Hearts of Iron IV: Tutorial for Complete Beginners! - 1/7

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he folks quill eating here and welcome to a tutorial for hearts of iron for for complete beginners we are gonna go kind of fast in this tutorial but remember that you can always pause and rewind it why not there's just a lot for us to cover and I don't want to have to take like a million videos to do it it's gonna be a few videos but we're gonna do the best that we can now if you played any paradox grant strategy games before a lot of the sort of user interface conventions that you're gonna see in this game are gonna feel very familiar you'll have an easier time picking it up but even if you've never played any game like this before my goal is to try to do a series of tutorial videos here to get you up to speed so that you can play hearts of iron 4 for the very first time I am on patch 1.6 point O the iron clad patch over here this is a very major patch introduced the concept of fuel and revamped naval combat which is one of the reasons I'm doing these tutorials now because a bunch of previous tutorials are probably a bit obviously if you're watching this later on on a future patch most this should still hopefully apply but there might be you know some changes here and there I'm playing without any expansions enabled whatsoever no DLC at all enabled hearts of iron for like mostly paradox games are quite spiffy cool in just vanilla without any expansions but also a lot of the expansions add some really great stuff if if you're watching this and trying to decide if you should buy hearts of iron and if you need any of the expansions the answer is no you don't have to go out and like buy all the things if you're not sure if you're gonna be playing the game forever and since these base games come on sale quite a bit and often like for 75% off or something like that just picking up the base games not too bad okay let's go ahead and get started here new game first thing you get asked about is your scenario do you want to start 1936 or 1939 almost everyone plays in 1936 for almost all of their game so the 39th start is here because it's got the world set up just before the start of World War 2 just on the cusp of the blitzkrieg over here basically and you can do that if you want to just jump into straight war but most people want to play in 36 because it gives us a chance to really personalize and customize their nation before you know some of the fighting breaks out and especially if you want to play a historically non historically you want to start in 36 you've got quite a few options going on there so we're gonna start with 36 and then you can choose your starting country now don't be confused there are not only seven countries that you can play as no matter what you click on here including the other countries button but even if you were to click on say United Kingdom whenever you click select country it actually brings you to a world map now if you had selected someone on that screen it would have pre-selected United Kingdom and zoomed in over there but at this point you can actually choose to play as any country that existed in 1936 you can play as Canada the United States Mexico I feel like I'm doing the Animaniacs song now you can play a Sweden Finland Soviet Union anything you want you can play as now it's important to note that in these historical grand strategy games the countries are not balanced with each other at all if you play as Germany you're gonna have a very very different experience than if you play as Lithuania these two countries are in no way whatsoever comparable in power or maybe a better example might be Germany versus the Netherlands if you're playing as the Netherlands your goal is simply going to be to try to survive you can't even start thinking of any sort of conquest or anything like that your question is just am I gonna be alive in a couple more years who knows where as Germany you're gonna be like well how long is it gonna take me to conquer the entire world will I be able to do it so but that's okay that the point is you want to set your own goals for success depending on who you're playing ask and of course you can also make something in quite a bit like well what if I play democratic what if I play fascist or what if I play communist what if I play some weird non-aligned kind of configuration there's all kinds of different ways to play the game lots of different countries are really really strong for beginners the that weirdly enough you might be tempted like oh maybe as a beginner playing you know some small out of the country might be better that's probably not a really good way to start as a beginner weirdly enough instead playing as the powerhouses is actually pretty good um United States maybe a little less so United States is a little bit funky because of course the United States are late to the world wars all the time and in hearts of iron 4 they have a lot of mechanics that make it so that it's very difficult for them to start getting to the action right away they have to pass a bunch of different sort of you know changes to their laws effectively to be able to jump into a world war two so there's gonna be a bit of a delay there whereas the German Reich and the Soviet Union actually can like really kick things off in fun ways very very quickly and they are great beginner pics really really significantly good beginner pics because you've got sort of a clear focus and direction the United Kingdom is a lot of fun one of the things to note about the United Kingdom and France and even Netherland and a few others is they do have a lot of holdings all the replacers clay is the UK you're not just playing as you know this little island and a bit you've got holdings in Africa you've got holdings in Asia over here right and so that that could make things a little bit more complicated as you're starting pick I really