Can You Beat Baldur's Gate 3 WITH 0 AC? Act 1

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[Music] AC is one of the most important stats that exists in balers gate by stacking it you can basically become unkillable by having enemies miss all their attacks but what if the enemies couldn't miss you can you beat balers Gate 3 without dodging a single attack let us find out shall we before we begin some quick rules for the challenge since this would be too easy to do normally I will be doing the entire playthrough in honor mode with just one character I will allow myself to have temporary allies as long as they do not appear below my portrait as a standalone second character equipping any armor is also fine since every enemy is going to have a plus 99 to their attack rle completely nullifying the point of AC anyways with that out of the way let us begin out of every race available I decide to go for Gnome of all things with zero AC we might not be able to dodge any attack rols but we can still save things so using the innate Advantage the Gnomes get on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws is very very good Proficiency in history checks does not really do anything and we are eventually going to get speak with animals anyways so we go for deep gnome for Advantage on stealth checks and 24 M dark vision now as for our starting class since we cannot Dodge anything we immediately need to take as little damage as possible so Barbarian for the resistance to cical damage seems like the only logic Choice as for attributes i s 16 strength and 16 Constitution the AC we normally would get from decks won't matter but it's still really nice for the initiation bonus we leave intelligence at 8 as there won't be any in Saving throws for a while we start our adventure by getting us and meet up with LEL LEL accidentally falls off a cliff and I Free Shadow heart who's going to help us with one thing before leaving we approach the helm and fail the First Command second one works and just like that we acquire the everb burn blade a huge damage bonus early on I walk over to the transponder uh as I said I use the transponder and Grant Shadow heart a merciful death I Ambush these intellect devours and almost get one shot before we're getting level two here we get the other Reon why Barbarian is so insane since no enemy is going to miss us anyways we might as well just Reckless attack every single turn for the free Advantage you murder Aion for some nice new drip kill a mind flare and leave Gail to die I get the free XP from these two Raiders before approaching the Grove and whilst my allies here actually can miss the enemies still cannot I get a nice crit on this Goblin boss but this still does not save rir or will who both perish thank you so much to everyone who has subscribed this past month if you like my content and would like to see my upcoming videos why not give it a go yourself it's free and you can always just unsubscribe later sorry for the interruption let's continue now that we made it to the Grove I quickly head over to eel she sells three elixir of Hill giant strength every single long rest this means that we can easily push our strength all the way up to 21 as soon as we find Withers I grab this hidden amulet with lesser restoration might come in handy later and grab the parasite from The Grove I surprised this bug bear and this is the first fight that's going to Showcase just how sketchy this challenge actually gets I start off by bleeding him and he hits me back for a casual 14 damage I low roll the next hit and he hits me for another 14 now granted I did not rage here cuz I am very very greedy but Jesus Christ we need to get better defenses Rafael shows up and after Sho him away we get this very nice amulet that will grant us free guidance whenever we need it really useful since our Charisma is so low I kill some goblins in a cave and get level three for now we're going to go with Berserker for frenzy frenzy lets us attack attack or throw as a bonus action kind of giving us a scuffed version of extra attack already I talk to a mirror find a friend called shovel and steal the necromancy of th by turning into a drow we are free to completely walk past the Goblins both in the blighted village and in the goblin camp we make sure to pick up the returning Pike here and go back to get the ring of flinging and no don't worry this won't be the 100th throw build you see it's just like this for now since there's nothing better available we get the option of absorbing our parasites that we got from The Grove and some owl bear people and take favorable Beginnings probably the best eled power and also lock of the far Realms I Ambush these NES and immediately get Soul numbered disabling the whole reason why I picked Berserker in the first place we kill one and frighten the other with shovel who just barely gets away I managed to save the second Soul offering but the range ns are still extremely scary it first hits me for eight damage through rage by the way and then for another 13 damage I crit miss my first attack but get saved by a crit right after shovel kills the null and we just barely make it out alive yet again Jesus Christ I should be dead long ago teasing these newborn NES I accidentally get Shovel killed rest in peace bro you did your part I approach some paladins who tell me to go murder a devil of course I oblig and after a very epic enemy battle we come out Victorious I trade the head for his sword and after completely blocking off the exit I attack the trade outside she fails a whole person and dies the turn after whilst the others have to run around the Long Way Anders can't really put up much of a fight without his sword and the Archer really isn't that scary either we head over to the goblin camp and free hson after killing the two children running to get help this fight becomes a breeze even with the two Wars let loose hen just tanks everything for us and I'm able to kill them all from a safe distance this gives us level four and the choice of a feat here we can pick a lot of things alert is very good just to be able