What If HOI4 Started In 1952 with Germany the victor?!

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Sorry for deleted the video with Lady Rambler, it'll be back soon (I thought I had permission from the sponsor to release it but I was wrong)...I hope you'll all watch it again when it's live!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mahons1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If HOI4 was a mobile game alex would be the guy on every ad let’s face it he’s just got the look

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SukiYog πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's going on everyone it's me alex the rambler and machonka and today we're back on parts of iron 4 but we're playing a relatively newly released mod the 1000 week all right so this is another mod where germany ends up winning uh however it's it's a different it's quite different to tno this one is set in 1952 and germany is already starting to kind of crumble a little bit i believe england still stands uh free it looks like it's gonna be quite a fun mod from from reading the description uh there's a fully uh immersive alternate history and timeline uh there are tons of different finished focus trees oh a custom ui there's uh various different mechanics a un mechanic um but it's definitely one of the most popular mods um of recent memory there's over 30 almost 31 000 people are currently to subscribe so i'll leave a link in the description but let's just get into it but if you would like to see hoi4 back on the channel please do comment like and subscribe 5000 likes for another hearts of iron video so here we have it as the british empire crumbles the torch of democracy is passed to the rapidly growing industrial powerhouse of the united states in the east uh koentang consolidates control over china while remnants of the russian army regroup in the urals and siberia the conflict ended only five years ago but the unexpectedly fragile new world order sees signs of collapse right but here we go uh we have ah they're infighting we've got um a stagnant economy uh that's not going very well either i don't believe an oversized creeks marine and an overgrown officer course so nothing's really going very well for us i am going to play as germany to see if this all just blows up in my face so we have the i don't honestly know what um this means is that the new order i think it's the new order right then you do still have the soviets led by barrier oh barrier okay uh you have the french state which must be they're independent but they've got to be occupied by germany like some stages although they've got this massive demilitarized zone uh what else do we have this is the entire focus i imagine stuff might be unlocked as you go at least that's what some mods do and so we enter into a new year we face the same problems not so subtle factionalism within the party an economy in free fall in a sluggish armed forces god i love my chunker okay nevertheless i'll still start hold on we've only got 147 factories ish but technology has been updated so that's good they've got a whole new tree um surprised we don't have yeah let's get some atomic research going shall we focus on the industry too so far i'm preferring this ui to the new order i know that's like a an item of contention amongst most people i just don't i just don't get on with it very well um the new wall is one it's it's too like you know glowy for me but each each to their own oh look at these messerschmitts looking tasty how we have probably a very large armed forces i would imagine only a million men in the hmm oh no there's gdp what do i actually want to see this button the us has a higher gdp i don't think we have to worry about the un um see i don't really have a plan for this oh we've had a the coup brought greater harm to the like than one might see on the surface it cost the reich much in the way of prestige and germany's reputation on the market waku he's still alive oh no there is a un we're not in it what a surprise okay so we now have decisions to do some economic reforms third wave of fake news sure let's get some fake media campaign let's get some extra stability eternal politics i imagine everyone's just fighting amongst each other right yeah factions and rivalries loads of infighting so let's try and do some reforms who's the uk led by clement atlee okay and they're in the toronto accord so is japan oh wow okay so japan was completely taken out of the war republic of china's still there oh india's still right okay belgium's having some troubles too albert speer paid a visit to burkhoff for a private meeting uh without the presence of borman while the clatter around sphere and hitler indeed spear the economy is in shambles the french are striking oh what a surprise okay the three proposals made by the respective leaders are now being reviewed by uh mr fuhrer with the final decisions being only his spears panan details in various state projects and reforms gobbles wants to revamp the german economy and guring seeks to reform the entire system i could just burn everything let's do the four year plan oh test the prototype of the bomb there are so many events oh spain is trying to grow a little empire for themselves are they okay spanish state that is still led by yeah franco or invading morocco meanwhile i'm going to go on and do the reichsbank oh that's a lot of political power to go to partial mobe wow oh my god oh dear well it appears the british are still a threat so far this certainly seems like a well-made uh mod oh barry is gone and an explosion in danzig okay well can i justify on anyone war goals can only be gained from national focuses i'm getting like so many of our so many events ah the fuhrer's 63rd birthday nice italy really didn't end up getting much did they like maybe a little bit more territory for italy a little bit of north africa but like all of this it's all no longer occupied all jet engines have been invented it's a passenger jet plane too cool uh during reports so the fuhrer's health is poor though the doctors claim there are signs that he's recovering from a stroke back in 1948. there are a few pages of health reports missing but borman says that's nothing to worry about huh indeed oh there's a russian republic that's risen up wow sorry i i i probably should have looked at all of this nawlisk i don't i have no idea but yeah and it's all broken up fanta the official soft drink of germany fanta is pretty tasty it is better than cola i don't actually