Gervais and Depp on Graham Norton - Part Two

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I mean it's a very funny girl but also it's a romantic film she is so beautiful and the herd Amber Heard yes I got sort of a callback to like you know the old school movie stars of nearly as beautiful as Carey Mulligan nearly she's running there her on the verge yeah she's human she scrubs into a room with Amber Heard last week and I almost fell over I couldn't look her in the eye she's sort of blinding she is beautiful yeah even I noticed she's incredible creativity so she really is now it strikes me that in the beginning agree you must have had so much pressure to go down the kind of handsome leading man route and was it hard to resist you are you answer I think it's been tough on Ricky he suffers how do you do your pal come on do it what power what about come on how did you stole off me by the way I really love your band thank you I mean do appreciate that Java's Cockerell is and gentlemen Kaka from blur more stars that are on heaven cuz I think what's amazing about you is that you have turned by being a real kind of character actor into like you're the best character actor in the world well you are you to learn well good most character actors first guide you are gonna kind of also appearing you've turned being a character actor into a global superstar no I think it's more like some some form of schizophrenia that has just worked for me because those characters are so big the caption Joe Jack Sparrow's and Willy Wonka and Mad Hatter news do you come to the set with those fully formed or do you work with the director or how does it happen that you create those yeah generally they're born out of whatever they're born out of you know I've had you know characters born out of don't get excited the sauna you know being an extreme take it easy you can feeling coming on K the audience are always gonna be on your side know these characters that are born out of you know sort of strange you know extreme heat or whatever you know these thoughts and stuff and you bring it to set and then there's what I enjoy really is the sort of extreme quiet at the end of the first take you know your action you go into you a bit and then suddenly you hear cut so exactly pleasure when the studio executives are kind of like oh yeah of course I think that's the only way you know you're doing the right thing so today the usually have a conversation with you are you doing that for the whole film generally starts with what is wrong with you what's happened what's wrong with you horrible is it but you come with you know you know the kind of oh you're just swinging you have a you look you know big stick and you start swinging it kind of thing and you just hope that it'll be all right he's broke a window sort of lemon through a window smashed the window I did it yeah very tactical Johnny everything's he's shy okay um but he wasn't shy this day and he's got a wicked sense of humor if people knew what he was really like his career would be over so in one scene I'm helping I'm soaping Warwick gets shoved down a toilet as you do right and I'm sort of bending his legs and I'm going this all right if I said if it breaks we get another one in right I'm pushing down too and I'm laughing a Warrick's laughing and at one point those look at Johnny I turn around and Johnny Depp is going you don't mind if I masturbate what you doing and someone took a picture of the moment but he'd stopped by then so I think we've got that here we've got the picture just been to you then never I'd finished by this Oh now so you are in life's too short the pictures we saw there it starts on 10th of November and you're in episode 2 so Ricky is it fair to say this is more like extras than the office um it's sort of a cost between the two really it's a fake documentary like the office but it's at the backdrop of media like extras that's but if the office sort of reflected those quaint docu soaps of the 90s where normal people were trying to be famous like David Brent you know this is much more today where it's or d-list celebrities living their life like an open wound to try and be on you know I mean and Warwick the Warwick they said like Peter Andre karanji no I I won't dissing and I suppose it's um he's got a terrible accountant so he's got a tax bill his careers on the slide he's not getting the films anymore he's going through a messy divorce so he agrees to do this fly-on-the-wall let the cameras into his house 24/7 to try and get back on the top and he's he's manipulative he runs an agency but he steals all the best jobs for himself and he just lets out the other Dwarfs for you no you look human bowling balls and stuff Johnny and is playing himself and he's doing a new Tim Burton film Rumpelstiltskin and he's playing a dwarf so he wants to get in the head of a little Bertie your face before yeah okay honestly it was an incredible day it was the last day of shooting and um it was it was amazing all the things he came up with making Warrick do it you made him do Michael Flatley it came out of nowhere and just going made him dancing made walk danced for about eight minutes we've got a clip of Johnny and Borak and yourself and Steven in terms of controversy Ricky you are not shy you you do like well I know you lied you like getting in trouble do you like I don't get into trouble I'm a comedian Fred West gets into trouble there's pedophiles with careers what am i overdone at the end of the Golden Globes this in case you'd left anyone on a Fed dude how did you sign off I just thanked everyone and I said and of course thanks to God for making me an atheist would you can say here but in America they take that sub very