They added MY DOG to the game... (and he's overpowered)

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to super auto pets i hope you're having a great 2022 so far now i was looking through my stats and yes all very impressive all very impressive but if we have a look at our least bought tier three pets it is the dog so someone made me a mod and as you can see there the dog is now black the dog is now paddy because we're gonna change that so let's head back into versus mode and also if we look in the achievements you'll see if we head over to the dog whilst we have got the dog to level three you can see his sticker is colored in not like the deer which keeps eluding me now we haven't actually got a win with him he hasn't got a ribbon like our hippo over here so we're gonna head back into the arena we're gonna try and turn paddy from a cute little puppy into a beast of a dog and check out the other mod i got we got hard hats for all our animals safety first uh thanks to hippolytu for making the mod very kind of you massively appreciate let's add a fish and a mosquito there we go we'll add another fish as well and then we're going to freeze these two little otters look at them in their hats look at that face and then we're gonna pick our team name oh this game every time we're gonna be the withering carrots make of that what you will but we are gonna be facing the cartoony gems and i think we have ripped them a new one or not quite yes quite we have destroyed them do not worry we got our first win that makes us smile alright so next up we're going to add another we're then going to add another otter and then i'm going to roll in the hope we get a fish or a mosquito or an otter nice we achieved so i'm gonna bung another fish in i think and then freeze that otter and then we're off again so we're against the hungry scouts they're a three-man team they've got a big fish in the middle or an even bigger fish the ants made it big i think we won late and we've reached turn three where tier two animals are unlocked we now lose two lives per loss and this is an important stage of the game because there's a chance to unlock paddy so first off i'm going to combine a fish and i'm then going to buy a swan because i generally want to keep swans because that gives us extra money i'm then going to sell the mosquito and then i'm gonna buy the otter because he levels up the fish and we got a giraffe not the best but better than a kick in the balls so i'm gonna add the giraffe and put him behind the swan and then we'll combine the fish oh it's a camel that is not a paddy that is not a paddy so we've got two coins left so we got two rolls yeah but we can't get any more tier three pets so i'm not really sure the point i will just roll i guess and just see what there is not a lot but anyway the withering carrots are facing the danish husbands oh they got a big otter at the front he is ripping through our team although giraffe doing the business i think we gotta win so we've got three wins in a row we haven't got a dog yet though oh but we do have another otter all right i may as well buy the ottucks he will level up someone two and two the giraffe nice and then we'll roll oh there's another swan i will take that and if i rolled please be a swan that would massively help oh i saw swan we got the three tiers of bird there the duck which is useless the dodo which is useless and the swan which is not useless so i'm gonna buy this one and i'm actually gonna stack these up in the hope that there will be a paddy come on oh it's a badger still badges help us win so i will freeze the badget right so we're playing the awkward monks and they've got quite a big otter and quite a big mosquito although i think we've got a win again we've got another win okay we're actually going perfectly flawless this wasn't the plan i wanted paddy now we've reached term five where tier three animals are unlocked we now lose three lives per loss and there's still no paddy this is rubbish right badger goes in i'm gonna give him honey and that should guarantee another win and then i'm gonna just buy an otter because that'll give someone two and two and it's the badger next up i'm gonna roll there's another badger there may as well freeze i think we're just doing a perfect round now that's another swan another roll there's another swan okay i really really wanted paddy but we might just have to try and do flawless so who are we facing it's the hungry herbs or herbs if you're american now they do have a deer which could do some damage with the bus but i think it's okay our fish our badger takes him out and the honey for the win nice we're actually gonna go flawless i'm probably getting ahead of myself but it's looking pretty positive so i'll put the badger in i'll put the two swans in and then i might just sell a bowl i might just go for hit points all right let's move the otter back i feel like we're at the stage the game where we need some hit points at the front so go on swan 10 and 12 he is now and he's wearing a hard hat what could go wrong oh that's a lot of fish that is a lot of fish and they've both got meat not ideal but it looks like we've ripped through their team another win well thank you that's six wins and we've reached tier four and there's paddy there he is well this might be the best chance ever to get him a win so i might sell the fish and buy the dog and then i might even sell the otter ideally i'd like to level them up first but uh don't really fancy any of those animals actually so let's roll oh there we go there we go right we'll get the badger because that levels him up oh and it gave us a shock and then i'm gonna have to buy the otter i'm well aware that i should have a space so that i can level up the dog but i feel like he might give someone three and three yeah three and three to the giraffe nice all right so now i'll sell the otter because that gave us three coins so i can buy the duck i gave the dog plus one attack we can then sell the duck and that gives all of these guys plus one on one i might freeze a snail because that will guarantee us winning i then can buy the shark and then can sell the shark and then i can buy the crocodile so i feel like that's reasonably good our crocodile do eight damage to the last enemy so let's see how we get on paddy's quite weak at the moment but we will level him up soon don't worry this team don't look too bad we've killed the puffer at the back and then everyone else should rip