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hey look he but gaming is doing that exploit again where i contribute to the war by doing absolutely nothing yay hey hi i'm feedback gaming and i heard you guys like world conquest the global defense council get it global world conquest get it global yeah well you asked for it and i will deliver yes i do read every single one of the comments every single one and if you did help push this goal let me know in the comments below say i subscribed and i wanted the global defense council world conquest if this video seems a little confusing this is part two the first part will be available in the top right click on the eye this video will start just after that moment without further ado let's go i didn't vote for you win the spanish civil war as the anarchist done now let's have some fun we've got two armies or merge those up on the lady because she's adaptable and she's now an infantry expert and she's gonna go right in the middle of portugal and you know what we're gonna do next right that's right we're gonna go for portuguese anarchism let us spread the torch we'll start to focus a little bit more on the air as well we'll go for a mixed of aaa and artillery and for the most part this will be the template we'll use for the rest of the game pretty solid very well rounded now we've got the anarchist mobilization law collectivized society it's kind of in between war support and total mob 50 consumer goods some big penalties to production efficiency and research but overall big bonuses to factory output yard output repair speed resistance target resistance reduction and a big hefty boost to construction speed it's better than total mobilization it's pretty strong portuguese anarchism we have a new ally and then we just practically just tear through them the divisions are really weak and they've lost some of the divisions to their rebellion they've had as well that is pretty easy go go and go tear straight through the center and we're annexing them done and we get free calls on all of them instantly within 70 days which is kind of bizarre because it's a lot harder to call your own spanish territory than it is to call portugal hmm and then next up we're going to maintain the fire then collective recovery efforts and then torch pairs of tomorrow another 24 divisions drop them down convert them to over the ideal templates i'm a general exercise and infantry expert you are going to be on the front line of france we're going to plan a naval invasion from here oh to my favorite location between bristol and cardiff poland has fallen 48 world tension and now they're invading the lowlands we're at 54 world tension 59 world tension and we can justify on the uk on gibraltar 20 days justification has finished stop exercising and start digging in activate the plan declare gibraltar you are mine damn there left five divisions here they're not messing around and it has been taken the fall of gibraltar i think for the achievement though i think i need to take it in a peace deal which we will take very soon anyway phase two move here naval invasion time right paris has fallen and france has any minute now up vichy france but and there we go france has collapsed there we go really move you guys here and exercise you right let's go grab our navy pop that on to strike force bay of biscay and the western approaches is it enough it is why does this always work i don't know but the success rate on this is now 100 i don't know why but they always leave this empty go ai we'll just sneak to the key victory points and cut off whales and there we go we've split them in two so all the divisions now can be on the eastern front we don't need to take the rest of wales for now all right after the torchbearers of tomorrow we need to get rid of recovery from the civil war so we need to go for communal otaki removes national spirit recovering from civil war which has given us a hefty minus 20 penalty to production yeah it's pretty brutal though portion to the uk is going beautifully we need to split them in half and then at that point we'll just mop up there hasn't been any exploits in this video has there not a single one maybe some cheesy strategies but not full-blown exploits so let's exploit the uk let's put you guys on careful and attack order in the north so you guys continue pushing into scotland now we're gonna surround london and if you watched my macau my day video you might recognize this exploit it is incredibly cheesy that one surround the capital nation you wish to exploit and there we go but the plan now is to take out all new divisions so they train in their capital only their capital now can train new divisions in this location and deploy them directly here and the result of that is that we get lots and lots of war contribution apparently our war contribution is 21 once we get rid of all these divisions seven divisions in total make sure we don't actually arrive in london we just want to get rid of all the divisions and two left and they're gone now we're at 23 oh we've gone up two percent just by encircling divisions hmm so this is just a cheesy exploit of getting lots of war contribution oh a new division spawn we're at 23 let's surround this division and he's gone and now we're at 25 hmm something's not quite right here what's happening anarchism has been successful the light of continued international hostility the communes have however elected to stay organized under their defence council and continue on a course of extensive rearmament programs we have achieved much but must prepare for the worst militarize the industry and then commune artaki hey three new divisions eat them up 26 new division just spawned gone 27 hey another one he's gone 28 if you're wondering why i'm doing this so quickly is i'm right-clicking pausing to let time progress letting the division dissolve and getting circled and before they arrive in london i press h to hold to put them back to where they originally were oh look 29 well we've gone up nine percent points now i'm doing practically nothing if you're wondering why this works it's something to do with