Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 10)

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was it was it prince of persia he went in yeah I had to play a a princess in that one and and the director is really posh is Andy cinder he said how can you can you do posh and I said I went to the Royal Academy of Dramatic [ __ ] are in the movie great cars your great American accent costume budget appears to be quite low well I did something rather stupid because I've got but just a bit bored because I've been trying on costumes for ages and I thought well if I'm being totally honest you know on one of those days where I don't go out and I'm living on my own and no one comes around I don't always bother to get completely dressed do you know what I mean I do you do yes I do you're right okay I'm gonna be blunt and I think clothes are an affectation and so I did most of the movie in my underpants in my tighty-whities and I thought you know this is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and and when I realized that made a mistake was they had a screening and people just kept coming up to me and saying you're a very brave actor very much a clip of the film oh yeah I see what you mean they're just fat pale hairless man yeah you know pale hairless man fetishists come and watch this movie [Applause] now you live with rebel Wilson I do know from bridesmaids of pitch perfect we play brother and sister in bridesmaids and that's where we met and we got along really well and people say to us are you brother and sister or a husband and wife or are you the same person we live together yeah but you get complaints from neighbors we got we got one letter of complaint from the neighbors we're actually really quiet but we just had one night where we just went crazy and I've got a piano and we just played show tunes all night you'll know what I mean Jeremy one of those nights where you just playing quietly yeah you know wealth really likes a sing-song yeah queen of karaoke Jam or karaoke well you did it professionally didn't yeah well it was one of my job that's a thing you should see our x-factor show you buttocks you worked the karaoke bar but this is a really unlikely bit it was a rough karaoke bar yeah it was a South London gangster bar and I had night a couple nights there a week Friday and Saturday night karaoke with Gemma and it became please welcome to the stage but it was a bit dodgy and sometimes it gets a bit thought in there and occasionally I get threatened or something like that and there was one time a guy wanted to you know ten times a night I tell gonna sing Frank's not true my way no God say you no no no must have something else in this guy pulled out a crowbar from his trousers and he went for me anyway followed that dive the the owner was good on his days haven't he got everybody out and you know saved me but he said in a future German next time that happens what will work is if you see my heart will go on by Celine Dion because that really chills everybody out yeah we used to be like a soothing balm my hope for the drunken gates used to say get a bit fraught knee go where Jim Jim do Titanic do Titanic oh they're very well convinced hello how are you gonna see your things do you say very much and now it's your own fault yes it is what do I call is it just did he now just you should call me did he just did it yes right what is it boredom what are you a little bit of oil I'll be finished now is this is can we relax you are just did you I'm not sure means some some no because Steven Spielberg he said your name Vince Vaughn sounds like a Thirsty's movie saw something but that that is your real name isn't it well that is yeah that is my real name but my mom named everyone with the V name so it was me and my sisters Victoria and Bowery that was cool but when the dog started getting be names like vero and Vladimir's Oh crazy with the with the V stuff she would look through the dictionary and find a but mana disk that was the name of a chihuahua it's a complicated situation there's no end to V name but you haven't done that to your own baby happy no I did not know my wife picked the name so but it was a great name so I'm happening it's Lachlan Lachlan I look it is a lovely name thank you yeah beautiful it is a nice thing I think I might change my name [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was a whole no you got the picture this is Delia as a swimwear model mmm there she is I'm guessing that's you is it the Beehive you're fabulous won't you I'm almost not gay anymore but now so all these ladies that worked in the travel agent yeah they were just people who worked in the travel agency and you know they couldn't afford to do proper smart advertising so we all got together and but you know I mean I would say I think that lady had too many cups of coffee she was a little nervous she seems hysterical as well in my pants here's another shot of you all look at you look fabulous I wish I was that slim now but the rest of them do look a bit like those Daily Mail women with real bodies be proud of your obesity look at her swimsuit is just like some that's that's an undergarment at best a touch with any of these ladies they're here tonight a travel agency the travel agency was called rent a villa model yeah and you've got you got a free swimsuit well now listen cut to 40 years later dearly are not just queen of cooking world but also a football mogul and not just a football fan Jeremy she owns a football team oh wow yeah Norwich City am i correct right yes the ladies are they here tonight yeah they are where are they well the lights are on now and these are the wives and girlfriends of the footballers can you see how gorgeous they are beautiful look a bit embarrassed you left your partner's male footballers at home wow they are gonna be screwing other way [Laughter] I think the situation needs to be diffused [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so sloppy Duchess wall-e's wand private dancer and I'll go with that voice has been in the dogs before [Applause] silly nails all right okay so Roger Roger Roger and Orlando wants a pound of private dancer Samantha