TheGNShow S19 E03 Ricky Gervais, Eric Bana and more

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it's movie night so many film stars on the show tonight and so many great films talk about I'm here with my date Dame Helen Mirren hmm I'm all set I've got my popcorn I've got my drink all I need now is a snog with my date charming the world Oh thank you lovely to see you all thanks for being here great show tonight of course the great Dame herself is here plus a host of film shots I tell you there are more stars on that sofa than a tax office in Panama there really are not me I did check how did I do that no I'm good yeah very exciting because later on we've got a real treat making his first appearance on the show actor an Academy Award winning director Kevin Costner fun slam to superstardom this man has won BAFTAs Golden Globes and Emmys and is one of Britain's greatest comedy exports please welcome mr. Ricky Gervais special correspondents this man is one of Australia's finest actors who saw it in Munich start at Troy and Black Hawk Down its mr. Eric Bana he went from Trainspotting to Moulin Rouge and star wars as the young obi-wan Kenobi now he's starring in the new the Carrie thriller our kind of traitor its Ewan McGregor Oh ah rocking back to true acting royalty it's the Tony every an oscar-winning Dame those dark colors tonight that was a good choice lovely stand out stand up and that they're not overcrowding you there on the so for the boys I wish he made me move up but move on down order some well no because men like to do the manspreading thing which can crush a lady yes look even here I'm sitting nicely like this my legs crow you are - yes my sofa never goes Ricky - race you have fallen victim of man spreading well it wasn't me we're at the Knicks game in New York basketball right on the front row great seats knit this side of me was your mate Hugh Jackman right and Jack Thomas Riley yeah you're living papers yeah you're my girlfriend Jane was here and next to her evander holyfield came and sat down and he's massive and she went his thigh is a halfway on mice his thighs were like that right I'm squeezed up I said I'm not gonna say anything Wolverine wouldn't help me with it massive yeah I though I don't need to spread I've got tiny testicles I thought Eric annuus because you both ride motorcycles you're kind of you must be prone already saddles but I actually had an incident last week I was a football game and I had a foot spreader at a foot spreader next to me and I actually found myself getting quite pissed off about it because he like Ricky had sort of invaded my space to the point that I couldn't put my dog's a neutral stance I had to kind of like do that you wanted to spread I wanted to hit him any better and and I just couldn't reclaim it and it took until 3/4 time had to wait til he went to the bathroom and then I was like ah it's a heated return so I couldn't actually claim the any buried for the opposition so I just was trying to be nice because now you undergrad you see the the motorcycle thing but also killed yeah I would have thought would encourage manspreading as you know what you would why would you do that with a school you you would you you have to be careful with a gas but doesn't the sparring keep the middle down but if you've got enough change in your sporran to weigh it down is that a euphemism what is foreign money change your [ __ ] waiver yeah like a little pocket it's a like a look you know no it's all marry back to the original thing original fanny pack yeah yeah yeah of your traditional sky standby brave huh I demanded back the other thing is to touch people what is to touch different times different times lovely okay hi how's it going you see politicians do this you see them fighting to be the first one to touch the other one because touches a power thing though is yeah if I touch you and I'm not being nice to you and when I'm saying exactly it's quite a view a lot of changing as foreign now hey we've got lots of movies talk about tonight so let's start with Dame hell new film which is eye in the sky and I love this which are properly kind of exciting nail-biting drama about modern warfare with drones it opens next Friday before we talk about it this clip really kind of sets up the kind of central moral dilemma in that sort of warfare you're the colonel she stopped leftenant we have this one opportunity let's not lose it ma'am uh she's selling bread Jesus men are about to disperse engage no ma'am I understand we have Clarence I would fire if I see the HD eyes moving or when this girl's out of the frag radius but I want to give her a chance to get out of the way you have clearance there is a lot more at stake than you see here ma'am I need you to run the collateral damage estimate again with this girl up Ross situation has not changed lieutenant you are cleared to engage a lot of movies try to be tense I mean this is and it holds you from the hole it really does it takes place in real time the two hours that this this operation takes to to be completed is exactly the sort of the two hours of the movie so and it's all kind of forensic examination of all the decisions that have to go into