casualties being lost on a victory point because this is a really valuable victory point the highest in the game at 50. the result is the game thinks this is a large amount of contribution you've made to the war and as you probably guessed i'm not complaining and again the objective is to get more contribution than germany when that happens we're basically annexing the allies put it that way and again and again and again and again and again and yeah you get the idea right in the meantime pump out some more divisions another 24. it's good for the war industrialists go for the army offensive you can also go for army regrouping too let's go for the people's fleet and then we can rush submarine 3 and also get the submarine doctrines raiding fleet designer that'll come in handy later on hey fighter 1 you say why not and trade interdiction yes concentrated for all right let's make a few military factories i'm going to build them in areas we've got cores so not in these areas we're building compliance here granada here and here and here bran we look at britain now we can say they have zero fuel and what we can do now is grab the submarines put the rest of ships into reserve split off the subs into 25 stacks and we can surround the uk and there we go intercepting some convoys right japan has declared war on the philippines i mean the united states has joined the war so this is the end of this little endeavor and there we go the united kingdom has been capitulated and we have the most war score first thing we have to do is take most the land inside of the uk because we've been building compliance inside of the uk that means we're going to take advantage of most of the factories here meanwhile germany's taking poland and taking a bite out of france right malaysia all this lovely oil and rubber over here one of the concerns i've got is the more land i take the more garrison divisions i'm going to need to suppress these areas but resistance is just a number right the capabilities of taking practically all of africa the raj is a little bit different i think what we'll do with the raj is actually puppet them right all that's left now is a tiny piece of poland that generally loves to pop it every single time and a slice of norway they just don't want to take i've taken two thirds of africa all of canada up at the raj and and taking all of oceana this is the bit that gets a little bit scary because now the amount of garrisons i'm going to need is going to shoot through the roof yeah it's going to buy 100k we're going to need a lot of guns to keep this suppressed extra research claws gonna go for more fires and go for submarine three deploy all the divisions and now we have a full army group of infantry artillery anti-air there we go train them up to level three let's get an intelligence agency jeremy's declared on the soviet union and this is the opportunity we need to push into the germans and do some damage to them need a little bit more preparation time there probably just a few more months japan has declared war on me and i presume he's done that because of the islands yeah it has okay no worries so we'll just move our subs over here and this will keep them at bay for a little while hey do you know what i forgot to take gibraltar assembly line production we need to add to that production efficiency cap that's one of the penalties we get of being anarchist minus 20 collectivized society that's pretty bad upgrades for the submarines yeah sure submarine three it's time no no no no no no no that won't do that won't do all the commission start working on some more doctrines and start producing submarine threes when the twos are done oh what do we have here i really hope this is a success usa usa all right let's plan this out you going to vishi you went to vichy you know what you're going to go be she did you know what you're going to go bishi you are going to go here produce a handful of fighter twos f for japan gg do i get to take anything from japan i want aquinawa oh no never mind feels bad man it's one of those moments where the ai's just teasing me because i don't really have any ability to take anything because my score is too low oh well japan is deed that was pretty easy and pretty painless uh you more than like you would not get as lucky as me with that elusive gentleman we put a spy network in germany so we can get that attack bonus by having the intel advantage the ai is not messing around here 44 divisions no half measures guys just going for it air doctrines a little bit late but they're late they're never right it is time to become aragon nah iberia nah let's become the global defense council a lot of people hype in this earth because it allows you to call land uh but i don't think it's worth the cost honestly it's just worthwhile to put garrisons and build compliance that's my take anyway italy we have a claim on you france you are exercising divisions on the front line that's not very smart move my fighters to the south what difference are we making air superiority minus 33 percent that's pretty big and now they are smooshed convo raiding the atlantic blocking and blockading germany and italy taking back gibraltar might war with vichy france oh of course not no because they're not in the axis yet hmm interesting is jeremy just gonna smash his head against me over and over again it looks like they will i love it when the ai does this grab some planes and get air control this region got a main fleet here escort here get a new admiral you'll do and we're gonna have to eliminate all their submarines to stop them from convoy embargoing me and v she's joined the axis now okay okay we're going to block off a few areas so we can just narrow down the defenses in certain sea zones we want to make sure all of our supply goes to a very tight corridor along the atlantic and the west african coastline oh my goodness what is happening here so many convoys and so many whoa we sunk a carrier fortified the pyrenees hey look we can call territory now it costs 150 political power and it costs you one political power per day over 90 days you feel like the only time you'd want to go