Can You Beat Baldur's Gate 3 With Only One Ability?

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there are over 600 unique spells in balers Gate 3 some provide Mobility others just utility but what if you wanted to use just one ability can you beat balers Gate 3 using only throw when I say only throw I mean only throw the rules of the challenge are simple my four main characters will never use anything in the spell book which is not throw even when outside of combat that includes things like jumping reactions and the Elder Knights bound weapons all banned items which require actions like potions Scrolls or lockpicks are banned unless they're thrown which means yes my bonus are entirely worthless with the rues set in stone let's move on to character creation because any racial spell which is not a passive cannot be used and because I think they look funny I went with a halfling barbarian I also maxed out the strength for higher damage and named our hero bomb trady the challenge begins with the unending task of looting ammunition because I always need to have something to throw at my enemies the first battle was uneventful but upon entering the Second Battle I immediately realized my first pain Point picking up items a second time is annoying so I used imps as my ammunition and solved the problem by killing two imps with one imp followed by tossing myself to the controls of the ship where I learned that throwing myself can cause me to go prone and lose my turn lesson learned I'll definitely never make that mistake again that's called foreshadowing we Titanic the ship woke up on a beach and recruited shadowart together we made some brains brain dead I barely restrained myself from habitually using guidance and because I like bad girls I liberated laelle who was not even a party member yet and she still killed a tling using the throw ability nice move Lael Grandpa and the girls then made their way to the Grove to buy the best ring in the game and then beIN it to the Goblins camp for the first time in 700 plus hours played I didn't myself as a drow to skip the dialogues turns out you can force the goblin to eat some War dung instead I can't really explain the eating grein that my character had during the cut scene though upon arrival at the camp I purchased the first weapon which makes this challenge even slightly bearable the returning Pike a weapon which when thrown will automatically be sent back into your inventory meaning for one of my party members I don't need to worry about holding on to 50 daggers at all times with our average powered weapon in hand we backtrack the free Withers from his tomb picked up a dwarf hling and then reworked our companions classes into Fighters for the champion subass and additional crit chance we smashed the mirror for good luck left the town in search of experience and ran into the biggest challenge thus far a 2ft gap in the road these gaps are the reason that I made my character a halfling halflings are extremely throwable I cleared the Gap and used the nearby Waypoint to link the party back up we then used our throwing skills to eat some wood off of a trapped man and struggled to throw down a door up the road a hyena exploded granting us enough experience to reach level four the first big Power Spike for this build all party members picked up the tavern brawler feet for a much needed damage boost on their throws which instantly turned us from struggling to kill anything to absolutely decimating nlls and snapping their necks after a long day of travel the party tried to get some much needed rest but I woke up to find women fighting over me fully confirming that this is indeed a fantasy world we broke up their fight and feeling overpowered we traveled back to the Goblins Camp to wipe out the goblin threats not because I wanted to be the good guy I just found it fun to throw goblins finishing the leaders and every Goblin nearby was enough to reach level five and unlock the extra attack passive which allows us to throw twice per turn effectively doubling our actions before moving to the under dark there was one final challenge left to conquer the hag in a normal playthrough the hag is not that tough but due to my rule set there's a slight problem I cannot jump the Gap into the hag's room my characters also don't have enough strength to lift humans and throw them the elixir of Hill giant strength can only be drank and not thrown so that doesn't work either only the halfling is light enough to be thrown into the hag's room so bomb trady will need to solo the hag you might be thinking can't you just skip the hag it's not really a necessary encounter and to that all I have to say is what would Brian boano do he'd make a plan and he'd follow through that's what Brian Bano do we pre-b buffed by throwing a poison resistance Elixir don't ask why that Elixir works and others don't because I don't know the answer additionally I threw down a speed potion for a second action point and then initiated the fight the hag's first turn she summons four illusions of herself which I'll get a turn before I even get one bringing me down to about half Health but on my turn I just needed to throw one object at each illusion