something yes extraordinary I didn't know about this I think the majority of the audience won't understand in in a strike like this specifically like this this is exactly what would happen in terms of the chain of command going all the way up to the prime minister if necessary and nobody as you see in the movie quite wanting to make a decision it's a great class of Americans and British actors and we must mention at the lake great Alan Rickman who was a perfect yes fantastic it's a brilliant fitting final performance it is I think it's a movie you would be very proud of in the sense that he would appreciate what the film was about and the way in which it it tells its story it doesn't take sides incidentally it makes no moral decisions it just throws up the moral questions but but what I love about the film is is it's Alan as I knew Alan you know I mean he was a brilliant character actor and we see him in Harry Potter and die hard playing these extraordinary characters that is Alan as he really is you know funny a Bain intelligent very human and so it's really great to see him up there now there is action in this film even though you know you're in that room and but you have done kind of big actually you did the you know the red rope yes and now I hear I don't have history that you are are gunning to be in a big action franchise yes fast and furious I would love to be in fast and furious no no of course this incredible fun to do those movies aren't there I mean they're there like just you don't act how are you dude yeah it's amazing they set all these things and things explode all around you and oh it's unbelievable fun and that we cars like that would be my dream come true I didn't know you loved cars and I love cars you don't believe it I like driving I'm not interested in cars cars you guys are right some of you are your racing driver yeah I love I love cars but I don't like I don't ever want to do a movie where you pretend to race cars because they would drive me insane oh I like like I'd be very offended oh there's a guy come over and say now you familiar with a manual transmission yeah but you can't if you not drive at all uh-huh no but do you know I've seen people do it but you know what you know the license no okay you can't drink and drive so what's the point that's kind of that's sort of why I learned myself drinking there'll be a couple of occasions for like gantry not worth it Helen have you done the stunt driving in movies I drove stunt driving believe it or not in the Queen I was I know they think that doesn't count as stunt driving but I had to do a shot whereas my fellow actors will know that the cameras were set up all across the front of the car so I couldn't see anything and I had to drive like quite fast through through country not even made-up roads just back back you know tracks in in Scotland so that I think that's what categorizes as can stunt drive fast and furious easy devious experience I also smashed a camera off the side of a car when I was stunt driving once oh I totally forgot that it was it was on the side oh yeah you know just put on the side of the car and I was on my own in the car and I went round a corner really fast but of course I forgot the camera nice completely smashed it off there totally I took a lot to think about the other way when we were put in cars and asked to drive with cameras in the way and we're acting as well that's quite a lot exactly comes impossible to open the door yeah yeah I'm how opening the door becomes real do you know what I got any different well I can't do in a film is park a car like I'm a good driver and I can park a car like the best of all right but then there's a camera but when there's a camera crew there you can't park a car I was right now I was being you only need to go uneasy is soldiers behind park a car with someone looking Ricky and Eric your new movies special correspondents that Eric who did all your own driving in that though yeah there wasn't much there was just one thing where we have a little a little getaway and some people you know claimed to be nervous passengers in your car a guy or whatever and I mind scaring them but by genuine Ricky was so convincing describing to me how how scared I'm scared of a really really scared now so see I'm scared of roads and speed and all that and guns I'm scared of guns and either real at the shoot we're going to jump into a jeep that he had to I found it I didn't even know who's a racecar driver when I wrote the scene and then that that worried me but he was really good if I was gonna I know I was so I went the other way I was like he's gonna really really get scared he if I if I try and scheme so I actually I took it really easy on him actually because I was worried you'd go to his trailer and just not come back yeah he drove with one hand and the other hand just comforting me man spreaded I know that he's touching I said it's right but we're making the film found very exciting special correspondents this is passion new ladies gentlemen it is released worldwide on Netflix on the 29th of April exactly so tell the people what it's about and it's about I play a bit of a radio nerd I'm an engineer Eric plays a handsome