really drink any soft drinks i just go for like sparkling water and a little bit of like either cordy or squash sugar it's bad for you well natural sugar is all right in moderation space project's been planned hot diggity done okay let's see how that goes [Music] it's going to be a mess isn't it like an absolute freaking mess and there's already been design flaws in the aircraft uh not the aircraft the spacecraft but the space flight's still going to go as planned what who's president i'd already looked oh harry truman okay and then who's that in canada louis and laurel and there's still the problems in quebec rushed safety test oh i don't think this is good is it we should probably stop the launch no oh i could cancel the launch at the last second but nay let's go to space let's start a colony on the moon successful launch despite all of the problems however while the spacecraft reached an altitude of 132 kilometers before falling back towards the surface of the earth the parachute failed to deploy and the spacecraft impacted ground at terminal velocity oh yeah okay so the guy the guy the pilot died oh oh ethiopia has rebelled against the italians that's going to be an uphill struggle i would have thought ah franco's gone who has taken over now mr blanco all right the fuhrer's health is declining again oh dear so he might be on his way out can i actually do this ruling position i'm gonna have to try and get down that bit i don't know what it will do when can i start conquering people again or is that not allowed now has germany been curtailed come on let me conquer i'm gonna spy on the party then i can do some reforms as well there we go just do all these forms let the debate begin the border clashes with the soviets have been dragging on for ages and it's finally time to teach those russians the german ways okay um let's send the where marked oh the furious health rapidly declines oh we won good work we're marked oh dear um he's dead the most powerful man in the world and the man who defined the last 30 years of history this was another turbulent month suffering two strokes and having multiple heart attacks uh oh well here we go what does one do i wonder can i actually do anything oh the funeral first yeah that that might help let's do the funeral first before we start uh having tons of inviting eh so after um a lot of events uh maximilian wayland has is it wayland raymond i don't know but he's been assassinated the wehrmacht had little influence on politics during hitler's rule um i think should probably stay neutral right or we can actually get them to hmm stays neutral braun wants to make a speech hmm you know what yeah let you know let her get it all out rubble has given a speech nice thank you eva braun has given her support to spear hmm there's been a revolt yep and the moscow red army has also formed up oh my god um do i need to get involved in this huh some petersburg has been renamed to adolfsburg sorry i just noticed that there's been the cossacks league as well grain crisis in ukraine everything's um kind of falling apart at the moment and no one's really asking for my my help yeah this is an entire mess right here oh and here too you go slavia is in a civil kerfuffle oh my god oh my god civil war in rest in russia yep oh my so so much going on can i do anything collapse of the caucuses yep that's that's for sure look look at this oh my god i like how we're not even intervening we're not doing anything why can't we do anything uh spear gobbles block storms out okay this is all gonna erupt gobbles recreates the brown shirts oh gobble gobble surprised that the second russian republic isn't trying to intervene in any of this because this is just woof herman goering has offered to lending hand to the council right um close the doors on going senate uproar um i or the political crisis will escalate good that's what we want eh this isn't that chaos overall i'm very impressed with the mod everything's running okay we haven't had any crashes tons of events are popping up and that's only uh in the first i think the first hour or so of play foreman has been ousted oh he's lost all support from within the party foreman removed the wear marked well should take control of the situation glory to the army and eric von manstein becomes the leader the army knows best really martial law oh my god yes at this point i imagine the wear marked has had enough they're like we're fed up with these people we're gonna do what what we want now let us see mate let us in oh elizabeth ii dismantle the ss we were truly foolish to countenance the creation of the palomino military agency hmm get rid during all the political chaos spear gerbils guring launched a coup in the name of safeguarding the nation successfully ousting the ruling body from germania and both the where martin should have refused to acknowledge the government this new government by spear gobbles and goring now have temporary control it's only a matter of time before germany crumbles let's just get the dubious figure in ah are we in a kerfuffle so there's either himmler the government or the junta to play as the here junta let's just let's do that ah by manstein here we go good our capital is here who are we in the kerfuffle with the greater german the ss we have 89 divisions they have a lot we don't have a lot of factories which isn't uh great if you think about it oh my god this is this is this is an adventure what an adventure we're going on an adventure and then here i guess we'll just have to try and hold the line as best as you can for you shall not be getting any reinforcement and we only have six military factories oh no we might be at a disadvantage how many good divisions do we have where's rommel that took a bit of time setting up do we have an air for oh we do have a nice a fairly nice air force actually i can imagine i'm going to run out of fuel almost immediately but we'll give the order to attack just to try and grab some territory just advance from every direction take every town you can get you can go too seeing as they're not defending volunteer army or deep wolf i don't know what i want oh i see what's happened so where it's um my whole army's gonna die and the reason for that i can't get any supply here because we're not linked to the capital so all of these all of the army's gonna die from lack of supply this is more than a little frustrating as i literally can't do anything about it i don't know why the game would do that yeah my units are just going to crumble there's no