Circumnavigating Kerbin in a FLYING BRIDGE!? Kerbal Space Program!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to kerbal space program this time i'll be using my engineering know-how to revisit the bridge and get her flying properly we should be able to resume a saved game how exciting all right so we have trust me let's load this oh no this is my rocket hook it's so janky it's so janky but to be fair i think this was actually a better bridge a better uk space agency thunderbridge so what i might do i might keep this one sort of turn off the rockets and we will use this as our base look how wonky it is we'll use this as our starter just to see if we can improve and turn it into a proper plane because if you remember my last plane episode if you have a little look at any of the youtube comments on there you'll see i missed one fatal thing actually we'll try and find that level first toilet why do i have a toilet okay i need to test this quickly one second i'll be right back oh my god we actually have a toilet it flies better than all my rockets oh that didn't last long wow that was explosive diarrhoea anyway let's delete that where was i i was looking for my bridge that's right there it is the bridgest plane ever what am i on about with these names so here was our bridge complete with the inspiring shadow shall we say so yeah i've i flew this and it didn't go that well and it wasn't until i read the comments that i realized i'd made a fatal error in my design so stupidly i assumed these wings that like have flaps built in apparently not apparently we need to install them ourselves they're called like aerial on elev yeah elevons and there's another one anyway definitely elevons doesn't really fit the wing unless they put like a crapped on on are there any others yeah this is called a big s one there we go i think we want one of them it's not entirely sure how these work do i just bung them one like that is that good is that going to move and guys just quickly if you are enjoying the video please make sure you boost that like button really helps out with the algorithm and all that a jazz i think firstly i should turn the symmetry on that's this button then i'll get it on both wings all right it's one there i think maybe we'll copy that one more there maybe maybe some i don't know if they're meant to be clipping so much uh the other thing i stupidly forgot as well was like tail fins now some of these do come pre-installed with flaps like the actual tail fin itself uh but now i know how these work i might just do my own sort of thing so if we add those on [Music] they're delta wings they're definitely facing the wrong way that i am sure of right so i might actually move them with the move tool see i know all the tools sorted right now this might actually fly i don't know if you're meant to like oh there you go pitch your roll deploy i don't know what what does your mean does your mean left and right i'll tell you what i'll tell you what we'll do our test run to start it's definitely the first blaine that i've ever made so we'll give that go first and then if that doesn't seem to work we'll we'll turn on and off the different control things right let's give it a launch all right the blaine is sat on the runway pretty well hold up look oh oh okay so it seems to look coming little wheels go i'm just testing all my flaps and you can see my little wheels at the back um right let's let's launch this what is it space all right so that's our booster going oh crap oh god i forgot how hard this was to steer i'm going to press space again oh i shouldn't have pressed space what happened uh we lost a few engines on the left-hand side so i'm gonna guess as we take off we're gonna be turning right no left we'll be turning one direction i'm sure all right we got some speed now we're heading towards the other end of the runway so i'm gonna pull up um okay we're gonna head towards the mountains and we're gonna use that as a ramp and that will launch us into the sky i'm sure oh here we go here we go here we go oh no here we don't go uh okay hang on hang on right no one died there i pressed pause just in time we're gonna revert flight all right and this time i will not touch the engines until this thing has run out oh shitty now okay i've lost we're now a glider right in that case it might be time to lose the booster right booster is gone we're very nose heavy though i might scale up my front wheel just so we're like leaning back a bit because that can't help us take off surely but anyway engines are go throttle up let's see if we pick up more speed this time oh god bob is really unhappy look at that sad face like why is that turbulence when we haven't even started moving yet me know jeb is loving life he's been in this situation before he trusts me here we go we're taking off we're taking off and i'm in control wait why are you flipping that way oh look look no i sort of have it i think my controls are backwards pause pause pause they didn't die they didn't die don't read that don't read that it was fine we're gonna grab this front wheel and we're gonna gail her up a bit there we go and also i think i need to head over to the old flaps things definitely weren't right i'm pretty sure these ones are just roll is it yeah so these ones are the main wings i'm pretty sure they'll just roll i might be completely wrong but we'll see these ones at the back they do our pitch so that's our up and downness and then this big mofo the tail fin that will do our your okay so sat on the runway that looks way better just the facts were sort of level let's give it a go throttle up yeah this is looking good that's looking good right i'm gonna i'm gonna pull up because we're going really wonky okay only our back flaps are pulling up and it's not allowing us to pull up i don't think no we did a barrel roll oh we're doing blazer barrels okay all right so now my flat wings i've turned the yaw off all of them and they're just pitch and roll and this one is your and roll i'm not entirely sure what the controls are i've only been doing wazder there might be q and e