sort of we we flipped a coin he plays the tall the handsome radio sort of news journalist and I look up to him but he thinks I'm an idiot and he sort of bullies me and we're thrown together and we meant to go and cover up Civil War but because I'm going through a really bad time I lose the tickets and passport and and we we have to sort of hide in a Spanish restaurant and we're trying to work out how we get out of this and I think this is that you've got a clip now we've got the clip of you and the people in the Spanish wrestle yeah we're trying to brainstorm how we get out of this situation now because we're expected to do a report from Ecuador in a few hours and obviously we're not there here we go meet to brainstorm brinstar next what is I love these two debates but they're not the shop is totally the box you're a genius two other people go instead of you of course not can you cover a different story no it needs to be that story it needs to be Ecuador and it needs to be us I got it going you can use someone else's passports ours always good no cheese okay good you can save up money for new tickets and by then the bus port over a year or I'll be over that's good then not for us but for the people less will die yes well nice they're thinking of the people less will die you'll die though I'll kill you you guys haven't worked together before so Eric how do you expect Ricky to be as director I had no real expectation I was - I was just in shock that he knew who I was I got a call saying you know Ricky's doing this project and blah blah blah and you know we'll send you the script I'm like oh yeah you know I'm a fan I'd love to read what he's doing next what's the point of me reading the script and like no he wants you to be in it and I literally I was like just freakin face no I Know Who I am does he know I exist I didn't write yeah so so bizarre and and I read the script it was terrible but I was I was humbled by the fact that he knew who I was and I remember I the reason I cast you was because I thought you were this sorta like really cool sort of brooding thesbian I saw you Munich and it was the Hulk and and all this and I thought we great very action here a bit screwed up and II on the first day he said did you cast because you know I did comedy and I didn't he started out in comedy in Australia in a very similar way to me you did you a little sketch show and then you got your own show and then you went and became it of handsome action hero just like me no but I didn't I didn't and I found out it was an idiot like me it was brilliant he's not cool at all he's a [ __ ] idiot we talked about nothing but our balls for about is that true and why did we but in a funny Russian accent I got hello your balls my balls I don't know how that happened he just just morphed into why I'd have to be Russian he'd come to work and go and here comes mr. barrel with his big balls mr. Gervais with this suspiciously around balls don't you a Croatian yeah but not Russian I can't do any accent sounds different that's it he had to play America and I didn't want to play American I made Kelly with I'll play American everyone's American except me I just wrote it he's from reading so minimal ordinary grounder was a stand-up but I didn't know that you Helen worked as a carny like in a carnival uh well in the castle in in Southend on C which sadly is closed now but it was a you know it was a fun fair okay what did you do um I worked on the dart store and I worked as a blogger to get the people to come to the dart store and so you seem a bit to do that I think it's common there not really but you know I did get in southend-on-sea pain you know British San Tropez cities and how did you encourage people to play darts I chat at them incomprehensibly what would you say I'd say excuse me sir excuse me sir excuse me did you bragging that the cake did you know I'm sorry did you did you blog you to the beat because you have to you know you have to brag in at the gate if you if you haven't you know that so sorry I'll explain if you could have just come over here I'll explain what it is did you block it at the gate anyway we've got a great stall here got fantastic just you just shot anything to get them to come over that would whirring yeah because it is you're asking a question you know people are what what what hell we'd with the men that I needed to be asked twice to come over a beautiful lady darts what's not to like I assume it was rigged to as well though are they I was just - I never nobody ever won sometimes now guess what everybody as chance would have it Ewan McGregor also has a new film out yes I feel a fool I don't feel a fool I don't have one everyone else everyone got a film this one's called our kind of traitor it opens Friday the 13th of May and of course Shana Carrie very hot by oh yeah after the night manager until now this is another one of his thrillers so tell us who you are and and what it contains it's about a story about a sort of everyday man I play a professor of teacher in college in London who gets drawn into a sort of espionage plot between the British Secret Service and the Russian mafia stellan skarsgård made plays are the sort of main Russian