Baldur's Gate 3 - Tips and Tricks For The 9 Skills Every Class in The Game Has

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did you know you can shove potions to your  allies to heal them or that you can use boxes   to increase your damage if not then you're in  the right place Baldur's Gate 3 has set a new   standard for the RPG genre and with the level  of complexity it's bringing to the gaming world   it's important to understand the tools the game  has provided you with today I wanted to explain   how the nine common skills that every class in  the game has work and share with you my tips   and tricks so that you can impress your friends  and slay your foes let's first take a look at   the ability throw. throw has a cost of one action  point and it requires you to be in melee range of   the thing you wish to throw. Throw can be used  on nearly anything provided your character has   the strength required to throw the target. You can  throw boots, potions, explosives, weapons or   even a living target and these are just some of  the possibilities. When you're looking to throw a   weapon at a target it's important to check what  type of weapon you're throwing. Make sure that   when you throw a weapon it has this "thrown" tag  that I'm showing here. Because that means that   it will do the weapon's actual damage when you  throw it. For example if you throw a sword it'll   only deal one damage when it's thrown but  if you throw something like a trident for   example that has a throw tag it will deal the  weapons actual damage roll. Most thrown items   will also do higher damage if you're at a higher  elevation than the enemy you are targeting, Being   at a height of Just 4 meters above the target  will add three crushing damage to your throws   and that damage can grow further the more height  you have over your enemies so earlier I mentioned   how you can use boxes or crates to increase your  damage and this is how if you just stack three   crates on the ground you can jump to the top  and throwing weapons will do increased damage   if you really wanted to you could take this to  extreme levels for science purposes I decided   to stack about 100 boxes to see the damage from  that height throwing even shoes from this height   it basically turned them into a nuclear weapon  dealing over 80 damage now I don't recommend   building these ladders to heaven but for testing  purposes it does show just how much extra damage   is provided by being above your enemies just be  careful where you aim your throws if you do this you can also throw a living being at a Target but  it is possible that that would deal no damage if   the enemy ruled a saving throw if you're downed  in combat and need a hand you can use it to throw   healing potions at an injured Ally or if you're  really crafty you can use a summoned creature to   do it for you even setting up a mix of damage  healing or utility potions to decide what you   need to throw in the heat of the battle now the  range of your throw is affected by the weight of   the object the difference in height between  you and the Target and also your character's   strength playing a class that doesn't focus  on ranged weapons oftentimes throwing items   is going to be your best choice next we'll have  a look at the skill I believe players will use   the most frequently in this game and that is the  jump ability jump has a cost of one bonus action   and three meters of your turn's total movement and  the distance you go is scaled off of your strength   attribute and the initial height of the jump  higher strength or higher height means you can   travel further distance but do be careful because  if you jump from too high you could take damage   fall down and lose your turn or possibly even die  from it because it costs three of your maximum   movement per turn you can usually use it to go  further than the initial three distance that it   costs you it's often better to jump where you want  to go rather than actually click and move to where   you want to go in this game jumping can even allow  you to escape from ground surface effects without   risk look at this example here my character is  standing on an ice surface and Ice has a chance   when you walk on it to make your character fall  down and go prone which immediately ends return   but by jumping directly out of the surface you  do not risk falling down at all allowing you to   escape the surface and complete your turn other  surfaces like grease fire webs and poisons are   just some of the examples where a jump is a  powerful tool to escape and minimize the risk   jumping to higher elevations can also increase  your range character's hit chance and give them   The High Ground advantage on abilities before  you use them if you look at this example here   my hit chance goes from 60 up to 70 percent just  by jumping to a higher elevation you can stack   crates anywhere in the world and create your own  High Ground whenever you need it you'll be able to   tell if you have The High Ground because this icon  appears here outside of combat this ability is   still very useful you can use it to find alternate  paths hidden secrets or steadily jump past an   enemy's sight you can even combine jumping with  spells like featherfall or even class passives to   reduce the damage that you would take from Landing  or increase the distance of the jump remember in a   game like Baldur's Gate your utility with these  abilities is basically endless be creative and   jump carefully so now since I just mentioned that  you can stealthily jump past enemies let's talk   about the hide ability the hide ability in this  game is