I upgraded this penguin into a SPACE ENGINEER in Learn to Fly 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to learn to fly three we'll be continuing our 36 day old story and getting our friend paul here into space at the end of last episode we're going all out on the jet and we just started upgrading straight up to level four and that's all of our cash so you can see paul here he's pretty confident he's space suited up with the oxygen mask included and his granddad papa john here he has a crazy grenade that we're going to use to set us off oh we didn't get a great but that's okay it's so quick i just launched the auxiliary rockets you can see the fuel of those going down and then we're left with these they look like torches but uh they are actually rockets we've passed 69 000 feet things are looking good what the hell was that does hit a trampoline all right now we glide oh no a chinook we landed on the blades of a chinook that could have been horrible why is that enough three thousand dollars so what can we spend that on i think we should keep upgrading our jets that's 1500 quid and then 800 okay what what the hell why was it 1500 you know let me go back all right so if i take the jet back to level one it costs 500 and 600 for level three then 700 for level four then 1500 for level five oh did you see that look so that's level four just a normal jet level five oh my god we got a stealth bomber all right so our jet has a new look let's go see how high we can go all right i gotta get the grate on the throat ready yes there she is ready oh we're going so quick we're hearing so many pigeons all right auxiliaries away sorry flappy bird freak me i'm like destroying every single bird on the way i'm so sorry all right switch for our second pair of rockets we're over 75 000 feet already we've got the wind giving us some speed past the chinook past the banana what the hell why was there a banana oh my god we could hit oh can we hit a hundred thousand no we can't oh fishy news is up here though that was our best altitude yet so the stealth bomber definitely worthwhile so we got just under four and a half grand so we'll upgrade our jet as much as we can so it costs five grand to get to max level we can't quite afford that but we can upgrade our pulse jets we'll do that one more level right come on papa john get that through who oh he cocked up again he is getting old to be fair he's an old man right we are going high we just hit 50 000 feet and a bird and we got the wind helping look at our look at our airspeed we go with the wind it really does pick up the old speed oh no chinook get out of the way you bastard the architects of the sky was banana nearly hit me well that wasn't as good was it 92 000 i think it was pretty similar actually yeah it wasn't our record we did slightly worse than last time but we can now afford the max jets upgrade i think this is a visual one so let's see no it looks identical well that was an anticlimax does it fly higher though the speed is in the red i think that's where we want to be all right these torches are a bit lame if i'm honest right 75 000 feet and we we just hit a bird i'm trying to dodge out the way of everything but uh easier said than done right past the chinook we didn't hit it this time so we could be looking good oh bollocks i spoke too soon hundred thousand feet we did it oh my god what is that what was that it was like a cat on fire up here right hang on to the balloon and we can stay high so that's our highest altitude and we gained four grand which means we can max out one of our pulse jets i think we should do that oh look we got a racing stripe that's how you know it's going to be quick all right great throw this is going to be a good one as long as we don't hit anything we are creaming it we flew past 50 000 feet just keeping an eye out for chinooks 75 000 is gone and we've swapped rockets all right this is about the level we get chinooks so i need to keep an eye there's a banana there's a banana oh just skim that helicopter nice 105 000 or just shy of just shy of is our best yet i've just realized as well that max level body that gave us two extra slots so we got an extra stage and an extra boost so i think more auxiliary rockets we want all the rockets can we max them out straight away yes and another post yet right oh my god there's so much jet edge going on right now we've got a jet body three jet stages and four auxiliary rockets this could be high so you can see our progress on the graph here with our jet so we didn't start off very well we didn't quite get the hang but we've slowly been working our way up ignore that one my current record is 104.3 000 feet that's a lot of feet all right ready if we can get this grenade right yes oh it's going to be good auxiliary rockets we've got four of them sort of like the tentacles from the matrix the old metal tentacles well they called sentinels or something but a pasta chinook thank god pass another chinook oh wow we're looking good we got half a fuel left and we're just about to come up to a hundred thousand and we've still got another rocket right just past 110 000 we've still got over half our fuel left this is good our bloody chinook get out the way son it's a bit windy up here they what was that something was on fire we got a flight time achievement though which can only be a good thing wow he broke three records there not max speed not quite yet but six thousand i sort of wanna try out maybe a different launcher this time so let's sell the grenade we get six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars back but let's try putting us in a cannon uh can we max level that up we can oh my god it's gone golden we've got a lot of cash left over 12 grand so we can upgrade one pulse jet to max and our next one to level seven right so 127 000 feet is the one to beat i'm not