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oh lovely little bit more impressive than the scamps that we're fighting uh although it does still fall down to the one slight issue of it dying to our lovely spell so let's just one tap him and he's dead uh instantaneously oh no hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the elder scrolls for oblivion that's right it's one of todd howard's lovely and fantastical creations and today we're going to be asking the question are you tired of balanced and fair combat in your rpg games are you tired of magic being nothing more than hurling a fireball back and forth do you wish for perhaps a dark fantasy world where mages have the ability to suck the living life essence out of every single thing that they touch killing them instantly well that's what we're about to show off here today in oblivion because we're going to be creating a character whose abilities will allow them to diagnose people with instant death this instant death has no counters and will murder everything it's perfectly balanced completely unfair and in 100 certainty it's not an exploit okay okay it is an exploit and it's gonna be good fun ladies and gentlemen so make sure you set back relax we have a nice warm cup of tea in hand because we're going on a brand new adventure in oblivion so you know what that means it means a nice warm cup of yorkshire tea a salute to the picture of the queen you have hanging above your computer and here if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video right now let's dive into this wonderful adventure as we're about to give the grim reaper a run for his money ladies and gentlemen here is my character which i have created for the ultimate mage who will gain the ability to destroy people instantaneously to be given the power of instant death is to be given the power to end a life immediately and so who else would want to have the power to end a life immediately than the character of pem or please end me pem here is the ugliest khajiit in the universe and desired to be put out of his suffering as he prayed to the gods for the ability to end life instantaneously his intention was simple however there was a slight curse which is that he can never use his magic on himself meaning he has now become death the destroyer of worlds and my goodness what a beautiful specimen pem is i mean he is just an absolutely beautiful khajiit unlike most khajiit he is very good at majoring for the sole reason that he has free brains he has his main brain in his head here a second concealed brain in his hair and a final third brain inside his nasal region pem is the most powerful wizard this world will ever see and he is going to bring the end of the world as we know it my goodness let's begin now we've created our legendary beautiful character i mean just look at them they are truly godlike i mean not only do we have the issue of accidentally being able to go inside of their head oh god oh my god neither beautiful on the outside or inside that is what our lovely pem is like i mean just look at him a truly majestic wizard well he's not a wizard just yet but don't worry we're going to make him one so what does pem need in order to actually create this spell of instant death well there's actually a few things you need to do we need to pick up a few spells some of which are actually very difficult to gain because for example we need to pick up the drain attribute spell this is a very difficult spell to find and one which is for only late game players players who are going down multiple super long quest lines to unlock this spell in the dlc naturally we're going to be bypassing all of that with an exploit in order to get this spell a lot sooner than anyone feasibly should but yes actually the ability to make this spell can be done almost right out of the game at level 1 and if you are pulling off this spell at level 1 well then you're going to accidentally become god oh perfect here comes the emperor oh lovely fantastic here they come oh hello emperor oh you've seen me before have you oh you do not want to see my face or real i'm the one for your dreams that by my god um oreo septim i think uh i think something's wrong and they're not dreams you're in fact having nightmares if you've seen this space before my goodness anyway it's fine we played this game a million times so we know oreo septim's going to die that's perfectly fine because we have to bounce our way through the tutorial section anyway fantastic we're going to be able to follow them on a lovely magical journey right now here we come to the point of the first ambush lovely stuff now the emperor wants me to protect myself but naturally i don't actually have to fight this oh no captain brenner has died so this is lovely because i'll be stealing her lovely weapons they're mine now all right now fantastic we're going off on our lovely journey they've left us behind but it's okay because we found a random secret entrance with some rats perfect now this section is very important in the tutorial because it's the section where you can decide if you want to completely break this game's stealth mechanics because at this point there are some various rats running around one of those rats is going to run away permanently the others are going to try and fight this zombie i mean it's not going to go too well for them and there we go we can kill the zombie and after the zombies are dead the rats actually no longer particularly