Building The Ultimate Money Farm! - Stardew Valley 1.3

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hello everyone today we're gonna be building the ultimate money farm and we're gonna do this in a variety of different ways using mumps little farm it's the first of spring and a new year I believe this is the 26th year when you do a whole bunch of different things to make a whole bunch of money in a variety of different ways I need to run out on the farm and start to visualize this got lots of trees already but those are completely useless for me ice queen hello you the first person in chat Pachelbel's welcome so one of the ways I'm gonna do this is I'm obviously gonna plant some crops but that's not all I'm gonna do because that's boring I'm gonna fill some of these houses with more crystal areum's full of diamonds emily is gonna remain here in this house because she can I'll send all my tools we're gonna get some pigs we're gonna do crops are gonna do some stuff outside the farm this is something I've always wanted to do and was gonna make a video on it and I was like you know what I'll just do it live because it's so much easier for me that way where are my tools probably in this chest okay so we're gonna do few different things actually they're on my person of course they are miss ducks $5 woohoo of course you had the stream in the middle of my work though well that's okay you can just watch your stream instead of working easy answer alright so we're gonna need one more house I'm gonna get rid of this shed because the shed is not a good use of my room so this new live thing is really cool on YouTube because it's showing my stream is offline from what I'm seeing but clearly it's not because everyone's here starry shards yeah I'm just gonna blow up this whole house shed and then we're gonna go build a new house somewhere here yeah we'll keep it consistent even so this one's got to go away so whoever stuff this was is God I forgot about that can't go into that phantom shark for $4.99 hey DF thank you for the awesome videos have a coffee on me thank you phantom shark I will actually have a coffee right here beside me so perfect that one's on you all right let's clear this out got a build a house some Robin upgraded a few times I don't think the instability works with Robins house building yet I think that's got to be updated though it might have been there were a few moderate beats I did just before this all right let's go see Robin she's now officially open I got a bunch of stuff in a way adventure I'm just gonna like just try everything on the farm but for now I need to slowly visualize start building things daily dose of DF I love those daily dose of Internet videos actually really good idea makes a lot of sense at a lot of levels well this new YouTube thing's really annoying I can't see like how many people are here it says it's offline maybe if i refresh it I might have to do that in a minute well what was that when those just is something really weird wow I'm going crazy or something today all right construct farm buildings demolish this shed yep that's gotta go cuz that is not really what I want to do it's not a bad idea I could do sheds actually watch guys the house story need no panic tank $2.00 Mellon Thank You panic you're the melon I need one more kind of house I need the brick one I'm gonna need some bricks for that polka Palace $5.00 been a while since I watched you stream seeing as I worked six days a week for three weeks I'm glad you streamed early much thanks and love thank you very much Pachelbel's glad I could be of service I haven't been doing a lot of streaming the last well and I'm not sure if I'm gonna be doing a lot of streaming moving forward or not but we'll see I need stones and yeah I'm told again the cheaters all into existence that's wrong kind of stone did those actually work for anything there's stone ore in this stone order that's a pun a little tongue-in-cheek humor okay let's build this house because we're gonna fill it with Cristal areum so we need to build it upgrade it etc they should begins to build to get other players in your farm that looks even even enough unicorns Sparkle but I do feel my favorite youtuber ever your melon thank you interesting name okay I'm just gonna work mad caster 341 $5 yeah the reason I started started do amazing videos keep it up thank you Matt caster I will thank you for the kind words yeah alright well actually was in stable twerking can I build something else I could build a pig barn right now though I don't really know where I want to put it yet okay so that obviously did work but they weren't I want pig barn somewhere I might do them up in this corner where the kind of out of the way so I can evenly spaced say three there I could put maybe nine pig barns there or something like that let's go blow up a bunch of trees and get those out of the way you need someone to upgrade that house oh yeah it's gonna be the owner of the house correct well maybe down the road I'll get someone in to upgrade that house spoke for now I've got the other houses the statue perfection best way to get uranium wow I didn't know uranium was in the game oh my tractor is also one like super sized Luna Garcia $2 hi DF keep caffeinated oh I plan on it Thank You Luna Garcia I thought I did the trees turned on but maybe not oh I'm not an axe that's why yep bear with me today it's one of those days last few days have been is 1.3 out on live versions yet 1.3 is still on the beta for PC I don't think there's been any changes really since it's been released this is so much easier Tibet logging wasn't that easy real life I'd be a logger for sure just riding around on the tractor all day drinking coffee collecting wood I'm gonna decide on how I want to do this layout because I want lots of things cuz picture this easy recurring money you don't really have to do anything I am gonna do crops but I don't want to do a ton of them because they're too much work to just constantly redo I could use some mods maybe to make it easier but I didn't really want to get too carried away with mods we're never gonna fill one of the houses of Crystal area it was probably a few of the houses with crystal areum's which is gonna take a bit of work but we'll get through it the best part is my tractor gets to wear your hat we could do those down the edge growing cost I don't know if I want to do that though cuz those again take a lot of work and depending on what mods they have on currently the sprinklers wouldn't even water them and that's just not a lot of fun to constantly do chopping trees the tractor so satisfying it is Jen Hackett welcome lo lotta tried to say hi to my sponsors I gotta drink more coffee just not feeling it yet definite got something meteorites it was one of the ideas people have suggested to me like over the years how long does it take to fill your field of meteorites well the answer is a long time you're never gonna get the answer to that not from me anyway maybe someone will do that one day but it won't be me one no multiplayer came out on a switch that I do not know I don't have any information that the general public does not DF ad cat or dog to the Sims I probably will I do have room for one more person in my stardew valley Sims town and it's probably gonna be well I guess it's gonna be a child now I'll let some animals and stuff I'll add a whole bunch us after that eventually my next node already wow I am it feels wrong we're making progress though Wow surplus of items crazy how much stuff can actually fit in your field mumps the tree Slayer totally all right what's quartz quartz quartz uh give it a few things then hooray the rest up she's hurt my speed up at some point shouldn't I me one and one my twenty Danish crowns why don't you ever say hi to me me one and one my I'll say hi to you now hello me one and one my I try and catch everyone I really do but I just don't because I just don't multiplayer today possibly I might get some other players in here to help me set this up depending on exactly what I want to do I'm still kind of figuring that out as I go so I got lots of room lots of crops lots of pigs I'm gonna do the crystal areum's in the multiplayer houses I'm gonna start on that maybe right now I might do the tappers in the desert again because I was actually cool idea and that just worked really well okay so this one's already done so that's very handy I couldn't remember if I blew it up or not I thought I did but I guess not alright well let's get rid of some of this stuff we got the stranger those who eat show it up I don't think they'll respond on a regular farm is that new I got 10 of those where did those come from I thought those only do that were on the forest farm what do you know all right also we can get rid of if achill like that all right well let's pick these and sell these for now just to show you guys exactly the value of these I'm actually really glad these houses don't have a basement cuz that would be extra room penny penny get out of the way and it's not a lot of fun to lay down crystal areum's constantly low data $5.00 The Lorax is going to come for you now yeah he would not be happy with what I just did it's okay they weren't truffula trees if he showed up I just marry him anyway we're trying winter Jun mo make him harvest everything for me I have ultimate power in this game he has no chance jack neoman or neelam in ten dollars in one cent thank you jack for the ten dollars in one said Barry lemon two dollars can you visit you want to love Pam I love you uh yes Barry lemon for two dollars I sure can miss Tex five dollars I'm gonna be so mad if you stream anywhere for July 8th to July 29th that's when I go to camp and I hate missing your streams well unfortunately there's more than likely gonna be one of them in their summer miss ducks we'll see thank you for the five dollars I need to remember to go see Pam after this it's after 5:00 p.m. so she's clearly gonna be hard to find at the saloon okay so I'm gonna do the other houses Krystal areum's that's maybe gonna be in my next step maybe start planting trees in the desert I didn't need pig barns to yeah maybe pig barns is gonna be next as well canister my movement speed up just a little bit to make this faster it's kinda hard to control when you go like really fast movement speed I generally like it on five or six and I'm laying down items or harvesting my cat is meowing every time you shut up the cat's a fan so 228 in every house I will do diamonds any other houses probably though I do like a star sure they look better than diamonds diamonds just annoy me cuz I've had them for so long look at all the shades of slimes let's get the likes up let's get more likes the trackers amethyst our shirts are worth a little less in diamonds Joan Hackett you are correct star shards are worth I think six gold a day less than diamonds okay we got a scene with Clint what's he up to you he's lonely he's playing jukebox are we moving faster it's a mod good evening Clint hello mom's care to join me not really let me just go ahead and tell you what's on my mind please don't I have a terrible luck with women mumps sigh monster panda 308 who is your favorite to divorce oh that's a good question probably Haley she was the original monster Panda thank you I'm a nice guy to get to know me I swear and I don't want to get to know you and we also have a 10 heart event with Alex okay and we got a long break after that cutscene it'll come back though it better if I crash a game because I was trying to see Pam after all that progress not cool not cool at all okay there we go wait Pam is in here does she not go to the saloon on Mondays chains admiring the cactus I feel like something's different here Oh Pam is here sorry she just disguised as a garbage can nickel doable five dollars because I can't send the MX act amount of my favorite Starbucks drink love the channel and the videos what's your favorite Starbucks drink and thank you so very much for the kind words and donation hey kid if I I'd buy you a drink if I could afford it well you are a garbage can hi y'all would this switch be worth buying for playing stardew valley on the move yes maybe I don't have a switch myself but I'm assuming so okay so right now we're gonna go to bed we're gonna do productive stuff in the morning till Robyn opens then we're gonna plant some pig barns and get that set up I like my sign collection it's following my game is so like jittery and laggy face reveal yeah yeah yeah eventually eventually I will enlighten you with this beautiful face garbage Pam so every one of those houses is worth 150 thousand gold my cursor is slow today so that's every three days so did I say there was fifty thousand three houses would be hundred fifty thousand goal today just off the houses then the crops outside the pigs probably tappers at the desert I could do crystal areum's everywhere but so much work alright so let's just start fresh let's say some bombs down and get rid of some things like this cuz I don't need all these and I don't want to pick them up only to have to reset them I'd rather this spawn new ones and start fresh and what's in the greenhouse right now nothing okay my tractor also stopped spawning to me when I needed it so that's kind of annoying I'm just trying to think if I could do