The Mayans were right! - Sid Meier's Civilization VI - New Frontier Pass

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hey buddies I'm potato Mac whiskey and welcome to a very nice little video about how to bring about the end of the world as the Mayan Empire now the Mayan people are a little bit upset that the world didn't quite end like they predicted in 2020 despite how crazy people went on social media apparently the world still exists much to everyone's disappointment in the years that have followed so today we'll be playing civilization 6 in the apocalypse game-mode as the Maya in order to really bring about everyone's true desire and that's for the world to burn in a hail of meteors I would like to say it thank you so much to four axes for sponsoring this video there will be links in the description of the video if you want to go ahead and grab yourself the new apocalypse game-mode and get the new packs the new saves you want to get Maya and Grand Columbia and try to bring about the end of the world yourself now we're starting off in a very lush area over the world we have some very nice River systems as well as some really nice high yield tiles with things like two food three production and two food two production which are really ideal early game tiles now one of the important things that we need to remember when we're playing the Maya is they don't actually get fresh water benefits you can see here if I turn on the settler map mode which typically shows where you get fresh water with green um the whole world is just a gray canvas for the Maya to settle as they please and I've also I kind of had a little bit of a sort of brainstorm about what kind of strategy I wanted to employ as the Maya like an opening strategy because of course one of their other bonuses is that they get negative penalties to cities that are settled six tiles or four I think it's more than six tiles away from their capital so we want to ideally then build out good few cities but not too many to try and take advantage of that 10% booster yields that they have for cities that are within those six tiles of the capital city now ideally here I would have a luxury resource to settle beside but I think I'm okay with sacrificing that considering I have just such good tiles in my immediate vicinity so we're going to settle in place and the particular strategy that I have in mind for the Mayans is I'm going to be going Scout monument builder and I'm going to be immediately tacking for hojae and the idea behind this strategy is that we get asked out to the weekend I look around early we get the early monument so that we can unlock early Empire pretty quick and get our hands on the colonization civic that'll allow us to actually build a few settlers that we need the Builder will allow us to improve things like the rice over here and as well as maybe a couple of mine tiles maybe a couple of Pastore stuff like that and then by the time we have our very first scout our very first monument on a very first builder will probably be just about ready to unlock the hojae and then we'll quickly go ahead and grab craftsmanship so we can crack out a few hojae so that we can have these really really strong archer units to defend ourselves from the enemy oh it looks like there has been a meteor strike in the fog of war over there I'm gonna go ahead and run over there and see if I can pick up what it dropped on the ground oh very nice we actually managed to bump into our MA and we were the first person to meet them netting us a nice +2 faith in the Capitol which might mean that we can go for the settler Pantheon and grab ourselves a really quick second city hello Rome we have managed to bump into the ever aggressive Rome I'm gonna send them a delegation because that's gonna give me plus 3 relations with them which will maybe push them in the direction of not wanting to cut my head off and display it on the walls of their capital they're also attacking this barbarian encampment so if I time my attack correctly and they attack again I should be able to steal this from them no problem Oh Rome you silly fool you just handed me a free encampment kill thank you 30 gold and a Eureka just finished the monument boosting our culture per turn up to 3.8 next we're gonna be getting to work on the Builder so that we can improve this farm because don't forget we also get access to +1 housing and +1 gold from farms and we do want to keep these food resources around not only that but don't forget I think I talked about this up don't forget our observatories which is our unique campus replacement to get +2 science for each adjacent plantation so I'm gonna be kind of mapping out where I think I'm gonna be getting at least 3 adjacency on my observatories sort of the locations that I want to build my Empire around and the reason we want to get +4 adjacency on these observatories and why we want to focus on observatories at all is because it costs us half as much production to build our observatories which means we want to build them because we build them in half the amount of time which means we get the same benefit for half as much production but the main reason we want to get at least +3 adjacency is for this card here rationalism which gives you a 50% science boost to all of the buildings inside an observatory which is a unique version of the campus if you have at least +3 adjacency also if you can get 10 population you get another 50% so we're gonna be able to generate a insane amount of science from our cities if we can find the right places to place the observatories and grow our cities to 10 population that is the entire underpinning strategy that we're gonna be playing around today the secondary strategy is we're gonna be trying to get to the late game burn as many fossil fuels as possible fill the entire world with co2 and watch meteors rain from the sky destroying all civilizations Oh brilliant we actually ran into Gilgamesh I'm gonna go ahead and try to be friends with him and this is a really important thing to note if you're playing on standard speed and you meet Gilgamesh you can go ahead and declare a friendship with him the very first turn you meet him as well as send him a delegation and you'll have a great relationship with him for basically the entire game never mind that one time that I was playing Germany and Gilgamesh immediately broke my friendship at his first opportunity and swarmed me with war card let's just not talk about that one see even Gilgamesh thinks I'm a good friend and Ally little does he know that my plan is to entirely destroy a civilization with meteor strikes right now we have three housing in the capital if I go ahead and pop this farm down we're going to get four housing and that's because the Mayas get 1.5 housing per farm which is a ridiculous amount of housing for a single tile improvement if I also slap down this horse pasture that'll go all the way up to five housing from just two improvements it's insane how powerful this bonus is now the downside is you don't get fresh water but even so I'm already starting to see the sort of plans of a city coming together if I were to put an aqueduct here on an industrial zone here eventually I could for example put my government Plaza here as well and now I've got a really nice string of districts all providing each other with really nice benefits I could always harvest this quarry as well just put a farm down here and this will actually be if I do the maths a +5 total campus when I get at the end game which basically means if I multiply it by two it's gonna be 810 adjacency campus I really hope people are starting to see just why the civilization is so damn powerful now I have seven turns until I unlock our tree which will pretty much be the thing that prompted me to start building my whole cheese just so I can hold off any aggression from the AI mmm Rome does not seem to approve of the fact that my empire is rather small in fact Roma is possibly one of the worst neighbors you could have as the Maya because Rome's goals are pretty much directly diametrically opposed to what the Mayas want to do Rome wants to expand a lot on the Mayas what does have a relatively small compact and efficient Empire now we have picked up our pantheon of the very first thing I'm gonna be grabbing is a settler I could have gone from culture from plantations but I think getting the early settler is really important here because it's gonna allow me to be way more aggressive now the thing you have to remember is the Maya is you want to settle adjacent to luxuries and you want to settle in a way that leaves you open to being able to build really good cities so for example right here I have two plantation resources right beside each other and that I have room for two farms so this could be another +5 adjacency Observatory right here on the edge of my empire and I think I'm gonna go ahead and settle right here on this - for loyalty tile because it'll provide me with a city that I can use in the defense against Rome's aggression that will almost certainly come at some point this game time to improve our third improvement giving us access to craftsmanship which will allow me to plug in a dog as well as ill come when the time comes but for now I'll leave urban planning in because we're mostly now powering