Using engineering to build the FASTEST VEHICLE EVER in Trailmakers!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to trail makers so we've been slowly working through breaking speed records we've done the land speed record we've done the airspeed record we've even done the water speed record but today i wanted to not only build my first ever hovercraft but i wanted to make the world's fastest hovercraft as well so i think to start we're going to head to the test zone but i'm very intrigued to try the centrifuge later because i've never been in this i'm not sure if it's any better for going fast or if it's worse maybe here we are on the test zone this is my character he's a little emo lego man uh with the world's smallest feet apparently what are they but anyway to start with we're going to build a basic hovercraft and when i think hovercraft i think these things so these used to passenger people across the english channel yeah i'm pretty sure they're out of commission now but yeah when i was a kid these things used to see them all the time if you ever went to the sea just a quick one before we start our build we have a sponsor for today's video because yes it's true you're not a youtuber until you've done this sponsor yep it's rage shallow legends the game is free to play and it's cross device android ios and pc and basically in the game you gather a bunch of champions engineers you find some bad guys architects and you beat them they're hell up meanwhile you can upgrade your team and level up your gear and then you're ready to beat up some more architects and if you want to try out yourself there's a link in my description what i like most about raid is the variety of champions to use there's over 600 but it's also got an insane variety of bosses too and today we're going to be looking at this guy who's a right architect i mean look at that crown who does he think he is well actually this is the guardian of the void keep malek cava apparently he's got some super hench poison attacks but i don't think that's any match for our engineer army yeah oh oh god they all die oh i'm dead he's more powerful than he looks if you're wondering what's new this month raid's got a non-stop schedule of special events and activities including absolutely jam-packed halloween lineup towards the end of the month they're teasing a spooky halloween champion as well so click the link in my description or use the qr code on screen but you'll get an energy refill an xp boost the epic hero chonoro who looks like she's well ready to do some engineering 200 000 silver and an ancient shard and all this treasure will be waiting for you here so thank you once again to raid for making me a true youtuber and sponsoring this video let's get back to our hovercraft to build one we're gonna start with the cockpit because as we know it's the lightest and it's the most aerodynamic of seats so that that's good to start so that's our basic sort of thing the hover part of this we're not gonna be floating on a cushion of air like a real hovercraft we're going to come into a propulsion i'm going to be using this the hover block so it looks like these just connect on the sides interesting okay all right so that should allow us to float next we just need propulsion so if i were to make a realistic hovercraft i would be looking at some sort of mechanical steering device i really want a rotating one there you go rotating servo block that can slowly rotate in each direction okay that's what i want i want it to be slow the only downside is there's no way of connecting that to anything currently so if we move it up one we're gonna have to use that block there and ping something out the side so let's go with the lightweight grid blocks there you go now that's connected so then on top of here i'm gonna put my propeller holy crap propellers are huge okay we might have we might have to make our hovercraft a little bit bigger it looks like i need some form of connection so i'm just gonna use another one of these grid blocks like that all right so this server we should be able to come into here to configure if you want to go left we press a which rotates it that way yeah so that looks fine that's all set up i'm not sure how fast it will rotate but we can we can play with that right so if we copy everything to this side but first let's just configure our propeller because we want this to go as fast as possible and rather than space i think we want that just to be dubby all right so that's those set up and then for the back ones i don't think you want these ones to rotate so we'll just put these on some sort of pillar maybe made with these grid blocks all right so there we go that could be the start of it looks so terrible the start of our hovercraft speedrun all right so let's go try this out it doesn't appear to be floating do i need to be in it to float maybe oh yes yes we are floating okay so is this actually gonna work oh it goes backwards it goes backwards hang on hang on then so i actually want w to be that one and you to be s all right now is it any better ready fire oh it's proper pushing us into the ground let's just check the steering oh steering is quite good it could be a bit less sensitive maybe um that's the break right so ultimately we need to make this a little bit longer we grab that we move it that way let me grab that and move it that way and that should just spread out the weight a little bit all right here we are and it's almost better but the faster it goes sort of more downforce there is there's still we're going 112 miles an hour oh good the turning's quite quick t-shirt coming soon oh that's making me dizzy just looking at it bloody hell all right so 115 116 miles an hour we seem to be getting you can see that if we let go of the thrust how high we are and if we go forward how low i wonder if we were to replace those grid blocks in the middle with a hovercraft maybe that would help a little bit all right so delete these for we'll copy one of these into the middles now we've got six hover blocks do the same on this side all right and i wonder now will it go faster because i assume it's not gonna sit as low so uh 116 to beat ready or it's still pretty low and it's actually slower interesting i wonder if that's because it now weighs more can't really think of another reason why it would do that but anyway let's see how fast we can get with this if we turn on the aerodynamics we can see it's absolutely useless and we can head into here the aerodynamic