to finish them off with the Illusions down the heg tries to follow up with a magic trick where she pretends to be this girl but I've already played the game before so I already knew which girl she is I continued tossing javelins at her but it wasn't quite enough she summoned four additional Illusions I attempted to finish her and failed getting her down to just three Health which I thought would be enough and triggered the ending scene but apparently not her clones then stuned me ran up and crit me bringing me down to Just 4 HP I stood stun locked but suddenly the heg surrendered which means that's a technical Victory I'll take it she ripped out her hair and threw it at us it's at that point I remembered my rule set and realized I can't even use the reward for doing this because it's a consumable item moving on with the hag defeated we regrouped and descended into the underdark throwing magic pedals allowed us to sneak into the Arcane Tower and with a bit of skydiving we're able to repower the elevator at top the tower this robot hugged us and let us borrow his Enchanted chair leg trust me it makes sense I still had one last item that I wanted to obtain in this area the mithril armor from Grim Forge we Grand Theft a with a boat and with the power of gnome tossing managed to Traverse most of the way to the forge Gathering The mithil Ore was no problem reaching the forge however yeah pretty far I tried to build a bridge but it didn't work so I built a tower and I just barely was able to get into throwing range I descended the elevator jumping for joy but knowing I have no chance of actually beating this robot I used bridge building to Traverse the lava and retrieve my armor and no it's not cheating because bridge building is not a spell in my spell book nor does it cost any action points to do this with the underd dark's treasures pillaged we ventured into the mountain pass fighting our way into the monastery boosted us to level six and allowed me to increase my strength ability score to 20 which is just enough to throw larger Siz characters if needed it also unlocked the chimpanzee throwing passive on my Barbarian so when I throw food such as a banana it will actually blind the target for two turns granting us some much needed utility we still had one more task to do in the monastery my queen lelle wanted to meet her Queen vth who tested us with entering the astral prism where I was just barely in range to be thrown to the next platform we spoke with a con artist who teleported our whole party back outside Upon Our return to the real world we're met with betrayal we threw stuff at them until they died as it's still the only thing I'm allowed to do and then I spent 10 minutes trying to find all my weapons afterwards I'm having so much fun I snuck out the back door fast traveled to the mountains and made some Undead Dead dead to get to the shadowlands once in the shadowlands a goblin came to greet us and escorted us to her people I told these goblins I'd help them I didn't using our newly acquired Moon Lantern we booked it down the road to moonrise Towers once inside I decided to try things a little bit differently and assassinate everyone here to see if anything cool happens later in the story spoiler alert nothing cool happened but it did get us a level up and it felt a lot easier to fight them all spread out like this rather than in one big battle later on 10 out of 10 would do again with moonrise entirely extinct I got back to the main story dispatch of some ghosts along the way and assisted in a surgical procedure after a bit of malpractice the entire staff perished and I found the entrance to shards Temple where we now need to pass lady shar's three trials and collect the four umbrell gems the first trial is stealth if these patrolling Shadows see me I get teleported back to the beginning but instead of stealthing past the Shadows I killed them ran through to the end and collected the first gem this one wasn't too bad the second trial is combat we fight a mirrored version of our own team a classic RPG move fortunately for me they don't have ammunition to make their builds viable and they easily give up the second gem test number three is an invisible maze this maze is whoever designed this garbage trial deserves to go back to gamer school look no one likes mazes that are the same every time we play through the game but since I've always cheesed this stupid maze by jumping to the end I didn't actually know how to do it I'm not just salty because I got a game over here and lost over an hour of progress because I had no saves but that is part of it with patience I eventually did it worked my way through the Maze and acquired the gym with the trials passed we cleared out the nearby library to reach level eight and negotiated with the hell spawn for the final umbrell gem negotiations broke down afterwards though and Withers had my back with all four gems in our position it was time to go deal with Bazar or so I thought turns out that the fight at the door is insanely hard as throw can't hit these umbrell portals the umbrell portals will continuously spawn additional enemies throughout the fight in total 25 enemies appeared in this one battle