How Many Watermelons are there in Oblivion? Oblivion Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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yes there we go spawn them in Oh lovely Oh lovely yes goodbye combatants Oh God hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Bert and today we're back in the world of Elder Scrolls for Oblivion answering one very important question how many melons are too many melons in order to answer this question we're going to have to look into the deep and in-depth history that the watermelon has with the Elder Scrolls franchise as well as its place in the veritable food chain in elder scrolls and most importantly how to break the entire reality of oblivion in order to create more watermelons than feasibly anyone should ever have access to all of these things and more are going to be demonstrated today so you might want to brace yourself and grab yourself a cup of tea because we're going to be doing some very crazy things today so if overdue I think it's time we dive right into this video and for that we're going to need a brand new save file ah lovely I'm excited for this yep there we go we've got the cutscene everyone knows the cutscene now we don't need the cutscene Thank You Shaun being very generous of you now of course in order to find every single watermelon in oblivion you're going to need a appropriate character for doing the job for that we need to create the fantastic melon man someone who is quite simply a living and breathing melon and considering there is already a race which is arguably a veritable shade of melon this is actually a very easy job alright now let's go for the shape we've got an entire job to do need to make the roundest boy imaginable oh yes crank that up to wide maximum already we've kind of destroyed his nose but it's fine don't worry there we go we've just removed his chin from existence his cheeks as well need to be nice and wide our lovely stuff look at this a beautiful Melanie man we can actually have his neck go up and into his body his neck is now reversed and there's actually a kind of like a dome underneath his chin which is absolutely terrifying we've created such a beautiful man he kind of looks like a green loaf of bread at the moment but I'm sure he'll turn into more of a Melanie boy with time now for the nose which up until now has kind of been squished to say the least well now it is time to create mega nose oh my god actually I've just done the inverse apparently there's no an in-depth little gap there his nose kind of goes into the brain not really sure how it works but it's just working right and now have some good old watermelon shading okay I'm not sure if he's kind of gone from being a melon into being a shiny shiny shiny man and it kind of feels like he has to it extends I don't particularly understand how the complexion slider changes the size of his face oh my god but we can take him into one very wide melon here okay bright this is what we're going for its melon man ladies and gentlemen he's probably your sleep demon if I'm honest and if he comes to you at night and whispers things into your ears which are terrifying and how to collect the entirety of the world supply of melons he'll take your family away from you then fear not he's done it to everyone the Medellin man is real and you cannot escape him so let's create a lovely orc melon man oh yeah look at our sweet beautiful boy he's amazing oh he's very nice one thing I don't recommend though is looking at the inside of his face is a little bit a little bit disconcerting but then most of us don't look pretty on the inside of our heads do we all right let's get on with our oblivion adventure Oh fantastic all right they've got some people coming through here lovely hello Emperor Oh you've seen me before have you you don't want to see that oh my god he's been hosted by the Belen man - and for oral sex with you okay oh please you cannot defeat the melon man Oreo what's going on like fantastic I'm going to be able to go on a lovely adventure with them lovely stuff now interestingly enough ladies and gentlemen I have some fun statistics to do with melons and oblivion whilst we go through the tutorial section you see there are actually exactly a hundred and eighteen different melons inside the world of oblivion they have 78 different spawn locations and because there are food they actually respawn meaning theoretically there are infinite melons but with only 118 spawn locations now this statistic might seem like there's a lot of melons in oblivion but this is actually not that many you see in comparison there are 734 different apples in oblivion there are 614 different pieces of bread 358 pumpkins that's right there's more Kin's than watermelons possibly the only food I found that the watermelon has an advantage on is the humble cheese wheel you see they're only 68 spawns of the cheese will in the world of oblivion making the watermelon technically more powerful now welcome to the lovely section of the game which I call the optional increase sneaked a maximum on rap section where you can basically crouch down and set the autorun key to just pop you into a wall but that's not the run we're going for here today right now it's time for us to continue on our lovely adventure our fantastic we've even found off first bits of food here of rusty Apple and what's that a cheese wedge well there's a loss of cheese which it's not so many cheese wheels and nice and rare oh my god our watermelon boy looks so stupid with a little helmet on in vice so cute though he's so cute you