How many Pokemon can you Catch in Red/Blue WITHOUT EVOLVING?

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Use the Mew Trick = encounter all 152 and catch with infinite master balls because well ;3

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Vladmirfox 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so if you've been on my channel long enough you know that i really enjoy catching pokemon but there is one question i've wondered for a really long time and obviously it's the title of the video how many pokemon can you catch if you never evolve anything now why would this matter well when you think of catch em all you're thinking of actually catching pokemon but a lot of times because it's faster i'll simply catch a preval pokemon like a caterpie level it up a little bit and there you go that's now three pokemon registered in your pokedex when in reality you only caught one so for today's video we're gonna see how many you can catch if you never evolve anything and for the first time i've filmed the entire catch em all so i'll be able to take you through the process of how i go about catching all these pokemon what parts were difficult which you guys seem to enjoy and i'll even have a nice little graphic on the side for you to keep track of how many pokemon i've caught so yeah that's enough preamble let's talk about the run itself so in the beginning you get one pokemon i decided to pick bulbasaur because well there are a few reasons but it was the best in the solo challenge so i figured it deserved to be my starter for this challenge unfortunately you can't catch any of the starters so that means out of 150 potential pokemon and for those of you who've watched my catch-a-mall series you know it's not actually 150 but for now that's eight pokemon we're not gonna be able to catch i'm not gonna mark them or anything because it would just get too confusing but something i figured i should bring up anyway after you get your bulbasaur or whatever you can go and get the pokedex and then we can actually start catching some pokemon and the first pokemon most people will catch are rattata and pidgey on route 2 as you're heading to viridian forest you can catch both of them of course i forgot this isn't a big deal since they're available everywhere but funny enough i ended up going through the whole game without ever catching rattata i did catch a pidgey here but rattata wasn't caught until i was double checking everything right near the end so not a big deal since they're so common but kind of funny anyways we head to viridian forest it's a good time to talk about the planning and strategy that goes into these runs in any generation so viridian forest there are five pokemon i'm showing you red version since that's the version i'm playing but it's the same in blue just with some numbers reversed so one pokemon that we're not necessarily going to catch here even though i ended up doing so is pikachu and let's talk about why that is pikachu is only available five percent of the time in viridian forest but in the power plant it's available at a much higher rate so it makes sense to catch it there assuming we have to go since the power plant is way out of the way well there are a bunch of pokemon in red and blue that are only catchable in the power plant like electabuzz so we have to go there anyway and thus while i will catch a pikachu if i find one i'm not gonna waste time here looking for one if i've caught everything i need and the other four pokemon we actually do need to catch here that's something you have to pay attention to as well while many pokemon repeat there are some pokemon like in red version caterpie kakuna and metapod that are only going to be found in viridian forest so i can't leave here until i've caught at least these three pokemon although weedle is going to be caught pretty soon so this can take a really long time and i just want to address that there are ways of speeding this up without using cheats or glitches as you could figure we're not using any glitches since glitches completely change the way you catch pokemon in red and blue but you can manipulate the randomness it's not very well known and speedrunners have a whole table you can follow it's not something i've ever really gotten good at and frankly i don't feel like learning it since it just doesn't represent how the average person would have played these games for me at any point i've never been able to do this and so while people are gonna comment and say you could have saved a lot of time because yeah i did spend a long time i spent about 40 minutes in viridian forest that's really bad luck but when you're relying purely on randomness such things can happen anyway it is something you can do if you're thinking about doing this yourself but i don't know i wanted to go for the classic just run in the grass and hope method it's not the best but at least it's in line with what the developers intended which is kind of cool anyway after you've caught those four pokemon you can beat brock and then head to route 3. now route 3 is three pokemon of course we already have a pidgey but you can find spiro and i do although it's not necessary but you need to find jigglypuff here luckily after i catch the spiro i immediately find a jigglypuff ten percent isn't terrible but it's not great but jigglypuff is only catchable here so if you forget to get jigglypuff you'll have to come back which is never fun so might as well catch one right here and that brings our total to nine pokemon entering the pokemon center before mount moon because we can buy a magikarp and i get that gift pokemon are a bit of a gray area but someone else caught them and then gave it to us so it was still caught it wasn't evolved thus it still counts and we have 10 pokemon we're 1 15 of the way done now funny enough mount moon itself although you don't have to catch any of the pokemon here it's faster to catch a bunch of them and end up catching all four available pokemon the one you might think is questionable