boy what's a pound of Wally's wand the audience what a pound they are audience what a pound of sloppy Duchess and I'm putting a pound on Lady lightning with these pounds you won't get rich gram every pounds on ya but I am rich [Applause] why name was we won't get rich Oh Orlando Bloom you're not rich okay [Applause] well pound them oh I don't know look at them it's not gonna be much bigger what he's Juan didn't have a very good race you're not very lucky let's say so so what is one of the before in behind quite down to there but no I saw again I did see him where is he [Applause] leave the house trust me oh okay Layton out lady here lady here at what's your name Terry so so thinking of having a donor had it done don't say anything what do you think guys or have it done I can't think I'm can't take my also for tips are they new friends are old friend I'd have to cover sale before [Laughter] very good very good a reasonably new are they real naturally I would say GG then how to reduce that I don't feel buck up I know I'm I've been reduced again in about Oh see I knew I felt something funky what so you had big tits you didn't like him you got rid of them yeah then you miss them you've got them back in yeah I know you're gonna even take that again yeah okay not right right there perfect for you now they'd fit your body yeah you're not falling over so what else might you have done to it um I'd like okay let's go Thanks fake what [ __ ] yeah I want that point I'm okay now I've got one of those plastic surgery things [Laughter] oops for this so don't touch those titties does anybody want your nose done as well no no you need charity cheek implants and we'll do Terry I bought a special indelible pen see what we've done is and okay have we done it yes a very clear picture the picture the camera has captured your face now and we put you through a computer and if a highly-trained doctor did all the procedures this is what you'd look like [Laughter] in good well that doctors good oh but our women stupid to get all the work done it's a society they like women to be beautiful you know that no man ever put his hand up your dress looking for a library card and tell them yes of course you want to feel better about yourself cuz you were talking about out of the Col Smith earlier look I see what is she the smartest when you ever know oh the smartest Kevin McCartney Oh to get Oh to get him not to sign a prenup she must have a trick pelvis like we don't understand and everyone is so mannered now she's going on Dancing with the Stars with one leg oh this is like [ __ ] you come dancing in the states his Dancing with the Stars and she's going on it's crazy they better not ask her to do the hokey-pokey it's gonna be very tough because I live with a man with one leg for nine years so is this true yes really you you went out with a guy with one live with him for nine years great in bed more room the truth that's why I look at her now and I think that's great that she's gonna do it but she's doing it to make everyone like her now well and also did you see the thing in the paper where apparently she's gonna she's gonna play Mary Poppins on board reg no I'm not made this was seriously this was in the paper and she was gonna be Mary was on Broadway yeah and that not only was she very Mary Poppins but with the correct attachment she can use her right leg to clean the chimney yeah in one famous scene Mary Poppins takes a item after item from a seemingly bottomless bag and then fills it up with Paul's money now according to an official press release an official press release Heather will perform special versions of the songs including the show-stopping super hag makes Paul ballistic isn't she atrocious everyone favorite a spoonful of sugar helps the old man's semen go down either that or pineapple juice how many calories are in semen no they're 450 calories per swallow remember that if you're counting calories don't tell them that Weight Watchers how many points the universe yes we got a little back be we entertain me into place we are one BBC the album is called The Incredible Machine and that be in shops now yes well you could even download it Sigourney you can do that and there did that make you hanker after your pop music past Brian yeah yeah I read the bio oh we read about you you had two bands right yeah yeah one band and we had bang coughing Lizzie was real rock band and then the second pan that was more dance stuff yeah you were in Finland so abandoned grew out it the keyboard play from Sigma Z for me so that Lizzie I haven't obviously d-ring which of the big one know that beyond the rights of the picture yes looking rather with a Dickie Attenborough that's yeah that's me wow you were really enjoying the pop star lifestyle that were you [Applause] but yeah it really opened it up they were the first to get equal pay in the workplace and it set up the whole equal pay for equal work Act which was already instrumental in America at the time but not in the UK so if a man's doing the same job as a woman they should be getting equal pay so that's what these women did and so this is huge and have you been back to Essex have you met the women are they around actually here tonight oh the hands ladies [Applause] [Music] so is it Flynn hiding Vera yeah and presumably you saw the movie have you seen any of the workshops to the musical yes yes yes yes at the time did you I mean was there a big fuss were you in the papers and did it seem like a big deal at the time I mean if you had the time yeah but after it was all over it was all forgotten so that was a total surprise when the movie came out [Laughter] it's a musical see a bit of it and do you stay in touch because of the movie and things does that brought you back together again have you been friends all these years all the time [Applause] Java's just say you go in holiday together yes that's the order extra pay we're here for a while I don't know how to sit on this couch just it's like a hot dog bun your lovely filling a lot of excitement in the room kind of thinking about you is obviously you could remember you know when you weren't Madonna no Madonna can you remember what