this a proper way no I don't really want to do the growing pots of the sprinklers I'm gonna pretend those don't exist I'm just gonna do good old ancient fruit in here because that's what everyone does and that makes the most sense generally you can do the rare seeds in here but I don't like it cuz then you have to redo it again and again so if you ever wonder why I don't do rare seeds in here yes they are worth more money but there are a lot more work to do because you've got to redo them every single time Onan is coming here pick stuff and that's it misses the timing again such an amateur these days I just don't play sorry Valley enough anymore I'm gonna blame this on my quick moving character for nothing over the line things up properly ooh a better what's OCD he's going nuts with that Shelley's plan like this would that be good I bet you'd all love that it's actually hard to help when your movement speed is up so high okay sprinkler time so we put one there there the layout of this is always really annoyed me come in for someone who doesn't normally care about things like this but if I set them on the edge you just gotta move a few of those boom those don't feel like you don't line up very nicely that's that okay ancient see time fertilizer hey now let's not unless my tractor already also when you move when speed is up it tends to skip spots like that so you gotta pay attention which sucks with me because I'm bad at paying attention and the ancient seeds don't growing growing pots unless you have the mod and then further activate it within the mod very sluggish today very sluggish I need extra coffee to get me going liar shaked liar shake 350 high number I'm such a huge fan of yours you're amazing and I love you this donation is to help you although I broke keeping as amazing as you are I'll catch your ass out in just a sec but thank you for your kind word so far hopefully that doesn't end with something very rude in that case I don't thank you but I don't think it's going to get my street mr. later I'm gonna have to pick that up on stream labs one second I'll get to that okay is that obviously planted a Mike having trouble like visualizing us right now he don't like weirdly space there too but that's okay these are just gonna grow for a while but that's okay it's gonna take a while to finish everything okay I get it let me get the rest that donation be right back ladies and gentlemen solaiyur shaked hi such a huge fan of yours you're amazing and I love you this donation is to help you although I'm broke keeping as amazing as you are love you so much by the way who is your favorite dateable NPC I get asked a lot Holly Abigail these days thank you very much for your kind words oh thank you for your donation liar shaked again don't ever feel obligated to donate or sponsor anything your viewer your viewership is all I require viewership okay I'm gonna remove some of these because I need these to be big barns I don't really want to utilize those who have to water them constantly I could do the water all crops thing but okay so that's app Pig barns there okay we're gonna start with that pig Barnes over there bunny jumps very kind of you don't worry just sponsorships are great but the views just that's more than enough support for me for everyone if you want to sponsor in everything great but don't feel obligated don't feel bad if you can't penny means all about the views all right Robbins is open let's go make some pig barns we're gonna ride the tractor there because I can I forgot how long it actually takes to do the pig thing - because it gotta by individual pigs so we're gonna do maybe six pig barns because we're kind of individually by all those and that takes time oh yeah it's Tuesday so Robins not even here great we'll try it again tomorrow I always forget that who disliked the video maybe Louis pugs games probably two pounds thank you very much pugs games I just liked it because I can't see any of my information I normally have I think I need to refresh that and wonder if that's gonna work sure do crystal areum's today now I wanted to start on pigs I keep getting distracted pigs first I love how the tractor still makes horse noises - tractor horse potato slayer $5 you said don't donate but I'm doing it anyway keep up the good work you keep up the good work potato Slayer thank you very much thank you very much for every donation I get someone in the world gets a divorce I just need to refresh my thing real quick is is really annoying me I need to see my information oh don't crash there we go we're good okay now I can see the viewers and everything that's better I was really weird YouTube's new layout so pigs today gonna be up here clear out the space look up decorative farm layouts actually had a nicely decorated farm once upon a time ago but I don't anymore it was on my original mom spell for year 100 then I found out corrupted and then I corrupted it further by being stupid and that was that all right well let's later on a few crystal areas while we're waiting for Robin to open step number one remove everything that doesn't matter new sponsor sensual barred noise I like the name central barred noise or my newest favorite is person ever sponsor Club green text mom said icon the sponsor package whatever that means these days I don't even know I suppose something along the lines of sponsor only streams potentially what you haven't done in a while but I really should do again and the chance to play multiplayer games because every time I do multiplayer it's always gonna be sponsors first before everyone else Cortana hello welcome alright everything's ready go down a row and you guys can see what I have to go through every time I make a video where I lay down a bunch of crystal herbs or anything I gotta go 12 at a time something like this so you gonna lay them all down and you gotta try and do it in a way that's pretty efficient and then fill them all a house isn't so bad but when you gotta do like the outside world or something it's terrible it takes way too long again which is why I might incorporate multiplayer into this that way someone else can be helping me with this but I'll lay these down for now mostly just waiting for Robin to open she's just about there it's also debatable which ways best for laying things out oh that's new they updated items spawner normally used to be able to do that and it would erase whatever was there not anymore and that's kind of annoying for me because of my key binds for OBS and stuff but that's okay I'll get over it why can't replace on there is that cuz it's Emily's spot oh well that doesn't really work out very nicely I'll get over it okay that's good enough for now let's go see Robin come on horse when did this dream start uh here I'll probably pull you in in a while just to help me with some of this stuff to make it a little quicker the stream started twenty four minutes ago it feels like a long 24 minutes two dislikes rude everyone banned stream over hello beautiful I need pig barns I need Pam houses what in stone yeah I'm not gonna do this idea legitimately because it would just take way too long that's something the old me would do yeah I keep forgetting that annoying construct farm buildings okay bunny jumps yes if you want to help I could probably bring you in as well oh I forgot about grandpa's shrine that's so annoying Hayley two dollars hello mumps how are you doing these days better now that you're out of my life but thank you Hayley see I told him when I get paid when divorce happens Hayley's giving me money after okay so we're gonna go one two three now wish you could rotate Pig buildings run it's the X it's okay every time the X shows up I get more money I probably I'm gonna have to delete the tractor barn eventually but for now it's gonna stay pig barn number two and I'm gonna have to upgrade these of course but least it's on insta build for anyone who remembers that time I filled my farm full of pigs that took a long time because I did that basically legitimately had to build each and every barn upgrade upgrade upgrade at three days each then individually fill with pigs uncle salty $5.00 you suck I'm still waiting on that strawberry uh yeah it's in the mail on go strawberry we can be yours for only two donations of $500 for $99.99 I put that there kind of blocks the view I'll put it there then it's more even space with the area below couple more pig barns I'm already really overheating so this is a lot of fun I wish my AC was quieter I need central air that way it's just cold without the noise of the AC Robin is still a ginger she's forever a ginger she's like a vampire but just a ginger I'll be getting back to start doing Sims in the next day or two as well so stay tuned for that I can't even put that there because it blocks pigs they need two spaces wide cuz they're pigs well thinking thinking thinking yeah we'll go a pig barn here in a pig barn here it's gonna look terrible but it's gonna be okay we'll get over it this is gonna be a big part of the money which I was gonna do more pig barns on what I'm doing but I remembered how much work it is getting some other people in here might help a lot but [Music] Gort Anna $2 ADF question why do you only call Robin the town ginger when leah and Penny are also both gingers good question I don't know I just do which is one of those things I got into I'll get up great dose I forgot I forgot well this is exciting big barn this is the other problem you gotta like slowly scroll over to everything I should've used your elbow Robin but the fun is watching me build it because I'm having so much fun I remember your game legging do to the pigs yeah probably that's okay there's only gonna be this money I believe there is five barns at 12 each that should be 60 pigs big barn wait is it more than that is more than five yeah I can't count today three five seven okay so there's more have I seen Kilian experiences video on stardew valley yes I have not super recently but yes Robo bin hey DF how's this strum it's wonderful yeah maybe gonna get these pig barns done then I'm gonna get some other people in here to assist cuz I'm just really lazy I'll be honest with you we need way more likes anyway more coffee and I'm gonna try not to spill this one on me hmm what's really interesting right now is I feel really hot and cold so that's a good sign every time I feel like yes I'm usually on the edge of a fever so looking forward to that hot yet chilled the best feeling ever well coffee up power through this what is your best legit farm no cheats' used my original mumps wait did I do the wrong one Oh get there it is I don't really have any of the Jeff farms anymore the completionist is legit but my original mumps farm was pretty legit for a long time like it actually I actually skipped out all the way to here 110 essentially without the time skipper monkeys it didn't even exist then whatever you do don't do ASMR don't I already Chiara Morgan welcome welcome to the live stream where I'm annoying myself by building a ridiculous money farm while potentially getting sick Pam needs another reach-around Pam does not need another one one is more than enough coffee I can assert drinking my coffee while I'm doing this big barn what is your favorite favorite flavor of coffee coffee coffee generally if I get anything like if I get an iced coffee it'll be vanilla iced coffee well I do a Sims livestream probably possibly I don't know yet I gotta get more involved in the Sims I'm strong family er enough with it to like do it live okay after this damn bringing other players and because this is this is a lot of work I'm not making any progress here why am i building so many houses for Pam so she has variety did you coffee as a drug yes I did okay so off we go big bharden big barn big barn what ones left this little guy what's your favorite farm you reckon probably this one cuz I can cheat and do ridiculous things the completionist is fun but running out of things to do on it is it just me or is the music sometimes really just annoying I don't think so I think the music just really blends in nicely to the background Ernest it depends though because I don't really listen to like the music in game anymore I have it I got the soundtrack off steam and I play it on the media player in the background so it doesn't end halfway through the day or anything okay what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna sleep and save and then I'm gonna host is for multiplayer because in some of the other players coming on can help me do some stuff because I want to do tappers in a desert again like the Rose of tappers in a desert I want to do house is full of crystal areum's full of diamonds and you're gonna plant some crops eventually I just don't know what exactly yet Caitlyn bag $5 yay finally caught you live enjoy your coffee on me Thank You Kaitlyn back I will that's a promise [Music] okay let's go back to the main menu and then we're gonna host did I ever find that elusive dinosaur egg yeah I felt like a thousand of them I just didn't record it so can everyone who joins cheat yes and that's I'm gonna be careful who's joining so I'm gonna use I'll use buddy jumps and Kyra and maybe that's it for now because every time I bring someone in with with mods it turns into a big old mess really quickly cuz you