care about our existence now this is pretty interesting because what it means is all you need to do is find yourself a corner and press q and your character will be continuously moving and whilst you're moving while stuffed with enemies around your sneak skill is increasing so with that rat simply just walking around there and not being aggroed because they were too preoccupied on this zombie we can just walk into the wall and permanently level our sneak skill up to maximum it really is that easy and it really does just work there are a few locations like this in the game where you can physically train up all your stats to godly levels without actually having to do anything that you're really meant to there we go we've already leveled up our sneak three times now i'm just going to go brew myself a cup of tea and i'll be back in half an hour right this skill is just ridiculously easy to level and good old pam here has just literally just spent an hour running into a wall in a dungeon and already he's up to level 35 in sneak he levels up so quickly and we might as well actually just stand up and i suppose just murder this rat there we go we're going to do some sick ass magic because i need to try and level up my destruction school because we're going to be using that very same destruction skill set in order to completely and utterly murderize everything there we go we're already up to destruction level 6. now in order to protect ourselves we found a lovely rusty iron helmet sadly it's not an entire bucket because if we could put a bucket over our head i'm pretty sure society would accept us a little bit better but for the time being this helmet will have to do oh not perfect the game is trying to get me to stealth my way past the enemies up ahead not that i actually need to particularly worry about any of that because my character is so godlike i'm just going to vaporize this goblin with fireballs there we go it's just the best way to train on my lovely destruction magic now normally you're meant to drop the logs on these goblins but really every single goblin is an opportunity to train up destruction magic and so we can't waste that lovely opportunity all goblins must be evaporated by my cleansing flames there we go that's enough evaporated goblin sadly that goblin's weapon accidentally fell through the terrain of the map this goblin here is currently suffering from broken pathing issues because welcome to oblivion this game just works all right now to actually continue on with the tutorial we need to actually build up our class now i think and then we need to watch the lovely emperor die in a devastating ambush now we get to pick what lovely star sign we are there's of course some fantastic bonuses in here like my favorite one here which gives you a paralysis bonus i just love that now we're going to pick up the mage bonus just for the additional magicka not that magic is actually going to become a problem as we'll soon discover okay perfect now the two guards going off to fight and the emperor is going to die in this situation no matter what you do now in order to give the emperor a better chance against that assassin there i decided to increase his size but um it actually didn't help him at all which is a bit of a shame it would appear the emperor is dead here right now we actually get to pick what class we are well this is very important because basically we need to decide what skills we're trying to power level up now what we're basically going to do is boost up our abilities of magic and not become a mage but instead become a sorcerer here because you gain additional health which is going to be very important for us so there we go we're bamboo sorcerer all right now we're in a prime spot to basically escape now that we're a mage so that's what we're going to do by vargas enjoy guarding that body now we're off to do the basic classical exploits of every oblivion run of immediately going to generate ourselves infinite money now i've done this exploit so many times i'm not even going to show off how to do it so if you don't know how to generate infinite money in oblivion just go watch one of my previous oblivion videos it happens in every single one of them it is the most easy exploit to pull off and you can do it right at the start of the game it simply just involves paralyzing someone and then stealing infinite gold from them anyway we've got a few things to do before we can properly set ourselves up and one of those important things is simply frost craig spy this is a free item added into the dlc of the game which basically lets you gain access to this lovely tower which inside has the ability to create custom spells said custom spells are going to completely and utterly break the game for us anyway we're just going to freeze all these goblins to death there we go lovely stuff now the more times we do this the faster we level up our destruction and the more we level up our destruction the faster we can pull off this exploit actually wait we don't need to because we chose this class is already set to 32 you only need a destruction skill of 25 in order to pull off this exploit so uh from this point on the game's over we've completely and utterly won anyway it's time for us to leave we don't need to edit anything we're perfect well i mean we're not perfect we're a complete enough monstrosity that's about to kill everything but you know it's completely fine right now as i mentioned one thing we need to do is