Top 10 Most Annoying Pokemon to Catch (and how to catch them)

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hey everyone how's it going so today I'm going to talk about the top 10 most annoying Pokemon to catch my channel pretty much has been a series of guys how to get shiny pokemon or hidden ability Pokemon that are a little bit frustrating but they're nothing compared to getting some of these completely regular non shiny standard ability Pokemon in some of the games starting off with number 10 we have Kangaskhan from red and blue so kangaskhan is only available in the safari zone and if you've played red and blue or pretty much any pokemon game with the safari zone you know how annoying it can be essentially here's the deal Kangaskhan is available four percent of the time now I found on my first appearance and look at that it ran away so we're going at 21 times normal speed trying to find another one with a 4% encounter rate that's not going to happen very often but even when you encounter one trying to catch one is another story because your options in the Safari is honored to throw bait which makes it harder to catch but less likely the Pokemon will run and then you can throw a rock at it which lowers its catch rate but makes it way more likely to run so I just throw Safari balls at the Kangaskhan hoping that one will work here's a thing each Safari ball has a nine percent chance of working now I'm not the best at math but a four percent appearance rate times a nine percent capture rate equals a very pissed off me trying to find this thing but finally you will get the kangaskhan and yeah it's only number ten because it's not too too difficult it's just time consuming and thankfully I was playing this on Pokemon Stadium to where I could speed up the game so this only took me about 15 minutes number nine friend Safari exclusives from Pokemon X&Y so the friend Safari itself was okay I mean it gave you an easier way to get hidden ability Pokemon and even get shiny pokemon a little bit easier too but trying to get the safaris was quite a nightmare so the way you would get safaris is by registering friends if you had a ton of friends who play Pokemon that was great or even 3ds in general but if you didn't well that was a bit of a problem so today we're talking about Pokemon you can only get via the friend Safari like the Kanto starters if you want a Kanto starter an X&Y I that was the only way to get it but trying to get that Safari was not really intuitive I mean you could go on reddit or something and find safaris and friend code exchanges but the fact there was nothing in game to do that was really obnoxious in fact the way I used to do it was battle random passerby 'z allow them become my acquaintances and then battle them as acquaintances which gives them a prompt to become my friend a lot of them would become my friend because I assumed they also were looking for friends afar YZ I think my Safari sucked by the way um but yeah that was pretty much the way to get certain Pokemon I ended up never getting like Charmeleon until horas because I never had the friend Safari for it and that's why it's on the list I mean something that's unintuitive completely luck-based and there's really no strategy around it listen for once in my life not having enough friends hurt my ability to play Pokemon that is list worthy at number 8 we have drifloon from generation 4 so drifloon is pretty easy to catch assuming you know where to get it here's the deal with drifloon it's right at the valley Wynn works but when you were at the valley Wynn works you wouldn't have seen a drifloon why will for two probable reasons one it's only available after a certain point of the game I think it's when you beat like Cyrus or something and - it's only available on Fridays so assuming you went here and it wasn't a Friday you wouldn't see a drifloon what sense does that make I mean why Friday is drifloon the Friday Pokemon like I know that this is hard to spoke Amman to catch but without boba pedia or Sarah B you wouldn't know ever to get this thing and that's something I find really obnoxious and a reason I put things on the list like if I ever had to look something up to know how to catch it that was pretty bad you know I always considered guides and looking things up kind of almost a cheating method you know a way to give myself an advantage and with dexnav you didn't even need to do that anymore which is why I like dexnav but with drift flew and you absolutely need to look that up because there was no way many of us found this accidentally which is why it sits here at number eight number seven porygon from on red so porygon was also available in blue but in red it cost more coins and the only way to get porygon is to pay 9999 coins think that's enough it's actually the maximum amount of coins you can get so how do you get coins well some are lying on the ground you can play the slots which is kind of luck based or you can just talk to this guy and he'll give you 50 coins for $1,000 now I got lots of money so I'll think I'll do that method unfortunately this is now at 32 times speed you can see just how long this takes it is absurd how long this takes like who designed this process and thought yeah someone's going to sit here tapping the a button for 15 minutes it takes 15 minutes to do this without speeding it up I used pokemon stadium 2 so it was 4 times that fast but I can't imagine who would have enough patience to do that so finally you go across to that other place right next to the game corner and you get your porygon but the fact that they designed the porygon like this i mean how could i not put this at number 7 number 6 we have female Kobe from diamond pearl and platinum so the way to get female Kobe is by using the honey mechanic and the honey mechanic sucks I could have put any pokemon using honey but female combee annoys me the most because of its gender ratio which is the same as sland it it is like 1 in 10 so anyway you slather a bunch of trees with honey there the yellow trees you just click on them and then you wait 6 real-time hours not in-game hours real hours you can't mess with the clock for this one so after 6 hours pass you go back to