know I tell people I'm like oh yeah we're just gonna use like no mods or light mods and suddenly everyone and like everyone ever is using every mod and it's a big mess okay so I'm not sure if Kara Candace joined but I'm gonna have to make this screen go black for a sec Wow my brain is really not working today hmm okay let me think for a sec like I gotta think about exactly how I wanna do this hey you see a lightning strike what if I could restart the day if I get struck by lightning if I stand there what time was that at 6:40 interesting no cheating only enhancing that's right that's how we spin it okay yeah he's I got it okay I'm just gonna make this screen go back for a sec it's intentionally black uh send Bunny the code I'm gonna send it to Kyra oh okay she's already in a I'm gonna send it to bunny then okay got that uh well put this stream back on so you guys can see me again there's a way to sponsor TF other than YouTube but there is not but don't ever feel obligated to do that like I said okay I'm gonna freeze the game one more time and I gotta get this sent to bunny jumps hopefully I didn't miss time that and you all saw the invite code but if so well played okay that's going there that's going there I'm still here bringing other players in there we go and there it is yeah I didn't do the proper copy-pasting cuz I'm stupid but they go bunny jumps feel free to join and then yeah we're just gonna go ahead and work on this the stone one is so pretty yeah the upgraded houses look really good don't they well this stone isn't upgraded yet but they will I'm just gonna use those two for now cuz I don't want over win well make I don't want to overwhelm the game with mods and I don't want to overwhelm the game with players with mods cuz already my gamers a little bit laggy so I'm gonna I'm gonna work with these two for now and I'm gonna start buying pigs Valentine gaming $50 a nice purple color haven't had a chance to give you some love in a while glad I got a chance to catch you live again hope you accomplished your goals this glorious day I wanna see my main goal is to drink coffee today anything aside from that is just a cherry on top but thank you very much Valentine gaming for your very generous donation and you've been generous in the past so thank you again we get some love for Valentine gaming in the chat the ever generous oh right gotta start buying some Pam's now cute signature I wouldn't start naming these after sponsors and stuff but that would just take even longer and quite frankly I'm feeling pretty feverish choose a barn for a new Pam sometimes did you get some really funny random name so I can't remember one of the one someone showed me once was I can't order wise it was boner or something really good but I don't often get those names uh Dennis we're gonna use the tappers I don't know what was worth the most maybe someone to check and a light need to that it's not really gonna matter I think they're all like they are scaled so like the quicker they go I think they're gold per day is even but I'm not entirely sure of that but that was my working theory why not just call them ham that's insulting to the pigs choose choose a barn for CEO long mistakes that's normally to why I like to put the pig barns close to like my cabin that weight off the scroll is far they'll be front if I could put pigs in air houses wobbly Gertie Rikers quicker 'z purchase pigs Pam farming yeah we're Pam farming okay I'm gonna fill up this one pig barn and they're gonna move on to something else your bit to break up the monotony of this cuz it's just this is just tough he's not in the mood for this today why are there trees in here Marni why is it wood coming from your room one of my random pigs are named cow can you please call one of them Ober Clyde uh I would but I'm not entirely sure what that means and I feel like it is potentially offensive in a foreign language and that doesn't really bother me but it might bother someone else out there so maybe next time meme all the animals DF they haven't deserved the honor she just gave you would Marnie gave me your word don't forget to like the video guys he says Ballantyne gaming absolutely Reich and I'm gonna buy that last pig there's 12 pigs all done can you name one bacon $4.99 a pound I don't know what's getting blown up here there's no trees on my farm I'm getting too weird weeds again I'm gonna get rid of the rest of these use my handy-dandy bombs be houses can go I'm probably knees be houses up here actually because I don't want to do the growing pots oh ok Dennis is doing it gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah cuz there's still a web multiplayer bug where people blow stuff up somewhere else and like transfer to your farm let's do some bee houses up here I like B houses I don't do anymore crystal areum's because the house is gonna be full of those and it's gonna be a variety of ways to make money anyone out there B farmer do let me know do we have any real beef farmers in the chat though be hilarious the coffee is actually making me feel a little bit better but I still don't feel very well today on this fine Saturday I'm gonna have to call into work on Monday oh wait um not super efficient but that'll work cuz even come around to get that one I've never actually a big fan of cluttering up this area cuz it actually gets really like maze like to walk through and it's just annoying but given that I have harvesters playing with me now I think we'll be alright I think the spouses don't break this but if they do well whatever I can live with a few lesbian houses man how's it one Saturday going by the way I forgot to ask you guys I'll pretend like I care for a little while how's your Saturday going good good enough good enough go in there beside the mailbox because this area is all uncrackable anyway actually if I'd put like one growing pot over there like right there that'll change all the flowers into more valuable stuff individual like this I give you guys some idea or a stream like this I'll give you guys some idea of how long some of these videos actually take me cuz I'm Isaac oh yeah I'm just gonna do a really quick video today on like making money and then it turns out like this and it's like an 8 hour just for the set up got enough so that's gonna be a little extra money and unutilized 2 space what about gravy our keeper yeah I'm gonna do a few of videos on gravy our keeper coming up absolutely because that I absolutely love that game that give us one really good friend out there hasn't played yet play gravy our keeper worth it the quality is probably comparable to start a valley in my opinion it's still in its alpha phase but there's already so much content there that it's better than a lot of fall games that try and do what it does major skip to the male pub breakfast was good I had a yogurt for breakfast one yogurt middle one because I'm fancy like that I don't like placing items too close to the edge because players tend to get jammed up when they get in there all right let's see what's going on in the houses we got some crystal areum's on the go good work interesting let's I never thought about doing it that way that's interesting grave your keepers pretty fantastic it's really fantastic I really love it it's one of those games where like I had to stop myself and playing cuz I was like straining and I was like I want to keep going I want to keep playing and I had to like physically stop myself but now that I've done enough in it I think I can make a few good videos on it now and the games only gonna get updated more popular and it's full release is actually in August so it's going from alpha to full game in a matter of short months I make my own yogurt do you that sounds like a lot of work I bet it's good though what kind of yogurt I like vanilla good morning cam I'm not Pam but thank you slime for making my day want to get rid of some of those times over there no just do a little bit of cleanup why don't you use a stack everything mud I didn't even know that existed to be honest but that sounds awesome you know my favorite part about multiplayer is this I'm literally sitting here doing nothing and then ones doing my video for me thanks guys you're the best slaves ever I'm just trying to figure out what else I want to do with the farm like I don't really want to do more pigs but I still might because pigs it is such easy ridiculous money that it's like almost a joke how do you donate once did not become a sponsor there should be a money symbol around the chat thing along with the sponsor thing I'm not really sure YouTube's got to set up these days the peasants are getting angry well look at that eh I was looking for Bob did I take peasant haha diamonds or crystals uh either or can I not click off that yeah I need more bombs I don't know what's faster hi there does it matter whatever it makes money either what's gonna make us lots of money to check on their pigs should we let them out so they get outside and happy they're all sleeping anyway I want to be your slave I like working on stardew valley it's a fun game to just play Oh actually let's try the time skipper mod apparently it was updated so then we can just skip and everyone goes to bed so they don't have a choice ha go to bed this mod was actually made by bunny jumps who's in the game so everyone say the job on the mod it's actually one of my favourite mods now cuz it's a lot faster so it's supposed to skip them through but if they have them on themselves it might be a bit of a hiccup go to bed go to bed oh that I just crashed a game when you have to restart the day which would kind of be a shame never start making videos please yeah the last few days I've been like so uninspired it's been tough some days it's hard it's like going to work every day some days you love it some days you're just like now oh they were doing cut scenes why don't wake up at this house who abducted me uncle salty $4 hey you should let me join should I uncle salty what are your qualifications had to leave the house yeah all good this file is pretty messed up already so hiccups are to be expected when if I should do a growing Potter flower up there now what is the basic honey for now it's Friday today seeds are growing good job monks do I have farmers I'm tips yeah don't do anything that I do I'm a terrible design of anything salty cannot join I own two of the houses up sorry salty kara has bullied you out deva nash $5 notice me senpai you've been noticed deva nash mispronounced ateva I'm gonna call you Deva anyway Dean ash I'm a sponsor is that qualification it is unfortunately Kira's being greedy and taking up all the houses so no can do maybe next time uncle salty maybe next time when most of your favorite 14-year old I don't like anyone under the age of about 22 to be honest so that's not saying much if that's true can you play xbox with someone else on the same xbox uh I don't know yeah I think if you have local but I can't yeah pretty sure actually I was one of the things concerned they talked about was just being able to sit beside another player and play but I might also be going crazy at the same time I don't know I can't remember anything today it's the fever I'm gonna go ahead and clear out some of this debris down here because it's getting a little bit much limey Lu $10 I like the name this is my first live stream years but I've been binge watching a video since I found you just wanted to say hi hi limey Lou welcome to the stream thank you for your generous donation go ahead you like my content I feel like it's subpar on most days but every once in awhile I feel like I get something that's halfway decent so thank you I really want to try I'm getting a little more quality and consistency into my videos moving forward and the only way to do that is just simply put in more effort there's no split-screen oh really petition concern tape we need split screen not particularly me because I have PC and it's appeared everything else but I do need to get a switch soon I've been saying that forever so I will and I'll get started Ally and that's all I'll get I heard you have PayPal since YouTube sorry I don't don't really want to swear in the stream because YouTube might hurt me for that but I can't donate from the Czech Republic oh no her don't worry about that your kind words are more than enough support so I'm gonna go buy some more pigs cuz yeah I don't want to but I'm going to never stop making videos I don't intend on stopping making videos it's always just a matter of what's the next one gonna be what's the next one gonna be it's hard try to do you know one a day seven a week trying to come up with a good like solid idea seven days a week not easy maybe not even possible a lot of the ideas are just bad ideas that I try and make as good as possible name one mom's jr. yeah and don't do that it's make it weird when you're gonna make a roblox video uh I wouldn't hold your breath on that one I played ro Vox all I like once or twice that they spell that but games like that are really my thing games like this seem to be what resonate well with my crowd so far and like The Sims The Sims is probably gonna be an ongoing series basically forever hopefully it'll be like kind of like stardew valley is currently eventually I'll get in on it there is a mud for split screen