real hope of us trying to break through there is there maybe with my forces down here we might be able to push through if i can do that before too many of them die then that'll be a boon but they just they're actually overrunning my troops already so don't know why my troops are taking so long to move when i have aerial superiority the uh military volunteer brigades are just um trash i believe the other factions just seem to have a lot more armor well actually you know what i do have a lot of armor i am just unable to use any of it because we're all just suffering from insane amounts of attrition so my whole army was encircled before this even began i'm literally a tired away from um relieving them but i if i can beat them on this tile i would have united the forces what i would love to know is where all of their like crap divisions are they can just just push my divisions without trying yep there we go apps just just just force back one unit of infantry can just force my units back no problem despite me having aerial superiority it's just uh i know i'm out of fuel there's not a lot i can do about it and now i'm in circle maybe if i lose kerningsburg then my capital becomes vienna uh but in that case like i'm already i think i'm dead my capitals even open and they're not taking it okay okay maybe i should have let them do this all i should have done that all along now my capital is in vienna and my units immediately have org again and these units are now isolated and they're gonna die is it too late though can i somehow recover from this look at that one unit of infantry oh no they are being attacked by multiple directions but like come on the prague uprising swiss have revolted that's fine oh yeah these troops are all completely gone in fact yeah if we encircle up here then i think that yes all of these are encircled now you just withdraw from that tile you can't defend from i have too many i have too many militia and not enough proper troops oh this is like this is intense micro dude well not even really they've gone off their border a bit well let's try and take back some tiles a little bit of territory that'll be nice won't it maybe a factory here and there do i want industry i will stop the attack we are getting absolutely annihilated up there this really comes down to me not having any industry currently like i am really suffering with nine factories what the heck is happening to my factories man dig or die at the moment my troops are choosing the uh latter yeah without any fuel without any defense it's just uh grim like i just can't do anything i've taken half a million casualties my troops are being overrun maybe i should have gone with spear making one rifle a day there's actually uh no options to try and get any oh appeal to the hardliners i guess but yeah there's no option to really get any benefits oh one thing i could have got some old equipment 1 000 rifles uh yeah i have no ability to get any fuel because i don't have any factories to actually import any i can't produce anything so if it sounds like i'm coming up with a load of excuses uh technically i guess but from the start i didn't have too much of a hope in heck just look at that one tank division can just take on oh my god let this be over maybe once i do this we get more old equipments that's a few more thousand rifles fifteen thousand car 98s that would be great um we get less stability but who cares about that right what i need is guns oh nice cool the us's yep ceasefire since foreigners have intervened what if i did that oh i i can just say that there's a ceasefire but then in reality just be like haha yolo oh oh yeah they're really agreeing to the ceasefire aren't they so what faction am i in i don't know if these have actually am i about to sign a white piece i'd be surprised if they actually let me do that but ah the people's germany oh my god ah so it's only us two that joined the faction eh i think oh what the frick they've um they've nuked amsterdam [Music] people's germany has capitulated like if i could try and retake any cities that would be great but somehow i'm not even sure i could defeat one little infantry division oh no i can um what's going on in the rest of the world i don't even know anymore the toronto accord has grown oh no they stayed the same it's just actually intervening and stuff oh so spear isn't actually a war of the allies neither is that no no what so it's just me i think i'm on my way out there's literally no way for me to expand if i was just to do like a cheeky aha let's go i don't think i'd get very far because they can just counter and then they overrun me because i i just don't have any equipment or fuel or any kind of resources really they've risen up again so while they're having a little rebellion up there i'll i'll try and take a little bit of territory you know maybe get a city or two might be nice still some equipment well they've only got their little military police around mainly oh they're about to finish them off okay well this might be goodbye well i think spear might be coming for me with everything he's got oh i've just been nuked how pleasant i don't see that there's a hope in heck that i'm going to be able to win this if we take a little look i i yeah i'm gonna end the scenario here it's just it's it's unwinnable yes negative 2000 political powers zero super sense stability still got water poor um but no way to actually produce anything oh i can't even produce okay this didn't go very well this is a classic rambler fail and if you want more of them please do comment like and subscribe i'll leave a link to the mod in the description um yeah very well made very well made um yeah speak to you soon toodle-oo many thanks to onion duck seth cutter stervik maximal informant wyatt green zechariah mosby tad house kobu was taken matt zuv vash juan p george dave d why the don valhalla halls yeah boy ryan [ __ ] jack troku jiggly crotch used beef sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous from supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 135,929
Rating: 4.9439917 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 mods, hoi4 la resistance, hearts of iron 4 germany, bismarkreich, bismarkreich mod, hoi4 new mods, hearts, of, iron, four, drew durnil, isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 germany win, hoi4 1952, What If HOI4 Started In 1952 with Germany the victor?!
Id: qaPd3gVn844
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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