The Story Of Baldur's Gate 2 - Supercut

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[Music] what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you part one of my story of baldur's gate 2 story series couple of things right off the bat spoilers obviously for the second game but in this particular instance also the first game as well because the second game of baldur's gate is a direct continuation of the first game so there will be spoilers for that and in fact i'm going to be spoiling the ending here shortly because that's how the game starts for my story series the way i like to do it is basically take you through the main story of the game and occasionally relevant side content however typically speaking just the main story plot point by plot point so with that stuff out of the way let's jump right into it here now as i mentioned going to be spoiling baldur's gate 1 right now basically so at the end of that game you kill your half-brother ceravoc who like yourself is actually a ball spawn you are children of the deity specifically the god of murder ball there is a prophecy surrounding his children which he made after he foresaw his own death and these children will basically be responsible for a lot of strife and have the potential to resurrect him however we find ourselves in the prison of a mage because right after the ending of baldur's gate 1 we are ambushed outside of baldur's gate the city by this maid and his associates and ultimately brought back here where we are experimented on which we see in the opening scene now shortly after this it would seem this mage's base is attacked by unknown assailants to us at the moment but ultimately this opportunity presents the possibility of escape for us emilyn our childhood friend basically who was with us throughout the first game potentially comes up and frees us out of our cage and that's where we actually kick off the game from now i've made an entire video literally about this whole dungeon here now this dungeon basically serves as the game's prologue or tutorial whatever you want to call it so what we're going to do is cover the things we learn here rather than anything overly specific for starters we learned that the mage we were held captive by his name is actually john arinicus and through a variety of sources we find out that this dude is basically evil to the core he's doing horrendous experiments on a lot of things in this dungeon you can find vats filled with just all sorts of creatures in suspended animation in some cases or in much worse states three dryads he is keeping captive can tell you that their purpose was to attempt to instill him with emotion however he seems incapable of emotion period these days we also find out that he was definitely in love with someone at one point however for whatever reason he seems to be unable to do so anymore on the second floor of this dungeon we will be met by a potential companion a guy named yoshimo or yoshimo i'm not really great with pronunciations by the way yoshimo again will offer to you come with us and basically help us out with this dungeon and you know strength and numbers kind of thing and then on the second floor we have the potential to learn a couple of other things for starters we can come across a room where aurinicus was actually cloning this woman from his past however the clones aren't taking very well at all and most of them are straight up hostile as they are well aware that they are not the person that aurinicus is trying to make them into we can also learn on this floor about the guild war going on apparently between some sort of assassins as well as a rival group though we don't know too much about the rival group at this particular juncture and all of that setup is basically what we can learn before we leave this dungeon even and then once we finally make our way to the exit and actually leave we'll be hit with this narration the tunnel slopes upward into the welcome glare of daylight such is your relief that you barely notice the debris at your feet the remnants of a battle fought only moments before surveying the carnage you hear a scream of rage and a massive explosion collapses the passage behind you the sounds of combat greet you as you struggle to your feet the fight it seems is still going strong now once that's over we will see this sort of scripted event between aurinicus and moen as well as us standing off to the side where arunicus is being attacked by the assailants from the dungeon we were just in he kills a great deal of them has some back and forth with you and emilyn where emilyn attacks him with spells ultimately he survives however right after this they are met by a bunch of mages that teleport in and basically try to take emmawin as well as arinicus in custody now ultimately they're successful because arinicus after killing several of these wizards just allows himself to be taken in now after this happens one of our potential companions we would have met in the dungeon who isn't super relevant to the overall plot while she's definitely an important character we're not going to be covering all of the companions in this either so we're going to try to keep the involvement of the companions to main story relevancy as much as we can but one of our potential companions jahira will actually suggest that we go to the slums and if she's not in your party to tell you this regardless of whether or not she's with you you will still be met by a man named blur i think it is and this guy will basically tell you that what you just saw was the cowled wizards the cowled wizards are sort of like police in the city of athcatla which is where you are now which is south of baldur's gate the cowled wizards are like the police because magic in athcala is very much so regulated you're not allowed to use magic here without a license to do so and if you do you get arrested and potentially sent to some jail-like facility now in addition to this lure can also explain what was going on with the assailants that were attacking aurinicus basically there is a guild war going on in athcotla between the shadow thieves as they are known as well as some other new gang that no one seems to know too much about now once this is over we are free to explore the promenade which is where we are now it has a bunch of shops and we can kind of get our party kind of geared up a little more if we so choose however once we go to leave this area there is only one available place for us to go and that is the slums now immediately upon entering the slums we are going to be met by a man named galen bale now this conversation is unavoidable no matter what you choose to say to this guy this will play out the same way and galen basically explains that he might be able to help you track down your friend emily who was of course arrested with aurinicus now the game lets you frame this however you want are you more concerned with hernicus do you want to get your friend back do you not care at all and this guy's forcing the conversation on you anyway it does kind of let you go in those directions but at the end of the day you'll wind up heading back to galen's safe house where he'll explain that for a fee of 20 000 gold he works for an organization that can not only help you track him owen down but also help you rescue her now after this conversation will be hit with some more narration the deal is made and you have a goal albeit a distant one your new friend has assured you that passage to immoren can be bought though you are certain the final tally will include much more than gold any help is welcome however and while the cost may be steep your path is clear finding immoon will lead to iranicus and to answers long overdue these are the prisoners from the disturbance at joaquin's promenade what is known not but their names the mage is john erenicus the girl is immoing i didn't do anything he did it all i had silenced child allow the fool to make his judgment why was this man not gagged did he not slay four of you we dared not approach uh regardless in the end he came willingly what should be done with them sir their deviants let them rot in spell hold and that is the end of chapter one so at this point in chapter two really what we're met with is the option to go explore and do side quests for money galen there will tell us that we need 20k what we actually need is 15k because once we actually get 15 000 gold which is essentially the major goal of chapter 2 of the game we will be greeted by a messenger if you will for the rival guild because galen actually works for the shadow thieves and upon acquiring 15k gold will be met by the messenger for the other guild and they'll basically say that you can meet them at the graveyard at night and they will offer you a cheaper alternative to galen's deal now at this point once this conversation happens you will also be sent a messenger from galen himself who will then reduce his price from 20 000 to 15k i want to mention that the meeting in the graveyard is not exactly time sensitive but once you go there and have that meeting you have to pay them right there or that option gets locked off chapter two ends with you paying either the shadow thieves or this rival guild which we'll talk more about in the next section but that's the entirety of chapter two it's just getting some money together and paying one of these groups of people which is very easy to do now the only thing i want to mention as well for this first introductory part for our story series is simply that if it wasn't obvious the mage rinicus was experimenting on you specifically because you are a child of ball that is important later truthfully the game doesn't tell you much about that at least right at the start of the game however that is very much so the reason you were captured and experimented on which is why he makes those cryptic remarks about you having untapped power and all that while he's performing his experiments now as to what he wanted etc that unfolds over the course of the game and we'll discuss it at the appropriate time i just want to make it clear that that is why he abducted and began experimenting on you so with that out of the way guys there is part one sorted out i hope you enjoyed the video if you did please remember to like comment subscribe all that youtube jazz i will have more parts up shortly should have the whole series done within roughly a week but regardless of any of that truly just thank you so much for watching may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you part two in our story of baldur's gate 2. part 2 here is where the game starts getting a little complicated and that is to say the end of chapter 2 to the end of chapter 3. things take a few different directions so i want to mention a couple things right at the start of this video if you do anything that would cause the main plot to be uncompletable someone teleports in and kills your main character in one shot thus giving you a game over a lot of times npcs and things can be killed however if you do anything that will break the main plot you just flat out get game over it by being killed as i mentioned in the first video chapter 2 ends with you siding with one of two factions so these things will change a little bit depending on which faction you side with it effectively changes a bit of the path through chapter three before we get into that i do also want to mention that like the first game there are dream sequences that can be had while you rest specifically at this point in the game you can run into three of them truth be told they don't do much for the story besides kind of hint at aurinicus and kind of keep you focused on emilyn and john arinicus because it's easy to get sidetracked doing all the side content to raise gold to advance the main story these dreams do things like hint at the power of you as a ball spawn as well as what's happened to emilyn and her fragile mental state as the prologue dungeon will kind of hinted at first things first let's assume we sided with the shadow thieves which is to say that we gave galen bale money upon doing so he'll explain that he is with the shadow thieves and that's who is employing you and you'll get this unique narration allies are expensive in the city of coin but you are certain you have made a wise investment through galen bale you have purchased the aid of aaron linvale shadow master of athcatla as ominous as that may sound you have little other choice already you have felt the influence of those working against your search for iranicus girl they brought in she's a cute one isn't she i do believe i'll have to practice some enchantment spells on that one hold what was that sound you too the new prisoner he's escaped what when where is he he's in the lower gods no he comes he's here i cannot be cared i cannot be controlled understand this as you die [Music] hello little one you and i have a great deal to do what are you planning not to worry nothing worse than what i shall do to your friend from here galen will point you to aaron linvale in the doc's district because that person is actually the head of the shadow thieves so you'll go to their guild hall if you will in the docs you'll find aaron linvale who is behind a few trick walls and the like which galen will give you a key to now upon meeting aaron linville he explains that basically he needs your help with a few more tasks despite you having paid a ton of gold already but they are working on getting you to immo in as well as affecting her release so the first thing aaron asks you to do is go to the doc's district at night specifically the actual docs area of the docs and meet up with his contact mooc who is there guarding some shipments so you're gonna go do that you will be attacked by the rival guild who are seemingly magical in nature in some manner and they will kill mook