Breaking The Economy With INFINITE MONEY - Civilization 6 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With Exploits

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we're going to raid this barbarian camp and get 150 gold and can we do it again oh oh can can we do that again oh dear what if we did it again oh and again and again oh and we now have the most money in the game hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing sid meier's civilization vi gathering storm oh my goodness it's fantastic to be back and what are we doing today well we're going to be having quite possibly one of the strangest games of six which has ever occurred we're going to be seeing just how much money you can actually make using fantastic exploits and perfectly balancing this game into oblivion so naturally of course ladies and gentlemen make sure you sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea at hand and heck you're feeling absolutely incredible you can even like this video like an amazing human being would do so let's dive into a brand new single player game now when it comes to who we're playing today we want to play a leader who's able to generate huge amounts of cash now if you have one single brain cell and have either read a history book or play the game of civ six before you're going to be saying hey we should play mansa musa this man generates gold like nobody's business he's truly incredible when it comes to regular gold generation this man in history was so wealthy in fact that whenever he went to a foreign country he pretty much crashed its entire economy just because he had so much gold this man is a walking financial disaster because of how rich he is bill gates jeff bezos and elon musk have absolutely nothing on this man and his insane wealth however we're not going to be playing him instead we're going to be playing the majestic suleiman the magnificent of the ottoman empire this boy is incredible you might be looking at him and thinking hang on a second there's no modifiers here that are going to give you more money but that's where you're wrong this bad boy is insane we can slap the roof of this bad boy and trust me you have no idea how much gold this boy can fit inside of him so of course we're going to be playing as the ottomans and don't worry i'll show off the exploit as to why we're playing as them very shortly but of course in this glorious world which we're going to be starting in which will be a marathon game actually starting in the renaissance era we need to be playing against some high octane rivals i want to be playing against the strongest deadliest fightiest enemy leaders out there so who are we playing against today ladies and gentlemen we're going to be playing off against gandhi gandhi gandy gandy and jon trust me they might not look like much but these bad boys wow they can pack a punch and they all love nuclear weapons right well without further ado ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to throw ourselves into the game this is going to be absolutely incredible so let's find out where we start well i think we found our starting position ladies and gentlemen okay so because we start in the renaissance era we're in a pretty fun situation where we get to start with two settlers two skirmishers and a crossbowman uh and we've spawned on what i can only describe as crab island if we were to settle a city right here we'd be able to have six crabs all in range of this one location oh this is incredible i mean we just have to settle the crab city i mean screw the banana resource we don't need the banana resource we just care about crabs right now we're gonna go out into the wider world and also scout it and try and find a good second position for our next city now by starting in the renaissance era everyone starts with all previous civics and technologies research this is very important for us because it means we've technically researched the barbary corsair ladies and gentlemen one of the ottoman empire's unique units this is the source of infinite wealth it might just appear to be one boaty boy but this single boat is incredible unlike normal coastal pillaging boats this bad boy doesn't use up any movement or actions when it pillages coastal tiles this might sound very very powerful but of course it is limited by the fact that you can only pillage one tile once per turn you can't sit and farm the same tile over and over again infinitely for infinite gold that would just be silly there's no way the developers would include that in the game no no surely that would be a mistake if they were to ever oh god they've done it haven't they now because we're playing on a slow game speed it actually takes us ages to build any unit so consequently there's a couple of things we want to do number one we want to appoint ibrahim as a grand vizier this fantastic guy is going to allow us to train the barbary corsair even faster equally we're going to want to pick up a government like monarchy here this way we're going to be able to pick up maritime industries which should allow us to build boats faster right now these are the policies of government we're going for it's heavily focused on building up a nice early military oh my goodness we've just made gandhi oh no look at him he's ready for war he's in his fight stance he's got his palms crossed he's ready to pummel us into the ground but nonetheless we're going to play kind of them hopefully