LONEWOLF Challenge | Can You Beat Baldurs Gate 3 Solo | ACT 1

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ah balers Gate 3 a game designed to run your interactions with your quirky party members and your deep inner connected backstories every combat encounter is tailor made for teamwork within your group of allies to overcome and outsmart the challenges the game presents you with a variety of banter and abilities your party provides you however do you know how many times my party members have triggered traps after I clearly walked around them or how about all that gold I spent Reviving them after a single Pixel got them caught in a Thunder Wave or when Gail made the ultimate sacrifice no more today I embark on a journey by myself to beat balers Gate 3 all on my lonesome this is the Lone Wolf challenge as with these types of videos here are the arbitrary set of rules that go along with it by honor of rules I am essentially the only character in the party excluding a few exceptions I I will be playing in balanced mode because I don't hate myself playing as Gale is not allowed since comic ising your way to the credits is the lazy way out and would end this run very early and we need that content baby I'm allowed to have people join my party as long as they do not cast spells that directly help me with combat ability checks saving throws or they themselves do any of those actions we are playing modded balers Gate 3 with the following list of mods that matter toward gameplay including i spells and reaction sneak attack this is to make the gameplay experience as similar as possible to actual D andd fifth edition which is the system this game is based on the rest are cosmetic and do not alter gameplay any in-game exploits not based on mods are allowed and free game temporary allies are allowed as long as they are not permanent party members or hirelings so having characters like hson or jira temporarily is allowed and summons are also allowed we now start our game by making a character you'd probably see on Tumblr and aptly Nam them according to the run so guys this is our solo Run character the DM's only friend yep cuz this is a oneperson show and started ourselves as a fiend warlock this will give us a much needed Health boost in the early game and quick access to spell slots through short rests as far as spell coverage goes we took booming blade and ELD Blast for a melee to range spell coverage and the most important first level spell command which allows us to get a very particular item in the early game that we'll be using for all of act one and our Guardian is just a dark mirror of me so after getting a worm put in my eyeball we meet lelle who I made sure to assert my dominance over okay easy enough we kill everyone yeah that's cool shut up laselle you're not part of the story unfortunately the game forces Lazelle to be within your party in this section so by Honor rules we just skip our turn and call a day while annihilating these imps pretty soon after we free God's favorite princess find our good old tutorial chest and make our way to the helm our Elder daddy tells us to get to the trans Rio crespon dator or whatever well he fights off the dangerous devil man with the big sword which is the item we need to get since it's locked out of the game once you finish the tutorial along the way to here you should have been picking up these purple explody things since it trivializes like a lot of the game so after expertly positioning myself and grabbing these barrels I cast command drop um uh I said I cast command drop oh thank you took my sword and went skydiving without a parachute after getting off the beach our hot goth cleric reminds us that it's dangerous to go alone charging off by yourself sounds like a fine way to get killed oh you know it luckily with the company of barrels we aren't alone and we have the power of overpowered game mechanics by our side yeah gen strategy you guys see how efficiently I I did that AR guy cool as [ __ ] and after meeting this weird vampire twink we promptly told him to [ __ ] off and sent him to Camp after he held a knife to my throat which I honestly think is a reasonable response considering the events that happened today after that encounter we leveled up which gave us a few very good options for our warlock we chose charm person as our next first level spell which is super useful during roleplay encounter ERS since we didn't have the friends cantrip and we also gained two eldrich invocations we took repelling blast which would allow us to knock enemies back from a distance which if you played balers Gate 3 you've seen many combat encounters ended by simply knocking people off of cliffs and for our second invocation we took devil sight which allows you to perfectly see through magical darkness which is a strategy my friends won't hear me shut up about after struggling to move this rock with my Little Nerd arms I had to ask my goth cleric for help and I sent her back to camp and took everything inside the chest soon after we met Gail hello I'm G and we drop a massive brick on these unsuspecting NPCs cuz I'm a heartless friendless bastard oh let me kill these two people as well after convincing The Man Behind the Door that I'm the eag girl he was looking for he found out I was actually not in fact an eag girl and was in fact a psychopath as he desperately runs to the door for help of his friends i' loudly and aggressively break his spine with an eldrich blast to not alert suspicion now normally a 1v4 scenario like this would cause a lot of problems for someone who is lowlevel like myself however as you can see there's a barrel in the center of the room which means my job just got a whole lot easier perfect I should have high ground but it's okay nice now I begin looting the entire area only to find minimal reward along with a ton of useless books that for some reason are all the same books like come on laran you could have made this a