as clefairy and let me explain why i caught clefairy here now even though clefairy only appears in mount moon at a six percent rate at best the alternative is to spend 500 coins at the rocket game corner and i'd really prefer not to do that we're going to need a whole lot of coins later spoiler alert and so it would really save time if i just got clefairy right now thankfully i did find one rather quickly and of course wouldn't you know it fainted my bubble sword and accidentally hit b and i ran away i was very annoyed but like two encounters later i got another clefairy i have very weak pokemon since i'm only really training bulbasaur since it's just quicker to train up one pokemon and bulbasaur's attack is low enough that i'm usually able to weaken pokemon without knocking them out another really good reason to pick it anyway i was able to catch clefairy on pretty high health which is kind of lucky but i will take it and that brings our total up to 14. now as we head to cerulean there is actually only one pokemon we're going to catch for the next little while and that's eckans i didn't actually even need to catch it here on route 4. i just decided to because i'm not really sure why i wasn't really thinking ahead but sure you can catch ekkans that brings us to 15 pokemon and now we have to fight a whole bunch of trainers which in this video isn't very important we're not going to catch abra it's too annoying and every other pokemon we can catch in these roots they're just easier to catch elsewhere so after we've beaten misty and beaten all the trainers on the way to bill's house we can head to route 6 and on route 6 i will catch two pokemon oddish and manky might as well i'm here anyway and we need them then after i stock up on some more pokeballs i can head to route 11 and catch drowsy which is only available there now the drowzee had put me to sleep and i did want to diglett since i wanted something that could no dig and thus i just threw pokeballs at the full health diglett i found it was at a pretty low level i will have to come back here later so this wasn't necessary and actually may have wasted time but whatever i thought i would use it ended up not being that important but we got it so that's good because after diglett i decided to go and finish up with the ssn beat lieutenant serge didn't end up using diglett for that but that's why i wanted it but then i proceeded down route 10 towards rock tunnel on route 10 you can get voltorb at 45 so i picked one of those up and finally we've made it to rock tunnel where you might think i'd catch a bunch of pokemon but ended up catching actually nothing everything that's available in rock tunnel is available at a better rate elsewhere in the game so i could just use repel and proceed through rock tunnel fighting as few trainers as possible and once i got to route 8 in order to skip some trainers i go through the shortcut by cutting down those trees and i encountered a growlithe so might as well catch that and so we're heading into celadon with 21 pokemon and as you know from my solo runs once we get to celadon a whole bunch of different avenues open up and that's very useful for catching pokemon so first we're gonna head to the celadon hotel and pick up evie then we're gonna go and get the coin case and find some coins on the floor to purchase an abra way easier than trying to catch one while they teleport away from us after we evaporate we're gonna go get the hm for fly we're going to catch a doe duo here because why the heck not then we're going to get fly and we're going to fly back to vermillion in vermilion i have my spiro that i caught all the way back on route 3 and i'm going to trade it for ducks the far-fetched then i'm gonna go into diglett cave and catch a doug trio now that i have great balls dugtrio is pretty annoying to catch with the pokeball so waiting till great balls made sense then we're gonna go through digla cave and we're gonna trade abra for the mr mine not that it's super important but this is a pokemon we're going to use as our main battler pretty much for the rest of the run and finally we're going to head to pewter city and pick up the old amber so that we can turn it into aerodactyl a little bit later after we've done all that we have some more plot stuff to do but one thing i need to make very clear is that in red and blue you need to make sure you change your boxes they will not change automatically for you this is incredibly frustrating i'm sure so many of us have stories of trying to catch this pokemon throwing the pokeball only for that screen to pop up saying the box is full it's brutal i have no idea why they programmed it this way gold and silver also doesn't automatically switch boxes but at least you get a notification when the box is full so you know to change it here you kind of have to guess and while the counter wasn't actually working during my run so i had to just kind of estimate the fact is i'm at 27 pokemon have made two trades so i believe there was only one more spot left which would have been very annoying only once did i forget to change boxes doing it too frequently isn't that bad but not doing it frequently enough yeah that can be problematic anyway after i finished the rocket hideout and beaten erika i'm gonna go to the pokemon tower beat rival number four and then i'm gonna go catch three pokemon gastly haunter and cubone while they aren't super common on the seventh floor which is the floor with ghost marowak cubone appears at a ten percent although it does appear nine percent everywhere else haunter is the big change appearing at 15 and it's also not a bad idea to use great balls against haunter as well because it's an evolved pokemon so it's harder to catch and for those of you who are wondering you cannot catch ghost marowak we'll get a marowak a little bit later now after you finish with the pokemon tower i'm going to do something i almost never do and proceed to route 12 south of lavender town and i'm going to do two things i'm going to