Engineering a HYPERSONIC JETPACK was a huge mistake...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Trail makers we are currently on The Quest For Speed we've broken the land speed record the airspeed record the sea speed record the boat speed record they're definitely different we created a sonic boom without even moving and last time we sort of created a supersonic helicopter but today we are going to be thinking outside the box and we're going to be trying to make a supersonic jet pack um now I've never I've never made a jetpack in this game so this could be interesting uh figured this level might be quite a good place to start it was like there's stuff in the sky up there there's Hoops we can try and fly through uh so first off I guess let's get building so for a jet pack the cockpit is where we want to start but we don't want a normal cockpit I think we want one of these an operator seat so basically our little dude will be strapped in there with some joysticks and then we should be good to go right next up we're gonna want some propulsion say I don't know perhaps a mini thrust I don't want to go like overboard at the start yeah okay we've got we've got some mini thrusters on the back and then we we want something to stabilize now I found this a gimbal jet so this is a jet that always fires downwards so I think that will like that will help us stay flat sort of now what I might do I'm not sure whether I want these like above the Jets or below them so what I might do I might sort of put one down there for now see if that works at all I imagine I want that above the Jets right and like we probably want it like in line with our mask can I is there a way to see Center of mass I don't think there is of course we're going to want to add like steering and stuff later on but I reckon let's just try this oh it looks terrible so Mr Man are you ready for the first ever jetpack launch of rce Industries uh yeah I didn't think so right okay so let's oh my goodness are you okay I mean to be fair we are actually going up but yeah that that wasn't terrible my man my man definitely survived all right so this time let's move the gimbal to up there and see if that stops US lifting about I feel like it's it's our Center of mass that's the problem here oh no no that's better oh this is really good all right so I still feel like we're sort of we're a bit back heavy aren't we so if I try and like if I put the Jets there I mean really I want this gimbal like properly on top is that gonna work uh not gonna lie that looks pretty efficient to me right now like if someone said build the most efficient thing I'm pretty sure that's what I would build also looks like he's wearing like a like a Brain Cap or perhaps he's getting his hair done like at the at the hairdressers or something right anyway let's see how this oh look at this look at this okay so I feel like I've actually conquered the jet pack pretty pretty easily here basically when we fire the gimbal it like yeah just like self-writes us so I guess it's a bit hard to move forward and backwards it's like whilst I can sort of rotate with sort of we're stuck with not that much movement so let's try and add some movement to our Jet and we'll come in for a soft Landing ready oh really it's first off in mechanical I think we probably want like do we want rotating servos like if I shove them on the side like that it's almost like a wheelchair now if I if I configure these if I turn the speed like wait you can get minus speed what does minus speed do and to go forward we want W yep to go backwards we want s so that's good then we'll copy to this side and then just drop the controls S and W then I've added the Jets back to the side I'm actually gonna I'm gonna get rid of those on the back now I need I need to connect this gimbal still so I'm going to use an extremely aerodynamic block I'm also going to configure this gimbal to be like shift or something so I can sort of tell it when I want it to like hold us up right if that makes sense so basically if we want to if you want to use the gimbal we hold that and then let we go in we're sort of going up because we've got the gimbal running yeah you can see the rotation is pretty slow I think I need to I need to do the speed back up probably back to like default oh yeah that's much better so look you can see when I move the engines the proper move now I might actually want to make the angle a bit more and then I can sort of maybe I can set them up oh can you give multiple controls to like things I want it so if I go left like one goes forwards one goes backwards is that possible yeah sadly doesn't look like I can give multiple controls which is a bit a bit of a shame next up I need to I need to think about trying to give this thing some speed so I guess first off if I just replace these mini thrusters I think a dragon jet they're pretty much the the most powerful rocket engines in this so if we do that perhaps we want to move them up a little bit as well I feel like I feel like I need some like landing gear or something yeah what if we try that that actually looks sort of decent in my opinion granted I did build it but you know anyway let's just