they're going to not immediately fight us to the death but there we go we have discovered their one skirmisher i think this is going to probably be our second spot for cities it's going to allow us to gain a monopoly on turtles and it's also nicely well spaced out we can probably get a third city slam down here later there we go a brand new city well we now have two absolutely fantastic cities ladies and gentlemen money printer 1 our capital and great britain ii electric boogaloo these two cities are going to form a glorious backbone that will allow us to generate infinite quantities of wealth oh now immediately gandhi's trying to do some kind of power play here he's trying to buy all of my nighter resource and diplomatic power just for gold he's trying to bribe me now bribes famously never work on a british person they would never accept some form of gold i mean he's offering me just under 300 god i would i would never accept that oh talk oh god gandy what have you made me do i'm just so money hungry i'll do anything candy for a bit of gold oh my goodness there's an entire new land down here i didn't realize there was so much space for us to actually grow we have encountered delhi the capital of this gandy player somewhere down here on the south coast which is nice and exciting for us we might need to try and forward settle him to stop him getting close to our borders but for the meantime we should be okay now we have discovered the city-state of zanzibar which is absolutely fantastic because we can immediately bribe them and become their suzerain oh no gandhi is telling us something there is no shame in deterrence having a weapon is very different from actually using it we have got nuclear gandhi in this timeline this man is going to cause the apocalypse oh would you look at that after a shift in end voice someone's taken over control of geneva i wonder who it could have been oh it was gandhi right give me back geneva i want the additional science cheeky sausage geneva is mine oh now gandhi is trying to forward settle us with the city of srinagar but don't worry we will be able to probably get around him and try and block his access to zanzibar oh and this is fantastic we found exactly what we're looking for ladies and gentlemen this here is a barbarian encampment but it's a pretty special barbarian encampment because it's on the coastline ladies and gentlemen that means this tile here can be coastally rated however it's a little bit more complicated than that because it turns out there's oh so much more that you can do with this now we're actually going to try and change around our government here because i realize we've made a mistake and instead of going for a great merchant we're going to gain plus two great admiral points per turn the reasoning is simple if we're able to get this great admiral here we're going to be able to get ourselves a privateer instantaneously for free which is going to be leveled up this is going to save us a lot of time when it comes to the exploit right we've wrestled control of that barb camp which is fantastic news for us as we've now secured ourselves a source of infinite money later down the line and hercules is now going to finish off this holy site in one single hit there we go bam we're going to have ourselves a religion now with hercules main job now completely over we can now send him over to just guard this barbarian camp for the rest of the game he can sit on it and pretty much one-shot anything that comes his direction so we don't particularly need to worry too much and fantastic we're now actually ready to choose ourselves a pantheon now there's nothing really too amazing left for us so we're just going to pick up the incredible bonus of god of the sea so that all of these incredible crabs can be put to work okay using a builder i chop down the rainforest and that got us our first barbary corsair unit now the thing is at the moment it's actually useless we need to level it up before we can actually use it which is generally why i was kind of sitting around waiting for the great admiral to spew itself out into existence but that's going to take far too long so instead we're just going to sail the barbary corsair round on over here to the barbarian camp and try and grind some levels out of thin air we've now met most of the gandhis in the game and all of them are basically telling us that they worship some kind of nuclear deterrent it's of course terrifying for us mere mortals but i rest assured hoping that gandhi chooses not to obliterate me for another few turns now we have almost made it to the barbarian camp and here we are look at this perfect we're in a prime position now to actually start fighting the barbarian camp so what we're going to do is raid to this outpost and next turn that should summon in a barbarian unit for us to grind levels on using the corsair and there it is it's a crossbow boy so we're going to start attacking him and gaining some experience after a couple of skirmishes we should be in the money there we go we'll be able to strike them again gain five experience fantastic stuff but appear there's another unit hiding in the bush over here so we're just going to attack that guy as well for even more experience and we are just one combat away from leveling up now perfect and as soon as we level up that is game set and point where is this guy going what why are you going towards my other dude my other dude can kill you but