Playing Baldur's Gate 3 like it’s Hitman

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Baldur's Gate 3 a game about adventuring with your friends encountering unspeakable Horrors being an overall Menace to Society anyway it is wonderful being anyone or anything that I don't want to be anyone or anything I want to be everyone and everything hello Agent 47 Hitman is a franchise about assassinating Targets in creative ways as a sneaky bald guy with Aimbot who has Proficiency in literally every skill known to man and an obsession for playing dress-up all of which is totally possible in Baldur's Gate 3. we start off as the exciting and foreign human male give him the most Bland and forgettable features and make him a rogue with a criminal background while he's good at making it fun and Innovative murder is still illegal without mods he can't be great at every skill so I just ensured he sucked at nothing but gave him proficiencies in sleight of hand deception and insight and with that we have our first mission we awake on a notoloid ship in Hell after a tentacle monster put a mind controlling tadpole in our brains letting us communicate telepathically with other beings housing toothy larva the evil parasite has given us our first Target Commander zalk a level 8 fiend wielding a powerful flaming sword for the record we are level one but we have what Commander zalk doesn't the power of friendship we recruited a spider brain Warrior space toad a racist and level a doctor octagonopus despite dogox constant pestering to just get to the ship's controls we managed to help him put down the demon required fine enjoy being ripped to shreds by the two incoming Devils Lazelle managed to touch tentacles sending the ship to the sword Coast after the ship crashed we woke up on a beach and homage to one of the greatest games ever made we found Shadow heart yes I'm a gatekeeper and a hater gave the wizard Gail a hand and stumbled on some goblins attacking a druid Grove while Agent 47 is capable in direct combat he specializes in organizing happy little accidents using the environment to Spring traps on unsuspecting targets the best we can do in these situations is reaffirm my fear of heights and use the ancient wartime tactic yebist elitists after saving the day we made a quick pit stop at Camp to grab something imperative for this run the mask of shape-shifting from Divinity original sin 2. agent 47's greatest strength is drip hiding in plain sight deceiving Everyone by looking whatever part he needs to but instead of wearing disguises we wear different skins and shapeshift into any of the playable races giving us access to dialogue options our usual bald self wouldn't have for example just outside the Grove we found the mighty warrior Lazelle trapped by two tieflings disguising as I gave Yankee makes it easier to scare them off so we can rescue her unfortunately we won't be adding her to our party because we already grabbed will with no eye but she did hear about a tiefling who knows where more of her kin are and she thinks they're our best shot at stopping the Mind flares from turning our freaking party cake yeah turns out if we don't get rid of the invasive species in our brains we'll turn into one of the hentai monsters who captured Us in the first place our only other lead is the Druid healer Nettie she's closer so we visit her first and learn all about the Druid tiefling Politics the tieflings are seeking sanctuary as they prepare for their migration to Baldur's Gate The Druids want to kick them out and build a wall normally Druids are tree-hugging hippies spreading love peace and their legs but tensions are high because the tiefling children are all thieving little shits we should be able to toss off cliffs what ah why isn't it possible it's just not why not and their new leader kaga is a xenophobic chump who they have to listen to because she's a higher level than them it's not our business though until we speak to Nettie who promptly makes it our business saying I can't help you but you should kill yourself handing us a vial of poison she reveals the real leader of the Grove is our best shot at removing the tadpole and he just so happened to be captured by the Goblins who were working with that dead drow on the table who also had a tadpole for brains now that it's become our business kaga asks us to escort the tieflings to Baldur's Gate while Refugee leaders Avalar suggests we escort her to the afterlife hoping it will make for a smoother transition of power she'll be fined for his Druid hallsen kaga is the next Target on our Hit List while shamelessly stealing everything from The Druids the mythical powers of left alt revealed her hidden chest inside is a letter to kaga telling her to meet someone at the swamp docks sounds like a perfect opportunity to see if Druids can shapeshift into fish all this planning and scheming got us to level 3 where we got to choose a sub subclass for 47 Thief Arcane trickster or assassin while assassin sounds the most fitting