Belle Delphine- My thoughts on Gamer T.H.O.T.S

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it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere we go I think I'm singing the wrong song hello everyone my 12-week workout and support group is now $99 instead of one hundred seventy if you're looking to lose weight or build muscle or get into a routine and stick to it and make it a Olight style click the link below and that I mentioned you also get lifetime access in the support group where I am very active in click the link below to save and learn more this expires on the 7th of December hello everyone welcome back to my channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i am a personal trainer a proud pug ma a cosplayer and santa's little helper deciding who is being naughty and who is being nice and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where you guys ask my thoughts on any kind of topic celebrity influence or anything and i give you my opinion on it usually dress a cosplay and it will usually a fit at least one person i'm offended that you would think you have the right to post that to your facebook account because that's what happens when you share your opinion especially on the internet sometimes I don't even share my opinion on something someone just assumes and then they just get offended I'm offended that you don't know how you offended me it's great we have a fun time here so if that's something that's right out of your alley and you're interested in hit that subscribe button do eh sorry wrong I haven't decided this character is evil yet or not but feel free to do the usual and name the character creative backstory if you once you just be creative so you guys asked me my opinion on cosplay thoughts you know the girls on over-sexualize say a pumpkin [Music] basically women or men I usually just see women doing it and usually people send me pictures of these things it's usually a woman so usually women in costume of our favorite childhood characters with their boobs like super expose or them like bent over and a Pikachu costume so I will share my opinion on that at the end of this video and be able to set up their naughty or nice but when people ask my opinion about the cosplay thoughts I think of one person and the cosplay / gamer industry Belle Delphine and earlier this year this chick killed me Belle Delphine trolled a bunch of nerds a few months ago and they were pissed I thought it was hilarious and since I cosplay you cosplay yes you right there you cosplay I'm telling you you do we're a family of cosplayers so since we're all there's a bunch of cosplayers it seems fitting to talk about on this channel I tell you the story I give you my opinion and then you give me your opinion Belle Delphine the 19 year old gamer girl pause does she actually play video games anyone that follows her or if she does very popular because she does certain things without being the 19 year old gamer girl and cosplayer with over 4.5 million Instagram followers and over 4,000 patrons on patreon dresses up like many characters and for some reason very popular among the gaming species of men so popular that she sold her bound water for $30 Adar which is just you know in my opinion a tad just a tad bit expensive for a booty of water just me okay people are gonna pay for this alright that's the that's fine your money do your thing but you see she has a huge following and a big demand for bath water so earlier this year bailed a fiend made a promise a very serious promise and we all know that promises should never be broken to her followers the 19 year old gamer and cosplayer promised her followers that she would create a form of account if one of her photos reached 1 million points in order to achieve the high like account Delphine posted a photo of herself wearing nothing but cat ears pasties and black underwear but the caption saying me she prompted her followers who tagged their friends and their dads the photo was posted on Father's Day and just like that it was set in stone millions of gamers tagged their friends tags their fathers and to their success the photo got more than 1 million likes and Belle Delphine delivered exactly what she promised but with a little twist there was absolutely no what sought lady from 1980 on say what does she call that time time there was absolutely no this on a porn website the audacity so basically built roll all of the people just waiting to see her do the image on camera by having very explicit titles to her videos and a very teasing picture and then when you click on it it's not exactly what you think you know kind of like the end of each abuse bumps episode it's got a little twist at the end but goosebumps is for kids and Belle Delphine it's not her kids but I feel like a lot of underage boys watch her so anyway bill Delphine gets scissored and is literally just shows Belle cutting up sheets of paper with a pair of scissors boom trolled PewDiePie goes all the way inside Phil Dunphy and it's just a minute long clip of Bella wearing cat ears eating a picture of the youtuber called PewDiePie boom troll PewDiePie was very pleased not scared at all probably very turned on it just has to be very flattering when someone eats a picture of you on the internet for the world to see I can't relate but it must feel great so pornhub ended up replying to her eating in the picture of PewDiePie how is such a despicable creature eat the king of YouTube I bet he tasted so good and I bet you know it did tastes great fun facts about myself I ain't