Mastering Act 1 as a Lonewolf Jack of all trades - Baldur's Gate 3 Tactician

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is it possible to beat balder's gate as a lone wolf tactician as a a Bard Barbarian cleric Druid Rogue Rangers okay you get the point we're playing as all the classes a couple ground rules going in of course is I'll be limiting my companion involvement as much as possible there's an achievement to multiclass as every class without going to Withers so respecing won't be allowed either I'll be limiting my use of summons no saves coming and every time I level up I leave it up to fate the wheel shall dictate Our Fate and without further Ado let's see what we're starting as all right level one Druid it's not the best start however certainly could have been worse now if you haven't realized already there's going to be a large problem with this run most classes get their defining features and abilities at level two or three for instance as a drude our ability to Wild shape at level two and as a fighter our subass at level three now throw all of that into the garbage since we'll only be getting classes level one bonuses this means some classes are way better than others Barbarian getting raided for instance and Sorcerers getting their whole subass I'll explain what each class gives us as I class into them but for now just now as a druid we have nothing except for being a wisdom based spellcaster race I'll pick human just because the more versatile we are the weaker we'll be our stats are going to be important to get right now since we'll never be able to change them in the end I is head for something like this there are ways to increase your strength dexterity Constitution and intelligence with items so they aren't too important to maximize however we don't want to be useless early on so we'll put enough into decks to get plus two to our Armor class maximize our wisdom and try to balance everything else I honestly should have put more into Charisma but whatever what's the point mid maxing a build that's abysmal and everything jack of all trades master of none not for a name H oh I know the good old nautiloid I've only done this about a million times already regardless we find ourselves in a strange Place aboard a strange ship and I want to go home to do this I need to rush to the bridge and our first of many allies LEL appears she's a proud G yanki Warrior a race dedicated to fighting the mine flers like the ship we're on we won't be seeing much of her don't forget this is a lone wolf we take her life and her armor cuz it gives us 16 armor class which is the most we can have at this stage of the game well you'll see her for a while longer using the store also resurrects your party oops well at least now she can be introduced to our second Ally Shadow heart don't grow too fond she's suicidal lelle is having an unlucky day and dies for the second time getting caught in the blast oh well I guess I'll do the battle on my own and by battle I mean running away these guys guys hardly gave any XP and I don't feel like trying to cheese zulk for an hour we'll be getting better weapons soon anyhow we crash land on a strange Beach and have one goal in mind to get rid of this damn brain worm oh hey shadowart F seeing you here is that a Rubik's Cube I'll take it I've actually never sold one though so I guess I got all run to figure that out next couple of groups of enemies are weak but jam packed with XP and we're already spinning the wheel of Destiny again ooh Rangers is fairly decent to get early on they provide a large and diverse set of abilities at level one they're still not the best ranging from mediocre to bad they be able to take Beast tamber to use to spel fine familiar to make a variety of allies while are very weak don't get me wrong but they're more combat ready than Mage hand I'll also be taking Ranger Knight since our strengths won't be coming from our weapons but rather our items and I'll be wanting that proficiency with heavy armor there are several very nice pieces of heavy armor one per act at the very least so we'll be able to retain some level of tankiness to ourselves no soon after that we're thrown into our first proper combat our enemies some WS goblins and our own huus our allies bird everyone else is irrelevant don't forget all of our summons suck hey thanks will I'll pay back later this fight will be a great first example of why we need to play it safe and we unfortunately went a bit gung-ho here and I'm desperately in need of healing fortunately for me I'm the protagonist who can dodge every hit now unfortunately it seems everyone else is the protagonist today since no one can hit anything like what in the world is going on here this isn't spaced around for a joke or anything these are back to back rolls okay good this was an unneeded amount of stress for a simple Goblin encounter battered and blooded we take a long rest but not just any long rest a partial long rest since we'll be resting a lot I'll be doing this to retain my Provisions though I will be doing proper long rests as needed so will you helped this at the gate so we' better thank you for making this run a little less Lone Wolf anyways welcome to the emerald Grove home of The Druids and tling refugees there's a variety of factors at play sides to choose in my case let's just side with the teelings believe it or not I've done this the least in my playthrough so they deserve a break to do this we can either Fight The Druids or the Goblins I'll have to fight the Goblins if not only for the fact that I'm also a Dr here's Volo proud D and author and antiquarian we'll be seeing him later since I also hear he's a practicing surgeon other characters we care about here include Auntie ethol she can create some very nice elexir including Hill giant strength she sells three of these every day so every time I long rest I'll be making sure to stop by and buy her entire stock we barely take out some more goblins utilizing the surrounding defenses to ensure our