no matter what you do here and then you have to go report back to aaron explain that mook was killed in this attack and you'll be given a second task aaron will tell you that a lot of members of the shadow thieves have been deserting or being persuaded to join the rival guild which is part of the guild war we mentioned in the first video for this series as well he wants you to go track down two of these people at the five flagons in in the bridge district so we can go find them we can kind of ingratiate ourselves with them it's possible to go through this without inciting violence but most of the time this will end in violence and the defectors will attack you or you'll attack them upon which a recruiter for the rival guild comes in if you got into a fight he will be very suspicious and even if you learned his name through the conversation and use it appropriately it's grayson by the way he'll then attack you if you already killed the other two again possible to talk your way through this but it's very difficult it's honestly easier to just kill all of them now either learning the location from grayson or reading the note he drops on his body you'll discover that the rival guild's fortress or base is in the graveyard district so we can bring this information all the way back to aaron linvale in the docks and upon bringing this info to him he will tell us a few things for starters if we hadn't pieced it together already the rival guild is in fact made out of vampires which explains their magical nature and a lot of other things we've probably seen around the city again very possible to know this before aaron tells us about it but he'll basically tell us that the time has come to strike at their base in the graveyard district so he's going to do a few things he's going to give you a bunch of wooden stakes to permanently kill at least a few of these vampires he's also going to send a mage and a golem down to their base to open up the doors that are otherwise unmovable without their help so you're going to go to their base which is under the graveyard district a few of the mausoleums in the graveyard will lead down to the tombs where you can then make your way to this base you'll meet with the mage who's opened the door with his golem and then you'll get to the business of wiping out the vampire guild now i want to mention that vampires do have a level drain so if you're going to go through this on anything above story mode you need to understand the spell negative plane protection as it is very important here but our actual goal is actually just to chase the vampire lasalle the same one who attacked mook around this base he'll lead you into an ambush he'll then go back upstairs into a bit of a ritual chamber you'll kill him there but he's a vampire so he turns into mist goes across the map where we can finally track him down and stake him in his tomb or his coffin if you will once you stake lasalle bodhi shows up bodhi is actually the guild leader for the vampires you might have heard her name before this through a couple of different options but if you haven't her name is bodhi and she'll explain a few things honestly she'll mention that maybe the shadow thieves aren't the friends you think they are and that maybe they know more than they're telling you but ultimately she'll fight you now you won't get to kill her once she gets low on health she'll run away and then we can head back to aaron linvale and explain what happened to aaron at this point he'll kind of come clean on his involvement they know that you were captured by aurinicus as it's kind of their job to know things like that but shortly after that happened bodie and her vampire guild showed up and at this point members of the shadow thieves just started disappearing never to be seen again they still don't know where they are obviously they weren't in the guild that we just attacked the discovery of a body of one of their thieves actually led them to the discovery of arunicus's dungeon which led to the attack on that dungeon which led to our freedom now the only living thing that came out of that dungeon after that scene was us and our companions so the shadow thieves started trailing us and gave us the offer of helping us find emmawin and stuff who were carted off by the cowled wizards and aaron will tell this all kind of through conversation here but he'll mention that they do plan on helping you now that you've proven that you're clearly not working with aurinicus and bodhi now that you've helped them out they'll inform you that where emmawin was taken is a place called spell hold with a sort of fortress asylum for the magically deviant as they call it basically it's powerful mages or just mages in general that can't control their power and that he's arranged passage on a ship to help you get there because it's actually on an island some ways away from the city of athcatla so whenever we're ready we can agree to take this ship awaken child it is time for another test oh please i can't take this patience emily soon it will all end no don't do this don't i want to die silence dog you have no purpose but to die by my hands you are nearly ready she will be pleased aaron will introduce us to simon haverion the captain that will be taking us there and once this conversation is over we'll be met with some unique narration that ends chapter four which does change depending on who you sided with so here is the shadow thieves version aaron linvale has proven trustworthy you are soon under sale with the flamboyant seamon havarian at the helm the journey is uneventful and if there were other ships on the same course they must have kept a discrete distance you make good time and soon there is a sizable island on the horizon it might have been considered a pleasant place but a grim shadow extends the length of it the asylum spell hold looms from a cliffside now that brings us back to choosing the vampire guild instead which we now know that it is in fact a guild of vampires which is why their messenger asked us to meet their leader in the graveyard district upon us obtaining fifteen thousand gold which would have ended chapter two so rewinding all the way back there instead of talking to galen we go talk to the messenger and we go to the graveyard district at night this is where we can meet bodhi now this is our only opportunity to pay bodhi if you choose not to side with her right here even though it's your first time meeting her it becomes locked off as an option so if you want to do this part you do actually have to pick her side right here allies are expensive in the city of coin but you have invested carefully to best serve your interests despite her dark nature bodhi has promised much and seems eager to accommodate though there will assuredly be a price beyond the coins you have given she is useful for now so long as she aids in your search for irenicus so if you give her the money instead she'll basically also set you up with several tasks also aimed at ending this guild war first task bodhi will give you is the exact same task as the shadow thieves but the opposite end of it instead of helping mook or trying to help mook you will go assault the docks and bring back the shipment there once you bring it back bodhi will explain that the goal isn't to steal their supplies it's simply to drain resources from the shadow thieves at this point bodhi will actually give us the option of a good or unseemly task this is basically to either rescue or murder someone we can either rescue an informant that the shadow thieves are interrogating which will of course deny the shadow thieves information or we can choose to help bodhi murder someone and implicate the shadow thieves causing them all sorts of problems either one of these will do for our second task once this is done and we come back to bodhi she will finally give us the final task if you will of assaulting the shadow thief guild hall in the docks district now honestly this is a little more involved than attacking bodhi and her guild while you don't have to worry about vampires and level drain you do have to worry about absolutely tons of traps you also have to find several keys to get down there aaron linvale is in a secret chamber in the basement of the guild hall which we would know if we'd already done the other side this requires several keys if we side with the shadow thieves we get given these keys however now we have to go track them down so first things first we have to go kill galen bale in the slums and take his key that he would have given us otherwise this opens the hallway that leads to aaron linvale once we have this we can actually head to the shadow thieves guild hall we need to make our way to the basement level which is through a secret door in the wall on the first level this will lead to the stairs down now once we've got that taken care of we can find tizzak in a cell just south of where we enter the basement at if we then kill the executioner in that area we can get the key to free tisak which is actually one of bodhi's servants tiszak will explain that while you have the key to open the hallway you still have to open two more doors one of them involves finding and pressing a button at the end of a bunch of traps and then the other is opened with a key that linvale's most trusted advisor has at the end of this dungeon so we have to wind our way through a bunch of traps including this big trapped hallway that has the button we need to press to open the initial door and then we keep following that path until we meet haas linvales like head wizard guy who on his corpse will have the other key we need to actually access linvale's room once we have all these we can go fight aaron linvale and upon his death we'll of course be able to loot everything but at that point we'll be able to report back to bodhi once we go all the way back and speak to bodhi she'll give us a bunch more information but the opposite side of it so bodhi will for starters explain that she is actually related to arynicus arinicus is her brother sometimes she'll use brother and like quotation marks but they seem related at any rate they definitely know each other now bodhi will also explain that while she will help you go track down emmawin and arinicus who are again being held in spell hold the fortress asylum outside the city on an island she needs you to not kill arenicus here basically she has plans for aurinicus that she hasn't been able to uh act on because he's been pretty much at the height of his power which even as a vampire she just can't really do anything with but now that he's been weakened by combat and just being angry she thinks she'll have a better shot at getting this done now i do also want to mention that she mentions that the shadow thieves supposedly paid aurinicus to actually kidnap you but then that's not how that information is presented anywhere else so i don't know if that line that she says is a mistake because it doesn't really seem to make any sense i guess you could argue that varenicus captured you at the behest of the shadow thieves and they like learned your location or something which allowed him to do it but again that just doesn't really hold up to any scrutiny so i choose to think this is just a mistake because all the other information we're given besides this one point is very contrary to this but she does mention that apparently the shadow thieves paid arynicus to capture you but regardless once this is done bodhi will offer us a ship to spell hold as well at which point she'll take us to meet the same ship captain which is relevant shortly after this again we will meet simon havarian who will then sail us to spell hold which leads us to this unique narration bodhi was as good as her word and you are quickly under sale the flamboyant seaman havarian at the helm the journey is uneventful and if there were other ships on the same course they must have kept a discreet distance you make good time and soon there is a sizable island on the horizon it might have been considered a pleasant place but a grim shadow extends the length of it the asylum spell hold looms from a cliffside there you go guys there is part two of our story of baldur's gate two just the one chapter really technically but it varied quite a bit so i wanted to cover all of it in this particular part so i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please remember to like comment subscribe all that youtube jazz but regardless of any of that truly just thank you so much for watching me wander in wisdom and have an amazing day what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you part three of our story series for baldur's gate 2 in the last episode we explored all the various ways in which we could go through act 3 and basically all of the options that would lead us to chapter 4 here which is arriving on the island that holds spell hold with no further ado let's just jump straight into it here once we arrive on the island we're actually in a small town called bryn law that is just outside of the spell hold fortress so something to understand because it is told to you pretty much right away bryn law is actually a pirate stronghold they are essentially allowed by the cowled wizards to take care of everything outside of spell hold which helps keep people away from the island so the cowled wizards don't care and the pirates also benefit from the arrangement now depending on who we came to the island with the intro will be slightly different so if you came with the shadow thieves once you step off the boat with simon havarian he will actually betray you and lead you into an ambush of three vampires now that's really the only difference in the introduction as far as who you came to the island with however that context helps out with some decision making later so i wanted to mention it now once we