one of the greatest advantages and in its   current state is literally broken if you played  Early Access before you might remember that Hyde   was a bonus action but in the most recent panel  from Hell video the character did use hide and   they've changed it to an action which is probably  a good change for the balance of the game anyways   when you're not hidden you can use the left  shift key on your keyboard to see the enemy's   site cones as long as you activate hide outside  of these cones you will be hidden and basically   invisible until an enemy's sitecone crosses  your path if you activate hide in a cyclone   or the enemy moves their Cyclone into your area  the game will roll a dice over their head and it   will either succeed and keep being hidden or it  fails and you're revealed while hidden you also   gain the ability to pickpocket from targets or you  can steal which can be useful in many ways such   as stealing keys to get your friend out of jail or  stealing possibly explosive weapons the target may   have had in their inventory the hide action has a  high chance to fail if you're in the bright area   when you enter an enemy site cone the way you can  tell if an area is considered to be dark or light   or whatever is that you hold the left shift key on  your keyboard and the mouse will display an icon   here it can be a sun meaning bright a half Sun  or a dark Sun you can affect the state of this   by changing the level of the lighting in the area  such as extinguishing a torch or casting a light   spell so that's the basics of the ability but  where it gets really juicy is that being hidden   gives you an advantage on all of your attacks  and spells on enemies in combat situations and   if you want to start the encounter the enemy will  often be surprised surprise [ __ ] when a Target   is surprised it skips their first turn of combat  entirely you can do some crazy things with stuff   such as before the encounter Place explosives into  key areas or get into a position which grants you   an edge in combat a great way to make it easier  to use use and avoid an enemy who is constantly   moving is to activate the turn based mode so what  this does is it basically pauses time in the game   world so that you can move into a position without  the enemy moving around it will remain this way   until you hit the end turn button and then it  will skip the time forward 6 seconds now one of   the best tips I can give you for the hide ability  is that if you're in a situation like this where   your health is low and you're stuck in melee  range and you don't think you have any other   way to escape this you can actually attempt to  hide while in combat and if you're lucky you   can survive that encounter you can take this one  step further and actually break combat entirely   and now this is basically a cheese Strat and it  kind of makes the game less fun if you abuse it   but if all of your characters are hidden during  combat the enemy AI will break and do nothing   this was actually a bug that was in Divinity 2 and  never got fixed now I'd recommend you don't use   it unless maybe you're in a situation where you're  about to lose two hours of progress because you're   getting auto save but hiding in combat does kind  of break combat and now we'll take a look at shove   the obvious use of shove is to use it to push an  enemy from a high position to a low position it's   incredibly useful because it just costs one  bonus action meaning it's almost always worth   using it if you can especially in the early  game where it's sometimes hard to spend those   bonus actions effectively it's one of the few  bonus actions which allows you to deal damage   or possibly even One-Shot your enemies from Level  1. shove can even be used to wake a sleeping Ally   without damaging them or you can shove them out  of a start of turn damage effect like a Moonbeam   or cloud of daggers if you're a ranged character  stuck in melee range you'll be suffering from the   threatened buff which means that your hit chance  is reduced because there's an enemy in melee range   you can actually attempt to shove the enemy away  to increase your hit chance or use it to avoid   an attack of opportunity shove is based on your  character's strength and the enemy's acrobatics   and athletic skills the target is too heavy or  there's terrain blocking them it will often fail   you can also use shove on objects so if you  wanted to you could use shove on an explosive   Barrel from a high ground location to the low  ground it's a little bit difficult to aim so   it's not really that recommended one really neat  to pull-off trick is that you can use shove from   a high ground and then push a potion onto the low  ground it'll break the potion onto the ground and   that allows a nearby character to walk into that  potion and get that buff next we'll take a look at   improvised weapon improvised weapon is one of the  coolest things in the game it allows you to grab   whatever you want and use that as a weapon as long  as there's an item nearby or in your inventory you   can just take it and smack someone hard with  it another really nice use is it allows you   to relocate heavy objects with ease you can use  improved melee weapon on a corpse and reposition   it very far compared to if you're going to throw  that same corpse especially for a low strength   character it's also really nice because it allows  you to get the bludgeoning damage type really   easily some enemies such as skeletons are actually  vulnerable to bludgeoning damage meaning they   take double damage so let's say your fighter only  has a sword and tries to hit