The Best Celebrity Reactions | Part Two | The Graham Norton Show

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the other thing that links are about just everyone started very young now ben the last time you're here we enjoyed very much uh your early work on the voyage of the mimi yes we're not gonna show any more thank you do google it because it is worth seeing [Laughter] tell me more no seriously you really need to google it sienna you started was it modeling you started you were quite young when you started modeling i was just sure and so i no i mean yes but not like proper [Applause] and then emma you did some extraordinary work as a child actor i mean take this meryl streep oh i did a kind of edgar g robinson thing where i was like in mind we are going to focus on the early dancing career of mr ryan gosling make sense um the only video you have tonight is yeah yeah is this so the dance troupe you were in can you tell us about because apparently young dancers they could be quite vicious it's a cutthroat business and i had to get out i i was on some kind of uh canadian star search and uh i somehow made it to the finals and uh my main competition were these two uh twins who were tap dancers and they were dancing to phil collins uh two hearts and they had big heart-shaped bows and they were just uh they were the ones to beat so i remember uh you know wishing them luck and going on stage and i was getting ready to start was dancing the everybody dance now by cnc music factory of course yeah and i'm getting ready to start which is this is how you started a winning dance number if you want to know get out of your hand tonight just off stage and the two twins are standing there like the twins from the shining and they're just going like this [Applause] to that trophy to that tiny little trophy because i i was good is this the same dream i was going to say it's an all it's an all-girl troupe but obviously it's not you're in it right but but you are the only boy in it yeah that was the was that the that was the point that was the gimmick they let me dance there for free because i was a guy because if you had a guy you you would win oh okay yeah so are you ready to see the the dance silence i believe you're dancing to kathy dennis's classic touch me um uh did the troupe have a name ryan it was elite dance studio uh and how old are you in this one old enough to know better enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i wish i could say someone said here you have to wear this but that was my idea i thought i have a vision for this number pikeball and silver hammer pants they are br the silver hammer plants are i don't think we know we gave them enough of a shot we gave up with hammer but i don't i think we should we should have kept them going no yeah i'm talking about your effort to do well in was it an exam about statistics oh god christ yes this is true i i got a d in that yeah you got a d i got a d but but but i mean i i deserve that or or worse but anyway so so you're in school you're doing an exam statistics your teacher she's miss lauten yes latin lawton lot miss lawton and so what were the other kids doing were the other kids just doing uh yeah variation i mean i mean some people presented parabolas and things that were more appropriate for statistics uh you know varied projects mine was not so tell the people what you decided to do like a statistics song yes sort of a sort of statistics ramp yeah horrible bad bad level the worst level yes but no you came up with the whole rap persona didn't you yeah but not for that i just had it oh so lil is it little timmy tim yeah it's part of my uh oh you're gonna regret it gingerbread man is nothing now how do we have this film did you post it how did how does this film make sure i posted it i did it with a friend on a green screen in school and i'm pointing to different i was going to photoshop my teacher's face in but i got too lazy so now they're just kind of weird in the video i'm pointing around and there's there's nothing well here are these statistical rap stylings of little timmy tips look at me it's timmy t hit him [Music] [Music] [Applause] i did not know this about you i don't know you do you play tomb raider at all don't be ridiculous no no i thought you might no but i like the girl in it um lara croft yeah the shorts now have you played tomb raider merrell what tomb raider i don't even know what you're talking about okay well at least laura knows the girl longer well shut your eyes you grant because the voice of lara croft is sitting beside you oh look what yeah well that's not that's that's the voice of the game yes the voice of larkov is kelly was now apparently this got confusing for your son is this true it did it did when i first started doing it my son who will kill me um after this my son who's now 15 but was was quite little and uh he could never get past the first stage and so he you just make her run around and sort of swim and rock climb and things but um she has she wears these shorts you know um and uh so he's doing that and then he came running and he said mommy i said how's it going you know you're enjoying he said i like the way the lady runs the lady with my with mommy's voice was a bit did you then ban him from playing that thing yes you did i've spoken to people who've done this and it's not as simple you don't just say the lines i mean it takes hours and hours doesn't it because don't you have to make every little noise that you might ever conceivably make yeah well let me say a a person let's call them a fan has put together seriously has put together every noise you make not every noise [Laughter] i i i bet you differ i think we are about to hear every noise you make it takes a little while you can shut your eyes you'll enjoy this this is uh the vocal stylings of philly halls as lara croft oh god someone has taken the time to put this together that's a falling off a cliff death it's a really long one in a second [Laughter] [Laughter] she's done last year last march or april i mean so it's been a year yeah so you must be nearly finished because i broke my ankle we had to shut down but we're about six weeks away the ankle this is that so are you fully recovered are you well it's still broken but i'm doing well no you're kidding is it still broken yeah i mean it's not fully healed but we're shooting but that's nuts because we've seen no we've seen a picture of you you're running and doing all stuff again yeah now but we have a release date so we got to keep going yeah otherwise you'll end up going live yes it's much better so you probably i'm sure you all saw the the footage in in it was on the papers and things on online of the accident yes and i think we all kind of thought well how did you break an ankle doing that does it look like you should have broken your jaw or something i know everyone said that was the stunt i mean i'm gonna run across and hit the side of the wall and then pull myself over that wasn't the mistake so you're always meant to not yes land on the roof okay so what you've done is you brought us some footage i think this is so cool to see this from the different angles this is what i i can't watch this i haven't watched it most of it's fine there's one clip but i will warn you it's not for the squeamish growth you'll see i'm wearing two wires they're basically just safety wires because i'm i go to full tilt and i'm sprinting as hard as i can and i hit the side of the wall and that's the stunt i hit the side of the wall and then i'm chasing after henry actually and uh all his fault i blame him i hit the side of the wall and then i i climb up on the wall and i'm supposed to run past kevin okay so we've got uh this is the shot from behind you so this is you see the the speed and the momentum of the run and it's in london there we go so it's keeping the okay so here he goes look at that whoa and now it's good noise everybody but you get my point that you think how did you break a leg so let's look at it from the side this is it from the side no no no no this isn't a bad one this isn't the bad one rebecca so this is from the side here we go we shot it with three cameras okay here he goes and boom now now we've got our camera which focuses on the foot now if you are squeamish don't [Applause] i mean a bone doesn't pop out or anything but it is an odd angle for anyone's foot to be here but his foot should ever have to do this yeah here we go here we go oh my gosh so he jumps that speed that momentum here we go and now watch that watch this but here here is why here is why tom cruise gets paid the big bucks okay because this is it from the front angle okay so you've just seen what's happened to his foot now watch this i knew i broke it instantly so you're down now anyone else would go well that's over no up he gets a pig and he's running [Applause] i didn't want to do it again i knew i knew instantly it was broken and i i just run past camera we got the shot it's in the movie that profile shot both those shots are in the movie and henry everybody said when you got up and ran out of shot oh that's so him to complete the shot like with your foot hanging off i just went i said sorry guys it's broken you know take me to the hospital it's broken that's a wrap everyone everyone crew got on the phone and made their vacation arrangements i made a baby i told you that [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 1,336,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, talk show, british talk show, funny celebrity moments, celebrity interviews, best celeb moments, timothee, timothee chalamet, saorsie, saoirse ronan, saoirse ronan and timothee chalamet, tom cruise, ryan gosling, emma stone
Id: ME98e7CbonM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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