hard for early Empire like I said time for us to settle our second city and the thing about the Maya is they really struggle without a builder charge in their cities so I think the very first thing we're going to be doing is starting work on a slinger to be able to defend the city which will eventually become a hojae which we are building 50% faster and then I'm probably going to spend my golden getting a builder in here to try to improve a couple of these tiles to get some extra farms in here there is access to the hojae which is a ridiculously powerful unit not only does it have a baseline plus three more ranged combat strength than a regular Archer but it does five extra damage when fighting a wounded opponent as well as the Mayan innate ability of +5 combat strength to all units within six tiles of the Capitol and this is within six tiles of the Capitol which means these units are basically like crossbowmen on the defense if your enemy is wounded you're doing an order of like 40 combat strength ranged strikes which is insane when you consider that crossbowmen have 40 baseline ranged strength okay this is a problem for me rome has decided to forward settle me which means i pretty much have to go to war with them the second that this settler is finished hmm it looks like rome is actually getting ready to go to war with me so i'm gonna go ahead and purchase myself a hojae if I can let's go ahead and siphon off gold from Gilgamesh he already has horses darn yea Rome is like I said rome decided that now is the moment to declare war thankfully these hulce do a stupid amount of damage I have units in position my real question is are you gonna survive getting hit by four units and I don't think you are but if I retreat a tile you will maybe bait them into attacking you slightly later this really isn't the location that I would ideally settle this city however if I move into this tile where I do want to settle it this unit would almost certainly die and then get captured so I want to keep my settler so I'm gonna have to settle a subpar city just to get it down on the ground I think will be able to hold this off pretty well and be able to counter-attack as long as I can keep my warriors and my Scouts on alive I think rome started this war with nearly 200 military spent and I've already started to them down to nothing my god just look how much damage they take fifty-five damage on an unapproachable terrain with the deed combat strength bonus 38 damage that's I have crossbowmen in the ancient Arab that's how strong the sieve is on the defense there we have unlocked writing which means we can start placing down our Observatory soon this might actually be the greediest game of sieve that I've ever played and I'm still totally fine because I'm walking around with ancient era crossbowmen that are just going insane on the amount of damage they do to my opponents it's not quite time to start building settlers but I do have locations for at least two more cities and there might be another city down here I'm thinking I'll plant only three more cities in honest in all honesty and that'll be these three right here and then maybe I'll take over an tiem and keep it because it's actually not in too bad of a position if I were to set up something like an aqueduct here pop a dam down on this tile then from this city over here I were to pop down another aqueduct on that tile I could very easily pop down to really high adjacency industrial zones in these cities without any problems whatsoever and not at all impact the campus adjacency that I'll be getting from these plantations actually this looks like an insane spot for a Mayan Observatory because it's between - between a plantation and to farm resources so this might actually be the city that I plan to settle next you know what I would really like I would really like a button to just hide all pins temporarily because I like having the pins but I can sometimes make it hard for me to see what I'm doing in terms of warfare as well as hard for the viewer but there was a chariot here by the way this chariot is already dead even if he doesn't know it I'm gonna step forward with this guy hit him once look at that I'm gonna do on the first hit 39 damage how much do you think I'm gonna do for the second hit 51 damage this guy died - three archer attacks on the same turn that i discovered that there was a chariot there oh my goodness another settler and a thousand-year flood oh dear but there's irrigation which is going to allow me to pick up this plantation here which will of course give me a ton of arrows for because it's on a tile that just flooded but not only that I can go ahead on sell that sugar immediately over to Gilgamesh and see if I can pick up eight gold per turn how much raw gold would you give me 160 gold versus eight gold per turn I give up 80 gold in the long run but get a hundred and sixty right now I think I'm taking the hundred and sixty right now because I'll be able to do a lot more with that right now with the unlocking of irrigation it's time to head towards mining and bronze working you'll notice I haven't actually picked a governor yet that's because my plan is to appoint Magnus and chop out a ton of these resource tiles when the time comes so I just gonna grab Magnus pop him into copan and then i'll eventually go ahead and get Pingala all the way up to connoisseur and researcher because i would like to try to build the oracle in my capital this game the oracle of course gives you plus two great people points per district that you have in a city and Pingala can double that with his grants promotion so if i park him in my capital city i should be able to earn an absurd number of great people points from a single city but now that we have military tradition and early empire time to head over for political philosophy if i could steal the settler that would be amazing I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to and I'm pretty sure that ARMA just declared war on me which I really don't like oh my goodness am I in a position to steal this settler this turn hold on no not quite able to steal it but I am in a position to do some serious damage to their army once again they have basically nothing left I think it's about time that antium met its maker so I'm gonna start hammering away at this city with the intent of destroying it because I still do need to deal with any potential reinforcements coming from Rome so I will have to focus on killing those chariots because if that chariot gets into the city then I'm in really bad shape right so right before Rome actually takes my capital let's go ahead and see if they would like a little bit of peace what do you mean you're not willing to trade that I'm beating you in the war I've killed all your military I mean none of them thinking about it Rome basically has nothing left so I could go on the offensive here and maybe blow up QA but I'm a little bit worried about their science per turn they're likely to have legions around about now so I think peace is probably the right option with Rome another thousand year flood just adding more yields to tiles that I will eventually crush but in the meantime they do act very nicely one thing I am a little bit worried about is the 59 signs per turned that Gilgamesh is making already I really need to start my observatories speaking of which let's buy the tile that we plan to build the observatory in our capital on go ahead and place that district down to lock in the low low price of 48 production for a district here comes Rome again trying to recapture their lost city I don't think it's gonna work out for them unfortunately because I do have the garrison promotion which allows me to do a stupid amount of damage in a single hit oof I swear like I swear and natural disasters have happening every other turn in Apocalypse mode if you just look at this event history and it's never ending like literally every two to three turns there's some sort of flood some sort of eruption some sort of meteor strike forest fire whatever there's political philosophy and that's going to unlock my new government I'm of course gonna be taking autocracy this game for the simple reason that I want the +1 to all yield for each government building and Palace in the city in my capital so that I can squeeze a little bit more value out of my capital I'm gonna be taking out colonization now as well because I just finished my final settler instead I'm gonna be plugging in urban planning and ill come because right now I need to get all my builders out because remember I don't get housing from fresh water the only way for me to get housing is from builders now now that we've unlocked political philosophy as well as mysticism we basically want to go straight to feudalism so that we can get those extra to build actions on our builders we have relatively small cities right now but we're gonna be wanting to work a lot of tiles which means we're gonna need a lot of builders to improve this territory because builders are the main way that we get housing Tikal has finished its very first builder let's go ahead and place the observatory get these two plantations online so the weekend rush all the way to a plus 5 or more adjacency Observatory now in the midst of getting my Empire established I've only just started my