to always act first and get our rage Off heavy armor Master would be ideal if we could actually wear it and Savage attacker is really strong just for the guaranteed bonus damage on basically every single attack I however decide that great weapon Master is the way to go it gives us a flat plus 10 damage on every single attack at the cost of minus 5 to rolls but since we have Advantage anyways it doesn't affect us that badly it also lets us hit using a bonus action anytime we crit or kill an enemy N Turn dealing with the goblin Camp I decided that the most thematic approach for a run like this would be bringing hson with me and straight up just walking in to murder everyone head on we get to immediately see the strength of the plus 10 damage as I annihilate these poor goblins now it's time to deal with the goblin leaders starting with glut I get a very nice cleave and tank two Ray of sicknesses to the face one Goblin manages to get away and call for reinforcements hson is still with us continuing to tank almost all the damage Dage for me after Chasing around this bow woman and almost dying I managed to end glut and hson takes care of the rest next up is Menara she does not have a whole horde of goblins protecting her but she still hits extremely hard having hson by my side almost makes it trivial though as he can tank more than 90 damage per fight miara goes down and we use the two parasites for Ability drain a very useful skill that removes one strength from every enemy we attack once per turn lastly we approach draw Raglin we start off for done very normal 17 damage with Hon's help we destroy a goblin and I leave him to fend for himself he tanks a lot but is now all out of bare Transformations so sadly I have to leave him behind as he gets killed by cutting backwards I manag to take out Raglin without him being able to fight back and the rest follow suit in that we almost die shooting this cage that somehow explodes midair the explosions don't end there though as whilst collecting all these bombs from the bomb room I accidentally hit one of them how in the actual [ __ ] am I still alive I persuade a troll that I'm supposed to be here first try of course and collect the Amulet of Misty step with that we head into the underd dark time and attack on this Minar to get its experience and fail two rolls on F Alou I take the advice of this comment thank you so much for commenting by the way and shoot this petrified drow across this Ravine this triggers the fight making me surprised because I was far enough away it does not actually anger The Spectator I definitely don't almost die to some mushrooms and make it to the mushroom Colony here we save a dying gnome and get the boots of speed she found these give us click heels a very good way of closing the distance to some enemies and definitely the best option for us right now by this point I have grown tired of almost dying so it's time for some upgrades we start by somehow succeeding at 20 check and convincing these ogres in the blighted village to give me their warhorn letting me Spawn them into any fight in act one of my choice it is resect time and after changing my attributes to this for the hill giant strength I swap over to the wild heart subass with behe heart in mind be heart changes our rage to not only make us resistant to physical damage but all other damage too are part from Psychic damage I save EOL from some evil men we do still want to make sure she's Sur to supply our giant drinking habits after all and move over to the mountain pass ignoring this massive warning sign approaching the monastery I realized that using a fire sword against drunk people might not be the best idea after the most intense Cobalt fight to date I mean it almost died to these stupid lizard men we use scratch to lure out the rest and receive the most important level yet level five not only does it fix our serious lack of movement speed from being a gnome but it also doubles our damage each turn with extra attack another thing that helps us with our horrible movement is this haste helmet that I forgot to breing break out of the chest from the pled vage what we are looking for is still ahead so I continue on to the crash by transforming into a GI Yankee we can completely skip the persuasion check here and just walk in I show the artifact to this lady and she orders us to go to The Inquisitor Chambers that's just where I wanted to go anyways the gift leader is not someone we can mess with yet especially not with this insane legendary action of his but as it turns out we don't really have to we can simply sneak past this dialogue Zone by jumping to the side here and collect the weapon we were here for All Along The Skin burster it's passive gives us two Force conduit charges anytime we do damage to an enemy these stack up to a maximum of seven reducing physical damage by one for each one remaining this means that combined with our rage we now simply cannot get damaged by physical attacks doing anything less than 15 damage so something like this fight outside the goblin Camp gets completely trivial I save a trapped dwarf for the gloves of inhibited kigo it's nothing great but better than the trash we were currently using killing on guy called fil and his hook horror friend I see this very interesting looking rubbling pile after approaching it I get knocked down and cannot move at all huh I don't really feel like resetting this entire playthrough so I hit the off switch on my PC sure hope the footage after this does not get corrupted oh look at that somehow we skipped the dgar fight next to the mushroom Village how weird anyways we're in the Grim Forge now I convince some wild beasts to go fight their masters and we get to see the power of force conduit in full action we cheese a few mimics and Missy step over to the splint mold it's time for Flyn I immediately get paralyzed but it's only for one turn so it doesn't actually do anything I get two lucky crits on FN and save a soul offer ring and after killing the N Fang we get to see an interaction that sometimes happens in this game when you have too much physical