through the team yeah it looks like it nice another win come on flawless with paddy would make my week honestly now the annoying thing is i really like the crocodile but we gotta level up the dog we've got to level up the dog so sorry crocodile you're dead i think we're just gonna buy most of these sell them again bye so we'll buy the duck and we're not going to sell him yet we're going to roll first and see if there's anything we actually want to keep here maybe the sheep we could keep oh that was a rhyme so we'll sell the duck that gives these guys an extra health bye elephant sell the elephant and then is it worth gambling we could get a tier four animal if we roll or we could just go sheep i'm gonna roll what have we got oh we've got a penguin i think we'll take a penguin because that leveled up the dog by one and he'll give the badger and the swan one-on-one so nice we've still got our snail frozen because that will help us to win that's not actually a feature of the snail the snail gives you good stuff when you lose but typically if you use a snail you're not gonna lose all right so swan should rip through most of their team looking at this good work swaney boy and then giraffe does that their giraffe is quite big but paddy to the rescue come on we just need two more wins and we've done a perfect game now tier five animals are unlocked oh what do we do now i think we sell the penguin i might put the crocodile in permanently so i might freeze him and then buy and sell these guys so buy the shrimp sell the shrimp every time we do this the dog's leveling up getting stronger although monkey could give the swan two and three is that better than crocodile no i'm not sure it is let's buy the monkey let's roll oh and we've got chocolate we've got chocolate that could change our tactics here i think we'll sell the monkey and then we'll chocolate the swan so he's level three and then we'll see what the tier six pet is oh it's a dragon oh interesting that could be very very nice for our buying selling tactic i might freeze him and then we'll buy the crocodile to level the dog up to do the eight damage so let's end our turn see how we get on we're gonna have lots of money next time so we got level three swan as well oh they got a skunk at the front thankfully we don't have too many hit points although it has wiped our swan out that's a big parrot although have we won another win yes oh man we're gonna go flawless with paddy we've just got to go all out attack on this so the question is what do we do in order to use the dragon we're gonna have to lose the crocodile and the giraffe and the giraffe's actually been pretty good to us i'm gonna unfreeze the dragon i'm gonna sell the crocodile i'm gonna buy the otter and sell the otter same with dodo same with monkey i'm gonna freeze the sushi we might use that at the end you go another otter that's a good one because he gives one on one to someone as well you gave it to the swan thank you very kind uh we'll sell you i tell you what i can't afford the sushi so we'll unfreeze that we can we can pretty much buy anyone i think i'm gonna keep the actual crab so turkey go in sell the turkey and then crab will go in and then he'll copy the swan's health there you go he's got three and 18 now and then we've just got to hope i really don't think this team is strong enough to win but i would love to go flawless with paddy turn 10. this could be an absolutely flawless game no they've killed our swan oh they've got some hit points in the middle it's our first loss it's our first loss what a shame oh that was so close that was so close i'm not sure i could have done much more about that but now at least we can sell the crab we can buy the snail and look he gives everyone one on one lovie all right and i think we're just gonna buy people sell them just constantly leveling the dog up so we've got one more roll oh and we can have any of these so buy a tiger sell the tiger then we're going to buy the gorilla i've never used the gorilla i think that's my least used tier 6 pet as well so gain coconut shield works one time per turn turns so basically if he doesn't die he gets one extra hit i don't think he's gonna be too useful at this stage of the game but his stats are six nine which is pretty nice all right let's end our turn please please game be nice to me let me have a win right big fish he's killed us we haven't killed him that's really annoying uh oh dear oh dear we've lost right this is where it's all going wrong because our team was very strong but now we sort of caught up or the rest of the pack has caught up with us meaning we're no longer very strong i'm going to freeze the snake i'm going to sell the gorilla i'm going to buy the dog and then put the dog on the dog and buy a cricket sell a cricket i'm actually then gonna roll i really want some melon armor for our swan so i'm gonna roll again oh there isn't any where is it all right there's none but there is chocolate for paddy i might do that and then put the snake behind the swan do i think the swan will do more than one attack that is the question we've gotta try haven't we we've got to try all right let's end our turn i'm not feeling confident anymore i feel like i might have thrown this i like bottled it at the very last minute they've got some hit points they have yes we got a hit with the snail at least and another one oh they've only got two people left go on paddy come on boy yes yes we got the win yes oh okay we got a win with paddy i'm super happy about that i'm very very very annoyed we bottled a flawless run with him though because whilst i have got flawless before i've never gone a perfect game which is winning every single round in my last flawless one i got a few draws so that's very frustrating but we have proved paddy is the best dog so peace love and black labradors i'll catch you guys next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 296,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super auto pets, super auto pets gameplay, super auto pets game, super auto pets strategy, super auto pets ep 1, super auto pets win, super auto pets tier list, rce, real civil engineer, sap, super auto pets best build, super auto pets update, super auto pets food, super auto pets food build, super auto pets food strat, super auto pets best food build, super auto best food strategy
Id: FJ-rWWmvHhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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