Can you BREAK THE SOUND BARRIER in a boat? Trailmakers!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to trail makers in our quest for speed we've already conquered the land we've also conquered the skies you know now how high can this bloke go it's just keep going up i did not know this was a thing you can fly in this game iron man style a one-handed emo iron man okay i think this is the limit right is there full damage in this game not a clue let's find out come on then all right ready no just a tiny bit of dust came out maybe farted because he was scared but as i was saying today we're going to conquer the sea so if you've been following my trail makers campaign series you'll know that this is the most efficient boat i've come up with so far the snake dog yeah it's not the best boat i'll give it that we go too fast we get flung out as well but today all of that's going to change we're going to be upgrading the snake dog and trying to get an on water sonic boom all right so first off we're coming out into the middle of the ocean now we want a nice big run-up then we're going to start building and we're going to delete everything and start afresh so the first thing is a cockpit so i think at the speeds we're going to be attempting to go there's probably a slight chance we will dip underwater i think if we do that in the cockpit we'll get flung from the seat so we need something with air so either the diving bell or the spaceship cockpit i'm gonna put that in turn on aerodynamics so as you can see it's not the most aerodynamic shape what about that one so aerodynamic-wise they're basically both the same if we take a look at the weights you can see the diving bell is 30 kilograms the cockpit is 50. so i think we'll go with the diving belt it's lighter so hopefully that should mean we'll go faster so we should actually be able to make this aerodynamic slash water dynamic it's going to be a weird mix of dynamics because we're going to be sort of partially underwater but partially on the land and having not built a proper boat before not entirely sure the best way of doing this i think as before we want the most aerodynamic blocks so we've got very aerodynamic and then these extremely aerodynamic ones so you can see that we've got no more bad aerodynamics on this bottom one we've only got the nice green arrows so if we copy this and bung that there and that's another one i think as before we should just be able to use the lightweight grid blocks to sort of make up the rest of the structures okay now this is completely filled in i think we should be able to copy all this up to there and then just rotate it all over nice and now we have a very very aerodynamic front of our vessel whether we need to make it longer more boat-like not entirely sure as i say never never dabbled with boats really so in terms of propulsion we can't use any engines i'm not sure propellers work underwater but i do know we have these the underwater propeller if you have a look at these so facing the right direction you can see we don't want it to poke out from underneath so that's got yellow aerodynamics so i'm thinking maybe we can grab this and if we copy it and attach that underneath now you can see that's fully aerodynamic it's all bright green which is what we like but it allows us to include engines so if we copy this engine to the side that's now the width of our craft and of course these are only going to work under water so i think to start we'll just sort of attach them like that and then as before in trail makers i'm pretty sure the more engines you add the faster it gets so if we copy this entire block backwards now we've got even more propulsion and again so to start let's just try that i don't know how this is going to sit i don't i assume the front's going to be heavy and it's going to pull forward i'm also pretty sure you need to add buoyancy which which i think were these yeah the pontoons they provide buoyancy so i assume this is just going to be a submarine and it's going to sink yes i was spotted i'll call it so deep it's so deep in which case do we just go for the submarine record or do we try and do a boat still i think we'll try and do a boat still yeah we just might need to be a bit more clever about how we do this all right so firstly let's have a look at all these pontoons so we've got that size one and that size one under that size one we definitely won't need the large ones if we go with the small it seems the only way of attaching it is on one side yeah so that's really not great if i'm honest but maybe as it's just as wide maybe we could put them there if we rotate so they're now attached on this side what if we copy this back nope still still sinks we need we need a bit more pontoon edge we can probably try and squeeze some in the front here so for now we'll take that top bit off so what's the easiest way to get them in here i think if we rotate that way in that way and then that way and then we can fill that in so that's now filled with pontoons and then we can just shove one of these back on top because it's still connected at the front by this thing all right so does this float no oh still doesn't float hmm okay i'm sort of i'm struggling a bit for ideas now i don't know whether we could just pontoon the entire backup i don't know if that's gonna help it might do let's see what happens yes okay it's floating that's a good start it's definitely a bit nose heavy but maybe as it gets longer that should balance out so we'll take this for a spin my first ever boat holy sh that's fast it went straight down but whoa we are bouncing we're so points oh wow we can even go backwards this thing is okay this thing's fast let's have a look at the speed 125. whoa and then it then it just dives down so that's not bad 125 i think we can live with that let's go back into build mode and what if we just copy this backwards we've got three times as many engines now she's quite long already oh look at