actually get past that we are instructed to go speak to sanik at the inn in bryn law who is supposed to have some information that could help us get inside spell hold upon arriving and talking to sanek before he can give us this information he is in fact murdered by an assassin right in front of us and then that assassin turns on us for being his friends now with the innkeeper we can actually get some context to this and kind of understand what's going on sanic was actually in a relationship with one of the local courtesans the guild mistress of the courtesans guild in the town didn't appreciate this because sanik and this courtesan were trying to run away so in retaliation the guild mistress had sanic murdered so with sanic not being able to give us the information that we were after anymore the innkeeper suggests going to the guild either by pretending to be a customer or forcing your way in to find sanic's lover claire claire might have known what sanic would have known so we can do just that there are a couple ways to infiltrate the courtesans guild the easiest by paying one of the courtesans outside of the guild or you can just go in and start swinging that will also work and eventually you'll make your way to the back room of the courtesans guild this is where you'll come across the guild mistress about to murder claire so you can stop that from happening and then get the information you need from claire she doesn't know specifically but she's going to meet a man named gallon to get her off the island now that sanik is dead and she'll take you to him golin will actually have some information for us he'll tell us that we basically have a couple options to get into spell hold that is to either find the single lone cowled wizard representative on the island and take his ward stone which allows him entry into spell hold or go seek out the pirate lord of the island who can either help us get into spell hold if we play nice or if we are deemed magically deviant we can get thrown into spell hold of all of these the simplest option is simply to go to the caldwizzard's house pretty much no matter what you say he attacks you you can kill him and then just take his ward stone and then walk to spell hold that's probably the easiest thing to do you can of course also go speak to the pirate lord it is possible to just convince him to help you which is also a fairly easy route if you don't want to fight anything and i did want to mention before we move on both of those things can be done without actually rescuing or even talking to sanic or claire you can actually go straight to the shark or straight to the cowl wizard and do it that way if you already know what to do some of these steps can be skipped but when you're ready you can head over to spell hold and you get this cool little cinematic that kind of sets up spell hold as a building the cinematic's a little dated of course but overall i thought it was pretty cool so i wanted to mention it now the outside of spell hold is pretty straightforward honestly we just walked to the door however there are several like mists and various ghost-like monsters that will attack us on our way to the door but once we get inside we are greeted by the coordinator now this is one of the times where playing with the sound up will actually help you out because his voice is very distinct i'll put it that way so the coordinator will tell us that emilyn is safe that the people in spell hold are here because they are a danger to themselves and that they are not actively trying to hurt anyone here and he offers to basically show you what the spell hold is actually used for and then take you to emon so you can be aggressive or anything it kind of plays out the same way basically the coordinator will walk you through each of the inmates that are in the asylum here and explain how these people are a danger to themselves or just mentally unstable which is why they're in spell old to begin with now if we choose to attack the coordinator at any point it just jumps straight to the next part by knocking all of our characters out and basically once we get to the end of the coordinator's little tour we find emilyn emmelwynn is in a rough mental place she feels empty like something has been taken from her but before we can have too much of a conversation about that the coordinator reveals his true identity and that is that the coordinator is actually john arinicus because of course we saw him in the last part through a scripted event escape his bondage so we kind of sort of already knew what was happening here i did want to mention if we have the character yoshimo with us this is actually where that particular companion betrays us he won't offer any immediate explanation here but we will get into that shortly yoshimo will basically explain that on the way to the island he was actually drugging you the entire time by slipping spell components into everyone's food moreover arynicus will also explain that this was done through bodhi guildmistress of the vampires guild that's important because last episode we also saw that simon haverion was actually also working for bodhi on the side and seaman also leads us into an ambush if we come to the island with the shadow thieves i tell you this because if yoshimo is not present in your party on the way to spell hold and thus can't actually betray you arunicus explains that seaman did it instead in that instance so basically you will be uh rendered unconscious through spells and magical means and taken to a dungeon and this is where things get pretty interesting overall now we get a ton of information here all at once so for starters we are locked up in this little cage thing that we saw emo went in during flashbacks and the uh scripted events in between certain events now arunicus gives us a ton of information all at once for starters he was cursed in some manner a manner in which he required a divine soul to fix moreover that immoon also has a divine soul because he will reveal to you that emmawin is actually a child of ball as well there's a lot of hints about this so whether or not that comes as a surprise will vary a little bit but it turns out that emmawin is also a ball spawn also that arynicus was already successful in extracting emilyn's divine soul and it was given to bodhi to cure her of her affliction we're not sure what that affliction is at the moment it isn't stated however aaronicus will explain that they are taking your divine souls to cure them of some curse and then afterwards arunicus will also explain that this is enabled by bodhi seducing all those members of the shadow thieves to join the vampires guild and where they were disappearing to bodhi was shipping them off to spell hold for arynicus to experiment on and basically use their deaths to feed your inner deity shall we say because remember you're the child of the dead god of murder and basically those deaths would bring out your divine soul and thus allow it to be extracted and that is what was happening to the shadow thieves from the earlier parts of the game so at this point arenacus will take our soul from us basically he will request that bodhi kill us from here we're tossed into a bit of a maze or at least that's where we come to and bodhi is speaking to us she will explain that while aurinikus wants you dead she prefers to play with her food basically and plans to make it entertaining and will have you run this gauntlet of sorts now this is also where we get emilyn back in our party should you so choose you can actually also send her away still but the maze here is or the maze or puzzle whatever you want to call it it is as complicated as you want it to be basically there's a ton of extra stuff you don't have to do there's all sorts of puzzles and things down here that you can solve for extra rewards all kinds of stuff like that we're just focused on the main story part of it so that's what we're gonna do in order to get out of the first part here we need to walk up the stairs nearby into a separate area of the basement if you will and in this part of the map we need to pick up two items one is the hand of the old master of like the asylum or the architect of it this guy has been turned into a vampire by bodhi you need to kill him you need to stake him if you don't have a steak monsters will actually have one in their inventory nearby but once this is done his spirit will thank you for setting him free basically and you will be automatically given the hand of this guy which is one of the things we need in the opposite part of the dungeon we can find a group of kabul's who are worshiping a crystal as a god as kobolds are known to do now they will start talking about their god kurtlemac and how they're trying to bring forth his avatar through this crystal so we need to stop that from happening if you're unaware colonel mack is the actual like god of kobolds like the real one and they're trying to bring forth his avatar so we put a stop to that and we are automatically given the focusing crystal that they were trying to do this with we need to take both of those items back to the room where we were dropped into with bodhi walk up a different set of stairs and bring those two items to this large statuesque head and presenting both of those items will open its mouth and allow you to go through it this will bring us to the second part of the gauntlet here now this map all we need to do technically is gather two stone minotaur horns they're easy to find and they're easy to remember where they are because they are always right near the rooms with the actual minotaurs but in order to leave this room we need to find these two minotaur horns and put them on a statue minotaur that will then unlock the door forward upon reaching the minotaur statue we will be confronted by bodhi who is ready to make her move to actually kill us because she's done watching us run around basically however during this fight we get some more important information in the absence of your actual soul at this point the essence of the god of murder your father is trying to take you over and is basically filling the void left where your soul is gone now thus turning you into an avatar of the lord of murder the slayer specifically which is one of his avatars which is this crazy looking thing now bodhi flees the fight once this transformation happens because she needs to go telerinicus about it now this is an important part of the story obviously just because of what's happening here but moreover in the slayer form right now you're going to start attacking your friends so you might want to plan for that ahead of time so you don't accidentally kill them or something from here on out if you rest your character will turn into the slayer for a short time and continue to attack your companions it will go away it's not permanent or anything but until you leave spell hold that remains the case now once we leave this floor we find ourselves in yet another puzzle so this puzzle is basically just fights and or riddles if you answer all the riddles correctly after the first couple fights you can skip most of the fighting however there will still be a few or you can just brute force your way through here fight every fight and ultimately you'll still wind up where you need to go but basically an apparition is testing you for your sanity and teleports you to various places depending on your answers to the riddles which will then lead to fights answering the riddles correctly will actually net you more experience than if you don't however fighting all the fights will give you the opportunity to get experience from the fights but also allow you to pick up special magic items that you'll find here which are special in the sense that they're like plus two clubs that type of stuff not like literally special but once you're done with this you will finally be out of the basement area and you'll be back in the room or at least near the room where arenicas took your soul this is where you'll run into saman havarian again he will explain that fighting arenacus alone is suicide so he recommends you head up to the first floor again and release all of the magical deviants that we saw when we came into spell hold to begin with this is not a suggestion though it is framed as one if you go into the room where orenicus is the middle room where he took your soul it is actually just straight instant death he'll just kill your entire party outright in one shot you actually have to go up to the first floor and release the prisoners up there and once that's done you'll all teleport into the room with arinicus where a fight ensues once his health is whittled down far enough he teleports away basically explaining that he's gotten what he needs here anyway and further experimenting isn't going to help him out he's going to rally his troops and take his revenge as he puts it however at the end of this we get a chance to speak to yoshimo again if he was with us yoshimo will explain finally what the deal is yoshimo is under a gaius basically this means that if he doesn't follow arynicus's orders to the letter the gaius would just straight up kill him a gaius is a magical compulsion basically and defying it means death though typically they require the subject's cooperation to be placed in the first place which originally arinicus had as yoshimo worked for him just on other matters and then it spiraled out of control apparently now once all of this resolves itself and we are forced to kill yoshimo to be clear but you can take his heart that he will drop and potentially take it to a temple of ilmater where he can be redeemed so to speak at least in death but once all that resolves we need to head back up to the first floor where we will run into simon havarian again he'll basically explain that at this point there's two ways out you can come