on Nexus mods like LAN because Nexus mods I don't think really is gonna apply to the console players but I could be wrong actually more stardew valley sims please yeah there'll be more of that for sure I just got to get a little more in tune with how the Sims works and like the best way to make videos because the results have been good so far but I think I can do a lot better with that and never be satisfied with anything there's always room for improvement and if you think it's perfect well you're wrong make it better Oh in some seasons just came out to have you and play distance 2 came out yet so I gotta check that out I also need to kill one of my sims and PCs but we'll see which one dies first we like to use $4.99 a pound I don't know if that's good or bad for pork but I don't really care well I should get the butch Ahmad again I haven't played with that in a while waa salty is a deadly mod guys be careful tomato paste well welcome people make me a mod sometimes just for fun I always tell people don't do it for one cuz I don't want to be a mod it's way too much work and responsibility into I'm just like my badness guy just because howdy howdy Marnie plenty more content opportunities of gravy our keeper concede which burg you'll stay relevant yeah I agree there's lots of good games out there already and more to come she's hard you know like every day there's always so much you can do considering games like this but other things like The Sims star do is basically an endless opportunity because it just all sorts of crazy things you can do there graveyard keeper is growing constantly so is concede which Brook is gonna be huge I'm pretty sure that my time at Porsche is out there aren't gonna get back to that soon it's how the ton of updates since I played it me one in one my goodbyes specifically waited for you to talk again please ban me would be an honor Oh Marni left wait oh I should have seen if I could whatever just woke up the DL streaming 7:00 a.m. so you are Australia Asia New Zealand something like that am i right happy lead obscene welcome alright would have got going on in here Regan Crockett $2 you make me laugh and help my farm it's all I ever wanted out of life Thank You Regan Crockett for your $2 donation she's coming we also need to get this house upgrade started the stone house I think that's Bunny's house so if bunny jumps could upgrade that house get the ball rolling in that at some point there'll be that would be good what do you some grass to the pigs let's go do that or should we don't need to go do that we can just buy it there's probably way to plan with a tractor can I do grass with the tractor I'm curious know Oh tractor doesn't work a multi-player I said where's my tractor barn yeah it's gone I miss it already no whatever we'll feed the pigs whoops eat up see get out of there and I will hopefully within the next two months get something of a change set up for like my recording and everything's hopefully the audio quality gets a little better and the whole overall quality gets better working in that direction anyway we'll see what happens really diddly ER apparently you just sponsored I think you just respond sir because he probably sponsored it this time one month ago but Ridley did Lear again Thank You newest favoritest person ever sponsor Club blah blah blah I'm pretty sure that happens every month on the same day from the time you sponsor cuz that's happened before and was like oh that person was definitely already a sponsor but sure I'll let the pigs out so they can even grow when we go checking the status in the desert we can warp there whoops not that [Music] there we go the trees are looking good they're growing in every second space that was a mistake I'm a what I originally did it I put them all side by side and they just don't really grow like that that's looks good though like it's a very good got some paths laid out very nice well alright gotta figure out what else can someone give me some ideas what else are we doing on a farm for money that are not pigs or crops lightning rods are bad because I got a lot of empty space and I don't want to do this many crops and I don't want to do this many pigs I'm gonna fence them off eventually but I want to kind of see how many pigs were gonna get before I get too carried away have I seen any of the game forager I don't believe I have what is it exactly yeah but something looks good I send me the link on Twitter or discord or wherever email it to me whatever it's gonna take hey let's get caught up on mail I'm gonna get caught up on chat kegs kegs aren't a bad idea but they're a lot of work isn't gonna redo things beehives Alec trains use Linus he's an animal yeah but not a good one honey beer fruity farm B's I think I got a lot of mail to catch up on oh there we go fruit tree farm I've done four trees they take too long and it's not really worth it Kings is interesting I don't want to wait though cuz then you gotta turn into wine anybody's will age it at that point I'd rather just have I'm trying to make this a money fire but not like a super effort money farm because if I do like that's the whole idea between like not a giant crop you just harvest it the pigs it is gonna be pigs you just harvest the truffles every once in a while foragers oh uh for demo Windows looks pretty fun yes I mean the links somewhere if you can't I'll look into that Momo keen five dollars idea things to the awesome videos he always make me laugh have these monies toward your next divorce Thank You Momo King thank you very much all right like I said I normally get paid I get paid in the divorce I just get half of their stuff they don't get any of mine statues of Ennis fortune uh yeah I could maybe play some of those Dennis I believe I've the newest version of time skipper I'm I like right before the stream I took the newest one buzzer which ours are easier than kegs mayonnaise farm is good too I don't I don't want to take any a second take any of the second steps with stuff I'll put statues of Edna's fortune down the side like I just want to be able to harvest and sell essentially I don't really want to have to take the second step for things I well if I have to I just want to see like how much money we're gonna make every day of this farm and like always I'd wanted to be not super effort gaz on deer yeah and Erie we talked about the last time I don't know to pronounce that 2 pounds I sure as whole I sure as hell hope you're not married chuckle me not at all frequent divorces thank you jazz yeah dairy the time skipper uh if you're wondering I didn't just use the time skipper when he went to bed that night last night I'll try to get tonight I was just going to bed because I was just shocked by chat and not paying attention as I frequently don't ferry honey no ferry honey not married at the moment asterisk that's true I do get married on occasion frequently we can place a few more of these around maybe so that's one whole wall those gonna be worth a lot depending what they give you for the day the diamonds are obviously valuable some of the other items some of them are just half way entertaining I could do more honey down there I shouldn't have been so clear about only making the house being able I don't know I kind of like the idea of the house being in control the things uh it's all good Dennis I'm pretty sure that it's pretty sure that it'll work tonight if I try it we'll try it tonight whoops I gotta go buy some more pigs - I forgot her I can't do that anymore we've put these in the mushroom cave I wonder that spaces taint grass for now are you actually Ken I was forget about this cave cause I'm not a big mushroom guy anymore interesting what trees have been planted in the desert I don't know I was there and I looked maple there you go maple right now I just had an idea what were we doing I'm gonna forget about their statues yeah probably but I can live with that so there's gonna be done gotta get the house going maple trees at least sue Canada and that's where I'm currently at so that just makes sense crystal areum's the other people's houses are full of crystal items right now so I don't wanna get too carried away with those B houses statues of fortune I want to have it kind of diversified choppa why not fruit trees uh maybe fruit trees I'm not talking to you guys get out of here get out of here I'm buying stuff please leave thank you and maple syrup is duly yeah maple syrup can be done Belgian waffles are something now I'm Belgian waffles damn shishi purchase animals pigs pigs pigs pigs do I feel bored playing this game again and again no not really there's always new ideas new content new multiplayer blah blah blah I've never Li put in a few good hours into this one how do I delete stuff so quickly it's the Delete key on your keyboard select item hit the Delete not the backspace but the actual Delete key one this one which is a beautiful name that amounted statues makes me move good that's what I'm going for DF is in Canada yes allegedly I am but you'll never know [Music] Gaeta DF is Canada totally okay enough of these I'm gonna go play some sprinklers for now no for now I just cannot stand doing pigs again then again so I'm gonna lay down there stone paths first cuz I want to lay these on stone past I wonder hoeing it's not in the way I'm gonna do do do the crops and maybe the pond to this pond for now are these your sprinklers am I gonna do this well let's get the stone floors for now then I gotta think about how I want to do this the spacing isn't gonna be a big deal it never works out super evenly anyway is that right yeah every five spaces one two one two three four five one two three four five I can count today sure again whoops I'm good at this game getting there we go so this is gonna be I think the crop is gonna be which is still a pretty good size but between everyone here it shouldn't be too bad to harvest I'm never gonna miss my tractor mod but that's okay Tyler Tonkin $5 slurp absolutely right Tyler Tonkin thank you very much slurp couldn't agree more really can't place I know that's annoying I don't know what crop we're gonna do yet too might depend on what season we're kind of done this at ancient fruits always a fan favorite but we'll see hmm what whatever it's gonna be an annoying spider on the pond but nothing we can do about that oh that's facing us actually quite ugly oh well what do you do and you want to take a guess on how much money this farm is gonna make every day week year whatever wait you're just gonna grow that's fine Oh thought I screwed that up for a sec so far so good very focused right now man they still screwed it up anymore a coffee someone bring me a coffee please thank you $3.22 per year 100k six trillion billion zillion per day at least five pounds so they're into crops growing right to their doorstep and that's okay crops are going all the way around I don't know what to do with the rest of this space all right well let's put the sprinklers down for now we might just go into fall for one who want to actually do the crop because the sweet Jim berries are at the most we're gonna make a money farm you might as well use the best crop why does it give a lake every time I place a sprinkler that's not a good sign hey place it place whoops place place place whoops I just need someone to follow me around and correct my mistakes every time I miss the sprinkler like that they could just be right there to place it that would be super helpful whoops I can do this just gotta focus Wow how do we know what to say about that one no wonder I can never win at 4:00 at night can't even place the sprinklers in stardew valley another place went down there whatever don't even care train area is maple excellent yes kind of wonder what you got up to fall that time is disappeared on me oh did let me really hit that what are the odds also under forgot that glitch oh it's gonna rain everyday I guess I could probably force it sunny I'm gonna do that cuz I don't like the rain if that's even gonna work am I not actually okay so the area's all sprinklered with the paths placing passport appraisal blocked away excellent good good good if we get in someone buy some pigs tomorrow that would be great honey is already starting to be ready to go okay since you guys seem to be done your task let's try the time skipper this is gonna force it a new sponsor Dayton panca well welcome to the sponsor club greentext mom said icon my newest favoritest person ever we show some love for Dayton panca in the chat for sponsoring yeah there's still a bit of a hitch with the time skipper I shall bring you coffee brings coffee Thank You Olivia Rose very thoughtful okay now what do we do with our precious time got over to those there's a console print out some areas it might I can check after this dream didn't forest it had to go into a building well alright so pigs eating grass we gotta buy more pigs see how someone could buy some pigs today even if you can't buy all of them just start buying them that would be cool I gotta decide what I want to do the rest of this farm maybe fruit trees fridge cheese are seasonal dough and that kind of annoys me what are we plant over here what do we do over here ladies and gentlemen Hayley $1 Thank You Hayley and yes you're still an idiot thank you Haylee my favorite spouse hmm I guess