could just squish his face together he's so shiny as well lights literally emanates from his body maybe this is what happens to you when you eat 700 watermelons or something like that I think it's entirely biologically possible now we need to continue on our lovely adventure and we've almost finished the entire tutorial section right wait just up to the point where there we go we've met the King again there we go yep we've just dropped in to save them and my god that man got eat it now when it comes to picking what star sign you're going to have you always need to pick the lover trust me ladies and gentlemen it's just the best option of free paralyzing spell it's brilliant it is time for the adventure to continue oh my god why is the Emperor so goddamn smiley look his happy little face he knows he's literally about to be murdered oh just look at the pizza it's such a happy chappy oh now you're sad I don't know he's happy look at that happy little smile he's so it just makes no sense oh my god I love this game it's crazy right now fantastic we're off on our lovely adventure to escape through the sewers of the capital into the sewers we go lovely as and all it takes is a little bit of a hop skip and a jump through all of these sewers we don't really need anything in here definitely want to fight it rats for days and days on end so it's just a simple case of escaping and there we go lovely it's the exit out into the world of oblivion fantastic stuff it's always such a beautiful sight this game considering how old it is still actually an absolute joy to play the clunky controls I do admit are a bit annoying but beyond the clunky controls in the fact that you're going to get a hundred million quests if you have the DLC enabled the game is absolutely beautiful it really is just look at how fantastic the map still holds up this really was the game changer for RPGs it wasn't necessarily the best RPG ever made but or certainly a marked improvement over previous attempts I'm not saying more ruins bad I'm just saying that when you're playing a game which gives you a similar view distance to me after having about 17,000 gin and tonics on a night out then you're kind of having a bit of an issue considering everything just becomes a bit of a blurry mess after two meters this game however if you can see it you can go over there and I love that aspect that truly is part of a joyous experience in an RPG so watermelons where do we find our first watermelons an excellent question ladies and gentlemen and there is actually several easy answers for this what we're going to do is be quite simply going to walk our way into the imperial capital because we've an important meeting to get to an important meeting with a very special individual with very interesting items and quantities of wealth so what you don't want to do is go to the Imperial Plaza district it's an absolutely beautiful place and simply run on over here to ace completely hidden off house in the corner which I've actually been to probably every single time I've played oblivion for good reason it's Dorian's house Dorian is of course a lovely individual why is he so lovely well it's because he grants infinite money hello there Dorian now naturally if we want to steal the gold we're going to have to start putting paralyze onto a blade in order to do that we need to join the mages guild hello Cara I'm just gonna join the mages guild yes I want to join the guild I might look like a Marilyn but trust me I'm 100 percent a magical dude right I'm just gonna walk straight through here I don't even care what's going on over there and then of course up here we also have a poison of paralysis which we're going to grab no thank you mages guild time for me to leave I've stolen everything that I want to so now that we have our lovely poisoning dagger it's time for us to go back over to the Tallis Imperial Plaza and then once again make to the lovely person's house come on I know it's around here somewhere fantastic Dorian's house oh we actually have to try and lockpick to get in right well I've run out of lockpicks this is an issue guess I'm just gonna have to wait there we go now that I first traveled about to progress time we are now able to go visit our lovely friend Dorian with our brand-new poison blade where are you Dorian right into your house we go time to make sure we equip the right weapon for the job and nice silver dagger should do the trick and then hello there Dorian now of course if we can bribe you that's even better that's more gold you have lovely stuff now all we need to do drop down on autosave add some paralysis to a lovely little dagger and then stab him and now that he's down on the ground we can successfully loot him and of course this man has infinite money so we're going to need kind of just enough gold in order to buy a large quantity of watermelons because you know we need to actually purchase watermelons and several items if we're going to achieve the ability to duplicate infinite watermelons this game is absolutely stupid the fact that this has now just become a classic default immediate opening move for me to do whenever I play this game is just downright stupid and I love it I basically open up every single oblivion game at this point by immediately going to Dorian's house and stabbing him with a poisoned blade and there we go we've 69 thousand gold I'm pretty sure this is everything we will quite possibly need for out the entirety of oblivion of God we've been caught right let us current bounty 34 thousand gold oh let us go to jail lovely stuff I do love going