The Funniest Unexpected Moments On The Graham Norton Show | Part One

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God it takes so much effort to cut into it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dromedarian 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wait, did she say she made an entire "edible red room" how old is the cake in that room?! If the cake of him is three weeks old because it took so long to fit the play-doh around it the room must be a month or more old. How much mold is the woman feeding people?!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Joecrip2000 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
the thing is the thing is there is someone who works on our team and uh they are a a big margot robbie fan and they i would i say they're willing to do this i mean they're very keen uh he's washed his feet talked them so would is it i mean is it difficult to do this tomoji thing no it'll be fine yeah so adam your moment is here this is happening okay okay so sit down beside uh while we're there hey i i don't need to criticize my own production team but you could have taken your shoes and socks off first it would have saved a little time you knew this moment was coming i wanted more real okay okay here we go here we go you don't have to do this if you don't want it no honestly i kept saying that he wants to do this okay are you sure yeah okay oh my god is this oh i know there's something i have to say now this is legally uh don't try this at home really don't i'll sit on this side of you okay perfect okay here we go okay okay in your own time that will it's not that easy to do no no okay here we go i actually haven't done one for a while i'm sorry i'm probably more nervous than you are to be honest sorry that's not comforting i'm not gonna say my hands are shaking but you don't hear that [Applause] okay sorry don't worry about your finest work you do seem happy in your work i really do i'm not particularly good but i like doing it [Applause] who's poker face adam very good sorry is that all right it's good yeah okay i can neaten it up like when we're off like backstage we really worried for you because he got on that unicycle look at the size of that good good can you see see next time it's a huge one do you know how to do that i wanted to be a clown oh wow wow there's a helpline available that was my i had no idea yours was that big you you feel foolish now don't you i know but listen we've got some unicycles here we've got some unicycle then so you can do this uh define can well we'll see you can right yeah okay it's in the visual pudding yes so if you come over to the unicycle okay can you really do this no don't do it there do it on the ground don't go do it down here yeah yeah yeah do over here shall i be careful of that thing don't hit your head okay um no this is terrible um i think i can like sort of do it are you going to start to cry and tell us a friend's been running but um sort of like i i i kind of in the play right i just need to come on riding it i don't need to get on it on the stage would you help me get out yes yes all right everybody's a cheap gag cheers this is going to be a disaster isn't it okay oh the sword of the lord is filled with blood here we go [Music] [Applause] one more one more one more oh god give me strength man i'll be honest i don't know i'll do it myself okay so okay right give me some room man we've got another one we've got another one we've got another one you can you can both do it together here we go oh look at yours hey smart i'm gonna do together don't crash into each other you're sure meryl there is another one i'd never wash it again okay here we go yeah i'll follow you up no no you're gonna go [Applause] not the trident yet we don't get to try it until a little bit later next movie so and i think the quindon did step back there you this is this is the real question good reaction to a fork well done well this one this one's a nice light one oh i see i could do that yeah aqua woman i could make sushi quicker but do can i do something with this yeah go on don't hurt anybody listen i i i do break a lot of these okay i mean i do break a lot of them but is this in one piece here we go still one piece let's see if we can get around oh yeah oh very good oh my god something that isn't part of official merchandising which is amazing uh somebody has baked a christian gray cake can you see the christian great cake i've seen it online well it's right here it this is it so let's reveal the christian gray cake look at that look at that now so this is this is this is a christian gray cake from the thing it's i know the lady who made it rose where's rose oh there you are there you are firstly you must have a very tall oven i'm sensing but how long did this take um it took a team of four of us about two to three weeks wow come over and have a look at us come on because i'm going to i'm going to give you a taste in a bit um no because we are allowed to eat it uh because now tell us that these things so that you it comes with it comes with things and these are all edible as well yes these are licorice yes they're gonna eat it they're real they're actually quite nice can i have something no do it's delicious have some okay and actually let's look and i've got a very very very they kept toiling me afternoon graham the knife is very sharp like i'm just going to kill all the guests so uh thank you very much now rhode this is horrible but rosa said the best way to cut into it is in the stomach oh so sorry jamie okay it's like a movie is this about right am i doing it right crack now she says no no back on she said hang on and then down here like that yeah oh cause i've got cream in it [Laughter] actually can i just say i'm doing a very good job i'm doing a very good job wouldn't that make a lovely chest of drawers uh hang on i'll do a bit here here's the good deeper oh hang on there's a bit i can get a bit here look at that that's lovely now that is great that's it well i was doing very well now i'm just tunneling it how do you taste um better than i imagined can i ask you a question yes why did you do he was it for an international cake show and we've made a red room that's totally edible and we're taking it to london so he is for a reason he isn't just because i like him he now has a rather unappealing hole in his stomach uh look at that no delicious and well on the cake very good let's go and sit down let's look for that well uh emma for you what is the hold that the spice girls have over you is this real yes it's real and and i just feel like i've been talking more about the spice girls on this press tour than i have about the movie you went i did australia i know i wept did you really i really did but now which one was talking to you melby and was she really talking to her was it a message no it was a video message on an ipad and that made you cry yes were you jet lagged yeah but i also you don't i mean i you do understand because we're in the uk yeah i was i was a fiend i was obsessed with the spice girls and they taught me about girl power and i love them i think they're fantastic there's so many jamie there's so many people spice up your life every morning spice up your lunch hey there's so many and they're so fantastic and today on the radio um mel c talked to me over skype oh oh so it's really very exciting okay who would you say is your favorite spice girl emma bunton baby spice she's your favorite she's my favorite who's next cue that just a question all of the other four so emma bunsen well emma bunting was the one that i had blonde hair and bangs and my name obviously is now emma my name was emily but it was taken when i became an actor um and so now it's emma and uh yeah i just i love so give me this so you one gave you a video message and one talk to you on skype yes what are you telling me you've never met are you going to are you going to do something have you never seen this are you going to do something really have you never met a spice girl um wait hold on i have to mentally prepare myself have you never met a spice girl not in the flesh okay now as you know as you know as you know emma it is very rare it is very rare for more than one spice girl to appear together [Applause] for any reason at all [Music] so they're not here [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 2,186,462
Rating: 4.9571409 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton 2020“ Graham Norton new season, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, margot robbie, jamie dornan, jason momoa, mark ruffalo, james mcavoy, emma stone, margot robbie graham norton, margot robbie tattoo, margot robbie graham norton tattoo, jamie dornan graham norton, emma stone graham norton, mark ruffalo graham norton
Id: V6C1Sp2ARuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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