and yes I counted I've never done the fight without killing the portals before and it was an extremely close call with just one party member surviving at the end with a room full of items all over the place if you want to give yourself a real Challenge on your next playr try this fight while leaving every portal alive it is brutal Bazar was a joke in comparison I just built a wall of candles to block his zombies and I threw Spears over them with the fat necrom man out of the way it was time to enter the night song's prison normally this step of the game poses no challenge whatsoever you just jump along eight platforms until you reach the end of the map but due to the obvious fact that I can't use jump we need to rely on throw using throw we can reposition three characters from the first platform to the second platform but then this character has no way down since they would be stuck up here forever where're forced to kill our dwarf Ally the distance between the second platform and the third one is very small so if we use throw here we basically wasted a character so I came up with a strategy using a crate in our inventory we can place the crate right on the edge of The Cliff Walk On Top of the crate and then pick it back up this lets us fall down to the third platform then just repeat this for each character from the third platform we can use throw to bypass the fourth platform and land directly on the fifth once again this causes one character to be stuck this time out of range to be killed by the others so he has to burn himself alive the two remaining members Sprint along the fifth platform until they reach the edge and no matter where I aim throwing from here cannot reach the eighth and final platform it's also too far away to reach the platform next to it and use the crate trick again to fall down using a lasel I can throw Shadow heart down one more level but she has no one left to throw her luckily I've got one last trick up my sleeves you can place an explosive Barrel next to lelle and then get her to throw an alchemist fire to ignite the barrel the explosion knocks her back allowing her to reach the same level that shadow Heart's On youd think that done here right but no an invisible wall actually blocked a path to the final platform using a tower of crates we can get enough height to toss Shadow heart over the invisible wall where she's in range to kill lelle and since Shadow heart has made it to the end she can deal with the Night song If the Night song is Left Alive then this challenge is a failure because in a later Fight the Night song will require the help action to be used on her to progress the game Shadow heart is the key she is the only companion capable of killing the nightsong and avoiding that future failure with no one left to talk her out of it Shadow heart fulfills her Destiny and finishes off the Night song with this ridiculous puzzle solved we spoke with Withers to revive our team and get them out of the prison fully revived the party returned to moonrise Towers faced no resistance and met kic thorm on top the roof this fight only requires dropping him to half Health where he runs away into the colony below we took pursuit to challenge him once more using a box Tower we sniped all of his allies and kept cther blinded by tossing food into his eyes which somehow makes him do nothing after his transformation the food strategy remained viable and the bone man went down without putting up much of a fight we collected his nether Stone and proceeded up the road to balers Gate 3 I mean balder's gate along the way we got ambushed by GTH yanki who we killed but clearly these guys don't get the message because they immediately ambushed us again in our sleep instead of jumping past the enemies like I normally do we threw bomb trady over their heads and into the portal is what I wrote In The Script what actually happened was a bit more dramatic as I'd forgotten my lesson from the tutorial knocked myself prone and nearly caused the game over but with one turn left we did make it inside our reward for escaping death another jumping puzzle this one wasn't as turky to solve solve at least as there's just four platforms but it still leaves our leader bomb all alone knowing there's a fight here I threw down a speed potion and an invisibility potion to Mid Max it we witnessed a mine flare who appears to also be attempting the throw only challenge so of course I hopped in to take his side the two get Yankee on the surface level were thrown off of the cliff and fell directly down into space well known for its high gravitational pull the other two Yan stood upon magical anti-gravity space rocks but would be barraged down by my daggers and with 3 FPS the last GI fell to my blade attempts to resist the emperor's offer to evolve failed bring our eyes and teeth I considered saves coming but that's a lot of effort so I accepted this new uglier form after clicking the portal to return to Camp I was relieved to see it parted my whole party saving me 600 gold sorry Withers the start of act three had me filled with excitement because right away I gain access to the two best thrown weapons in the game the dwarfen thrower can be purchased from