little more interesting I'm just saying go to hell after pushing this big shiny button this somehow activates the undead who are actually a very challenging encounter just me a level two warlock against five skeletons so how do we make this encounter easier it's actually really simple you can just loot their equipment off of them before the encounter begins which leaves them mostly defenseless that would be the case but four of them are spellcasters so I actually have to try to play the game luckily the AI will chase you down here so we can play around this doorway here and group them together for a very important spell burning hands dealing 11 damage to two of them and killing one leaving us in a better position for the fight since they have no healing abilities while they're down a creature after the burning hand spell they got butt hurt and cast silence on me so I wasn't able to cast spells luckily arson doesn't require verbal components with two of them left it was a simple task of using a couple of can trips to return them to the Grave finishing this encounter gives you access to Withers an NPC who lets you respe your class and stats for the low low price of 100 gold we will see each other again venturing out of our first dungeon we once again finally zel in a wooden cage that she could break very easily but doesn't for some reason we scare off the tlinks and free our non-important toe girl wait from me in Camp we make our way to the emerald Grove where we encounter a bunch of goblins for the life of me I couldn't hit I I just couldn't it it I kept missing luckily will was there to save the day and carry me to Victory once inside we convinced our way into the Druid Grove and gave our very accurate recollection of the Goblin encounter toolo goblins were of rare gem colored Hue and wielded magic blow gums mistook obvious Silver Dragon for brass and leveled up to level three which lets us take the Packa of the blade in the most important spell for this run darkness which you will see later is completely busted in in so many ways in order to make this run easier I abused an exploit which allows you to gain the entire inventory of a Trader by initiating a trade conversation with an MPC on your controller and then switch into keyboard and mouse you can rightclick any item and send it to K for free which you can do for their entire inventory this is so completely broken and I'm glad they fixed it in a recent patch but it certainly makes my life a lot easier so I proceeded to stei uh I mean acquire all of these items from the traders in the emerald Grove on a quest to take everything that this place was worth I also took the Rune of the wol from this guy right here and open the Druid vaults before even doing anything with the goblin Camp after becoming richer than my landlord I recruited will to sit in my Camp after I saw him bully a child I offered my services to the teelings and set out into the Wilderness to murder everything in my path for more experience unfortunately for for these two cultists they weren't worshiping their new God me I then snuck around the ow bear to get some loot turned invisible to avoid confrontation with an Al bear and met the best boy in the game there's death in your scent after wandering for a little bit I encountered these two guys talking with Auntie Ethel who is definitely not a hag I couldn't persuade them to just let me handle it so I left them to die because you know I'm not stupid after convincing my way into the blighted village I immediately broke their trust and attacked these ogres with barrelmancy because I really wanted this headband of intellect which boost your intelligence to a 17 luckily the village didn't see anything that happened despite the massive explosion and I made my way down into the area with the arch mage's laboratory now you may be wondering why I'm stacking up crates right here for seemingly no reason just watch a second that's right underground areas don't have ceilings I presume for cam reasons so you can just jump over walls despite the laws of physics this exploit allows us to gain access to the laboratory without needing to do any combat whatsoever and gets us a very powerful item the necromancy of th before we can open and read it though we need to gather a dark Amethyst from the face spider cave which you can access from either the forge or the well in the blooded Village this encounter with the face spider mother is actually a really challenging encounter at low levels so a lot of preparation is need in order to kill her and we just knocked her into a Chasm okay that yeah that works too we grabbed our dark amethyst and read the necromancy of the if you succeed a series of skill checks you'll get the permanent buff Forbidden Knowledge which boosts your wisdom saving throws and ability checks by one and we need every inch we can get in this run I pushed further into the blighted village wanting to fight the kinky couple because I thought it would give a decent amount of experience I unfortunately soon found out that tall enemies can apparently see see me perfectly fine through magical Darkness despite me basically being in a smoke cloud because they're tall I I guess I don't know much to my frustration I move on and meet our resident Disney villain I am Raphael very much At Your Service hey Raphael I'm the DM's only friend Charmed I'm sure in more ways than one I moved on to Walken's rest and rescued Benin and this other chick I'm afraid propa thanks must wait I took my quest reward and didn't help benan because he annoyed me earlier bro really wait you need help up dude get up get the [ __ ] oh my God he's so stupid okay now feeling more confident in my abilities I take on this null encounter within my darkness Cloud normally most enemies don't go into darkness out of fear of having my flaming Greatsword smack them on the way in but these four NES had a very different strategy uh luckily after robbing all of the merchants