All 44 Nations Battle for Earth Until 1 Left! (Civilization Battle Royale)

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so my first AI only game ever was about five years ago and ever since then I've always been asked to continue a civilization earth map until there's only one sip left and I always thought that was like the stupidest idea ever I didn't think it was possible and I was like I'm not gonna waste my time I got I got a life I got much better things to do well luckily I don't have a life anymore and I don't have anything better to do so that's we're gonna get here today I've got all 42 civilizations in this world but we're using a total of 44 nations as a whole yeah there's gonna be one left so place your bets now it's gonna be a weird one we're going all the way up to turn 4,500 which is nine times the normal length of like a long standard game this is kind of the reason why I haven't uploaded in a while as far as I know I think this is the first civilization battle royale on an earth map that will be finished to completion so I'm hoping over win system for tonight dances all over the dead bodies these are the participating nations by the way so choose any of these they all have a chance of possibly taking over the entire globe but it is much more likely to end up dying or becoming enslaved or something like that this region of the map is always really entertaining problem is at least in the very beginning we're probably gonna see a lot of deaths here it just it's just way too crowded so I've noticed that Germany is one of the best AIS in all of sip 6 I feel like they consistently do really well they got great bonuses that you can't really mess up so I think they're a good pick to win looks like England was able to slap down a second city which means Scotland's gonna kinda have tough time they better go colonize Ireland or Iceland if they want to survive honestly anyone in East Asia could win Mongolia China or Korea specifically they've got so much lan to work with it just depends on what Cynthia does and she can go after Russia or decide to go after the East Australia's in a similar situation they've got an entire con it to themselves but it is gonna take them a while they can't really get off this place for some time at least until they discover deep sea sailing and gup-a has discovered the new world looks like he's gonna settle this capital in South America he's gonna have some neighbors I don't know exactly if they're gonna be that friendly oh and another thing climate change is gonna be serious like it's gonna get it's gonna get pretty crazy and that should keep things kind of interesting in late-game let's see if some of these nations protected coastlines now if you watching it back in the day I feel like you picked a Zulu to win it all shock is terrifying and he's got a lot of nice bonuses but I don't know we haven't seen him do well in a while I feel like the Kongo is a much better option but you don't necessarily got to be like this war mongering nation just taking out everyone with your military I've noticed a lot of peaceful places doing really well and I think it's partly to do with like the rebellions and cultural things that go on the u.s. is unsurprisingly doing a little little manifest destiny they got to cities but they didn't worry because those Syria people are getting a little bit closer the mountain people have settled in both Colombia and now Venezuela so I guess they're going all-in ain't going anywhere else I see how that works out for them it's definite the first war but it is pretty significant there's probably a lot of them fight now but England is attacking Scotland we've got to see if they survive kind of a slow start for Japan over here but I don't think it matters they're probably guaranteed to get this whole island and at the moment they only know Korea so I guess that's good but my goalie under the hands they do not have that luxury you guys gotta get some going to cities in the middle of the map that's a bad idea like do something more than that see Germany's got four which is much better they might not keep this but that's kind of what they need to do and they're specially lucky because Poland I guess is attacking Russia or at least something's going on remember there's gonna be two India's we've got Gandhi over here in the purple and then like sexy mythical Gandhi I'm currently viewing his him right now he's observing the coastline that's actually not a bad idea problem is he's got to find a way to move through the Himalayas because the other India likes to do that and if he doesn't figure out a way he's not really gonna have many more cities yes Tech's of course are always destined to do well they have all of North America almost and these Jaguar warriors and very beginning keep them safe luckily I don't think they're gonna be what anyone with them because they don't really need any more advantages and same goes for the Cree so they got a lot of stuff they can go after I guess it all depends on how that hold manifest destiny goes and of course it looks like America is gonna be have an access to uranium they can't see it yet but uh that that means some new key nukes I don't think they're gonna mind using that will they oh okay this is a first we have yet to see Dutch do anything besides just get killed they just took the French capital also Vicki's settled sprit knee that's appropriate Poland's also doing really well for cities and yeah they're definitely giving Russia a hard time with Cynthia's help they almost took the city but uh maybe it's only a matter of time temeria