mafia Sony launcher he's funny and yeah very very odd and brilliant a light working with him a lot it's a good story riveting good story no it's not somebody and there it yeah he's a funny guy no he's funny too with I mean his characters not particularly playing it kills quite a lot of people but in a funny way it's quite zeitgeist because it's all about the new Russian money and all that sort of stuff how different is it from the book or do you know do you just get the script no it's pretty close to the book I think I mean the characters are somewhat under somewhat older in the book I think I'm not Scottish I played them as a Scotsman as opposed to it yeah it was Percy but incorrect boy new city accent let's have a look at a clip this is you with your wife played by Naomi Harris being interrogated by Damian Lewis and realizing that you're sort of getting out of your depth this right I should have to sit down I have some questions not tough meat himself is this all he gave you yeah did not have any money oh he did when I refused then why did you bring it I thought it was the right thing to do he said that his children would be killed if I didn't you believed him he seemed scared he told you he was a member of the Russian mafia and you still agreed to help him he haven't checked the contents of the memory stick no I thought I could just hand it over and be done with it I thought that would be it you know this movie oh and here's the thing I didn't know I don't know if you guys did that um obviously you were obi-wan Kenobi but you didn't know that no dad okay but that you're in the new one you're in the new store well on the hardly I mean I'm my voice is in it for a second I recorded a little line in it something what when do you speak I took care I don't know have you seen it did but I guess I thought it was very good that line excellent oh that bit where that's a I don't remember if where I speak my dear but very Alec Guinness weeks in it as well yes I think the beginning of the line is the character's name is Ray I'm really struggling so I think the character's name is of course you all know ray it is under damn so I wanted the line of dialogue that said ray there's some other line that I say yeah and brave easier first steps or something what ray these are your first steps or something something that's what he's something something these are your first steps or something so they recorded me saying it and then they took they found out like gonna sing afraid and they cut the a and they are a big daddy often and they took the Ray so it's Alec Guinness Singh gray and then me saying that other line that you said yeah but did you have to go all the way to Tunisia to do that whoo but you have obviously a very last-minute thing I mean JJ Abrams emailed me out the blood and he got my email address from someone and emailed me but was about two weeks before the film was released so it was old man all of a sort of last minute oh oh yeah less that might be a good idea oh so anyway it was nice of glad to be part of it it's nice and very quickly talking of iconic characters Brent David Brent is back yes the new movie David Brent life in the road it we already know it's opening on the 19th of August yeah right yeah yeah and the trailer was released yesterday yeah that's all we've got so far it's it's it's Brent now sort of 15 years later we follow what he's doing we find out what happened after the office documentary went out and what he went through and he went through a bit of a breakdown he's now he's um selling sort of toiletry products as a rep up and down the country but he never gave up the dream of being a pop star and he's cashing a few pensions and he's worked overtime and he's taken a holiday he's paid for a bunch of session musicians to go on tour with him he's hired the venue's and he thinks he's going to get signed and it's is tragic you posted some pictures of you getting into full Brent mode that's it he makes a video called a lady gypsy about him losing his virginity when he was 18 so that's him trying to look 18 and that you've gone full hog because it's not just a film there is an accompanying album we're gonna bring out 15 20 tracks of him it is his it's his dream come true that is all these songs like a gypsy and Native American and a quality street yeah he's trying to change stuff and but yeah it's basically he's a man out of time it's really sort of it's funny but it's quite sad as well but but Ricky Gervais guessing is thrill I'm nothing like him no were thrilled to be bringing out quite album I was a foul poppies it yeah I sneaked a song into everything I do I wrote a song for The Simpsons I wrote a song with David Bowie for extras I wrote a song for their own special correspondent yeah she sings a song yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm a frustrated failed musician so I suppose it's great because I've got to get out Claus it's sort of ironic but it's still so much fun playing with a rock band and they're really brilliant yeah it's Andy and from Razorlight and advances I used to bring the guitar when you were back in the day doing stand-up well you want to know stand-up suits not the guitar on style