I had plenty of spell Scrolls to take care of them and cleaned up the encounter by charismatically smacking them with the everb bur blade I introduced myself to carlac I'm carlac and you are I'm the DM's only friend and helped her deal with the paladins of Tears dip our weapon and then we okay quick saving again we use an item we use the lightning Elemental Arrow we shoot the noo tank finishing off the last member we gained another level taking shatter as our new second level spell and an ability score Improvement to our Charisma and dexterity bringing them to 18 and 16 respectively making my way into the goblin Camp I spied a merchant who I immediately stole everything from and intimidated this Goblin into to handing over the owl bear cub because I mean I love this little guy pushing our way inside we gained the Branded the absolute for additional dialogue options and talk to this guy because he gives a permanent buff by beating you okay we're just going to skip this moving into the prison where they're keeping hsen we quickly dispatch the child who alerts the rest of the camp and pretty easily kill the rest of the enemies in here with the help of our new be friend and of course Darkness all right booming blade ah he's got that they're knocked out I tell him to stay behind and talk my way through the encounter with draw Raglin so I can use the ultimate strategy to eliminate him right and we go to Camp again and we pick up some more barrels two more barrels should do it right yes you will rain items fire damage oh my God after literally nuking that encounter I wanted to do something similar to Menara so I stealthily positioned myself on the Rafters and thought I could jump stealthily if I had featherfall I was wrong [ __ ] I quickly ran away from the fight to grab hson from the prison thinking I could long rest with him in the party after discovering hson as a Walmart manager see that where are you going we have work to do enemies to kill I took on this fight with just a tinge of salt hson we need we need a kill them right now bro like what the are you doing like how about you shut the up let me do what my thing and shut the hell up bro barely managing to scrape by knowing that I couldn't take the third leader without a long rest I removed hson from my party and he just went back to the prison and he let me rest larion what the I should have been able to Long rest with him as a temporary companion that doesn't make any sense okay whatever third fight he's a I cast Darkness we win wait what I'm I'm sorry two critical hits in a row excuse me okay let me do some explaining here whenever you are inside darkness creatures that are targeting you should essentially be blind unless they have devil sight cool blinded creatures have disadvantage on attacks meaning any attack against me within Darkness should have disadvantage meaning the chance of a single critical hit happening inside darkness is a 1 in 400 chance or about 25% okay to have a second critical hit occur right after is insane since it's a one in 20 chance of happening that means the chances of these two crits happening against me has a one in 8,000 chance of happening or about 0125 per and this has been happening across my entire playthrough I've just cut out some bits like that since it wasn't very entertaining so what game mechanic could cause low-level enemies to score crits more often and have the AI behave in strange ways karmic dice karmic dice is a mechanic that will counteract your bad roles if you get multiple bad ones in a row but apparently it also applies to enemies like what so if you have high AC like me and are forcing creatures to constantly roll at disadvantage like me then you're going to have have those enemies rack up that Karma until it Stacks onto itself causing situations like this anyway I really don't fix this until later cuz I forgot it was a mechanic so that's like near the end of act one and it doesn't matter since I killed everybody hson congratulated me I looted everything and went back to the emerald Grove knowing the Goblins outside would be pretty angry I just killed their leadership after once again stealing all of the inventory from the merchants you are in De to the DM only he will reward you for your efforts oh thank you I cannot imagine taking on a camp full of goblins was a simple task no there was a lot of saves saves going involved um there is a hell full of blood and Ash to be expected I'm glad you survived intact where is the Rune my apologies it seems to have been take him uh we threw a party to celebrate my murder spree and Volo showed me his unique party trick of stabbing my eye but he did give me permanency invisibility so I I guess it's cool seeing that Gail had the Arcane hunger effect I went to talk to him so he wouldn't explode but apparently Gail's horniness took precedence over his life yeah Gail look I'm just you're a really good guy but man I need look bud I I can't I can't it's just you know you're so arrogant and kind of like M and you like also ate like like some of my magic items so I I just and now I understand why no girls in high school liked me after not being able to kiss carlac we live disappointed but full of rage and took it out on the remaining Encounters in the [Music] area [Music] [Music] let's go sorry knowing we would want to visit the mountain pass before we end act one I decide to talk my way out of the encounter with kri Voss getting enough experience for level five normally you think we would take another level into warlock instead we did the lightan cleric for medium armor Proficiency in warding flare which gives disadvantage on attack rolls against you as a reaction we also gained a couple of cant trips and some first level spell slots we can use to cast our spells instead of being stuck with the Warlock ones now that we hit a new power Spike we venture forth into the underd dark this goes very well we arrived at The selite Outpost looting anything