seems to be the dominant power here in the Middle East as no one else has for settlements they almost killed Phoenicia I mean they're kind of still around barely Egypt's okay guys you started worrying me a bit I don't know what's going on luckily you have all of North Africa to yourself kind of but Nubia is gonna be scary and who knows what the Romans are gonna do the other thing I didn't mention is with the Mallee going to South America Australia's got even more room to do kind of whatever they want I mean they'd have to worry about Indonesia they do have their second city but that's not a big deal oh that could be bad yep okay that's definitely bad Cincinnati and the Aztecs they're not gonna get along too well especially as Montezuma continues to kind of go crazy down here and I didn't even realize that they just lost their capital great job guys great job I mean hey you did so Panama no kata me kind of you could you could build a panel off canal I you're not gonna do it are you well either way I guess South America might just be between like two nations thangka and Brazil they are the only ones that seem to really want to do anything Roger his loss her capital I was gonna mention that they also have uranium so we might see a little Cold War but I don't think they're gonna survive for that long all right never mind semana Zuma was able to make use of their unique Jaguar warriors they took their first American city and they might even take a little bit more Scott let's try their best to just kind of barely survive they got a settler it's gonna be tough to make it anywhere because of course England has a giant Navy well the French are kind of just failing they're not doing well at all they lost her capital and they lost this one they're also in a war with Spain cuz yeah you don't really want to go after Iberia that they get defensive over that in tradition I was their third city interesting that they're settling up north though putting some pressure on the kamae which I mean they're struggling because they only had two settlements again it just means that Australia is even more isolated well view in a Sweden and I know that doesn't like look like the Scandinavian sibs have the greatest start but they always end up doing well like Norway goes towards the west look I mean they already got this one that's gonna guarantee them to flood over that way but also Sweden can do the same thing out here in the East especially with like a really weak Russia the Swedes have found one of the world's seven religions they went after Confucianism that's interesting I'm definitely keeping my eye on some of these faiths I am so proud of the Netherlands three cities so it looks like they're not gonna die at least within the first ten turns May that will be France also bad news for Scotland England got to Ireland first I think hungry is the first death of a sieve I don't believe anyone else has died just yet but again Germany just does so well both Greece's aren't doing that well but specifically this one I can't imagine will survive although it is Sparta and they don't really need that many units to do well right maybe the Scout is enough they do haven't met a little choke point here oh well that's awkward that is not the settling expected to see but Rome has gone into Africa and then what Egypt got Malta or something like that buuuut is the ottomans it looks like they didn't get as lucky as they did last time sometimes they're able to get like a second Eastern City out this way but Georgia might have cut them off or something like that it doesn't matter cuz there's definitely a new great power in this region they're just not gonna go down without a fight will they I just I can't see it happening they're gonna last for a while they now have the first city in the Caribbean they still have their two ones down here although they can lose that fast no no I don't think so Arabia has made it into Africa through the Horn of Africa which might be a good idea because they need to get away as far as possible from these guys I bet a lot of people are attacking China right now okay definitely the kamae and I think even India that's weird okay China you might want to build like a new Great Wall but returns in and here's a view with a map by the way just to get an overarching look at everything I'll try to keep that in mind I did notice Indonesia has a fourth city now that's a little bit closer to Australia also surprisingly some of these places in the middle are kind of doing the best I mean this is not like an old world game everyone relays a chance cuz most places are trapped anyways in terms of stats it's way too early to figure out like who's doing the best but some interesting things is Mali has the most population pulling is the most land though now I don't want to get everyone's hopes up I feel like we've been disappointed by them for so long but maybe this is their game gang is kind of Mongolia they're doing much better and they're now attacking Korea not a bad idea because we saw China's dealing with a lot down here they're working with that wall I just don't know how useful that's gonna be maybe they're just prepared for climate change I don't know yeah see that's what I'm saying so Indonesia is clearly here to stay especially because I don't know if there's anyone that is gonna have that big of a navy except for Australia it's still really too early to tell so who knows course the Zulu really don't see much outside of Africa I mean they're kind of focused on everything down here but they are also at worth to Congo it's a big deal you kind of