with him and potentially get a ship off the island or take john arinicus's portal wherever that goes taking the portal drops you directly into chapter five all you need to do to do that is go get the key out of john arunicus's office on the first floor bring it back to the laboratory level right below where he was doing his experiments open the door to the portal take the portal and you're done however what you should do and what most people would tell you to do is actually take up simon havarian's offer of leaving on his ship because if you do this you'll get a whole extra part of the game that you won't see otherwise simon will teleport all of you out of spell hold and basically instruct you to meet him at the end when you're ready so when you're ready go find him he'll explain that his ship was unfortunately scuttled because of him helping you however he can help you acquire a new one specifically the pirate lord ship but in order to do that you need to go steal a horn from his concubine's house if you will so you'll go there interrupt her cheating on the pirate lord with some other guy but ultimately you'll get the horn after they call the guards and run off you'll take that horn to the end of the docks where a seaman is waiting on you and upon trying to leave with the ship the pirate lord confronts you there's a fight but ultimately you're able to win and of course leave the seas are calm but the voyage is tense and simon spends much of his time below decks he acts as though he expects some great tragedy and that by avoiding you he can escape its influence the course he has said is true though and you think you will make the mainland in a few days on the fourth morn a ship is spotted to the east and a visibly shaken seaman orders a change of course the winds are against him however and the other vessel makes steady and remarkable progress towards you seaman grows increasingly nervous and rightfully so the ship looks odd and you swear it may not even be resting upon the water inevitably it pulls alongside and reveals a crew like no other seaman orders everyone to have weapons at the ready now after sailing for several days your ship is attacked by githyanki the githyanki explained that they're after same and hervarian for stealing something that is holy from them specifically a sword that has been mentioned several times up to this point by simon himself the githyanki of course attack you can fight back however this fight is ultimately interrupted by the sahagan showing up so hagen are ocean-dwelling creatures roughly humanoid fish types and they will essentially sink the ship the githyanki will flee and saman havarian will flee and you are ultimately captured by the sahegan the ship lurches and the ongoing battle is soon the least of your worries the entire vessel quickly lists to one side as the cargo below decks violently shifts there is no chance to make for a lifeboat and you are thrown overboard left gasping for air in an undertow you cannot escape pressure builds and you are pulled deep and you wonder if your last sight will be the disappearing simon havarian fleeing through some magical means saving his own skin as always and taken to their underground city of caverns this is literally just a side quest technically it has a lot of options though for instance you can just start killing the sahagan outright as soon as you come to you can kill all of the sahagan here or you can choose to help them out because the priestess that wakes you guys up seems to think that you are members of a prophecy that was mentioned by their shark god apparently so she'll take you to the king where a separate priestess will say that there's no way you guys could be those people and a fight ensues now if you agree to go along with this you'll be given the side quest you can refuse which just leads to the kill all of them option but if you agree you'll be given the task of hunting down the rebel sahagan leader that is in the opposite part of the map however you'll have to go get a tooth of their shark god to open the door to get to him upon leaving the king's audience the priestess that rescued you will give you an orb and tell you maybe you should talk to the rebel prince instead because the king say hagan is clearly insane now if you choose to help you'll still need to go get the tooth of the shark god from the city of caverns where they apparently used to live down here which is protected by a beholder but once you fight and kill him you can loot the tooth from the chest that it was guarding and then pass through the door to the rebel sahagan chieftain if you have the priestess's blessing from earlier you can talk to him potentially side with him he'll task you with killing the kings the hagan or you can kill him either or honestly doesn't make much of a difference something to keep in mind sahagan raid the sword coast all the time and kill and maim people so there is no real like correct answer here just pick whatever floats your boat though to be clear what would help the sahagan is putting the prince in charge however again the sahagan being in better shape just leads to more attacks on the sword coast so take that for what it's worth regardless once all this is done either you side with one of the prince or the king or you kill all of them the reward for siding was whoever is a magical rope that leads down to the underdark if you killed all of them you just loot the magical rope take it to where the rebel chieftain is which is where the hole to the underdark is and then you use that so either way you'll find your way to this hole where you can then travel down to the underdark which is the beginning of chapter five which is where we're going to leave off for right now but there you go guys there is part three of our story series which was actually covering chapter four i hope you enjoyed the video if you did please remember to like comment subscribe all that youtube jazz we are growing absolutely tremendously july was easily the biggest month the channel has ever had so far so honestly just thank you guys so much me wandering wisdom and have an amazing day and as you adjust to the dim light the reality of where you are begins to sink in it is a realm of countless legends where evil lurks behind each shadow and though you have traveled far in pursuit of iranicus never have you felt so isolated as black as your situation may have seemed it somehow grows darker still what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you part four of our story of baldur's gate 2 series and in our previous episode we had just made our way to the underdark after learning some big things about the story itself now that said we are still on the trail of of course john arinicus and his sister bodhi now before we kick off searching around the underdark i want to mention that anytime after you left the asylum from the previous chapter and you rest for the first time you will be given control over your slayer transformation that we saw in the previous part this will allow you to turn into the slayer as you please however each time you do this you will take a significant hit to your reputation so with that out of the way chapter five can properly kick off now you are just dumped into the underdark here with no real explanation on what to do or where to go so you kind of just have to start looking around and because of that this chapter can turn into a bit of a much more free form experience than the rest of the game honestly so for starters you're dropped into essentially the middle of four maps or five maps really so there is a map above you a map below you a map to the right and a map to the left of the central map that you are dropped into to the left right and bottom of this map all of those are various layers of monster types should you go clear those out you can potentially find items that will potentially help you later however you don't need them right this second what we actually have to do to advance the story in any way is find and enter the dark cave on the central map we first landed now if you find the dark cave you'll notice that immediately you can't actually go into it just yet because there is an impenetrable blackness around it so obviously we need to find a way past this while we're exploring we might just happen upon a gnome settlement or an undergnomed settlement they have an actual name that is ridiculous and i cannot pronounce it but we'll find this gnome settlement and if you proceed politely you can talk to them and it kind of acts as a little outpost to do some trading and get some rest however you can also attack outright if you arrive peacefully they will direct you to their leader their leader if you ask him about two people having come this way body and arenicus he'll explain that they are likely in the drow settlement nearby which is the map to the north of us however going there would not be an easy thing to do the leader of this gnome settlement suggests seeking out a creature known as adelon he won't tell you exactly what adalon is but explains that in order to get to it you'll need a gem to pass through the dark cave now the leader of this village proposes that you help him out with a situation and in return he'll give you the light gem to go speak to adelon alternatively you can just kill him and take it off of his corpse however should you choose to help him he will direct you to a cave very close nearby actually where the gnomes were digging and actually stumbled upon something they wish they hadn't of and they ask you to go clear it out and then collapse the tunnel where they were digging so if you go there you fight the being that's in this tunnel here it turns out to be a bailor if you kill it collapse the tunnel and come back he'll give you the light jim we can use this to enter the dark cave once we do so we will be greeted by a silver dragon known as adelon adelon is the guardian of this place because where we actually are is where the drow first descended into the underdark and adelon acted as a sort of peacekeeper between the surface elves and the drow who has managed to maintain a relative peace between the two all things considered adelon will go on to explain that recently john rinicus stole into her lair and took her eggs and gave them to the drow adelon has been informed that if she leaves her lair the drow will destroy her eggs thus keeping her at bay allowing the drow to enact nefarious planes atalan says she knows the way out of the underdark but if she's going to help you she needs to get her eggs back and at this point she doesn't expect you to just full-on attack an entire small drow city she offers to polymorph you into drow to help affect your ability to go take the eggs this is where things get interesting because in addition to not telling you about this path initially meaning you have to find all this yourself the next part also is fairly free form because you get polymorphed into drow so in order to get into the drow city you have to basically play along and try to pretend to be drought to the best of your ability however drow have very specific societal customs for instance it's a matriarchy women hold all the power there they're also a very cruel inherently evil for the most part race of people and if you don't act accordingly you will be found out and the settlement will turn on you that is not a game over because technically all you have to do is go get the eggs what adelon's polymorph allows you to do is potentially use subterfuge to do so and again there's actually one more option you might not initially think of because of the damn dragon but if you kill adalon you can take a scroll off of her body that will actually open the door that leads out of the underdark if you know where it is already so to sum up we can either kill adelon take the scroll agree to her polymorph thing and go try to use subterfuge to get the eggs back or we can just straight up attack the drow outpost after we speak to adelon you can't actually get in prior to that but once you're in the drow city if you want to try to do it you can just try to kill everything in there and then you'll have to find your way to the temple of lols where they're actually holding adelon's eggs the option that the game tends to push you towards because combat wise it's the easiest honestly is having you pretend to be drow so this is actually also an interesting option and i'm not going to go over every possibility but basically you follow the drow you perform a bunch of tasks for them and their matron mothers which is their matriarchs because they're trying to perform a right to summon a demon and they plan on using adelon's eggs to affect the deal with the demon technically you only have to follow this to the point at which you can actually go steal avalon's eggs but if you want to they actually let you take it a little farther and disrupt this entire drought settlement through subterfuge by ruining the deal with the matron mother and the demon though to be fair just stealing the eggs does prevent the summoning but you can take it farther than that if you want to which was a really nice touch overall very cool chapter however once you get the eggs back to avalon or you kill avalon that's when the chapter is basically over if you bring the eggs back to avalon she will reward you and then just teleport you straight to the exit of the underdark if you kill adelon and take her scroll what you'll need to do is actually head to the leftmost map which is the kuatoa layer if i'm not mistaken and there is a door that the scroll that addon had will actually open there which then leads to the surface but if you get teleported there you'll have to fight some more drow you'll encounter some regular surface elves also fighting the drow and they'll direct you to the exit once you click the exit we hit with this