no I'd never do that okay our party now that's debt when someone gets out of a pot death forget it we're going home no did you know I always used to hide it on stand-ups did that oh no yeah yeah oh [ __ ] me you know guitar tether joke yeah I know Ricky can we look at a picture of you in your pop career which ones which you on the right right yes oh that yeah that is a curious eyebrow that is a well what's going on over there what's the matter what's wrong with that that two-piece what is that that's called Shauna dancing uh-huh that's what let's move on what support see I know what you're doing you're going all look at you that you know I'm not embarrassed by that I'm embarrassed by this everyone's going what the [ __ ] okay what happened pizza Ranas a clip from dave rent life on the road oh yeah we get to know about his personal life a bit more and this is him um pretending that he's a bit of a lothario but yeah I've been out with all sorts of hills rich girls poor girls white girls you know big fat girls I went out with a very big lady lovely bubbly beautiful eyes all my mates were like are Brent if she lost weight she'd be an absolute stunner and she did lose weight and then she wasn't a stunning surprise to everyone I think she looked a bit late in life and lost it way too quickly so she was left with that sort of wattle thing which wasn't bubbly anymore big grumpy always hungry right it is time to my final guest this Hollywood legend I starred in so many of our favorite movies from Field of Dreams The Bodyguard vegetables the oscar-winning Dances with Wolves welcome very first time to the show mr. Kevin Costner everybody down there you go I mean let these people before not methods I feel like you know I mean we always are entering everybody's living room you know basically so I've watched admired and and laughed and they're always you're always kind of think better yeah I mean Jesus Christ why'd I come on this show the others are thinking it you said it help me what's nice is you've come out here tonight and you looked like Kevin Costner because you know because you were spending time in London so in character yeah you leave a criminal yeah where people would slightly taken aback by you yeah they were but like frightened of you or I you know listen I there was a month I play this part called criminal the only person it doesn't know about as my mom you know and and I basically a pretty dodgy character and fierce and I had to figure out how he was going to look and and it comes out looking like a little bit of a modern Frankenstein if you will a pretty fierce character cuz this is the new proper but this is the look and the people like do people not recognize amazing did you go out in London looking like that no I'd put yah - I put a hat on I don't I don't enjoy - I I know you I thought that exchange is like no you don't just keep going but not this film criminal which opens next Friday you played Jericho Stewart and we're used to seeing you as this sort of you know the pink card American hero the good guy no I know no one no one ever mistakes me for anything other than I'm an American I get that I make cowboy movies and baseball movies and I've tried a little bit about the way you talk as well yeah this guy isn't as a bad guy he's kind of a monthly the part I want to I don't know I don't feel like I'm playing but I feel like I'm playing somebody people don't understand my problems I don't feel like I'm bad yeah I'm just I think that's the way you have to go about it yeah but in the film there's a kind of a groundbreaking medical process yes we have a big leap of faith movie here we're going to transfer someone's memory into mine and and if we don't the city's in peril so if you make your jump over that that's what happens I love it a wedding I die I love that someone puts a memory someone else's memory yeah I get Ryan Reynolds memory they'll be great memories I have a few myself a little flashback so the problem is that my character is not a controllable person and so when he finally gets himself on the streets being a lifelong criminal he and he realizes that people don't care about him you know he everything that he does goes back to the street and how he survives in prison I'd say it's open decks Friday this clip this is you returning to the family home of Ryan Reynolds character or so basically you're in his basement you've got his memories yeah his wife finds yes okay what are you doing in my basement did you work with Billy I don't think anyone like him ever would I work with somebody like me they stuck Billy in my head I got a scar see all the stuff that he knew all the stuff that he could do I got it all scrambled up inside me I think best of all first car you two ever bought used used Rover bum clutch Butler the first week I told you this took us training me that's enough just a second baby Billy could never hurt you to yell so neither can I here's something when you were coming on the show we were you know talking about your movies in the office and not only is it lots of people's favorite movies but for one actor is an extraordinary hit rate you know massive hits and yet when you think about them films like fields