Victory down the road we encounter an abandoned Village and wey of an ambush we head through the side entrance and convince the locals of my absolute strength getting us to level three bring it on Wheel damn I really wanted sorcerer Rogue is pretty good though we get a situational D6 to our damage as well as some extra proficiencies with our expertise I'll be putting them into sled of hand and persuasion since I feel like we're going to be doing a lot of that with each level we grow ever stronger though if I were to measure it I would say 1% stronger the best thing I can say is we got more HP which works for me to get true strength let's stop by auntie in the swamp again I completely zone out everything she's saying and buy a whole new supply of Hell giant strength since it's been a day since we last has talked she's got a fresh stock this is why I didn't want to put too many points into strength and so we're going to be having 21 for the rest of around essentially however I did not want to play the beginning with only eight strength we have plenty of stats to spare anyways though I might have put all those points into sled a hand but that doesn't mean I have to pick things a good smack or two will just about open anything right at the warp in the village is a chest with a haste Helm which will be pretty good to help us position at the start of combat Mobility will be key in this run making our way down the road we encounter a burning building and naturally we failed to save anybody get this thing off me we decided to bust down the door the good oldfashioned way and uh excuse me guys got people to save thank you and by people I mean smoked beats extra smoked at this rate if you didn't know on tactician rusting uses 80 Provisions so I'm gathering all that I can this act there's some more smoked meat in in this building beside the main [Music] house and for our thoroughness we're granted a pretty good bow better than one I had at least let's put to good use by killing the local demon carlac our hotheaded companion has been causing quite a Ruckus and we've got to put an end to it our good friends the Paladin of tier offered me a cool sword of do in though I'd probably do it anyways we'll start off by pickpack our potions and ah For the Love of it's fine we can salvage it okay screw it remembering that point I made about being cautious I burned my level one spells to burst her down with some ice knives and that's all the companions dead except for Gail I wonder what he's up to we hand the devil's head over to the paladins of tier and get the soj it has good damage and gives us a plus two AC spell which is pretty handy I don't prefer either two or one handed weapons ultimately two-handed is better DPS but we won't be getting a feat this time around since we'll never be level four and that means no great weapon master or anything good after getting steamrolled by a massive Boulder doing a whopping six damage I make my way up into the N cave and find someone in need we rescue them and take them to safety before the NOS can get to them once again the day has been saved thanks to me just some good old Jack [ __ ] beside the emerald Grove is a ruin full of looters who have very bad awareness taking two of them out in one move to a conveniently placed stone block problem is this damn Mage she knows sleep and Ice knife so she has Perfect onew combo to kill me at any time after getting slept an embarrassing amount of times I sto playing like an idiot and bait her where she can't hit me ah it feels nice to have a high survival proficiency that can actually dig up dig spots around the map they tend to have potions and Scrolls we can use or at the very least money not over yet though still one more on the inside which we dispatch of easily and did I say one I meant five I hate this combat we get large spikes and power later on as we get access to rare or even legendary items so for now we're relying on our wit they do happen to be planted right next to an oil barrel so that's a thing another thing we have going for us crab we park them beside the door ready for an ambush they kind of moved away from my oil barrel that wasn't our only trick we'll coat the entire area with fire anyways to get some ticking damage while they trickle in our crab has been eagerly awaiting his time to shine and he delivers his Pinchers cleave through our foes and while they're taken back by his might I shut the door behind them taking the time to do some dipping lighting our Sword of Justice and Blaze the enemies are now in a panic with their friends desperately break breaking the door down to try and save them it's too late however cornered the enemies stand no chance and fall quickly the remaining foes finally managed to break down the door and to their dismay their friends are already dead grief stricken they take out my crab grief stricken I take their lives in the back chamber lie some Undead in defense of the long forgotten tomb I hold myself up in the burial chamber and defend the uncoming onslaught fortunately they can't hit me with this chest here so they must break their way through seeing no better option they try to find another way in to no avail from here it's easy pickings now to speak to someone even more useless than I am Withers he allows us to Respec resurrect allies or purchase companions guess which of these we'll be doing none of them it's all right if I want anyone to be in my Camp it's useless people like Volo speaking of let's go see how he's doing last I heard he was going to the goblin camp for some research well looks like he's been captured typical Volo things I'll have to save them later we get some decent boots from the goblin Trader and make our way into the camp thanks to our brain regler we can demand entry and work on our first boss of the run the goblin bosses being gut draw Ragin and benara before I deal with any of them I steu my way to the side room here which contains barrelmancy shorthand for blowing up everything with explosives I probably won't