catch snorlax there are two of them in the game so you really want to make sure you catch at least one of them and we're gonna get the super rod now in generation one the only water pokemon you catch via surfing is tentacle so a lot of the other water pokemon we're gonna catch need to be done via the rod it's not nearly as slow as it is in other generations but it would be nice if we just press select like in gen 2 whatever you take the good with the bad and now that we have the super rod we're going to fly back to celadon city and we're going to fish in the pond right by the guy who gives you soft boiled there are both poliwhirl and slowpoke there and they're available in other areas but it's just very convenient to get them right now and now that we have poliwhirl we can complete another one of the in-game trades we can go to cerulean city talk to this guy and he will give us lola the jinx another pokemon we're going to be using jinx is super useful because it knows lovely kiss which puts pokemon to sleep sleep isn't nearly as helpful in gen 1 as it would be in later generations to influence the catch rate but it still helps a little bit and it stops the other pokemon from attacking which is kind of nice afterwards we can head back to celadon and proceed down cycling road you can actually catch raticate in the grass here so i'm gonna go ahead and do that then i'm gonna go ahead defeat all the trainers head to fuchsia city defeat all the trainers in koga's gym and here is where the run completely grinds to a halt man do i hate the safari zone i've never liked the safari zone because it's just so luck based there's no sleep moves false swipe which didn't even exist in generation one nothing honestly the strategy that works best is throw poke balls and hope and yes i know they give you the option to throw rocks and to throw bait rocks actually double your chances of catching the pokemon but also make them super likely to run away which happens very frequently and bait makes them less likely to run away but halves your chance of catching them truth be told you're just better off because they can run away at any given moment you don't really know what their anger counter is there's a whole mechanic that's hidden just throw safari balls and hope there are a ton a ton of pokemon we need to get here but the worst ones are kangaskhan scyther and tauros not chansey chansey can be caught in cerulean cave a lot of people when i made a video way back when talking about the worst pokemon to catch i mentioned kangaskhan sure i could have said tauros as well but thankfully you don't have to catch chance here i didn't counter a few but couldn't catch a single one as for what i did catch there are 15 pokemon i caught in the safari zone and here they are we have execute knitter and male rhyhorn venonat nidorino now knitter and females a little more annoying to catch they're not very common venomoth a little annoying to catch because of the catch rate parasect same thing scyther was pretty frustrating but i actually caught it very quickly after parasect but then it took me another hour and 45 minutes in game until i was able to catch kangaskhan the reason for this and it's the same thing for tauros except that took me three hours is that they only appear at a four percent rate and when you do find one you throw a safari ball or two and they run away every single time now the four percent rate you actually can get around what you can do is use repels now repels don't allow any pokemon lower than the pokemon that leads your party to appear since kangaskhan and tauros are at a little bit of a higher level than other pokemon in the area if you have a pokemon at level 25 for kangaskhan and level 26 for tauros it kind of pseudo increases your odds to around nine and seven percent but it doesn't actually because you're just getting counters less frequently still it's quicker to run around and not get an encounter versus getting an encounter have to run away rinse and repeat so it definitely is faster unfortunately it wastes money and one thing i actually forgot to mention a little earlier is that money is super important because eventually we'd like to get a porygon which is 9999 coins it's part of the reason why we don't just purchase a scyther you're gonna be in the safari zone for hours might as well just catch one while you're there but purchasing all these repels and then using them wastes a ton of money and i didn't want to just save and reset because i wanted to see how much time it was taking and since i did use retron with speed up the only way i get a kind of accurate measurement on time is the in-game timer so if i save and reset especially because it took me five in-game hours to get these two and they both required repels but anyway eventually i did catch the kangaskhan shortly afterwards i caught a nidorina and then i decided to go fishing dratini is a pokemon that can only be caught in the safari zone and while i was fishing i also caught a crabby and a psyduck dratini is actually the most annoying one to catch because it has a low catch rate and we still can't use pokemon hooray but after dratini i then spent the next 40 minutes of real time or three hours of in-game time looking for tauros i mean not looking for i found like dozens of tauros but actually getting one to cooperate was significantly more challenging but finally after this entire endeavor we have caught 50 different pokemon or one third of the kanto pokedex and that at least is something to be happy about but we still have many more pokemon to catch in fact we're going to go to route 15 which is just to the east of fuchsia city and we're going to use repels to catch a couple more pokemon gloom and pidgeotto this time we need a pokemon at level 30 because each of these pokemon only have a 5 encounter rate with a level 30 pokemon there isn't a lot of grass so it takes a while for an encounter but at least in this case every encounter is guaranteed to be one of gloom or pidgeotto the thing is though