blocks and we can select the four by one wedge which is an extremely aerodynamic block basically we're just filling these in any gaps where they don't have them you can see that's all green now it doesn't actually matter that it looks an absolute mess like in real life aerodynamically that would be terrible but we're not worried about that though i am thinking maybe because the front dips it might be worth rotating all of these there you go so it's a bit more like a boat now right so another downside of those servos they're pretty damn red pre-rotate this and then shove one on top that's now all green you can bung those two there right so that's way more aerodynamic now you see there's green arrows everywhere the only bits i can't really do the very tops of these propellers as they spin you can see there's some yellow up there there's also these little ones on the edge now i can't really work out why that is there unless maybe i just push that back one okay yep that worked so we'll do the same on this side nice now the downside with this is it's a lot heavier so whether it will beat 108 and whether i should actually remove these and go back to the original one i'm going to leave it like this for now because i imagine all of this weight will make it heavier but let's see can we beat 108 first oh look at that look how much of a difference aerodynamics make we are flying what 200 no way 230 235 240 miles an hour just for making it aerodynamic and it doesn't look aerodynamic okay 245 appears to be the limit for this so i'm going to go back and i'm going to get rid of those middle hover blocks and see if it makes difference so if we delete that and replace with the old griddy things the reason i use these grid blocks is they're very very light so this is what we had before the downside is we're gonna need twice as many to cover up these red areas so we have to do that and then if we copy this to the back of that hover block then there's no aerodynamic downsides so we'll do the same over this side all right now that's exactly the same as before except for we have only four hover blocks rather than six so is it quicker remember without the aerodynamic blocks this was quicker so 245 to beat let's go it looks pretty cool i'll give it that it definitely looks cool and we're smashing the record 250 256 okay so this is going to help us out well that's not going to help us that is a wall oh look how happy that is it's all excited yeah now we've done a lot of learning we know it's not necessarily the number of hover blocks you just want enough to be able to get up oh god turning is a bit ropey a bit of a drift of this i think this is what fast and furious 24 is going to look like when it's set in the future in hover cars like drift oh what drift but we're trying to get the fastest vehicle we can so let's delete all of this so if we start again and we take everything we've learned we know that narrow vehicles are the best stacking potion behind is also really good so let's start with the cockpit and i'm not just picking this based on the name so that goes out the front we then want a hover block i'm just gonna do a quick test because i don't really know if we were to do that is it gonna like fall over i assume it needs to be wider let's get in this yep it fell over instantly okay that's cool so these have to go side by side that's those done right next we need propulsion so to go forwards in the fastest manner i'm pretty sure this one the dragon jet is going to get us there the power is 300 which is less than the raw engine of 750 but it doesn't overheat so i'm pretty sure that's the fastest way of doing this so if we bung one of them in make sure it's pointing the right direction always a good thing to do i'm sort of just looking at the width and i'm thinking if we could do you can see three wide isn't as wide as the hover blocks so we may as well make it a bit wider so we've got four engines wide and i think that suits the hover blocks better all right so to start although we know that less hover blocks is better we're just going to hover block it just uh just for simplicity if we copy that this way and see things aren't gonna line up exactly but uh that should sort of do us i think the next thing is just making sure everything's connected and i'm pretty sure we can do that by copying some jet engines forward maybe not that far maybe to there and if we use our aerodynamic blocks i think these will sort of hold everything together i think i could be very wrong yeah that now holds all the hover blocks on we're just struggling a little bit with the engines now so i am actually wondering there is something in here that we've never used before so these connectors one by four no we don't one by four one by three so they don't have any aerodynamic downsides it seems so we could use that to connect actually no even better even better yeah right so right so so if we do that and then we want to connect everything together we can use a flat connector there and then we can just do the three ones to connect each row together nice and now everything is connected excellent now we just need to cover up those blocks so we can literally just do here we can do that so you can see you can see the aerodynamics on the actual glass bit of the cockpit it's a long green arrow so that's good if i were to delete this one can you see that's a shorter one so that's not as good i think this is like extremely aerodynamic and that's just good aerodynamic so i think doing that that's the most aerodynamic front we can have yeah so let's just try that for now so we'll get in here oh it's a bit back heavy and that will probably change as soon as we start moving so let's go oh wait space i was like why is it not moving it's space look at the rocket oh no oh dear all right let's repair i'm not entirely sure what happened there we started i'm not pressing left or right but we are sort of leaning and then oh just carnage how about how fast do we get before everything goes wrong let's have a look so 200 300 or just about 400 and it all goes wrong all right so a couple of things we can do we can either add some sort of some tail fins to keep us straight or we can just copy this back loads of times and i i sort of want to go that route so if we grab all of that and copy this direction and let's just make this as long as we can all right we're gonna have to copy these blocks let's see what actually i wonder if that's why it did it i wonder if it's because we have all of these