involved maybe that's what role is ah idiot i need to be using e so e does my roll a and d does just my yaw and w okay you might need to go back to the drawing board again but for now we'll just see if this is any better and then i think i've got the hang of sort of how planes work we'll amend our design and i will make it much better i mean pretty low bar i set myself but uh hey-ho all right ready once we get the speed here we go we're so straight ready pull up pull up come on game pull up pull up the lights ah we hit the light alex oh god anyway i think that's enough proof to show i know what's going on now all right so i loaded this bad boy up this was one i just made in my spare time just just threw a few things together definitely didn't just download this from the workshop uh i just wanted to see firstly if my controllers were right and it seems like they were it seems we've got your on the tail fins and pitch and roll on those i just sort of wanted to work out if it was the pilot's fault or the builds fault of the last one oh look at that blue rockets oh me that's sensitive lost a bit of a bit of wing okay we're going straight now i'm just not going to touch left and right oh god it's not going to pull up there you go she's in the air right turns out it may have been pilot i might try that with a stock plane rather than a workshop one just so i'm a hundred percent confident what the error is right so we got this bad boy the aeris 3a and despite the nasa flag in the background uh this is a uk space agency special you've got the front winglet that does pitch these also just to pitch oh there's no roll on this one and they do your oh no no no no okay so those middle ones do pitch and these outer ones do roll maybe that's what we have to do yeah we'll give this a quick launch and see if it controls any better moments later oh crap in hell holy crap this is i need to turn on like sas oh by turn off sas we're flying through the worst turbulence for your life if i turn it on it fixes everything maybe that's all that was wrong okay so maybe i want to go with this sort of solution then the the dual controls roll on the outer ones and pitch on the middle because this thing handles like a dream all right come on under the bridge under the bridge oh we went over it we went over it we'll do another fly pass it'll be fine all right here we go this is lined up pretty well oh no no isn't i've cocked up i've cocked up oh my bridge blew up i may have gone past it too fast my shockwave set it off here we go we caught we can't go under we cannot go under it's blown up again right sod this it's not worth it i'm building a bridge now all right so here we are our trust me spaceship i'm going to turn this into a plane and a plane that we can steer and hopefully circumnavigate the globe so first off goodbye rockets and get rid of the decouplers i want to grab some fuel tanks i think i want to stick them there we're going to put a bridge the other way around this time so we're going to keep copying this forward and i'm not sure why the uh why the orientation moved but uh something we're going to have to live with now we just need like some sort of nose cone and yeah a bit of that i think we might even rotate this i'm gonna try and do things as sensibly as i can looks like a bloody seagull or something then obviously we need a beak for our seagull yes now we're going into aerodynamics and we're gonna put a nose cone on okay that actually looks kind of cool so if it looks cool i'm pretty sure it's gonna work uh now we just need some wingage i think me i'm gonna do like a sort of build your own wing uh what do we go with really is that what you think symmetrical is game why okay we're gonna have to do this the old fashioned way which is do it yourself but it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine if we bond that there and then we'll copy that all right not entirely sure how this is going to work but uh we'll use our move tool up here grab that and then move it that way yeah that looks decent and then i think we just need to rotate it and then we will move it back into place nice and now we've made a square bit of wing which we can add to i think so if i grab all of those and copy yes oh god i wish it didn't take so long to build i really wish it didn't take so long i am extremely concerned that these aren't like even attached to each other that's usually what this game likes to do to me lure me into a full sense of security thinking yeah you've built it right matt and then just go full-on architect like it doesn't work how he said it would one more on the end yes we've nearly got a wing and then we just copy this one down all right that's a pretty good wing if i say so myself we're just gonna wang some airy ellie von airy blonde these things okay that's kind of cool we'll do the outside ones being roll only the inside ones being pitch only as per the plane that actually flew i'm very concerned as i'm mousing over this i definitely don't think they're attached right decent uh so now we just need some engines which i'm gonna stick with the goliath turbofan engine i know these are super efficient yeah maybe we'll do like what those other planes sort of do they have like two on the top at the back it looks like a it kind of looks like a bloody a-10 doesn't it all right so our control capsule is inside that fuel tank i don't think that will be an issue but we will have to see i'm gonna need tail fins and all that stuff oh god really actually wants to sort of then we're keeping that at the back and then from there we're gonna put our our tail fin and our delta wings oh they are not the right size what one did i pick was it was it that one there we go lovely and then some elevons on the back of there and i think we need some sort of tail spike thing a tail connector there we go lovely finally we just need some wheels we cannot forget the wheels like one sort of there and another one the same but on the other side we'll add some at the end of the bridge one at the front in the middle and then i feel like our wings probably need some uh