with pidgeotto there is a 50 50 chance the pidgeotto is going to be level 28 or level 30 so it's actually only a 2.5 percent chance for pidgeotto so once i've caught gloom i actually switched to my level 27 eevee which will ensure more pidgeotto spawn which is what i want because i was just getting gloom after gloom after gloom now some people might also know ditto is available here but it's way easier to catch ditto a little bit later especially because i'm spending all my money trying to get coins for porygon so i'm gonna go ahead and catch ditto just a little bit later speaking of which one way to get more money for coins for porygon is to beat all the trainers in silk company there are quite a few of them the scientists pay pretty well and then we can fight rival number five or rival fivel as he is better known and after we defeat him we can get lapras after that we can defeat giovanni and get the master ball we'll use that a little bit later and then defeat sabrina and at which point we can head to pallet town to surf the cinnabar where there's a whole bunch of pokemon we can catch along the way now funny enough i always thought this was in pallet town but it's actually route 21 right beneath palo town where you can catch tangela i don't know why i always thought that was so cool that there was this rare pokemon right where you started but you just couldn't access it until almost the end of the game i also messed up here i could have easily caught a pidgeotto here i don't know why i didn't write that down in my chart one other thing i just want to comment on is another reason jynx is so great is that it has terrible physical attack and a very weak move in lick so i can weaken pokemon even once i'm very over leveled which helps because as i mentioned false swipe the best move for catching pokemon ever is not available in generation one since it did not exist yet anyway as we surf down to cinnabar we can catch tentacle and once we've gotten cinnabar we can revive our fossils and that will give us omanite in my case since it's closer yeah people always ask because it's a madrid red thing what fossil i pick always helix helix is closer thus i pick helix and of course aerodactyl because of the old amber i picked up earlier and once we do that we can head into pokemon mansion and there's actually quite a few pokemon we can catch here and repel strats are going to be used once again but i realized they didn't actually have a pokemon at the level i needed which was level 37 so i caught a coughing a ponyta and a grimer and i headed back to saffron remembering oh yeah the fighting dojo that's a thing so i used bulbasaur because i needed it to get to level 37 eventually defeated all the trainers in the fighting dojo and got a hitmonlee why again it's closer with the level 37 pokemon i can head back to the pokemon mansion and i can find the much more rare wheezing and muck depending on the version one is rarer than the other if you were playing blue you would also catch a magmar here but i'm not playing blue so we're not going to do that but now that i have the secret key i can defeat all the trainers in blaine's gym burglars pay a lot of money so they're very useful to defeat and i can defeat blaine pretty easily my pokemon are both pretty over leveled and to that end i decided well seafoam islands there's a lot of pokemon i can get there my team should be able to stall an articuno until we're able to catch it let's head over there one thing you also might notice i should mention is i'm only using great balls opposed to ultra balls the difference in generation 1 is incredibly slight in fact sometimes great balls are better than ultra balls i'm not really sure why that is honestly it's not very important great balls are cheaper they're half the price so it just makes sense to use them so i get to see foam islands i find a gold bat i need one of those try to catch it and lookie there my box is full told you it only happened once but oh my goodness was it a frustrating time because now i have to fly back to the pokemon center i have to change boxes and head back to seafoam islands not the most tedious thing to happen but was a little deflating anyway now that i'm back at seafoam islands i can use the repel strategy to get a gold duck which appears at a near one percent but is the only pokemon over level 30 so it's very easy to use repels and to ensure you get a gold duck although it may take a while for one to actually appear but in addition there are some pokemon that are either exclusive to the seafoam islands or just much easier to catch there and we're gonna end up catching eight pokemon in total six additional pokemon plus articuno and i actually got really really good luck finding every pokemon really fast i found shelder horsey and dugong which isn't super easy to find very quickly not too long after that i found a star you and a seal and then sidra would be another great candidate to use the repel strategy but i just found one while i was pushing the boulders to get to articuno so hooray that doesn't happen to me too often and speaking of articuno i was wrong it's really annoying to catch since we don't have any fancy pokeballs in this generation you kind of have to hope your pokemon are super tanky and can just survive a long time and because of the way generation one works articuno will get a critical hit about 20 percent of the time so even with a light screen or something wasn't really helping you just kind of have to save and just keep resetting until the articuno decides it's going to stay in the ball one thing i actually want to mention here that's cool about generation one is the ball shaking is consistent so in later generations sometimes it'll shake three times and be like shoot you were so close or like two times be like arg almost had it in generation one the amount of times it shakes tells you how good of your chances were of catching it at the current time so in articuno's case it would actually say it missed the pokemon if i didn't put it