observatories and Sumeria is on 82 signs per turn good god I have an uphill battle ahead of me +4 eros core for getting our very first observatory is very very nice now this observatory isn't giving me a whole right now because I don't have enough stuff placed down beside it but that's totally fine we're not in a major rush I just want to get my government Plaza placed and now I can start work on the Oracle sorry Sumeria I did settle a little bit close to you but I will take your 30 diplo favour and city is 30 diplo favor though I can go ahead and immediately sell - I don't know China who will give me a total of 20 gold per turn 465 diplo favor that I essentially got for being a jerk and forward settling two of my enemies just a casual 40 for gold per turn on turn 65 thanks to that little move I pulled off building a single second farm in this city is gonna jump us from four housing all the way to six that is the true power of farms as the Maya build an observatory in 5 turns how about instantly immediately getting me a plus 3 adjacency Observatory which I'm gonna need because Sumeria is already on ninety science per turn damn it looks like somebody built the Oracle which is not the end of the world I'm just gonna crack out a quick builder with that spare production and then get to work on my government Plaza next all the farms that I built I have the boost towards feudalism which means we'll get it in record time I could use a couple of extra monuments and a boost or two for Pingala but I think we're making really really good time even if other players are running away with the game I think the Maya are so strong that we'll be able to catch up in the next 40 turns what's that a +3 adjacency observatory no no no I buy this tobacco tile that has been getting yields rained down upon it and now I have a +5 adjacency observatory that is just insane it's ridiculous and I'm not even doubling the adjacency bonus from that yet oh my god there's just an archer over here he's sitting in the forest fire getting roasted alive just makes me think of that meme with a dog and a Harris and fires like this is fine oh I just bumped into candy which means since they don't have a Susan I'm about to get another envoy if when I finish defensive tactics I come up here to my government and swap into classical Republic and then plug in the gif Matic League card which allows my first envoy to count of two I could get Savannah T of candy and potentially find another natural wonder and get a free relic considering I found two natural wonders over here in the east side of the map there's a pretty good chance that there's gonna be a natural wonder somewhere around here or potentially down here I'm also gonna go ahead and pick up the audience chamber which is gonna give me +1 amenity and +3 housing in all my cities with Governors and since I only have a handful of cities I will be trying to get as many governors as possible situated in my empire to take advantage of all the farms that I'm building as well with the completion of the granary in yakov I'm gonna go ahead and try to build the pyramids once Magnus is established in here I'm gonna go ahead and chop this rainforests to put a mined here and then chop this rainforest and that should just about get the pyramids finished in about 15 turns chopping Jakub take that from a dirty from a 32 turn build all the way down to a 22 turn bill that's 11 turns shaved off if I put a mine here that should speed it up another few turns and then chop here that'll shave another five to eight turns off it oh dear looks like Rome has finally gotten tired of my crap 16 turns all the way down to 13 turns that's the power of chopping out a little bit of jungle for food and production when you're going for something like the pyramids now with the advent of feudalism we have one of our key policy cards that were going to be running before we get to exploration the other key one is the natural philosophy card that gives us a hundred percent campus adjacency bonuses because if I go to my empire map mode I already have pretty decent adjacency on line I could do some serious damage to them but I think I'm just gonna go ahead and retreat to a safe distance and let them come towards me god how the pyramids were stolen oh well it was a pretty late settle it's not the end of the world and I can just grab myself a quick watermill just finish the audience chamber so I'm gonna go ahead and plug in researcher here and watch my science jump a significant portion up to 47 signs per turn we are slowly catching up with some areas ridiculous science gain also for some reason Poland won't to take a friendship with me now they will I just don't understand listen sometimes the AI is finicky and fickle I have no idea what goes on inside their cyborg minds the really nice thing about having a city strike the whole shape is if I just take the whole chain right and I hover over this unit I'm only gonna do a 43 to 50 damage strike but if I shoot with the city first I'll slightly damage that unit and then be able to do a 48 to 49 damage strike which is a lot more damage I'm gonna go ahead and pick up my alliances and then I'll head up for exploration for my tier 2 government beautiful there is machinery which should allow me to get my hands on crossbowmen unfortunately they are a little bit expensive for me right now but I can't promote my units to do a little bit more damage I think Rome has given up on trying to attack me because he has exactly 55 combat strength I mean he does have crossbowmen which are like reasonably tough but I mean even two of my hull shakes just stepping out of my cities can basically one of them in a single turn another governor title has fell into my lap I'm gonna go ahead and promote Pingala with the grants promotion giving me extra great people points in my capital that's right Rome you have given up on your attack I get to keep your a city thank you for the 11 gold for per turn for free my favorite thing when I'm going for like a peaceful scientific game is when I see that I have friendships with everyone and I can pick and choose who I want to be like buddy-buddy with like scientific Alliance and stuff because it's just like Oh which bonus do I want to get from trading with Sumeria I know I would like to get science from trading with Sumeria hi Sumeria would you like a Research Alliance oh thank you Sumeria I really appreciate you just unlock universities which I'm going to try to rush in every city that I have a campus and a library already but oh god you know what I completely forgot to do I am a dumbass I completely forgot to plug in my campus adjacency card good god I was missing out on so much science there now the science game is starting to look a little bit more respectable I am still bottom of the list because I was generating such little science for such a long time oh god there is a fire no no I do not like it please do not spread please do not spread oh jesus oh Jesus Christ Sathya I need you to move this Archer please thank you I can finally get out here to where I need to go aha let's trade with sipper for six gold and three science per turn that is the power of alliances they give you a stupid amount of science oh Jesus Christ the fire got worse it got a lot worse oh sweet Jesus Oh God I mean at least this piece of it burnt out right it's not all that everything is on fire everything is on fire oh my god this is this is let me just showcase the power of the adjacency bonus from plantations right on these observatories I'm gonna build this and you're gonna see my science shoot up by nearly 12 science per turn from this one plantation adjacent to all these things look at this for adjacency campuses consistently as long as you have a plantation or two and groom for farms here's a little trick I want to buy this forest tile in hook smile but it's three tiles away so I may as well just buy it at pylon key for a 50% discount and then quickly switch back to hook smile and swap it to it then quickly chop it to chop out this builder that I want and boom I basically just created resources out of thin air I just saved myself 50 gold on that tile purchase its pop another envoy into Bologna to get the plus two signs from every Science Building us netting us an extra 10 science per turn yeah Gilgamesh isn't looking so hot with his 163 science anymore is he he is still however looking hot in the diplomacy screen I mean just look at those muscles Oh a military alliance with Genghis y-yes please genghis i'm allied with four out of the eight civilizations in this game and i am one of the eight civilizations in this game that means there's only three people who could potentially go to war with me and two of them are my friends it's literally only rome who hates my guts also I'm officially top science by the way yeah welcome welcome to the Mayan civilization it's turn 113 and I'm making 144 science per turn I don't have a single campus with less then or adjacency accepting this one right here which you know I will shortly be improving to at least three adjacency and then potentially for once I finish these two districts one trick to do if you're not sure what tiles to improve in your city is just click on your city see what tiles they're working and look for one that they're working that is unimproved