for this is if you have too much political power and you don't know what to spend it on my advice is fill out all of this first before you start coring anything time for fighter 3 and we'll spread some of our air xp make this a little better not a lot but a little bit better it looks like the soviets are beaten now or never attack everyone balanced all the air wings go here give them hell boys give them hell and we've made a breakthrough the first push is the hardest gotta break that entrenchment and break the mountains and the rest is going really smoothly bit that's holding the strongest is the center and that actually might be their own downfall so what i can do is see if i can wrap around to potentially encircle that front flank kind of working but then they kind of also break it in the center oh it's looking good one division away damn that wasn't even planned that just happened the best encirclements are the ones you didn't even plan so i can probably take a guess how many divisions are in here let's have a look so right now we've inflicted 208 000 casualties to italy to germany we've inflicted 2.5 million and the end there was at least 600 000 germans in that pocket hill fighter mountaineer adaptable organized infantry the infantry expert trickster skilled staffer improvisation expert you milady are a god linda the god can you comment that below guys up the counter attack and they are denied oh so good to see that's it keep pushing into me now keep wasting manpower keep wasting equipment keep bashing your head against me i love it when the ai does this right the counter attack go here go here go here go here and full air control go only amber air is it gonna be enough to break them potentially oh and they've just completely collapsed which the ai can sometimes do that because they couldn't reinforce quick enough that's the reason why reinforce rate is uh so important can we get the encirclement ah 22 divisions oh my goodness i have never made so many encirclements with just infantry and they've been eaten gone and we're losing a huge amount of fires ah 1943 the germans are winning they're gonna have about six thousand seven thousand total planes f for the soviet union this might not be as bad as it looks what might happen is they're alone equipment as it is look at the stop power the lower on a a low on artillery a little bit low on infantry equipment what might actually happen is this might push them over the edge and when they have to garrison all this territory it might make it a struggle to keep it with the production with the amount of garrisons we'll see fighter 3 is finally ready what we're gonna go with first of all the biggest engine we've got and then we'll start producing them all right we need to battle them there now we need to gain air xp so go more air crews and you know what let's try a push go we've got so much xp right now and so many guns let's go for the recoiling and we only can go for one because we've not gotten a political power i think these costs a little bit too much in my opinion uh to recall spain i feel like it should be a lot cheaper france has been given back to france this is what happens when you get to the bottom of the vichy france focus tree you get the old french focus tree back and you get the rest of france back apart from household rain of course just waiting for signal companies now and to go for the super garrison template consists of a hundred percent boss and a single military police all right signal companies have arrived and am i going to get 20 divisions here no buy those things i'm not try again and we got them little victories just little ones and we have signal companies as well let's slap those on uh probably for engineers too have we got enough support equipment no we don't so i forget the engine is gonna have issues with motorized though right the signal companies are up half of you go here all but to go here push and now we have the reinforce rate advantage this should be enough to punch through them and it is oh wow i wish i made these a lot earlier a big oof and we finally did it wow that reinforced rates making a world of difference oh really germany oh really all of a sudden the german ai is suddenly woken up and it's like oh wow naval invasions they're a thing cheeky ai sneaking across the country i don't think so four divisions there i'll take those thank you and then we'll shimmy across once again and we got him and again all right i'll admit this is cheesy and i'm kind of bored of doing it i'll let the ai take over now attack go balanced i think this should be enough firepower i think we're definitely making gains so that's some progress eh and there we go these are decent ratios at least a 20 30 40 advantage when it comes down to our fighter models good second wave go france rip two hey this is a nice pocket you're stuck boyos french and italians right no one else is at war with germany too so in this peace conference i would take 100 of it oh boy the division was perfect now it is ever so slightly closer to perfection there we go oh and yeah we can add engineers on to do that go italian divisions push and the rest go and barely any divisions in the north of germany i think this is it italy germany and romania are the mages reach a stalemate in italy and in the alps surprisingly the weakest front is actually the german front er has reached the point of like i don't even know where to put my divisions anymore i wonder why i couldn't break rome at level 10 for the maginot of rome and we have split them in half oh look at that beautiful magic line fort that i will make no attempts to push into all right time to go aggressive let's end this germany has capitulated all we've got to do now is romania right in italy we'll do a front line that goes from here to here and then pushing it there finally surrounded rome will it make a lot of difference though probably not actually eight divisions and i keep bashing my head against it over and over again until uh the divisions deorg seven six five four three oh my gosh don't give up now and broken finally are they gonna let me just walk into romania that