to jail no we need to do is simply wait out our sentence and straight back out we go but now with 69 thousand gold bugs apparently we don't lose anything from going to jail beyond the occasional statistic now with our exceedingly large quantities of gold we're now going to go to the Imperial City Market district to try and secure ourselves of watermelon now some fun facts about the history of the watermelon they're basically entirely native to Africa yet there is evidence of the watermelon growing in Egypt during the ancient Egyptian period and in the temp Center it even made its way over to China which is now the largest exporter of watermelons in the entire world anyway we're going to go to the mystic Emporium because I'm hoping that they're going to have items that I need a local until are perfect they have got things that I need you see we need basically Scrolls any number of scrolls is enough to have infinite Scrolls and so for that reason we're going to want 16 of these absorb minor magical Scrolls for only 400 gold lovely we can then also pick up any other ones that kind of tickle our pickle is nothing too incredible here maybe we'll grab shocking touch I guess lovely stuff thank you until you lovely saucy sausage anyway now that we have all of that all we need is a watermelon so where's our nearest watermelon well actually if you go literally just across the road into Edgar's discount spells for some reason the man keeps a healthy supply of watermelons so we're going to break into his upstairs House of beans we have no lock picks now what we're going to want to do in order to gain access to his upstairs is to crouch down in this corner and hopefully summon him over to our position yes because we're looking mighty suspicious right about now care now what you're going to do is run past him do a crouch down and enter into his private area there we go he didn't notice us coming here now upstairs in Edgar's private area you'll notice he has his lovely bed but most importantly look at these fine watermelons specimens these are beautiful little saucy buggers so yes we're just going to steal his four watermelons which he keeps up here for I don't know safekeeping now it's time for us to exit out of the shop Thank You Edgar as your watermelons will not be missed and now it's time for us to create infinite watermelons using a handy dandy item duplication strategy now in order to duplicate whatever item you want in the game or you simply need are a bunch of Scrolls now what you're going to want to do is basically drop all but one of the items that you wish to duplicate so we're going to drop 15 absorbed minor magical Scrolls there on the floor and then we're going to select the chameleon scroll habit selected then hover over the actual item we wish to duplicate hold down shift and then click in order to drop and that will now duplicate the minor magical Scrolls lovely stuff and we now have 31 minor Magica Scrolls now simply repeat the process with the chameleon scrolls drop 15 of them select minor magicka and then drop the chameleon scrolls and now we have over 30 chameleon Scrolls this is simply how to cause crazy quantities of inflation and destroy all economy imbalance in the game r46 chameleon Scrolls now you can see where this is going simply drop our minor magicus grows all 30 of them down on the ground they're lovely and select your chameleon drop more and bam now 46 Scrolls of minor magic er the fact that this game allows you to have infinite items of any quality as well as infinite gold literally right out the gate is downright stupid and I love it they've got drop the 45 chameleons crows on the ground and duplicate once again now there's 70 of them oh my god they're everywhere come back chameleon scroll oh my goodness I'm over encumbered oh my god look at the physical weight I've over 1,000 absorbed minor Magica Scrolls Oh beads I'm gonna have to drop all of the chameleons crows on the floor I can't move it's so heavy my god what else can I drop we can drop all these terrible potions as I'm never going to use weak potions of healing no thank you there we go now we can actually move again now we do have a couple of incredible benefits which is that we now have all these watermelons but I realized we have actually run into an issue our watermelons are actually marked as stolen because you know I stole them which is an issue because stolen items can't be duplicated using Scrolls I'm going to need to use other complicated means and by that I mean I actually need to find other watermelons so let's go into an end because I'm hoping that they'll have a food vendor who's more than happy to sell me some lovely watermelon I mean they literally have it down on the ground next to them so surely they sell it or do I want I want watermelon what have you got you've got oranges pears pumpkins sweet cakes watermelons yes thank goodness we have free watermelons here I'd like to buy all three of them you lovely fantastic person could buy vellus incredible own I'm over encumbered I'm stuck right well now I need to drop even more things there we go now I can run so now I have the ability to duplicate and summon 1000 watermelons wherever I like so let's give this bad boy a try and see if we can physically flood the entire marketplace with melons simply select my magical absorption scroll and drop watermelons oh my god the games gone game come on come on come on I believe it you it's frozen we're now looking at the floor I can see a watermelon come on Todd I believe in the game I believe in the game look at it go oh my goodness