Engineering a HYPERSONIC 737 in Kerbal Space Program!

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thank you to the patrons for supporting the channel because without all these lovely guys we wouldn't be able to play lovely games like this and have the editor schmeichel know what it feels like to have a full belly welcome back to Kerbal Space Program don't look so worried little friend I know it's been a while since I've killed you guys off but today I'm going to be trying to do something sort of clever we're going to try and reinvent the aviation World by making a Hypersonic planes oh there you go I'm glad that's cheered you up I I think they have faith in me this time now of course it's not me that's come up with this it's actually the UK space agency yes they're back and they're putting themselves back on the map now this won't be the UK space agency's first attempt at a plane you may remember they circumnavigated the globe in a bridge plane now they also recreated Zapdos from Pokemon let's head over here into our space plane Hangar I know what you saying yeah whatever whatever I've got it I've done this before but I'm slightly concerned why are all these guys floating look at their Shadows yeah that's that's not right uh there's a lot of mods installed on this so game might misbehave however let's just get into it right so planes planes planes what do we need for a plane first off we're gonna need a cockpit yeah that looks pretty plainish and then we're gonna need some fuel for our engines so I guess we just make the body all fuel right and since this is a plane we probably want liquid fuel because we're going to be using Jets at least to start with so we'll Wang that there there you go starting to look like a plane already if I say so myself all right send aerodynamics we probably want like a butt cone sure that's a technical term uh that's that's quite a big but that's a thick with two C's but that could work I guess since we are thick I might use the fat 455 airplane tail fin oh man that is fat I mean thankfully it does bear the UK space agency's flag so yeah I think since we want to advertise the UK space agency quite a bit everyone's favorite space agency I might add um I think the bigger that sticker the better so nice we're nearly there I think we just need some wings now so again we'll go with some fat Wing oh man that's that's a lot of wing that might be too much Wing I mean can I I mean once that's on I'm pretty sure I can I can like scale these right so what if we scale them oh they're tiny well that's a bit too small yeah so I reckon Engineers they probably just eyeball the wing sizing so that looks good I know somehow you can turn on the center of mass and center of lift and stuff so you can work out where your wings want to be ah down here Center of mass overlay okay so we'll shove that there so is that the center of mass so then another one of the center of throat we've got no thrust at the moment down many engines aerodynamic okay so I think that's the center of lift and then that's our weight so presumably we want to move the wings so they overlap I mean I'm doing this with literally zero knowledge I know how to build a bridge but I do not know how to build a plane yeah it seems sensible though so let's use the move tool and then let's move those wings like to that that seems very far forward the plane looks like it's shruggling he's like anyway next up we're gonna need some wheels so what sort of Wheels do we have in here steerable landing gears that probably wants to go at the front shove that there that will allow us to steer and then we just want some of those on the egg and that doesn't look that doesn't look quite right yeah I might need to scale this first one up I don't know how to scale I can do is scale the brakes we'll get 200 brakes all right here we go here we go I can scale these oh no I don't want them bigger I don't want the bigger one and smaller smaller yes yes okay so that looks like they're pretty much in line front wheel back wheel this is actually looking decent um however I've forgotten to give it a name the boring 737 yeah not because it's just a boring normal looking plane it's because it's going to be boring into the Hypersonic speed shot something but in order to do that we're gonna have to add some engines so into the engines tab can I type like liquid since we have liquid fuel yeah here we go all right so pretty sure I want a turbo fan actually so I'm just picking one with the biggest thrust number okay let's go with the that one I think July 360 kilonewtons or stationary oh my goodness uh okay that might be quite a lot of thrust for this um I mean it looks like that might work I might actually I might line these up a little bit let's just use the rotate tool so they're facing forward all right nice nice now then we just need a nose cone for the front I mean or we could just put Captain America's shield on that yet okay we got that we have that wait there's still a still a blob on the front I can keep adding nose cones do I want that on the front I think I've got that on the front now finally I'm gonna need a bit more movement in the air so I'm gonna need like the side Wing things I'm sure that's their technical term are they called winglets I feel like that's where a winglet would go so let's shove some winglets there all right and let's have a go at launching our normal boring 737 so launch I'm not gonna lay a surprising Why Planes don't look like this now this is Mark one of the UK space agencies boring 737 line so with Jeb and Bill raring to go in the cockpit Let's uh turn on SAS because I'm not an idiot and then let's let's launch so engines a goat oh wow we're actually moving we're actually moving why are we going left why are we going left go right no go go the other left go the other right oh no oh how did that go so wrong [Music] all right what if I turn on RCS as well I'm pretty sure that does something right okay here we go this is looking better this is looking better we're actually going straight so a bit more power up the thrust there we go there we go that's going wobbly pull up pull up pull up hmm let me just check this Center of mass okay sensor of mass is still in the center okay that's good Center of thrust that's perfectly straight as well what about the aerodynamics I mean it all