narration you've traveled these last few feet to the surface have seen the longest trek by far your relief at seeing the light of the sky is palpable even though you were not really fleeing the black of the underdark rather the constant treachery unfortunately even though the setting has changed your immediate future still looks to be far from peaceful this area has been the staging ground for many recent battles and judging from the faces of the beleaguered elven soldiers that now approach there may be more to come once that's over and we reach the surface we are immediately confronted by several elves who have been fighting off the drow who have recently attacked them they will bring you to their leader at the moment a man named elhan elhan will explain quite a few things actually he'll mention that the elves have been pushed out of their own city actually or at least the elves out here have because john arnicus has attacked the city and sealed it off so thus the elves can't even get into their own city upon confirming the fact that you are in fact not john arenacase's friend through this conversation elhan will explain that in order to get into the city they need to retrieve an artifact called the rin land thorn this is an ancient lantern that will always guide the way to the elven city and it will pierce any and all magics that attempt to obscure it upon el han giving you this information you mention that the person who probably has this lantern is most likely bodhi for whatever reason we assume that bodhi went back to her lair in athcatla which actually turns out to be legit that's where she is so once we have all this information and regardless of whether or not we want to help el han or how polite that conversation went it's what we need to do to get into uh suldan salar which is the elven city so at this point we will travel back to athcatla on the way there you will be hit with an encounter with dritz durden and his party dritz of course is a famous dungeons and dragons character and we encounter him here because he can be enlisted to help us with bodhi if we pick the nice dialogue options however you can of course attack him outright he also like in baldur's gate 1 has great items on him which may warrant killing him so to be clear you can recruit him to help with bodhi which is super helpful and if you do so he will meet you at the graveyard district where of course her lair is from earlier in the game now once we get back to avcotla if we don't want to head straight to the graveyard we do have a couple other things we can do here if we sided with the shadow thieves all the way back in chapter 3 we can report back to aaron linvale we can kind of fill in the gaps about what happened none of which is actually aaron's fault he didn't betray you in any way however he wants bodhi who recently returned to the city dead because he can't risk her coming back to power and he will then send some assassins to her hideout to help you finish her off and while it might not be immediately obvious if you go to the order of the radiant heart in the temple district and appeal to the paladins there for help they will also send help to deal with the vampires below the city as that's kind of their job nothing really points you to that one you just kind of have to know now whenever we're ready we can head down to bodhi's lair in the graveyard district i do want to mention if you sided with the vampire guild all the way back in chapter three it doesn't really change anything here this plays out basically the same way except it won't be possible to recruit aaron linville's assassins for help here because of course aaron linvale will be dead now at this point we just have to clear out bodies lair make our way to the basement level where she is we will fight her with any assembled allies bodhi will also give us a little bit more information that information being that apparently her and jon arrenicus were elves in some capacity that they are attacking that elven city because they feel they were slighted in some way bodhi is short on details but she places a lot of blame on the elves of the city as well not information we can do anything what right this second however interesting nonetheless once bodhi is defeated we have to go to her coffin because again she is a vampire and we have to stake her to kill her permanently this will do two things it will restore emo and soul because if you remember back in the last part our souls were stolen from us bodhi had emmowen's soul so killing bodhi will restore emilyn's soul to her finally killing bodhi reveals the rin lanthorne in her coffin which is what we need to take back to el han to finish chapter six now when we go back to el han who is in the same place as where we left him he will explain a few things if you ask him which the game kind of forces you to about what bodhi was talking about with being you know outsiders of the elves in some way he refers to john renicus as the exile and your character can point out that someone that elhan apparently didn't know is now referred to as the exile elhon will refuse to answer any questions but basically says that it's not his story to tell and you need to talk to the priestess in sulban salar to get the full story at this point we will be given a free trip to just outside of suldensalar where elhan will use the wren land thorn to reveal the way into the city once we go into the city we're hit with narration guided by the light of the red lanthan you pass effortlessly through what had seemed an impenetrable wall of trees the city that greets you as you emerge is at once inspiring but also profoundly troubling for amidst the majestic architecture are dozens of bodies elves that have fallen while defending their home solden slr is in the grip of iranicus and his minions and it will not be relinquished without a fight and so begins chapter 7 the final chapter of the base game but that is where we're going to leave this part for today i hope you enjoyed the video if you did please remember to like comment subscribe all that youtube jazz but truly just thank you so much for watching me wandering wisdom and have an amazing day going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you part five of our story of baldur's gate two and in the previous episode we had just arrived at the elven city of sulban solar after chasing john arinicus and his sister bodhi to this place now while we don't have the full story we learned last episode as well that john rennicus as well as bodhi were apparently elves of some sort prior to this however they were exiled for reasons we haven't learned just yet however we were instructed to find a priest in the city who might be able to shed some light on that like a lot of other chapters in this game this is as long as you want it to be really there is a quick route through the chapter that you can either do or not do obviously we'll be taking you through more of the story focus stuff but just keep in mind a lot of this actually can be skipped if you know how first things first we were instructed to find the priestess which is as good a place as any two starts so if we bring up the map all we have to do is go to denim's home which is the priest we were instructed to find as we travel throughout the city we are of course going to be attacked by john arenacus's forces as they are fighting with the elves in the streets but once we actually arrive at the priest's home we can save that priest from three rakshasa and then we can have a conversation with the priest about the full scope of the situation so here is where we will learn that arienicus and bodhi did very much so used to be elves arinicus was actually an elf of some renown he had basically achieved all the mastery of magic that a mortal can hope to obtain in terms of being a mage he was the best of the best and was obviously a very well regarded elf his sister bodhi while not as highly regarded bent his ear quite a bit nonetheless and she actually encouraged him to seek even more power which is what arena kiss ultimately wound up doing he went to the elves tree of life which is what connects the elves to nature and everything through their gods the seldarine and arinicus attempted to merge himself with the tree of life in an attempt to make himself a god this plan did not work out it almost destroyed an untold amount of elves and for his crimes he and bodhi were stripped through divine powers of literally what it means to be an elf bodhi sought to find a way around this through undeath and became a vampire however even that did not actually solve her problem and this is why john arnicus ultimately did all this research into and then finally stole our souls back in chapter four because our divine soul as a child of ball was able to restore aurinicus to what he was or at least his power level if you want to think of it that way the priestess will go on to explain that we need to find a lesbi which is the queen of the elves in the palace where john arinicus took her to in order to get into the palace though we have to do a few things we can either go a long way around and just skip the main gates so to speak or we can do what the priestess ask which is to call upon the avatar of their god now in order to do this we have to gather items from around the city and bring them to the elven temple and then place all of those upon the altar there which is what we are going to do next now luckily these are easy to find we are looking for a talisman a cup as well as a moon blade the talisman and the moon blade are literally in the buildings known as the house of the talisman and the house of the moon so pretty straight forward in addition to this we actually also need to track down a black dragon that arunicus also had assaulting the city so we just head northwest of town and where the dragon is is just a small square map with just enough space to fight this dragon now you don't actually have to fight the dragon it is possible to trade it about 30 000 gold if you choose some select dialogue options and it will also take basically everything you're carrying as well and then it will give you the cup you can just take all the items off your character and then give it the gold to kind of circumvent this a little bit and then avoid fighting the dragon altogether or you can just kill the dragon and take the cup but once you have all three of those items you need to head to the temple again place those items on the altar and then the avatar of relevant will be summoned the avatar will explain that while he can't attack the tree of life itself he can use his power over the spirits and things around to secure the city and open the gates to the palace allowing you entry he can't however attack john aranicus directly because orenicus is using magics that corrupt nature and he is a nature god so at this point the streets become a little safer as the spirits and everything take over however you still will find the occasional fight however before we go to the palace we actually still need to go to a place called the house of the harp as well as the house of the horn so we need to go here and in each of those buildings we will find an associated stone harp as well as a stone horn we need those to continue after that we can head into the palace proper and upon entry we will run into a tree we actually need to interact with this tree until we get several types of nuts from it these will be used in the next part and it's easier if you grab them now continuing a little forward into the palace we will come across two stone statues we need to interact with them to give them the appropriate horn or harp and doing that will open the way to the tree of life upon entering this map we will be contacted by a lesbian's spirit if you will telling you that john arinicus is draining the tree of life and that he is doing this through three parasites that are attaching themselves to the tree so long as that's going on she is indisposed in a cage in the middle of the map and she's kind of projecting her image to speak to you so what we need to do at this point is travel around the tree and kill these parasites the nuts we picked up earlier will grow branches between the tree and actually allow us to travel around so we need to track down these parasites we need to interact with them upon the first interaction they will summon elementals to guard themselves and once those elementals are dead you can interact with the parasite again to kill it properly once all three of them are dead you will be teleported to the middle of the tree where jonarinicus has a lesbi held now that the parasites are dead a lesbian can sever arunicus's connection to the tree thus keeping him from ascending to godhood which is his goal a lesbian will basically chastise john for failing to use his years in exiles to learn to become uh you know an elf or try to earn his way back into their good graces and it will be revealed that a lesbian is actually the lover that aranekus knew at one time however due to being stripped of what it means to be an elf he seemingly lost his ability to remember their love if you will which is especially interesting because even restored he seems to be incapable of remembering this love now a lesbian will teleport out to go muster the rest of the elven forces and you will be left to fight john arunicus this is a bit of a pain as far as fights go he likes to cast time stop followed up by meteor and stuff so if you have anything that can dispel his magical protection so you can interrupt his casting that will go a long way for you once he's dead you would think that we would get our soul back just like emilyn did however as the text on screen will tell us we are slowly pulled away from the world following our own soul because our soul seems to be departing to the afterlife with jon