this is a great part for uh ryan gosling and they said we've been talking to him for months now wait a second they'd only been talking to me for weeks so they probably would have gone ahead without me no no no that's what i said because the fact is ryan of course when this movie came out you were two yeah that's right yeah sorry about that [Laughter] so when did you first become aware of this film i was about 12 and harrison likes to say where was your mother and why was she letting you watch it at 12. wow i uh that's another [Applause] let's story this nice okay i didn't know what i was uh getting into you know i thought i was just about to watch a you know a regular science fiction film i guess yeah but it's um it's a little it's a little more than that uh so you are deckard again uh so who are you ryan i play uh you want to field that one i can't tell you anything about it i can tell you anything so the the questions we were left with at the end of the first bedroom are they all answered in this film no okay we'll watch a clip this is i believe uh in the story ryan's character is is looking for you he finds you but he's not alone good now we saw there uh some action and uh things that do take preparation like fights take preparation and uh they take a lot of preparation now ryan is it true that harrison feels there we go yeah however feels ryan you you were under prepared for the one no i know you're you're referring i know what you're referring to just say it usually just well he punched you yeah yeah that's right well he punched you yeah friendship with that but you weren't meant to punch him right oh i misread the script he stepped in my foot for christ's sake no we there we were doing a scene in lights and flashing strobe lights uh walking he's walking backward i was walking forward the camera was handheld you you know you have to make the punch look like it's intended yes but uh i hit him one out of a hundred times yeah i should be lucky i didn't get hit more this is the theme of this i apologize it's not just a punch though i mean i think it's like a harrison ford punches a different animal altogether i was not uh it was not a good punch i just i i'll be the judge of that okay i try to apologize i went to his dressing room with his palatial motorhome with a bottle of scotch in hand you know lovely just crack the top poured him a drink give him a drink so you know it's he said i'm kind of busy now and i went back to my trailer with the rest of the bottle i had the intention to leave it but my hand hurt i needed some medicine actually we do have there's a still i think this is the actual moment when you punched brian for real look at his face look at his face [Applause] but is that is that the face of regret or is that just kind of i really hurt my hand no that's it that's the face of oh [ __ ] i'm in deep doo-doo okay now uh how's it going here you are blade runner but indiana jones is it five is coming next uh yes i guess five yes yeah yeah and that's all that is definitely happening now uh yes it is okay just ask that we have a release date we're working on a script [Laughter] it'll be great i'm looking forward to working with stephen again revisiting the character i think that can be a good thing to do and i've heard you talk about how indiana jones is one of those things where you might as well do it because you cannot escape it especially the music is is a a constant thing in your life i said i did this a tribute for john williams and i and they played me on with the theme from indiana jones and i said i cannot escape this goddamn music i said i and this is true i hear it in the elevator the last time i was uh lightly sedated and rolled in for a colonoscopy they were playing it on the speakers special treat right reese witherspoon's new movie is home again which opens tonight now you look at the poster you think oh i get it it's a rom-com and it is a rom-com but in fact it is different it's kind of got an edgy twist to it yeah my character's recently separated she's a single mom she's contemplating getting divorced so she moves back home to her family home and she uh starts a relationship with a 26 year old guy [Applause] [Laughter] because guys do it all the time why not girls yes you know you're the star of the film so do you get uh are you in on the casting of your younger love address yeah i thought it was important that i really get to know the actors really well during the casting process uh we saw a lot of guys a lot of them came back for multiple readings yeah i think we got a really great cast well we've got a clip this is you with your uh young admirer uh this is uh the morning after and there's uh there's three generations because your your mom is in it played by the great canisburg candy yeah candy bergen yeah there she is you know her free melania sweatshirt she's rad she's really cool i've worked with her twice now um she's got great stories and she actually went on a date with donald trump when she was in college yeah it's kind of crazy wow she tells you this whole long story yeah it's really cool book book that's a great story yeah i mean it looks like a really one of those films that is just a pleasure to make because of her and you know yeah it was really fun we shot it about 10 minutes from my house um 10 minutes from school so i could do the drama and then just go to work um but it was a great time yeah we made it really fast and for not a lot of money and it was just it was very much and that was that a great story to actually dig into character wise and now you're your real mom has she seen this film because i know she likes to review your work yeah she's seen this one yeah good reviews she likes it yeah she thought it was really like a feel-good movie because she writes me these like funny text messages after she sees movies and they're really short and they'll be like like the movie three boys hot love mom