the speed 228 miles an hour not gonna lie that's way better than i thought it would be we're not nose diving either it's not entirely sure how accurate this game is in terms of like aerodynamic simulation etcetera but if you think about how thick like water is compared to the air like even like just waving your hand like you can feel a little bit of a breeze when you do it just in the air when you do it under water you can really feel that water and obviously as you go faster the more air or fluid you're pushing so it takes more energy so this is going to probably be a far larger vehicle than the land speed or the air speed record so if i copy this twice more that's quite long that we'll go we'll go again we'll go again that's getting pretty long now i can barely see our little dude at the front of it it sort of looks like it's broken in the middle can you see that like moving there not entirely sure what that means let's get in oh what the hell uh i built a detaching water train i'm guessing i didn't copy that properly oh god i've done something bad i've accidentally added blocks all right for some reason that bit's just gonna have to stay there i can't seem to get rid of it so we'll go to the front and we'll just build this right i need to i need to make sure i copy this properly so that looks better one two three four all right sorry old bit of old craft that's still there and i can't get rid of you but uh we've got a water speed record to break ready oh look at the speed going 400 500 miles an hour holy sh that's quick i can't even see the front 532 miles an hour i don't know if there's an edge to this level yeah but i feel like we might find it pretty soon oh no apparently we found the edge of the map and it spawned us back here but it gives you a bit of an idea of the scale of this thing now but we'll use our trusty snake dog to get us back to the sea oh what a jump snake dog yes it does jump like a dolphin this thing it's uh not the best really not the best considering i now know what i can build anyway the downside of this is we're pretty much maxed out on complexity we've got to try and hit 750 miles an hour so it's still quite a way off i do just wonder like i'm sort of thinking a different layout maybe we can get away with getting rid of these small pontoons and only having the mediums because the complexity is made up of the number of different parts there's a lot of parts in here not actually doing too much all right first we'll find the limit of this design so that's as long as we can go you literally can't see the front of it but we've maxed out on complexity so let's give that a go unfortunately it's pointing right at that sub so if i if i face that direction there you go we'll stand on this and run to the front and then we'll jump in and say goodbye to the land all right ready power 300 miles an hour oh crap it's so fast 500 oh we've smashed our last record 590 miles an hour 595 miles an hour right we'll stop there so that's just shy of a thousand kilometers per hour i may as well just go in reverse actually this thing works just as well in reverse as it does forwards i think it's just as fast it's just as fast as well so i wonder how quickly this thing breaks if i hit forward now oh it takes it does take a while but it's not too bad right okay so now we gotta try and make this a lot more efficient if we delete all the back stuff so we want to minimize the number of parts so i think we want the medium pontoons but we probably don't want this sort of mess down here the only question is how do we attach everything these pontoons they only attach at the bottom not at the sides and this thing only attaches at the sides i haven't ever used these flat connectors i'm wondering is there a way to use them to connect anything like that no so i think flat connectors they only connect to an actual grid square so that's not the right solution for this so what if we rotate this that way i feel like we might have to go one wider so if we made it six wide then i'm pretty sure we could do all right there we go i found a way i can get three pontoons on top three engines underneath it's just whether that will be buoyant enough now i also need to sort out the aerodynamics on this edge so if we go into our aerodynamic blocks you want the extremely aerodynamic wedge and if i shove that on the side and rotate that way then i can copy that down so that's the pontoons covered up i'll do the same on this side so we see from above the pontoons are covered up now it's just the edge of these underwater propellers which are under which are underwater a bit hard to see but uh i should just be able to copy these down maybe okay so i think we need to go out the front go down and back yeah so if we shove them there i wish there was like a corner one i think that would look really cool with like a corner piece now because it's a boat i think i'll copy down and then i will rotate this like that sweet i think that's everything covered i'll just do the same on this side all right and then we'll see if this sinks oh it just about floats it does float so if we try this out it's pretty quick just as it is oh god it's not very stable though [Music] nato t-shirt coming soon all right so if we just face the right direction again it should be yeah somewhat that direction that'll do so now we should just be able to grab this section and then copy back and yeah that copies and it's all connected so we'll do a load of those i think we'll just go as long as we can until the complexity meter fills up which is pretty close i'll grab the last three two one can we get one more i don't think so because it's six pieces yeah structure is too complex all right so this is this is like you literally cannot see the front nicer it's a bit it's bobbing a bit in the water but uh i'm sure it will settle down look how long this thing is i can't even fit it in screen i i literally can't fit in the screen no so much for a good thumbnail