that may have been of use and ventured forth quickly being stopped by a ballet which was not an encounter I could take on right now at my current level there's only the hide action okay uh this is why I recomended it I once again acquired all of the merchants items at the miket colony and was told to go kill some slavers because surprise slavery is in fact bad this encounter with the docks was very intriguing because the event isn't triggered by line of sight it's just if you get too close to one of them so I don't see the point in stealthing in this game if some encounter just happen anyways whatever this one was actually very annoying even though I brought a temporary Ally with me this is where I ReDiscover the joys of enemies tossing AOE items even though they should have no idea where I am just to deal damage to me after multiple reloaded saves I knocked people off of cliffs enough times to clear the encounter making my way towards the Grim Forge but of course Gail had to stop me once I took a long rest so I friendzoned him harder than any woman before what should I say here to not get laid by him feeling is mutual you're wonderful you're wonderful friend I gave my fellow friend a handshake and went on my way on my Disney Cruise more slavers stopped to question me so I killed all of them by knocking them off the Sid with El blast bye-bye I'm just knocking everyone off the boat uh and finally we arrived at the Grim Forge there is only one place I need to go right now to the adamantine Forge if we get adamantine armor all of those Critical Hits against me are canceled so I will only ever take normal damage from an attack roll or our first obstacle are the durar blocking the path forward to the forge so we quickly dispose of them pushing through finding another encounter I barely managed to win 25 a along the way here you need to pick up these molds which you can use in conjuction with mithil ore to make the adamantine gear after a couple of combat encounters with animated armors and this swarm of meths we activated the forge and prepared to fight Grimm Grimm is a level eight construct with 300 hit points and 20 AC with a slam attack that deals 4 d8 plus 7even damage so how do you beat him one word hammer perfect oh god it worked oh my god it worked hit him again he is a mune uh uh haste haste we want to keep him prone we just need the lava there wait did we win it no we didn't okay should be M [Music] now let's go oh my God I'm so smart we picked up two new armor sets the adamantine splint male and the adamantine scale male and set out to clear some more encounters uh ah oh I'm fine after killing a couple of hook hores we find ourselves hunting down a d slaver named near luckily for us he found himself stuck in a cave in so we just have to kill all the durar on the outside first this hands down was the most frustrated I have been at this run this is simply because of the way Darkness should work Darkness states that no no ranged attacks can be made into or out of it with the exception of devil site of course there is always a broken loophole the AI can exploit for some reason the throw action doesn't count as a ranged attack so enemies can just quote unquote throw javelins at you like Lariat please fix this this is so confusing if I threw a knife into your chest and it went through a bulletproof vest you were wearing with the knife go through because the vest is only bulletproof and not knife proof no because this is stupid and doesn't make any sense after that encounter we grab a rune powder vial from filine in order to clear the cave-in then we sit inside Darkness to cheese the hell out of near oh wow I get stopped that really sucks okay Budd I want to mess you up bro that hurts doesn't [Music] it all right critical hit oh man you're so terrible we just kill you parasite in that coring corpse after grabbing his head covered in blood we returned to the Mike inet Colony dropping off their door Dash delivery door Dash rewards us with a level up and we Respec four levels into Warlock and two levels into Tempest to main cleric for their ability to maximize thunder and lightning damage returning to the surface my hatred of manipulative old people crept over me and I set out toward eel's cabin move she ran ran away clearly scared of my character's Tik Tok following I chased her down into her layer and got the luckiest scenario I have ever found myself in out of sight out of mind oh my God what oh my God okay oh my God this is the best quick save I've ever had oh my God oh my God I'm so scared okay let's see if I can get this to knock back oh my god let's go this part jumps around and gets a little boring after this but we move forward past my arena for now definitely not because I don't know how to help her I definitely do I'm just avoiding it for now we go into the the mountain pass knowing there was an NPC Merchant and you know what that means hey so as a side note this NPC actually has the perap of wound closure which lets you maximize healing from any source which also works on healing potions so pick this up we then cleared the way through towards the shadow cursed lands this encounter was slightly annoying because these death Shepherds apparently have infinite spell slots which just allows them to raise a fallen Ally at one half their health making this a really long counter after clearing that we meet elminster who delivers a message from Gail's ex-girlfriend who tells him to commit toaster bathtub luckily for us Gail doesn't need to worry because I don't care enough about anyone to put them in my party since this is a solo playthrough and his story doesn't matter go to hell we hop back into the underdark exploring and clearing the Arcane Mage Tower grabbing plenty of Loot and spell Scrolls and we also grabb the club of Hill giant strength from the top floor but I don't really use it so it doesn't it doesn't matter too much and we finally get to an encounter that would normally