your trees and you're going to save in front because if you don't get a female 1 you can soft reset but what pokemon is actually going to appear at the tree is predetermined as soon as you slaughter the honey so here it's always going to be a Wurmple but you can soft reset like you can soft reset for a shiny Wurmple if you wanted to this tree by Valle win works SiC and a half combi no a palm is pretty rare but not a comb be how about this tree is it going to have a comb be well wouldn't you know there's a comb be but like always it's male so this isn't to to bad you just have to keep soft resetting the thing that annoys means you might have to slather all the trees multiple times until a Combee actually shows up and then once it shows up you then have to soft reset so this is really time-consuming in fact it takes six real-time hours to get it because you have to do the waiting once you get the Combee caching it isn't the problem no what annoys me is how unintuitive this all is the waiting six hours the slathering trees multiple times a soft resetting it just should be easier and that's why it's here at number six number five surskit from Ruby and Sapphire so I should be honest I am a huge fan of bug pokemon and so a bug water pokemon was like the coolest thing to me when Gen 3 came out unfortunately surskit is available 1% of the time there's no surskit charm or any method known to increase those odds is just 1% of the time in Emerald it's almost even worse you can only get them via the swarm mechanic which makes it somewhat easier but what pokemon is swarming is completely random although when they're swarming they're available pretty frequently which is why I'm talking about Ruby and Sapphire there's no Pokemon I can think of that they have such a low base encounter rate 1% and it's surskit it's not like we're talking about like Zekrom or Reshiram we're talking about friggin surskit so why they decided to give it 1% I'll never know but here we are it was 1% and it drove me crazy finally you will find a surskit and like a lot of these pokemon once you found it catching it is pretty easy but it's the finding of the surskit which is why it's won the molar annoying pokemon have had to catch number 4 Rotom from X&Y all right so you may have gone to the location where Rotom is without even knowing it and that's exactly what happened to me until I looked up where to find Rotom I'm sensing a theme here about things that annoy me anyway once I looked it up I found out that on Tuesdays in these trash cans sometimes there are Rotom you want to know this because even if you were there on a Tuesday a new check the trash can most time is either nothing or just an item so that's why I saved because you can just soft reset and every time you enter the Pokemon are different so that's pretty good anyway I got a Rotom first try because of course I did because when I want to get Rotom right away I don't and when I want to rant about never getting a Rotom I get one on my first encounter so when things oh what's this guy complaining about this is so easy but yeah by the way I learned in this battle you can actually catch a Pokemon waltz in a substitute that's pretty cool but what the heck I mean only available on Tuesday in dumpster I mean why none of that makes any sense is Rotom the dumpster Pokemon is it the Tuesday Pokemon I get why it's in the lost hotel but someone please explain that to me you know what never mind let's just get right down to the top three number three the legendary golems I hate these as a kid I never caught them and here's why see these tablets with this weird-looking dot stuff well that's Braille what's Braille oh you know the bumps that blind people can use to read because they can't see so I'm supposed to find out how to catch these things by reading Braille I mean think about that for a second I'm supposed to read Braille like what anyway if you actually look it up which is what you have to do because there's no way you can read Braille nobody reads Braille Braille or bumps I mean are you kidding me like who designed this that's it's almost offensive anyway all you need to do is get Pokemon to learn dig and use dig at this wall and then that's your first step we have a lot more baloney coming up oh wait so after that there is more tablets with some more Braille I don't know what any of it says you can click on it it's still Braille so lord knows what it says you would have to be able to read Braille I can read Braille anyway so you go to this tablet and it says who knows what what actually tells you is you got to arrange your party in such a way that way Lord is the first poco sorry wait lowers the last Pokemon relicanth is the first the opposite and emerald because of course it is now once you do that you wouldn't have to read the tablet again and then you will see three earthquakes symbolizing the three legendary golems or titans or whatever ready to be battled but not before more garbage so what does this tablet say in Reggie rocks cave and the desert ruins well it says that you need to take two steps right and then two steps downward and then you strength that's intuitive I mean come on like I know I'm being like a little over the top maybe melodramatic but who's going to figure this out without a guidebook and and that's the thing I didn't actually have the internet back in Ruby and Sapphire and you might say well you picked Oris why'd you pick auras because I shouldn't have to use Bulba pedia to play my game anyway for Reggie Steele you just have to use fly in that little steel puddle in the middle very intuitive again using fly in a cave and regice is by far my favorite for regice you just have to read this and then not touch your game for two minutes I'm I'm actually speechless in Emerald is do a counterclockwise lap but if you thought we were done oh no oh no we're not done we are so totally not done because Horace gives you the ability to catch regigigas which is pretty cool I actually didn't get regigigas in Gen 4 because I didn't have the event golems so how do you get regigigas well first you need to nickname your regice it doesn't matter what you nickname it then you need to give regice a cold item a caste a