really do enjoy recommending to new players starting as Germany I mean Germany is gonna sort of set the tone in the pace for everyone else you can kind of start the war whenever you want and get right into the action it's an excellent excellent initial pick one of the things with Germany is the naval sides a little bit weaker which can be good for beginners because they don't have to focus with as much naval stuff same thing going on with the Soviet Union not much enables stuff to be involved in but I will say this Italy is a great pick for a starter as well it's got if you want to play more naval stuff Italy is the country that is focused on in the actual built-in tutorial and Italy starts in a war with Ethiopia so you get to experience warfare right away but for this tutorial we're gonna do the German Reich over here we've got a few things that we can tune before we start we can change the difficulty we can go all the way down to civilian difficulty which gives you with a player a huge boost to production or go all the way up to Elite which gives the AI some put some boosts and you some penalties well even on regular for the purpose of this tutorial here Ironman when Ironman is enabled you don't have the ability to manually save or load the game on Ironman the game automatically saves it only has one save going on at any given point as well Ironman means if you make a mistake you can't go and reload an earlier save so that you can avoid your mistake however the reason Ironman exists in addition to being cool is Ironman is what you need to have been able to get the treatments if you want achievements you have to iron man in mode enabled for this tutorial I'm not going to do that because I might have to go and restart some videos and things like that then you got the option for historical AI focuses this determines whether or not the computer-controlled nations play historically or not if you have AI historical focuses turned off then you could end up with communist France and a fascist United Kingdom and maybe a Soviet Union where Trotsky gains power and so on and so forth so it's really for replayability you really want to have historical AI Focuses turned off so that you get a different world every time well possibly but you might also want to see like ok well let's keep everyone on historical but I'm gonna play country blah in a different way and what would that mean I'll leave this off just to be able to like showcase some of that for the tutorial but for your first game you might want to turn this on so you sort of know what to expect from the other countries and you know you might want to play with this on a lot of times it'll all depend on your personal preferences anyway with that we're gonna go ahead and start I should have talked about how to move around the screen in the previous Soviet Union accidentally I did guys we're playing a Soviet Union well I want to play his Germany but this is this this is gonna be fine your I was going to talk about controls here your middle mouse button you can click and drag and of course you can scroll in and out for zoom levels as well you can also use the arrow keys if you'd like to move around that way and page up and page down can zoom if for some reason you're maybe you're using a mouse without a middle mouse wheel or something like that generally speaking the left mouse button selects things and if we zoom in here to the map we can select individual provinces I can go over here and select army divisions that sort of thing you can also click and drag a box selected a box like army divisions for you and it's pretty easily work with right-clicking as tends to be how you give commands so for example if I were to select these guys over here and right-click over here it would give them a move command over here we'll look into that a little bit more as we start playing the game but I'm just gonna go and click on this province here to tell them to stay put so that's it left click selects things right clicks tends to do you can see over here the game is pause is currently noon January the 1st of 1936 the game is played in an effectively sort of real-time in a sense internally every hour in the game is one turn but things tend to take multiple turns new things anyway it's sort of real-time possible real-time with five different speed settings the game starts off on the lowest speed setting and pause you can change the game speed with the plus and minus over here or in fact the plus and minus on your keyboard and you can pause and unpause using spacebar or by clicking in this area over here generally speaking you'll probably find yourself playing the game most likely not on speed one if you don't like to pause a lot you might do something like play a lot on speed three maybe if there's a lot of intense battles you might go down to speed - I tend to use the pause extensively so I tend to play a lot on speed four or 5 but pausing a lot so just different flavor options different preferences over there now one of the big things in all paradox grand strategy games is this area over here these are alerts that are popping up to let you know that hey there's something in your country that you should deal with you wanna you want to be concerned with these things 90% of the game is really responding to these alerts as they come out because they're letting you know that there's something relevant going on the other 10% I mean will be you know sort of managing your troops and doing this but you know they're gonna be you're gonna tell them to fight and they're going to sit there and they're gonna fight and it'll take a while then you'll get a pop-up here letting you know oh there's a thing I have to respond to it immediately so we'll be paying a lot of attention to that over there but let's take a look at the rest of the screen for just a second we're going to ignore a little flag over here for now clicking this does open a window