fly and see how we get on oh look at this that is a jet pack I've literally made a jet pack now a little privy or private we'll go we'll fly through this hoop right ready ready yes through the hoop all right for my next trick I'll be landing on this skyscraper cutter pipe thing he says not very confidently nailed it oh dear right now okay so maybe it still needs a bit of work right and I've also I've just thought of a way that I can I can add the extra movement so if I move that that way and that that way then we've got an extra gap which means I can just copy another server in there and another one over there so if I want to spin left I want the left one to go backwards right so D and then a I think that's right I feel like these ones I will want to reduce the angles I might just half that down to 40 as well all right so we're in the air so a does that sort of work oh it's very uh it's very crazy oh I know it's ruined my forwards and backwards too many joints yeah you can see like the left one sort of staying still the right one's moving like anything oh that's annoying okay so we probably we probably can't have that movement left and right sadly oh that's that's actually quite annoying and but in terms of speed it looks like we're up to like 140 miles an hour so let's just get back to the ground where we can fly finally fix this thing I mean we actually fall faster than it went which is a bit sad the double joints didn't seem to work oh that's actually a shame still we've probably got enough movement with this I'm not gonna lie I think we're gonna be good so first things first I probably want to add like a few more engines and see see how that helps us oh wait no no I fixed it I fixed it right so now now I have actually I think I just I did the four like joints in the wrong order but now they're completely symmetrical that's forward that's backward that's to go left whoa and then that's to go right I definitely need to reduce the left and rightness they are way too sensitive but that's that that's actually that's working we definitely have a bit of steering now let's just see can we land with our landing gear yes yes definitely right here we go with a bit of tweaking I think we've got the steering down see I reckon let's fly up to these islands come on come on there we go there we go although we bounced off we bounced off our legs are too springy oh no we've lost the legend we've lost an engine land land land land land land yes yes no to be fair though pretty good Landon I mean I got where I want to uh what is that by the way it's like loads of names it sort of looks like a like a gravestone are these are the like the jetpack Pioneers that died before me I mean by the way yes I do realize that just holding space is like a way better jet pack than I've built but that's not the point you can't break the sound barrier with that whereas this I'm fairly confident we we will be maybe potentially uh so I guess first things first we want to add some more engines so front back so now we got this we should be like way more powerful at least three times more powerful so I guess let's see what our speed goes up to Ora is flying it is flying yeah I'd say about 200 ish this thing is achieving all right now we're just gonna get down we're quite high in the air no this jet pack it wasn't actually it wasn't built to go downwards very easily all right 200 mile an hour is good I feel like we're we're probably wasting like Parts with these landing gear like we're not gonna be we haven't made a successful Landing so let's just scrap that off we are not Landing um I sort of want to make this a bit more aerodynamic like if we were to rotate this like it's mainly going to be going that direction so you can see aerodynamics we've got some some major red aerodynamics there so what I'm thinking I think I could just cover them with these very aerodynamic blocks no extremely aerodynamic blocks get it right Matt because if I do that sort of thing then it's covered and then to connect them I literally I can just copy like that and like shove that there and then that's that's done that's all connected and that is that is pretty damn aerodynamic except for the front copy that down so basically we've got loads of triangles on the front I mean I probably want to copy that one down to the front again right now we're showing all green that's actually oh no we're not we're not showing green okay that front one is pointless because look can you see there's like a gap there so this front one actually does nothing so I may as well delete that okay so aerodynamics pretty good I could cover the engines I feel like they're probably fine to be honest let's let's just see how this flies I think we might have too much weight on the top now I don't think the gimbal is working very well I could try adding another gimbal or two but oh God oh God yeah so look when I try and move when I try and move my engines now oh it's just Carnage it's Carnage I think that gimbal definitely has to go like on top although I will try just adding two underneath just to see no it's not it's not good it's not good yeah I think gimbals they they definitely need to go on top oh yeah this