arrenicus and then next thing we know we find ourselves in hell otherwise known as the abyss so it becomes explained to us pretty quickly that we're not sure why it didn't affect emilyn exactly this way however the theory is that this didn't happen for emmawin because bodhi was an undead vampire and thus there was no other soul in there regardless of the situation it would appear that aurinicus's death caused the soul that he took from you to be sent to the abyss and you followed now at this point there is a door just behind us that we can't get through and interacting with it proves futile however as we walk around we will notice five other sub chambers that we can enter entering any of these will basically sum up the situation where we actually are is the plane of ball that exists in the abyss when arenicus died our essence of bald the thing that actually made us a ball spawn in theory would have joined the rest of ball's essence here on this plane however we still have some sway over the place simply because of how strong our soul is and the fact that it was untethered from us so in a weird sense the realm is basically forcing us and arinicus to fight it out over who actually controls the soul that we should rightfully claim is ours but in order to do that we need to open the door back at the original map so each of these five little sub chambers has a test of sorts that has usually a couple outcomes each of which will give us a different reward when we interact with the door later but our actual goal is to obtain a tier of ball from each of the five little subchambers this is done again through passing a little test we can talk with the pride demon in one of them who will explain that there's a creature nearby that needs to die you can question this and actually find a way to talk to the creature to give you the tear of ball instead of you killing it for it there is a room where you will have to pass through doors each door demands the cost of one of your companions lives or if you don't have any companions with you just a random peasant or you can go through a different route of doors which will sap power from yourself there is one where you can be given a sword and that sword is able to either kill a genie to take the tear of ball or you can give the genie the sword which will also give you the tear of ball there is one where you fight ceravoc as he tries to awaken the wrath within you to let you become the slayer more frequently ultimately all of these are just little tests around the area they're very small maps they don't take very long to complete and once you have all five tiers you need to go back to the door with the eyes in the central map and just interact with the door five times to use each tier of ball now this is going to give you a reward depending on what you did this can make you immune to plus one weapons it can give you 200k experience it can increase your attributes which sounds pretty cool but this is literally the last fight of the game so these are not super useful upon opening the door arunicus will appear and you can have a conversation with him about fighting him for your soul because while his plans at godhood are failed for the moment he still sees potential in continuing that path by you know actually claiming the rest of your soul which you are still holding on to this tiny vestige of it but either way in order to get out of here and live one of you is going to have to die right here this fight can behave a little oddly but once it starts arendicus will summon a bunch of demons and then he himself will cast a bunch of protection spells on himself and then turn into the slayer he tends to teleport away immediately and then there's like a little placeholder slayer that stays here but doesn't actually seem to do or attack anything and then you kind of have to fight the demons again this fight can just behave very strangely sometimes but your first goal should be the demons that he summoned they're actually more of a pain than he is once they are dead you kind of have to walk around the room to find him here and there he can actually teleport to a couple different spots in the room however if you wait it out his protection spells can actually fall off while you chase him around the room and this actually makes him much easier to kill because in the slayer form he's not really casting spells at you this time around it's mostly just those protection spells and i believe he'll occasionally try to fear you but that's about it so if you wait for those protection spells to come off you can actually just kind of swarm him with summons and things at that point and then he'll die once that happens we get reawakened in the actual world where we are talking to a lesbian the queen who of course thanks us for putting a stop to urinacus and they throw a bit of a celebration for you for saving their city and then we are met with the end of game cinematic here this is the end of the base game however we still have to go through throne of ball throne of ball actually discusses the end of the ball spawn prophecy which will be the next video and the last part of this series but with this out of the way we have covered the entirety of the base game for baldur's gate 2 so i hope you enjoyed it if you did please remember to like comment subscribe all that youtube jazz but regardless of any of that truly just thank you so much for watching may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music] uh to end like this wow [Music] [Applause] gorian sword has become too powerful we should have acted long before now there is no reason to be concerned the fate of this fool has been sealed but can we be so sure this spawn of bomb is doomed there is no escape [Music] there is no peace for a child of baal you've learned this lesson time and again as all who are close to you suffer because of your tainted blood when john iranicus fell you had hoped for some sort of respite but peril follows you like pestilence the time of the prophecy has come five powerful ball spawn have arisen leading their armies across the source slaughtering their weaker siblings and innocence alike in a wave of massive destruction like wildfire panic spreads before the armies of the five and those suspected of being children of all are cast out and revived even in sultan solar unease grows into fear at your presence queen elisim urges you to visit a sacred grove where the ancients might shed light on your fate you wonder what part you will play in the dreaded prophecy and how long before its culmination devours your soul [Applause] only one thing seems certain so long as ball's throne of blood stands empty chaos what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you our final part in our story of baldur's gate 2 series and with the last part we actually wrapped up the base game so this part is all about covering as you saw in the intro there the throne of ball expansion now this expansion aimed to wrap up the story of the ball spawn and it begins by hearing about other ball spawn taking waves of armies and things and just ravaging the countryside so to speak and we as far as we know we're still in the elven city that we left until we are urged by the queen of the elves to attend a sacred grove of sorts where the ancients might speak to us about what's to come and that's where a throne of ball actually picks up gameplay-wise all we have to do to initiate this part is simply talk to one of the many stoneheads laying around us any of them will do and that will start the dialogue that carries us forward now they will give you this prophecy here and this is ultimately just foreshadowing about events to come in this dlc now immediately after this we are attacked by another ball spawn she was sent here specifically to murder us and she reveals that she herself is also a ball spawn obviously we have to defend ourselves and kill this woman if we kill her her friends that are with her will run off but upon her death we will find ourselves transported to a pocket plane now this gets explained very promptly by a solar who is there to shepherd us through this if you will if you're unaware solars are like celestial entities in d and d now the solar goes on to explain that basically it's time for this ball spawn saga to get itself sorted out more specifically she will also explain that we are technically in the throne of blood which is our father balls plane of the abyss now we because of our divine essence that is from ball himself have been granted a certain amount of power over this realm whether we realize or intend to use it or not thus the creation of this pocket plane that we find ourselves in the solar will tell us that basically we're not ready to do what we need to do and it's her responsibility that she was assigned to by the gods to get you ready right after she departs we are then greeted by the spirit of sarawak from all the way back at the very first game serebach while mocking us as one does he will explain that we are actually in our father's abyssal realm that it's not just like a separate plane of hell or something we are literally in that realm the essence of your blood made a sort of cocoon this pocket plane ceravoc thinks that you did this to protect yourself from the power of the plane lest it rip you apart because you're not ready for it saravach himself is in fact dead this is just his spirit here because when the ball spawn die they all are sent to their father's realm he saw this cocoon forming and came to check it out in his spirit form and found you he goes on to explain that if you give him the tiniest bit of your soul or any divine soul really that he would be able to restore his flesh he would not however regain his ball spawn power if you want to call it that as his initial death drained him of the taint of his blood which is what is considered the ball spawn essence so all that is gone but if you give him the tiniest fraction of your soul he could be brought back to life if emilyn is with you that is to say that you finished the base game and then carried her forward into throne of ball she can be convinced to give part of her soul to resurrect saravach as well if we choose to help him out he will go on to explain a few things for starters that this pocket plane exists because we need it to exist as we kind of figured out earlier but that said there are basically challenges in here that will unlock as the expansion progresses and this is going to challenge us to know ourselves so to speak or our lingering doubts about what's to come that kind of stuff and in facing those challenges as they crop up we will kind of be getting ready to face the throne of blood so basically this pocket plane is going to be full of challenges that we need to clear as they become available to us which we'll talk more about later now before we carry on with our challenge we can actually choose to take cerebac with us as a companion moreover he goes on to explain that he'll even swear an oath to you which here in this place would be the equivalent of a guess actually he would be forced to comply with it and then you can take him along as a companion throughout the dlc which i highly recommend you do there is actually no downside to doing so you can just hang out with your half brother i guess in addition to the challenges and things to come there are a couple more things i want to mention here for starters the statues near the kind of door to the north can be clicked on and through those you can actually swap out companions from the base game so if you had a specific party you were using or anything or you want to mix it up you can still do that in addition there is an imp butler running around named kespinar or something like that now what he will do for you is throughout the dlc you will find unique items and things that are basically components that the impear can use in combination with paying him of course to make you some very strong unique items now the other thing i want to mention is that sarawak will also explain where we need to go next which is the tethering city of saradesh however before we can leave the pocket plane we have to take care of the first challenge that we are given now this challenge sees us interacting with a ball spawn who basically turned into a murderer and was ultimately killed for the murders he committed which he calls retribution and then you have to fight waves of enemies and this ball spawn will basically explain that the more you just live your life as a boss bond the more death you spread simply by existing thus the more people want to exact retribution on you but once that's done we will be granted the ability to leave which we just click on the door north of it and then we are deposited into the city i just mentioned earlier when we arrive we will find the city under siege we will also see a woman named melisan arguing with civilians as well as troops near the citadel of sorts if you want to call it that in the city here now ultimately the forces that are guarding the door will try to attack the peasants trying to get in and you'll be forced to step in because they saw you and thought you were invaders of some sort as you teleported into a city that is otherwise blocked off by the siege happening outside so you'll get attacked be forced to defend yourself and then you'll have a conversation with melisand melason will explain quite a few things that the city is under siege by a man named yagashura and moreover that he is after all of the ball spawn that are housed here basically there's several other ball spawn in the city and that is why it is under siege the person in control of the forces here a man named gromnir is also a ball spawn and was a general before being brought to this city by melisan gromner has gone a bit mad it would seem and has blocked the castle off in the