damage reduction the enemies just simply pass their turn I think it is because the AI doesn't see a point in hitting you if they can't actually do any damage but I mean it could be anything so this fight is now just a one V one with FN and she doesn't stand a chance I failed to make these people give me their shipment willingly so I'm forced to Resort into killing them we pick up the par from FN and unlock Shield of THS for that very nice free temporary HP lockpicking this chest we find an iron flask it will coming very handy later down the line hson shows up dead in Camp now and he's nice and toasty for some reason I return to the Grove and can't be bothered to do kaga's Quest so I just murder her for a really nice amulet every time we are healed it gives our weapon a free 1d6 poison damage because I Wast so much time going to the crash wen's rest has already burned down the door is not even here and Floric is just dead on the top floor so since I cannot get the XP from the normal Quest I resort to violence I summon scratch to walk into this shed so I don't have to pass a check to not die and after convincing their leader I mean no harm I immediately attack them Sheen snares me and this man crit misses a bottle he must have gotten pretty mad about it as he blows himself up alongside his two other friends the Arcane Tower comes next just like you guys told me I read this book on the third floor before approaching Bernard this lets me tell him about a passage from this book and he simply gives me the light ring letting me enter the basement this only gives us the XP from Bernard himself though and not his other friends around him so fighting them is still a good idea Bernard's legendary action isn't actually anything that scary it just lets him shoot a tiny bit of lightning damage at us once per turn since he positions himself right over here after talking I start to fight by shoving him off using a gust of wind scroll and quickly hit one of the animated armors to start the fight the armors are actually very weak and can barely do any damage to me even with no more than three Force conduit charges after three turns Bernard finally manages to return up his discharge Ora makes all constructs next to him do an additional 3 to eight lightning damage each turn actually allowing them to damage me but it has a duration of three and since he used it two turns ago it's almost run out I kill a construct hit Bernard who more so just helps me than harm me with his leaping static Bernard's Ora ends stunning him giving me two rounds to whale on him resulting in him killing himself to force conduit to turn after the final armors give me enough XP for level six allowing us to pick up the stallion aspect it will give us temporary HP equal to two times our Barbarian Level anytime we Dash this also works outside of combat by going into turn base mode another cool thing that this lets us do is summon scratch and use volatile shield on him for a portable AOE stun there's also a stool here that I destroy which drops a weapon that sets the strength of the character using it to 19 not useful for us this run but very good on certain characters time to murder some spiders after Chasing this one around for six turns straight I get to go after the spider matriarch her legendary action allows her to inom an enemy in a glob of web that stuns them and ends by doing an insane 8 to 80 poison damage she can cast this once per turn anytime another spider is attacked so we can't go for her Offspring at all anytime she's in line of sight I start by prep shooting these webs so they will go down to a single arrow and begin the fight by making her fall she falls below half health during her first turn which which might have been a mistake as she gets to use spider Queen's wrath immediately granting her another attack two bonus strengths and resistance to all physical damage I killed one of the smaller spiders as it's far enough away to not trigger the legendary action The Matriarch deals 18 damage to us but loves standing on these webs for some reason so after tanking some hits from these smaller spiders we destroyed a web below the spider lady yet again proning her letting me kill a few more spiderlings since she's now stuck below I am free to kill as many as I want as the attack cannot hit me while I out of sight for some reason she wasts even more turns letting me kill all her children before finally going up to attack me I getting some decent damage and she goes and spawns in even more spiderlings after a final round of getting beat up by the small spiders I make sure to kill her using my own weapon and not fall damage as sometimes fall damage can cause enemies that die to not Grant any XP at all we pick up the dark amethyst and insert it into the necromancy we found earlier by reading it we get a permanent buff to all our ability checks and wisdom saving throws it doesn't really matter if you fail the saving throws or not as you can always just remove the curse with well remove curse butet bullies me a bit and I fail a rooll forcing me to kill some cultists that yet again just cannot damage me at all man the stacking damage reduction feel good bullet returns and some beef with these minotaurs which is absolutely perfect the Minotaur charges nothing and bullet is about as useful as per usual embarrassed he leaves us alone and this fight turns into a head-on Punch Battle to the death I somehow crit miss this Minotaur with advantage that's a 1 in 400 by the way before finishing them off The Spectator is next I get in three really nice hits and save a fear Ray after just saving one more Dr The Spectator kills himself on opportunity at attacks and the D who aren't satisfied with me freeing them follow him buet was up yet again and I get to use the cool scratch tech for the first time on his corpse we find the blood Guster Garb giving us a stack of Wrath every single time we take damage sometimes this bugs out and doesn't give us one but it's still really really strong as it gives us up to seven damage to weapon attacks returning to umum we buy a psychic Resistance potion