is better I got two gimbals on now let's see the speed oh look at the speed all right we're going 230 240 250. okay we're up about 250 let's try and get back down so basically I think I just want to add engines like down so if I copy those down there they're not attached and you would think as well putting jet emissions straight into the intake of another one uh probably wouldn't work well but uh in this game it loves it so to attach these without any aerodynamic negative benefits we're going to use one of these a flat connector one by three because basically we can literally just shove these on the front give them a bit of a rotate and look then it connects those blocks there which perfectly spans that Gap so if I copy over this side move it that way nice we're all connected look at this guy he's so brave you see we got the four gimbals there they're not quite like this isn't a symmetrical vehicle right now but let's see if it's any more stable going up oh it seems it so we're heading up 250 200 and about 60 miles an hour that's decent let's head back down then you know the drill more power oh boy that's a lot of power that is a lot of power okay you ready for this Mr Man this could be this could be a little bit scary so gimbal's on and then lift off oh you're so brave he is so brave so looking at the speedo we've cracked 300 we got to like 320 and then it gets a bit unstable again I know this is like sacrilege and Trail makers but if I remove those so aerodynamics is now completely shot but I think we've got we've got all of our movement back so it should be able to steer a bit oh God oh God I don't think that helped right okay so 330 miles an hour oh then it decides no I don't I don't like going straight up um but yeah way way more stable without all the aerodynamics for some reason so let's add some more engines I'm sort of thinking maybe do I want to like make this a little bit wider sorry let's just go let's just go longer for now so that's twice as much power does it mean twice as much speed only one way to find out we're leaning forwards 400. okay I feel like at such high speeds I need to I need to tweak my my settings so the angle we actually want that to move at is probably like 20. oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's way more stable so up to 400 and 10 miles an hour in a jet pack much to this guy's disappointment and actually we're falling at 180 miles an hour anyway let's double the power again and then I might think about making these a bit wider I don't think I want to be too long oh can you imagine being that plate being strapped to that many engines right anyway lift off we've cracked 500 miles an hour things are getting a little bit unstable oh dear oh dear all right I'll tell you what I tell you what I've had a thought to make this a bit more stable if we add like little little Tail Fins down here so yeah now we got fins on the bottom that might help us sort of stay level-ish because then I can do the forward and backwards the fins are hopefully stopping me rolling left and right yeah we've cracked 500 miles an hour 5 30 oh and then then we lost it okay I feel like the speed was maxing out anyway all right so I thought outside the box I have added loads of engines they don't actually like it they're like jiggling over the place the the top is all the way up there so I do actually need to jet pack into my jet pack which is sort of ironic um but here we are at the top of it ready ready to lift off we've got the gimbals firing and then Bush we are away and then annoyingly I think because I've added the Jets to like one side in the middle uh we can't we can't steer anymore because it's not even we got 650 660 miles an hour so the extra Jets definitely helping um speed but not control all right so I've made this five rockets wide you can see we're up to 375 pieces out of our 700 limit uh so what I might do I might just add some more length all right so now we have this oh it does not look stable let's see how this goes so up to the top jump in I can't even get the camera to the bloke he's so he's so high up right so gimbal's on and then fire oh look at the free rate we're down to 13 frames a second too many engines too many engines yes Sonic Boom we did it 15 frames a second we could even crack a thousand miles an hour yes the Thousand mile an hour jet pack okay well that is absolutely a win let's try and get another Sonic Boom there it is I mean this thing does actually like steer fairly well like I'm going forward let's try and spin that way there we go it's been around that way yeah so overall I say that is definitely a jet pack and it's definitely supersonic I didn't cheese it like the helicopter it just sort of wants to break the game for whatever reason but for now I'll say peace love and supersonic jet packs catch you guys next time bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 257,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, what is the slowest plane in the world, trail makers slowest flight, slowest takeoff ever, trailmakers hydrofoil, trailmakers jetpack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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