down one side because these way 0.2 kilograms but over this side there's nothing well this would be a good test this isn't even as long as it can go but i think that'll be a good test so let's get in you can't even see the front all right let's go there's so much smoke i'm sorry ozone layer wow oh yes sonic boom oh sonic wall all right we got the sonic boom so that is that is really good now we've got a jog to the front as well come on all right let's go again then what is the top speed of this polluting bad boy look can you see anything it's just smoke all right six seven hundred eight hundred sonic boom nine hundred 1200 1400 1500 1600 so this is by far as fast as we've ever gone in this game 2 000 miles an hour and it's still going up oh we nearly escaped the level then as well right this is really exciting i think we got to get to a corner to try the true speed look how cool it looks i'm not gonna lie that looks pretty sweet right to the corner and then we have an even longer run up oh we can't see the front we can see the front oh look at that that is cool oh man it's a long way to the corner there it is there it is all right the only downside with this is we have no steering so i'm gonna try and line up the diagonals perfectly so i want that directly straight so like that why have you spawned why have you spawned out there are you just trying to get an extra run-up i'm not sure it works like that mate you got to be in the level let's try and get in anyway i literally can't get i literally can't get to it okay so let's let's go this way a bit on that right down the middle of my screen so there you go there's still one outside the level it's like a mirror image just looking at us taunting us that looks pretty lined up though so let's get in and uh let's go let's pollute the atmosphere in the name of speed and power you ready for the sound barrier it's gonna be beautiful there it is there it is look at that we are drifting right quite significantly i'm going to assume that's because of all the extra weight down that side uh but 2 000 miles an hour my eyes are like dying from the floor 2 300 2 400 000 500 oh wow i think we actually hit the wall so hard we completely died 2 500 miles an hour though all right if i press backspace will we go back to where we were no bollocks oh we can actually lean this i'm holding left and i'm holding right all right so let's get to the corner again and then i want to rebuild i want to make it as long as possible i was not expecting us to go this fast 2 500. all right so we're back in the corner again let's get building what i'm thinking this is our complexity of the vehicle we can have 700 different pieces and at the moment we're only on 443 so all that means basically is we can make this longer and longer and it should just make things faster and faster because just like in real life the more engines you add to a vehicle without considering anything else the faster it goes so if we copy this backwards a few times so that's 651 we've gone we've gone outside the world box again yeah but we've got 50 more pieces to add so i'm gonna grab like a smaller section maybe like that and just add that a few more times oh no i copied the wrong bit there can you see there's now aerodynamic blocks there so we want to delete that i think we actually want to there yeah that's better so that's the right amount of copy so can we get one more in we can't get one more in but i can just copy these manually i'm not even sure it's worth copying the power blocks i guess i may as well but i want to max this out let's go as fast as possible and hover blocks aren't going to add any speed so if i can get away with it i think i can get another row of jet engines at the back right nice that is 699 complexity out of 700 and if we head back to the front it's a long way and on aerodynamics there's literally nothing more we could do to make it more aerodynamic yeah so let's get out of build mode oh crap what have i done now it's wiggling all over the place that doesn't look right are you okay mate all alright let's we need to go forward a bit but let's get in the corner so that's this row of diagonals and then we'll repair about now sometimes it starts behind you sometimes in front i don't i don't understand as it's deciding to spawn in front of me i'm gonna head right into the corner all right there we go so here's our full vehicle look how long it is it's so long we have to fly to the front all right so now we're in we literally can't go back any further this time we definitely can't see the front it's far too long so let's boosh we are away are we going to beat 2500 hopefully the acceleration will be better hit the sound barrier we're halfway there 1300 14 15. right we just hit 2 000 miles an hour 21 22 2003 2004 oh it's all going bad 2005 2006. oh right i was just looking at the speedo i did not see what was going on with the vehicle there but it did not sound good in the slightest yeah so i'm going to do it again going the other direction all right now it's spawning behind me again bloody game all right there we go fly to the front all right so this time i'm just going to sort of keep an eye on the structure of everything as it gets to the top speeds at about 2 500 ish it just seemed to go a bit mental it was like shaking and already it's looking fine 2 000 miles an hour and as we get faster and faster look it just goes all wobbly it's bouncing all over the place door it's over 2 600 miles an hour though that is incredible right we're going to leave that there for today guys i cannot believe my first ever hovercraft and it's the fastest i've ever gone in this game does that count as the land speed record or the airspeed record i'm not sure let me know in the comments anyway guys if you want to see me break more speed records if you've got any other ideas what you want to see in this game boost the like button and let me know in the comments but for now peace love and hovercrafts and i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 848,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, trailmakers supersonic, trailmakers supersonic boat, fastest boat, water sonic boom, water sonic boom trailmakers, trailmakers fastest boat, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, fastest boat in trailmakers, super sonic speed boat trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers
Id: COu65fFR0Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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