looks good but actually now I've added big old engines I think I need to move my wings back that could actually be something slide there we go we can slide the engines back so that brings our Center of mass back to our Center of lift uh the only trouble now I'm worried the fans they might clash with the wings we'll have to see all right we're drifting we're drifting hold it hold it hold it come on right here we go we're going straight we're going straight yes yes all right more power more power pull up yes in your face game in your face oh look at this okay so so our engines are not clashing with the wing that is good uh flight is a bit lump I'll tell you what I forgot to put SAS on right SAS should keep us stable I mean I've just done a backflip unintentionally all right can I put can I put these things in uh retract okay I need the front one to there's the front one there right where's retract okay there we go um oh wow we are actually we were going faster hang on I'm trying to I'm trying to get level this for some reason this thing wants to fly like that oh no now doesn't want to fly now doesn't want to play well the UK space agency's first launch slash third I'm pretty sure a success we learned something anyway we learned that it might be worth loading an actual yeah I'm gonna head into steam I'm gonna try and find a 737 aha here we go okay so that's how you're meant to build a plane um this one has a shutter on the back now we're not going to be needing that but that does give me an idea of how I'm gonna make this supersonic because if we if we just launch this as it is oh man there's a lot of people on board there's a lot of people on board Bob is loving life look at him all right okay so oh man look at these engines there's flame coming out of them and look how straight this is launching how why wasn't mine straight I don't understand anyway surface speed is over 100 meters a second so let's pull up all right and now we're going up I've just gotta retract those there you go they're being tucked in so they're all going in and the idea behind a plane like this like with a shot on its back is that the plane flies high enough that it goes like into the into the highest point of the atmosphere and then the shuttle comes off the back and then the shuttle continues on into space uh now the theory that I'm going to use or at least the UK space agency is going to use is we're going to do solve the opposite we're gonna we're gonna make the rocket make the plane go faster but yeah this gives us some idea of like how this works and stuff we're going pretty fast we're still going faster and faster like 150 meters a second if you want to get Hypersonic we actually need to go 3430 meters a second so it's still quite a way off that I'm intrigued to see how the staging Works in this so if I do that all look we got we got boosters out the back well I think our ass is burning actually how do I there we go did you see that I opened the flap so the flap was shut you can see the bar like that piece is actually getting burnt to Burnt to buggery so you've got to open your butt flap if you want to fart basically I'm right and now you can see we're proper picking up speed 400 meters a second and I wonder what other stages are on this I mean at some point we're gonna detach there it goes oh no how do I control that bit uh I'm not sure was I meant to do that you can see the shuttles down there how do I steer the shuttle I thought that's what I was meant to do I don't know and now our planes breaking up it's good it's warm we're hitting a thousand meters a second this is nearly Hypersonic as it is I've only gotta go three times faster yeah I think as well because we're like so high the uh the jet engines have stopped working so obviously they need air in order to burn the fuel oh what is that that's not the UK space agency flag Shenanigans I say Shenanigans all right we're sending this bird down I'm not having that the UK space agency got ripped off head down oh we've run out of fuel uh sorry guys you might get a bit dizzy now all right let's speed up time and see are we actually gonna crash this thing and this thing's flying better on its own than my thing did while I was actually trying to steer you are they we're re-entering the atmosphere hence we're slowing down that's what you get for mocking the UK space agency right back to the space hanger so what we've learned this thing does actually move it's pretty good but we need to we need to get rid of the shuttle because that's just wait we don't need so boost that is deleted uh then I want to like I want to add a booster you know like how shuttles usually are attached to a rocket that's what I want to do to this um but perhaps the the booster can go on top like it was a shuttle so first off we'll add a coupler to the back so I guess that can go there perhaps another one at the back it doesn't want to sit in the middle very easily it's like one or the other do I need to turn snap off I know he turned snap on okay there we go there we go right so we're going to be using solid fuel boosters so perhaps something like that on the top as you are now look it's clipped in it's clipped hang on hang on go on there there we go okay that looks perfectly lined up I just need to add a nose cone because the UK space agency does care about our aerodynamics so there we go and then we need to cover up these awful awful Flags oh that's much better however we're they're a bit small we're not really representing here so right there we go much more patriotic I think the UK space agency would be proud of this so I guess we gotta throttle up and then we launch so obviously we're just going to be launching with the jet engines to start with I mean I feel like these three they can't actually see where they're going Bob looks very concerned and they have actually they veered off onto the grass hopefully should be okay though I'm trying to pull up the flags might be preventing us from pulling up though right come on come on right there you go we gotta lift off you have left off okay so keep going up keep going up come on come on uh we're about to hit the mountain oh dear okay we we lost most of that okay we lost all of it now not sure whether the advertising boards hindered progress there yeah but I think we're gonna do this time I'm gonna if I just open