want to take them out early because they really start to snowball they're also kind of friendly with Mali so maybe at some point they'll get an alliance get them to invade the Congo as well I'd be nice wombocombo of course the Vikings have made it to Iceland first they also have a little tile and Scotland Scotland's gonna be dead soon by the way I could see the Norwegians maybe make it I'm there's some land in North America it might go somewhere over here yeah that whole destiny to go out and settle West has has really kind of stalled for the US ever since they met the Aztecs they're like no we good we're gonna do that no mo oh actually there's a little invasion going on right here I don't know really if the US has much to protect themselves they definitely don't have a very big military where's all the hurricanes been I was wondering about that okay so here's our first one America you better watch out things are just not stop Oh what is what the hell is that okay that was weird my voice just gave out to Scotland has died and one of these times we're gonna see them do okay I swear we just we got to give him more room up here somehow they don't relieve a lot of tiles to work with but the good news is the Dutch on the other hand are kind of doing great for cities now they took another French city also yet France is dead they're not gonna survive Egypt and the Romans were still somewhat kind of working together you know they're working around each other's borders for now Cleopatra just do your thing maybe she's doing her thing keeping up keeping that Roman leader happy and the Chinese are the next sieve to kind of completely collapse I think Korea started doing a lot of damage they're gonna lose this one to come I got a third city what's going on up here Mongolia didn't do much in this war guess not oh wow well they do somehow have this city now in basically the Suez they're gonna lose that but kind of a miracle they've even found a way to get down here we're still starting getting a whole lot more power it's starting to even out a little bit more with the Inca I think the ink of maybe been distracted I'm surprised you guys are still in Panama all right Norway you've made it to Greenland now I think you'll definitely have a nice relationship with some of these North American sips Canada might have to kill you but at least they'll apologize for it alright so Arabia's about die next two they have one city left and I think the Sumerians are attacking them too yeah definitely a couple are sees what I'm saying Gandhi was able to make it through the Himalayas somehow and that has kept his civil live he even grabbed this Chinese sieve which China's dead oh man that that to me he's got to be one of the biggest shockers they potentially could have done the best here with the other three font Goa and Korea but seeing them fall so fast is really weird I'm afraid at any moment the US is gonna kind of be next I mean they haven't lost any more cities but with the s tech stake in Florida mmm it ain't looking good there you go Greece you're working with it working with it I don't know how many more people are really gonna be living here it's gonna be like a city of five or something like that Poland continues to have a lot of success even though Russia's not dead yet they have kind of closed himself off for the most part and Cynthia's not much of a threat either which is a big deal I mean they're doing all right but probably not enough Tania's kind of in a weird situation they really gotta hope that I guess the Zulu keep the Congo in check that's pretty important but they always have the possibility and they usually do they take out a lot of Egypt's because Egypt can't really protect their capital I don't know what's gonna happen here though with such a successful Middle Eastern nation that could throw some things off so that is bad the Aztecs are kind of going out of control they might lose the city but I don't know how they took this away from the Inca they're just starting to dominate like all the West I was curious to see if Spain was actually gonna make it to Africa Mali is starting to really take away that opportunity there's maybe one more chance I don't know if they really care though I think it's definitely safe to say that Korea is likely to be one of the stronger countries I mean we'll see if there's ever some like naval combat with Japan I don't think they're really much gonna come from that though zuly we're still doing all right by the way I mean they're kind of fine now that they've discovered Madagascar they're going after that the Congo they're doing their thing I don't know the French are now also officially dead and I really I really want to make them my pick now because this is a good spot they're cornered off they really worry too much and it's like the d'etre that powerful but we'll see what happened here Nubia okay so there was probably very violence or against the Congo more than likely it met show stuff up Georgia surprisingly still around there just kind of barely holding on though they got one city and it's it's only a matter of time before I'm thinking a lot of places like the Ottomans the Greeks and the ball both Greeks who you at war with Romans oh you guys might be dead and owned Asia man I'm gonna need you guys to cool it this is scary because look at India would India ever be able to survive some sort of huge naval invasion I don't think so there's really not that many units over this way not sure how much this has to do with anything but city ax is weirdly really friendly with a lot of the world there was this