but we're gonna ignore that over here at the top we've got various values that represent the state of our country so this is how much political power we have which picks up every day these tooltips will tell you where the stuff is coming from as well as give you a bit of a description political power is used for changing laws and appointing people to your government over here we've got stability stability is how how sort of internally stable your people are how upset are they at things how are they how well do they support the current government and this has a bunch of different modifiers you can see what stability is being affected by as well as what effect it has then we've got war support so how much your people are okay with you going to war and over here is manpower so this is a pretty important concept manpower are the people in your country that are ready to be turned into troops they still have to be trained you know your stuff to recruit them yourself to train them but they are available there you know people in you know healthy people in the correct age group that are recruitable now the amount of manpower you have is heavily based on the actual population of your country in addition to a huge set of laws if we go and peek over here there is a conscription law for example that will be able to change later look at this in a scooch but we can change our conscription laws so right now we have a volunteer only them our manpower is coming purely from volunteers right now and this is one point five percent of our current population but if we were going to institute various conscription levels you can see so service by requirement here would be 10% of our population could be recruitable as the so we would have much much more we had maximum more than 10 million people available to be made into troops and that's actually the superpower of the Soviet Union is ludicrous amounts of manpower just just ludicrous amounts of Mantar so that's that over here we've got a current number of factories now this is a combination of three different types of factories there are military factories which make the weapons for your army there are civilian factories which are used to build other buildings civilian factories basically build other buildings for you is sort of kind of the way it works we'll look at what that means and then there's naval dockyards which don't have the word factory in there but they are added in to this total over here naval dockyard are used to build ships next up we've got fuel so fuel is brand new 21.6 patch 1.6 of hearts of iron fuel is used by any it's not used to build anything or make anything it is used for any kind of mechanical unit that is currently moving or fighting boats planes tanks and other types of like me know motorized land vehicles like that if they are moving or attacking or otherwise doing something they will consume fuel fuel is made automatically from oil and it is stored in your fuel silos the more fuel silos you have the more fuel you can store the more oil you have access to and also various oil type technologies the more oil you can turn into fuel every day this meter here it's 62 days and in red this is how many days it's gonna take us for us to completely fill up our fuel silos so in 62 days we will be at 100% full fuel storage capacity and then we'll sort of scale down our conversion of oil into fuel and we'll be talking about this more later over here we've got our number of convoys these are boats that are used to shipping resources and goods all over the world and we'll talk about this more when we get into trade as well as supply routes here we've got command power is a little fuzzy these are values that will accrue every day we can use them to promote generals and things as well as enact certain battle plans and then we've got Army Navy and Air experience experience points are earned when your troops are training or fighting and there's a few other ways to get in these experience here these experience points are used for a few different things one of the big things they're used for is redesigning your divisions for example or upgrading your ships and planes in a variety of different ways we'll talk about that more later on but that's the top bar okay these are not none of these are buttons they're just status indicators let we've got a whole slew of other buttons over here but before we get there let's start to deal with what our actual stuff here is let's actually sort of kind of play the game very first thing we're getting prevent presented with is that we have three research slots available if we click this this is going to open up our research screen which is this button over here research and technically the W key is the shortcut key for that so the way research works in hearts of iron is that your country will have a certain number of research Lots some countries start with two I don't think anything starts with one some countries only start with two some countries start with I think four is the most anyone starts with and there are many ways that most countries have to extra research slots and so what happens is each one of these researchers a technology side by side so the more research slots you have the faster you will research right if a country that has to research lots and then gets a third one is effectively increased their research rate by 50% which is pretty great in addition to that there's a large variety of ways that you can get bonuses to your research speed including overall research speeds but also boosts to researching particular types of technology if we click on this this will open up the list of technologies we can research notice the tabs over here there are many different categories of technologies to research and in addition to that most of the screens will also scroll quite a bit oh the Navy one's a good one to show that it Scrolls pretty far and if you have the man the guns