of Dreams dance with wolves even a Robin Hood reboot they're not obvious box-office gold it's a V how did you get the made how did you pick them well some of them I actually had to put my own money into it's you know I had to buy my own parts actually yet that you know a lot of the movies that I've done but Field of Dreams Bull Durham Dances with Wolves were movies that were rejected by the studios and Bull Durham costs somebody wouldn't give us four million dollars for Bull Durham and making like three hundred million dollars and Dances with Wolves was a movie that was turned down twice by the studio's I guess I didn't hear them the first time and you directed I direct directed and and I've directed three movies mostly stuff with horses that's you can't imagine how you inspire remember when dances of wolves came out I was at drama school and how inspiring it was for all of us to see that movie to know that you directed it and acted in it and it blew our mind yeah I remember oh yeah that was a I gotta tell you you know we all have friends that you know when you start with and it's like who gets there first right who gets to the finish line and then there's a lot of our friends behind us and we find a way to try to help them if we can and I remember one of my friends was was a writer and and of course I sent him on a lot of you know jobs and every report that came back was he just pissed everybody off and fine they came over he goes you know I hate Hollywood had all you people and I said you know when I tried to help you man you know and I said some of these people you're talking bad about her actually become friends of mine in and I said you know and I don't understand this whole thing about Hollywood I said maybe maybe yours even though a writer always thinks the last thing they wrote is the very best thing they wrote I said maybe it's just not good enough and he kind of said one more thing to me and it just really crossed the line and he's a kid from the 60s so to speak you know protests more another thing and it's very easy to put Hollywood down and he but he crossed the line with a friend of me and I don't know what happened but I had him up against the wall and I said look I did I said I said you know would you just quit putting everybody down I said you know quit writing things that are 120 pages long because in our vernacular that means a script I said and if you really want to write write something it's 88 pages or 888 and I realize I had my hands on my sin around I thought probably we had lost our friendship and of course a week later he says hey I don't have a place to stay could I stay to have so he stays there for a couple of months and he's writing every night he says will you read what I wrote today I said [ __ ] no and this went on and finally started reading to my daughter who was like three every night and finally my wife said to me said look he's in his room reading he's got to go and I finally said yeah too much you got to go so away he went he left what he had written and he went down to Arizona and he was working in a Chinese restaurant if you've ever worked in a Chinese restaurant washing dishes there's a lot of them Tommy said have you read it read what I wrote I said no I I really would like you anymore because I'm cold I'm working at this place and I'm having to kill raccoons and work at this Chinese restaurant and uh and I said so I sent him a sleeping bag I sent him stuff and he said did did you read what I finally I read it and it was Dances with Wolves yeah and I when you have that situation somebody that you know you start with I was never so proud of somebody I said you did it man you really really did it I said I don't know how I'm going to do it but I'm going to make it into a movie and and that's that was a story of actually a lot of my career so many of those movies I pushed great had to push them up to the plate killing raccoons and washing dishes to winning a toss it was already amazing before the punch line the yeah yeah it was funny I never help people in the in the DVD extras is a thing where you're directing the film but this bit where you're having to direct wolves yeah I knew you haven't like encouraged the wool sit well yeah well you know I tell you I remember when we got these rules or we rule Wilson I don't know here's you ever think of like salesmen who like you know carpet with carpet thing vacuum cleaner you always see them and they come into your house and they throw ashes and [ __ ] like that and they go like that and in it and it cleans it perfectly and then you call your friends up and you throw the same shirt and floor and I stain is there I got the guy with the Wolves he showed me how they would behave you know that he would push a button and the wolf would come over here when I got out there as well didn't do [ __ ] just like that I was I was ten days over scheduled 30 days into the movie and and I and and they said well what are you gonna do I said well I'm not gonna change the name sake of the movie I got to figure out how to match some dogs you know this is miniature money you make everything how you make them you know and it's it's no it's much that Betty what you have to