my butt flap there we go I think I might launch all my Rockets straight away so if we just boosh right there we go oh no where's that come off no oh it fell off my booster fell off right parachute parachute where's the parachute because no one had a parachute it's okay actually the UK space agency flags have saved them but they're all fine successful launch anyway that was a slight staging issue I think I need to move that engine down to there yeah you can see highlighting green that's the that's the decoupler so that probably wants to go like actually if I just move all my Rockets down to there right I think we're actually good now open butt flap and then oh yeah this is actually this is going way better we're going straight the UK space agency stickers are staying on right let's pull up and let's take off yes right oh we are going fast now I need to I need to retract my legs so retract all of them they're about to like come off we're going so fast how fast are we going 400 meters a second look at this thing um now I'm pretty sure the higher we go the thinner the air will be I need to stay in the atmosphere for this to count as a plane um so we sort of want to go to the height where we're like we're sort of burning up but we're not quite out of the atmosphere I think that would be a legit speed record and you can see our solid fuel is actually running out it's running out faster than everything else so when that empties I will decouple well there you go okay we've gone we've gone a bit too high because our engines have gone off so we'll go a little bit lower what sort of meterage is that on the altitude there you go we're going down again we're going down again I just need the engines to come back on then I know how high oxygen is oh and the solid fuel has run out so we'll get rid of that see you later mate hopefully that will land in like someone's Garden a bit of UK space agency promo there okay so you can see the engines are back on that's at six thousand six hundred is it that all right so that meter is that that Arrow there so we've got to stay below that yeah they're back on so if you're seeing this light blue thing then our jet engines will work uh speed we're at about a thousand meters a second so the booster definitely gave us a boost but I ran out a bit quickly I need something a bit more long-term attached to this perhaps okay back to the space hanger so what I'm thinking perhaps I should go with lots of like little boosters because I could go with lots of decouplers like perhaps like all along the wings and I just need something that sounds like a small booster oh the shrimp yes okay so these could do so if I shove like one of those there I definitely want a nose cone there we go tell you what I feel like it is it is missing something right there we go much better that looks like that looks efficient to me yeah so essentially I then just want to copy them onto my other decouplers right then we have that going for us we just gotta let's just check our Center of thrust oh so it's all the way back there so I'm guessing our Center of weight means we're more likely to nose dive right because our Center of lift is in the middle anyway let's see how this beauty gets on because the UK space agency they like to learn by trial and error rather than actually thinking about stuff so throttle up and then push oh there's a lot of flame that is a lot of flame I didn't open my flap I didn't open my flap right flap is open okay so they're up this is like our retract or something it must be a better way than having to click on these all the time anyway now we are actually going for it uh a lot of the oh a lot of the little boosters are running out because they've run out already and actually if I had to couple them now everything goes at once whoa okay that was cool like that was cool right I've got a plan I got a plan so I'm gonna add another one of those I want to shove all the decouplers on a separate one to the main booster decoupler okay then add another one then add all these boosters to that so they go later on and then what I might do I might just add more of these little boosters as well if we like shove them like pretty much everywhere I mean I sort of wish I didn't go overboard on the advertising now really hard to uh stick these down right so here we go we are completely surrounded by knobs and I I purely mean that in an acronym so that nautical object booster because these things they are gonna send us nautically into space or something anyway let's let's get on with it so SAS on and boost oh flap down I always forget to open my flap okay so what we're gonna do we're just gonna take off normally with our jet engines and our booster at the back no we're just going to make sure we clear this mountain clear the mountain there you go UK space agency has it under control right and when our surface speed starts to like slow down or perhaps our fuel runs out then we'll hear all of these boosters so we're already at 530 meters a second and that number's it's going up and up fair play UK space agency you may have outdone yourself this time you've just got to stay sort of low in that breathable atmosphere we'll try and stay about here all right so we're about 700 meters a second I think it's probably time to push okay so the knobs have fired there's a lot of extra Firepower you can see we're we're sort of burning up now oh and actually our speed's going down no I think the knobs have let me down damn you knobs all right they've run out of fuel so let's decoup all of those see you later foreign oh and that's your speed's going up I think the knobs may have been slowing us down how is that possible perhaps the next iteration we're gonna have to lose the knobs Bob is shocked uh first off before I do it though I do just want to see like can I launch these as like missiles so I've changed the order that everything launched and stuff so we'll launch those first and then we can decouple oh oh okay so the knobs didn't work great I won't light you see there's still one in the background over there um and now now our wings have come off completely apart from that engine somehow how are you attached how is that attached oh no it has come off now and everything's come off now all right there we go we're completely knobless now and what I'm thinking perhaps like I feel