huge alliance to have kamae India the Ottomans Indonesia I mean people would definitely defend them I'm starting to worry that's maybe causing them to not do much maybe they're getting a little bit lazy there are worth a lot though Korea Greece Mali the Aztecs which is really scary Brazil and Egypt's don't know how many of their friends are helping them there while Montezuma of the Aztecs is out here kind of figuring out what the Pacific Ocean holds they're probably meeting a whole lot of people if not everyone they're also training with I think Australia okay that's new which Australia by the way has now officially made it to New Zealand I'm thinking a lot of people probably are doing some exploration themselves everyone's finding out what this world looks like oh Sweden has a chance of maybe getting a new city I guess Poland lost this dude is some revolts there's definitely a race to grab this one Norway by the way incredibly grabs something out here in the Mediterranean that's interesting I don't know how you're gonna really protect this thing but good luck and now it looks like both Japan and well the Aztecs have already made it to Hawaii but the Japanese are probably the next yeah that they're definitely going for that turn 200 and I'm starting to really worry about a couple places or at least get an idea of who's gonna last for a while the Aztecs are starting going out of control and they still have Cuba to go after if they really want to with the c'mon grab it so much stuff in the east I don't know Korea is still up in the air especially because Genghis is gonna get a whole bunch of horses soon and probably invade and Africa seems to be doing really well here too it just depends on like who collapses if someone like smack-dab in the middle just has a terrible dark age and they lose a whole bunch of stuff definitely some places could rise from here I wasn't sure if this was actually happening but I think I can confirm it now Arabia with their special ability it's automatically the last profit no matter what but they're not using it this roads gonna be stuck with just six of seven religions because this AI is just not a believer I guess or hold up actually maybe they just really love Hinduism that much even though they got this great profit they're like hey bro just chill don't don't start teaching anything stuff ah so Norway made it to Cuba first even though Norway's gonna lose this I think probably to the Aztecs I'm viewing as Sweden once again but the way since they kind of know everything out there and they only have two cities safe to say most the world probably has some idea of where everything's at we don't have a few places taken over the ice caps Brazil England and has anyone else made it to okay well there's still this large chunk of land I would imagine Australia will get there this boards are dead the Spartans are dead oh man some areas just they're going nuts and also the Romans took the other city weirdly this is the only Greece left didn't expect that figured they'd be the first one to go we also have this battle for Istanbul I think the Romans might just want to rename it maybe they feel like they've got something better in mind the islands of Hawaii are now under Aztec mostly Aztec and then Japanese rule maybe the Japanese could slow down Montezuma somehow I don't think anyone here is gonna be able to do that I mean maybe the Kree Aliss to be honest maybe the Kree Canada likes to just stay up in the snow would I mean that that's accurate so I can't really complain about that oh okay hold up game why did Sparta just pop out infantry units if you can't tell a lot of places don't really have that yet but what else did I expect from this place World Congress is now a thing by the way so there's gonna be a couple votes and there's a lot of leaders left so that's definitely gonna make it a little bit more interesting thank you so much Montezuma thank you to the Aztecs even if you don't end up winning this game I think they deserve a lot of credit because they finally built Panama Canal the AI hates to do this for some reason they just they hate it but not in this world and that's actually gonna make a huge difference because right now Brazil completely controls that past the Cape of Cape Horn something like that this makes things a little better hey go America I mean I don't know how you did this but at least you're trying please tell me you have a a large Navy no no large Navy here so they're still stuck with three in North America you're kind of screwed well they are also kind of venturing out they have a city here I don't know if that's I don't that is Fiji or something but Australia and Indonesia could easily wipe you out at any moment a lot of cities are changing hands here I don't even know if it makes sense to point it out because who knows if they're actually gonna keep this stuff also I guess Nubia likes that all other land is useless that's just there into that sort of thing Egypt's uh you might tell me how you did this that's incredible that you probably settle this yourself I think right okay and also the Inca clearly some role Bad's happening to them there they're going through their own Dark Age also keep this in mind yep it is happening those dark tiles mean a lot of coastlines about to be eaten up by some rising sea levels oh it's gonna be bad oh my god none of the AIS are ready for this none of them I don't see any flood walls oh man this is gonna be rough well actually hold on I take that back for a second it looks like only the zulu have somewhat prepared for this maybe yeah and the Congo a