it only gives us benefits and combat and if all goes to plan we're trying to kill our targets without entering combat Arcane trickster makes the most sense here not only does the icon have a mask but if we didn't have the mask of shape-shifting we now could learn the spell of Disguise self obviously we have it so that frees up a spell slot not to mention we now have many other hitman-esque abilities such as creating distractions smoke bombs sleep powder and laughing gas [Music] as we begin our journey West we remember that will is hunting a demon named Carlock so she's added to the list along the way we find a dying dwarf who can talk to us telepathically he proclaims we're a true Soul before dying and a tadpole squirms out of his eye I don't know what any of that means let's just go along with it the two novices accompanying him reveal they are followers of the absolute looking for the survivors of the nataloid ship crash which we know nothing about letting them believe we're a part of this cult we dismiss them to return to their nearest stronghold just a bit further we come face to face with the demon will has been hunting but after finding out that she's also on her way to becoming a mind flayer and that she's just a giant flaming teddy bear she joined forces with us Carlock gave us our next Target some local paladins were giving her a hard time and we weren't about to let anybody push around our best girl pushing around is our job using the distracting powers of Mr Whiskers we gave the final paladins a complimentary two-for-one cremation oh okay um well I guess we'll just have to turn up the heat a little Carlock then helped hide the bodies by burning down the whole building not far from here was a cave with barrels of alcohol and an Indiana Jones reference our first Squad wipe and it came from a freaking Boulder the only way I could get over this humiliating defeat is if we could weaponize The Rock ourselves so we spent the next 30 minutes trying to lure a pack of hungry Knolls to the cave for whatever reason they all just bunched up here refusing to come in I thought all was lost and gave up hope but it turns out the hyenas were too stupid or I guess in this case too smart to enter the cave [Music] damn that strategy rocked rocked although I'm a little upset we didn't get to kill all of them because one of them was standing on the hill on top of us and refused to come down it was really annoying it turns out the Knolls were attacking two dudes who told us we could meet them at their Hideout later cool I just want your fire flasks heading south into the swamps we met a frail old lady being accosted by two young men saying she took their sister which I'm inclined to believe after she teleported away in a puff of Green Smoke we found her house and the sister inside after pissing her off she lifted the illusion revealing the Enchanted Forest was actually a dingy swamp and that she was one ugly mother abductor not for any moral compass but we had to kill her now because she called Shadow heart thick and she didn't take too kindly to that we found Marina trapped in a human-sized bird cage I use your blood tests spice mice yeah despite being through all of that Marina wasn't too happy with being saved Ethel was going to bring my husband back now I'll have to drag Conor's coffin all the way home it's the only way this child will ever meet their father you sure about that [Music] sure about that dear old anti-ethyl also left behind a slew of homemade concoctions that we would have to test on future targets after our little detour we finally arrived at kaga's meeting place thinking she was just past these guards 47 snuck around but nope hooray for forced combat scenarios after dealing with all the mud men we didn't find kaga but her tree mail we entered into evidence one letter detailing kaga's plan to make the Grove a shadow Drew at HQ deceiving Everyone by pretending to be someone you aren't not cool kaga unhappy with this turn of events the rats revealed themselves to be the shadow Druids all along thank you for gathering together all at once so we don't have to hunt you down apparently during the conversation we could push around and rearrange the little idiots all without any consequence so after lining them up we gave them all a big push and so it turns out despite having their backs to a giant chasm they could not fall in why because there's no fun allowed in the Grove okay fine Plan B Barrel mancy fire really wasn't an all-in-one kill as there were two other Shadow Druid sympathizers in the room but they both died almost immediately so I'm still gonna call it an all-in-one with that the evil is defeated and the tieflings are free to head to Baldur's Gate except they won't until the Goblins are defeated fine I guess we need to rescue first Druid halson to help us remove the tadpole anyways and as far as we know he's been captured by the Goblins but we have a captured Goblin of our own who because 47 disguised as a drow believes we're working with her