like these boosters are probably the best thing so if I just copy these everywhere instead 336 minutes later then we end up with that I'm wondering should I do like boost section like should I do boosters on top of boosters I'm not even sure if that's a thing oh it is it actually is possible we can do Boost section no God please no no all right so so there we go no no no right say oh dear all the all the boosters they weren't attached everything blew up hang on a second so I think all we need to do we need to add some struts hopefully that should brace the entire thing yes lovely there's a bit of there's a bit of movement but uh no explosions this time I think the UK space agency has outdone itself right so first off butt flap that is essential then we rang up the throttle there it goes turn on SAS and then why why are we pointing left all right we seem to be drifting off the Runway probably worth it just launching so here we go we got a lot of weight this time so it could take a bit to actually take us off I mean we're actually we're I think yep we're we're heading off the Runway a small explosion okay quite big explosion astronauts are loving it mate all right let's just shove some more Wheels On The Edge I reckon we do that scale those up a bit I think that should make us a bit more secure oh yes oh yes that looks much more secure well done Matt right that might even help us stay straight you know wonky that wheel looks actually what have I mate how is this going to be supersonic I mean we are using the the Clarkson theory of more power is better power we're at 120 meters a second let's pull up yeah okay nothing happened okay power power no okay we might have to fire them a bit sooner than normal all right so once once I know we're straight and we're not gonna hit the space hanger which I think is now then we'll fire the boosters all right that'll get us speed that's good we want speed because then we should be able to pull up pull up oh no we hit we hit the runway light frame rate isn't happy nothing's happy hmm all right in theory this should be working right yeah okay okay maybe not maybe not perhaps I went overboard with the amount of boosters so let's get rid of the Boost section we'll keep this a bit simpler and we're going to do I'm going to lose that middle booster and I'm gonna swap it there is there is another boost that I haven't tried yet it's like a super mega one that's like a mod it's this one here it's got 1300 kilonewtons um oh and it's it's a big boy it is a big boy so I've scaled up a decoupler which will hopefully hold that bit better we'll shove it on there foreign because I'm not a monster perfect then we just gotta Patriot this up a bit oh yes the UK space agency is going to be proud of this we better make sure the nose cone is UK space agent seed up as well there we go perfect I just had a little Google to check I was aiming for the right number and I wasn't I got it wrong so I misremembered how fast Hypersonic was I actually remembered High Hypersonic which is 3430 meters a second we're actually only aiming for 1715 meters a second which means this might actually be doable there's still some dangliness underneath but um I think I think we're pretty good let's see can we take off with just the jet engines and the the mean booster at the back and then save our boosters for when we actually get up a bit all right so there we go we got a bit more of it oh God I just launched one I'm guessing I'm guessing that one wasn't attached oh now it's in the weight no it's still going it's still going we're chasing it okay so that that launched on its own so surely I can launch right surely I hit the light again all right so this we launch everything everything is a go hopefully we have the wing power to take up maybe that's what I'm missing I need more lift or less rocket oh yeah looking at this like a plane I feel like maybe we went a bit too hard on the Boost you can't really see the wings anymore let's get rid of these like undercarriage ones then is that more sensible or is that still a bit silly I might get rid of these Edge Wheels as well I think that actually is sensible now perhaps we can actually take off and beat the Hypersonic speed barrier this time as well all right come on come on let's pull up let's pull up something exploded up the back it may have just been a oh no I've lost my tail oh power well that actually went worse than I thought possible all right let's make these rear Wings bigger I mean these bigger two because more Wing means more lift and surely that means more chance of flying and doing the UK space agency proud yes lift up lifter oh that was actually working yes yes we finally up okay we're up we're up it's been so long since hopefully all right there we go now we should actually be getting some speed so we're aiming for 1715 meters a second all right and those boosters run out let's hit the big boy oh yes I was pushing the speed up that is pushing the speed up indeed I probably should have ejected these boosters actually I feel like they were the takeoff ones and then that was the main one all right let's get rid of those oh nice well Jebediah Bill Bob the UK space agency trade we're proud of you but um this time I think we are defeated we will come back stronger though and then people will be chanting USA USA USA USA uh but until then um I'm just gonna leave you guys there with the explosions going off in the background yeah thinking about what could have been your names could have been in the history books for all the right reasons sadly they're going to be in there for the wrong reasons right guys peace love and USA I'll catch you guys next time you're gonna hit a tree bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,056,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kerbal space program, ksp 2, real engineer kerbal space program, real civil engineer, engineer plays kerbal space program, ksp 1.12, kerbal space program 1.12, final update ksp, do fireworks work in space, ksp kraken, ksp kraken attack, kerbal kraken, kerbal space program update 1.12, kerbal space program kraken attack, using fireworks to get to space, can you use fireworks to get to space in ksp, rce, ksp last update, ksp land speed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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