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and we've taken all of the gold of Katherine she's really friendly with us and she's also giving us all of her luxuries what a glorious situation we find ourselves in thank you very much Katherine for this hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Brit and today we're playing popular new release game Sid Meier's Civilization 5 is what I would be saying if it was almost 10 years ago and seeing as we are actually getting pretty close to the 10 year anniversary of Sid Meier's Civilization 5 it makes perfect sense for us to cover a lovely exploit which this game has and has actually kind of flowed relatively under the radar for quite a long time naturally Sid Meier's Civilization 5 is a fantastic game I have many fond memories of it I'm sure you do as well and of course it's one of the greatest multiplayer strategy games the world has ever seen of course excluding its very wonky netcode meaning you'll be d sinking just about every 30 seconds also there's no way to pause a game in multiplayer so once you start playing you're playing it for eternity but who wouldn't want to play civ 5 for eternity so what are we doing today ladies and gentlemen well I'm going to be showing off a lovely glitch inside civilization 5 which is going to allow you with the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home to completely decimate the world's economy of civ 5 that's right no longer will you be struggling for money instead you will become an economical mastermind who will be controlling the flow of just about everything in the game's world if you want a war to happen it will at the snap of your fingers if you want to bankrupt a rival nation you can at just a few simple clicks of one button it's as fantastic as that ladies and gentlemen so our further ado let's dive into Sid Meier's Civilization 5 and make sure you're sat back relaxed you have a nice warm cup of Yorkshire tea in hand and you know what if you are a truly fantastic individual you might have even given the video like let's dive right in to sieve 5 my goodness I love this game so we're going to set up a brand new game of survival versus exploit can be done with just about any nation in the entire game we're going to pick one unique nation indeed because unlike a bit of an advanced challenge we're going to be playing as Enrico Dandolo of Venice yep that's the perfect pronunciation and if I got it wrong it doesn't matter because that's the new pronunciation of that name so yes we're playing as Venice they're a very you big save in terms of save five because they can only have a build one city some would say that causes a bit of an issue but actually it doesn't because they get a ridiculous amount of money and money is going to be the only thing that matters to us what's better than having a ridiculous amount of money yourself that's making sure everyone around you has no money other than that we're going to be playing on Prince level difficulty andand quit and that's all we need ladies and gentlemen so without further ado let's dive right into this brand-new game oh it's gonna be good you see Venice is just all about money making so when it comes to our fantastic game we don't actually have too many requirements when it comes to settling your first city if you don't get a decent city start don't worry it's not the end of the world because you can always reset allows where we're going to found our city right here in its starting position because we have wheat nearby but most importantly we have three different types of luxuries these luxuries are going to be very important trust me ladies and gentlemen so let's set love for a city down oh and a unit needs orders okay right let's just send our warrior off to go explore the world fantastic oh we've actually discovered our first city-state who's hidden away over here good now city-states are very useful if you're a Venice player because they are effectively infinite sources of money oh and look they've already given us 30 gold just for finding them fantastic now male born is a mercantile city-state over here and if we were to ally with them then we'd actually gain their luxury resources of porcelain and Wales which is always a lovely thing to have now after you build your monument and you're starting to gain some culture just focus on getting a worker up and running in terms of research we can probably actually rush the great library because when playing against ai's generally they don't and so we're in a fine situation to get the great library out early oh and we've also discovered the city-state of prague which is lovely maybe human as yet another boost of gold fantastic for culture we're going to go down the Liberty tree because by gaining collective rule we get a free great merchant which is very important for us great merchants are going to be a lovely source of money now we've gained Nicolo pole over here who's a fantastic great merchant of venice and he's going to be really valuable you see we can put him down in any city states border and immediately that city-state just becomes us which is of course as you can guess a very powerful thing to have now we won't be using him immediately Bugsy's as you can guess very very powerful and so we'll be saving him for later on when we find a city state which is well worth his investment on BAM we've discovered optics and consequently gained our second great merchants give first our neo barbero he's you know a pretty chill dude and with these two great merchants we could take over two of these city-states if we really wanted to yep my gebbs just crashed right I