she like big little lies you you instagram some texts oh yeah she liked big little i asked her if she saw big little lies when it first premiered this was her text review i saw it last night i liked it mom great that was good lots of success yes but now she has reviewed some of the work of uh some of your cast your couch oh yeah yeah yeah uh she liked la la land a lot like a lot she was she was like la la land singing dancing sexy ryan at the end joey says heart mom the reviews are in heart mom is she a fan of harrison ford of course okay i mean might be one of her favorites oh of all time no see might be [Laughter] and we we talked about the the success of big little lies at the emmys and you know that is it's extraordinary i mean the producing side of your life is is a really major part of your life now and i didn't realize that went all the way back to legally blonde or well no no i didn't oh no i didn't produce that too oh yeah i produced legally blonde too yeah it's not as good as legally it took me a few years to get better i thought i took me a few years to figure out the producing thing but it did take a while for you know you would think rhys with a spoon you know people will take you seriously but how many studios and people passed uh when you were pitching gone girl as a movie oh yeah i um i bought the book of gone girl when i was in galleys and i took to every studio in every studio past except for one they were quite happy i imagine they actually lost it after that it's kind of a crazy story um because then the book hit number one and another studio came in and turned it down and bought it for five times the amount of money that's good isn't it i i guess it's good i i kind of figured out through that process that nobody reads books they like it when you kind of explain it to them well that's good for movie making yeah yeah it'll keep us in business and it's interesting margo already you are kind of tapping into that side of the business you're doing a lot of producing already yeah our our first feature i tonya will be at i think later this year oh is that your first one yeah that's the the first one to be released we've actually filmed two now and we're about to go into we're in pre-production for our third wow are you in the mall the first three yes but after this no oh okay and i was reading about you and it seems like the business part of your brain was developed quite young like you were a little girl and you were quite business savvy yes quite savvy as a kid i would like steal my brother's toys and sell them on the side of the road for like an extortionate prize i make up um magic tricks and then make my family pay to come see my magic show and then pay extra if they wanted to know how i did the trick that's really good all the time you would pay extra to find out how they do that yeah well once you get them in i mean they're already there they already paid their dollar sure yeah yeah because now because ryan you were also a young entrepreneur weren't you i wouldn't say that no but didn't your father what did he eat he wanted you to sell was it cellophane you want to do so my parents came upon a truck of cellophane somehow i was asked not to ask too many questions i didn't i just suddenly there was a basement filled with cellophane and they encouraged me to go to school and see if i could sell it to my teachers or put a few in my backpack and try and hack them at recess you know convince kids that they might be good stocking stuffers for their parents what are the uses of cellophane how did it go what do you mean what's the use of zelda i didn't i i know the name but i don't know what you do with it you know you wrap sandwiches in it it keeps things fresh oh okay i'm sorry no no no it was an important question you needed to oscar i'm not doing a good job of selling it obviously but did you did you sell it there's still some left if you're interested i want something it'd be nice to someone the dream was someone would just say i'll take all of it never happened it's a weird story it is a bit weird now you tell it yes seemed like a good idea at the time and harrison famously you worked as a as a carpenter in your early life but you studied woodwork with your father but he wasn't that good my dad was in advertising and and he he liked to to make things and uh we were down in the in the basement working on building a table and he cut off his finger and uh why are you laughing he's laughing yeah it's like quite funny when it's told like that wasn't funny [Applause] at the time i thought i was 16 years old i i had not much experience with this but i i i wrapped my hand my dad's hand up and i uh got him up stairs to the and i called the police and i and then i ran downstairs and i picked up the finger and i put it in kleenex and this is a long time ago so when i got to the emergency ward i said and here's my dad's anyone and threw it in the bin in the trash bin because that was a while ago and they didn't really even think about trying to attach if only you had some cellophane yeah thank you thank you who knew but then was did he just have no finger well he had no finger here he cut off about this much of this finger why are you pointing that at me he but he went uh but he cut about halfway through this finger as well but they they were able to save that but my father used to admonish me sometimes and he would point at me but he would be pointing at me but his finger was going like that so i would always look really very quickly just going back to legally blonde it was the thing uh last year when it hit the headlines president trump he made the uh commencement speech oh yeah yeah and then it turned out it wore quite a strong resemblance to elle's graduation speech yeah yeah yeah it did yeah was it was it jimmy fallon who found this out i know it was all over the internet i know it was yeah maybe it was on jimmy's show if you haven't