they're gonna have to be a bit longer though so okay that might be okay and then we'll copy that to the other side as well cool i'm gonna add another stage because we do have a parachute on this one not sure how useful that's going to be and let's see what happens are these wings going to stay connected i honestly do not know as i'm not too confident this is going to be please trust me we're not going to space we're going around the globe oh i nearly forgot as well i nearly forgot our bloody uk space agency flag is buried all right so as this is going to be a really big deal for the uk space agency they've gone up they've gone all out on the advertising but circumnavigating the globe it's a big it's a bloody big deal so uh we're hoping that's gonna bring brand value to our sponsors and should give us some budget to afford very exciting projects in the future let's launch it's taking a bloody long time to load i know that much all right here we go here we go yes oh it's sort of all attached oh well it looks freaking awesome to be fair i am well proud of that all right so i'm going to turn on the engines and raise up the throttle we can hear it making noise yeah engine's definitely a full throttle i'm trying to turn right but um not going too well oh god okay we're going for a grass takeoff a bit easier on the old joints but i think it'll be worth it but in the meantime we're slowly picking up speed what we on 56 meters a second so we might be using the mountain to uh help us in sierra this time just like uh just like a aircraft carrier oh oh we got a bit of air oh god we lost a bit of trust we lost a bit of trust oh god we lost a lot of something oh crap we lost frames we definitely lost frame rate we're still going we are still going we don't have a nice oh my god it's flying it's flapping like a bird oh no it's it's doomed it is doomed ah on the plus side mr bill kerman down there completely survived um i think we might need a bit more thrust i went over my calculations hen and i forget the key element we're missing this thrust thrust that's what i'm thinking we just grab a few more of these and just share them out a bit all right she's looted she's done a little bunny hop because she is excited to go in the air all right let's turn the engines on throttle up and uh hopefully the six pack of engines underneath will uh get us moving i feel like i can't move left or right though oh god careful it looks lumpy there you sure you know what you're doing bill remember he's flying this not me this is all bill maybe sas should go on as well right picking up speed we're at 70 meters a second it's making a lot more noise very very loud 102 oh oh we're in the air we're in the air oh no we lost a wing we're losing all of our wings oh hmm so what if we get rid of all this nonsense and instead we'll turn our bridge into a wing i'm not gonna lie i think the uk space agency may have done it again i don't like to use the p word but this is looking almost perfect i'm going to name this after an acronym also beginning with p the perfect elevon nautical investigatory service cool let's give her a launch oh uh we're a bit ass heavy we might need some wheels at the back okay we're all good we'll turn the throttle up okay the nose is going down as as intended and we it's pulling it's put on left i really cannot steer oh god careful wings careful end of wings okay it's sort of working we're using the grass runway again oh no we're really we're really heading left where are you going all right we're just getting a different a different angle of approach all right here we go now now we're actually going for launch now i didn't want to launch in that direction because as there's weather there's weather over there so instead we're launching this direction on our grass runaway uh but we are picking up speed no why are you doing this game why right this time we're gonna pick up speed and when we get to about 50 i'm gonna pull the elevons up all right come on plane take off you know you want to you know you want to plane come on come on oh come on plane why are we going in a big circle right i feel like we might need a bit more steering on this so i'm gonna grab this tail fin i'm actually gonna bung that on the ends it could help it could help i might even bung a wheel just on the back maybe just a small landing gear yeah much better right i was also thinking as well maybe just to give us a bit more lift i could add some more wings all right there she is looking magnificent so turn the engines on rottle up i feel like my extra tails aren't doing anything like i'm turning right like you can see that one moving slightly that one definitely isn't whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa uh cha change change of uh attack that storm came back you can see it over there in the distance uh we're gonna launch in this direction uh safety first and all that don't wanna fly straight into a storm oh i can feel she wants to take off i'm gonna slightly hit back oh nearly we've nearly got enough speed here we go here we go we're up we are actually up oh god we're up it's flying it is flying right very scared to touch anything oh no our speed is falling like anything controls off proper jank oh no this is going down it's definitely going down does that count as a bridge flying are we gonna circumnavigate the globe oh wow and we landed we landed perfectly i'm gonna give it another go this time i'll add a few more engines so throttle up and let's go i think we're actually gonna do it this time don't know why they are pointing up i am not telling it to do anything and they're pointing down all right that's better seems to have fixed itself right come on i'm not gonna hit any direction unless i think my wings gonna hit that oh god yeah i'm gonna go left a bit okay i can't i can't steer it okay we got it we got it no that storm's back that storm is back we're heading this direction oh no we've lost a wing oh god everything's exploding uh refer that one to launch right this is looking much better i'm gonna pull up because we've started turning sas i forgot sas