I could just do my crops or pigs I just don't want to turn to think of what else here is like fruit trees maybe hasn't realized but he won't be able to harvest some of the statues because they're blocked by the pond and other statues yeah I think ones out of reach that's okay I accept I always make small errors when I'm doing his stuff anyway zero one zero zero zero one one binary five dollars bunny jumps trying to debug it live good luck with the head lol thank you very much oh one zero zero zero one one one whatever thank you maybe I'll just do some fruit cheese for now well aim to have this all completed by fall so what grows in fall which ones are the fall ones summer summer fall so I got pomegranate and apple a let's do apple trees we're just going to do a row of them down this side and you need to hoe a spot I believe no you just plant them actually that's kind of nice so that's two spots in between I think that should work then you can't even plant on that okay cool quite annoying and we could turn some of this stuff into other stuff so I'd have to put Duke eggs or preserve jars or something over there we should age it at that point but well if it plant so unevenly stupid yep I make the same mistake again and again it's my specialty it's gonna be pig room I think I'm gonna do three rows of each I'm gonna do pama gun and then apple and then yeah well they're done some preserve jars or kegs or casks or something that wouldn't go to harvest reading teamwork it all in together normally I wouldn't bother but because I have multiplayer on at that point I might actually try and bring someone else on if I can I don't know what's gonna work actually but we'll see does it gap too big yet is apparently holding it together here folks I will survive and I think I don't know if we can put anything in amongst the orchard or not but because I think if anything gets in the way the trees just won't produce their fruit am i right I might be right because they're pretty sensitive to how they grow though I think you bought paths around them at the very least so that would be something well there we go three rows of each I could have alternated and then some other things maybe some kegs in between maybe they say it can be four kegs yeah if you gonna do another you have to blow up the house yeah I don't know yet well might do that mr. network streaming an hour and 15 I already planted apple oh did I screw that up I thought it was the other way well whatever we got lots of apple trees now don't even care not paying attention kegs casks preserve jars she would do kegs lots of beer casks don't matter I don't really want to age things anyway that much you know what do some kegs by not now the crops are mostly gonna be over here so I'll put a row of these up here yeah this is work out pretty good cuz they're gonna have a lot of crops through there the apples are gonna grow a three days what's that sound that was weird well what keep going with the cakes hopefully before too many pigs show up because the pigs are gonna get in the way a lot how long is the stream but not about an hour and 20 minutes so far of endless building should we ever match the crops I think that'd be the most aesthetically pleasing not you get out of the way go that way go that way go that way go that way so okay that's the end of the rose that's gonna be on the board of the crops tricked you fill the kegs fill inventories and start throwing them on the ground I didn't know that work oh they follow as you go yeah that makes sense going to watch puppy videos but this is a million times better I'm better than any puppy there ever was I do why she had to stack everything mod right now I gotta get that I gotta stop doing that they all just keep going up and down the rows which I did a gap in the middle now we'll do this the painful way why not it might that time skipper mod if it's not working it's gonna be hard to skip all the way into fall but we'll see am I gonna need that many kegs to do this well find out we'll do the balancing later well this I'm just gonna place everything for now we'll deal with the repercussions at a later date pig is unhappy because it's being caked like ham beer sounds delicious Oh ha it's like leg I can take today sure I can start new Valley Battle Royale it'll work if you two are in bed first okay cool cuz that'd be cool cuz then when we're ready to go into skip and to fall and do the proper planting and everything forty-eight cake so far beautiful this is gonna be a fun farm gonna be very productive I'm gonna have to make a gate I think I'm gonna fence the pigs and pretty soon too that's gonna be one of my next monday rays actually I'm gonna take a break from the cake so now do you hardwood fence and we're gonna fence the pigs off something like this I'll give them just tons of grass so they can just eat endlessly too far is it though how can you still buy pigs good question it's definitely too late for pig buying so that's interesting you're a wizard Oh looks kind of weird but whatever I'll get over it now what do we put gates in this thing put one here and I'll put one there more gates it is better because gates don't really deteriorate and it's always just nice to have the option I think all the pigs made it back into their barn for the night so perfect they won't be out annoying me I don't think they can fit through that gap I'm gonna put a fence or maybe just in case pigs dad awesome actually know what we can just go like this I don't think pigs can get through their fake head fair game all right now it's gonna plan some grass and I'll go to sleep soon I shoulda planted it under the fence honestly but whatever not even a big deal well the pigs are actually gonna devour this pretty quick as 12 a day I think you're gonna eat it faster than two multiplies but so be it let's get 800 likes yeah let's get any likes I don't know where we're at now but let's go for it Anna welcome newest way oddest person ever Anna with the original name newest figure this person ever Queen Tex mom said icon sponsor club we show Anna some love in the chat pigs can eat grass they can they enjoy it getting her to see it's getting late actually let's see what happens right now if I use time skipper to go 2 days let's see we can do with this uh they're not dead but let's just try if we go two days cuz one side ones in bed for the first day I don't know how it's gonna uh I don't know if it's gonna force or not we'll find out TF is a big as a gold clock worth in my opinion no but by the time you have 10 million gold you probably have a ton of gold and you have nothing else to buy anyway those endgames items are just more for the convenience that way you have to have you can avoid doing the things that kind of get monotonous by that point 622 oh did it oughta skip to the next day that'd be cool because if not what we could do to was oh hello everyone is take the players out of the game that I can just skip solo to the end and bring them back on interesting it worked there we go pigs are gonna be happy they'll be all grown up by the time they'll be all grown up by the time we're ready to actually do this they'll be making us some big money over here they definitely need that grass within a few days sprinklers everywhere all right well this is moving along pretty nicely when I first started this was like man this is gonna take a long time it's not so bad now that's a standard day for this statue of Dennis fortune bars bars bars geodes diamonds definitely got some honey going on more statues I don't there's anything else we could or should be doing up here greeting some Germany hello Germany hope all is well over there on your side of the world hmm still gonna do the crystal lanes in the next upgraded stone house - well let's go take a look at the progress and some of the trees and stuff got down in sake winter second year yeah me too I got like eight of them every day of every year so these are all gonna be tampered new sponsor Breanna Carmenita welcome to sponsor club greentext mums HED icon the sponsor package we get some love for Breanna in the chat some of this sponsor only stuff potential sponsor only streams and multiplayer and all that good stuff let's go check in the trees in the desert not that one cuz they they've got to be start growing they've got to be started growing ah there we go looks neat doesn't it cool nice Salado grid pattern what's easier all got the tappers on him there was a lot of money [Music] I would do something at the bus stop but I don't really feel like it right now too lazy Pam how are you I was reading a newspaper this morning but then I got depressed it's a rotten world kid there's a rotten newspaper inside you Nikki Wilson another sponsor newest favorite his person is Everest Niki Wilson greentext mumps had icon a sponsor package quit get some love for Niki in the chat as well hungry hungry Pam's we'll only some sprinklers down now too much grass actually probably good I didn't lay the grass under the fence cause then I'll grill both sides and it's annoying when the grass is like going onto my hard work field oh they can't get out that way Hey look at him dummies whatever there'll be a few free-range pigs they can eat some of the grass out here so the majority of the money's gonna come from the crops fruit trees are gonna be good pigs gonna be good tapper is gonna be good Rowan mcLaughlin 2 pounds can I get a burger I don't get the reference but thank you Rowan for 2 pounds thank you her burger I don't I don't get the reference sprinklers statues honey let's go statues and perfection up there just to change it up a bit because variety just give us some iridium at the very least not that we needed but just to change it up and block the dog out because the dog doesn't deserve things I said don't think I have a dog in this Val I think I turned it down and there's also this house which yeah well let's take the growing pots out because they're just annoying there are you crystal Aryans in here too you more coastal items are better do I have any think of my basement currently I'll pretend the basement doesn't exist I can do that statues of perfection in the quarry maybe touch on the quarry at a later date Lia hello welcome the does not blow up yet what's going on with those I'm gonna do crystal areum's in my house for now because they're actually way valuable Stella bright two pounds you didn't say thanks to the bus driver to you I never do I don't need a TV anymore Stella bright thank you for the tea pounds crystal areum's and then they Kara said if you throw them on the ground they'll follow you around so let's try this so what do you do we fill your inventory and then throw them on the ground and they'll follow you and you just keep placing as you go if I'm understanding this correctly as long as I have the magnet rings on this I should work pretty well just don't miss clique turning complete start a valley into a big parking area for real well this is easier to because they you know have to scroll and click you disciplic as long as they're there within the like vacuum range you're good okay cool so I'm gonna lay a whole bunch down right here yeah this is way easier as long as you're here with your clicking Kira has entered the premises she's here to help with coastal areas clearly I probably want to get too many otherwise I'm gonna get overwhelmed with these and the house is gonna be a mess forever don't block your own bed don't you go without saying but people are pretty amazing sometimes um okay that's pretty good for over there kids running around monsters hopefully in his box him in somewhere it's so annoying they get everywhere hopefully there's no crystal items left in the bedroom gonna have to chase those down later good enough follow this row all the way up and there's some more down up here what a process how many can you VIN here's like 200 something I gotta read that I can look closer I get to go to stream laps to read that hold that dot donations dream lab Dayton panca $15 do you have the mod that lets you create more than three houses uh I think I do but I'm not gonna be doing it on the stream thank you very much Dayton panca for $15 that's the unlimited multiplayer mod something like that I do have it but I'm not gonna be doing it on this one this is quick and even spacing but whatever that works have kids everywhere so annoying [Music] oh that's weird you can put it anything in this fell spot but I think a crystal error would make it better spouse than anyone in the game crystal areum didn't know this is live when I click here people do that all the time they were like wait this is live it sure is if this is a video I would have to cut all this down to 10 15 minutes and that probably won't be enough but we're gonna go for it anyway maybe will almost be enough I underestimated myself well it's a bit of a different layout from what I normally do but whatever that works I'm gonna do I think star shards and ease then that's another house it I think it's about 50,000 gold today something like that I could do a radium quality if I really wanted to cheat it but I don't want to do that that bad your children away yeah I know they're forever in the way this work around them as best you can or prismatic shard them I don't really care remove the children as you see fit