seen it it's sort of unbelievable we'll just show them the the thing that we take our next steps into the world you must go forth into the world it is with passion passion courage of conviction courage in your convictions and strong sense of self be true to yourself we did it i did [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rabbit holes and i missed that completely he's true he is better when he sticks to the script [Applause] do you know how that happened he's just a fan of the film i'm sure he's just a big fan very bizarre right let's move on to margot robbie's movie it's a very british film it's called goodbye christopher robin it opens tonight and it's the real story and it's a much darker story than you think it's going to be of a milne the man who created the the winnie the pooh stories yeah well i'm i mean winnie the pooh was always kind of prevalent throughout my childhood but i'd never wondered its origins or why or when it was written and it was written right between world war one and world war ii and a.a milner author a very famous author actually fought in world war one and it kind of part of the reason it was so successful i think is because it came at a time where the country was feeling well the country was very damaged and the world was damaged and people kind of felt they were robbed of their innocence probably and um you know the books kind of became this safe place for people and became this global phenomenon and double gleason he plays uh a milne and you play daphne his wife and the mother of christopher robin yeah and she's a piece of work she's complicated um yeah she's uh she's not immediately likable and maybe she's not even that likeable by the end but she has um i really i really love her um and uh you know she had her own trauma he was dealing with ptsd though it wasn't really coined that term back then they didn't really speak about and she probably had postnatal depression and they didn't really talk about that there's a lot of like stiff upper lip not sort of talking about your feelings going on um but they had this child and he was brilliant and will who plays him is the most gorgeous kid you've ever seen and a brilliant actor and he made makes everyone cry when they see it including myself and i know what's going to happen in the film but i still cry um and and yeah and they love him but they they kind of end up ruining his childhood by him becoming so famous yeah because that was the thing i didn't know so christopher robin he became a sort of shirley temple macaulay culkin that's what they say he was the macaulay culkin of his time yeah there was no real distinction between him in real life and him in the books his name was christopher robin he was drawn you know he was photographed everywhere so yeah it's pretty traumatic for him so there are some of those sadder bits to it um but there's also a lot of nice happy moments too well this is one of the nice happy moments uh this is you entertaining young christopher robin uh with the original bear very good english accent great thank you yeah well it's a very specific english accent it is yeah that's like a 1930s one and she's an aristocratic english woman so it was yeah very specific not just a traditional rp accent and i heard you do a mental trick for getting yourself into it yeah i don't know when i'm doing accents i like need a phrase to get into it like when i did woofer wall street i had a phrase and when i did this one i like someone with wall street i'm not talking to you i'm talking to her okay i'm ready to do it you know and then on this one i'm so happy no i simply couldn't do that that's not a line in the script or anything and it doesn't even make sense as a line but it was like i don't know just the thing i'd say and it helped me now you you're kind of an on rubric because you've spent a lot of time here how long did you live here for you've just met i only just moved begrudgingly moved because we opened our production office in l.a but i was living here for the last three years okay and i don't know why i'd be surprised because you're a margot robbie living in london so of course you did but you did mix in some highfalutin circles yes oh yes this picture i don't know where this picture came from oh okay well that's obviously you is that is that sienna miller yeah i think so and that's a princess is it a a beatrice one or a eugenie one i can't tell by the picture everyone kind of looks weird you're picking everyone better than i can uh i think it's one of them us who this is you know i know but delicious it's prince harry i don't normally go to parties where these people are there that was a one-off that doesn't normally happen my my friends aren't royals squad you tattooed your cast members is this right yes because you're you're kind of you're trained well so these are the tattoos you do yeah we call them tomojis okay and you do them all the cast no weirdly enough no one else wanted them just the two of us got the toe emojis but everyone else got squad written on them and other people just would come by the trailer and get anything and yeah so did all sorts of things and so you can still touch two people yeah i reckon i've done yeah probably like getting close to 100 now little ones little ones and honestly i'm probably getting worse as i go along because we have a tattoo gone here oh boy so if any i noticed someone came in if any of you are down by my toes conveniently enough if any of your graduates want a tattoo under you to commemorate this lovely evening [Applause] you pierced your ear oh yeah not myself um oh it'd be so funny please bless you unless you're thinking it might but i i'm seeing you actually are prepared oh yes you have the stuff there yeah no no she can tattoo this isn't actually my gun but i could i can make do with it for sure are you genuinely thinking about this no okay i didn't think you were [Applause] ryan didn't