and that you don't plan to put a district on right here I plan to put a district on this what is actually a really damn good tile but I would rather have the commercial hub there because it works nicely in the little network of districts I have so I identified this mine over here that I can go ahead and improve and I would rather work that mine over this tile I think a lot of people get into the habit of over or under improving their cities like here's a really under improved City this city could definitely use like a string of farms around here get these plantations online maybe even this plantation this plantation should definitely be online of course of course the thousand-year flood the thousand-year flood comes one I'm one turn from finishing the dam that stops this from happening and I get a massive okay just remain calm potato think about your happy place it'll be fine you're gonna be okay that's very least I guess the consolation prize is that we now have access to the merchants republic a government type that's gonna give me plus fifteen percent production towards districts as well as a ten percent gold boost in all cities with an established governor ooh time to appease the gods again I'm gonna go ahead and do this and I'm gonna grab a couple of these sort of not necessary units anymore because I can upgrade them into crossbowmen and feed them into this volcano I might even feed my swordsmen probably feed like it depends on what the other guys do but I'm thinking I might feed up to four units into it I was of course ravaged by a natural disaster so I will add this proposal so I can get all of my delicious monies I'll put two votes into this just to help make sure it passes I'm friendly with everyone on the map so I'm pretty sure it'll pass regardless and indeed it looks like everyone voted this up which is amazing because that means they're all gonna be trying to feed me gold over the next thirty turns which means my gold per turn is going to skyrocket thank you so much for your gift Poland thank you so much for your gift Gilgamesh thank you so much for your gift to sathya and i just picked up an extra like 20 goals per turn she was first spending a little bit of diplo favor to get this aid request going i literally just put farms here what the hell game you immediately trigger a drought I'm triggered I'm super triggered ooh we got a free night er over here very nice as well I don't think the Mayans are in that overpowered because I've managed to fall into a dark age regardless I may as well just pick up reform the coinage to get a call full of extra era score points it does feel an awful lot like a consolation prize however Isaac Newton does not because I'm going to instantaneously build a library and university jumping my science up to nearly 200 per turn on turn 127 remember I think I had nine signs per turn when Gilgamesh had fifty nine signs per turn Oh Gilgamesh has fed in quite a few more units than me so I think man I really want to upgrade these guys I might have to trade for gold I might have to sell off some stuff get some more alliances and see if that's gonna work out a little bit better for me just sold off a ton of resources to the AI so I should be able to get my workshop and still upgrade a couple of crossbowmen without too much trouble especially when I get to políticas I'm able to plug in the car that makes it a Half Price oh god my recording failed I had like a bunch of turns here that have just disappeared so I guess I'm gonna give you an update um we launched the Petra we're working on building Kilwa we have ridiculously overpowered industrial zones thanks to all of the adjacency bonuses this one is generating 12 production per turn by the way we have all of our dams and aqueducts online outside a couple like the one of my capital that I'm still building and the one in antium we're making 222 or making 228 signs per turn Gilgamesh is on 171 we are just about to start burning fossil fuels to start floating the world with co2 and I've started to steal gold from India really sorry I lost that footage nothing I can do you're just gonna have to deal with it because there some really good moments in there and I just can't find them they're gone they just disappeared nothing I can do about it and the reason I'm not gonna go back and rerecord them is because I've already done that twice because it's not the first time OBS has crashed on me and lost my footage I'm having a really bad day recording this video please click the like button to make me feel better thank you for your contribution Gilgamesh it is appreciated this is this is why I love the aid request look at all these numbers this is all gold that's what these numbers represent this is gold I have received from the AI I'm making two hundred gold returned and I'm not even trying anyway there is scientific theory now we have to have the question do we want to build Oxford University the answer of that question is of course we do of course we want to build an Oxford University and we're gonna build it right over here in copan I might even go ahead and purchase up all the way to a coal power plant with any of my spare goal to make it go just not a little bit quicker oh and I won the heating units into volcanoes emergency and managed to grab myself an extra charge on my suit sayers and a couple of extra points of faith per turn who is declaring warn me why are you declaring warned me Rome you're not Oh Rome you might win oh no I thought we were friends Rome or at least I thought we were not completely and totally enemies I guess I was wrong oh god I'm in trouble I need to upgrade my units there goes all of my gold honestly I don't see the point in having units defending down here Rome is the only person who's attacking me this game and quite frankly I'm done with Rome I am done with Rome we are killing Rome that's it I've made my decision the apocalypse is coming for everyone but the apocalypse is coming sooner for Rome the good news is I was oh Jesus Christ what happened to my city the tornadoes No Oh God I'm being attacked by Rome those tornadoes are opening inside my empire this thing is just gonna go off and sweep through all of my campuses isn't it oh Jesus Christ well I still have to deal with Rome who I managed to distract by leaving a builder dangling out in front of them so that's going pretty well for me oh there's so many repairs to be done here oh sweet Jesus I just really hope this tornado goes to the east please go east please go east tornado no look at them there's two sets of tornadoes sweeping through my territory oh my god for too long have the Romans threatened the Mayan Empire and it is time for us to strike back take from the Romans what is rightfully ours some goddamn peace of mind so please stop attacking me if you want to do a little bit more damage to an enemy player make sure you do a listening post inside their empire that'll give you a little bit of extra diplomatic visibility allowing me to do plus three expert damage or well it's not plus three extra damage but it's plus three combat sent against them it's not much but every little bit of combat strenght adds up in the end the good news is rome has actually built quite a few wonders for me to take advantage of namely the Forbidden City and the Great Library so I think killing them is more than justified based on not only what they have done but the fact that they've built wonders that I want look at me justifying the invasion of another autonomous nation oh just another day' playing SIV ooh we just finished kill what kiss anyway and that is a really nice world wonder oh and we unlocked rationalism time to get rid of mahon I really want trade Confederation for the culture but it's only a little bit of culture right now where it's rationalism if I can get rationalism plugged in work with natural philosophy oh my science is gonna jump up to 240 per turn the first city of Q may shall fall this turn Rome you were the architect of your own demise I was just the instrument of the gods and the apocalypse capturing the forbidden city did give me access to another wild card card wild card card listen I have another policy card slot all right and I think I'm gonna slap in Merchant Federation oh you know what actually I'm gonna plug in diplomatic league this turn because I do have some envoys I want to spend in particularly with Buenos Aires because then I can start to work on chipping away and be ready to take seeds rennet II of them when Rome is out of the picture no peace for you Rome you are going to die I'm sorry you've been around too long you've been annoying me too much oh my poor little Scout oh my god another tornado Jesus let's say let's go ahead and keep doing that mission can we also talked about the utter disrespect of this person building Petra and the pyramids right in front of the city that I was trying to build them in this isn't even a good Petra it's not even owned by the right city this just i'm so triggered what are you doing Cydia I need to take I need to kill the city what happened here oh my god the damage to my empire I need so many builders oh my god I only just saw this now the tornado completely demolished the entire southern half of my empire here I this game mode I just everywhere I just I keep having to rebuild builders