wasn't even exploiting you that I was just survived being safe I thank you very much game that's very generous of you ah that's nice to know ten years after release it's still as buggy as ever really does give you that fresh game feel when you came just crashes on you for no apparent reason thank you very much now we're back ladies and gentlemen a little bit of time has passed after our last game crash we've managed to finish off building the great library and hey we have one great merchant here we're going to get a second great much and soon don't you worry as is often the case with most early game situations it's just a lot of fighting off barbarians must die instead have my military force wander around the map discovering new lands instead of protecting its own populace because I mean unless they pay a lot of taxes they don't really matter do they know we've discovered the Aztecs oh just a ridiculous war faction but you know that's fine they're hopefully going to be relatively chill with us emphasis on the hopefully now because we have a city-state over here which is really far away called Vilnius which has access to four sets of horses a bunch of furs and some porcelain we're going to attach a great mansion to a Venetian spearmen over here who's going to march all the way across the world to find Vilnius and then steal its resources from it and so our lovely great merchant arrives in the city Vilnius and we're going to buy out this city-state it's gonna be fantastic basically we just puppet this city right on the spot and now it's ours fantastic Vilnius has been ceded to us now it's not exactly a spectacular city in the best place in the entire known world but it will be fantastic for us basically we just need a city slightly further out of the way which can get more trade route sent to it because I mean we have four available trade routes already the Aztecs are trading with us but I need more than just that I need trade everywhere and also to help with our fantastic Empire and its trading we've built the great lighthouse basically just means all naval units go a little bit further which is pretty useful not that will particularly be doing much naval warfare or warfare . i mean you're playing Civ why would you want to actually fight in this game now what we're doing at the moment is basically getting our empire up and running we starting trade with all of our lovely local city-states and this is kind of just the beginning of our glorious Empire we basically just want to make as much money as possible and for us the best way to make money is generally to meet players but also just beeline a bunch of economy tax and the only thing that's better than economy texts ladies and gentlemen that's rather interestingly a completely an utterly wacky tech which is engineering which allows us to build a fort I know forts of fantastic books they give you one extra defensible position on your terrain which is always exceedingly useful to have but there's another reason why you want to be able to construct forts and that's because they are completely naturally broken in this game and one thing I have been beelining or a bunch of wanders which provide us with increased growth in our capital as because as Venice you're only really allowed one city and so you won that one city to have as a larger population is physically allowable by this game standards so don't be afraid to pick up all of the wanders which don't particularly make sense for an economy sieve oh my goodness I get to pick a good a free great person oh no this is great fun now of course merchants of Venice are always very very useful because you can get a lot of money from them instead I'm going to pick myself up a great profit so I'm pretty sure a religion we can get ourselves a little bit of extra money so let's create a brand new religion what wacky icon are we going for let's go for the bird boy oh +15 influence for city states following this religion that's exactly what we want that's lovely oh and then each wonder provides +2 faith in the city that's perfect because we're going to be spamming out a lot of wanders lovely stuff there we go we've got our religion up and running now in terms of wonders which you 100% really should get of course it's the East India Company ladies and gentlemen this thing is absolutely ridiculous it gives you a silly amount of money and that's exactly what you want you want money lots and lots of money now the issue with being on a continent with Montezuma is that he's very very likely to invade you and so the best way to get around this is to instead feed him money to just attack random city-states on your continent that's exactly what we're going to be doing because as we can see he has a massive army marching towards our border so instead we just steer the entire army south now you might be thinking this is pretty dangerous first because later on it's just going to attack us but don't worry later on goodness sake it's attacked us now hasn't it god dammit I hate you want to Zoomer we just had to start on the same continent which had him didn't we oh yes of course the AI naturally moving it's most valuable units into the sea meaning I can snipe them with complete ease because in the water units they they don't have much help of what to Zuber this is dog on your way at all has uh what a mess he really was thinking he could win this war didn't he well turns out you just can't sometimes well I think this is it we've actually defeated the Aztecs at war how on earth that's happened I have no idea but this is just classic Aztec existence right here they just go to war with you and then you just