10 Types of Baldur’s Gate 3 Players

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there's no limits when it comes to creativity in Baldur's Gate 3 flinging boxes at the speed of sound seeking relationships and becoming whoever or whatever you want are all viable options because there's no wrong way to play and thanks to the amount of Freedom the game has to offer it's attracted many different types of people so in this video let's take a look at 10 types of players who play Baldur's Gate 3. let's get started with the weirdos weird players like to do whatever they can to make their characters look ridiculous for example if your character looks like it could have been made in Oblivion then you're exactly who I'm talking about they often accompany this grotesque figure with an awful name like gigachad Fedora the Explorer or Scott and these people do things in game that a normal person just wouldn't consider such as self-imposing masochistic rules or role-playing in a specific way that's kind of like I guess you could do that but why would you want to do that some of them even obsess over certain romanceable characters at levels that would make even their real life friends concerned the speedrunners also belong here I mean just look at the stuff they're doing it's not normal to finish the game faster than most people are creating their characters by stuffing Allied corpses into crazy fleeing them at a thousand miles per hour or labeling your newly discovered strategies as kidnapping it's a little weird but weird players are often the ones who find all of the coolest stuff at least that's what I keep telling myself to justify my actions anyways moving on whenever you have a game that takes any amount of strategy you're gonna find the Min maxers the people who could have used that drive to help find solutions for world hunger or had successful careers as professional Excel gurus but instead they've dedicated all their time to find ways to add any possible damage roles to their combos which are already beating every encounter in just one turn or doing math calculations to find the optimal level 4 Feats for every single in-game scenario Min matchers like to walk around with Buffs blocking out a quarter of their screen and they act like it's normal these people love spreadsheets about items skills quests or anything else they can optimize they usually get tunnel vision into playing the right way and miss out on a lot of the happy little mistakes that the other players find Min maxers are driven by mechanics so often story is just a means to an end to them the only correct dialogue choice is the one that gives the best item or experience reward to Aid in their mission to make the hardest fights in the game as easy as possible while simultaneously complaining that the game needs a higher difficulty level and to be honest they're not wrong about that but I've always enjoyed seeing the ridiculous ways people min max in games and I know it's a lot of fun to deal 80 damage to every Goblin you encounter in the game but my advice for you is to try some difficulty increasing mods and give yourself a real Challenge and since I just mentioned mods the next type of player we're looking at is the modder mods allow Baldur's Gate 3 to be anything a person wants it to be while normal players are picking elves modders are out there enjoying spooky skeletons dancing into cutscenes minotaurs t-posing or even violin playing fish people the modder is a player who doesn't get frustrated by janky bugs or immersion breaks and they're typically the most patient type of player while the average player might take a break if the game kept crashing all the time the modder is more willing to troubleshoot their problems for hours just to get a cute hairstyle or a better looking ground texture modders are problem solvers so if they don't like a companion they sculpt it into whatever the Perfect Replacement is modders are probably the only players who hate patches because whenever their mods break they don't know what spell came from the base game and for this group of people the game just gets better the longer the game exists it's also a little weird that for once modders didn't have to be the ones to add all the nudity into the game which is probably why this game has so many of the next type of player the dating simmers I don't know what it is exactly maybe it's the sexy vampire connecting with an age group of former Twilight fangirls the strong female leads or that bear scene but this community has gathered a dedicated group of players who treat Baldur's Gate 3 as if it's an old school Japanese dating Sim I think what surprised me most was that when I was going through the reviews for the game roughly 25 of the positive reviews are about how attractive certain characters are meaning this group is a lot larger than I originally thought this type of player typically spends ages in the character creation screen like literally hours to get their character to look as pretty as possible and for some reason they usually play a Bard or another Charisma class but dating simmers mainly look at dialogues as a way to satisfy their companions needs and tend to focus a little more on seeking approval rather than progressing the main story they're willing to reload a save just because they saw the dreaded a Starion disapproves message pop-up and some of these dating simmers are even causing their girlfriends to complain that their real life relationship is at risk because of the characters in the game which really just speaks wonders to how great a job larion did at making people feel like the characters actually love you like honestly if you ever try to end one of these in-game relationships the scene is just so heart-wrenching that even I find myself reloading to undo it with all this in mind I think it's safe to say that Baldur's Gate 3 is easily 2023's top dating simulator and it's great to see these people found somewhere to fit in let's take a look at our next players the safe scummers save scammers tend to get a lot more hate than any other type of player but to be honest everyone does it to some extent just to be clear this doesn't really count the people who just keep losing encounters and are being forced to reload over and over it's more the type of person who wants to see every possible outcome in just one playthrough but I can kind of understand that reason because it would take a long time to see everything otherwise the safe scammers I can't understand are the extreme ones the ones who are reloading every single time a spell missed because in the save scummer's mind if your ability has a 90 hit chance that actually should have been rounded to 100 and if an enemy crit you twice in a row that's just BS to these people dialogue checks are more like dialogue speed bumps because they're gonna pass it eventually and every time these players steal even if it's from a literal child they need a quick save ready just in case so that they never have to face the consequences of their actions those are the real savescomers out there so if you have a keyboard that looks like this or if you have 948 quick saves in act 1 then you have an addiction my friend I'm all for people enjoying the game the way they want to but if your saves coming to that extent just go join the modders and download some actual cheats instead this next type of player also suffers from their addictions they are the cheesers anyone who's ever played a larion game before may have felt at one time or another that they are forced into the role of becoming a cheeser and once you start cheesing it's nearly impossible to stop it probably started with you spending five minutes discreetly placing barrels so you can explode entire groups of enemies in one turn to avoid a combat encounter that would have taken just 3 minutes if you did it normally