for when we have to tackle the GI crash eventually now we get to take care of near I start to fight with the dwar before freeing him and after killing the Mind Masters and this Mage the rest just do physical damage easily negated by all our defenses I get to use this very cool trick that one of you told me about that lets me find invisible people by pinging their portraits to finish off the fight we blow up the Rock and let near out his legendary action lets him cast psionic Visage giving him immunity to physical damage for three attacks every turn and causing them to detonate for psychic damage every time he is attacked the thing about these though is that they only last for a single turn so we can just hit him once and then pass thanks to our massive defenses we easily Outlast him and take him out I remove his head and collect the disintegrating night Walkers these shoes will be crucial as soon as we get into act two I kill a few surprisingly strong slimes and head up to meet The Gnome fomine she has a giant barrel of Rune powder and after a bit of persuasion she says that she can part from a tiny vial of it I want it all though so after the dialogue ends I stop her from leaving and kill her on her way out on her corpse we find the Rune powder Barrel that deals an insane 50 to 12 force damage we head back to ethos Paradise then hit one of the sheep this proves to be a massive mistake though as he has old person I managed to save it after my first turn but it still lets them get some insane damage in on me luckily the hold person guy wastes his turn dashing and the multistrike guy just passes his turn he tries getting me again but thanks to the advantage granting by The Gnome trait we save it this guy just does not run out of them though so he gets me again thankfully the two melee damage dealers are already dead so it doesn't really result in anything I buy a final three strength pots from Ethel before attacking her revealing her true hag form we follow Ethel down into her basement where we kill some Mass servants and jump past all her traps I use an invisibility scroll to pass the normal dialogue check and reveal ethol with volo's eye before freeing Marina not feeling like losing my attack during the first turn of the fight I just end the invis in front of Ethel and the fight begins Ethel's legendary action lets her summon more copies of herself anytime a spell is cast but since we're not a spellcaster it won't actually affect us at all Ethel's clones always use hold person on their second turn so it's very important for us to make sure that we take them all out before then I use a potion of speed and shoot three clones before approaching Ethel as she absolutely loves running into opportunity attacks eth wasts turn transforming into a copy of Marina hm I wonder which one's the real one with all her clones dead Ethel only uses a small damaged claw attack and a vicious mockery every turn bringing her down to below half HP causes her to split into even more clones and go invisible but thanks to the pink trick I find her and after tanking her fourth opportunity attack and getting shot by an arrow the Clones actually managed to hold person me very luckily it's too late for them though as ethol already is on 10 HP and the fight ends with ethol begging me not to kill her by by letting her go we get a strand of her hair it lets us pick a stat that we want to permanently increase by one I pick strength here which might not make any sense since we're using strength pots but it will become clear why we do this soon enough in Ethel's Workshop we find a pot that will increase our strength by two until next long rest and then permanently reduce it by one this of course is not good to use currently we can always use it just for the final fight I also pick up bitter divorce and resurrect Marina's husband keeping the wand for ourselves it gives us a spell that we can use to summon a zombie companion for 10 turns I plan to go deal with the GI next but they're not even here since I already went to the crash and I can finally get to see what is on the other side of this bridge absolutely [ __ ] all we head back to poor dead asterion and resurrect him since we will be needing him for something later on last thing left now is grim I get surprised by some magma methods and after killing a few they managed to succeed a heat metal forcing me to drop our weapon we can use a very cool trick here though to equip returning Pike for free simply by throwing it time for by far the hardest fight in act one I jump over to the middle and Grim positions himself perfectly to get squashed I use a fly potion to reactivate the valve I make sure to stand so that Grim will be under the forge again and he does 30 damage to me through Rage that's a 60 damage crit I get to Bonk him yet again and this summons a bunch of methods he's not the only one with friendto as we finally get use of the ogre's horn I fly back use another haste potion and activate the valve again the ogres prove why they are the smartest race and I go back into the middle to make sure that Grim doesn't run off to the side after disengaging and pulling the lever for the third time he is still not dead somehow also I took a break here and the lava bugged out so unfortunately we all have to look at this ugly mess instead lump kills himself on a method and Grim destroys the final ogre after yet another haste pot a luck crit and attacking hits from Grim that do 50 and 32 damage respectively we just barely managed to finish off Grim Jesus Christ honor mode is stressful finishing off we sneak past these Undead and make oursel ready for act two thank you so much for watching I will spare you my long blabbering this time going to try to get act two out this week in the meantime you can check out the one hit run I did if you haven't seen it yet uh yeah happy New Year everyone I'll see you later
Channel: Bouch
Views: 237,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate challenge run, can you beat bg3, bg3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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