oh it's beautiful it's 2000 entire watermelons look at this beauty what's an incredible thing can we actually find a tiny shop and just flood it with watermelons now yes lovely Tertullian virus you have a lovely little shop here but I'm noticing it's got corn and it's got lettuces and pumpkins I am not seeing any watermelons and you know what that means my friend it's watermelon punishment time deploy the melon sorry your entire shop is now going to be filled with melons for the next 70 years and the game has crashed like the final frame of the game there looked like it just suffered effectively a black hole of watermelons that was sucking in all of reality and it appears to have sucked in the entire game engine of oblivion because you know it's now completely gone oh my goodness I'll be back in a second with more watermelons the adventures not over I require more now on the topic of watermelon exploits and is actually quite a famous fing the watermelon exploit in terms of oblivion for several reasons one being because there was a actual og bug in the game which was quite possible the easiest way to duplicate items where for some reason just about a consumable item could be used as ammunition for a bow so what you would do is you'd select your rusty iron both and select your arrows then what you do is you basically be able to deselect an arrow and select say a watermelon instead if you then had say a stack of 59,000 arrows and you selected the watermelon instead and fired a shot you would instead have 59,000 watermelons spawn at the end of your shot this led for some pretty interesting situations where you could basically go into a nice big room for an hour of the ceiling and then summon forty billion watermelons in our case it leads for some pretty interesting events let's say all of the watermelons now in the Market District though have an idea what if we go to the arena oh yes could we just deploy watermelons in the arena does the game lettuce right it's time for me to become a fighter in the arena lovely last time we did this we absolutely smashed them with our completely overpowered stats but that's not what I'm here for today instead I'm just here to join the arena and cause chaos right I am ready for a match lovely got to wear the light armor in order to actually participate in a fight so I'll quickly grab that bad boy oh there we go lovely look at me actually please don't there's just some disgusting things going on with his body which I'm not comfortable we've got the way that his body just kind of like cuts into position like his neck looks like it has just been slapped on by glue into that body the two just don't match nothing of this body matches with anything else and have a great future of course bye Vizsla in the correct situation and lighting people literally ascend into beyond a four sheets of paper of white it just makes no sense whatsoever just look at how this man glistens and glows in and out of reality all right another lovely bet established we can actually join a fight let's do it I'm ready for a match all right this will be one heck of a good fight let's do it let us go come on my friends adventuretime in the arena please ignore all of the blood all right fantastic you've made ourselves into the arena and it's time to confuse our combatants in true oblivion fashion we might win this fight we might not but what we can do is cause a good bit of chaos hey there we go here they come heading towards us right now we must do our classic ultimate move select absorb minor magic a scroll and then drop the watermelon and now the game is having some computational issues and it's gone Oh beans we're gonna have to try this get with less water balance my poor PC can't even handle a puny thousand watermelons pathetic right here we go it's time for a lovely fight I'm ready for our legendary and fantastic fight of what do I have to duplicate we've only got those thousand Scrolls right let me drop some of them wolf at 12,000 scores and we dropped 600 on the ground here okay right now time to build a defensive wall of 600 watermelons okay game process it process it there we go I see the mainland just some of the melon into the reality there we go it's now splitting just like the atom and now this is life we're creating life ladies and gentlemen at one frame a second here it comes it's beautiful it's terrifying at the same time oh my god they're just running over the watermelons quick some one more and drop there we go someone more melon they won't be able to work their way through this one this should be the defining melon there we go it's duplicating we will need to technically grab one out of the Finnair when the frames come back up I cut the fruits the poison is now gone the enemy opponent I cannot physically see them they have become the melon all right we're back to the melon combat and we have kind of got pushed back into this area down here it would appear our component our combatant is actually running towards us so we're going to have to drop more melons as is the only way to fight them and they are coming towards us at high speed though so we will need to yank a melon out of the air oh my god they gave us a right bash there how many right two please and we're going to need to drop more my goodness they just keep coming and they don't stop coming oh my god they're like riding a surf wave of melons down towards us grab the melon and throw the melon there we go it's just spawned its spawned over to the right now hopefully the force of the melon might be enough to push the enemy away from us we'll have to