that felt like to not be the focus of every room you walk into and lots of stuff mm-hmm I do and I really enjoy when I'm in environments where I feel anonymous when does that happen well well when I went just was on my skiing holiday actually because I was wearing a mask completely covering my face and goggles and so I could ride the ski lift and nobody knew it was me so all the people watching I was like just cutting in front of me in the line he was a holiday for you [Applause] [Music] it's when I'm at home with my children they don't give an F who I it's like I get I hear all the complaints and all the moaning and I still have just threatened to kill them if they don't do their homework but no the good thing is in terms of learning how to work the camera this is very good a man called Jerry Jerry for the Philippines and honestly I know know more about this man he's Jerry for the Philippines and he's posted online a master class in how to have you seen it no but I love things like this it's how to work a look to the camera okay so he does he does a selection of looks to the camera so David watch this and learn okay who's Jerry's first one so it's just Jerry settling in front of the camera what look is he going to do he owes drink is he shocked he's shocked he shocked how's he gonna finish this one off with finally denies action scene he's chatting away chatting away chatting away to almost an argument he notices the camera and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I'm talking to you talking to you stay paid every day with every day oh my god what's that very nice to see you all I'm really well are you all well I feel really good cuz I have a security blanket right here you're funny but she's really funny no she you all fashioned up I'm wearing fashion tight yeah no they are I've been needing to get my thighs out lately I like it thank you yeah Michaels in there yeah I love your tights do you cut your own hair look what the patches what's going on with this yeah it's from no that's right drill drill little holes in your head to release pressure oh yeah I've heard of that yeah so there that's what you have yeah it's a new thing I feel like we're on a plane people different conversations [Applause] have you had your meal I don't are you watching drink alcohol and come on a show to recipe for disaster in the office of camera today's Edward Woodward the original yes yes so there is a joke and the punchline is always yes what is Edward how do you what is it how do you say that Edward would would wait please fake without the bees is it why does he need so many diesel isn't right is that the joke something like that he what there's also something about farting in a bar who would Edward would would would rather racy situation that is positive now do you who's in England how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood yeah Chuck much wood as a woodchuck good if a woodchuck could chuck wood but again [Applause] maybe you can string any words together at all equalizer by the way the equalizer is open tonight it's opened ocean white tonight this is basically you showing off some of your special skills this is a you know what don't mess with Denzel No is it just you are we waiting for someone else I'm so what your hands if you really work the power lines down at your hands wouldn't look like that I know we got to be waiting for somebody else hands where I can see them we take a little walk across the street mean you know like Denali here we go be very for these instructions that I'm gonna kill you understand [Music] no witnesses what the hell is this guy do and I actually read the book we had like Navy SEAL guys expert killers and we were using everything books and you know so these real thing like the Navy SEALs read and we showed me what to do with a book and Adam [Laughter] harson beside you we've seen you you know in films being kick-ass and drinks but in life you're quite quite well I was really rough but not in that way like the water lighting thing sounds amazing yeah so tell us what you can do on the horse I can do trick riding and stunt riding how long did this take by the way um so I learned to ride in I did sort of like a month's training and then I got a bit obsessed with it and started you know doing trick riding so I guess within like a couple of months so Prince of Persia you do all that was riding yourself yep there wasn't riding double as well for really dangerous stuff but I did do a big stunt which I'm really proud of tell us about this there's a bit where a horse a massive big old black horse is galloping towards me and I pull myself onto the horse whilst it's in gallop from standing so basically you hold onto the horses reins and you while it's galloping jump up onto it and gallop off and I train for it for antics you know for days and days and days and days and weeks and then when it came down to it as this big Disney movie so it's very expensive and I said you know I can do that stunt I've practiced it to the producers and they went no way you're not doing it it's too dangerous and I was like alright she can do it and I did and it's in the movie and obviously everyone thinks it's the stunt double usually unless you do something like this gallop gallop [Laughter] because you are now going to be doing this a Western yeah are you learning to write now on October first I start five or six months of riding wow you're gonna be great it's such a great you know someone told me to in the old days they would put little trampolines for guys like in the westerns and they bounce off of it and jump right up on the horse to make it look like they yeah yeah yeah so you'll see that as well she steps right in my pee pajamas and she and this is what [Music] [Applause] that's wrong don't don't touch the man there you hid it from me and I sorry Wow if you want this and why go no you don't you don't need it it was just over there you can throw it onto the self if you wife if I yeah so we're getting to the end of this bloody story so yeah we should we should she stepped in it in May and yeah do you imagine being a mother and doing that she goes just like paralyzed with fear [Applause] I'm exhausted and essentially you get most grip and take the corners faster oh it's one of those chip and fell and landed in each other's no we're close actually that's a happy to look you wound up being story now you're gonna ruin the Gulf McAvoy intertwined well is through his creative driving essentially we pulled into in he was the drive base he was the driver I was come here balancing at the back said already if you were listening more so yeah anyway we went flying into the base camp and the wheels dug in a little bit too much so we took this sort of swerve to the left and crashed into the back of the Lexus and he went he went flying out of the car which was fine but I went flying over the back and ended up where he was sitting so I got the blame for everything twins twins were born there on the sidewalk that was a separate incident oh that red one my god I normally only do this when I'm when I'm what the people in show business called tired and emotional and the press insist on calling pissed but I can do an impersonation of bacon oh please do yeah do I need to get out of the way no it's fine because because I'm Danish hey if you took my clothes off I have it written and blew up one side of my body it'll be streaky bacon if that's okay because well if I'm back making you need much bigger hips I think you need oh you need a bigger hip first so i'ma lay down like this so you just mention that I am now I'm on the pan and the heat has just started [Applause] [Music] you know I just contribute the one fact that those little tiny pants were from Marx and sparks they still make them in fact I rather doubt they don't well they will now people in a warehouse [Music] we seemed kind of a very diverse sofa but there are more similarities than you think because both Matthew and Diane you grew up not just in kind of you know rural areas but like really remote but you didn't even have neighbors did you Matthew yeah I mean you know that's relative I mean yeah I mean I don't going to be see you if you keep going it's very very remote and I loved it I loved growing up there northwestern part of Wyoming the winter of Valley so crow heart crow heart did it really have a sign outside say population 13 they really did someone died that you would bother to put up the sign for 13 people yeah did you run wild as a kids we did a lot of crazy stuff yeah I have two brothers I'm the middle of three three boys and you know we were really that that's who we hung out with we didn't have friends over and stuff like that or go to somebody else's house how do you run crazy though with terrorize you'd attend you do some crazy stuff there growing up I mean didn't you blow things up yeah we were really into fire and I grew up on a ranch and some of the tools of the trade or I mean dynamite was always on the place cuz in the winner the the stream that ran it through our place would get would freeze over and my dad was always having to blow that with dynamite so we there was always dynamite on to blow this tree with that it's like my dad saying if you got a plunger the six-block could be that remote in Germany but it was very rural and it's 2,000 people that sounds like a big town now but but it sounds like you were living in the front of 19th century no no no no don't you know it sounds very good bar we did not have a bar so that we weren't you a professional mourner I was well I grew up hello that sounds like an adventure I was I grew up very Catholic and to make money for two years from 10 to 12 I guess during service I specialized in funerals I would stand around the coffin with a candle and seriously so I would you know the priest would do service and I got really really depressed after two years you can just imagine it's like really Joe is the best guy and you really learn about mourning oh yeah she's not really sad her husband's dead I was squeezing out tears for extra money oh no I was stone-faced I do mourning now really well I do I mean it's I think I became an actress because of my morning experience was it best if the other funny death that way a phony death my god no a funny one [Laughter] now is it kind of every second word or none of it every second about every third or fourth it's getting quite a long show we're talking backstage the vacuum al Cowen's olympic fuel and it's one of those things that you know if you if you have an accent you probably don't realize because you lived it might be the same in germany say but geographically copy in America we have different accents very very close to each other all over England is they all over Britain it's very very different accents mainly because if people speak different than you it gives you a reason to hate them could I do an English lesson [Applause] imagine imagine you're from England that just puts it in your place I could try and speak with an English accent yes and I think if I really put some effort into it and really open my mouth the problem is I know where my mouth is unfortunately filled with massive teeth and a huge tongue which makes it difficult to vehicle eyes in the way that other people with small teeth think about your brother true is that a joke no honest to god that I I eat me brother punched me and knocked me front two fouls and so easy and he picked it off he figured off I thought I loved that and he put it underneath his pillow so the Tooth Fairy will come dude I've done this to go to new thought it was a money-making scam told me that could be me teeth came out sailing me front teeth came out because of this constants he thought my head was his piggy back my big teeth came early and so these teeth with quite an American by the knot boy in England since I was seven my head my hands have to grow around my teeth my childhood skill photographs look like in a pill picture [Applause]
Channel: Denise F
Views: 1,153,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 10), funny graham norton compilation, graham norton funniests guests, graham norton full episodes, new graham norton 2017, graham norton shocking moments
Id: E2HGKiyhOoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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