seriously whoa yeah I think it's it's sort of um I think it's about 10% atheist I think here's about 45% atheist but um yeah they were offended by it I thought it was that's only because God lives in the Midwest doesn't he oh yeah he's got a place there yeah the next day was it after the Golden Globes that you someone sent you the picture of the church oh yeah you know that's I think some some reverend somewhere or some bishop and did a sermon for me to save my soul because some I'm going to have of course this is picture of the thing it's gent that's that's real no it's really a sermon for Refugees and then was it the same day of the next day that someone's in LA there's a difference in New York they named a sandwich after me see it in the window there a sandwich for Ricky Gervais I'm going to hell but there's cheese and ham that's different your comedian but as actors I don't do you need to be more careful about you say and do because Johnny I heard it could zoom me because your Johnny Depp like I read a story but was it cause of your coming from Lima to Miami I think you were stopped at customs oh yeah yeah and any of you hadn't been Johnny Depp the what he wouldn't have stopped you with it well it's kind of an interesting route anyway Lima Peru to Miami does sound a drug rod there are already expecting things and I did have some things and yeah there was a kind of a soft bag and the customs guy said you might opening this up well said he said he said first I said what is in there I said stuffed piranhas sorry stuff piranhas and some vampire bats unzipped and then there just happened to be some sort of vitamin powder that I was taking at the time yeah I mean I know serious I'd still be in jail and they when I unzipped it you know I know these piranhas and bats covered in white powder for authors and BOTS never mind the coke right but why did you promise him back and it was important to have them I had to bring them home yeah but the guy thought he'd found the mother lode you know he must've been so excited oh god it was oh yeah to Honda he didn't go through with it just so you know how did you how did you say to me still a virgin I was a virgin until repeat don't you say do you say that's vitamin powder don't worry about it any believed you is that is that real they really do not believe me now right so what I do get everybody came out with guns and things like that you know but did you put a knife in your and guard the rigging trouble of customs I didn't you remember immigration in the States one time I was going in and I panicked because the guy was like yeah so what'd you do and I goes I'm a comedian so he straight away goes well tell me a joke and I just panicked I was like if this joke isn't funny he's not gonna believe me and I can't get in to his I got astray by God what'd he call an American oh no that's gonna work just like off I say something terrorism in a rant like that is gonna and I just I just panicked and I get a chemical joke that wasn't that funny I goes I goes why do Morris Dancers wear bells so the blind can be irritated by them as well know what Morris dancer is we didn't kiss he came back what was basically the worst heckle I've ever had in my career original ed I'm gonna put actor right if we're good night let's have a story or two in the red chair so who's up first hello sir oh no hi what's your name Mohammed okay and what do you do Mahmoud I'm wait I'm a student I shouldn't of radiography radiography a proper job well when I was seven years old I went on a holiday with my mother to Egypt and during my time there I saw a donkey that was fully erect okay do you mean do you mean he was standing up so what's the big it tell us your best story I saw a donkey with an erection so you were shocked Mohamed I was shots I'll put on lullaby I was like mum mum what's this thing hanging out and then she said it's a spare leg I was like what's it for and then she replied when donkeys are happy they have five legs and when they're sad they only have four so a week after I went back to school and my teacher asked us to draw a picture in a bit racy to I dream till pictures of a donkey one was happy another one was sad when I'm sorry even have it you can go hello hi hey whatwhat's your name my name is Brooke Brooke and what do you do um I work in PR oh yes very vague off you go Brooke preview word Alexa sale okay um I actually have a story about one of your guests uh I was riding the tube home from work one day and I saw someone who looked suspiciously like a celebrity that I happened to a door and he was wearing a stocking cap and some sunglasses and I noticed that he had a tattoo on his arm that said Jack and I thought oh my goodness and I leaned over and I said excuse me are you who I think you are and he looks up at me and he said why yes I'm a Brad Pitt needless to say it wasn't Brad Pitt and I got a great photo with mr. Johnny Depp on the platform at Bank Station true - no evidence on the - yeah I think you mister step you were with a BBC oh I I think you might just have a picture with some man or bizarrely a picture with Brad pitch take picture now I want a picture now that's very nice it's really nice to see you again Parsa breaking sound time together and we'll take a screen grab of you there you go I will get that to you all right well done via our website at this address and thank you so much my guest tonight as Snow Patrol
Channel: pilkipediaTV
Views: 4,681,549
Rating: 4.8546648 out of 5
Keywords: Ricky, Gervais, Johnny, Depp, Graham, Norton, Life's, Too, Short, The, Rum, Diary, Carey, Mulligan, Ed, Byrne
Id: l61YNizRVZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2011
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