everything has gone wrong there's a volcano that's been erupting since turn one right here the flag Aryan fields or whatever it's called the felt for the Ligurian oh my god how do you even say that the AI by the way they must be doing a lot of aid requests cuz I have been just getting pumped full of gold by Sathya and Gilgamesh holy crap god damn I made a lot of gold out of this emergency got a very first source of coal we can now start filling the atmosphere with co2 this was our plan all along no peace for you Rome I'm sorry you have pissed me off too much this game I feel like does anyone else feel like when they play the game they're really forgiving to the AI but there's like a certain point the AI tickles warn you they denounce you and just like you know what I don't care anymore you're dying I'm done I'm heating you out of my game oh my god the field cannons for days just field cannons upon field cannons upon field cannons and the bombard look at the bombard sits ripping the cities to shreds city will not be able to hold out for very much longer under this kind of sustained pressure oh my spine got a level up I gotta go ahead and take a striver so I can keep him alive a little bit longer I tried to be nice to you Rome I really tried I really tried to be nice to you and all you gave me was grief in return and so now your empire will burn look at these pitiful look at these pitiful Knights dude I'm doing seven I have 73 combats friend filled cannons against their Knights get out of here encampment right that's the encampment taken down Rome shall soon follow ooh actually I got a couple of envoys out of this which is kind of what I wanted because I want Sue's vanity of Hong Kong and of awareness Aires I'd also like to get Bologna but I'm not gonna compete for that right now I will however take Hong Kong under my wing because that's gonna give me a 15 percent production boost in this city thanks to the kill wok as sunny wha I'm sorry is a kill by kissing one II just like my other city Oaks mal is basically complete it has everything I need it's just lacking amenities and the amenities are actually starting to hurt quite a bit so I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can get a theater Square online to take care of that problem part of the problem is a bit of war weariness but that shouldn't really be too much of an issue for the long-term Rome itself is next on the chopping block so let's see if we can't get our bomb bards in position to start taking bites out of the city god I love just how much damage bombards do to cities it just tears them asunder bye bye capital of Rome it should be a fairly straightforward endeavor to finish off this city with my cavalry yike my city thanks very much we shall be keeping it look this is just disgusting a +10 production coal power plant really tell me tell me you're not planning your city's like this with aqueducts with dams with industrial zones if you're not doing this I think you're playing wrong this is just an insane amount of production to have let's snipe Philip OH Brunelleschi and I'm gonna use faith to snipe him he's going to be a extremely helpful when I want to build the mausoleum in a single turn there is refining we now have access to oil and nationalism so we can start combining our units together to make even stronger units but the real power of oil is now I have access to flight and I'll be able to get my hands on lovely biplanes and eventually bombers ah and with the advent of a new era the Mayan Empire enters into a golden age Omega colossal eruption our Yi I think that damaged a couple of my districts which yep but definitely damaged a couple of my districts will have to prioritize those for repairs there is flight and we can commence and we could begin building an Air Force I also need to grab myself steel namely for a lumber mill improvements but also so that I can start building our Tillery because I'm having a bit of trouble breaking Ostia you have got to be kidding me did somebody just build the mausoleum I only just placed it down oh my god China I just placed the mausoleum and was about to one turn build up with Philip oh and they stole it you know who else has died in China's dying I'm sorry China I need I need your land you've got oil you've got oil I need your oil okay I need it I need to burn all the fossil fuels bye bye city of Ostia we hardly knew you took over a couple of very nice things unfortunately this campus isn't very good for me because I'm playing as the Maya but it is what it is a very nice thing though if Charles Darwin is ready to research me steal and get me on the way to chemistry for research labs oh yes here's the world's first artillery ready to fight with its 90 bombard strength I think it's about time that I took suzerainty of Buenos Aires and got my delicious 15% production across my entire empire from the kilowatt khazzani we kiss on it kissa kissa wani I have never I have no idea how to pronounce this I I suck at pronunciation okay Oxford University giving me a lovely too percent boost my science and to free technologies sanitation's as well as combustion beautiful I can now get heavy I can now get tanks and I'm kind of feeling like this might be a little bit of a nuclear as well we are trying to bring about the apocalypse and what is more apocalyptical apocalyptical a buck apocalyptic a puck apocalypse II what is more apocalypse II the nuclear bombs okay can I just say I really like the way the corn looks in the game I really love this edition I haven't seen any honey I know it's in the game but I haven't seen it anywhere ooh there's replaceable parts giving us plus one food adjacency to everywhere giving us plus one food adjacency to all of our farms and extra production from our pastures I really like that tech especially because it's gonna line up pretty well with our urbanization research oh my god I just to shot Ravenna with an artillery and a field cannon oh my goodness give me this city yonk Roma's down to his final city and he's even losing it Judah loyalty how the turntables Rome how the turntables time didn't outs China for their crimes against my Empire by building the mausoleum on the turn that I was about to immediately build it I was a building the Huey on me taking Sue's vanity of Buenos Aires gave me access to another source of coal so it's time to standing more power by getting some research labs online and they will be producing me 16 signs each I think I'm actually gonna peace out Rome because their city's gonna flip independent so if I piece them out they'll flip independent I don't generate grievances against every other player in the game and I get to take everything they have anyway seems like a fair deal and then I can just prepare for war with China who I'm currently denouncing and I will be able to declare a golden age war against them for a 75% reduction in grievances generated against them Oh a meteor shower right by me you know what that means well it means if I can get my tank over here to pick that up I'll get another free tank Oh Stock Exchange's use power as well look at me burning coals after that I can make it let's go ahead and declare that Golden Age war on China at long last oh we have our very first biplane yes does me we're gonna start using a lot of oil but that's the Deauville right we're trying to use as much oil as possible see if we can't get them up over here also I need to get a scout unit to check up here because there's sometimes little chunks of strategic resources hidden up in these areas so I'll grab myself a ranger and get him to look around up here might be worth pushing a settler up there pick up the meteor site boom free tank now that thing is gonna start using coal or oil rather so that's gonna be a bit of a problem so I'll need to combine them or I'll be running out of oil very quickly Rome died of natural causes thanks to loyalty pressure so I take none of the blame for that and the city will flip to me in 11 turns but I could probably kill it faster if I do it manually this is why I love the observation balloon can't quite hit the city pop the balloon on top of the tile now I can hit the city thanks for the free city you Inc and I take none of the grievances I could even liberate them for a 300 diplo favor I could liberate Rome truly the greatest humiliation ever give me your grievances I have liberated you oh maybe I shouldn't have liberated them now I have 500 Diplo fiver hey Sumeria you like Diplo favor don't you how would you like 500 Diplo favor oh you would really like 500 Diplo favor oh there is oil up here I need a settler did I mention that biplanes are kind of insane look at this I can just kill any of these units see ya bye oh my god the amount of damage my unit pump out it's just silly oh hey I grab the big bin I forgot office building this but now I've got a 50 percent increased Treasury which I wasn't really saving up much money but I guess I have 4000 money now and I guess I've another slot for an economic policy card no caravel don't you dare don't you dare pillage my harbour I swear to God won't you see you later let us keep that city wait what do you mean I betrayed him there's no way I betrayed him get out of here with this betrayal nonsense Oh looks like people have declared war on me well at least I have the river