Can You Beat Baldur's Gate 3 in a SINGLE Hit? Act 1

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[Music] a [ __ ] here we go again Ballers Skate 3 Solo tactician looks really hard on paper from encounters that take the enemy count up towards 20 versus one to bosses that can permanently stun lock you or sometimes just outright on-shot you despite this it turns out to be quite easy this of course is due to all the insane builds that are possible in this game you have monks that hits 12 times a turn Immortal tank builds with upwards to 50 AC and of course the absolute monstrous amount of damage that can be done by some builds in a single hit but just how high is this damage amount and is it high enough to beat the entire game I wanted to at least give it a try here's my journey through Ballers Gate 3 in a single hit I decided to go with sorcerer as that gives us access to Chromatic orb right from the start a spell that if cast and its Thunder state has a huge 3 to 24 damage range I went for 17 Charisma and 15 Constitution which might seem a bit awkward but we're going to bump them up to 18 and 16 respectively with our first feed the rest I just put into wisdom but anything goes we wake up meet up with LEL and after kindly gifting us all her items she decides to just take the short way out the first encounter goes about as smooth as expected we Free Shadow heart and she decides to join lasel without any allies we move on to the helm shoot some enemies and activate the transponder we wake up on a beach and find some blue orbs just laying there people really need to stop littering some more intellect devours block our path but thankfully there's this convenient patch of fire right next to them if they were to just randomly decide to walk into it a bunch of times it technically wouldn't be me hitting them they would just be killing themselves we sneak up on an unsuspecting thief and kill a dying mind flare for our very first level up we are immediately going to multiclass into cleric for the Tempest domain subass and also make sure that we grab create water for later on being a cleric also makes us proficient in wearing heavy armor and lets us carry Shields giving our AC a very very needed Boost from 10 to 17 running past some weird purple portal that we definitely don't want to interact with we come across some Bandits two of them are standing right underneath a giant Foundation block this lets us take them out with a brutal amount of damage without actually starting a fight we push the Mage down a hole now it's just us against the Archer and after what is a way above average amount of resets we manag to take him out making our way to the Grove we find some goblins attacking since we can't really avoid having these allies after eliminating the two closest goblins to us all we have to do is sit back and provide some defense for them as they slaughter all of the Goblins for us although it does get considerably closer than expected at the end before progressing any further I make sure to sell all my trash and pick up the rain dancer staff it will let us use a level one version of create water every single short rest basically saving us three level one spell slots we make our way into The tling Hideout and speak to mole who wants our help stealing the druid's sacred Idol by clicking steal on the idol and teleporting to Camp as soon as the idol leaves the pedestal The Druids won't have enough time to react and therefore does not have time to get mad so we can just leave camp and walk away with the idol as if nothing happened we return the idol to mle and she gives us an extremely powerful ring called The Ring of protection next up is the blighted village we crit this sleeping bug bear who gives us just enough XP to level up again here we get access to our Channel Divinity which is destructive wrath it can be used once every short rest and lets us max out the damage of any one attack that deals either thunder or lightning damage we get to try it out right away on this unsuspecting pair of goblins and use chromatic orb to take out the rest here we also get to see the usefulness of minor illusion for the first time to gather up these goblins although considering their reaction I think they might be on to us scaring off a pack of goblins we enter this Windmill and find the Speedy light feet pair of boots that gives us easy access to lightning charges at all times a very nice source of extra damage if we ever lack just a little bit we kill a couple more goblins along the way before reaching the goblin camp now is probably a good time to talk about Thunder Wave the Undisputed MVP spell of this entire run by far the easiest way to kill someone in one hit is by simply shoving him off a cliff Thunder Wave contrary to the normal shove ability lets us hit multiple targets at once allowing us to sometimes close out fights with very very high HP enemies that we normally wouldn't be able to touch at this stage of the game like for instance the goblin bosses we ignore gut and Raglin for now and head on over to Menara one of our henchmen is standing right next to this ledge by pushing him down in view of this scrying eye we start to combat encounter very far away from her and after a lucky save on a hold person she positions herself right over this rickety wooden [Music] bridge we take care of a few stragglers that are still lurking around for some knifes free experience before freeing Vol from from his cage as thanks he gives us a nice long brain massage session and a very special new eye that gives us a permanent sea invisible in a 9 M radius around us right next to Volo is this crazed servant of lar by letting him hit us a few times he grants us her blessing a pseudo permanent buff that grants us a plus two bonus to attack rolls whenever we drop low 50% HP we also make sure to pay him back in full with a nice back massage of Our Own let's talk a bit about the wet debuff whenever an enemy becomes wet they become weak