basically pick up and learn two spells one spell is to drain health this is a very easy spell to pick up and one which we're going to be able to do very quickly and then the second spell is to drain an attribute this is a lot more challenging because to gain the drain attribute spell would require a long line of quests where we go join i don't know a whole bunch of night templars on a lovely journey and actually do a bloody questline nope we're not doing any of that so thank goodness todd howard in his infinite wisdom of creating a perfectly balanced game lovingly handcrafted a perfect bypass for us now in order to pull off this bypass we need to actually get our character inflicted with a disease that's right physically any disease will do and so i think the best way we can get a disease is i don't know finding a whole bunch of wild animals and getting them to eat us that's usually a good way of picking up a disease oh now ladies and gentlemen i've just been speaking to please end me and he's told me that he's offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that's right the first 8 000 people to like this video will not instantaneously die when shaking his hand that's a once in a lifetime opportunity because tonight whether you like it or not pem will be visiting you in your dreams and if you haven't liked the video just make sure not to shake his hand or just touch him just don't go near him geez just don't go near him you don't want to go near him the issue is he's a khajiit so he can run quite fast once he takes off the heavy armor so really don't go near him and provided he isn't actually high enough level technically he's only able to kill three people in one go and then he needs a bit of a rest break so maybe throw a couple of family members at him first and then use that as your opportunity to get away honestly any loved one nearby to hand will do anyway let's jump back into the video right now welcome back ladies and gentlemen now what i've done ladies and gentlemen is i've wandered my way to the lovely harbour district of the imperial capital and run into this lovely character here this is puny anchors now puny anchors is a very special character because he is a beggar which means he's protected by the thieves guild but more importantly he's carrying a disease and said disease is all we need in order to exploit the game so what we're going to do is steal his onion there we go that should do and now he's going to hopefully try and attack me um he's not really doing much but can you can you fight me fight me puny why do you just go into someone else's bloody house come back come back fight me puny puny come back punch me come on i just need you to punch me i want the disease you're carrying punch me to make him feel like he stands a chance i'm just gonna punch him instead come on fight back fight back just punch me puny oh my god this character can do nothing i just need him to attack me i just want the diseases he has give me your diseases puny man oh my god this character just won't fight back i've cranked the difficulty slider up so hopefully this is gonna be it punch me just punch me puny why's he just getting into bed i've been punching you my dude let me rob the cup from you i think i've rubbed a cup from you come on punch me punch me pewdie i mean on the plus side i guess i'm training my hand to hand skill pummeling him into the ground but it'd be great if he could actually fight back you know maybe he doesn't feel confident because he doesn't have a weapon so let's drop a short sword on the ground for him and we'll even wear these lovely breeches here go look at that let me punch you there's a weapon here for you six and a half hours later right now after traveling right the way down to the leather wind here you're going to be able to run into this other little beggar here and this lovely beggar also has the disease that the last beggar had but this time i managed to get this one to aggro me i did have to kind of crank up my game difficulty to maximum to get him to aggro but once you've got him aggroed and he punches you you will contract his lovely disease what is his disease well check it out ladies and gentlemen it's the yellow tick disease it drains your speed and it drains your strength it's absolutely fantastic now why do we want this disease in order to gain the ability to drain an attribute from someone well we want this disease because normally to gain the drain attribute spell we'd have to do a lot of quests but instead in this game we have a easy solution all we need to do is simply drop down a save right now and then quit out of this game to the main menu that's right okay maybe you don't necessarily quit out to the menu maybe quit out of the game entirely it doesn't make much of a difference oh my god did the game just crash again game just crashed again oblivion please please be oblivious it's been like well over 10 years now like if i could just get the game to run on a pc that would be great like i mean i understand if it's not exactly a very popular game released around the time of oblivion it didn't do too well and so it would make sense if maybe it doesn't necessarily run on modern pcs but come on todd this game is still played by thousands of people every month anyway so now that we're back in the game we're going to pull a lovely little bit of an exploit which is to cheese the way of gaining oh my god it just crashed again jesus i'm not allowed to walk tab on the main