twice that one done that's weird some of these are popping really early right what are those kids around them all waterboarding the poor kids I approve throw it in the pond always get a well for that someone should make that mod it's like a babysitter for your kids but it's just the well you just throw them in one or want to remove those unsightly kids well all you need is a well with a lid a deep one oh I've got higher magnet power than them or they're full they're probably full don't give it to him mine so sure just look better than diamonds I'm just gonna say it they do look better I think that's all of them ish okay so this house is effectively done two of the houses are effectively done Jenna still needs one replicate for his house you were the last player not ready to sleep I like how it even tells you that boom do I live in Vancouver I do somewhere feed it to Pam the Pam is hungry pink cakeday pigs aren't gonna come out it's gonna give the grass a chance to grow I feel like this is the rainiest spring ever I really do yeah so if we can get the last house done up with Krystal areum's I think the farm itself will be pretty good at that point not much enough we can really even do here so does need Dennis's final house upgrade don't get a crystal areum it then pretty much skip to fall at that point put tappers on trees trees are gonna be a few more weeks but we can skip add to that can you make a video on how to mod possibly by that Denver guy we said to go to video for modding but apparently it's slightly outdated or something so I need to look into that again possibly missed x2 dollars he missed his star shard in a child's bed that's okay thank you miss ducks but the children's bed doesn't deserve star shards mmm this looks kinda cool interesting he doesn't have a face this is gonna be such an easy money farm because I gotta do is walk around like pick up the money then this waiting on the local ginger in one of the several actually as someone pointed out [Music] well alright yeah slams are getting blowing up or something oh I do want my sprinkler here might as well now if we want that'll be an empty space empty spaces are loud pigs are doing well with the grass sprinklers you're okay does the train still come even with the pathway on the tracks I bet it does I bet it just knocks them up as it goes just like mumps does sprinkler this area um I'll just extend the rural kegs a bit I stopped initially the match of the crops but the crops are going beyond now I think dennis is his house under way so maybe after this day we're gonna skip it ahead a few days to where the house is done and then hopefully some of the trees start to get done so we can whoops so we can start putting the toppers on them then at that point a ready to skip to fall and start the process of actually making money off this what are my helpers up to exactly today are there any crystal erring women as long as yours are gonna stay there when the house upgrade comes here I might move some of them we can see what the pink cake is worth for today pop pop pop pop good enough let's get 900 likes yes what do we have for the likes these days ladies and gentlemen I can't see the number but I feel like we could hit 900 likes I don't want the Iridium super money farm well I gotta block the pigs in today too because they were getting out I didn't know they could walk through a single path so I did have room for another barn but that's alright I'll get over it can I make GMO Hut's I can but I've got these like deluxe GMO huts with better junuh mows in them debatably 7070 pink cake set so many gold statues we can get ahold of we should just skip ahead a few days till this house is done because I'm worried the coast arms are gonna shift once it gets upgraded anyway uh I don't you got to be able to hit the text button when you're trying to skip days it'd be kind of a nice touch cuz my screen just goes blink go to bed go to bed go to bed how do you get the gold statue casino 1 million gold got your livestream Emma Eliot welcome I'm just gonna read the chat to Levin else goes to bed hopefully we'll skip a few days we'll get to the point where the house is just all the way done then hopefully we can start doing tappers if now I might have to skip a few more days so money for the statues there you go this 37,000 gold just from that and that's like a fraction what the farm can do Haley $2 what's the best way to make money in stardew valley the absolute best is making crops well copy planting pumpkins no no pumpkins well do rare seeds in fall fertilized rare seeds mmm the time skip again is weird someone's gonna have to like leave the bed or something one more day for the house upgrade I thought it was gonna go okay one more day for the house upgrade I guess unless it never got started which is also a thing but I thought I saw him up there by the house maybe not oh there we go there we go yeah the rows got kind of screwed up I'll leave the crystal earring um to them I'm gonna go check for the tappers see all the deserts doing that's what the fully upgraded stone house looks like by the way where do I keep heading now for the warp Therese in the desert it's still gonna be at least a few days father's what if I'm ready to go I'll put a tapper on there we go what do the trees grow and consistent you guys anyone know the paths were a good idea I like it then there won't be stuff in the way only a few trees are ready but that's a start one of those any ready of the train station and this warp over there every tree has a 20% chance 20% growing rate each new day oh okay I get it well I get a few tappers and the trees already a few more days that a lot of these should be pretty ready to go one tap at a time I get ten trees done every day we're a little bit closer can you still have coconuts and cactus with all that I'm not sure Giovanni Paul 50 euros love your videos and streams amazing entertainment thank you very much Giovanni Paul for the big 50 euros can we get some love for Giovanni in the chat egg festival day that's annoying josé Luiz nevas pan Mayo Phil oh sorry about the pronunciation - I figure what those are again why don't you see GP cheats to instantly grow the trees good point I'm gonna go do that I forgot there was even a thing with trees oh I think it only works with fruit trees I don't think it works at those kind but thank you Jose is a Brazilian currency I can't remember what do I even have that set to you right now [Music] so works are these I don't think it works for the I don't think it works for real trees you gotta like face the tree to make it work even I can make these guys grow at least this is good enough for now yeah if this works I'll totally go do this Giovanni welcome to the sponsor club greentext mum said icon the sponsor package newest favorite is person ever could we show even more love for Giovanni in the chat for the massive support today much love 3 3 3 3 3 repetitive come on come on get it up beautiful okay I'm gonna receive the trees up by the train station work someone probably already answered that but I wasn't paying attention it works on everything oh okay good careful not to get stuck yeah actually I used to have that problem a lot it always gets stuck in a super trees oh hello Harvey I don't know why we're having a cutscene there you are just in time you know this should be interesting look here it comes I can't wait I wonder what it could be it's the Wizards younger brother in a hot-air balloon behind a tree did his crush a tree did he have that sound we don't have the option to skip this one really okay I guess we're gonna have to watch this one it's all yours for two hours now I was told there's a saloon around here yeah Pam will show you my son an ad in the paper for these hot-air balloon rides and I knew I did surprise you with one this looks fun let's get this over with I want to skip this now okay you first Harvey I swear to God if you bloom crush that tree you're gonna be in trouble Wow I can jump really high so can RV that's alarming nope trees still there we're good this made a weird sound yeah I don't know why we're suddenly getting Harvey's 10r de vente why we can't skip it but I guess we'll just roll with this harvard Xterra phi this would be the perfect crime I just push him out like yeah he slipped no didn't miss him anyway no one even knows who Harvey Harvey is I like a nice hot air balloon he's also full of patches little concerned we're up so high gulp that's the point you idiot why don't you press you with this but look at me I'm a trembling coward yeah well we already knew that please don't touch me I'm a married man I think I don't know do I have a wife right now someone is married Emily it wasn't me I don't think don't have kids I think I can do it now I hopefully have an Elsa staying very busy wherever they are I'm definitely not doing anything productive and the birds go by where's the music there it is that is quiet [Music] this is incredible I think I seen Mary Lewis standing in the town square that's just a statue or it could be the mayor that sounds like something he would do nothing productive or useful times almost up thank God can we get this over with no skip skip skip nothing Harvey's face is the best part I think it's the worst part my romantic Harvey very romantic it's all all the children it is all the doves flying by confirmed the children are back as I beat them out of the air okay there we go oh it does work okay cool we're gonna make the trees grow up and it's only 450 in the afternoon that was quick I can't even tell where some of these trees are anymore tree tree tree I'm gonna run around to make them grow that's first and then I'll do the tappers you got to be like standing in the perfect spot to do this at least I got helpers no tree there yeah the multiplayer aspect really makes things like this easier if I was doing a solo it take me like eight hours to like do all this come on come on you can do it Oh almost got stuck in that one I can feel it hanging outside in a desert trees - if you guys went late tappers down I'll go to the desert and get the desert accomplished a lot of trees to do here but there are more nicer roses to be a little bit quicker tree tree Oh can I get a read that makes it easier oh and the trees mmm can't see past me are you up to down up to down when it comes to trees definitely helps if you can run into them to you it's actually nicer once you're seated 7:40 so get a bit of time for this come on back to the top yay so much work come on it doesn't like that one there it is come on some of the trees are so hard to get ahold of I need them to be in there little sprout he for him sprouty trees and as I get Lee's get all these trees grown up today and then tomorrow we can tap them all then at that point I think we pretty much go ahead and skip it into fall and actually do the money part of this the most important part Petrie no tree there definitely I could get this accomplished today 9:40 too late well that's okay this is still expediting the process a little bit I think it could be wrong could also does wait for this to happen naturally but too dark yeah okay well skip till tomorrow let me finish this row doesn't like to go from the top down get whatever it's keep until tomorrow time jump time jump granted Caribou Coffee Caribou Coffee sounds interesting okay Chris limes are here they're not pulsing though but this was he pulsing if there's something inside oh this is the other house that's why it needs star shards I know just the guy for the job interesting it's also gonna be tricky once all this stuff's done cuz then everyone's gonna have to like run around to try and harvest to make this all work in a single day cuz it's actually gonna be so much to do it's gonna be hard to do it all in a day stoppers everywhere pigs everywhere statues everywhere I do like this layout a bit better for the crystal areum's where it's like you put them too wide and then do another row that's usually how I do it but I skip back to the old way and it's just nice to have a little bit of variety if everything looks identical it gets boring and monotonous Lia $10 finally catching a live stream at home instead of work if I wasn't sick that'd be better have a good weekend Thank You Lea hopefully you feel better soon thank you for the kind words and kind donation not feeling so hot myself today so I know your pain now looks like most of them do you think we have all trees uh okay I'm going to the desert to continue Treeing what a process mr. one in front of the refrigerator I'll get over it go there man this is a rough process those stupid trees are difficult it's kind of hoping a bunch of these are blow up overnight by themselves a natural way but nope put me with this stupid slow way back to the top back down again wow this again their idea is that if I was doing by myself in a video I probably would've just given up on and be like you know what no video today I give up especially these stupid seeds gotta be like I'm just the perfect spot otherwise they just won't do it tree tree tree tree tree too many trees yeah way too many these are decent money though otherwise I definitely wouldn't be bothering I heard someone doing something putting tappers on I don't know if there's someone else here now or not but oh yeah there's Kier over