valley let's have a look here target Genghis Khan was ravished ok that one seems fine see betrayal emergency Who am I at war with oh sweet baby Jesus Christ I am at war with everyone this is necessary in order for the apocalypse to happen this is necessary this is in fact mandatory and was going to happen all along this glad that I have City on my side Sathya did you join me in my defense it's gonna be a long night this is gonna be I've been playing this game all day there's gonna be a long night Oh God Oh God well I mean I guess I was gonna have to go to war with everyone eventually so that I can you know cause the apocalypse I just I was hoping that I would have a bit more time I hate you Carol I hate you I hate you for everything that you stand for why would you do this to me why oh my god and eruptions I don't need this in my life this city is going to fall uh extremely quickly in fact the city has already fallen thanks for the free city this is what I love about biplanes and artillery working together the biplanes spots for the artillery the artillery blasts the city asunder and then you add in a little bit of a supply convoy so your artillery are highly mobile and they can move and shoot even without the assistance of a great general I mean in fairness the war with China is already a breeze but how quickly I can rip these cities down thanks to this extremely overpowered artillery next strategic resource unlock uranium might be a good idea to get some oil power plants because we're running out of coal it appears the world doesn't really approve of me eating other saves off the face of the earth and polluting the atmosphere with carbon speaking of which were only 9 turns away from the first sea level rise I just want to point out that copán has a hundred and two production I think I need to grab myself a couple more hills if I can oh I found even more alluminium oh my god I'm gonna have so many bombers Oh God Oh God the world is over it's over for you guys oh thank you for the free city of taking city after city only a couple of turns required mm-hmm again why I love observation balloons I can just shoot over the mountain and hit the city combined-arms we have discovered uranium we're already getting six uranium per turn oh I didn't even realize there was an appease the god it's competition going on oops I could have been heating units into this volcano all day long uh uranium uranium I already have improved uranium and I settled on uranium oh my goodness well you know what comes next first we got to get a little oil power cuz we got up we got a bit of a problem and I wouldn't mind getting a couple of nuclear power plants in particular so I can get some nuclear devices oh yes I got a military engineer to start building railroads um I'm kind of at a coal god do I need coal I need so much coal oh there's coal over here and go aren't you I need a builder Oh do I spend my precious gold getting a builder to improve that coal of course I do it's not even a question I need to burn more more oil feed me the oil that I need the other thing that I really love about the observation balloon is that even though this guy can't shoot this turn I'll be able to shoot with this artillery which normally wouldn't be able to reach the city move the balloon over to this one shoot the city over the mountain anyway and then capture it with my cavalry boom thanks very much and I got a free settler out of this oh my god I feel like I just feels like cheating this feels like cheating of China's Empire is in shambles from my onslaught and some disaster you seem to have struck as well and that disaster comes in the form of City ax because she's been running around pillaging all their tiles ah give me the oil from the frozen north oh yes the first bomber the first bomber oh look at how much damage they do to cities Kabam 93 defense damage in a single hit oh it's glorious it's beautiful and I have so much aluminium I can continuously produce bombers for the next like he turns this is gonna sound like a strange thought but I feel like the correct like past tense pronunciation of eated should be 8 like he was yeat off the face of the earth I don't know this is just like kind of a shower thought that's come to me as i murder china another city falls thank you very much and the great thing is the encampment is like immediately ready to turn on their former allies i just kill all their units oh god it is deliciously overpowered more coal at long last more coal hopefully he'll be able to actually start building railroads soon because i just have a great i have an engineer just sitting here doing nothing brilliant i actually have access to oil power plants and it might be worth my while having a look around for maybe a kind of weaker industrial zone that I could maybe SOI switch in an oil power plant I might even put one in my capital because this is the one that's taking the brunt of the work load in terms of coal consumption now it is a significant step down in terms of productivity but I think it evens out in the long run so I'm gonna convert to oil power here just to try to ease up my consumption of coal so I can start burning more oil Changsha is getting too shot oh my goodness nevermind it's actually getting one shot see you later Changsha just free cities just free cities it's free real estate wait I can canal into Lake Rhett but why would you ever want to do this I mean okay sure let's canal into lake retba sure why not adios is sick oh my God look at this damage Oh tons of damage tons of damage oh I could liberate this the city I'm gonna keep it oh I got more coal I need a builder over here yes more coal more coal love coal because I want to burn it I wanted to go up into the atmosphere huh we reached the next stage of climate change oh my goodness look how much co2 I've emitted in such a short amount of time even more oil to add to my collection why would I ever give you peace China you've been a thorn in my side the entire game well that's not exactly true oh sweet Jesus long she fell in a single turn I'm unstoppable there's nothing they can do I cannot be stopped there is literally nothing they can do to me ah I finally have a surplus of coal I can start building railroads I will put one charge into this canal to get it done a little bit quicker down under Oh Hans er Oh huh where did you go I'm so sorry I am so sorry honza bye bye China another one bites the dust oh I could liberate this actually you know what I'm gonna liberate honza yeah I want to have a city-state on my side it'll give me extra gold to my trade routes which is deliciously handy 25 turns until the next sea level rise will not do we must generate more co2 oh my god bad tobira just got demolished by my two bombers it's so easy it's so easy they're just conquered cities at will now like I'm not even sure if I'm gonna try to try to cause the apocalypse at this point this having too much fun conquering everything oh yes the Manhattan Project it has begun eleven turns until we can start creating nuclear bombs well with the conquest of China it's time to start redirecting my entire army all the way over to Sumeria they also have resources that I need to burn up into the atmosphere the unfortunate thing though is some of my coastline is starting to flood it's not gonna be the end of the world but some of these tiles are definitely going to be going bye-bye and I have no intention I have no intention of getting flood by yours this game I mean I guess I could stop off and pick them up yeah maybe it's worth it maybe it's worth it just casually improving uranium inside my city-states borders Thank You honza for your contribution to my uranium stockpile why is there a war cart why is there a war kite being bombed by a bomber I don't understand I don't understand in the slightest I guess I don't have to understand if I'm just killing everything I touch another Golden Age and I think I'm gonna go ahead and take heartbeat of steam here I really like that production from campus adjacency really feels nice to me and so Falls the city of SIP are get my helicopter to sweep in and yunk the city belongs to me course we will be keeping it progress is coming along nicely we're into Phase three of climate change and phase four will be here in eight turns oh my goodness we have burnt so much co2 and we're gonna be burning even more whoo we just unlocked drones yes now we're bombard units we'll have not only extra range but they'll do more damage oh yes also did I forget to mention that these soothsayer units actually give your units a combat bonus you can see down there in the bottom right right there plus five combat strands from the soothsayer these actually act a little bit like great generals I think this is gonna make faith generation early game cuz they're actually fairly cheap I think there were a hundred faiths and then plus one hundred for every one you've purchased but I feel like they really I feel like the apocalypse mode changes the game enough to keep it interesting if you've been kind of bored a sieve I would definitely recommend giving the OL apocalypse a world it doesn't I don't think it like completely overhauls the game but it just adds a lot of interest there's a lot more stuff going on I don't think we've seen any other really boo-ki stuff like solar flares and