okay that's better that's better that is better we seem to be gaining speed pretty well as well i'm gonna try and retract these that's one need to do the front one there you go retract this is really hard to do while steering i'll tell you that and now just the background retract oh my god we're actually flying we're flying a bridge we're actually flying a bridge i'm a bit too scared to try turning uh so we're just gonna go straight the storm definitely cleared from this direction since our last takeoff i'm gonna try and get a bit higher and hopefully there will be a bit thinner and we should be able to go faster we're currently picking up speed ish we're sitting very much around 76 78 meters a second but hopefully as we go higher we will get faster and then we are going to circumnavigate the globe you all thought i was a madman you thought it couldn't be done all right this is actually going fantastically i really want to try steering i haven't touched left or right at all yet oh there you go i did a bit of a tweak yes and we've leveled out the steering works how's our fuel looking fuel's good i can still see the runway so i'm not sure the fuel to circumference of earth ratio whether we're gonna quite make it around the earth i'm still trying to get higher though what are we at two and a half thousand meters our speed isn't picking up at all really unfortunately but as long as i keep going higher hopefully thinner air means less resistance all right that is a hell of a sight look at the bridge she's flying i decided to head back towards the airport i wanted to do a sort of flyby i thought might be quite cool yeah and then we'll circumnavigate the globe i swear i promise i promise all right the old you're steering is a bit well it's non-existent basically i've been holding right this entire time and we've nearly done a full circle left look at that flyby of the airport absolutely insane i never thought i never thought i'd get a bridge to fly this well if i'm honest i've outdone myself it does like doing big circles though that's the only thing really struggling to pull up anymore 3900 meters it is it is slowly slowly going up we've still got a ton of fuel though so i might see you in a bit and we'll see how far around the globe we made it all right so now i've been flying for 23 in-game minutes if you look at the top left uh fuel hasn't gone down very far the airfield is long gone i've sort of found a new way to turn as well we don't use left and right ur a tool just literally does nothing so i'm sort of just pivoting left and right with the roll function uh i will say i did the warp up to times four for a bit a little bit a little bit ropey as you could see that does work a bit the old bridge goes a bit flat and controls are very sensitive oh god why are we turning that direction oh no we're going in the wrong direction now game that's it head back this way head back this way here we go here we go we're going straight again we're going straight again but yeah so far so good i will check in in a bit hello this is your captain speaking we're cruising at an altitude of 5000 feet current flight time is around 45 minutes if you look out to your right window you'll see a large mountain this is mount uh just just newly discovered by myself just now and if you look out your left window you'll see some more mountains and ladies and gentlemen i hope you're enjoying the flight don't forget to check out the in-flight entertainment uh the royal civil engineer youtube channel has been downloaded and all of the videos are there to watch make sure you check out surgeon simulator it was a great video great video anyway i'll leave you to enjoy the rest of your flight current time is 12 54 p.m local time is just gone midnight on behalf of the uk space agency i'd like to wish you all a fantastic holiday and i hope they will fly with us again soon right we're an hour in looks like we've got just over 50 percent of our fuel left we're traveling on average 60 meters a second i think it's time to do a bit of maths and just see how far we'll get hey google what's the circumference of kerbin here is information from less than b greater than kerbal less than b greater than space program wiki right reading this whilst trying not to crash bollocks uh 600 000 meters so if i'm going 60 meters a second on average in the right direction there we go there we go we're back we're back in the right direction now we're back in the right direction yeah so i'm going 60 meters a second i've got an hour worth of fuel left oh bollocks you know the wrong direction again i'm trying to do maths while steering so that would mean in an hour i'm doing 60 meters a second times however many seconds are in an hour which is 3600 is it so 3 600 times 60 so 216 000 and that's in an hour so in two hours times out by two that's 450-ish hundred thousand the circumference was only six hundred thousand and if i get my average speed up above 60 which i'm clearly doing i'm clearly flying in a straight line over 60 meters a second essentially if we round because i haven't i've really used half my fuel so if we round everything up a little bit i reckon we can easily do 600 000 meters which means we've made our bridge circumnavigate the globe we've actually done it we did it ah this is why i love theory anyway guys thank you very much for joining if you like that video please push that like button and thank you very much for joining peace love and circumnavigatory bridges i'll catch you next time bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 565,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kerbal space program, ksp 2, real engineer kerbal space program, real civil engineer, engineer plays kerbal space program, tensegrity rocket, kerbal space program 2, unusual ksp rockets, rce, ksp kraken, longest rocket ksp, biggest spacecraft, biggest spacecraft ksp, bridge ksp, kerbal space bridge, building a bridge in ksp, circumnavigate ksp, kerbal circumnavigate
Id: cgwLtqsaIAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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