or maybe you're abusing turn-based mode to end encounters before they even started but cheesers constantly need higher quality of cheddar to satisfy themselves they'll find ways to steal by abusing mechanics rather than reloads they'll acquire weapons that were never intended to be used by the Mortal man and find Gail to be more useful dead than Alive by utilizing his necrotic corpse as a weapon of mass destruction the cheeser is constantly seeking out YouTube tutorials and Reddit guides to further their toolkits to them this is all part of the game and it shows how clever they are for thinking of doing it and luckily for them they have a game developer who fully supports the ridiculous strategies cheesers tend to be the happiest of all players and they don't complain about difficulty levels or bugs because they love abusing them so if you're a cheeser subscribe to the channel because I'll keep finding new feta to fuel your addiction next we have the I hate reading but I'm gonna play a crpg anyways guy so remember earlier when I said there's no wrong way to play in Baldur's Gate 3 well it turns out that was only mostly true I know not everyone's a pro when it comes to this style of game but there's a truly special group of individuals who just refuse to read or pay attention to anything going on in a story driven RPG some of these players even complained the tutorial boss was impossible to beat and instead of reading in game they took to raging online but maybe the game was just too vague about what they should have been doing let's take a quick look if that could have been the issue [Music] nope not at all turns out they caused their own problems some people were confused why they had a bad time when they killed characters without thinking about consequences advancing to areas while ignoring warnings that they're under leveled and that the quest will be progressed only to return to find that they get locked out a big sections of the game and then played until they met a game over screen and instead of thinking Hmm did I cause this problem they thought no it's the game being bugged that was the problem it's hard to blame them entirely though because a lot of them were just flavored the monsters who blindly Chase Trends The Gamers who went from Diablo 4 to Baldur's Gate 3 then to Starfield and then back to Baldur's Gate 3 and now they're getting ready to jump ship to cyberpunk or wherever their favorite react streamer who never actually played the game but hyped it up anyways says to go to next also no hate to him because I love the guy's streams and even he'll admit that he did this and I farmed like 15 videos about Baldur's Gate 3 I haven't even played the game hopefully at least some of these guys who don't normally read stuck around and found a new genre that they love but if not they'll be back in December whenever Baldur's great 3 wins the game of the year award to give it another chance and tell their friend that they played it and it sucked and it doesn't deserve game of the year now for the restarters if you've played Baldur's Gate 3 for over 200 hours but never interact 3 because you've started 6 new characters since release then you may be a restarter this type of player tends to be easily distracted and as soon as they learn something new they need to do it right away YouTubers and reviewers heavily influenced the restarters causing them to go back to act 1 after learning any Minor Details that they may have missed out on while some people may be mildly annoyed that they messed up a romantic relationship the restarter will be so enraged that they recklessly throw away an 80 hour save file just to get a chance to kiss Carlock their perfectionists who gets stuck in a loop because they want the one ending that they do finally see one day to be truly Flawless most of the restarters that I've met over the years picked up this habit from other games and have a history of never finishing any because they don't want their stories to come to an end so for you restarters out there all I have to say is this did you know that Wagar get an infinite use invisibility ratio at level 5. it isn't even listed on the character creation screen this ability is so overpowered that it creates a unique play style just for that race making it absolutely worth starting a new game for just to try it out next we have the Explorers the people who took a chance on Baldur's Gate as their first crpg they probably didn't know much about DND and possibly didn't even like the idea of a turn-based game but they took the jump in anyways explorers will typically loot literally everything in the game just in case it does something because surely someone in the game is going to ask them for a spoon right why else would they put so many there explorers will take on any Quest and gladly help out anyone in danger they'll lose fights kill traitors or companions without knowing who they actually were and create stories that an experienced player may have never even thought possible explorers are impressed by the small things in the game they love that they can pet animals or play songs they may even be shocked that a game like this exists where they can talk with cute Scrolls or a rotting corpse for them the difficulty may be challenging even on the easiest setting but we all started there at one point hell's even basic movement can be a test of skill for someone new to this style of game as traps May frequently down their entire team explorers don't give up you'll improve and the game just becomes more fun the more you learn and after you've finished Ballers Gate 3 you have a world of wonderful crpgs or tabletop Adventures waiting for you and lastly the veterans whether you've come from DND Divinity Neverwinter Nights or even the old school Baldur's Gate games you came into this game with a plan from day one while most people were being amazed that it's possible to pick up and throw rats in the game the veterans actually planned their builds around throwing rats veterans Embrace a challenge and live to discover new ways to play the game they're more likely to stick with an original game plan of either a good run or an evil one and then stay consistent with their choice throughout the entire campaign they know that even though an item says it's worth 500 gold that the best a merchant can do is 75 they knew that half the items in the game don't actually have any purpose so they're more likely to just pick up the useful ones like Scrolls and Potions but never actually use any of them because they wanted to save them for when they really need them veterans know all of the cliches like checking behind the paintings or under the floorboards for secrets and are quick to pick up on the small hints that the game drops they're more likely to find themselves being stuck on puzzles because they don't actually cheat like everybody else does this type of player is rarely surprised but they still love the genre and will continue to see great games that support their desire and I know the veterans out there are happy to see that Baldur's Gate 3 put a spotlight on the crpg genre for the first time in a long time and now I have to ask where do you find yourself among this list are you in a few categories or maybe I missed you entirely let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed the video leave a like it does help out the channel and as always thanks for watching proxy out
Channel: Proxy Gate Tactician
Views: 602,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, types of players, Asmongold, Proxy gate tactician, Proxy, Guide, Baldurs gate mods, mods, guide to players, payertypes, BG3, BG 3, Baldur gate, players, types of players in bg3, types of players in bg30, top 10, list, 10 list
Id: rffA0piTe8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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