Lyon or ice rock will do you can get a nice rock from the weather Institute then you've got to come back during the daytime go to the middle of the cave and look at that regigigas appears who though who designed this like seriously who designed this I mean I would have loved to have put the gen 3 version but the fact that they didn't make this any more intuitive in Gen 6 is ridiculous I mean Pokemon is aimed at children what kid would figure this out I mean the gen3 internet wasn't even really a thing like I didn't have consistent internet access back then so that's why I only caught the legendary Golan's in Gen 3 and I'm not kidding about this this past summer was the first time I ever accomplished this feat I mean and the fact regigigas ah you know what this is number three so be prepared for number two number one let's let's move on I'm done with this let's go number two the legend you know what do we want to talk about the golem some more I think I want to talk about those some more all right so the legendary beasts are the worst and as you can see suicune is already weakened here's the deal finding them is a nightmare and I'll talk about that in a second but once you found them catching them isn't any easier so these things like to run away from you there's two ways of stopping them one is by putting them to sleep and the second is by using mean look you got to do both because if you don't use mean look the first turn suicune wakes up it'll flee automatically and if you don't have any master balls left I actually caught Entei with my master ball so none of those for me you just throw ultra balls which gives you a whopping 5% chance each time you throw it so I didn't catch it there and of course I woke up and it roared me yeah they know roar isn't that cool roar bypasses mean look I didn't know that alright let's go and try and find it okay so it's over there well unfortunately suicune moves every time you move so every time you change routes suicune will change routes so I'm still on the same route right now I'm thinking maybe I'll go down there now it's a bad idea maybe I'll just go up here and all you know catch suicune trying to come back to the route originally on alright let's see alright it's right there that's one route away so we can always moves one route at a time so there's a chance I get it alright let's go I'm so excited I'm on the other route I can tell all right do I have suicune no no of course of course you basically do this for about half an hour so you find it again so alright here it is I finally found suicune again and it roared me alright well on this time I've got you suicune there is nothing you can do to stop me with my ultra balls and my smeargle except for that well finally after like and I'm not kidding this took me like three hours after three hours you will find suicune a final time and I pray this doesn't take you as long as it took me but I have a fear it will and finding squeaking the first time by the way is in of itself a video like that's the most annoying thing but one ultra ball will just work it's funny how that happens but yeah finding this thing's a nightmare catching this thing is a nightmare and oh yeah you have to do it three times and the first time is completely random you're just have to keep randomly checking routes using repels and saying hey suicune you there and then it'll appear and it won't be at a time where you want to appear and oh you don't have mean look and it ran away so that gives it its well-deserved number-2 spot on the list and number one you knew what this was it's Phoebus of course it's Phoebus what else would it be but Phoebus let's talk about this thing I've wanted to talk about Phoebus heck I wanted to catch this thing for years now and I just hunkered down and did it a few days ago here's the deal with Phoebus there are 536 fishable tiles you can divide those into four in each quadrant let's say there is one tile that 50% of time has a fee base which tile that is completely random it changes every day so when you find Phoebus on Monday it's not there on Tuesday so what's the strategy the strategy is wasting your time and just fishing everywhere once hey there's only a one at a sixteen chance you don't find Phoebus and what are the odds that you're one of those one at a 16 well thankfully I was and actually found Phoebus pretty quickly in fact I got it in the first quadrant but it still took me an hour an hour was quick and I can't find it again tomorrow just just fantastic but I have to say I haven't felt this happy finding a regular Pokemon in my entire life I mean it was like I found a shiny but once you find the Phoebus couching it is ridiculously easy it has one of the lowest catch rates or the highest whatever in the entire game you throw a pokeball at it and you pretty much Abbott at full health I was going to put feedback from gen3 because it's very similar but I didn't want to talk about the same thing twice and this is way worse I mean you have a lesson chance of finding it and the spots change every single day so know this earns its number one spot I mean Game Freak if you ever design anything this annoying again I'm quitting Pokemon thankfully nothing in Sun and Moon is anywhere near this annoying I thought of Pokemon from Sun and Moon none of them really come close to being on this list so that's about it thanks for watching are there any Pokemon that I missed let me know in the comment section below and hopefully I'll do one of these videos again soon take care [Music]
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 2,131,027
Rating: 4.3347812 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Top Most Annoying Pokemon to Cacth, Top 10 Pokemon, Top 10 Annoying Pokemon to Catch, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Gold and Silver, Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Pokemon Platinum, Porygon, Feebass, Feebas, Kangaskhan, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Drifloon, Combee, Female Combee, Rotom, Friend Safari, Surskit, Regis, Legendary Golems, Legendary Beasts, Legendary Dogs
Id: oU8C8FQocc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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