see but so far it's just spawning in more melons to come to terms of the already large quantity of melons we already have actually happens if I fly out of it let's turn off collisions let's have us fly away from the watermelons oh my god they've really chasing us terrible just to climb straight out from the melons okay no they're not wow oh my god and the faces of the people in the arena now that that's truly terrifying I've never seen it before but yes our friend over there is in a bit of an awkward spot oh my god I hit toggle freak a man what is this what is it given us what is this is this what we look like in the arena are we just stuffing more than arms and legs is that all we can some pretty kinky boots Tod's is how what you've edited here is this the ideal form of man or is it towards ideal form of humanity I'm not sure it could be anything right we're back and collisions back oh my god and they're back okay I have to totally turn off again my god you have one angry individual look at them run that's so speedy we can just go over here into the lovely melon area they're just straight at us so fast if only we could eat save I don't know some melons to regain some health oh my god they just kind of phase in and out of reality as well it's just so many of them back here I wonder if we can actually build a wall because so far we haven't built a perfect wall of melons is that just suspended melons and virtual reality yes it has oh my god it's just an infinite harvestable quantity of melons it's just putting them in space oh it's because I turned off collisions that's why now it's spawning in the melons now the wall of melons comes in and now we can drop a novel wall of melons on top of that existing wall of melons yes there we go spawn them in Oh lovely Oh lovely yes goodbye combatives oh god get it closer could I shoot an arrow at them oh my god is this hell is this melon hell what is this vodka Strasse tea and they were going to hit him with a shock spell that was enough one shock spell oh my god I'm stuck I'm actually stuck I'm completely stuck leave the arena now there's not a doorway there's no door just melon at the body of the person I've killed is gone it's just watermelons down there oh it's beautiful what a beautiful game I've created oh my god what have you done melon man what have you done you've turned an innocent individual into melons there is nothing left of their physical body it is only melon oh wait I see a leg I see a leg in there a single leg melon man are you happy are you happy with yourself yes are very happy with myself I've done it I physically turned an individual into man is that really something to be proud of who knows who knows and there we have it ladies and gentlemen The Adventures of the lovely melon man have come to an end he's done an absolutely incredible job if I do say so myself of really increasing the quantity of melons that oblivion has to offer no longer we constrained to the simple 170 or so melons were meant to have access to we can now have thousands of melons at easy access for whatever occasion and most importantly for every occasion whether you like them or not there will be a melon there no longer can the world fear starvation for there are infinite melons instead the world should fear the imminent melanin of all matter in the universe and protip ladies and gentlemen if you want to prove that you live in the matrix quite simply summon 1000 melons in Finnair and if you do live in the matrix the matrix should crash because everyone knows causing over a thousand melons to instantly spawn in on top of each other will crash every single game no matter what it is completely not a hardware oversight on tot Howard and a lack of optimization for Todd Howard would never create something which isn't perfect all hail the mighty divine creator Todd may he forever be with us anyway as always ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for what she gives you have indeed enjoyed watching a very strange adventure today then feel free to give the video like it does massively helped me out and answer me this question how many melons is too many melons and if you answer incorrectly you will be turned into a melon it's a good luck in the comment section and of course a massive thank you to each and every one of my but jest ik patrons who make all of these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously without you we wouldn't be able to have this level of crazy support we've got some very wacky things coming up including some fun minecraft servers and so on which I'm sure you're all aware of that should be you absolutely great fun once we've got that up and running we should get some very very good videos out of that as well keep your eyes peeled on some of the upcome content it should be absolutely groundbreaking for most online communities anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 876,291
Rating: 4.9280028 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, elder scrolls, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, elder scrolls IV, oblivion, elder scrolls 6, watermelons, oblivion watermelons, watermelons glitch, oblivion glitch, oblivion exploit, elder scrolls glitch, rpg exploit, rpg, rpg game, video game exploit, english, funny, montage, skyrim, How Many Watermelons are there in Oblivion, perfectly balanced, oblivion 10000 watermelons, elder scrolls oblivion, oblivion funny, oblivion quotes, funny clips, funny moments
Id: Qkf0wIECtFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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