look so shocked because you've already tattooed yourself haven't you yeah how did that go for you not great what did you do uh it was uh you know it was supposed to be a you know like the clap like a monster hand dropping a bloody heart but it looks more like a like a chicken you know making love with a cactus or something i don't know what happened friend had one at his house i like to doodle it's a bad combination do you have a tattoo oh god i know you're gonna ask oh no do you do you yeah i do okay yeah where is it i went to college in the we 90s leave it there is it a [ __ ] stamp no oh god no thank god is it a dolphin no no no no is it uh no i don't know the thing is the thing is there is someone who works on our team and uh they are a big margo robbie fan and they i would i say they're willing to do this i mean they're very keen uh he's washed his feet touched them so would is it i mean is it difficult to do this tomoji thing no it'll be fine yeah so adam your moment is here this is happening okay okay so sit down beside uh while we're there hey i i i don't need to criticize my own production team but you could have taken your shoes and socks off first it would have saved a little time you knew this moment was coming i want to do more real okay okay here we go here we go you don't have to do this if you don't want it no honestly i kept saying that he wants to do this okay are you sure yeah okay oh my god is this oh i know there's something i have to say now this is legally uh don't try this at home really don't i'll sit on this side of you okay perfect okay here we go okay okay in your own time will it's not that easy to do no no okay here we go i actually haven't done one for a while i'm sorry i'm probably more nervous than you are to be honest sorry that's not comforting i'm not gonna say that wasn't very professional i just thought about it i'm so scared i'm gonna say my hands are shaking but you don't hear that [Applause] okay sorry don't worry about your finest work you do seem happy in your work i'm not particularly good but i like doing it [Applause] who's poker face adam very good sorry is that all right it's good yeah okay i can neaten it up like when we're off like backstage obviously trained medics are now coming into the studio but uh in the meantime it's time for music these pop pioneers have sold over 40 million records and are one of the greatest girl bands of all time now the original lineup is back hurrah performing a cruel summer please welcome bananarama here for long all right so banana honestly it's a great night for the 80s blade runner back no banana wrong it's wrong that's the thing because you know obviously britain really excited the bananarama back but we forget that it's a global thing yeah that cruel summer that was a top 10 hit in america yes yes it's still remembered fondly i often hear it in the supermarket and it's in blue crush which is right and i think the first time um we thought we'd actually maybe made it was in la because uh we were coming back from breakfast and about to go to the beach on the bus santa monica until today and we saw and we saw mike tyson sitting on the front of his limo and he started singing cruel summer at us so we just went well we were like we made it with our beach bag and uh this is a tour you're back for a tour yes we've got siobhan back in the fold for a tour yeah and we've never actually toured together ever uh we went on a world tour just after siobhan left just after that and it was great but we've never actually done anything together the tickets sold out because the response was so fantastic so we had to add another 10 dates which was i'm not sure how we're going to manage it we've got 23 dates now between november 9th and december the 9th so oh my god okay at all right it is so great to have banana rubber back in our world ladies and gentlemen [Music] okay that is nearly it really before we go let's just make a first visit of the new series the big red chair who's there hello hello hi what's your name justine justine and what do you do justine i'm a barrister an actual barrister yes like a working one yes like people might see you in courts over the next week yes okay until you've chosen to do this okay or off you go with your story my mother's a very conservative irish lady and uh she is naturally protective of me and of my daughters her grandchildren and she's always going on about all the weirdos there are in the world that the girls have got to avoid and one particular day my eldest daughter who was then 14 wanted to go to the zoo with a girlfriend of hers a little friend but no adults and of course my mother thought this was an appalling idea how could that possibly happen there's weirdos everywhere at the zoo and the 14 year old in a sort of attempt to placate granny said well you know perhaps the anaconda keeper's a bit weird to which my mother not realizing what she said so grandma just turned around and said you make sure that if anyone asked you to come and look at his anaconda you say no you can walk you can walk oh no flip me oh you've already [Applause] and that is it for tonight please say you thank you my guess bananarama [Applause] harrison ford join me next week with rock and gallagher legendary stand up chris rock actor idris elba and oscar winner kate winslet i'll see you then good night [Music]
Channel: Denise F
Views: 2,330,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Graham Norton Air date 29th September 2017 Featuring Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie & Reese Witherspoon, graham norton new episode, graham norton 29th september 2017, graham norton full episode harrison ford, new graham norton show full episode, graham norton ryan gosling, margot robbie graham norton tattoo, graham norton 29/9/2017
Id: NdVJb8D0eT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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