need to do it this run and it's essentially an unofficial rule but it's typically a last resort option we branded ourselves to earn the trust of gut who has a solution for our brain rler she demands I leave the rest of our party behind and come for a one-on-one way ahead of you we don't have the best spell in the game yet but there's another way to Garner enemies attentions if you move an object that's not yours enemies will will be upset and go to pick it up so in a process I like to call dirt bag transportation we move an object like a box they go to pick it up and we move it again and again until we're able to pick up the Widow Goblin Priestess and toss her in the convenient Chasm she did have the key to this back room but for this stage in the game we are quite proficient rolling a three we get a 13 with our modifiers we'll be coming back here soon after taking out the remaining leaders but next up on our Hit List is Menara before doing anything in the goblin Camp I recommend you destroy the war drums as goblins can call reinforcements if they're allowed to reach them now there isn't a good high ground position to reach manthara but if you watch my fire only video you might see where this is going with some careful box stacking we can create an outcropping to shoot Manara from I love the strategy too much to not do it again form a frog go he didn't last long the goblin beside manthara immediately bucks it for the ward drum and is devastated to see it smashed Menara herself uses Soul branding making her hit even harder and then hold persons me welcome to the recurring theme this run after Breaking Free manthara makes it oh so tempting to break the bridge to knock her in but I want her loot namely her parasite though it makes me wish I hadn't you'll notice as to why I refuse to fight her in a straight oneon-one she's a paladin with like 15 oath charges and can lay on hands every turn to negate all my damage nothing to do but to burn through them all any day now preferably today she eventually runs out which took so long I didn't even realize my bow wasn't on fire anymore if you didn't didn't know already you can dip your weapons in fire including candles which is why I keep a rib cage full of them in my backpack we aren't Invincible up here Manara can still throw a spear when she wants to but from here it's pretty straightforward the goblin Falls and Manara goes after 15 more valleys there's an elith parasite in that corpse now before we take on draw Raglin I suppose we've got to rescue his biggest fan I never race you there well let's see what happens yep that's about what I expected luckily we're not stuck we can talk to Volo and convince the guard to let us out I call upon mythed Powers since I don't want to be in here forever fly free Volo I'll catch you later we're nearing level four there's plenty of bosses around but I want to be a high level before I go gallivanting in it's painful killing these spiders but it has to be done the pain is too deep though and we we need to flee to better prepare our camp is looking more complete though with the best dog in the Realms and the best surgeon who says he has a totally certified treatment option available to unly with the needle H pain shoots through your body to his he produces against the skin beneath your and then to be an amount of cosmetic damage well despite the hell we just endured the flesh is weak and Vol supplements us with a mechanical eyeball one that lets us see invisible creatures after that ordeal I don't even want to fight spiders right now is there anything easier you know what some hyenas can't be too bad we can kill him from afar with our sneak attack you know what that doesn't seem good oh goodness gracious that's a lot of them where's a barrel when I need it luckily it's two different groups of enemies so we can take them out individually ually now the problem are these NES who can move a bajillion met around do they really need an extra 18 m in movement speed well surprisingly we're still maneuverable with 30 m this is since we have the boots of speed which is like a bonus action Dash I got this as part of my earlier grinding but that's a whole new area so I'll save it for later to keep this video organized act one is a large area comprising of two more regions called the mountain pass and the underd dark which we will also be tacking L well the fight is a grind but nothing too problematic arises we get level four and finish off all the NES they can't hurt us since if we're out of range they'll Sudden Rush towards us where we can shoot and subsequently run away all the NS dealt with it's time to level up again and spin that wheel now this as good time as any to mention I stream on Twitch if you want to catch any of my Antics live Link in the description hey who's that we got our first s tier class to the Run sorcerer Sorcerers get their subass at level one so we get a big boost in power draconic ancestry would only get us a whopping one HP so that's out of the question I feel like storm sorcery is the best option adding considerably to our evasiveness though wild magic is much more fun making a random effect happen ever so often when we cast our spells we also get access to some very powerful can trips and spells Fireball is a solid damage option for us now Mage hand will help us with our versatility friends helping us in skul and minor illusion helping us in everything else this is that s tier spell I mentioned earlier when we were fighting gut now we can move enemies wherever we want spells I take magic Missile for some solid guaranteed damage and shield as a precaution back at the goblin camp now I'm ready to take on draw Raglin I did say I wanted to not use barrelmancy when possible but I wanted to Showcase minor illusion in action so I'll just use one barrel from a top r perch we cast minor illusion to attract the attention of all surrounding enemies who are just infatuated with the sight of a cat I did mess up the positioning with the braer but we've got molotovs we