would be really convenient actually romania 99 on the victory point and the gown now just italy i think we just slide across to go to sicily and it's over 99 and wow it's over finally take all of germany every single bit we will rock you there we go we got the achievement it took an incredible long time though the global anarchist czechoslovakian one uh historical game by the way so what have we got left we are currently at war with the chinese united front which consists of the slither of czechoslovakia can we just grab it and eat it up within a second if we could that would be really handy because if we can do it before the chinese join then we don't have to fight the chinese which we're going to fight the chinese anyway but i'd prefer to be a little bit more prepared because we need to build some infrastructure because you know the train in china isn't that great and then we've got the united states with uh godzillion divisions and then i suppose we've got india it doesn't sound like a big deal but that is probably the strongest nation that's left with a close second probably be in mexico and maybe brazil but i would imagine they're probably going to join the south american on taunt remember south american which consists of not a single south american nation yes my favorite faction so far would have to be the common turn that consists of mongolia and that's it at this point in world conquest you play a ridiculous waiting game because every justification is roughly about 180 days which in game time it's late game it takes a very long time but because we're anarchists we get a 75 reduction anarchy knows no borders of the amount time it takes to justify so everything is roughly around 30 to 60 days which is way more easy to be totally honest with you tyrone is next then united states and then the rest is just going to be a massive melee so let's just see what we can chop up here and that's exactly how i thought it would turn out so i'm just going to take all of that and that there we go well with anyone else yes we're at war with croatia on their own all right an interesting nation that consists of chickenpox and split and another peace conference all right mopping up europe we've got poland so there's a risk if we declare on someone who isn't a faction they may join a faction and uh yeah it's not going to be a good idea if they join the south american aunton actually by looks at things oh wait no poland is the leader of the allies i think it's probably about time to go for the super heavy 40 width which consists of three battalions of artillery one of aa and the rest to get to 40 with is going to be just purely and truly infantry and then the final division we'll go for the logistics let's get that researched now so from here after we've eliminated the allies in brackets allies uh we are going to make our way across to china and we're going to build lots of infrastructure around about here as soon as we've got so much excess equipment we can get on to our civilian oversight this will use more equipment more guns your divisions will sustain more casualties but in the long run we'll build more compliance so that will reduce overall resistance right we've run out of manpower right now so what we need to do is find a state that we don't have cord that has millions upon millions of manpower we'll try maybe london and then core it spots some of these costs 150 and some of them cost 50 but these are all 150 so we'll just go for 150. poland goodbye my friend we're going to do it whilst exercising as well we're so ballsy and they're gone but we have a bigger fish to fry we're going to go from mongolia first actually once again they are the only member of the commandant so that means we're guaranteed to only have to take on mongolia and nobody else mongolia consists of i think two victory points and then that's it and you just gotta gobble all their land to uh make them capitulate mongolia and then we'll max out mongolia infrastructure got him max weapons max range max engine max max max and max and we'll just start grading the old ones because we've got so many in stock power now mexico is now the leader of the south american on taunt we can get our troops now into position so confusingly you'd probably think they'd use this poor here to get supply to a capital here uh no they they're choosing if you look on the map to go through the entirety of siberia with its awful infrastructure that means we have to build the infrastructure up of all the air as it moves through yay and to top that off as well i'm building a dozen airports around the outside all right trying to justify it will take 30 days all of indo china is in the chinese faction too wonderful yeah so the final boss is definitely going to be the south american horn taunt it consists of japan the philippines united states mexico and colombia some big daddies in there in china you are next slicing through manchuria and the interior of china now has collapsed looking into the future here all of this needs to be maxed out we need that supply i think this is the best way of bringing down the autonomy of india how would you like 4 000 convoys india how is china doing by the way uh not too good all right mainland china just holding on and what will be the fate of the rest of the china's i don't know we're about to find out china has joined the chinese united front done only one faction left and that is the american anton so that is the one we've got to go for now because that definitely is is a big daddy how is compliance looking across the world getting a lot better and every excess bit of civilian production i'm going to pop into lowering the autonomy of india justify on the united states and it will be 30 days raj is now a puppet state united states clash of the titans anarchy versus the south american on taunt we ready let's go the atomic bombing of southern ontario oh i think uh americans have shown that they have nuclear weapons i'm not sure if that's going to make any difference boom bush in the east is a little bit slow big push west of detroit taking little tiny bites out of northern united states what are