beans your way around the AI and they just can't do anything to stop you oh hey I right let's negotiate peace this is not the time for negotiation screw us Tex you and your garbage Empire you just free your armies at the wall and they died that means you shouldn't come back sometimes the AI is just too silly to really comprehend and Ray we're going to be adopting commerce because of course you know we might as well that's where we're going to be getting some lovely money from hopefully as soon as the Aztecs stop code to war with us and we find a new AI which is actually nicer I can demonstrate this exploit because instead the silly little Aztec dude over here just wants to fight everyone guy but guy I hate you and there we go fantastic Montezuma is now perfectly up for peace now what if I get him to give me some gold there we go okay just wants a straight peace treaty fine what does ooh I'll accept this but just because I want to bankrupt your economy fantastic we've made peace with Montezuma oh and now he wants an embassy I'll show you we'll just rebuild that embassy after you've decided to just go to the war with me Montezuma might decide the Aztecs ladies and gentlemen and now Montezuma star wants to actually start trading luxury resources won't no we're going to refuse this because I'm waiting to find an AI who actually has money to trade with me because ish we've Montezuma look at this guy he's got nobody won gold per turn and no thank you I'm not trading with you come back once you have money I'm recent fantastic news we've actually discovered the technology which allows us to build a unit which can go on the world's oceans and discover so we've just purchased ourselves a caravel and this Caravelle is going to now go and see the entire world for me because I need to discover a eyes who want super hyper aggressive military people who aren't producing any gold pattern I mean sure we can pull off the exploit with them but you just don't get anywhere near as much money Oh fantastic we found Russia Oh finally please tell me they're making gold pattern are they're making gold pattern finally an AI with a natural economy are Caffrey and the pirates of Russia is you are exactly what I needed let's get some open borders going fine I'll give you a bunch of horses for open borders that looks lovely my goodness we got a brand new great profit lovely so we can enhance our religion now we can do it plus 15% production which is lovely and also religious unity so that religion spreads to city-states a ridiculous bead there we go BAM now we can get a bunch of trade routes establish with all of the other AIS over here which is exactly what I wanted spam let's start spreading all of our religion into all of these different city-states and with that we're going to need to stop buying up more cargo ships trust me it's year of the cargo ship so yes just buy a very large amount two cargo ships and all send them off and with this we're going to make a lot more money ah there we go fantastic stuff all the money in the world will be ours BAM I've jumped into the midpoint of the video when you least expected me that's right it's myself the spiffing Brit here to tell you about the glorious taste of york city isn't it amazing isn't it lovely and you should be drinking it or any form of tea as long as your name's not Dave and you sat there drinking coffee slamming away in the comment section like all of this tea propaganda makes me upset that don't worry you're more than welcome here Oh Dave I know you're out there it's thousands of you Dave's watching I know you're there make yourself known of the covered section of your neighbours Dave classic Dave coffee drinkers but hey I've got some good news for you though thanks my lovely friends of the yogscast we have a brand new piece of merchandise it is the secret to the YouTube algorithm I know guaranteed to get every single one of your videos on trending probably it is a beautiful design proving the tea is the root of the YouTube algorithm trust me if you want to do your part and demonstrate its power simply sip on the cup of tea and like this video once what does it do it breaks the entire algorithm and that's the true power of tea ladies and gentlemen so feel free to go grab yourself one it's actually really comfortable 10 out of 10 would recommend again just try not to spill tea on it you'd be surprised how many cloves I've lost to tea okay they died too young all by clothing it's just got teased a it's everywhere I accept all of my fancy suits of course anyway let's jump right back into this video so a fair bit later in the game ladies and gentlemen and I finally realized why all of their eyes were declining my request for a declaration of friendship it's only because an AI won't ever accept a declaration of friendship if you have a weak army and as I was playing Venice and deliberately only beelining the economy no AI is going to make friends of you because you're giving the metric tons of money they only make friends of you if they are afraid of the size of your military thanks if five AI for being perfectly balanced but hey we're gonna perfectly balance it even more in a second so yes we're going to make friends with Ashoka pillar of Assyria that's fantastic and so there we go we have friends that's lovely oh and now elizabeth is guarded against us so we don't have a fair amount of money in the bank and we can go and start trading with Russia Russia's making a pretty nice hundred and sixteen gold returned we're making a hundred fifty four gold per turn but after this exploit we're going to be making a fair bit more than that so we're going