menu apparently no it's 20 20. you can't all tab on a game yep of course the technology's just not quite there yet all right so now that we're back into the game for a third time we're going to start a brand new game we don't actually really need to do anything we just need to make a character now all we need to do is make a character who is an orc that is literally they can be male or female your choice we make a character his character's name is going to be exploit exploit what a lovely little orky boy he is let's make him super old and oh lovely he's going to look like a bit of a tripled-up olive perfect actually what if we just crank everything to light oh yes we can make the most beautifully disgusting corky boy i've ever seen that's just majestic right exploit exploit you've been made job done am i sure i want to be an orc yes i am so we're an orc fantastic we're in the game are we going to walk up to the door and start the game no we're going to hit escape and instead load on last save where we're playing as please end me it's a very simple thing because orcs have very unique sets of skills another way back is our character things are perfect all we need to do now is get ourselves over to a spell making table and then we're able to tie in the drain attribute spell the reason why the orc basically gives us the drain attribute spell is because orcs have the berserk power which comes with drain attribute and technically having a spell known which drains an attribute is all you need to make a spell with drain attribute and then once you make that spell you can close the game reopen it and you'll still have the ability to make drain attribute spells because in this game the only way to know how to make a spell is to actually be able to cast it and the only way to know how to cast it is to get a disease and become an orc and then stop being an orc i know it's a convoluted way of doing things but come on this is the exploity way of doing things let's go pick up ourselves a drain life spell and then we're going to need to actually improve frost crack spy to the point where we can make spells now drain life's a bit easier to get hold of all you need to do is go to skin grad and make your way over to the mages guild oh and here it is just around the corner the lovely mages guild now inside of the mages guild we're going to run into this character right here drew joe now druja here is able to sell us spells and most importantly drew jahre sells this spell here the spell of minor wound it's only 50 gold to buy and all it does is drains the health of a target a nice and cheap spell to have not exactly very powerful but hey we're going to buy it thank you very much georgia that was very nice of you right now i'm going to run off and go perform the infinite gold exploit and then we're going to make our way inside of frost crack spire but now we effectively have both of the items we'll need to create the ultimate spell of death so that we can please end life everywhere in this world so it's a quick fast travel to frost crag spy and all we need to do is simply open up the doors of this lovely place and we're bam it's now ours now this is perfect and lovely now this lovely book has basically told us everything that we need to do and it's relatively simple we need to buy a couple of items and then we can make ourselves some spells of this lovely spell making altery thing it just needs some mage tallow candles and there we go then we can make ourselves some spells how do we get that all we need to do is actually go to the marketplace and also get ourselves a bit of gold so one quick infinite gold exploit later and one visit to the marketplace we've made our way over to the lovely imperial marketplace where we'll be able to find ourselves a lovely shop with all of the items we need i'm pretty sure it's the mystic emporium here on the end now that we have our infinite gold we can basically buy whatever we like but we're only after those lovely mage tallow candles oh here we go some lovely mage tallow candles in a box we'll buy both of those i mean they're 3 000 each that's all fine and we can also buy all of these lovely frost crag improvements because i mean gold is limitless so you might as well anyway now this is perfect we've picked up everything we need for frost crack spire and now we're able to make the most powerful spell in this game and you won't know how much it's going to cost me it's going to cost me hardly anything you see normally when you're making a high-end spell in this game it's going to cost you a stupid amount of gold and also use up a stupid amount of magicka heck you might need destruction level 100 to even cast it and you're only going to be able to cast it once every half hour as you have to wait for your magicka to regenerate but no this spell is going to be unlike any other spell in the game it's going to be cheap but it's going to be terrifyingly strong so what we're doing is simply going inside of our lovely frost crack spire here adding our lovely candles to the altar and also we might as well add it to the enchanting table as well and in here we're going to make ourselves our special spell now you will notice drain attribute is now available thanks to us temporarily being an orc and so i'm just going to make a quick spell where we just drain strength it's going to last for one duration basically this is a filler spell it's only gonna cost us free gold to make so this is the filler drain spell the