face of the siege so melisandre tasked us if we will because you know there's not really any other way to escape trying to get into the castle to deal with gromner now at this point we are set loose in the city where we basically just need to find a way into the citadel to face gromnir head on so there are technically two ways to do this but the easiest way is by far to go to the temple talk to the priestess there just be nice about it when you ask her if she knows any way into the palace and she will then give you a key to the jail very close by to where the temple is upon getting this key whether you just killed her for it or not you can then head into the jail and then make your way through the small maze if you will where you'll fight a bunch of vampires that have taken up residence in this abandoned building and once you find yourself on the other side you'll essentially be in the palace's basement now you'll be attacked by a bunch more of granite's forces here until ultimately you're able to make your way into the actual castle palace citadel whatever you want to call it where you'll find yourself fighting through even more of gromner's troops until you make it up to his little throne room here you'll see gromnir and melisan arguing gromner is aware of your presence that you arrived in the city he thinks you're here to assassinate him and refuses to believe anything melisand says so he has her carted off as you walk into the room and then a fight ensues immediately because he attacks you and you're forced to kill gromner this is where melason re-enters the room and explains that with gram near dead and there's still not being any way out of the city you will be forced to deal with yagashira somehow as yagashira is actually a ball spawn as well and the general of the assaulting army melisand will go on to give us more details about yagashura as she is apparently familiar with all the ball spawn as she has been trying to protect the world from the prophecy according to herself she'll tell us that yagashura is a fire giant but moreover he seems to be basically immune to all harm for some reason she's not entirely sure why this is but she knows he wasn't born this way that this is something that has been learned or taught or placed upon him in some manner melisan is also aware of where yagashura actually spent his childhood which is the forest of mer and she will go on to explain that traveling there might reveal some sort of information or give us some hint as to what could possibly break yoga shore's seemingly invincibility now at this point what we need to do is use our acquired pocket plane ability which will then transport us back to the pocket plane and then from the pocket plane we can exit out into basically just outside of the city of sarah douche and then at this point you will be teleported to the nearby forest of myrt now you're going to fight a bunch of yoga shores troops here but eventually you'll make your way across the map which is necessary to reach the exit point and then at that point you can fast travel to a place called the temple at the temple will actually be confronted by a race pretending to be gorian who accuses you of all sorts of stuff but ultimately you'll be able to kill him as we move forward into the actual temple proper we'll be confronted by a skeleton cleric that initially thinks we're ball however he realized then that we only are a vessel for ball's power and then everything in the temple tries to kill us as well and we have to fight our way through that once we head up the stairs however we'll run into a witch named nially niley will actually explain quite a few things that are going on here for starters niley herself used to be a priestess of ball moreover that she raised yagashura she actually stole him from his mother and then brought him here to this temple to be raised moreover naily taught her son if you want to call him that how to remove his heart and keep it magically safe which makes him effectively immune to all harm in order to fix this naily wants you to go to yagashura's mountain stronghold and gather yagashura's heart as well as her own heart because yagashura stole her heart as well and she feels betrayed and would like to repay the favor so to speak so with this we can find ourselves fast traveling to the marching mountains just north of us and this is where the layer of yaga shura is so we're going to fight through a ton of fire giants here they are everywhere and there's actually a bit of a puzzle for us to solve we'll come across this kind of contraption right in front of a huge set of stairs the stairs are unpassable because this contraption is preventing passage through some sort of magical field and we are forced to gather four runes from around the fire temple i guess for lack of a better word here and those runes once acquired will then shut off the device so you have to solve just kind of a bit of a walking around puzzle and gathering these runes to then using this device which then dispels the barrier on the stairs that then allows us to carry forward now once we are in the inner part of the temple we'll have to fight even more servants of yaga shuri here which are mostly fire giants and at this point we'll be able to find the heart of yagashura in a brazier and if we continue one more room past that we can find the bedroom of yagashura and under his bed we will find nially's heart because remember we have to bring both of them back now at this point we can head back to niley in the temple at the forest of mer and upon giving her both hearts she will extinguish yagashura's heart which will then make him not immune to harm anymore but naily upon re-obtaining her own heart will suddenly have a change of heart and try to kill her us for trying to kill her son so we are then forced to fight nially and dryads she summons at this point we can head to the siege camp nearby as you arrive in the clearing the first thing that draws your attention is the plume of smoke billowing from nearby sarah douche its walls have been breached in several places and its utter devastation shows a city that has been completely sacked by invaders bodies of soldiers are everywhere as is the stench of death the screams of the innocent attempting to flee can still be heard yagashura and his army are nowhere in your immediate sight which is just outside the besieged city and this is where we can finally confront yagashura upon realizing that he can be physically harmed he will run off and we will be forced to deal with all of his lackeys around the place before he finally comes back for us to defeat him properly now once yagashura lies dead we will be immediately transported back to the pocket plane where the solar is waiting to speak to us the solar will show us visions of our origin we will get to talk to the spirits of gorion as well as our mother about how she was a priestess of ball and then how gorion rescued you as well as quite a few other spawn of ball actually that were going to be ritually sacrificed to bring back the lord of murder you were spared this as well as ceravoc presumably emmawin as well as probably a few others but that said ball spawn still did in fact die at this ritual site before all of them were able to escape or be saved so once this is done we will come back to so to speak in the real world where we will be having a conversation with melisanne who will have shown up she will explain that the city has fallen all the balls spawn in there were murdered by yagashura before we could remove his protections and kill him so all the ball spawn that were in that city are dead now and melason will give us some information about yagashura's allies the other children of ball and supposedly some of the most powerful of them now one of these was elisaera which is the woman who attacked us in the grove at the very beginning of this video and two others are abazigal and sendai melisan says she can point you to where these two people have power at you know their enclaves or their fortress whatever you want to call it and that in order to attack them you need to head south to a village in the callum desert known as m ketherin on our way to am catherine we will be stopped by local forces for the kingdom of tethyr they will attack us simply for being ball spawn we'll have to defend ourselves and then we'll be able to carry on to the city of am catherine dust blows around you clearing a moment later to reveal what can only be am catherine a village nestled into an outcropping of rock amidst a desert so dry and sparse of life that you wonder how such a place could survive dominating the village and seemingly carved out of the stone face of the rocks themselves is a large and ornate fortress its purpose unknown here once we find the monk order that is just to the north of us we will be able to meet with a man named balthazar this is the man melisan actually instructed us to speak with once we had arrived so melisand herself is not here however she gave balsazar instructions to basically point out where the enclaves of the two ball spawn we are tracking down actually are so this is where we can just start tracking them down there are a few side quests here and there kind of just a general distractions around town if you want to partake in that kind of thing however when we're ready we need to find either a basically layer or a sendai's enclave we will have to do both it just doesn't actually matter which order we do them in obasagal once you arrive at his layer here you will be confronted by someone called draconis draconis will quickly inform us that he is the son of abbasigal and he will pretty much attack you no matter what you do and this will ultimately culminate in him turning into a dragon because it would appear that this ball spawn is in fact actually half dragon so then we can pick up draconis's head head into the actual dungeon here and this is where we can start navigating the dungeon i want to say this dungeon is the worst i actually hate this dungeon you'll get attacked by an initial group of enemies they're going to drop an empty breath potion flask and a stone to flesh scroll there are also four pools of water around you basically you need to slowly go through each one of these pools you can only go through one of them right at the beginning which is the one on the left this path will lead you to a sort of home in a weird way it's like the interior of a house almost with a pool in it that pool combined with the empty breath potion flask will give us a breath potion that will then allow us to traverse some of the other pools well specifically one of them on the right which will then lead us to a trapped monk this monk will give us a rope which combined with the breath potion flask will allow us to take the other two pools one of which leads to a madman named glycanth who is in possession of a scroll of reversal that we need to undo the magic guarding abazigal's lair also you can save a green dragon that is being forced under a gaius to protect abasagal's lair however you can kill the dragon but regardless you will still need the scroll no matter what you do here you cannot just kill the dragon and continue you do actually have to get this scroll to pass the magic ward and if you have the scroll you can avoid the fight with the dragon so makes sense to just avoid that fight but once all that's done we can finally confront abbasigal in his lair so i do want to mention in order to get the scroll of reversal from lycanth he basically needs the eyestock of a beholder and if you have the stone flesh scroll you can actually use it on some adventurers who have been turned to stone in the caves here and this is just kind of like a funny little easter egg about them being like a party of adventurers like an actual d d like group and when you're fighting them well when they attack you once you meet with them again after you've sent them on a quest to go get your eyestalk they will actually attack you and when that inevitably fails through a scripted event you don't even get to fight them and then it shows them reloading so it's kind of a funny little easter egg i wanted to mention but once that's done we can bring the scroll and everything and then we're confronting a basic all so above goal is the very much so high and mighty sorts thinks because he's half dragon he's better than everybody and you're gonna have to fight him obviously because he needs to die however he's a dragon so that fight is about as fun as it sounds but eventually he will die and just like with yagashura we will be pulled into the pocket plane to speak with the solar yet again at this point the solar will have us speak with the spirit of ourselves from another time this is interesting because our other self actually explains that while the prophecy that is all about the ball spawn and everything is talking about you you do in fact bring death and destruction in your wake simply by being a ball spawn but that's not what the prophecy is about the prophecy is actually about you stopping the five that is to say the five most powerful ball spawn excluding yourself which are the ball spawn we've been killing up to this point illusera yagashura and abasagal so once this is done we can then head off to sendai's enclave whenever we are ready and this one is a little different because when we arrive at the enclave we're only going to find a lone woodcutter now if we talk to this woodcutter he'll have no idea what we're talking about as far as ball spawn go but he'll say that he's seen some strange going-ons around the forest and when we go to check these things out we'll be ambushed by creatures every time if you haven't figured it out or it's not suspicious you can attack the wood cutter actually to cut this part short if you can just kind of piece together that this guy isn't who