paper when I was little so I was no it looks like some premium paper a good cut it was very soothing for my teething days maybe baby's out there watching eat some paper this is why I'm not a mom now the best part of this whole thing were the comments from an angry gamer x-band of Belle Delphine they were pissed because you have to understand they were a lie too they were used so what do they do try to start a world war virtually of course build a theme you will rue this day the day you crushed all the 12 and 13 year old boys who waited a week for your in quotes videos you posted horrible content and you will pay all the gamers are coming together to find you bail you got a bounty once it dead or alive be warned don't mess with the gamers you made of just started World War 3 so that's like normal at walls normal as we get it cause players and gamers you might think that he's joking at least I did when I first saw that was like no one's that serious nope he was serious grandpa Richard says points it not very cool Bell he literally speaks like a grandfather through the internet he has reached ultimate grandpa mode but Elise is bringing a lot of gamer nerds together they are creating a movement they are not standing for this we need to unfollow her all and unlike everything we did retake the clouds we gave her and four starts and making actual porn cuz that's what people been into ever since she started put her in a cloud droughts and feed it to her as a reward like a little pet which is actually giving us what we wanted huh he's really upset I don't think he knows there's a whole world of cosplayers that do like actual porn and the more I read is she does actual porn is just on her snapchat so technically they lost nothing she created the account just like she said and a bonus she still does the porn I'm guessing on her premium snapchat which is all the rage these days people pay to see people naked what a world we live in that people forget that that's literally free on the internet anyway so my opinion on Belle Delphine she's weird I don't follow her but the whole bathwater thing is weird but at least she's making money off of what she's giving to the public so that's great also props for trolling that gets like at least five virtual points for me my opinion on the over-sexualization of cosplay it's really not my thing I just we have all different opinions of what you know the over-sexualize a should have like our childhood characters are I mean I guess I do it to an extent because I do love to show off my body I like to show off my muscles the character to fit me and be more grown-up so I don't look like a grown-ass adult in a little kid clues so I'm not really into like the cartoonist side of cosplay I'm more into like making it more realistic like we know see were grown-up Dora and Boots I don't think Dora is wearing crop tops and booty shorts but if she was an adult now what she would be in 2019 she probably would sew realistic but the whole like boobs spilling out but facing the camera in a thong and then they have you know like Pikachu ears on it really doesn't do much for me it doesn't motivate me to you know try new characters I usually when I see like I follow those two people that are really like they love cosplay but they like to really show off their bodies which is completely fine but whenever they post something I'm just like oh there's a really nice butt or there's like a nice set of boobs in my face and then after I squint a little bit like oh she's cosplaying I got it but like I said I have about two girls that I follow who are cosplayers and they do all the I think one like if you're watching this paint girl one of them like shakes her boobs and like she body she doesn't really good on her body paint and then my other friend like body paints her whole like body with that she just really likes to show off her bodies it's not my thing that I would normally follow but they were super super sweet and so I hit that follow button but I say do what you want and if you don't like it then just don't follow it so since you guys asked me that is my opinion on cosplay thoughts not my thing but you can get a very very big following by doing it so what is your opinion on Belle Delphine I find it hilarious but what do you think tell me in the comments section and if you want my opinion or thoughts on any other topic celebrity influencer events anything let me know in that comment section as well thank you so much for watching make sure to hit that subscribe button follow me on Instagram follow Yoshi on Instagram I put freaky candy cane lipstick on for you guys that deserves a subscribe I will see you guys all next time I'm looking forward to reading all of your comments thanks so much for watching and PS there's gonna be quite a bit of evil elves on this channel some of them work for Krampus some of them work for Sansa all of them hate Christmas and once you put you on the naughty list so watch out bye guys [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 138,400
Rating: 4.9633923 out of 5
Keywords: belle delphine, cosplays, cosplayers, belle delphine using scissors, belle delphine eats picture of pewdiepie, belle delphine youtube, belle delphine trolls, belle delphine troll videos, belle delphine trolls the internet, gamers, gamer girls, fake gamers, trolling fane, belle delphine arrested, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle, mcdaniel
Id: T0tlXo4WE1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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