reason i've done this is because otherwise when i got myself cured i'd lose the ability to make a drain attribute spell but now that i have that spell made i'll be permanently able to use drain attribute anyway now what we need to do is make our instant spell of death so allow me to create instant death what is instant death well instant death is one part drain health where we drain the health of anyone we touch at a magnitude of 100 over the duration of one second it doesn't exactly have any area and sure we could add area to it but even just adding an area of 10 immediately increases the cost up to 150 gold and increases the magicka use up to 50 from 30. if you want to crank this up even higher well suddenly you're going to need 497 magicka to cast we don't have 497 magicka and i'm certainly not spending 1500 gold in the spell so instead we're just going to do drain health but the thing is there are monsters and enemies in this game which have more than 100 health so what happens when you encounter something with more than 100 health well you also add in the drain attribute spell and what we're going to be draining is the endurance of our opponents what is endurance well it's the attribute which affects how much maximum health an enemy has this is a very interesting little thing to add to a spell because once again we can crank it up to a magnitude of 100 it only costs 174 to add it only is going to last for one second and so what we've created is the spell of instant death what does instant death do well it immediately lowers the endurance of anyone who is touched by a hundred which will immediately their total maximum health and then it will sap a hundred health from them if the opponent has a hundred health or less they will instantly die hence instant death now because we're draining endurance by a hundred points which is effectively the maximum endurance most things are going to have in this game we're resetting every single opponent's maximum health pool down to a hundred and then immediately taking it away making this spell an instant death spell this is completely and totally stupid and i love it it costs 58 magicka to cast and every time we're going to cast it someone will die now remember ladies and gentlemen our lovely character here who is absolutely beautiful is only level one that's right please end me the khajiit mage sorcerer is a level 1 character with 140 magika 70 health and 150 maximum fatigue they can cast this spell twice before having to wait for their magicka to regenerate but casting it just twice is enough to instantly murder two people and the more we cast it and the more powerful he gets and the more magicky he has the more we can dial this spell up to crazy numbers we can make it so that it affects an area of 100 meaning everyone around us immediately drops dead well i suppose now that i have my spell of instant death i might as well actually go mess about with it so let's teleport our way over to the fantastic kovach where effectively the city is under siege by chaos demons and we're going to be able to help them out so we're going to run our way up to the city and effectively become a hero by one-shotting all the opponents we've run into now the thing is this spell actually only requires a skill of 25 and destruction which means even if you're not a mage your character can probably make this spell because getting a score of 25 in destruction is nothing you can train that off of rats anyway let's go help them out right i'm going to now run into this lovely chaotic wastelands and oh look he's an imp he's doing things now i'm just going to cast a spell of instant death on him and he's tragically died which is lovely there's another one in fact they just keep coming out of the uh chaos gate here are stunted scamps lovely that's what we're fighting mostly equipped with forks right now i'm just going to kind of walk around the gate of oblivion and just going to kovach i'm not really interested in going into oblivion right now but look we've got a whole bunch of scamps around here hello scamps now you're scary monsters that can do damage however i have a spell of instant death yeah this is um not fair in the slightest so uh we're bam there we go you're dead oh and hello there are you going to try and fight me yes i think you are i don't have enough magicka well now i do and you're dead ah balance lovely game balance right here todd howard i love what you've done with it perfectly balanced all right i've traveled from the gate of oblivion and i'm now in the uh effectively the realms of chaos where there's mostly just a lot of people who've become crispy little sausages on the floor um and oh look there's a man helping me here right well let me evaporate the enemies that he's fighting um you know what i'll take one for the team and just evaporate the manual fighting where are you running off to what's wrong with you come back ai all right now we're on a lovely adventure to go um i guess close this gate of oblivion although normally it can be a bit of a challenge at level one we are luckily equipped with a spell which immediately murders everything best thing is it doesn't even matter what the difficulty setting is we can just kill stuff anyway you're dead it's like we just have a hand we touch people with the hand and they fall over dead it's very powerful and feels great 11 out of 10 i strongly recommend everyone give this a try oh look another scamp here right come on cast your fireball