bit with the Congo as well the Panama Canal city is revolted which is probably one of the most important revolts in the world right now in my code the Inca but it's a couple other ships trying go after it Roman England that'd be useful and now the entire state of Florida has just become an island yeah the Aztecs might as well just throw away the city I think this city is pretty much useless now and we get a couple new members in Antarctica Australia being one of them as well as Canada which is kind of a perfect fit they might not keep that though well in Europe coastlines are just getting decimated this is one of the worst comments to be obviously you know there are certain citizen I can have to worry about this especially if you're in Asia Africa or like North America oh okay so Rome's making some get up damn I was I was getting excited for a second it kind of lost one of the most important cities wait no no wait is that what's happened is that normal there was a canal here and that flooded it's still Canal cities just I guess a little bit more natural now you know what it's looking like the Zulu or the Congo really didn't do much to protect their coastlines like it's been pretty messed up too I'm actually shocked at how bad this is that's a good idea I like this idea who's doing this I think this is Rome or Mali whatever we got the Golden Gate Bridge it looks like I don't know if it's finished yet connected Africa to Europe definite one of the more useful ones also Samaria just kind of lost their lead they are down to three cities that is depressing I'm sure it had to do with sathya taking the persian capital and then they're definitely on through a dark age as well i want to check on the inca just because i figured whoever takes over south america is gonna be pretty safe i don't really think they have an advantage over brazil just yet though it's still kind of up in the air they did lose a city the brazilians so that's kind of a big deal the Mapuche who's basically just barely held on for about 250 turns only their capital they now I've got three cities they are really changed things up and Japan has somehow made it to California is that is that what's happening they're also at war Diaz takes it looks like they've got a nice little pirate fleet just kind of messing with them and Washington DC has just become a coastal city even more so than before I mean it's directly off their coastline they still this harbor that I don't know how anyone is really gonna get to you gotta take a boat to get to the harbor first and then you can take another boat I guess it's not that crazy and it shows that Canada has some amazing control over the Great Lakes they got this little canal going so I think they can reach all five it's not like it's that useful though watch our 300 this is what the world looks like and you also get a better idea of exactly how many tiles were lost due to climate change a lot of countries just lost a whole lot of power specifically the island SIVs so Indonesia Japan and I'd imagine England as well they can't be too happy about this the zulu were actually leading in three categories one of them being population other in crop yield and GNP still i mean i'd be wrong maybe this is their game i do like how australia has the number one military though it's starting to feel like the world's just about to explode there's a lot of places with a whole lot of modern units and yeah I'm thinking we're about to see a world war pretty soon I mean I can really just barely see any land at this point still no giant death robots yet that's where things are gonna get insane but there's stuff we got to be a few nukes laying around oh wait no no there are some giant robots of death and of course it's Japan to build it first they are likely to take out this India uh yeah they don't have a chance America's dead by the way or basically Philadelphia still stands just barely but uh Oh England got Boston that's one of the more incredible things and then Washington was taken by Canada this is really not much of a surprise I think we all expected this because I mean they were just chilling with like four to three cities for a couple hundred turns I didn't think they were gonna last I think I have once again taken control over the canal which is important because the Aztecs really don't need more power although at the same time they've really fallen off I thought they were for sure just gonna take over everything but they have really done much you know it's really hard to tell in this map because the Congo and the Zulu are really similar colors but ya know I was totally wrong about this I kept hyping up the Congo they have four settlements that's it Shaka took a lot of stuff from them and I feel like Nubia might I also had some impacts cuz this city is just on fire it's just straight up on fire so maybe Oh a gypped I - wow I almost missed that one okay so as expected I actually thought Nubia was gonna take it over but no it was just the Romans it is kind of a miracle that Arabia is still around again they only have this one city and just chill with that great prophet thousands of years have gone by and they're just like nah dude don't do it I we got it we got to stay Hindu Mongolians have taken significant hits and they're probably the next ones that fall especially because Korea continues to gain strength in the East and then Cynthia does the same thing in the West Russia is still alive so that's impressive and Poland's they're still going I mean they're not super impressive but they're still around wait a second okay did Egypt just get revived