can throw and nobody knows ah crap they know we destroyed all the war drums earlier so no more reinforcements will be coming taking out the Warlock is our first priority since they can cast old person and stun me forever with te protection and The High Ground we shouldn't get hit too much and thank goodness too because those Spears can actually One-Shot us utilizing gravity we kill the last member and move on to finish drawer who I completely underestimate look at this guy's freaking movement he runs like 30 m all the way to The High Ground to shove me to my death well we're still fine we cast our spells from range and continue to click our heals into a full Retreat not underestimating his movement again we cut him along the scaffolding ensuring we're a full diagonal away which is just barely enough to keep him at a distance despite this though one last time I didn't respect him enough and he nearly shoved me off once more to my dead however I cling on to The High Ground and we're just barely able to take out the last Goin Camp leader we speak with zor who gives us a reward and that we turn down I'm just happy to find help the for we've done all we want to do in this area for now so let's head down into the underground toate back at the door by Priestess gut we enter sneak our way past the guard and do some puzzling the goal is to get all the black circles under the sunlight afterwards an underground passageway appears leading to the underd dark thanks for watching this far if you're interested in me paying my rent this month feel free to hit that subscribe button I recently added Channel membership so if you want me to eat tonight feel free to join and lastly if you're enjoying the video so far I'm glad yep that's it I've shielded enough already so let's get back to the vid right away at the gate is a huge Minotaur trying to break in we can let it die normally however I'm opening the gate to leech that last hit easy 75 XP so to not get blasted like he did I'm booking it in turn-based mode which is quite easy since we're still rather agile and the other side is a deep rumbling which we ignore it's probably nothing oh what the hell is that go go go go go go go go I don't trust these mushrooms so let's be a bit careful ah safety some even more suspicious looking mushrooms confront us and we convince them that we mean no harm here's where we got the psychic Spark from earlier which gives us a free cast of magic Missile and gives us an extra missile which makes us extra fortunate we had World sorcerer other items of note are at Darth bone cloak who sells a ring called the CTIC band giving us a consistent plus two acid damage to our attacks she also has a request to rescue her husband which I'll do now these mushrooms just keep getting more suspicious like what am I looking at here so we carefully maneuver our way to this pack and torch here since these things are highly um explosive yep any day now hello like seriously who would want to be anywhere near here it's a good thing I never triggered these mushrooms but that didn't happen Balin is safe and sound and we give him the noble stock we picked up as well curing his mind of his trauma I don't really have a good reason to do this but later down the road Road it might pay off since we're helping people there's a gnome here who's been badly poisoned luckily I know where to find some antitoxin back at the emerald Grove we're raiding Net's room there's a cauldron of theak here which you can make an unlimited amount of elixir of sanas with a little mug WP bundle it's a wee bit glitch for me it seems this time but Netty has one rolling around in her Pockets there's several ways to heal the gnome but this is easiest for me we give her an elixir of on us and she gives us the boots of speed which are absolutely busted for a bonus action it allows us to Dash and give enemies disadvantage on opportunity attacks I love these things it gives us so much Mobility we'll be immediately utilizing it on geek who has the real antidote but I'd rather kill him after I have the boots of speed rather than before so uh okay I wanted to minimize barrelmancy but come on it's just too satisfying I won't use it to 100 to zero any major bosses besides G's still fine see all right he's dead whatever here's essentially the fight that would have happened without the barrel throw click our heels and run but with about 15 more guys so we didn't miss out on much we have a much more interesting fight coming up very soon the dwarves die and we can progress to the next area boots intact we're off to Grim Forge I wonder why it's called that we book on flump mating rituals explains it yeah that's right it's a magically disguised book it actually contains information on the ad manting Forge oh yes please we waste no time and head across the lake on gex's boat Welcome To Grim Forge and I'm speed running this one I need to forge myself a new set of armor and fast with our heavy armor proficiency this will be one of the better pieces we can wear so I want it now we'll need to put on on our old shoes here just to barely make this jump right where our splint mold is here we are at the great adamantine Forge and oh what's that that's level five baby wheel time all right fighter isn't the absolute worst thing it gives us a decent amount of HP and gives us a way to sustain I'm real sad I haven't gotten Barbarian yet something important fighter does give us is a fighting style which we be putting it to defense since we can't utilize dual wielding effectively two-handed to the fullest potential one-handed with a shield is our best bet we'll be able to get 21 AC before the ACT is over for now though we've got one major roadblock the defender of the adamantine Forge a bunch of magma methods to activate the forge we need to get a mold which we've got and some ore which is protected normally these guys jump out of the magma to Ambush us but we can use our Mage hand to start the combat while we hide in safety from here it's nothing a couple Spears campix