expansion the screen here it's like squirrel Scroll scroll Scroll scroll there's so much stuff in subcategories to do because the way the ship customization works with the man the guns so lots of different categories generally speaking these like these five green tabs are sort of land unit stuff these two here are naval stuff couple of air things and then we've got engineering and industry now for most people the first thing they will start to research are both engineering and industrial stuff and the reason for this is that this helps you set up your initial sort of economy and production for your country if for some reason you were going to war literally like right right away you might want to focus on unlocking some slightly better equipment for your troops from day one so they can fight slightly better but generally speaking that's not critical to you notice that there are years listed here saw on some screens the years are listed across the top and on some screens they're listed down the side this is the year that the technology is sort of like appropriate for if you were to go and research something too far ahead of time you'd get a penalty for example we as the Soviet Union start with these two technologies research these are infantry equipments so guns for your ground troops right we we've already got them the MN 1890 1/30 weapon unlocked as well as the SVT 38 slash 40 over here for a lot of the countries the the names of these weapons sort of indicate the year they may have been in they developed but anyway so we start with those to unlock what we can do is we can research this improved infantry equipment one by researching this you can see the effect we would get a bonus to various things cavalry soft attack what does that mean well we'll explain that later but basically bonuses are good right so we could but notice that there's a big warning in red this technology is two years ahead of time the more head it is the bigger the time penalty and indeed we are 1936 and this is a 1938 technology so this technology is going to take four hundred and forty two days to research let's compare with this over here this technology is not ahead of time and only takes 121 days to research so we could start researching this now but if we just wait to research this later until it's more time appropriate it won't take as long to do generally speaking you're gonna avoid researching things ahead of time now the less ahead of time it is the less the penalty will be so for example if it becomes if it's like November of thirty seven you know we're only two months away from thirty-eight the research time on this will be very similar to if we just waited for thirty eight so starting a couple months ahead of time isn't a big problem and you'll you'll have to you know sort of gauge that as you go anyway but we are going to start over here with the engineering and industry and the reason is engineering gives you a discount to research speed or improves your research speed so electronic mechanical engineering gives us a two percent research speed boost mechanical computing gives us an extra three so it's five percent and as you keep going down here you can keep getting more and more research speed boost which is kind of nice so it seems like a good idea research is important let's get a discount to research as early as possible so we'll go ahead and get that going this also unlocks a ship component if you have man the guns you will be you have the ability to design ships on your own and these technologies would actually be something you would explicitly research if you don't have made the guns then you get the technology for free and that the this technology gets automatically added to your ship designs for you so I know we'll start researching this that'll take eighty days different technologies take different times if we go to over the industry over here so this is the other thing we like to start early and the reason for this is because this will enable us to build more factories better and just also build faster for example if we go over here at construction you can see here this gives us increased construction speed so we build buildings faster and also our factories repair faster if they get damaged by say bombing or fighting of some kind so we'll go and unlock construction 1 4 161 days and then we're also gonna unlock basic machine tools now this increase our production efficiency cap we'll talk about what that means later on I mean anything that's a that's a green bonus is good this is a good thing but what kind of good thing is it and actually this isn't necessarily this bonus by itself isn't something that's critical right at this moment but this is a prerequisite for these industry upgrades over here to either have concentrated industry or dispersed industry both of these are good disperses on a surface it's slightly better if you're expecting it bombed because it gives you more resistance to being bombed and in theory concentrated industry might be slightly more efficient for a factory output you can see this is a factory output bonus of 15 percent whereas this one here only has a factory output bonus of 10 percent although it's got other things going on don't worry don't stress too much about which to pick there though there are many discussions online as to which is better for various reasons flavor-wise if you think you're gonna bomb take this one if you don't think you're gonna get bombed then take this one but it doesn't matter anyway you want to unlock these whichever one you go down you wanna you want to unlock them as quickly as possible note they are mutually exclusive that's what this means over here so we need basic machine tools to lead into that so we're gonna go ahead and do that and that's our three technology slots currently booked and solid excellent we got a bit more time let's go ahead and deal with the next alert down list free civilian factories