Ferg droger in the refugee camp and it gives dwarf characters additional damage when used the second weapon is a legendary spear step one of acquiring this go to the the circus step two get sniffed by a ghoul and step three insulted by a genie ug who isn't wrong about what he said then we can purchase this Genie's magical ring that he's been using to cheat the Wheel game which causes us to win the game and he rage ports us into a jungle inside the jungle we fight off some dinosaurs run to the Cliff's Edge and encounter another problem there's a massive gap between us and the exit but more importantly than that the weapon that I want is inside the chest I can break it open but I still can't reach it and only one character can ever enter this jungle area meaning nobody's left to throw me so it's time to get creative back in the circus this Cobalt sells the gloves of displacement when worn it causes the wear to swap places with their targets when they hit them with a thrown object my first idea was to throw the dinosaurs that are in the jungle across to the island but unfortunately they're too heavy to be thrown so it's time for Plan B I need to spawn something over there back in act one I picked up an item called the Caravan chest I smashed open the Caravan chest and inside is an item called the iron flask this iron flask can be thrown one time only to summon a spec spectator Enemy by throwing it onto the island we now have an enemy in position then by throwing something at it the spectator and I will swap places allowing me to grab the weapon and bolt out of the portal granting us our third homing weapon and making act three a lot more enjoyable before leaving the circus Ronald McDonald put on a show betrayed us and gave us a chance to test out our new toys let's just say I had a good time at the circus in a church next to the circus we found a strange flying elephant not knowing what it was we shot first and asked questions later causing a man to show up and offer us a job as professional Killers our ask kill two people on a list of aeran fan girls or something like that I didn't actually read the list we accepted the mission pissed off some guards and hit Level Nine climbing into a balcony proved much more difficult than I imagined but I got there in the end after fully exploring the area we convinced the remaining guards to let us into balers Gates keep and walked directly through to a wine party in the lower City where we decided the best way to prevent death would be by killing a murderer I thought I'd mid Max by throwing a speed potion to pre-buff for this fight but two members of the anti fund police ran through and stole it forcing me to cheese it in another other way my hammers had weird texture bugs when they hit the target but in the end this dwarf perished before he could flee the battle next we looted his handbag a literal bag full of hands nice joke larion these hands are the proof that we need to convince others that we are legit Killers so we took them to go tell ball how good we are at being bad he believed us and turns out these guys also hate flying elephants we were invited to bathe in a pool of blood which appeared to be more of a kitty pool based on its depth you'd think a cult like this could at least afford an average size pool the Cults leader gifted us the Amulet of ball and the title Unholy assassin feeling assassin we travel to meet the man with a quick easy smile himself Gort to progress the game we need gort's netherstone and to be honest we could easily just form an alliance to acquire his nether Stone and avoid killing him all together but that's kind of boring and since I read comments that dislike that I always exploit in my videos here's another one just for you we're going to kidnap Gort by using the throw action on Gort and immediately canceling it we can pick up Gort this allows us to carry him away from all of his guards to a bridge where we can just toss him off like the trash he is leaving his nether Stone behind for the taking after 25 Quest popups we reached level 10 and received a message from the Elder brain kill oring kill oring I believe it told me to kill Lauren but Lauren died in act one stupid brain ignoring the brain we helped shadowart take over a cult of sh she committed a few sins we sold our memories to a mirror in exchange for Just Two strength and said our goodbyes to shadowart simps nearby we found a Bard tied to a chair useless fact you can use the throw action and it frees him without casting the help action anyways no more distractions it's time to go deal with Orin and and her death cult dropping into the sewers was a little more challenging than usual but our companion cubes had our back using the Amulet of ball we tried to open the door but the game took over 2 minutes to load the cut scene of the door opening frankly I'm just surprised it opened at all with the door boss defeated it was clear where the murder Cults P budget went we made our way down the stairs to confront Orin Orin gave a long boring speech transformed into a Zergling and was put down before she even got a turn turns out without any other spells throwing builds are still pretty broken her death brought us to