a reminder for everyone to loot bookcases they usually contain a good number of Scrolls and of course what we came here for our precious ore I feel like we could have gotten a lot more out of this vein no wonder it's such a rare material adding both our mold and our ore we can hit the hammer and begin forging now the book also mentioned we need lava where is ah here it is who the heck are you oh oh Grim Forge makes sense well believe it or not he's not too tough since he's weak to one thing boxes and maybe a massive Hammer but we'll get to that I put a box in between the these gaps here since the arena will fill with the lava and we want to freely walk over the gaps and without further Ado let's see how I like to easily beat Grimm our first turn is a waiting turn we'll want Grim to position himself on the hammer platform and if you're perfect with your positioning you can get him in the lava and on the platform which I do here now give that lever a tug some meets will spawn which you'll additionally need to deal with if you did it right brim will stand back up right under the platform again for round two now the pending the lava may or may not still be there in my case it wasn't and I'm not entirely sure what decides it either way we'll need to make it work and that requires turning the lava back on which we accomplish with the speed potion we'll have to deal with the ensuing enemies however both meitz and Grim we get absolutely swarmed on all sides and just cling on to our HP and here's Grim who's a tiny bit upset luckily he can't punch us thanks to the muffets surrounding us but he can still do tons of area damage so we obviously don't want to be here and we disengage INF F we want to end our turn so that we're opposite of grim that way he'll position himself on the platform once more we can't quite get to the Hammer this turn but we can shoot the lever with our bow to bring down the hammer a third time Grim is nearly dead at 37 HP but unfortunately my speed potion is just about to wear out which will stun me for a turn to counter this I use my shrouded and Shadow to go invisible for two turns to hopefully wait out the stun I position myself next to the valve just in case I need to release more lava Grim stands up and is unfortunately not super heated which means we're going to need to hope for the best while Grim Waits however he's helping us take down magma methods which is a huge help Grim walks at us one more time being superheated in the process where we promptly run away once more to the other side of the Arena I have enough remaining HP to tank the last meth and just barely with one last smack we can kill the defender of the Ford oh and uh that Grim guy can't forget about that one it's time to unveil this latest piece of armor adamantine splint reducing enemy damage towards us inflicting reeling and no more crits now we've reached 21 Armor class and I'm feeling good about our strength level I've cleaned out the underdog for everything I've wanted so now let's head for the mountain pass on the bright side the mountain pass is one of the shorter areas so we can get right to it and these ruins is located a GI Yankee Crush containing many powerful GI Yankee and artifacts we learn about one of them immediately with a puzzle to solve it you need assemble all four items one being a mace a rusty one you can find underneath the stairs a ceremonial battle axe can be found in this broken wall oops and at top the crush you can find a couple Eagles and in the nest is the Warhammer thanks however to minor illusion we can distract the bird pair and slip in and out without any detection when placed upon the proper altars a secret door containing the dawn Master's crust appears which will help us attain a powerful weapon deeper in the monastery we find the crush itself and doing some smooth talk we make our way inside and aim to get the blood of Le thander the G Yankee are very interested in my Rubik's prism which I used to convince them to allow me entry we're in and in here is quite the welcoming party which I promptly ignore so anyways over here is a couple statues one of them tends to get stuck but you should hopefully have a reasonable grease stock pile to lubricate the mechanism remember sunrise in East set in West and we're here in our secret little treasure Vault destroying these power sources rals the way to the legendary blood of Leander remember what I said about one handing weapon and shield it's this one this is the one-handed weapon the slot for a Crest guards the weapon and a Crest we have slotting it in disables the Trap and gives us a very large power boost but now it's time to deal with The Inquisitor did someone say minor illusion I bet you haven't killed World War Gaz like this before yes I'm using barrels again I tried using Thunder Wave but they didn't get pushed back even one failing the save but barrels they have Sure Fire not that looks like reinforcements are coming I'll just be saving them for later yeah well we've got one real boss left to deal with this run and that's Auntie so let me show you an easy way to kill the hag firstly I shall demonstrate on this innocent looking Sheep by toggling non-lethal attacks and giving them a whack we can turn this innocent looking sheep into a red cap you'll still get the XP and everything and it won't even trigger any other enemies putting this same concept into practice goodbye Auntie by the way she was a literal Hag from this point you can kill her if you so choose and get all of her loot which since she's a shopkeeper it's a lot we don't get any hair this way but we really don't need it considering our build so far but with all of that done act one is complete and it's time we packed off and headed to the cursed land we find ourselves in for act two next time
Channel: Pheeon
Views: 170,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, BG3 Lonewolf, BG3 Tactician
Id: NVVXfb2Ge0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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