we have some civilian factories that are not currently being used so we own 40 civilian factories 25 of them are actually already in use for consumer goods right over here so because of our current economic policy we expect a certain number of factories to get used for civilian goods like you know like it shows here toasters for the people right our people demand toast so some our industry goes towards doing that now this will never go down to zero I see that there's actually some crazy ways to stack modifiers generally speaking though it doesn't go down to zero however as you change your various economic laws few your people will expect fewer goods because they know they have to commit to the war effort and so they realize they can't have 15 toasters in their house they'll have to make do with only two so more and more of your factories can be used nationally for your war effort now you'll see here it says something the people expect thirty five percent of our total number of factories to produce consumer goods and you'll say well thirty five percent twenty five is not thirty five percent of forty but what it is this is based on your total number of factories both civilian and military factories so we saw here it says seventy eight factories but six of those are Naval Dockyard so we have seventy-two factories and thirty-five percent of that is presumably twenty-five so as you build more factories your population will expect more of your civilian factories to be used for consumer goods and this is this is dead these are just factories that are doing nothing for you if we were to change your laws again we'll look at this screen properly later on but here's your economic laws if we were to change this to something more like say a war economy so right now 35 percent of our factories have to be used for consumer goods if we look at war economy only twenty percent of them have to be used for consumer goods that means more the factories will be able to available for you so we'll go back to the free civilian factory now this is a shortcut when you click on this it's the same as clicking on this construction button over here so this is where you construct things in States and provinces and there's a few different categories here we've got infrastructure air bases anti-air guns radars although we don't have the technology for it here's where you build more factories military factories civilian factories dockyards synthetic refineries so these help they make rubber for you as well as allow you to convert more oil into fuel faster now fuel silos would just store fuel rocket sites if you have the right technology for it nuclear reactors again if you have the technology then we've got some naval stuff over here well it's province buildings actually we we've got naval bases these are places where your fleets can park and get repaired and it also helps you ship goods overseas then we've got land forts and coastal forts these give you defensive bonuses if someone is attacking you somewhere and finally this button here which allows you to convert factories from civilian factories to military factories and possibly back I'm not sure if you can do that it's a little cheaper it's cheaper to convert one factory type to another than just building another one but then of course you do lose the initial factory I don't tend to do a lot of conversion from one to the other I prefer I generally just build more stuff now there is a slight difference between this group of province buildings versus this group of shared buildings the difference is some buildings get built on a province level and some get built on a state level so let's take a look over here so um we've got actually Angus it'd be a fine air a fine example if I click on the map here I'm clicking on a province this little bit over here is a province in in the naming system of parts environment each one of these little map units is a province and a province is where units sent so these units can move this province or that one or this one over here and so on okay and each province belongs to a state which is the larger outline over here and as I click around this window on the left this is highlighting the state of Moscow now we're in the state of res Neve and the state of Kelvin and a lot of these states are named after cities that happen to be in them but that's not always the case but there we go some states are very very big now some buildings get built in States and States actually have building slots over here the state of Moscow has 12 slots unlocked some of these earn you so this state has one two three four five six seven military factories and one two civilian factories built so it has a total of nine buildings built and it has three extra slots unlocked so it can fit three more state-level buildings these are shared buildings that exist in entirety of the state they don't exist in any one province they're in the entirety of the state so if I were to go to construct and I say hey I would like another civilian factory I click this the map changes to show me my god Russia is huge you some some countries you'll play only have a single problem a single state it'll it'll show you every state you have as well as how much stuff you've got so Moscow is at 9 of 12 we just we just looked at that it has total of 12 slots available right now and nine of them are in use so we can click on any one of these states to queue up there we go so we have a civilian factory being built in Moscow and each one of these buildings can be built using some of your civilian factories civilian factories are used to build other buildings generally speaking so we can use up to a maximum of 15 factories to build this one and we're using 15 if I were to queue up if I click again in Moscow what its gonna do it's gonna keep a second job it's gonna build the first one then it's going to build the second one if I click in another state over here you