let's see what you got nice try great fireball friend now you're dead good stuff oh hello there angry scamp hello yep shoot your fireball lovely that's great you're dead now you got one attack off so i feel great for you oh that's a landmine that looks lovely and fun oh lovely i've made my way inside of what is called a blood well um we're just going to kill the one guarding scamp here lovely stuff what a lovely fun work environment this must be for everyone oh fantastic look at this this looks slightly more impressive this is a straight-up demora charles oh lovely little bit more impressive than the scamps that we're fighting uh although it does still fall down to the one slight issue of it dying to our lovely spell so let's just one tap him and he's dead uh instantaneously oh no oh these poor little damores that's just not really powerful i mean then again nothing is considering we can one-shot everything oh look it's another demora charles sadly this one's dead as well and the thing is weapons just aren't very good it takes so long to kill things magic is where it's at because you can just kill stuff instantly oh lovely it's demora sigil keeper this is a um some kind of spooky demon guy with high level armor but um once again another one shot thanks to the key my friend not exactly the most powerful enemy we've ever encountered mostly because he's absolutely terrible anyway let's open up this brood cage oh perfect stuff here we are we've made our way right the way up to the top and now there is a uh angry demo here but he's um dead instantly oh look another high level enemy here once again one shot all right now let's end this all right are you the final boss or something nope you're just a regular guard right you're dead all right let us remove the sigil stone lovely stuff now into convection we go over our lovely experience it's been an absolutely fantastic journey but still we need to instantly kill more enemies because i need to level up because as soon as we hit level two well that's when we can choose this system even further ah lovely there's some scams for us to test our destruction magic on well i say test it's more a case of walking up to them and pressing c and then they're just dead instantly oh lovely check out this it's a more high ranking enemy who's dead instantly all right now we're going to do a charge onto the castle once again hopefully some more enemies for me to murder that's all that i'm really looking for just an excuse to stab things with my mega magic now what i could really do if it's a bit of heavy armor to actually train my heavy armor skill on so i'm going to accidentally kill this heavy imperial archer here who is wearing lovely heavy armor and i'm just going to steal that now it is going to upset a few people but you know it was just a tragic workplace accident nothing we could do really and now in his lovely heaverama we can hopefully tank a few hits and level up our stats even further right now we're kitted out in full heavy armor we are completely ready to level up our heavy armor skill oh lovely we took that one straight to the chest they're perfect i can't hit me hit me again come on hit me with that fireball no not the imperial soldier hit me oh my god you've just killed my imperial soldier now you're just going for the other bloke just kill me already oh my god now you're just shooting each other can you kill this man oh yes you can he's dead let me take the key off of his body lovely all right and now shoot me in once they do that i'm going to trim my restoration stats by just healing myself as they do damage oh this is going great our heavy armor is leveling up nice and quick there we go it's leveled up perfect stuff all right now i only really need to do that five more times and then i'm at level two and we can completely exploit the game all right i've made my way inside the castle and whilst grinding some stats outside i've now hit the point where i can actually level up which is pretty much perfect because now that i can level up i'm in a prime spot to gain infinite mana anyway we've just opened up the gate so we can run on in now perfect stuff it's a little bit more fighting with imps but of course as we know fighting with imps is something that i absolutely love doing i mean they're basically just free sponges to test magic out on right now inside the castle we go once again got more super fun scamps to fight wait these guys aren't garbage camps these guys are regular scamps my goodness okay i'm going to actually have to drink a potion here and now let's kill you there we go that's one dead scam and we've got another one up here and you're dead and perfect stuff all right lovely we've got more scamps to fight there we go you're dead and uh is there another one back here yeah you're dead lovely stuff i know you see what's lovely about this room is that there's a bed here and uh bed's allowing you to level up so what i'm gonna do guys is uh i know a bit awkward just anna miranda but i'm gonna actually drop down a save here and generate infinite magic right so what you want to do is sleep and now that the time's gone forwards one hour what you want to do is press escape and you want to load the save right before you went to sleep and this is going to load us back to this point where we're level two but we can pick some attribute points now we're going to of course pick intelligence willpower and speed so this is all lovely perks for us to have it's going to really