be extremely challenging at any difficulty with a party of four characters the fight with The Spectator I would go into the stats it has and how dangerous it is but this was actually really easy just sit inside darkness and watches it never attacks you it's really it's really that simple we kill the blet the same way and also kill all these fish people woohoo XP yeah ah we Respec once again this time five levels into warlock for their extra attack feature and one level into temp to main cleric for heavy armor proficiency and we finally set out toward the GI Yankee crash at this point in the game these early combat encounters are extremely easy even when playing solo we murder all the drunk Cobalts and Cold Blood use Darkness on the Giant Eagles and pick up all these ceremonial weapons on the way so we can grab the blood of Leander which is a legendary plus three mace that allows you to cast sixth level Sunbeam in addition to giving you a once per long rest death W essentially so we're gonna want to go pick that up if possible once you make your way inside the crash make your way to this General lady and present the artifact to her luckily it's bound to you so you can't lose it you know for story reasons and she'll let you through to wargas who we're just going to kill because it's just easier that way none of them are brave enough despite all the big talk they often give and won't give you any trouble we just El blast her way through this encounter while sitting inside darkness which for all that stressful buildup is kind of anticlimactic after that depressing display from her subordinates vth herself steps in to try to persuade us to turn on our Dream guardian and threatens us with death could you imagine being a God or at least an entity that has demig Godlike powers and you can't do anything to a level six warlock who's just been spamming a level two smoke cloud to get here do you do you know how depressing that is H anyway we deny her advances and we enter into the artifact and after talking with our Dream Guardian who's been protecting us from turning into an ithd all game we decide not to kill her wow crazy right after that whole ordeal I knew I needed a long rest before taking on the rest of the Crush by myself but as soon as you exit this area it's combat for you luckily I have a workaround that lets us take a long rest and gain a new magical item you remember how we completed the cerem with the weapons within the temple that means we can just go grab the blood of Leander right now and you know what's great about the area with the blood of Leander you can take a long rest there since it doesn't qualify as a danger zone which in addition to letting you rest you can also fast travel so we can just leave if we really wanted to I speedrun the trials of Leander and pick up my new mace and since we have the dawn Master's Crest the entire area doesn't collapse and we get away scotf free since we killed killed a lot of GIF leadership the entire crush is now aggro towards us but by fast traveling you can find yourself in a much better situation to take these combat encounters unfortunately this becomes rather boring because all these encounters boil down to Casting darkness and then winning so we ended up killing every single gift within the crash and leveled up to level seven five warlock two cleric stole an egg and almost my brain fried from this machine from this point we finally come into the home stretch of act one and simply need to clear a few encounters to prepare for act two there is still one Merchant in act one we haven't talked to brem of the zenim we make our way inside their Haida and Walkin rest since we helped out the other two zenim with the nles earlier in the run after taking everything brem was worth I noticed that this entire area was covered in explosive barrels and I need them more than they do so I helped myself I began talking my way through stealing all the barrels but failed the second deception check after being invisible feeling personally attacked I attacked back luckily at this point in the run I have finally turned off karmic dice which makes this much much easier after killing all of them I took any Barrel I could get my hands on and made my way to the back of the cavern where more piles of XP awaited me after decimating them I found a unique pair of gloves that may come in handy later along with a decent amount of gold from this entire dungeon we return to the blighted Village killing all the Goblins there and the bug bear couple Marina's husband returns as a zombie and as a cleric I can't let that stand so we kill both of them never worse and we make our way to the final Encounter of our playthrough an enemy that is almost impossible to kill the lava Elemental the thing that makes this encounter difficult is the fact that the lava Elemental regenerates 10 D6 hit points if it stands in lava which the entire area is coated in and it can create its own lava so naturally I just anticlimactically knock it off the cliff wait that's it that that's all of act one that's how I'm ending this I I I guess I just thought there'd be more but I guess a solo run just isn't as hard as I thought it would be well um I guess I'll see you guys in act two
Channel: Xasra
Views: 128,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Xasra, XasraVA, BG3, BaldursGate3, BG3LoneWolf, BaldursGate3SoloChallenge, SoloPlaythrough, LoneWolfRun, BG3Strategy, BG3Tips, BG3SingleCharacter, BaldursGate3HardMode, BaldursGate3ChallengeRun, BG3SoloGuide, XasraChallenge, XasraGameplay, BaldursGate3PS5, BaldursGate3PC, BG3Highlights, BG3WalkthroughSolo, BG3ExpertTips, BaldursGate3Insights, RPGChallenge, D&DGameplayChallenge, BaldursGate3ExpertRun, XasraBaldursGate, BG3FullSoloGame, BaldursGate3SoloReview, SoloRPGChallenge, BG3UniqueRun, can you beat Baldurs Gate 3 Solo
Id: 30vZPfcSbjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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