what if we get a sonic boom i'm not gonna be able to see it oh well right let's go then oh wow we are flying 750 to get the sonic boom yes we did it a super sonic boat 860 miles an hour can we steer oh no we hit the edge of the map balls i wish there was a way to see the front are there any options for the camera i don't think there are look how long this thing is you have to run a marathon just to get to the front of it all right here we go oh no we cannot stare ow oh look at all the parts look at all those parts that's pretty scary like a jellyfish swarm come back oh no it's literally escaping damn it all right let's just run to the front all right let's see the max speed we can get then keep an eye on that needle down there ready it's so quick straight up to 700 sonic boom 850 855 860 i think we're on 862 863 so 860 miles an hour we got that that's 1389 kilometers in case you were wondering or in layman's terms bloody quick all right i want to try and get a good camera angle on this so i'm gonna actually shrink it a bit and see if we can still get the sonic boom it's all about that thumbnail people the life of a youtuber is hard all right so we'll go to the back let's delete like that much so if we hop in this can we see the front no still not god damn i'll lose a few more what about i still know how long is this thing it's not fair oh we're so close now there's can you see the bottom corner that's not a pontoon that's actually the start of it so we just need to delete a few more bits from the looks of the complexity counter though we've pretty much halved the length of this craft which doesn't bode well for the speed test but i've got i've got another idea alright so zoomed out as far as we can we can just about see the front now yeah so let's go and can we get the sonic boom no we can't uh which is quite a shame but i've got an idea to fix it uh so my first sort of thoughts are literally can we make it wider so if we were to grab say all of that copy this direction it does work in a for the system works so now if we just grab the front and move this that way nice and then instead of these strapped to the side we might just be able to make this wider so if we grab the the one by one wedge it does not look hydrodynamic in the slightest i will give you that but i think in this game it doesn't actually matter so copy that to this side all right sorted let's try this bad boy up it says there's unconnected parts not entirely sure what they are until we start moving oh no damn it all right let's have a look at that all right so yes what i did i failed to connect everything so i need to move these forwards and then i should just be able to move those to the side now copy all that sideways and then that way and with these grid blocks extended that should all be attached now so we'll try that again no warning signs it all looks attached uh but let's face it it's definitely facing the wrong direction we could either try and do the speed record in reverse yeah solid let's do that reverse speed sonic boom you're definitely not as quick 640 miles an hour all right so if we go forwards i just wonder will our aerodynamics help oh it doesn't seem to it's not it's not as quick going forwards it's quicker going backwards than forwards what how does that work and that was quite a crash all right let's just see let's just make sure i haven't underestimated this game i mean technically we've still got 200 pieces we could be using so maybe we want to go wider again so ideally i want to max out the engines so if we copy that 623 so if we can get this front to work with that i think we should just be able to move all of that that way no if we move all of that that way all right so i think that's all attached so we'll just copy these rotate them to sit like that all right there you go all the all the aerodynamics are green 630 so it won't be as fast as we ever went but we might be able to get the sonic boom again so clear space in front of us let's go speed is flying 500 miles an hour already up to 600 oh no it's no quicker it's actually no quick we've added all of those engines 630. let's just check then if we were to go in reverse again it's quicker and reverse i don't know what's going on i wonder have i underestimated the aerodynamic physics in this what if we instead copy all of this delete all of these because maybe these are like a bit too pointy like i thought it didn't matter what the orientation was but maybe i was wrong and then we'll just fill in all the gaps with these blocks right here we go then i got a front that's a lot smoother you can see the aerodynamics perfectly balanced but just about under the complexity limit same amount of engines as last time so let's see does it go faster than 630 mile an hour if so then i've underestimated how aerodynamics work in this game right let's go come on 405 600 i know 630 it looks like i didn't underestimate uh it's just the limit it turns out you really want the smallest impact on aerodynamics you can so nice and narrow not very tall at least we did achieve we got the sonic boom we made a supersonic boat i think next time we should try and go underwater see if we can pull off a supersonic submarine it's going to be very difficult to steer i think i'm looking forward to it so please boost that like button if you've been enjoying this series and i'll catch you guys next time cheers guys peace love and water speed records bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 597,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, trailmakers supersonic, trailmakers supersonic boat, fastest boat, water sonic boom, water sonic boom trailmakers, trailmakers fastest boat, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, fastest boat in trailmakers, super sonic speed boat trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers
Id: 9n6H5vwTKwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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