and reveals where the goblin Camp is a real shame she still thinks will free her on the way to the camp we find a village with goblins waiting in Ambush oh no anyways also in town we're a pack of ogres led by an unusually articulate and intelligent Gourmand am I not astonishing hey wanna fight for us instead of the goblins and we'll maybe probably won't pay you later one blow and the crowd will quite with my family name at the goblin Camp our drought disguise gets us in without any effort but isn't enough to quell the headache caused by a voice telling us to help their three Champions find the prison which I'm pretty sure shadowhard just pulled out of her pocket to silence The Voice foreign wasn't too thrilled though as shadowheart stole this githianki Relic from her people okay cool but as long as the magical Tylenol prevents those headaches we're not handing it over to anyone everyone outside the camp including the two people we found earlier were getting absolutely wasted because what else can the unemployed do on a Tuesday at 11AM after the first performer got literally kicked off stage 47 is up next to perform at gobchella serious [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to ensure the tieflings got to Baldur's Gate safely we had to eliminate whoever was leading the Goblins the head of security lets it slip that we've got three targets Goblin Priestess gut the drama in thara and the Hobgoblin drawer ragslin we also need to find Druid halson to deal with the unwanted guest in our head conveniently we find two goblins torturing a man for information when we ask for a turn they immediately run off too afraid to watch a drowse brutal methods the man mentions halson turned into a bear so he won't be blending in very well is he stupid why doesn't he turn into a mouse and leave like [ __ ] down in the work pens are three children throwing stones at a bear it can't be that easy it's that easy we convinced the prison guard were true Souls basically super Bishops in the cult of the absolute and that we're taking the bear good now they die hooray for fourth combat scenarios Paulson is saved and he goes to warn The Grove of an impending goblin attack while we hunt down their leaders we approach Priestess God who can also communicate with us telepathically but isn't aware of the larva in her head let's deal with this similar Chapel it's private what was that huh mintara is next making plans to attack the Druid Grove blending in as a drow shadowhurt agrees to join her Crusade foreign big red was our last Target trying to talk to a dead squid and learn about the location of a secret weapon the Mind flare was on the ship with us but we shouldn't have to worry about it recognizing 47's face because he's not wearing his face oh [ __ ] thankfully we managed to talk our way out of it but we still had to off him in a room full of witnesses conveniently there's a giant pit next to him so I thought smoke bomb shove easy peasy nope okay well what if we use disguise selves they don't recognize it's 47 who did it nope turns out whenever he dies the entire Camp inside and out shoots any non-gobos on site so how the hell did we manage to kill him in Escape it was this kill that reminded me that Hitman games aren't stealth games they're puzzle games often with dozens of solutions sometimes working smarter is letting someone else work harder by breaking his favorite chair ragsling got pissy and was determined to find the culprit shadowheart didn't do it but he doesn't know that after obscuring us with a smoke bomb we'd push him into the spider pit because he's trespassing where he shouldn't he aggros the spiders and because the spiders are being attacked the Goblins defend them why are you bullying me I'm sure that's going to be patched at real soon going out the front door wasn't smart and our drought disguise wouldn't save us so it's a good thing earlier Gail did some renovating and made a new door on the upper level having The High Ground made it easier to get past or shoot down the few goblins in our way and after a bit of Parkour we exited the camp without anyone knowing we were responsible and that's where our journey ends for now I've already played through the rest of act 1 but unfortunately since I'm heading on vacation for a week I only had enough time to edit up until this point let me know what you thought of the video down below and if you would have done anything different huge thank you to my supporters on patreon especially Shadow and Josh have a good one I'll see you on the next video [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Marco Yolo
Views: 733,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marco, Yolo, Marco Yolo, meme, memes, shitpost, montage, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3, BG3, Hitman, Agent 47, Build, Rogue, BG3 Build, BG3 Assassin, Playthrough, Challenge Run, Funny Moments, Montage
Id: s-VDP9g01_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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