I I think they might have or maybe I just missed these two cities but I do know that there are a couple dead SIVs that get brought back from the dead at certain points in this campaign and this also looks like it's about to be the end of Sumeria they are being surrounded by these giant robots and they don't really have much to protect themselves that's sad I really wanted I wanted them to do well but maybe next time and I think Brazil might just get a City behind enemy lines I'd imagine their biggest rival is the Inca but if they can take this a be a good point to jump off from especially if there's a nice big old war Japan to stake in another city but they lost their other one here kind of northern in California there's definitely pretty big rivalry oh I think is the England over here trying to tack them - now what are Montezuma was having trouble ghani's being pushed back down towards southern Asia a lot of the other like Asian powers have taken their northern cities and it's kind of interesting it did I noticed this before Indonesia taking the other India they're good and es6 have fallen yeah they're not coming back from this they lost her capital and I mean they got a pretty good Empire still they could maybe take out weaker neighbors but I think they're done Russia also just finally died which I mean they were hiding up here in the North Pole for a while and that didn't last that also gets pulled a little bit of strength so they kind of need it uh yeah I think Germany might be doing their thing whoa okay surprised I didn't see this much earlier Japan's gone there they're done and I thought they were doing pretty well they were attacking places around the world no they've been divided almost perfectly I mean not perfectly down the middle but almost the Kree and Korea just got really strong oh my god I didn't I didn't think that Golden Gate Bridge actually got built I thought they were trying to build it but thank you Korea yes this is much more useful connecting Europe to Africa now that's that's overrated that is actually pretty funny though because I was really gonna give the AI a lot of credit like that is a monumental achievement for the people of this world no no it's not really their fault though it's just kind of how the game is I mean hey you know they they basically built the Panama Canal then it got flooded and this is maybe even more useful so I can't really complain Oh Japan does still exist okay hold on I'm taking on things a little crazy they still are in Hawaii I mean I don't really know if that's gonna make their situation any better they'll they'll still get taken over so still about a thousand turns and clearly we still have a long way to go I only see like the frontrunner is like the Kree and Korea but even then I mean I don't even know at least just about everyone was contributing to climate change though it's not like there was just one person although it sometimes gotten buys at that they might have changed and real quick because religion is far from having much of an impact anymore but uh yeah most of most of I guess Africa and Europe is Protestant and then Hinduism Wow Hinduism is kind of crazy in Asia and then we have Zorro historian ISM in all of the new worlds kind of yeah so pretty much three dominant faiths so Rome just died I don't it's not like they were taken over by a lot of people they just they just collapsed in on itself revolted you know the typical Rome stuff must been some in the water but it's kind of crazy to see the Ottomans you know kind of doing all right I mean they were with just one city for a while there and I thought that once it he was gonna get taken but nope how things can change Sweden is finally dead by the way Poland again is holding on they they're trying to keep their strength is like a great power it's not looking good though as Cynthia continues to just take more and more things over oh wow and India is dead too so both Indians have been killed again by Cynthia and Korea there's also a revolt going I actually know he's still around Gandhi barely though but we got to start watching the Zulu though I mean they they've got a huge control over Africa and I don't see who could really take this stuff over they don't really have any more threats America has kind of been integrated into Canada they have most of those former US cities except for Charleston but I don't know I mean I guess so far they're peaceful with the Cree let's see how long that lasts oh and I forgot to mention that Korea also took over all of Iberia so yeah almost almost okay we got something a little something that like that's much though oh the Aztecs are basically dead they are left with three maybe four cities that forth once where I gonna go someone's gonna take him out they had a good run you look at it again I feel like Mali might be able to stand up to the Zulu they're the best hope I guess at least in Africa newbie it's not doing that bad either or maybe if they combine strength that would help Wow did not expect that one England like that is gone Norway of all places how do they do that they've been like at four or five cities for the whole time I guess you just never underestimate the Vikings and going after the British Isles a lot of time just went by and I don't know where to start there's a lot of things to talk about oh my god what happens let's just start with the big orange empire first because they were kind of the most noticeable at least for me I mean they're not even 50% see 50% wheat anymore just 50% of all of Europe I guess it's really just because the Ottomans and Germany fell