i don't want him to i want to kill you with my booty boy come back please please come back next turn i'll even move the boat away so you won't even see him just retreat please no oh he just ran into my guy why would you do that oh the ai sometimes obscenes i can't immediately find something for us to murder with our boat we're going to simply have to sit around and wait for the next ar unit to spawn in our fantastic a brand new unit has spawned in and the game is now over so here's what's going to happen we're going to attack this one unit here immediately do a lot of damage but most importantly gain a promotion on our barbary corsair when i'll move in finish the job fantastic next turn we will now have infinite money we no longer need to actually start spending money building units instead we can just i don't know start immediately focusing down wonders and the reason we're doing this is going to become very clear money as we know it is basically completely and utterly over and here's why you see with the addition of the new barbarian camps in the game the raiding mechanic on barbarian camps has changed normally if you walked into a barbarian camp and you were the only unit on it bam you immediately raised that guy down to the ground and got some money now however you have an option you can raid the clan and gain some gold but just agitate it and it will spawn a unit next turn or you can destroy it completely now of course raiding it gives you money and money is good but you can only raid it once every 10 turns this is where the game is actually wrong you can raid it more than once every 10 turns because if you have a barbary corsair you can raid this bad boy as many times as you like there's just one slight issue the developers were aware of that and so if you try and rage using a barbary corsair you get no money that's right this is uncoastally raidable kind of because what happens when you upgrade your barbary corsair with loot loot is a simple bonus plus 50 gold from every coastal raid on standard speed as we're on marathon that's plus 100 gold now we just have to quickly kill this crossbow boy but next time you're going to work out why this is now going to be completely utterly destroyed because you see with that upgrade our barbary corsair here is now able to gain money from raiding we're going to raid this barbarian camp and get 150 gold and can we do it again oh oh can can we do that again oh dear what if we did it again oh and again and again oh and we now have the most money in the game that's right everyone else in the game now is very poor because relatively money has no actual value it's just the value we give it and if someone has infinite money then money no longer has any value whatsoever and guess what ladies and gentlemen we've just got ourselves infinite money because this barbary corsair can raid this barb camp as many times as it likes per turn because the corsair's special ability is that it doesn't lose any movement or attacks for doing a raid but if you have a tile that can be rated an infinite quantity of times per turn oh well then you've just got yourself infinite money ladies and gentlemen this is an urgent appeal from the spifco charity we have too much money every minute in spifco headquarters millions and millions of gold suddenly appears out of thin air we can't use this gold we don't know where to put it and honestly it's just too much you can do your part by liking this video and taking some of that gold away from us each like on this video is worth ten thousand gold do your part and save us from drowning in our own unimaginable world please help us now immediately we're up to 3 000 gold which is a good position to be in because it means we can just buy all of these buildings do we want a temple sure that's gold do you want a workshop oh we're gonna need 300 gold for that now 300 gold that's a good few turns of gold production or it's just a couple of clicks on this lovely little barb camp there we go and now we can build ourselves a workshop to power level our production now that doesn't seem very fair but the interesting thing is that this exploit can get even worse because this is turn 666 and you know what that means it means we're going to summon the devil himself by creating so much wealth how are we going to do it well in one simple and easy step allow me to introduce to you a macro program say hello to macro recorder standard a nice little piece of software which is pretty interesting the way this software works is i can basically record a mouse movement on my computer and then repeat it as many times as i like and you know what that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to record the movement of pressing the coastal raid button and then clicking on the barb camp repeat it as many times as we like and then i'm going to be leaving my computer running to just see how much money i can actually make so let the recording begin what we want to do is move these two objects as close together as possible so that the click speed is actually as fast as possible then we're going to press record and it begins we're going to simply click here click here click here click here click here click here and then repeat there we go now that's all we're going to need we can simply stop and we now have ourselves a perfect macro how does this look in practice well it's going to look a little bit terrifying because what we do is we select our barbary