stuff like that but it can definitely happen I've also not been fortunate enough to not get struck by any like turbo meteors although I expect those meteors are coming my god where the hell did you get a helicopter from relax it's him okay this is a friendly game oh the haboob dust storm good grief it just annihilated this city I swear to God if disliked sweeps to the east I'm gonna be turbo mad not just a casual turn to sixteen you know jet bomber coming in with a hundred and twenty bombard strength able to knock down a third of a city's health unfort efficient in a single turn oh my god they do so much damage to cities holy crap just took Brooke in like a couple turns using these jet bombers how's the old climate change coming for turns until stage four once we get to the final stage so are we in for a juicy surprise oh we have finished the Manhattan Project hmm I'm gonna cut if I want to do nuclear war I'm gonna need giant death robots well there's no harm in starting the construction of nuclear devices I guess well that might be a bit of a that might be a bit of a yeah I'm not sure if that's a phrase that I've ever said out loud there's no harm in just building nukes I think there's like an implicit harm to my enemies oh my god I haven't been paying attention to the volcano yields but good god I feel like every single volcano on the map has just been erupting continuously producing insane yields around all of them look at this look at these yields oh it's time for rocket artillery this is one of my favorite units goes from 97 combat strength all the way up to a hundred and twelve stage for climate change Stage five is in nine I am burning an insane amount of fossil fuels right now I don't think I've ever made it go this quickly ever and I still have surplus to burn beautiful we have just unlocked totalitarianism which is gonna give us +5 combat strength on all of our units minus 15% war weariness and a 50 percent production boost towards all of our units we also get the third alternative giving us to culture and gold from each research lab military academy coal power plant and every power plant that is going to be extremely helpful and martial law will reduce the war readiness that we're taking and we are taking a lot of war weariness shall pop in third alternative and as well as martial law that's a total of a 65% reduction in war weariness actually another city crumbles a banette the blades of my helicopter horse I was gonna say hooves but they're not horsemen anymore man I guess we're taking hammy as well thank you very much for the free city look at the range on this artillery I'm shooting it from all the way over here and then I just bomb it and then I can just swing in but I tank I just want to point out I took hammy last turn and I took Corolla this turn I think it would be a good idea to get Susanna D of Cahokia as well because that should jump my gold production of a massive amount thanks to the Kilwa hisilani yeah I finally built that can now over in gwangju to Lake ret but not that that's extremely useful or anything but you know you build one canal I kind of feel like you have to build another to be able to get out through the lake into the water oh we got our first nuclear device oh yes should I drop it now no no no no let's let's hold off we could we could take this city the traditional route with just bombing runs bye bye nipper can I capture the city this turn not quite maybe if I used both of these units hmm oh no I have another jet bomber that'll do the trick see you later napur and yunk my city oh my god I'm nearly one shot in this city now that I have fascism oh my sweet Jesus Christ I'm barely having time to actually establish my governors before I'm flipping another city to my side oh my sweet Jesus the damage that these units do it's ridiculous I think Samaria I think Samaria has overstayed their welcome I think they've overstayed their welcome and need to be gone much II kind of hoping that sathya kills them cuz then they'll take out their grievance penalties with the other SIVs oh no we're up to stage 5 of climate change and 6 turns until stage 6 I'm not even sure if I can actually win the game before the entire world is destroyed by comet strikes well I guess city it didn't want to take the city so I'll take it and take all the grievance penalties bye bye Sumerian it was nice playing with you I've been playing this game for like eight hours straight trying to try to get a video out don't do what I do okay I do this for you guys this is this is what I do for you I place it for its same numbers of hours just to entertain you speaking of which if you want to support my own healthy lifestyle choices go ahead I become a member of the channel there's a little button down by the subscribe button that you can click on I give me $1.99 a month and you can get special privileges like a little thingy beside your name that says you give me money if that doesn't sound like a good deal you may as well click Subscribe and hit the bell icon instead and don't forget to leave a like on the video that was my call to action on autopilot I hope you guys enjoyed it because my brain is starting to turn to mush from playing this game so much five turns until the giant death robots wait where did this battleship come from what is it here get out of here battleship you go home you're drunk uh I'm running I'm running out of patience that's just new come come on that's just new come kind of wish the Mountain King was playing right now as my plane drops this nuke mmm look at that oh that's nice that's real nice still need to actually capture that city oh I'll grab it next turn with this modern armored Corps and another one bites the dust and another one's gone and another one's gone another one bites the dust I don't feel like trying to wait for this city to go independent just gonna nuke it kaboom bye-bye very nice very very nice it's probably about time I got my hands on a spaceport because I do actually want to eventually win this game somehow before the entire world succumbs to the apocalypse I was a little bit having a little bit too much fun killing people and I need to be also be careful because if I kill everyone I think Tom IRA's might convert me and just win the game by default Gdansk Gdansk revolution has fallen beneath the hooves of my modern armor oh another range on my rocket artillery oh sweet Jesus oh yes giant death robots activated get me some of those 16 turns no no no no I need six thousand goal to buy one of these bad boys hey Sathya do you want some you want some resources I have all this stuff I can give you my only trade partner in the world will give me 72 gold per turn for all of this stuff I'll take that deal well there goes Calcutta sorry Calcutta I need to take over choir as well you Inc thank you very much oh Jesus Christ we are six turns away from the apocalypse alright I think I've done enough conquest and it's time to piece everyone out take all of their money and I mean all of their money especially all of genghis is money cuz I'm gonna need some space ports to win this game and I don't think I have enough time to actually build them before all my cities get nuked from orbit well there's nuclear fusion I don't know if I'm actually gonna build any thermonuclear the devices I think I've proved the point though that the Mayans are insane for rushing to late-game war strategies but the real reason I made this video was to try to bring about the apocalypse and still win oh dear oh dear there is rapid deployment but most importantly we have reached the final phase of climate change there is a 0% chance for any of these things to happen but I'm pretty sure there is a 100% chance that next turn comets are gonna start raining from the sky Oh God oh sweet Jesus Christ oh my god it the city is gone the city is gone oh no it's just the crater it's just the crater oh god what have I done I don't think I have enough time to actually win the game I need to start building space ports immediately Moksh it was just heated out of that city may as well put him into Gdansk just try to buy myself some time okay there wasn't a comet strike this turn hoof hoof appease the gods you bet your ass I'm gonna be appeasing the gods but as many units as I can find to feed into a volcano Oh make a colossal eruption that just damaged five tiles Rapa Nui is in bad shape Oh No okay that's not on the city at least that's like that's pretty okay or fertilized tile is for population lost ooh that tile is gone it's not just that tile those tiles are gone oh my god what did I even have there I must appease the gods I must appease the gods where get over here feet of sacrifice the unit get it to that volcano lads ooh start launching the earth satellite wait a minute oh there's just that crater are they gonna drop like every Turner - oh my god I love this this is amazing this is exactly the kind of thing that the late game needed city's just getting heated out of existence by a giant comet into the volcano lads we must appease the gods lest more comets fall upon us everybody get into the volcano oh there used to be a city here there's not anymore this is fantastic okay this was well worth the eight hours I spent playing this game to get to the to get to the the meteors destroying the world phase get into my