level 11 and we chucked her remaining guard guards into a conveniently placed nearby pit having collected the final nether Stone we bought some fireworks to celebrate and lelle and I enjoyed a beautiful sunrise together well rested we took the path and stole another boat somehow shadowart swam with us to the Elder brain even though 20 hours ago she claimed she can't swim you want to explain that one Lian back on Shore some intellect devours ambushed us and this is where I learned that orin's dagger is also a returning weapon just in time for the last hour of the game I no longer need to collect hundreds of daggers after every battle better late than never I suppose since I'm a hoarder my inventory was too heavy for my characters to be thrown across the bridge rather than actually sort that mess I used the gloves of displacement to get them across until I had enough characters there to reach the brain we failed seven Rolls in a row when attempting to dominate the brain which only made it angrier causing it to rise up and attack balder's gate knowing we can't jump the emperor took us back to the astral plane where I had to once again throw my characters to Traverse the path the emperor assimilated orus and took us back to the city these ganki asked what we did with their leader but when the emperor explained that he just drank his brain like a smoothie they understandably attacked us we quickly eliminated the threat healed up and threw invisibility potions to skip the biggest slog of a fight in the game just because it's not fun I also wanted to use invisibility to skip the entire Gauntlet but that was kind of impossible as there's a ledge that requires throw to reach it was also pretty high so only one of my characters was able to be thrown up there and he soloed his way through the enemies while dodging bombardments to reach the end of The Gauntlet upon reaching the end the remaining party was teleported there since my party was not max level I used the last of our invisibility potions to pre-buff before the fight allowing us to get into position to initiate combat I wanted to build a box Tower before the fight but I didn't know that that would break my invisibility that still didn't stop me I built it during the fight and climbed to the top and started picking enemies off as the extra height increases the throwing damage dealt using throat we tried to pick off as many mine flares as we could to prevent them from stunting the emperor this is where another slight problem pops up you need to channel the emperor's spell to finish the game now when I laid out the rules I did say my four main characters specifically because of this you're forced to use this spell to complete the game the emperor is not one of my main characters by my rules this is okay and realistically it's not a spell that does anything except for Progress the story anyways the emperor started channeling the spell and the rest of my team had one more turn to defend him against the brain soldiers which went pretty smoothly the portal opened and we flooded into the brain's inner sanctum where we will now have five turns to finish it off or we lose the game the brain has a bit of a strange mechanic though it's almost impossible to hit when you throw weapons at it even if you aim right at the brain they usually don't do anything but because I'm a bit of a turbo nerd I knew about this mechanic and I came prepared earlier when I said I was buying fireworks to celebrate that was only partially true fireworks are the most easily obtained explosive weapon in the game and can be thrown to deal damage the best part is they don't need to directly hit the target to hurt them it just needs to land nearby but their damage is kind of weak meaning you need to bring a lot of fireworks if you're going to use them for battles with the damage problem solved the brain only has one real mechanic left during the fight the brain keeps destroying Platforms in the room some of these platforms have no ladders to get down from so I used the Box trick from earlier to get my team off of the platforms which were marked for detonation using explosives we kept whittling down the brain's Health pool and after a few minutes the brain fell to our explosive barrage I let the emperor kill the brain and I proved you can beat balers Gate 3 using only throw if you enjoyed the video leave a like if you're new here check out this other video where I took on the challenge to beat balers Gate 3 without killing anything and as always thanks for watching have yourself a wonderful day proxy out should have learned to bloody swim
Channel: Proxy Gate Tactician
Views: 89,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Baldur's Gate 3, Proxy, Baldurs gate, baldur, gate, Guide, Throw, ability guide, Bald, Baldur's gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, challenge, challenge run, Can you beat, Can you beat baldur's gate 3, Throw only challenge, throw challenge, shadowheart banana, proxy gate tactician, Halfling Barbarian bg3, halfling barbarian, halfling, barbarian, bg3 barb, throw b uild, throw, hardmode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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