corsair press my defined hotkey and watch as the entire thing repeats itself continuously now every time we do this you'll notice money going up in the top left and i'm not even touching my keyboard anymore the only issue is this is kinda slow it's not perfect and it can be improved so what are we going to do well what we're going to do is alter the playback speed to actually run at 1 000 times its original intended speed and we're also going to repeat this recording a thousand times welcome to my hell well now as soon as i press the numpad key chaos is going to happen the movement of the money transfer is fast it's speedy and it is perfect look at it go within just a few moments you'll notice we're making thousands and thousands of gold a process that would normally take turns and turns to do we are able to do without a turn even ending just by clicking this camp over and over again now lo and behold ladies and gentlemen this is infinite wealth and i think it's time for a good old proper money making [Music] montage and would you look at that ladies and gentlemen 1.4 million gold this is more gold than we would ever need it is absolutely insane if you had a game with as many players as possible in civ 6 and you all sat down there's a very decent chance you would never make 1.5 million gold this money is so extreme it's about my average yearly spending on tea bags but what if we could go even higher in what it's only taken us about half an hour to get here what about 5 million it'll take a few hours but you know what ladies and gentlemen we need to go higher more gold more game breaking to five million we go six and a half hours later there it is ladies and gentlemen five million gold more money than anyone could ever reasonably spend it's fantastic using this money we could do whatever we liked we could fill the entire map with units every single tile could have its very own crossbowman just sat there loitering around doing nothing if you go over to the player cards you'll notice that we're starting to completely and utterly break the display value gandhi only has 665 gold but it's turn 666 and that means we're breaking the game look at how glorious it displays but ladies and gentlemen we're halfway there what happens when you hit 10 million well i'm going to go into the macro builder and i'm going to set it up so that it should exactly reach 10 million from this point and i'm gonna be leaving my computer running overnight as we calculate this bad boy so let's go make some money day two well ladies and gentlemen we're back with not quite 10 million gold as you can see we have 8 million three hundred and eighty eight thousand six hundred and eight gold this is actually the maximum amount of gold you can have in the game as you can see we can click on the corsair click to coastally raid and the money doesn't go up this is because this is the maximum quantity of gold that the game can actually even display if we were to spend some of this gold let's say 980 of it on this trader you'll notice it goes down to 8387 and then from this point we can actually work it back up again but there you go this is the maximum cap the maximum amount of money you are allowed to have in civ 6 i don't think anyone has ever reached this number before and yet here it is we've done it today ladies and gentlemen using just one simple floaty boy ultimately who would win an entire world economy or one floaty boy with a whole bunch of angry torches and an empty barbarian stick shack of course the floaty boy is going to destroy any world economy so you know what ladies and gentlemen we've got all of this gold lying around we might as well do something fun with it and you know what we've got a couple of gandhi's here so i don't see why we shouldn't do a little bit of early border expansion first let's just buy ourselves a university using all of this gold we can also buy ourselves another trader and also we've got a whole bunch of great people over here great people cost gold quite a lot of gold in fact this great person here 11 000 gold this bad boy instantly creates a bombard with one level of promotion so we buy him and if we use him up instantly we get ourselves a bombard but of course we're gonna need more military units than that so we should probably also buy ourselves a knight we can move this crossbowman off the capital and also buy ourselves a barbary corsair to attack the coastline here we could also buy this great admiral to also get a nice upgraded corsair you know we should also probably create a religion and because we're able to use gold we're going to be able to get a religion before everyone else in the game this is quite powerful because religions can provide great bonuses anyway that's it turn 666 is finally over let's get these trade routes rolling right our great general here who's going to make us a bombard is going to wander on down south turn himself into a bombard which is quite useful considering i don't think anyone else in the game even knows what a bombard is immediately that's taken our military strength up to some incredible levels equally it's time for us to sail the great fleet down south so francis drake in fact we're going to be able to use him and convert him into a barbary corsair right now it's time for us to make a religion of course we are now massively ahead of everyone else when it comes to religion making which is absolutely perfect so we're going to create ourselves the