there I think it secure I can't see past the trees I'm gonna assume it is at least the tappers is gonna be the easy part cuz he can just run past him and click with easy gotta be so like specific about how you like timing it well alright no we're not gonna be able to see anything we should have almost been doing this like in coordination that way so you'd be making trees all the other person's like putting Stoppers right behind them but I think I got this I think so much effort well it's official I hate this idea I don't know the patience to do this on my own farm I don't either but I'm kind of committed to the idea now so I gotta finish it [Music] yeah I've done worse things it's really only gonna take five minutes to get some of these go and miss that one keg tricks works with tappers is that you can have them chasing you actually it would be way better idea for this is try it way better did I ever make that relaxing stardew valley video I did not that is still something I want to make and I will all things in time I gotta like reorganize my list I got a list of all these cool good video ideas and I just gotta like updated reorganize it cuz I'm crossing them off writing new ones are getting all jumbled up when she was like a quick eject button to be like throwing ground there actually might be but oh well let's start with that cuz I was starting to fall asleep okay that works pretty good all I gotta do is walk in click now and they'll follow me no less I'm that far away you have to only have to right click above the topper to drop I don't get it I don't get it that's okay we're almost done anyway almost there folks yeah mine there it is so much fun your turn own such a stupid idea would bring such joy I can freeze time you can't really freeze time in multiplayer well maybe you can but I don't know if it's gonna have the same effect upper-right corner isn't growing up yeah I'll go start on that then leave the tapping to the professionals yep there's some trees to grow lucky me Oh what that one almost got me carnivorous trees okay so after this we're gonna skip ahead to fall and then we're gonna start planting the rare seeds and see how that's gonna work I don't know time skipper's gonna act over that much time but we'll find out it should be okay but if not then I'll just have to solo it up until then to bring you guys back in something like that tree tree tree I don't know if I can really get this one because where it is that's okay it's an imperfect system but we'll get the job done I probably should be tapping as I go too but too lazy [Music] Killman give me that all right well I'm gonna do the ones I can see here cuz I'm lazy that looks pretty good I'm gonna go ahead and head back to the farm and admire a hard work and see if there's anything else I need to be doing so that's all good we're gonna do crops for fall but that's easy especially a three was planting Godric a random two dollars when I use automate also hi I thought about it didn't feel like getting back into automate I will at some point though because I want to make an automate farm thank you Godric random okay let me know when we're ready and we're just gonna try and skip it ahead into fall see what kind of money we could make cuz pigs will be done a greenhouse will be done we gotta do the crop choppers or I'll be done fruit trees are done you know that should be good enough too dark and ready to go to sleep by the tappers dead no are we still working on tappers I'll skip one day uh actually we just probably try and skip it right ahead to fall because we're gonna do wait for the crops to grow anyway see how this is gonna work 43 days goat loops money money what is a mod we can skip time what's this one basically you hit Z and pick how many days you want to skip and I like quickly skip C days stream been about two hours hasn't it yeah two hours and ten minutes so far longer than I normally do have you ever tried to name cheat I have yeah this is still slow because of other players I'm gonna stop the time skipping if I can is Kira in bed I'm not sure it's still a touch slow okay what I'm gonna do is can you guys jump out of the game and I'm gonna go back into solo and skip ahead to fall and I'll bring you guys back in as soon as I get back a hold of this it's it's weird the way it's skipping now it's hard for me to get back on to it I might not actually be able to I might have to restart the game mmm almost had it there hold on when slow get snacks yelled asleep for a while and come back okay there we go uh so is there anyone else Kearney in the game I wonder if time skipper's gonna behave right now let's try two days can you press Z yeah I managed to okay now it's now it's quicker okay there we go so we'll go to fall the first and then they can join back in I'll sit here and read all those donations I'm getting just started watching you or recently excellent sorry I couldn't make better stuff for you but I can only do so much as a one person physical by quick this is so much quicker and easier than it used to be because I used to like you'd have to run back and forth select yes run back and forth select yes now I can sit here and like read on my phone and watch your days go by so we're good we're in this summer a couple more days that's all ultimate dia fan you've been noticed with a name like that you have to be noticed getting hungry too who's bringing me food who's volunteering to bring me food one person so entire DF I am getting tired these things take time Jen Hackett 1234 absolutely thrilling Thank You Jen Hackett for 1234 one two three four can you go back in time - not currently how long have I been on YouTube I don't know two years over two years something like that said on my phone and watch the days go by I mean like real life you had true enough it's what I do all day play my phone does anyone know when the new update will be out of beta I don't know I'm not sure if anyone here happens to know I don't know there's been any news about it nobody bring him food I can just order a la la la journée two dollars here's the dono for you to read how are you doing a bit under the weather am i doing a good job I will bring you food also hello DF too many questions yes to all skip the dishes how long am i screams usually usually an hour and half to two hour resistance go headlong because this idea takes time almost done though there we go first to fall oh the weeds are getting my farm okay whatever you guys want to jump back in well plant the UH what you might call it can you guys just jump right back and you should be able to ok the grass is growing outstanding hmm do not expect this much debris well I got a cure for that I just got to get rid of that and then we got a hoe it and then we got a plan I guess I don't have my tractor here maybe I should use the tractor for a day might be faster I wonder if that's gonna work Wow whatever well this will teamwork it because there's no guarantee that that would even work more cutting more cutting oh we left a few kegs to you that's okay I didn't expect so much debris over like a season and a half though that's crazy should have got a gold clock oh well between all of us we'll be able to carry this no problem then by the end of fall we'll be making the big money hmm yeah I wouldn't be able to talk to this anyway because there'd be everything in the way like if I wanted to like take out the rocks it would be knocking up other stuff wouldn't be any good good if I start hoeing pretty quick though to you to plant everything stupid debris I don't even think about that I didn't realize it'd be that bad hoeing planting so yeah well they done some fertilized sweet jamberries if we can I'll just go around clear debris for now replace sprinklers all that good hard work stuff pigs I gotta be getting grown up by now hopefully if not they got a few more weeks whoops cuz what do this rare seeds take to grow it's not a crazy long time I think is 24 days depending on perks I have all the perks so they'll be a little bit quicker things are getting out is there a break in the fence oh they got through that one somehow whatever truffles would just be everywhere truffle madness the way truffle should be man that debris went everywhere that's wild oops that's the wrong spot wait was I wasn't in the wrong spot to begin with supposed to be here yeah I think it was Wow okay there we go back on track loosing my mind so I don't stream for more than an hour and a half two hours normally I just can't handle it 28 days without perks yeah I've got all the perks so you should knock off 10% I think would it be two point eight days what your games gonna consider two I believe does the betta have a lot of bugs it's got a few but it's not too bad like it works and everything you guys can play without issue there's a few bugs still but they're working on it I got to turn my players speed up to slow this is better light speed it gets really hard to like placing or things that when you go in now fast that's why I Stern it back down to like speed five or six fantastic abhi 279 lost your mind long time ago more likes right you are fantastic abhi I really did and yes more likes what do we have for likes right now yeah I think that's most of everything kind of repaired fixed so I'm gonna join the hoeing Brigade and see we can do here turn the speed back down gotta go fast whoops too many whatever just ignore the top ones no big deal perfect gives me a boundary to work with I just realized also tool hit location off I should have turned that on because it's clearly causing me some distress time is it 150 oh we got lots of time to finish this I was worried we're gonna run out but we'll be alright I probably turn to hit location on now but I just don't learn pigs already given their truffles away so that's good lots of them too I found that so funny like when you get that many pigs or so many truffles going around no cheating no not at all cake up those guys much bacon Oh totally the pigs for the easy money pigs getting in the way everywhere whoops whatever it's sloppy but it'll get the job done that's what she said at least we got a nicer a3 down the middle almost like you meant to do it there we go something of a system going now the planting Bartleby super-quick know what to get do we'll see how much money this farm makes us five dollar bill for all it is a nice diverse farm to get lots of different stuff going on they'll like that for once normally I'm just all about the crops cuz it makes so much money like Jurassic world evolution I've been hearing lots about that game I might I gotta look into a little more fertilizers going down as soon as we're done with the hoeing I'm gonna run in starts eating all the fertilized ground limey Lu $5 all right our idea I gotta go to my adult human job hopefully I'll catch another stream soon thank you limey Lu whoops whatever uh good luck with your adulty job thank you TGM 2 pounds hi I love you Channel nice work Thank You TGM kind words and the two pounds thank you very much that's worth like a million dollars in Canadian money so thank you all right sweet jamberry rare seeds rather probably need a few thousand of these all right we're gonna make it what's already working have enough time but we'll be all right when you're on speed like five or six you actually have to remove and burst otherwise it'll miss some here and there it's just a quickest way to do it and trust me I know I've done this process a billion times over but we're almost there is pretty soon we can actually start getting some money back from this large investment of time the problem is a crop isn't gonna be recurring money but mode everything else is like the bee houses are gonna be money the pigs are money the choppers everywhere money probably gonna miss a few here and there that's not the end of the world you could actually do this legitimately but it would take a lot of time I've definitely done a few for field crops of the rare sea before legitimately but it is a ton of work gotta multiply seeds forever I wish it was quicker with this you could just like run and do that but it's very slow with its reaction friend run run nine-thirty it's getting late hopefully they got some good seeds going on the other side pigs are sleeping on the field feels bad yeah they got it that's okay if we have to miss a few spots along the way I'll get over it if I can't get them all we'll just go to a pass out and finish it in the morning it always annoys me I can't see like the bottom edge of your field never really sure if you planted one no counted them all then there's always that break in your field we can't walk left-to-right anymore you gotta start going up and down the small intricacies of this game buddy wear light ring so you can see I can still see decently a little bit darker for you guys than it is for me plus I need my magnet earring for hoovering up everything twelve o'clock I think we'll be alright though we're almost done doesn't all this seeds being planted that's the sound of profit one more row here almost done then we'll go find whatever little gaps we have left if any I'd be surprised if we still had any of those that was like the majority of the crop right there 12:40 gonna come down to the wire 1250 okay I don't think we're gonna get it all get as much as we can but that's