volcano I think we've appease the gods enough for now maybe I'll stuff one more guy in there I love how the mattock this is like we're racing to escape the earth with a science victory were feeding we're feeding our military into a volcano to appease the gods as comets rain down from the sky oh Jesus raunchy India's getting systematically just obliterated off the face of the planet well we did manage to launch the Earth's satellite so that's the first step in escaping this goddamn planet I'm not getting obliterated by comets into the volcano the my and army March oh I got my very first honey resource lovely well that I improved myself let's have a look at these tile yields oh my god five food one production floor gold honey is so nice and I really like the look at the tile too they can get those builders often and get a better look I don't think we got a comet this turn which I'm pretty happy about unless I just missed it Oh India oh that's really bad oh no that looks like one of my good cities oh four tiles obliterated oh that hurts that really hurts although thankfully you didn't actually hit a city center so it's not that bad oh it's bad it's bad I got my first great router that's the consolation prize right good god finish this project immediately okay Clark I hit by a comet this turn the world Oh No okay that's a lake that's not it it looked like a crater okay that's just a lake that's fine oh no no no not the Chocolate Hills not the Chocolate Hills oh Jesus what happened to the Chocolate Hills it's just if you destroy one of the tiles of a natural wonder it just heats them all this is now just grassland with chocolate hills like flavor Oh God Oh there's the moon landing perfect we also have to go ahead and send a Mars colony I'm gonna grab communism too because it kind of works a little bit better for a space victory let's grab International Space Agency over gunboat diplomacy we need to plug in collectivization ecommerce that's gonna give us +4 production on our internal trade routes I McGee was cryptography here as well to defend our space ports with our spies speaking of which I also need to promote Rana need to get her up to the contractor promotion so I can actually purchase this base port 5 turns sooner if the cow gets hit by a comment I'm probably just gonna rage quit no oh god I thought it was gonna kill the Colosseum for a second it is gonna hurt but it's not that bad it's it's it's just ok nice comet strike I mean it has a nice effect Beijing is just under assault from comets right now I'm kind of glad I get to keep the Coliseum because it kind of looks nice I have 19 envoys I should probably do something with them take over Cahokia get a huge boost of my gold income and probably a good idea to take over bologna as well I'm sure why won't I take Antioch as well just take all the series vanity get my science up to a ridiculous number of thousand science per turn just a casual just casual thousand science per turn by the way the city of Tikal is making a hundred and fifty production per turn fifty-eight of that from trade routes I don't remember capturing this city oh I settled this city oh god it's as flooded so much I didn't recognize it anymore I think there used to be a city here yeah I think they're pretty sure there was a city here at one point but it's gone now no no no no no no no no no okay wait no no that's it that's a Scythian city thank goodness for that that's where the Oracle is I'm kind of you know what I'm glad they lost that city they stole the Oracle on me but uh the map is starting to get a little bit empty oh Jesus Myers commonly launched on now we can start the actual process of getting the hell off this planet that we destroyed so apparently when the chocolate hills disappears you can just start improving it interesting whoo that's a little bit of close for comfort I don't like that one bit okay okay over here in Bologna just on the edge of my empire nothing nothing too bad we have appease the gods so hopefully that'll mean it's less likely for it to land on me oh no that one sounds close okay another one outside Bologna Jesus Bellona just can't catch a break right now yeah let's go ahead and get Stephanie Kwolek I'm gonna spend the 9000 faith on that one Reina is established in copan let's go ahead and purchase our spaceport then we'll be able to build more of these lagrange lazier stations I really does feel like a race against the clock man because a tiny minute a meteor could come down I just destroy all of my space ports all right we appeased the gods we've got a free soothsayer and our seats there's got another promotion Stephanie Kwolek that should double the production rate towards the exoplanet expedition and we should finish it next turn just in time to unlock the repeatable projects and so far I'm kind of feeling like I will win this race why did I have to say that I just know for a fact that next turn I'm gonna be struck by the meat here it's gonna happen it's gonna happen 100% chance of meteor right here somewhere in the middle of my Empire all right exit planet expedition launched all right we're leaving the planet beautiful see comets strike over here there goes another city bye-bye let us immediately begin launching Lagrange laser stations as quickly as humanly possible another city has rebelled on me although there's not really a whole lot that I can do about that right now wait I don't remember this meteor strike that one was very close for comfort its global warming mitigation maybe I should have thought about that maybe I should have thought about that a little bit before I decided to cause the apocalypse I think it's a little bit too late for global warming mitigation all right there's a Lagrange laser station and another Lagrange laser station currently traveling at three light-years per turn we need to up those numbers those are rookie numbers I'm purchasing a builder in this city every turn because the number of bill charges that you have actually does matter give you a slight boost oh look smile now is getting in on the Lagrange Laser station shenanigans oh I don't like how quiet it went I don't like how quiet the game got okay no no we've just down here that got meteor strike that's fine no that's great I'm totally fine we're not fine we're all gonna die Oh God get me off this planet casual mega-colossal eruption launching the grange laser station two of them this turn no meteor strike that's good it's good that's really good no meteor strike I'm happy about that and another Lagrange laser station currently traveling at six lightyears per turn a fifty 43 left to go Oh No oh thank goodness it's it's the pyramid of petra city this is look I just caused the apocalypse and I'm getting vengeance on all the cities that built the wonders that I wanted look at it's amazing it's perfect it's all coming together exactly as I planned I would kind of like to to not you're getting struck by meteors right now though that would be that'd be great I think I'm starting to get worried about if there's starting to be a lot of holes in the map where meteors are striking and so I guess the more places that get struck the higher percentage chance is that one of my important cities gets hit oh dear there goes one of um one of the city states just uh Buenos Aires it's the bugs the bugs did this would you like to know more uh oh that doesn't look like a good one who managed to escape just barely there and we launched a bunch of stations currently traveling it like 12 light-years per second or per turn per second Jesus we're talking about warp speed there okay there goes a city-state humza just got a hit pretty damn hard on there we have it we managed to escape the planet cause the apocalypse make the Mayan predictions about the end of the world come true and then just leave the planet leave everyone else to die we escaped we're gonna be fine thank you guys so much for watching this video it was my pleasure to make it for you let's take a quick look at the graphs look at the building is constructed on me holy crap I also one of my favorite ones is to show you the science per turn a lot of people panic about being behind in science but this sieve is so good at science it's ridiculous this is like career levels science with the ability to turtle like crazy also I like seeing the gold graph because there's like at certain points it's just like whoa and then it's like oh I need to spend my gold it's like you could tell when I forget to spend my gold because the number just keeps going up almost exponentially anyway that is it let's go ahead and watch it the final comet strike it looks like it hit over here in India I'm gonna call that the end of the video I love you all very much and I'll see you next time bye bye I'm just kidding of course I'm not gonna leave I haven't nuked my own empire yet so long suckers [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 627,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civ 6 Apocalyps, Civ 6 Apocalypse, Civ 6 Mayan gameplay, Civ 6 maya let's play, Civ 6 gameplay, Civ 6 new frontier pass, civ 6 new frontier pass maya, civ 6 maya apocalypse
Id: DS7uRlbgmOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 56sec (4676 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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