religion of hyperinflation we're going to naturally pick up feed the world for the increased food and housing in our cities and now in order to make ourselves even more powerful we're going to do something absolutely insane we're going to pick up the crusade bonus which is usually a religious belief that is hardly ever used in game the reasoning is simple it gives combat units plus 10 combat strength when within the borders of foreign cities that follow this religion basically if you're next to a city which is owned by someone else that also follows your belief then your crossbowmen are effectively going to somehow drop their crossbow and pick up an m16 it's completely and utterly perfectly balanced the reason most people don't use this card is simple pretty much every other faction is going to have a religion and if they start noticing you converting their city they're going to start getting rid of your religion however remember look at how far away everyone else is from a great prophet they're hundreds of turns away consequently we can just do something absolutely insane and start buying ourselves some missionaries all right you know what ladies and gentlemen it's time we've spread our religion of hyperinflation into two of gandhi's cities he is very upset because we denounced him and you know what i think it's time that we go to war so gandhi i'm afraid it's time we're going to declare a formal war that's right it's going to be jazzy it's going to be majestic all of the other gandhis are immediately upset they don't like the gandhi's being taken away like this but don't worry we're going to be using our incredible perfectly balanced strategy of mega ships of death you see these ships have a range strength for 50 unless i put them into the borders in which case they have a range strength of 60. oh it really is that easy anyway let's wander in and oh look at that a skirmisher yet he's going to get attacked oh is that a crossbow boy it is oh this is going to be very fun right all we need to do is just get into the borders of these cities and then we can start the fun mega attack let's do a ranged attack and another ranged attack and then send in the ironclad baby right ironclad you can stay here perfect right bombard kill this unit go crossbowmen kill this unit go oh we can coastally rate this science place as well there we go that's given us 477 science perfect oh i do love good science raid using that we've managed to jump straight into the lead in terms of science and we're also tearing down the walls of this city perfect and can we raid it again oh we've raided it a second time in that turn can we raid it again oh we just rated it yet again okay so we can raid the same tile three times apparently in this game mode and we can still also coastally attack perfect and you know let's buy ourselves a few more units to throw into the battle i think one more pikemen would be a good idea and then we're also sending over another boat from this city this boat can sail up around the southern coast here we're now destroying this city over here meanwhile our knight is just wandering around pillaging everywhere we're going to send this boat up the coastline to the city we're going to pillage this log place we're going to attack this crossbow boy i reckon we're going to actually be able to take this city this turn and oh yes we are there we go we're going to bring its walls down and then just march at night into it and were bam that's it is ours oh perfectly balanced we going to keep this city yeah we might as well keep this city why not right now time to bombard their city here this is their second city originally but with a bombard there's going to be basically nothing left of it would you look at that they very politely decided to step off of their campers meaning i can now farm it for science said science is going to give us the ability to construct janissaries these are really really powerful units provided you build them in cities that you didn't actually place yourself which is soon going to become all of our cities so we can just buy as many janissaries as we want and trust me these are powerful boys right now let's go send the fleet over and we're going to blaze siege to the final capital of delhi right once again we'll bombard the city walls the walls are now gone we fire over the boats the boaty boys do their damage we send in the ironclad and the city is ours perfect stuff we're gonna keep the city yeah we might as well keep the city but most importantly we're going to buy ourselves another janissary right it's time for the bombard brigade to start marching onwards as we've got ourselves another city to take although this one's going to be a little bit more difficult as they decided to successfully build their city in quite an awkward position right our military strength is now up to one thousand and the gandhi that we're fighting is down to zero uh we're able to just sail our fleet around and bombard the remaining cities as much as we like with absolutely no retaliation from the enemy right now let us march in the janissaries and the horsey boys perfect another city falls to the might of my empire now in order to make this attack even faster we're just going to buy as many barbary corsairs as we can possibly get our hands on and sell them all round to the capital for maximum damage oh wow now all of the ais in the game are getting very upset and grouchy classic ai right now we're just