to lightning and coold damage while an enemy is weak to an element they receive double damage from all sources of that type combining this with our Channel Divinity allows us to always hit a target for double the max damage of any spell we have that deals lightning damage right now that would be a level two chromatic orb for a grand total of 48 damage killing some more goblins we move on to Priestess gut we tell her that we need her help and follow her to a secluded room away from everyone else minor illusion comes in handy once again and the simple push does the trick after some more extremely satisfying Goblin murdering we get our fourth level it's now time to go back into sorcerer and pick up the meta magic twin spell it lets us twin a single targeted spell on another nearby Target which doesn't help our overall onot potential but it's still very helpful in clearing out multi strong FES only Ragin left now it just so happens that his throne is located right next to this cm and he goes down just like the other two did however the fight with his goons is not going to be as easy first attempt goes great as we get hold person and then immediately crit to death second time around I managed to save the hold person barely allowing me to live the turn Thunder Wave still carrying me allows me to univee two other goblins and chromatic orb takes care of the rest we sneak past this ogre solve a really simple puzzle and unlock the way down into the under dark beining over to this spot we find fer Alo an extremely useful sword with the ability shriek it makes any enemies in a small radius around us take one to four additional Thunder damage from all sources spider mama is next on the chopping block and a quick Thunder Wave into this hole doeser in the enemy's HP to is really going to start skyrocketing from here on out so a certain elied power is crucial in making this run at all possible seeing as we pushed all three Goblin bosses off cliffs their parasites are no longer obtainable which only leaves one right here in the Druid enclave and another one over at a uh easy fight pushing some Horrors off a cliff and nuking a mushroom area we make it to the Arcane Tower after activating the elevator we find Bernard a not so friendly Guardian this Tower is very very tall and by learning Bernard over to the edge we can push him off and he doesn't die because of this they all get a free whale on me but thanks to this blur scroll it all misses down goes the [Music] robot and his friends are soon to follow we kill some hyenas and they're highly disfigured cousins before coming across a burning building by Saving this lady she gives us a spell sparkler a very useful staff that gives us two lightning charges each time we deal damage with a spell or cantrip we find some paladins that tell us they will reward us handsomely if we kill a certain devil for them of course we instead just tell her to chill at camp and Upon returning I get reminded why I should be playing Paladin instead so instead of speaking to them directly I sneak up on this traitor from behind and watch shot her from sneak this doesn't trigger the others allowing me to also eliminate his second Ally before the fighting even starts and there is still going to be a problem though with his 57 HP he's slightly too tanky for our normal 48 damage burst meaning that relying on the extra eight damage from lightning charges will be mandatory I flee and return to approach him normally by some miracle he misses three smites in a row but me being the greedy little [ __ ] that I am try to push my luck even further and get real quick second time around goes better and it's time for the classic Dash around and do nothing for four rounds apparently I just don't learn and almost di to Smite anyway because I forget to use Shield once again I go in for the kill and it turns out that I just didn't need to get lightning charges at all since I just crit him anyways now it's time to deal with fln and get the last parasite specimen that we need this fight is extremely rough normally as to be expected the two allies that we have basically die on on the second turn but they give us enough time to at least wet the enemies this is a huge deal as we can take out two of the NES per turn and they still have to Traverse a very big distance to actually get to us this really means that the fight starts as a 3v one not that bad at all Flyn has 110 HP meaning that there's no feasible way for me to actually take him out without getting a crit luckily though we have a few hold person Scrolls at our disposal we Dodge some attacks from the final null Hunter and take him out with a chromatic orb Flint has such a high HP pool though that not even a crit will suffice in killing him so yet again we have to dash for lightning charges before we can take him out for good an parasite on Flynn's corpse we find the parasite finally unlocking lock of the far Realms once per long rest it allows us to change any successful attack roll that we make into a critical hit this in combination with the duet debuff and destructive wrath allows us to not only hit for double the maximum damage of any Lightning Spell we have but now four times the damage I tried it out on this unsuspecting gang member and she gives us just enough XP to level up yet again we don't really get anything too special from this level up but it does give us access to level three spell slots now allowing us to cast lightning bolt at level three pushing our maximum damage up from 96 to 128 we come across this giant monstrosity called bullette with his 162 HP he's Out Of Reach for us even with our newly acquired luck of the far Realms but he just happens to be nice enough to position himself right next to a cliff and I'm sure by now you know what that means we approached a DW guard that are guarding the boat to the Grim Forge and immediately die before even getting our first turn for some reason I decide that the best course of option is to leave our