Clips You’ve NEVER SEEN Before From The Graham Norton Show | Part Seven

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Yo, I was looking for this episode yesterday! This is the full episode, courtesy of kerrilyn rousseau from the comments.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Juampi2707 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Taylor's dry humor really shines the best in English talk shows.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Main_Ad_117 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] she put on a show she put on a show look lucha she's in that dress we won't mention her dandruff and uh and then in a coup d'etat that went into this tear away yes there's two outfits on top of each other but that's quite hard to put the white out for the top of the black i've got it's hard it's very hard yes in a minute and now a bit like 13 she's off to the oscar she doesn't get her oscar by the way can i say that in hannah like i literally wanted to learn how to fight after i saw that movie i'll teach you if you want to yes good i'm glad and you carried that whole movie it was like just you and so much of the movie oh fantastic thanks yeah it's a bit of a loving because taylor and richard were you ready the golden globes yeah we actually sat next to each other oh that's very nice she said why are you here uh actually i'm nominated oh really for what best actor in a movie yeah no that was i really put my foot in my mouth in that one and then you know but then i was absolutely freaked out because i i met your wife carrie who and i said it's so good to see you again and she's like in her head i know she's going never met this girl before but it's because she was like my favorite assistant district attorney on law and order and so i literally see her every week it was a good night for me i was really on you've had a fantastic a couple of years yeah um iron man of course and look at that and i read in an interview so uh with gwyneth paltrow and she was she wasn't sure about doing iron man number you phoned her to to talk her into it do you know this story yes if the uh the only thing i'm better at than uh occasionally acting is convincing people to come do movies with me that they don't know if they should do or not but i like your reasons didn't you say to her wouldn't you like to be in a film that people see yeah i rest my case and then my big job on this one was was helping them cast a jude law to play watson which wound up being about the smartest thing we could have done because he actually he is he's really good he's very very funny so great in this movie i i'm really looking forward to people enjoying him in it as well yeah because normally he's just played as a bit of a dunce i mean really in the original books he's uh he's a decorated soldier and he's a bit of a womanizer and a gambler and but they always cast him as some guy who's got his foot in a waste basket and kind of looks like a schmuck next to sherlock probably to make sure like look smarter maybe we shouldn't anyway jew's just great in the movie and really fun and he's he was really fit too and we had a great time i think it's probably the real heart of the movie is his relationship with watson kind of like it was in the books and it's sort of sweet how jealous you are of the wife or the the beyonce i'm feeling kind of sweet right now oh yeah i got a nice feeling good yeah how do you feel when people talk about their feelings in england is that all right here it's a safe place thank you another thing i know i'm gonna get this along a lot uh charlize oh i was just i was back there freaking out you're like the first person who said it perfectly really yes i'll stop now i won't amazing 15 years and then you came along yeah it all changes here by the way you guys do you know each other outside of being back there or on a sofa i know john and i don't know steve as long as i've seen him on the telly you know that's not real i know i know and now it is jubilee weekend uh do you plans anybody got plans i uh i didn't realize it was jubilee weekend but when i got here i got in town a couple days ago and was invited uh i guess to sit next to the queen um on the boat going down there that's amazing i'm not gonna do it i don't i don't know her or tiaras or no i don't know if you're joking or not are you joking oh no i'm completely joking he has been invited on the boat i'm really confused now are you feeling right here on the boat no well no did you lie to him as well to me as well yes it's a john story it really is i didn't even know there was going to be a boat and these you were thinking do they know i have an oscar just another thing you don't have in common with the queen now charlize theron now we're delighted you're here for all sorts of reasons i'm so happy to be i'm a huge fan thank you [Applause] sarah jessica parker and you're wearing jeans and a jumper you idiot you look divine no it has to say if you're going to dinner people must feel threatened kind of like we've got to look fabulous because you're going to be there no no first of all no one wants to have dinner with me and second of all um no i i i don't i i don't think that that i have that effect on people i think that perhaps there's some lines that are blurred that carrie bradshaw yeah sarah jessica look what you pressured me into wearing well you literally i don't know you guys you know each other very well not well not very well but well fairly well yes for many years many years very good now you're the same age [Applause] i mean i know that's ridiculous to say to somebody but it's true designers love you don't they i mean none of them have to live with me they love them i i like borrowing them a lot but we've seen the pictures in the movie section 32 the 80s yes this is hardly an iconic moment anyone remember that period don't deny it god so do don't you do you know what really dates smoking i know that was so important i wanted to make sure we had that in there and i put my mole back oh and look and still a black string your guests appear into the background how weird little cameo sisters because it must have been quite fun you must've enjoyed all of that oh we loved it digging in the old archives for some horrible thing that you wish you never had worn well in the archives of things we should never have worn dear god no no need to join rivers [Applause] it's extraordinary i mean it was extraordinary at the time i wore it to an award show i hope you still have it i have i saved them to sell on ebay does that interest me because you both have all these clothes i mean do you keep all the clothes um whatever they'll allow me whatever's legal to keep i keep i archive it i archive very things like that which was bill blass who's no longer alive but the regular ones i give to guide dogs to the blind once a year they have a a wonderful sale called posh they're laughing but they for once you're actually serious people go this is great they're all allowed but they do this big sale once a year and i give it to them most of the clothes me too now you left the stand up why did you stop stand up i because i'd been very lonely and then suddenly i had loads of superficial friends there was that kind of rage about certain things and then you're going life's actually got really good and as a character i kind of want to moan about being on the other side of the traps because you kind of drawn into being light entertainment and you you you are mixing with the beautiful people whether you like it or not you know whatever and you're going i'm nothing to be angry about at the moment but now when you were doing this you did work in terrible venues uh what is this this this is a vile story i played a venue that once you went in there there was no toilets backstage and the only way out was to the audience and i was very much i didn't like people to see me before yeah and kind of being a character was hunched over a bottle of vodka and you're going i i needed the lou and i and i really need the loot and i didn't want to burp the shark because you know it's edinburgh you've got the one hour there's no way of taking a break and it was a good show i wasn't panning it out and the only thing in the dressing room was a pringles box oh no not the mini one [Applause] no board i think somebody found this and came up with the mini pack because [Applause] with the longer pack i manic this should have been on the learning zone of the open university i managed to turn it halfway down create a catchment turkey because if you've grown up and your mum's a cleaner somebody's got to clean up after you right i didn't want this to be anybody's results would say so i had to i don't remember in this but when i was hunched over the pringles back i was actually thinking you're the professional allowed me to this would be the best dragon's den ever he's gonna allow me to tip it into the remaining third of the pringles pack then fold in the soiled earlier on top which i'll keep the smelling and still put the plastic end on top i wasn't proud but the best thing was it fit in my pocket so i did an entire gig [Laughter] three judges in from the penny here just going what is the right time to go it's one them boingy snakes [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 1,971,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, robert downey jr, robert downey jr graham norton, charlize theron, charlize theron graham norton, Jon Hamm, Jon Hamm graham norton, taylor swift, taylor swift graham norton, saoirse ronan, saoirse ronan graham norton, richard gere, richard gere graham norton, joan rivers, joan rivers graham norton
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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