Clips You’ve NEVER SEEN Before From The Graham Norton Show | Part Thirteen

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very quickly uh where's karen oliver oh there's karen oliver now karen do you have a picture of you as a schooly girl oh there there you if are performs out of music in a dungeon what the hell are you wearing it's like a pvc pinafore we've got a warm you used to hang around at a garage is that the garages and the flats yeah and would do what you do would you line up well we there's kind of three guys that we were stalking i guess we played a game which was like a kiss chase and the girls ended up in the garages and the boys had to chase us and while we were there the boys came in and decided who they were going to have so just kidding it's good you're not going back to britain are you you're like what the hell it's just kissing it's a kissing game just kissing it was kind of very dark and i just waited with my eyes kind of half closed and ricky andrews came to me the hunk i got him and did you kind of hang around the garage was that game go on for a long time um just a little bit but they got condemned from with asbestos and got pulled glamorous down the kiss chase we just went to the garages and waited sorry at chase is it it's just like we'll wait here they'll come karen in honor of zach's film 17 again we thought we'd take you on a trip back to teenage years so if you look over there right there's a picture of a garage right so if you want to go over to the garage with me come on oh we go here we go come on [Applause] so now all we need now is a lineup of girls beside you oh [Applause] now just to recreate the the dank dark atmosphere of that asbestos-filled garage and harrow it just yields grammar and romance you just put on this blindfold okay lovely you ready okay you stand there okay yeah can you see anything no no you can't now how many years has it been since you last kissed ricky andrews in that carriage oh my god [Music] back then he was the best looking guy in town i happen to know he is now a glazier in north london [Applause] do you remember how that kiss fell kylo yes [Applause] do you recognize these lips [Applause] there you go is it a secret of like focusing on something first of all you have to pick a point space um so that you don't come off cross-eyed normally the errors get made in the guys and the nerds and the computer i say that with the faction make sure that um they can you know put something in front of your face later on so you don't come off crosstalk but we thought we'd see how how good you were reacting things that weren't there because we've got some are you testing you yeah fans of yours have dressed as some of your most fearsome opponents okay all right so they're are not here they're on green screen but they are going to magically appear in front of you now we've got uh if children are watching uh perhaps this is a bit too frightening it's just that we've gone for um one of the dinosaurs from journey to the center of the earth in 3d and this is uh danielle may so as i say i'm sorry if little children are watching but hopefully they're not but they might be frightened by this here's danielle now [Applause] look at you go no it looks like barney looks like barney's had liposuction [Applause] do a bit of roaring for god's sake woman [Applause] oh one more it is i think you'll probably your greatest nemesis of all uh it's uh phil craig from morkum who's a bus ticket inspector here he comes oh god no not me no no no save yourself yourself go go see that's why i don't ride that bus that's why that's why you had to tell your emu story we spent a lot of money on that costume okay it was going to be seen because zach when you kind of made it big with scrubs and proper cash was coming in right you went a bit car crazy dude well i was the kid with the car pictures on on my wall the po i always loved cars and so the first thing i i did when i had made a little cash was get a beautiful porsche that i had always uh dreamed of and uh the car was brand new and my friend who played donald faison who played turk on the show scrubs thought it would be funny to play a practical joke on me and um there's a show called punk do you have punk teeth we did yeah yeah well they got me really horribly bad they they it's the things like three days off the lot and i i was going to a liquor store with him it was all set up hidden cameras i didn't know obviously and some teenagers asked us to buy them booze because you know you can't drink to your 21 in the states and and i was like no we're not going to buy you booze i'm not going to be responsible for you guys getting hammered and when we came out of the liquor store the brand new car appeared from my perspective to be completely covered with graffiti and the kids were just finishing doing it like ruined and the whole thing had been choreographed with the hidden cameras and such that that i wouldn't be able to catch the [Laughter] little [Applause] and i couldn't see from my perspective because my adrenaline was so pumping that he looks up and he's like a little boy and i stopped because i didn't realize he was so young and um of course they edited that whole bit out because they don't really want you beating up children no they got me they got me really bad really bad so listen a funny one funny one more thing about that story is that we went into the uh when we went into the the liquor store that my co-star uh who played the turk donald faison he he knew he was on camera because he was the guy on the joke and we walk in the liquor store there's a giant rack of porn it's the first thing you see when you walk in and i walk in i'm with my buddy and i'm like i'm like magazines dvds uh both probably okay give me the address i just put a picture in my mind stay with us and and so i walk over to the rack because i'm like wow look at all look at this check out this girl and my friend who knows he's on hidden camera he's like oh man you know i'm not into that i'm thinking like yes you are and now you look very nice but i thought you know you're a scot i thought you might be sporting you know the kilt on the red carpet no no do you ever do the kilt oh yeah i've done the kill i've done the carpet not in the red carpet no i don't think you should do it yeah maybe i should i love people are going yes you have in glasgow oh i did hey do you want to answer these questions for me by the way this this lady here i mean basically did you move to america she's from scotland but it just goes wherever wherever i go [Applause] it's better than i do so if i'm saying anything wrong you you keep me in line apparently she will yeah minutes into the show yes you have so maybe i i wore a a kilt at my sister's wedding though in in in paisley scotland and i had to go up and do a reading and my mother and the family were in the front row and of course as you know in scotland there's a certain rule to wearing the kilts and you know i'm sitting like this and then everybody's kneeling forward you know and my mom is is looking at me she's doing this and she's going i think she's telling me to pray the whole congregation is watching me so i'm like listen i'm looking out and i'm like and i go like this he's like then i realized that everybody is staring right and and that's why i always forget that i've worn kills it's always a disaster now uh jared i think i've done very well to hold off till now let's talk about your body because is that you now is that you surfing now no i don't know where that is actually all right is that a kill we know where it is oh yeah hawaii hawaii seriously seriously yeah is this serious [Applause] wow you were there you probably took so is it why but jared butler you have your own jared butler conventions and i think we're seeing who's behind them more than a lucky guess so no so these are real apparently so yeah um yeah they've had them in glasgow they've had them in vegas and it's vegas the one that we belong to right right so what's your name lady moira moira how many people go uh about a hundred [Applause] you could have talked it up a bit we weren't going to do a head count we weren't going to check you could have gone with 500. three oh very good this isn't live there's still time to change well next time we'll all go it'll be [Music] great
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 661,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton 2020, The Graham Norton Show 2020, The Graham Norton Show new, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, zach braff, brendan fraser, zac efron, Gerard Butler, Karen Gillan, Martin Freeman, david walliams
Id: O6j69VGSxmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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