to do two deals with Russia ladies and gentlemen that saw this exploit needs two fantastic deals and one luxury resource but don't worry you're going to lose nothing from this exchange absolutely nothing this is trading with the AI but you could only profit this is true part of the deal now what you're going to want to do is quite simply ask for Russia's gold and just give them a bunch of your golden return so I'm going to say I'll give Russia all of my gold 758 for let's say 40 gold per turn how does this look Russia instead brush is not actually able to give us that much they are only going to give us 25 gold per turn for 690 gold and you know what that's fine that's pretty acceptable Russia I'm fine with giving you 690 gold for 25 gold for turn now this might seem like the worst trade deal ever because we are giving them 690 gold and they are in return giving us 625 gold spread out over the course of 25 turns so we're losing out on this deal but there is a method to this madness so we're going to accept this lovely deal thank you very much for sure they're going to love that deal and then on the next turn we're gonna propose a brand new deal one even wackier remember we're making a hundred and seventy-nine per turn which isn't crazy and we'd like a fair bit more so we're going to go to Russia and we're going to say hey Russia I'm going to give you incense and also all of my gold per turn let's say a straight up 179 gold per turn and in return I'm going to need all of your money I'm going to need every single bit of gold you have 1618 gold but 179 gold per turn for 25 turns and incense as a luxury resource to the AI this is quite possibly the greatest deal in the entire known universe I proposed this to them and they're even willing to throw in things like spices and iron and all of that but actually we don't want any of that stuff at all if we were really cheeky and we had enough gold and we were generating enough gold per turn we could probably even take an entire city from the AI that's not what we're going to do sadly but you know that's something you can pull off and we're going to give all of our gold per turn to Russia and in return they're going to give us all of their gold and we're going to give them incense this is a terrible deal for the player but trust me it's absolutely fantastic so we're going to propose with this deal and Russia graciously accepts immediately you can see we've gained the 1600 gold there we go it's up there and we're no longer making gold for turn books we're giving so much of it to another the civilization but remember as part of the steel we are giving them 170 gold per turn plus incense now where's our incense oh well it's here next to Venice ladies and gentlemen don't worry it's not at any threat of being rated by barbarians but there is a Venetian workers standing on top of it who's accidentally slipped and hit the construct Ford button are you sure you want to construct a fort the tile improvement will be replaced oh it's just been replaced ladies and gentlemen oh the poor poor incensed oh what a shame who could have seen that happening and as a result gold / turned to caffeine ends and incense to caffeine ends because we don't have any incense to give and we just constructed a fort but you know we can do just construct a plantation instead of the fort immediately and that way we finished the trade deal we now have 2000 gold all of our gold per turn and that means if we check our deal history and look at our current deals they are giving us 25 gold per turn for the 690 gold we gave them however we then immediately got the 690 gold back when we cleared out all of their gold in their bank so they are giving us 25 gold per turn in return for scamming them plus also every single bit of cash they had lying around so we are now receiving a portion of the income of Russia for free which is very nice and of course this can be repeated this can be repeated forever it doesn't just need a luxury of resources you can use strategic resources as well but I do prefer luxury resources because they all could fun and fantastic rush is so happy this deal will strengthen our nation's oh yes and bond our friendship together sure why not you're so nice Russia and with all of this money we can kind of do whatever we want we can make friends of all of the city-states and win a diplomatic victory almost instantaneously poor enough is this Catherine you want five gold per turn no this isn't a deal there's no deal there I'm just giving you gold for turd for nothing so now a couple of turns later we've proposed Catherine with another deal for some reason I offered all of my gold and said hey can I have 50 gold per turn is this deal okay of you and she said yes this deal is okay with me I'll also give you all of my luxury resources and strategic resources and you know what we're gonna do it Catherine because thank you very much that will do nicely won't it so we now have no golden or Bank which is you know a shame but don't worry we're still making 206 gold per turn thanks to care for it now and what we're now going to do is give Karen 206 gold per turn which is a ridiculous amount of gold and asked for all of our gold back there we go I'd like all 2690 for gold back and in return I'll give you 206 gold per turn and the incense how does that work for you Catherine I must accept oh that's very generous of you so now we have all of our gold back as well as the extra 100 or so which Catherine had and we can once again repeat this exploit by just constructing a fort there we go BAM and next heard WA BAM so naturally the next turn rolls around and our gold per turn