you doing usa here and here i don't think so americans are going so late game right now they're building forts throughout the entire country see all those yellow dots there's a small to medium-sized force you see that red dot there that's a big four in washington level 10 is the imagino of washington boom boom raj has now become an integrated puppet same name though most of the key victory points have been eaten from the united states now that's all their key factories in the east they're down to 74 percent goodbye raj it's nice knowing you the end 99 100 all right mexico next go go go and argentina has gone ahead and declared war on me even though he's not even in a faction good luck oh and they've joined the ontorne okay mexico's gone and finally we have japan all right there's a few nations in latin america than that aren't in the on top so i'm going to just gently push them into that faction that fork can you withstand the fork let's have a look i imagine they've got lots of force here let's have a look yeah they have tokyo's dug in and a lot of the cities are dug into are we even going to be able to land that's a big question if not i have to build a naval base hiroshima is definitely dug in and we're going to need full air control to break it all right the four is level two that's actually not too bad and now we've surrounded this should be enough firepower yeah those divisions are dissolving now nine eight seven six five four three two one and there we go we have supply thank goodness just managed to get enough supply here just and start pushing into nicaragua and further south sweden oh my goodness look at the amount of air control that's insane sweden you may not pass all right el salvador meanwhile in japan i've completely sliced them in half and no surprise we're having trouble breaking to tokyo is a level 10 for the maginot of uh tokido and we finally broke them and so have we broke guatemala and that was enough it pushed them over the edge good big swiss red on red they are exactly the same color as us let's get justifications on all of south america all right off we go grab the philippines making progress in south america we've got colombia and also dominican republic america's state 93 and 100 all right peru has finally fallen can we pull off a miracle naval invasion can it happen oh it doesn't look like it oh wait maybe maybe maybe oh my god we've actually done it i cannot believe it and with this we can uh drop just a few nukes we've got them so we might as well use them yeah one here one here one here this area is looking tough to break so we'll just soften up just a little bit boom and we seem to be struggling a little bit here too never mind chopping down there amazon how about nuke the amazon boom all right now he's gone extra division so free then enable invasion here we go here yeah and here all right brazil it's over give up boom all right we're taking ireland back brazil is done and there we go the peace conference the final boss has been defeated so you next taking out malta and then that's over and done with there you go africa has been dominated next anyway iran you're gone yemen you're next omen you're justified on go go go yeah i like that look at the size of that font but guys we can go bigger now we're on the remnants of the last part of the chinese faction laos part of the continent siam and that'll be it there we go micronesia has been annexed all right what we got next fiji has been eaten and then finally last but definitely not the least tahiti and we are done a full world conquest of the global defense council the entire world every single nation annexed apart from that guys i hope you have an absolutely awesome day and i'll see you guys next time see you later bye i'm totally joking by the way i know iceland's still there there we go let's do iceland you thought i forgot right you thought i forgot again i forgot nothing the final three divisions and they arrive into iceland and he's gone gone and finally what was the progress on the coring so if you go into compliance map mode you can see which are cause and which are not so iberia as well as portugal all through focus tree mostly i got most of france almost all of france as you know that is all the france apart from corsica switzerland tiny bit of austria maine mainland italy all of great britain the island pretty good right and i also got some of the 13 colonies some of them and all of it and best of all i caught some of china why because this state has 77 million in population so as you imagine taking into account my recruitment population which is 11 and a half percent that gets a lot of manpower from there a lot and as you can see i have 81 million now manpower in reserve that's a lot of manpower so a definite strategy with the anarchist would be to be able to take out one of the chinese warlords and then just core one of these states and that will be enough to keep you going if it's like above 20 15 10 million then it'll provide enough manpower practically for the rest of the game manpower would never be an issue hey guys i did what you want subscribe currently guys ad revenue has tanked the lockdown has totally frozen youtube economy if you want to help me out the best thing you could do in these dire times is become a patreon the link is in the description below thank you boys and girls bye-bye
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 238,922
Rating: 4.9676709 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of Iron IV, HOI4, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 la resistance guide, hoi4 la resistance tutorial, hearts, of, iron, feedback, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 guide, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, la resistance hoi4, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, hoi4 funny, cheats hoi4, hoi4 cheats, hearts of iron 4 cheats, hoi4 exploit, exploit, break, hoi4, cheat, cheats, hearts of iron iv gameplay, I Didn’t Vote for You, hoi4 achievements, achievement
Id: y4qG3bXU0hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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