Finding the Hidden Fail-Safes in Baldur's Gate 3

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in video games a Fail-Safe is where the developers  come up with a method to prevent the game from   failing because of stupid decisions the players  make some developers like Bethesda might do this   via Invincible plot armor on certain characters  but larion tends to be a bit more creative with   theirs so if you wanted to unalive an NPC then  99.9 of the time you can do that we have my whole   life ahead of me and the game often comes up  with a different solution to allow the players   to still experience a fun and unique outcome in  this video we explore the fail safes involved in   the tiefling party after you've slain the leaders  of the Goblins camp in act 1 and discover some new   characters that I'm sure you've never seen in a  normal playthrough if you decide to kill all the   goblin leaders you'll be given a quest to speak  to zevolor at the entrance of the Druid Grove   who will then invite you to a party at your camp  with a bunch of the other teeth links from act 1.   however if zevolar perished before this you're  not locked out of that Quest instead you get to   speak with ashrach who will make a comment about  how he's sad that zevolor couldn't make it and   he'll take on zevolar's role as the leader of the  tieflinks so it's pretty interesting to know that   lyrion came up with a backup solution for that but  since ashrak is also in the Grove we can test this   a bit further to find out what happens if both  zevolor and ashraq didn't make it you murdered   someone to find out that larion even thought of  this and replaced them both with a new character   named Karis Karis is normally not a character who  appears in the Grove at all and normally you won't   meet her until act 2 unless zephler and ashraq  didn't survive once the goblin leaders were wiped   out but it's really cool to see that larion even  came up with a backup for a backup and there's no   way to get rid of her before this moment because  she arrives at the gates claiming that she's the   Scout who saw that the Goblins were wiped out so  she becomes the final Fail-Safe as the leader of   the tieflings at this point but since zevolor  has a back up for the party it made me wonder   who else might have Larry and created backups  for so I took inventory of who normally attends   the party and decided to get rid of all of them  except for zevler this time and to my surprise   nearly every one of the original tieflings had a  backup character made specifically for this party   and I'm probably gonna butcher these names but  you get to meet kivak Rai vatis Cavill shell and   Zay and normally none of these characters appear  in the Grove so you can't try to find backups for   any of them they're all Fail-Safe characters the  tiefling Zay has a kind of fun and unique dialogue   where she's gonna ask to dance with your character  and you get to see a fun little dance move here   and see how drunk she is all the other tieflings  here have their own conversations too but they're   not really that interesting just like the hell  with the goblins and stuff like that and there   was actually one more character that appeared that  kinda surprised me this guy named Gerson the band   he's a tiefling who shows up if you kill the last  leader of the Goblins while you have another one   of your characters inside the Druid Grove at the  moment the leader died he just appears to show   you this one quick dialogue it's pretty cool that  larion even thought of adding this guy because I   can't imagine it's common to kill the Goblin  while you have one of your characters still   sitting inside the Grove he seems to be there  just to force you into loading screens that   you don't see the other teeth links moving to a  new location inside the Grove I tried to Google   search this character's name and only two results  came up both of which are voice actor credits for   that character and I don't believe this character  shows up in any other way making this probably   one of the rarest cutscenes in the entire game  and honestly I'm just continuously impressed   by all the stuff lyron came up with but I can't  give lyrion all the credit yet because there's   one slight problem here when you go to act 2 and  find Karis where she normally is she's going to   speak to you as if it's the first time you've met  her and explain how zevolor is still alive even   though you know he's dead and all of the tieflings  that replace the other ones in the party are gone   which is a little bit sad but let's have a quick  listen to what the game director probably thinks   and I want to make sure that we keep on investing  heavily in things that maybe 0.001 of the audience   will see so I'm gonna assume that there's a bug  that even larion probably forgot about because so   few people would go down this path so let's get  it fixed but anyways if you enjoy people trying   to find uncommon things in this game then you  should check out this other video here where I   busted myths based on Baldur's get 3's mechanics  and as always thanks for watching proxy out
Channel: Proxy Gate Tactician
Views: 788,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldurs Gate 3, baldur's gate 3 secrets, hidden, proxy gate, proxy, Baldur, Baldur's Gate 3, bg3, guide, finding secret, fail-safe, fail-safe friday, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, zevlor, tieflings, Gerson The Bent, Gerson, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, finding hidden objects game, baldurs gate 3 tips
Id: lD66EtJB-SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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