to Catherine ends it collapses completely utterly simply because we're not able to provide the incense and there we go it is as easy as that ladies and gentlemen and we've taken all of the gold of Catherine she's really friendly with us and she's also giving us all of her luxuries if you look at all of the happiness were getting +4 from first +4 from dies plus wool from spices plus 4 from wine we shouldn't have access to these resources but we do oh my goodness it's fantastic it really is what a glorious situation we find ourselves in thank you very much Catherine for this the thing is we can repeat this because Catherine is still making 72 gold per turn and I'm not going to stop until we get Catherine's income down to zero so that's gonna be the quest for today's video and there we go we've got our incense built fantastic so we're going to do is we're going to go to Russia once again we got to trade with them hey can I have sixty gold per turn please that's all of your gold per turn and in return I'll give you some of my gold let's say three thousand gold ought to be enough to win you over with this surely Oh 1657 is actually all I need Wow if I am I could probably start taking cities off you couldn't anyway thank you very much Russia this is a lovely trade deal anyway I'd like over 1800 gold of yours please and in return I will give you 300 gold per turn as well as one incense there we go and there we go she accepts the deal and it's also a good deal as well so she's very happy with it and then of course immediately construct a fort and now we are going to take over all of Russia's income which is fantastic there we go the turn takes over we're building a fort all of the deals end we are now making friend room six gold returned Russia how much you making just seventeen thank you for all of your money oh you lovely finger now we have four thousand gold of course in a couple of turns we're gonna get the world's Congress which means we can just completely cheese this entire thing of course buying all of the love and friendship with the AI so there we go Katmandu is now a close friend we're going to also buy Melbourne for say a thousand there we go now they're mega allies with us and what's ratted will also buy Prague for a thousand there we go we're allies with them too and let's find another city state or Jerusalem looks like they'll be friends of us even have a forty influence to bypass let's go for a thousand with them there we go so there we go Jerusalem is immediately on our side as well what about say almost over here do you think almost would like to join it's given five hundred God they would go with nice friends with them there we go that would be a good start perfect we are making silly amounts of money per turn and even though I can see that good old master Mundi over here is trying to invade us again it matters little because I can just raise an army and what's this England is upset because of our relationship with Jerusalem come on England just let just I don't want to of course a divide between myself and the royal family please Queenie love me it's all I ever wanted I'd gained well for your appeasement that's all it is trust me now we have kind of hit the breaking point of the game because we've basically completely finished the Commerce tree in the social policies which grants us plus two happiness from each luxury resource meaning our Empire is now at plus sixty four happiness yes okay basically we're never going to be sad again and it's even better because we also gain +1 gold from every trading and also we can buy great merchants using faith this is ridiculous because merchants of Venice allow me to just take over an entire bloody City which as you can guess is pretty damn powerful now in other fantastic news we can complete this exploit again but this time with the legendary great Lord of Assyria who has even more money which is exactly what we want you know what he doesn't have he doesn't have first oh dear my friend so we can do is of course ask for a trade deal where we're going to try and get 40 gold in return give over 800 gold does this work for you I guess it kind of almost does go letters propose this I'll ask for 38 gold instead how's that propose I'm completely unacceptable Wow right I want 30 gold per turn I'm giving you 800 gold this is a good deal for you right let's trade again now I would like to give you furs and I would also like all of your gold and in return I will give you say or I think you'll only need about 200 gold per turn to want to take this deal is that looking good for you the girl let's propose that deal and of course you graciously accept fantastic that's exactly what I want and I will immediately destroy your first supply there we go oh and of course the deal fell through because the furs accidentally started getting turned into a fort instead well what a shame anyway looks like we're just gonna have to trade again what a real shame that is my friend so what we're gonna do is we're also going to take over the city-state of Mombasa but we're not going to actually buy it and Puppet it instead we're going to conduct a trade mission that's going to give us 1876 gold and it's also going to kind of put us into control of the city-state we're gonna sink 500 that gold and bam now we're allies there we go that city-state is now under our control lovely stuff Riga we can take control of as well for a thousand gold BAM Regas mine lovely lovely stuff oh my goodness and now you're going to give me a free D away you just give me gold and gold per turn lovely stuff I'll do nicely I'm fantastic the World Congress welcomes city-states