high ground and just run straight into all of the undeads after somehow dodging almost every single Undead blow I get to find out that that this fight isn't going to be as straightforward as I thought it was going to be all of the reanimated corpses has something called Undead fortitude this lets them resurrect themselves the first time they die so I had to rethink what I was going to do and yet again the answer comes back to pushing them off Ledges but the final dwar aren't going to let me off easy they start off by one-shotting me not once but twice but third times the charm and I get to take one of them out with a call light them KS decides to position himself right next to a ledge and the final one goes down to yet another call lightning we take the boat over to the Grim Forge and meet some dwar on the way there they make a valiant effort to kill me during the first turn unfortunately for them it's not enough and the usual Thunder Wave takes them out we arrive at the Grim Forge and after routinely pushing off a few dwar from Cliffs we pick up the heavy splint mold we sneak past the ambushing methods and take out a surprisingly durable mithil vein with a smoke bomb before leaving I drink a fire resistance potion and decide to confront the methods anyway I use a lightning bolt scroll to take out the first five and the remaining three go down to a Thunder Wave I approach this lava Elemental who despite standing in literal lava can still get wet and he goes down to our 128 damage crit now it's time to deal with grim and I'm sure most of you already know about the AL bear slam dunk but to even get access to the AL bear form we leave level six and right now we're only halfway through level five so we leave Grim on the back burner for now I go back and deal with glut whose HP total sadly for him is just below our Max damage burst we push some ogres off a cliff clear out what remains in the goblin camp and start clearing out all the dgar next to near two of them easily die after being hold personed and for some reason there's a very convenient Chasm right here so yet again I lure them over with minor illusion and take them out one by one we clear the rubble for near finally do we then wet quite a [Music] bit and then one shot seeing as his HP total is also below 128 another parasite collected Norms thank us by doing whatever this is I'm grateful don't mistake me and after pushing off two Minotaur from a cliff and taking out the whole Cult of kuat TOA we finally reach level six and get access to the albear form now it's time to go back and deal with grim it's important to remember to drink an elixir of the Colossus before starting the fight as this will maximize how much our owl bear weighs we pull the lever and out comes Grim I start off by going a bit too close and get absolutely destroyed second time around I make sure to at least somewhat keep my distance and use Misty step to leave the arena transform into an H bear and down goes Grim not feeling satisfied with the measly 624 damage I decided to do it again now that's more like it before leaving I make sure to create the adamantine splint armor and then Respec back into sorcerer cleric the extra level in sorcerer gives us a feat which we use for Ability Improvement for one extra pointing Charisma and Constitution next up onti fle ATI ethal is normally supposed to when she gets to a certain HP threshold stop the fight and offer you a very very nice reward that lets you get plus one into any stat you want sadly for us though since we have to one shot her this is not going to be available I initiate the fight with the red caps by cleanly taking out too and thanks to all the water that's around they're basically permanently wet so the other two follow shortly [Music] after we follow on the down into her basement take care of a few Unfortunate Souls and approach her for the final fight I make sure that I activate F Al's shriek before approaching her though as per usual she multiplies but Shield being the absolute Powerhouse it is makes every sing single clone Miss I drink a haste potion put out the fire on my ARA's cage and after saving a few hold persons and tanking through a couple opportunity attacks we reach the real [Music] ontio I get hold person a few times forcing a couple reloads we need to do 145 damage in order to kill onl our chromatic orb deals 128 damage all by itself so all we have to do is add 17 more we achiev this through a combination of f El shriek that I activated at the start of the fight and lightning charges from our boots that I've been Gathering by dashing these two by themselves add an additional 36 damage 164 damage later the ha goes down all that's left now in act one is getting through the GI Yankee guarding the mountain pass I start off with a hold person we Dodge a few arrows and one of the GI Yan wastes her action surge on dashing and then pieces out this gives me the opportunity to wet and take out the two weaker ones making my way down to the other two the invis Yankee misses three attacks in a row and we get to wet him and take them both out with 130 damage crit and finally we move back to the Grim Forge and take the lift onwards to act two it is if you made it this far I just want to sincerely thank you uh I've been wanting to make some uh YouTube content for a while now but uh I'm not really known where to start but I think this is a start I didn't know how hard it was to edit videos this took so long and it's not even good it's not even well edited it's not even well but I mean it's a start you know um and I had a blast doing it actually so yeah um I don't know I guess leave a like And subscribe if you enjoyed I don't know what you say in the outro I'll see you later for part two have a good one
Channel: Bouch
Views: 725,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1 hit, one hit, baldurs gate 3
Id: Ha9BlT86uH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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