he says he is or just keep getting ambushed in the woods until it comes out anyway but the wood cutter as well as all these animals are actually drow protecting a concealed entrance to sindai's lair because sendai is a drow ball spawn sendai's enclave is actually pretty straightforward as far as dungeons go it's pretty much just a straight shot to her however it is a gauntlet of tons of enemies she will just keep throwing all of her armies at you basically drows their slaves her lieutenants their priestesses even her mind flare allies but on our way to sendai we will actually see a bit of a cut scene of sorts where an emissary from balthazar which is the monk back at the city of am catherine if you'll remember is talking to sendai basically telling her that she's gonna die once we finally make it to sendai there is of course an inevitable fight though i do want to mention on our way to her we can actually do some really cool things like we can actually meet the spectator from the sahagan city from the base game if we actually went there we can even have a conversation with the spectator about seeing them again even if you killed them so there is some kind of fun stuff going on there however eventually you will make your way to sendai as i mentioned now when you get there it'll be just her because you killed all of her lackeys but she will have been preparing a ritual while you were making your way to her and she will summon seven statues on the platforms around her these are all her basically but with different fighting styles and they will activate one at a time and as you kill them more drought will be summoned in from the steps so you have to fight the statues and the drows that are being summoned so kind of have to play that fiddle back and forth so to speak as she summons in drow as you kill her statues but once all the statues are dead she herself is forced back into the room where you chase her down and fight her now upon her death she will show us a vision of sorts and this is a vision of balthazar and melisand fighting balthasar will claim that melason is no ball spawn so to be fair we didn't really have any inkling that she would have been up to this point anyway after this little vision we will be forced back into the pocket plane to speak with the solar yet again and this is where she will force the spirit of yagashura to talk to us about what it is the five were planning yagashura will explain that their plan was that the greatest of them banded together to resurrect ball to serve him actually so all of the five were killing other ball spawn to return their essence back to the lord of murder where they were eventually hoping to resurrect him and then serve as his right hand so to speak and be like demigods as he took back his place of power moreover yagashura will explain that the five and yourself are greater than the other ball spawn because apparently you got more of ball's essence than the rest of them and that in killing the five you have actually transferred a ton of the essence of ball back to the throne of blood meaning that ball is closer to being resurrected than he's ever been after this we will be sent back to the actual world so to speak and upon exiting sendai's enclave we will be greeted by elmenster actually so we haven't really seen him much up to this point but we did meet him throughout the first game if we followed along that far and elminster will explain that basically he's trying to keep the local governments and things to mind their own business and let this situation between the ball spawn resolve itself we can have learned from of course sendai when she showed us the imagery of balthazar from yagashura who actually tells us and then again from elminster that balcazar is actually the last of the five which again is the monk that we greeted at the city of m catherine elminster here will actually tell us to seek out simon havarian in m catherine who should be able to help us with our problem of getting into the monastery which is magically sealed after which elminster will take off and we need to travel back to and catherine and find simon havarian in the smugglers cave there if you don't remember seaman was the captain of the ship that took us to spell hold in the base game and potentially has betrayed us quite a bit that said upon meeting simon in the smuggling cavern of and catherine he will offer you basically to just put on guard uniforms and then he knows all the passwords and stuff to get into the monastery and if you just follow him it's a real easy way if you choose to kill simon there is another way through an undead cave however i would just recommend that you follow same and havarian on this one even if he has betrayed you many times because he will do just that he will give you uniforms let you walk into the monastery with him and then you'll be greeted by balthazar's monks apparently simon had a deal with these monks that he was going to drug you or something to basically make you incapable of fighting back however because of all the stuff going on simon has actually chosen not to do that of course so we are free to fight our way into the monastery against what simon havarian was originally intended to do so we actually had our back on this one now upon entering the monastery we can have a conversation with bausasar he is in fact a ball spawn however his motives might not be what you think they are balthazar is very much so a righteous person even being one of the greatest ball spawn he was actually dedicating himself to preventing the lord of murder's return so he joined to five as a way to kill all the other ball spawn and then when he was sure he was going to be the last one he was planning on committing a ritual suicide but before he dies he will go on to tell us that he was recruited to be in the five by none other than melissan the seemingly sweet nice helpful person we've met throughout this dlc but upon balthazar's death we will be once again transported to the pocket plane to speak to the solar now the solar at this point will actually force melason to talk to you basically and explain exactly what's happening so melisand has actually been the antagonist the entire time however she is not a ball spawn melisan was actually the highest of high priestesses for ball while he was actually alive milasana explains that in order for ball's plan to work with all of these children that he made and then being sacrificed to return his essence to the throne of blood in order for this to be successful melisand would have had to perform certain rights that would have actually enabled him to return however she never did this she's actually just been guarding that essence basically by herself up to this point which has given her tremendous power because all of the essence that should have been going back to the throne of blood was actually being hoarded by melason per orders of ball actually however she betrayed ball and decided to try to raise herself to godhood despite not actually even being ball spawn so she created the five and tried to get all the ball spawn to kill each other she shepherded all the ball spawned to sarah douche where then the five could go and kill all of them and her actual name is amelison the black hearted now she will go on to explain that with all of the five dead and you basically being the only ball spawn left besides say emily that she plans on ascending to godhood and she's going to the throne of blood to absorb all the essence to race herself to divinity what you'll have to do is confront the rest of the challenges in the pocket plane that i have not mentioned up to this point but every time you've killed one of these ball spawn up to this point in the story it will have unlocked another challenge in the pocket plane for you to complete at this point in order to confront a melason you have to complete all of the challenges in the pocket plane which will then allow you to basically dissolve the cocoon that is this pocket plane and allow you to enter the throne of blood fully and prepared for what's to come now these challenges are mostly just fighting stuff but they can be a little interesting for instance you can come across an aspect of your doubt which is trying to convince you that doubt is important even for an immortal because this is the only way that you would actually know say where to stop reaching for power as a god you can choose to accept that or not and then you'll have to fight it you can actually speak to the god cyric in one of these challenges cyric is of course the god that actually killed baal during the time of troubles now this is a ton of crazy lore stuff that the cyric conversation actually tells you um he even mentions ao the over father or the over god which if you're unaware is really cool because ao is actually the well he's the over god he's the one that sets the rules all of the other gods have to follow and is largely responsible for the rules and guidelines and portfolios of all the other gods very cool stuff little beyond the scope of this video just wanted to mention that it gets mentioned here and then the last challenge is actually to fight the ravager so the slayer which is the avatar we've turned into previously throughout this series actually is but one manifestation of ball's power the purest form and thus the greatest of balls avatars is actually the ravager which is basically like a slayer on steroids you have to fight it in order to get to the throne of blood by dissolving the cocoon now that brings us to the very last part of this and that is simply to fight amelison the blackhearted this compared to every other fight in the game is a very ambitious thing because this fight actually has like mechanics and not just spell stuff going on in the background amelison herself is really just a straight fighter she likes to hit things physically and she'll summon things in so you'll have to have a way to deal with her summons and then also fight her properly once she reaches a certain point of her health she'll jump back into the big pillar of light which is supposed to be the essence of all the ball spawn and start absorbing more of it once this happens she'll connect one of the platforms that are floating around nearby and in order to prevent this or kind of interrupts this we need to go to the pool of essence on the platform that it's currently connected to and fight the enemies there that she summoned in and then turn off that pool of essence we need to do this three times until all of the pools are gone and then we need to finish off a millison once all of this is done and she reaches a certain point the solar will actually intervene and basically force melason or melison to surrender because she is technically immortal because she's so amped up on divine energy however as the solar actually says that this energy is stolen and that while it makes her immortal and gives her great power she's never going to be able to use it to ascend to godhood because the gods have decreed that this competition is over and that you won the solar explains that basically something has to be done with all of the ball spawn essence now that all of the ball spawn are effectively dead if emilyn is with you she will give up her ball spawn essence just willingly which the solar manages to take without killing her and then that leaves literally only you you essentially have two options as the solar explains it you can give up your essence which will then be transferred into a melason where the gods will then thoroughly and completely destroy her very soul and then hide away ball's essence in mount celestia which is like d heaven the other option is to take all of the essence to yourself and ascend to divinity as the lord of murder regardless of what you choose the ending cinematic plays out the cinematic itself is actually the same however the words do change and then after that you'll be given a wrap up of whatever companions you had with you now before we wrap this up i do want to mention one thing and i'm not going to go into it in this video because we're just concerned about what the game was showing us if you're curious there is technically a canon ending to this saga because in 5th edition d and d ball the lord of murder is very much so an active god again through external sources outside of the video games they did actually give a sort of canon ending to this personally not a fan of it but it does exist however i do want to also mention that wizards of the coast is on record to saying that the canon of the video games and the canon of the actual d you know tabletop adventures so to speak are as far as they are concerned separate canon even with their technically being a canon ending that might not necessarily be the set in stone thing thing you think it is simply because of that statement that they've previously put out but with that out of the way guys that is it that is our series on the story of baldur's gate 2. i truly truly hope you enjoyed it it was a blast to make and hopefully this will get some people up to speed before baldur's gate 3 launches or just give them the information they're looking for about this older game so with all that out of the way truly thank you guys so much for watching may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day terrible name your tyranny shall be renowned your strength and guile legendary you are the ball spawn lord of murder and the mark you have carved upon the realms shall never fade [Music] you
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 191,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Baldur's Gate, BG1, BG2, BG3, Story, Plot, Overview, Gameplay, Supercut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 28sec (6808 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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