can see it queues up another job now if we had any extra factories left over right we have 40 civilian factories we're using 25 which means we have 15 left over all 15 are being used here let's say I had 20 to spare 15 would be used to build the one in Moscow because that's still our limit and then five would work on the one in smullins but when Smolensk would build slower it would build that one-third the rate but it would still be built we can change the order thing so if I move Smolensk up here it's gonna get priority and like that I can change the number your build more in Moscow oh you know what just build the one that's gonna be fine I can also just cancel it from here that's perfectly okay I mean if the construction had already started and you cancelled it then you would have wasted all that time but there you go there's no cost to building buildings in any way whatsoever the only cost is the time it takes for your civilian factories your civilian factories can only be doing you know like a certain number of things at a time depending on how many civilian factories you have so building one thing means you're not building in other so your only cost is these sort of opportunity cost of stuff now you'll see on the screen every province has this this railroad number with a percentage this represents the infrastructure this or the state rather the infrastructure in the state infrastructure is like roads railroad stations that sort of thing just the ability to move stuff around and produce it infrastructure is very important for the movement of units as well as the movement of supply which we'll talk about later and it also gives you a boost to the speed at which you build buildings is based partially on the infrastructure as well as some other stuff we'll talk about infrastructure a bunch later on the infrastructure is something else that you can build infrastructure gets built on a province level so I can click on our sorry on a state level so I can click on the entire state of Moscow to build more infrastructure so we build more roads more better roads as well as railroads and so on and so forth and maybe it's also you know storage buildings like you know infrastructure is very generic here but you can build those again in the full state level if we go and look at these province level buildings so they're the ones that work a little bit different so for example if I build a land fort I won't build a land for in the entire state of Moscow instead I build a land fort in this specific province and then this specific one and then this one over here you can right click here to cancel as you can see you can also shift-click to build the maximum number of buildings by shift-clicking here I've just queued up ten land for it to be built in this one state if I right-click I start to remove them if I shift right-click they all go away if I control click it puts it at the front of the queue right if I just click it goes on the end if I control click it goes in the pub and you can control shift click to put at the top a list of ten of these to be built so land forts land forts sea forts as well as naval bases get built in a specific province so there's the province of Leningrad but I can build a sea fort that's a bad example I can there's the province of luga I can build a Naval Base in this particular province and another one over here there's not much point in doing that but you can we'll talk about the point of those in a future video ok so there's a basic introduction to the user interface moving around the science screen as well as the construction screen over here so we've got some things queued up what should you do early on usually you want to build more factories usually and I say usually because it really depends what country you're playing usually you're going to want to build a few more civilian factories because you're gonna be building a lot more other factories and infrastructures and oil refineries and all these things and you'll be able to build these faster if you have more civilian factories there's a few years before the war starts right the action historically kicked off in well if you're in Asia the action kicked off much much earlier but if we're looking at the European theater the action really kicks off in about thirty nine effectively so we've got a few years before the war starts so building up your basic civilian factory infrastructure which is your economy is often the way to go but it's gonna depend on your play style can depend on your country different people have different strategies they're all valid but that's what I like to do in particular I will often do something like I will find provinces with like good infrastructure like Moscow over here and I'll go ahead and shift-click the construction salt to max it out so three more civilian factories will be built in Moscow which will max out this number and then let's see I guess we've got a 60% over here I'll shift click over there and we'll queue up some more and just basically get rid of that warning so in the next video we'll deal with the next message which is our free severe military factories military factories is where we build our various guns so we're gonna want to deal with this alert next and this lovely screen which look a little bit hairy but we're gonna be able to deal with it folks thank you very much for watching if you are new to the channel subscribing doesn't make a massive massive difference and if you got any questions please leave them in the comments lots of other people who absolute the game are probably gonna be watching us and might be able to answer your questions for you see you next time folks
Channel: quill18
Views: 1,018,216
Rating: 4.9291172 out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron, hoi, hoi 4, hoi4, soviet union
Id: q_uCwrt-LkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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