taking out this military encampment here not that they actually even have any military units spawned from this encampment but mostly just because i enjoy doing a bit of damage there we go and also what allows us to farm some experience meanwhile the walls of delhi are crumbling to our giant majestic bombard unit and will start the great pillage of culture and science from the capital of delhi all in all this war has been very profitable because there's a lot of resources that we're not very good at gaining because we haven't built any campuses we've literally only built one single boaty boy but that single boaty boy has held up our entire economy right now we're going to once again destroy this camp and we should be able to yet firstly raid some gold here and i guess it is pretty much time for us to start attacking this main city i want some culture there there we go we can complete humanism i want to bombard the main city send in the janissaries and also give me some science there we go i love it when a good old plan comes together well this is going to be it ladies and gentlemen the last stand of delhi we've surrounded it with more boaty boys than anyone should logically have access to at this time and we're able just to besiege the entire thing into the ground with one shot of this bombard and a couple of janissaries the city will now fall and there you have it gandhi has been removed well one of gandhi's there's many gandhis in fact and will now take control of this city and with that i'd say it's pretty much safe to assume that we have completely and utterly destroyed civ 6 the entire game is now ours we still have 8 million gold in the bank and we have this barbarian camp where apparently we still have this sign going for the rest of time itself we still have this barbarian camp which we can farm infinite gold from for the rest of the game no one is able to stop us from farming that gold and if our city were to expand and take it into its borders then don't worry we can just go up here or find another one there's millions to find it really is this easy in order to gain complete and utter total power in civ six and look all of these other ais absolutely hate us they have so many grievances against us but what if we just gave them a gift of say 10 grand look at that isn't that quite nice gandhi likes that and this gandhi here's a bit unfriendly towards us but hey what if we establish a residence embassy he's going to accept that and then if we give him a whole bunch of gold suddenly he's going to be a good friend with us isn't that lovely you know before i go we might as well do something absolutely hilarious and by every single great person possible let's go more and more great people just spawn them all in at the capitol come on we have infinite money it's going to be nothing okay i've got all of the remaining great generals in the game and i'm pretty sure this is now going to completely utterly break everything look at all of these great generals and what can they all do well they can all do insane things this guy makes an envoy this guy gives us a cavalry unit this guy gives us a warrior monk this lovely man here is going to give us an entire spec ops unit which is pretty interesting because we can para drop him in 1614 a.d despite the fact that planes i'm pretty sure haven't been invented this lovely guy here is going to give us a modern anti-tank which has 80 combat struck because it's technically an anti-cavalry unit that means that this incredible guy here for some reason with his really long rpg is going to be able to evaporate horses like no tomorrow and douglas macarthur here is going to retire and give us one straight up tank this is just a regular old tank ladies and gentlemen it's incredibly powerful and has a huge amount of damage and we have it in 1614 a.d what have i done to you six i'm so sorry oh god i'm so sorry but there you have it ladies and gentlemen this has been how to break civilization six by generating infinite money there has been no civ game quite like this and hey if you've enjoyed it then make sure to give the video a like and hop on down into the comment section and do your part in breaking the youtube algorithm by engaging with this video as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our amazing channel supporters who pledge money each month to make all of these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you majestic people and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next because you're ready to have an incredible youtube binge with a nice warm cup of tea in hand then look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be exactly what you're looking for anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day my friends and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,969,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, civ 6, breaking the economy, breaking, infinite money, perfectly balanced game, money exploit, unlimited money, spiffing brit, game exploit, strategy game, 4x, civilization 6, exploit, funny, the spiffing brit exploits, video game exploit, funny moments, perfectly balanced, Breaking The Economy With INFINITE MONEY, civ 6 exploit, civ 6 guide, civ 6 update, civ 6 perfectly balanced, video game, infinite money glitch, civilization exploit, montage, civ 6 glitch
Id: xszh8hfMGu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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