apart and they controlled almost all of Central Europe at least beforehand I guess it's not that shocking when like there's less people that control more area it's stuff like this gonna happen Cynthia is also dead which again Korea must have contributed to at least somewhat and Poland got to really reap the benefits as well they're still holding on I'm excited for them come on guys I love other just barely sticking around so come on I've been basically put back all the way down south and it looks like they're gonna die at any second is it Indonesia are they doing something yeah I think they have something to do with this oh man but Australia also is starting to collapse actually this is one of the most surprising to me because that we've never seen that happen have we I don't think so so I don't know how Nubia got down here and then as expected I figured Indonesia would be a part of this all right next up leaf land has taken out the Creedy and now they control almost all of North America that is by far the biggest twist I mean what weren't they like number one in all the categories not that long ago Australia also is a very nice chunk over Central America which I mean I don't think I've even mentioned that the Yucatan Peninsula is kind of like an island now it's own Island and the Caribbean speaking to that Norway was the ones to take out the Aztecs and they have all their former cities newbee also with just the devastating blow to Mali I don't know how they just went to straighten did they grab their capital - I think they did they're still around and they have a city in Liberia somehow but ya know clearly something really bad happened to the zulu some sort of terrible Dark Age because I thought they were gonna be alright they lost northern cities and then for some reason Brazil has everything in South Africa Korea is clearly still number one but now we have a couple of new players that have just kind of entered the chat I guess on I think I just figured out Canada's secret weapon they have an army of builders thousands maybe Millions they're also just using them as Scouts sending them out in the edges of their territory I don't know to intimidate some of their rivals I mean I guess it's not a terrible idea you know you want to just throw you civilians out and and hope that the other enemy doesn't want to commit war crimes even have a city in the Japanese islands which I'm wondering are the workers able to stop giant death robots that through kryptonite Brazil officially you should be on everyone's radar they did take over all of South America and they still have a huge portion of South Africa also the territories have kind of revolted from Nubia the Dutch continue to dominate as they've kind of cleaned up the borders and have even started to reach into Africa so yeah with the fall of Mali this makes sense that they would just take some stuff down this way now I'm hoping that Poland can do what they do best and that is stop massive Asian empires from reaching any further into Europe because basically Korea right now Korea is well I mean they are struggling quite a bit but I was gonna say they're kind of like the Mongolians of this world yeah but I don't really know what the hell happens this is weird they're losing stuff for sure and it's not stripped or a war they must be having some loyalty issues and Canada also took control over almost all of Japan it's really close so yeah this city's definitely gone Korea also might lose their capital is not looking good it's happening right now who is about to take this is it looks like it's gonna be Canada they're just sick of being peaceful I'm glad the Indonesians are starting to do some stuff they definitely an impact on taking out the kamae cuz they're the next like dead save although there's been a lot of those and Australia yeah Australia barely exists just barely rushing down to the final ten there are only ten leaders left at least for now I mean there might be a couple places that get revives but these are the only ones that have a chance borders are slowly being cleaned and that's got to be like one of my favorite parts about going into one country's left the border Gore is no more unfortunately though Poland just died and that is a little depressing but at the same time at least the Dutch are finally getting their time in the spotlight they've officially taken over all of Europe almost all of Europe I mean Nubia Sparta but that's about it and that's kind of crazy because we've never seen them do well in almost every single video it's like they slap their capital down and then only a couple turns later either France or Germany takes them over not here at least they they took over their own continent the fall of Korea has been cemented though as Indonesia and Canada have taken some settlements I don't know really how this happened again it must have been just a huge civil war I'm guessing lots of revolts and maybe Canada has like a strong cultural pool I don't know Australia is doing a little bit better but it might be a little too late not with yeah this invading force I'm assuming they probably have a giant Navy just to let them take over all this stuff as for Africa I don't think any great power is gonna come from here because well Mali somewhat made a comeback which is impressive and Nubia no there's no way they've clearly lost some stuff to the Dutch and the Brazilians don't count they'll probably continue to head up north I guess this is kind of a good time to give everyone here some credit because I mean yeah kinda have the continental winners Korea won Asia even though