improve our character and there we go lovely stuff we've leveled up anyway now that we've just allocated our points we're going to save again create a brand new save but now we're going to back on out to our first save over here save number 30 where we're still level one not level two once again we're going to use the bed press rest wait for the time to pass by one hour then load our brand new save of 31 and you notice we've now gone into the safe and we're suddenly level three this is pretty interesting because we haven't actually gained enough experience to be level three but we can still level up our character so once again we're going to pick magicka there we go to pick willpower and hekido what we might as well pick up some luck whilst we're at it as well and then once again we can just press exit lovely stuff lovely stuff so now that we're level free on this save all we want to do is drop down a brand new save where we're level three load back to the save where we're level one go to the bed rest for an hour wait for that hour to pass now load into that level free save i mean it really is this easy now suddenly we're level four this is a little bit interesting todd howard not particularly sure how this is allowed in any way but you know the game does move in mysterious ways anyway we're bam we've just increased our stats once again let's drop down to save i'm going to load back to the save where we're still level one then we sleep in the bed wait for an hour to pass hit escape load the brand new level four save and guess what ladies and gentlemen oh we're bam with level five it really is that easy says boost our intelligence up to 50 increase our willpower and we can increase our insurance and we're back there we go that's how to infinitely level up after just leveling up once now off of the back of this we've been able to level up our character to level five theoretically we could go as far as we like and continuously improve our magicka pool so that we can cast the spell of infinite death as much as we feasibly like making us terrifyingly powerful and the person who can end life at just a simple brush of their hands also a magicka now regenerates even faster which is perfect because look at these lovely two people it's miranda and jason two lovely characters he's dead and he's dead um now sadly what another tragic friendly fire incident what a shame no one survived other than ourselves of course because we can never die now as arse magic lets us murder everything and anyone instantaneously into the counts quarters have we got a fight here yes oh my goodness look at this it's a flame after an act oh it's dead oh no todd what have you done what have you done please end me has just completely ended your game it's completely totally broken it oh my goodness i absolutely love oblivion i really do anyway if you've enjoyed watching this video then feel free to give it a like and hop on down into the comment section and tell me what kind of videos you'd like to watch next if you'd like to see me try and recreate this same spell of instant death in skyrim then hop on down to the comment section and give me a shout at the same time if you want to see more lovely oblivion exploits then by all means there are many more so feel free to suggest that anyway i hope you are now pledging allegiance to pem in the comment section because at the end of the day this is the being that now decides whether you live or die effectively they've become a god as they hold total control over who lives and dies just with a simple touch of their hand and the more people they kill the more powerful they get meaning they'll be able to kill everyone in a hundred meter radius instantaneously eventually now that's the kind of magic you don't want to run into anyway as always a massive thank you to all of you for watching and if you have enjoyed it and you want to see more very strange exploit videos like this then feel free to subscribe and heck you can even turn on notifications so that you get to be the person who gets to comment first on all of my videos well done if that's you anyways always a massive thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible each of these lovely majestic sausages shown on screen now has been a massive support so thank you very much each and every one of you pat yourselves on the back and heck if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next on youtube well i've got the one for you hand chosen by myself to be exactly what you're looking for that's right you need more oblivion in your life my friend anyway so make sure to give it a watch and i'll be seeing each and every one of you in the next one so have an absolutely lovely day my friends and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,197,508
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Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, elder scrolls, the elder scrolls, elder scrolls oblivion, oblivion, oblivion game, ELDER SCROLLS OBLIVION IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, invisibility glitch, OBLIVION IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, elder scrolls 6, spiffing brit, spiffing brit perfectly balanced, strategy games, video game exploit, montage, the spiffing brit, funny moments, game funny, game exploit, rpg exploit, rpg game, magic only, oblivion exploit
Id: 5VokTJWDrt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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