to sleep and lower its health now it just breaks out right away but if it shakes once that means i know i caught it it's kind of a weird but neat little quirk of generation one the funny thing is this is the closest the games ever get ever to telling you what the catch rates are you know it's funny there's a lot more information in pokemon games but in this one instance generation one actually told you a little bit more about the mechanics than any other game afterwards pretty weird anyways now that we've gotten the first legendary bird let's go get the second so we're gonna go to the power plant we don't have to get pikachu since i did happen to catch one in viridian forest but we are going to catch magnemite magneton electrode which is very scary because it can use self-destruct and there's only two of them so you should save because i don't believe they respawn elect a buzz since i'm playing red version and of course zapdos and with that it's time to head to victory road but before we get there there's a route that almost everyone just goes right on past but has tons of useful pokemon and that's route 23. we're actually gonna catch eight pokemon here which ties it with seafoam islands for the second busiest catching trip so first we're gonna fish and we can alternate between the good and super rods with the good rod we can find poliwag and then i switched the super rod because why not and caught a kingler switch back to the good rod to catch a golden and then caught a slow bro and a seeking and that's all for fishing then in the grass which people usually skip we can catch ditto way more common here and we can catch firo and finally although it's a little harder to find we can catch arbok and that brings our total to 84 pokemon and there's actually a bunch of pokemon we're going to catch in victory road itself some are exclusive to victory road but others are ones i could have caught in rock tunnel but are just far easier to catch now since i have great balls and more powerful pokemon and on that note the first pokemon catches golbat which is much easier to catch now that i'm actually allowed to catch pokemon but we also catch machop graveler onyx machoke and marowak before we try and catch our final pokemon prior to battling the elite four maltress and maybe as a way to make up for the safari zone just a little bit i caught multress in the first great ball i threw and then i beat the elite four which usually is such a long and dramatic thing but in a catch em all is an afterthought and the reason i mention that is after you beat the elite four you can enter cerulean cave but before i do that there's one pokemon i've been trying to get for hours now porygon do i have enough money no even after all this i still don't have enough money thanks very much safari zone it really did make a difference so i'm gonna have to battle the elite four again to get more money i also need great balls and max repels annoying but not the end of the world but after defeating the elite four again i can just buy the coins i need right no no it doesn't let you go over 999 you silly silly person so of course i have to go to the slot machines to make sure i have the right number of coins in this case 9949 so i can buy 50 more coins and finally get porygon it's not even that good why did they make this thing so difficult to get i will never know but we have one now and after that i figured it was a smart idea to look through the pokedex and see if i missed anything and it turns out i missed a couple pokemon rattata which i mentioned all the way in the beginning of this video that i'd forget until the very end and like a tongue which is an in-game trade that i've actually never done before the npc is located just west of fuchsia city and i always just trade one in from gold and silver so i didn't actually remember where the npc was and now we just have one more location to go cerulean cave it's why we have to beat the elite four obviously we're going to finish off with mewtwo but there's still quite a few powerful pokemon we can catch along the way there's dodrio hypno chansey c way easier to catch it here right on best pokemon ever weirdly asymmetrical wigglytuff like i don't know what they were thinking with this sprite and finally raichu that is every pokemon you can catch in red and blue of course excluding mewtwo who we will catch in the master ball and so our final total within one single game is a hundred and two if you were to add blue version and reset once you could bring that number up 13 to 115 pokemon and so that leaves just 35 pokemon you cannot catch without evolving if you were to just use red and blue funny enough many of those pokemon have been made catchable over the years and at this point in time only four of the original 150 pokemon have never been made catchable without evolving and they are blastoise venusaur kabutops and omastar every other pokemon at some point in this game's history could be caught without evolving so that's it for this video if you like this concept let me know i wouldn't mind doing this in other games or other generations the other thing i'm curious about is whether you enjoy seeing me catch every single pokemon or did you prefer the old way where i just sort of talked about an abstract i figured this would be a little more visual but let me know in the comments anyway guys i love to keep videos under half an hour for no real reason other than it's an arbitrary number and depending on my editing it's going to be very close so thank you for watching take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 249,893
Rating: 4.9465036 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Version Exclusives, Pokedex, 150 Pokemon, 151 Pokemon, Full Pokedex, Catch Em All, Catch 'em All, Catch Them All, Catch Every Pokemon, Catch No Evolve, Catch Challenge, Pokemon Challenge, Pokemon Evolve, chansey pokemon, Safari Zone
Id: P0HMrQIfRc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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