they're the struggling I don't know Indonesia to Indonesia won like I don't know she Aniyah or something did we get Brazil Canada and the Dutch winning their respective continents as well Africa I mean I don't even know it should've been the Zulu but they died so it's either Mali or Nubia probably Nubia and just like that we're down to the final two or kind of I mean technically there's three but it's Canada and the Netherlands two of the least likely Sims to be honest I would have never guessed them surprisingly Korea still somehow stuck around and I mean they got it pretty strongholds though be safe I think the Himalayas have really protected them for a while Brazil clearly fell apart at the very end and that makes sense because the core of their empire they didn't have that much land at least you know compared to Canada this was where all their strength came from Brazil was split up between South America and Africa I could see why that happens but the big thing here is all the revolts going on like I guess most of Earth's citizens are not happy with these nations you would think it'd be great but I guess not why am I not surprised to find only fallout in Japan as far as I know this is one of the only places that got nuked well okay then interestingly the Dutch were able to make it to Australia to some how and actually the Dutch are the only ones that really have any control if you think about it well I mean there's this one Canadian city but that's about it it's where I can be the final look at religion before the very end and clearly Protestantism has fallen off and I wonder if Brazil had an impact on that because this is kind of what they controlled Hindu does a lot but I think also there's a lot of cities that aren't following anything we're still very mixed it is still really divided in terms of faith canada's clearly hardcore into that Zoroastrianism stuff that probably has spread that around oh and technically I believe they're in the most cities to 63 compared to Protestantism with 53 and Hindu at 46 obviously world climates not going to change much but 85% of the polar icecaps have been lost that's not too bad I mean I figured to be a hundred and I guess sea level only rose three point five meters it seemed much more devastating than that you know actually this doesn't seem like the greatest place to live I mean if you're in certain cities maybe but areas have just been completely destroyed like I'm looking around some things aren't even being used Iberia is just a mess stay away from here British Isles don't look that great either I mean specifically Ireland they got some things on fire even more so in Iceland Wow the stadiums on fire guess it's getting real lit there but yeah the AI doesn't seem to want to fix a whole lot of stuff I mean they are in a massive war for their lives so who would want to really take on fixing a national park or something like that and Canada has done it Canada has won from North America grabbing parts of eastern Asia and I guess they defeated the Dutch kind of weird that there's still so many cities trying to revolts I don't I don't really know what that's saying about their empire I mean even their home continent people are trying to resist and I don't really know why they haven't gotten this back I don't know ai doesn't seem to prioritize some of this stuff sometimes South America as well I mean I guess these people are just not down to play hockey these places that are kind of moving away or trying to get out of the Empire are pretty hot you know how can they play that I don't know why Canada's not seeing their own Empire I guess the game isn't really meant to be played with only one nation but yeah they have all these categories not bad and it is the year 4000 23 I imagine actually a lot of people might not have just died a lot of them could have just escaped into the solar system so I guess there's a chance you know the Dutch still remain there somewhere out there again I can't think of a more surprising victory here I mean just the final three but especially Canada of all Canada I mean the AI usually doesn't do anything I guess they were just sick of all the bullying let me know if you like to see me do another one of these I really never thought this be possible and part of the reason why I was able to do it is because it's such a small map I wouldn't been able to do it on like the giant earth and it also helped that like I said I don't have a life anymore this is this is really all I do thanks for watching see you next time big thanks to Elfie sea allows your senpai crucification Swiss Argo Maxie Jean King Solomon and Mo Kali tenor of the Nazarene free cruise mr. / Kelly cooter donkey Brandon Hinkle destiny 9,000 ago fat boy sneaky Gengar battle buddy 18:47 and Alfonso m6 thank you
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 2,559,033
Rating: 4.8281751 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Civilization, Civilization 6, Civ 6, Battle Royale, All, All Nations, Battle, 1 left, Civilization Nations, AI, AI Only, AI Only Battle, England, France, Russia, Poland, Maori, America, USA, US, Aztecs, Spain, Rome, Ottomans, Zulu, China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, Netherlands, Holland, Canada, Dutch, Civ 6 Canada, Civilization 6 Canada, Civilization 6 Netherlands, Civ 6 Netherlands, Civ 6 Korea, Civ 5, Civilization 5, Earth, World, All Leaders, All Civs
Id: utoIw_yNepM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 39sec (2259 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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