fine we'll finish it tomorrow then start skipping I wish it was fast smoother at high speed so he gets so much more Padgett if he could just like evenly plant while running full speed or the tractor doctor it'd be huge so close oh we might actually get it Fant nope nope nope nope okay I think that's basically it actually there might be a few spots out for pigs and whatever but that's it cool just in time I call that exciting and dramatic but it's not done okay passed out poor piggies yeah well it's gonna be even worse when they're turned into bacon okay so let's try the skipping at this point see what happens skip to the I don't know 20 second to fall speed for makes no gaps I'm gonna try and skip to see what happens is try and skip till these are done cuz it'd be nice if you guys are here right at the start of the day when they're all done that way we can just run around and get everything right away actually you know what let's go like this if you guys can't jump out of the game again I'm gonna skip to like the crops done or like the day before it's done then you guys can jump in we'll skip to the next day and then we'll do it all then I think that's gonna be the best way so yeah if you guys could jump out one more time mmm abort well okay let's actually type properly okay they got it now anyway it's quicker okay there we go they'll leave I'll skip ahead to like the 23rd and see how things are looking there then we're going out to try and collect everything all in one day I'm starving ly hungry this is troubling chelsey perms e were welcome thank you prevented me to skip yeah that's alright we got it no I should be back in order pretty soon just another look at these Nikki Wilson thank you for stopping by in the sponsor thank you almost there why don't I take two and half hours I've definitely done longer ideas and s but they do it on streem definitely took longer than I thought I thought it'd be two hours tops I was hoping for like an hour and a half cuz that would be just perfect hopefully we don't get too much debris growing in the field now that would be unfortunate [Music] hello everyone joining us do we hit 800 likes yet we should do that if we haven't okay let me see if the crops are done you guys can jump back in again the sweets and berries are not all ready to go not yet because I'm not sure why Wow lots of crows that's okay I think we're still making a profit on this farm just a hunch yeah if you guys want to jump in we'll skip till tomorrow and hopefully all the sweets and berries are ready we lost a whole row there we missed or something that's okay doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be profitable and I think it's gonna be profitable considering it was all free bunny is here soon as Kara's in we'll skip with one more day and off we go pigs are gonna eat today so hopefully they'll find truffles tomorrow not sure how they've been feeling the past few days Kyra has joined alright bedtime 8:45 we did it more like some viewers will go to a thousand 1000 likes wife locked in bed yeah good okay so let's harvest everything we can throw everything in the bin truffles tappers star shards everything everything oh I'll get a child in a way already anyways yeah let's see how much money the a single day is gonna make us Oh a stupid kid get out of the way it's gonna take a full day to prolly just to harvest everything uh-oh they not done note they're weird okay let's skip another day then oh they're being undone what that's weird weren't some of these done yesterday that's weird okay maybe skip a day again well just go ahead and try it they definitely should be done this is really weird they make you money families baby no I do like how you call it Emily's baby though because it's not mine definitely not that's a long skip to you know okay now I'm in this bed that's okay we'll go kind of pick up where we left off yesterday still not getting many teas done okay whatever just pick whatever weekend for now worried about the ramifications of that later hidden away again the kid is moved over to this side of the house where he should have got rid of the kids that's usually the first step in any of these ideas child removal bed again oh well is it gonna make a difference though my issue is that well it's cuz they don't have the farming perk okay Oh cuz they didn't plant I get it okay let's keep it to the 27th of fall on the 27th year yeah that makes sense they don't have the proper farming parks only the ones that I planted are done yet so far it's a process but we're getting there I think the money made will be around 3.5 million hmm I think it's gonna be a little higher than that but not crazy hi I think today's gonna do it hopefully we'll see okay let's take a quick look in case it's one more day don't sleep how are the crops doing outside okay the crops are all done so we're good to go on this finally rest of my star charts this is still only a day's worth because I've been doing them incrementally cuz it's been kind of a mess now it's just a collect and sell 600k if you're thinking about earnings to the day I think it's gonna be quite a bit higher well know for sure after today look at that kid just running to get in my way so annoying we should we just get trampled by one of the pigs another one in the way excellent we still gonna do all the tappers - but harvest with sight should work which will make the harvesting of the crops better harvesting crops is slow cuz you actually have to do the animation that's why harvest to a site is better if unicorn is still not done weird we safe I gotta turn harvest recite on where is that there it is much faster not tractor fast but still pretty fast crystal areum's tappers everything everything everything yeah this is actually pretty good pretty big crop so you missed the gym under the window oh did I I'm real concerned about that look at all the apples look at all the sweet gem berries wonder what do we have I think it's got to be at least a few thousand I think it's 3400 spaces for the entire field we've covered that maybe 2,000 it's pretty big I'll forget about the truffles too way too many things to harvest valuable day no okay that's all those I will let the pigs go for just a little more cuz they will find more stuff I'm gonna go get this stuff all these pigs are all in a way that sucks I gotta get out of here I'm just gonna get trapped plus all the honey utilizing lots of the farm 11 a.m. we're in good shape we'll definitely get this all done today except for like the cakes and stuff but I'm not gonna worry about the cakes I know go worry about that at a later date okay is that everything down here okay we need to go over there tappers into if there's anything left in crystal areum's which there definitely is those is Dennis going for the tappers right now if not someone should jump to it after he's crystal areum's I don't know why some of these are a popping so quick must be some kind of glitch Alyssa some get a bug with the fast processing for these but weird to me make me eat it only makes two hours I don't know if you can with a sweet Jam berry why are some of these the corners are tricky they take an expert to get into yeah the desert bus stop both have tappers I'm gonna throw everything in a bin right now and I gotta try to get those truffles it's gonna be a lot of money oh look truffles way up here where I don't want them some of the fast hoppers uh I might I don't forget anything on no I don't have any of the fast processing Briana Carmenita $10 I just ordered pizza what's your favorite kind barbecue chicken barbecue chicken is the only pizza I should almost wait until after 5:00 when the pigs all go away for the night it's so much easier that way no that gate is open so that's what pigs are getting up that way whatever it's gonna be varying amount of things every way every day truffles aren't you gonna need more room to produce more truffles the ground is here truffles c'mon give me the good stuff stupid pigs get out of the way interesting bug yeah that's for sure it's odd that things are doing that but we have to look at not picking the two twice yeah just do your best it's okay if you don't get repack twice because the tap Rees aren't going to be nearly the value of the truffles are they're sweet gem berries so it's not a big deal if that numbers out a little bit it will make a big factor in the overall value of this it's just a little better space utilization and this isn't really the max anyway because we're gonna be done well before the past so point in the day the brutally interesting to see exactly like what the max is before you pass out like how many different things you can harvest and do go to the way Pig well there's 93 truffles so that's a lot of money few things there I think all the apples are done I just want to go look in the bottom left again to see what's going on sweet young berry there that was missed there might be a few truffles down here to you because the pigs are getting out there gonna be started to find though especially amongst the trees yeah I'm not gonna bother I'll just gather what I can for new upward as it is done going to train station k awesome five o'clock so this is gonna work out really nice it's gonna work out perfect [Music] pigs are starting to go in for the day so that's my chance for the truffles 884 likes let's get more yes hit that like button for all these truffles for every like this stream gets someone gets a divorce in the world we all support that no truffles oh right oh and that's mostly all the truffles that was another seven so there's one hundred hundred something truffles to him today can't believe I forgot the cave mushrooms did I though easy let's go so what are we guessing for the value for all this we'll know pretty shortly this is looking pretty well no one made it been a reap it but that's okay okay well I think we're pretty much there those are probably all reap ixa probably this occasion the one that's spawns again oh look at all that weird okay I'm not gonna mess with these 10 million that's kind of what I'm thinking ten million I'm gonna go eight eight to ten [Music] next a thousand some trees were untapped so the devil makes up for that yeah it's probably balances out it's gonna be close enough I'm not super worried about that I said everything done was there anything else left to harvest or no we're not forgetting anything are we I think we got it all the pigs the crops those are kind of the big ones the honey everything here fruit trees yeah I'm going to bed Oh nope those those are no good star shards in my house but those are repeats they look at the kid already in bed how about that did someone get the desert yeah why don't we do in graveyard keeper again this week probably within a few days let's say good enough and call it a night we got another vote for 15 million twelve million we'll find out farming foraging others so total of is that eight million eight million two hundred twenty nine thousand or is that 18 million I don't know what that is we could find out right here cuz how much of the sweet Jim berries worth two million two million well two and Havok I'll have five seven million so yeah eight million is what I'm seeing because that's total what'd I just say that's five seven and change seven million in change plus the mining gave us quite a bit there's a million in mining roughly a couple hundred thousand there so yeah eight million two hundred twenty-nine thousand five hundred four gold you can't just make more by straight up doing a mega crop of sweet gem berries but this one's nice cuz you can just repeat a lot of this stuff a lot of its off the farm you get the idea not bad it's still not enough for gold clock but y'all were supposed truffles for a few more days you'll be you'll be there you could do a lot more pigs a lot more truffles a lot of stuff off the farm but interesting idea can you shout out my horse Shadowmere yes brianna Carmenita I can hello Shadowmere hope you having a wonderful life if we use the kegs it would have been better yeah we could have utilized this better but by the Tamra here I just running out of time and energy speak of which that's gonna be it for this stream thank you all for tuning in hope you're all having an awesome Saturday thanks Evan for the donation sponsors and kind words I'm gonna go eat something now stay tuned for more awesome videos in the coming days gave you a keeper Sims my time of Porsche stardew valley the works yeah thanks Evan for watching have a good day blah blah blah okay bye thanks Keira and Dennis for joining me bunny jumps
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 698,566
Rating: 4.7560821 out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, sdv, stardew, valley, building the ultimate money farm, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley guide, dangerously funny, df, stardew valley tips, funny, pc, dangerously, stardew valley 1.3, gameplay, dangerouslyfunny, stardew valley multiplayer, commentary, stardew valley multiplayer update, clean, stardew valley pc, stardew valley walkthrough, no swearing, no cursing, stardew valley 1.3 update
Id: fZGoPbkv7-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 18sec (10098 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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