a skeleton it's not   going to do that much damage but if they have the  option to pull improvised weapon and smack them   with something it's gonna double any damage that  dealt you can even pick up small living enemies   and attempt to use them as a weapon next we're  going to look at the dip action as far as the   abilities on this list go dip is one of the more  Niche abilities you won't be able to get a strong   use case on every class with dip but on a class  which is swinging its weapons or shooting bows   from a distance it's basically free damage dip  allows you to dip your weapons into poison fire   or possibly other surfaces later on in the game  that's the only ones I've found so far and after   you've dipped the weapon it'll add one D4 damage  to your weapon attacks for three turns the type   of the damage depends on the surface you dipped  your weapon into you can actually cast dip on a   lot of things you can dip onto a surface a brazer  a torch or even candles and there's probably more   options than that a candle is probably the easiest  method to get dip because as long as you carry it   in your inventory and drop it on the ground you  can then light the candle by clicking it and then   use the dip action on it if you're wondering you  can't pick up most candles in the game only some   of them so you just have to right click and see  which ones you can pick up they kind of look like   this one here and if you go into your inventory  and right click a poison you can actually apply   that poison to your weapon in or you can smash the  poison bottle on the ground and then keep reusing   it on that pile of poison that you made on the  ground now we're going to take a look at disengage   disengage allows you to avoid attacks of  opportunity an attack of opportunity is shown   by this little red arrow here when you're standing  nearby an enemy in melee range and what that means   is if you move away from that enemy they will get  a free hit on you disengage allows you to avoid   that hit it's sometimes good to use on a character  when you have maybe like one Health Point and you   need to escape or if you're surrounded by multiple  enemies you can disengage and avoid all of those   hits this is a good ability that can potentially  save you losing progress say if you're stuck in   combat and you're on your last character you have  one Health Point and you can possibly disengage   to run away next we have Dash so Dash uses just  one action point and allows you to double your   movement Dash is really powerful for escaping  fights or kiting your opponents it can be useful   to use Dash to run up to an enemy and then get in  reins to use shove or something on them or if it   really was important for you to use jump on that  turn and you already moved and didn't save enough   of your movement speed to spend it on jump you can  cast Dash and it'll give you enough movement speed   so that you can jump Dash is probably your best  way to escape a fight that you think you can't   win because if you use Dash you can often get  far enough away to use the flea combat button   and prevent a party wipe you can even combine Dash  with something like a potion of speed to give your   character some insane movement speed for a single  turn and Escape basically any situation this combo   here I was able to increase my movement speed for  one turn from 9 meters to 54 meters Dash is one of   the only abilities I've seen in the game that you  can cast while using hide and it does not break   you from being hidden meaning you can Dash around  to increase your movement speed while you're   hidden and lastly we're going to look at the help  ability the main purpose of help is that it allows   you to pick up a downed Ally for the cost of one  action point you can use it both in combat and   out of combat while one of your characters is on  the ground about to die if you're able to get in   range to use help on them then you don't have  to spend gold on those expensive Resurrection   Scrolls however if you're not quick enough they  will die and you will need to revive them the   secondary usage of help is that you can use it to  remove some status effects on Allied targets when   you're melee ranked with them these status effects  include things like burning downed and snared and   Tangled and webbed prone and sleeping most of the  time it's not worth it to use help to remove these   but sometimes it can be probably the best time is  you can use help on a sleeping Ally to wake them   up without damaging them or you could even pick  up a character who fell prone and slipped on the   ice during their turn and give them a chance to  actually do their turn still and with that I've   reached the end of this video do you have any tips  that you think I've missed please let me know or   if you've learned anything new give the video a  like this is actually the first video I've made on   this channel so any feedback is welcome if you're  interested in more Baldur's Gate 3 tips Please   Subscribe because I plan to do a lot more content  in the future but anyways thank you for watching
Channel: Proxy Gate Tactician
Views: 1,033,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Tips and Tricks, BG3, Baldur's, Baldurs gate, Guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Guide, Proxy, How to, Tactician Tips, Tactician mode, Divinity, Divinity 2, Larian Studios, Game, Balder, bald, 2023, Combat, Classes, Barbarian, Monk, Druid, Baldurs gate 3, Baldurs, Bald, Proxy gate, skills, Master skills
Id: Rz90AMvpM64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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