now this is where I get my true diplomatic power so the moment we now get free delegates to four host civilization and I get one delegate because my city-state allies lovely stuff and so because I'm allied with how many C says one two three four five six seven city-states in total I can assign ten to just choosing the next host lovely stuff so I'm going to choose the next host to be Venice oh and Venice is going to 100% become the next toast because you guys are over going to vote for me but you're never going to gang up and vote for someone else so there we go we've won the vote this is true glorious democracy like you've never seen it before and of course Venice wins there we go we've done it while we were always going to win that one week fantastic everyone voted for themselves so yes we win oh and of course Montezuma is invading us yet again it's the third time this game ladies and gentlemen Montezuma just wants to go to war well it's gonna suck to be him because yep he's er is gonna lose this one he does have gunpowder but I have cannons on my side and also I can just buy a metric ton of blank adduct they've really cheap to buy and I could genuinely buy about 30 of them or so now and we've they might be able to completely overrun every single AI in the game or we've got more culture stuff to do which is great we'll go in to rationalism lovely more science and I can upgrade to be a Gatling gun oh I love this this is going great right let us send the language addict in and oh my goodness look at this lovely army they have tried to swarm us this is exactly what I wanted you see we can just throw in hordes and hordes of dudes into minor defeats and so on because eventually we'll just win completely when we can by Muscat Minh - oh this is great we can have our own musket dudes that I just want cannons just lots and lots of cannons and then shot to keep the cannons slowed always bought Big Ben which means all purchases of 15% cheaper oh this is exactly what I wanted it's is lovely news for me even though I'm just plowing a bunch of men in which are never going to win it matters little their lives aren't exactly too valuable if I'm honest all this has just made the purchasing of armies ridiculously cheap because lunch get are now just 90 gold that's all they cost 90 gold and I could just throw him out here immediately to chase a cavalry dude down oh my goodness we just broke down enemy artillery with complete ease this is everything I wanted and more oh and yes the landscape swarm is now beginning oh this is it we've once again smashed his entire army as is almost tradition for us every single time good or Demont azuma goes to war with us what an absolute melon this guy has just no talent for warring whatsoever oh and of course you want to do a peace treaty of course you now want to do a peace treaty you're making - 14 gold Patel Montezuma you absolutely I'm Ellen oh and you want to go to peace of the entire world fine except except this is peacetime Oh Montezuma right absolutely dislike your existence you are such a pain and annoyance but you know what if you want to go to war all the time that's that's up to you that's fine I'll always support you and there we have it ladies and gentlemen we've kind of just demonstrated the ridiculous power of this exploit because it will allow you to get easy diplomatic victories by generating stupid amounts of gold and consequently buying the friendship with every single AI in the game what we can now do with Montezuma is we can actually send him instead of attacking us we can give him a huge amount of gold and send him to just attack different a is now the AI we send them to attack won't particularly mind too much and what this allows us to do is total through the entire game without having Montezuma declare war on us again not that it makes much of a difference because as soon as he does we can just mobilize an entire military in one turn to crush his entire army and it doesn't really cost us that much in the long run but equally we can just generate stupid amounts of money from this lovely cheesy exploit and it is a whole host of fun I say you have it ladies and gentlemen our first civ 5 exploit go hop into a multiplayer game and ruin it for your entire friends and family and hey if you have a fun time make sure to give me a shout in the comment section as always ladies and gentlemen a massive thank you to each and every one of these glorious patrons who have generously donated a small portion of their own financial tea supply to myself so that we can create glorious and fantastic content for you the lovely ladies and gentlemen hey I hope you did enjoy and liked it and if you sat there thinking damn this video was really really good fun I want to watch another one then look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be just perfect for you trust me you're going to love it anyway I've been the sniffing Britt now each and every one of you the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,226,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, civ V, CIV 5, civilization 5, civilization 5 is a perfectly balanced game, civ 5 exploit, civilization 5 exploit, sid meiers, infinite gold, money exploit, money glitch, gold exploit, civ 5 overpowered, overpowered exploit, perfectly balanced game, spiffing brit, civ 6, civilization exploit, civilization nuke, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, Infinite money glitch is overpowered, op exploit, op glitch, civ victory, civilization multiplayer
Id: ZVqWCdKif3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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