do apparently what's that they like that belly being rubbed that's true doesn't everyone yeah yeah yes no no the walls do I had girlfriend got me a present to go with these wolves they weren't tame but they were socialized and there were no that means they just don't kill you yeah that was huge and they like having their belly rubbed I'm tickled a wolf's belly was it the belly you were tickling animal trainer extraordinaire so advised someone's job the kidneys are the disseminates oh you really broke you really broke down that wall of active directors right I mean you were really you were the pioneer of that whole movement I mean we wouldn't have a better flick if it wasn't for the work you had done back then well thank you I you know it was a was a highlight for me to do and I went out there and I I tell you what was really weird my parents came to watch me just like I did when I was a little kid playing sports I I used to be kind of embarrassed about it but it was an interesting thing I went out there my first day to direct and my parents had took a trailer all the way to South Dakota and they said we want my mom said we went we won't be in the way we're not going to bother you come and I go Jesus Christ really you're coming they go yes but we're not going to bother you so I remember my first day of going out into direct and way up on a hill my mom and dad had set a trailer and had their two lawn chairs and my mom I was talking to some of the crew and I said obviously we're all Kevin Costner fans here but is it true the the story about getting the call from Stephen Hawking yeah yeah well I I did I got a call from this guy how'd you know it was him yeah and I thought I thought I knew who he was but he said he wanted to come see me and so he comes in my driveway big van and they bring him out I was like nine people and he comes into my living room and I didn't really know how to talk to I mean he has a high Q 169 I have a 69 IQ and he's trying to carry a conversation but it's really it was it was difficult and finally I just got a little hip to everything I said so what's up man we're really what is it you want to know the only well and he wanted to know about Whitney in The Bodyguard and I said well no should then let's talk about that because if that's what this wants to be about then that's what we'll do and that's what we did so we talked about Whitney for for a while and then he said he was going to go dancing that is one of the other stories this is this is amazing this is this is like a real chat show like tractor if this were in America we'd be dressed up as wolves dancing for a YouTube hit the net quite a good idea listen Kevin good luck with the criminal thank you so much for coming this is Kevin foster everybody okay this Grammy Award artist got into all our heads with a hit single all about that base tonight she's performing when you single no it's Meghan Trainor everyone nothing is so sweet how you're at your friends and cordial to try and talk to me but let me stop you there Hobie for your speech my name is no my sign is no my number is no you need to let it go you need to let it go need to let it go my name is no my sign is no my number is no you need to let it go you need to let it go me to let it go what you gonna say you ain't runnin game thinkin I'm believing every call me beautiful oh so ready no telling me all night girls I was in my zone before you came along I don't think you lately you should go I'd be like say yes my name is no my sign is no my number is no you need to let it go you need to let it go No thank you any things I don't wanna do I don't need your hands are then I'm a-gettin man but it's never my fried I was in my phone before you can't no don't want you to take this person no I'll be like say yes my name is no my sign is no my number is no you need to let it go you need to let it go need to let it go you need to let it go and meet I'm touchable untouchable untouchable untouchable untouchable untouchable you No you need to let it go let it go to you you need to let it go long such a long Oh Oh sit down that's Meghan Trainor that's everybody else waving waving waving at now I have a bit of paper here oh yes I have and so that is the new single no right and that's out that's up now right now yeah okay but the album that's out on May the 13 yeah your pre-order right now and get this song and another one what seized upon it Meghan Trainor okay you been exhausted after that yeah I'm so not in shape really barely today yeah I am in shape shape but I like alright that's enough thank you very much come to see is I'm sorry we can't chat more but it were out of time it's been an epic chat tonight so that is it I'm afraid no time for red chairs either please come on yeah we didn't want to see there one of the co we'll come on from flower chair please please say a huge huge thank you to my guests tonight Meghan Trainor get one coaster doing Jade at this Kili holes the charming you grout and the great Meryl Streep I'll see you then goodbye nearly naked chef Hardy
Channel: Gervais Junkie
Views: 2,701,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2016
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