entirely sure we're gonna do it oh god what is that i gotta keep it upright rig oh wow that definitely didn't go as high as the grenade that might have been a mistake all right we're up to sixty thousand and we're swapping torches these two torches are also max grade they got the racing straight as you can see there there there's that thing again oh there's another one are they like cats on fire i don't i don't know what they are i feel like i should help them if i cats on fire oh actually we're doing good we're on 125. yeah we're gonna do it we smashed it over 130 000 it's getting dark i think we're getting into space how high is space 139 000 feet well that was worth doing yeah again three records and seven grand i've just maxed out our final post yet so this build is fully maxed out let's see how high we can go it's 138 000 feet to beat let's keep this straight boosh all right we've just gone past 69 000 feet we're looking good we're looking very good let's go keep an eye out for the chinooks here oh no we hit banana it's squelched i heard it squelch oh and again oh i think we're on for a record though oh no we hit a bloody plane come on come on 140 000 we can do it yes oh 145 yes there's a big ass jet up there all right so that was a new record but as we've maxed out our jet completely i think we should try something different all right so if we sell everything we've got 63 000 to play with what body do we want in the last video we tried the trash can crate eject seat and rocket kit i know a penguin is called pull but i want to make a bullet bill so this has three stage slots but no boost slots so maybe if we upgrade that later we might gain some boost slots but uh what launchers should we try i think as it's a bullet it makes sense to try the russian roulette i'm really not sure what that is it looks like a gun but uh spin the cylinder and hope to get a killer shirt oh god okay i'm guessing there's some sort of luck to that one so for our stages we've got three stages i'm quite intrigued to know what a sonic burst is so uh we'll add three of those i think as a baseline test we'll just see how this does so we're not going to be breaking any records oh god is our penguin in the chamber what is this so spin around press any key to spin the cylinder okay oh wow okay it's complete luck is it oh and literally sonic booms us higher oh paul that didn't go very well did it less than 20 000 feet 400 quid pathetic yeah well let's make our gun more powerful so as we upgrade these you can see the power and max lift are going up every time and we're getting oh i'm getting more duds keep upgrading i've got some fancy decorations on our barrel now and the duds have gone down which is good and maxing that out our power's 10 000. what was it to start with so our power was 777 to start and we ended up at ten thousand excellent so we'll see how much of a difference this new and improved barrel has i mean we've got a lot more bullets now so looking good oh god we are flying oh no it's sonic booming down oh wow okay that was really really really hard to steer yes maybe sonic bursts aren't the best idea for this one yeah but i was thinking actually if we can unlock a boost slot i swear there's like a thin one which makes it easier to steer let's upgrade our bullet a few times oh there we go we're a proper bullet bill now and we've unlocked a boost slot so we can add fins so maybe we'll upgrade our fins and that might allow us to stay straight right so to get the max level of my fins i was a bit short of money so i decided to sell two stages and uh we'll just see if we can keep ourselves upright on this one spin that cylinder boosh oh look at us go ah definitely kept us upright how high are we 120 000 steering is still abysmal though i can barely turn we've got four grand though so if i add my sonic bursts back in and then i'll upgrade them so they're all level three our bullet is also level three so we haven't hit the killer bullet yet that's these red ones i assume here we go that makes us go higher oh crap that's high 190 000 feet we're reaching space in 9000 meters oh my goodness oh we are so close to space i could smell it i did notice there was a lot of being upside down doing the sonic bursts so i'm literally wondering maybe i get rid of the stages completely so now i got 12 grand maybe i just upgrade the bullet it's 25 off so ah there we are we have the golden bullet and we've got five grand to spend on stages i'm gonna add these four sonic bursts and i'm gonna upgrade each of them because it costs a funny amount of money all right so if we can get that killer bullet that is the key oh we didn't get it this time but we are golden and we're facing the right direction okay so the difference between a killer shot and a non is about fifty thousand feet okay we've got eight grand so i think we'll up all of these to level three at least two level fours and two level fives that sounds good so what about getting that killer shortly oh no we got a dud we got dad this is terrible it's so slow to turn i'm like turning left it's not even moving oh we shot a bird out of the sky with our golden bullet that wasn't too much of a failure we managed to upgrade our next two sonic bursts to level five so come on killer shot oh no not this time not this time but we do not give up come on oh dad come on kill a shot there she is yes oh my oh i need to face upwards terrible so we got the golden shot but because we were facing upside down for a lot of our sonic booms uh not a record we're gonna sell a few of these sonic bursts and just see what the uh max level one looks like oh no we can't quite afford it we're seven grand off if we get a killer shot we will be able to afford that here we go killer shot oh we did it we went to space in a golden bullet oh we got a cut scene oh god we're heading right for the moon oh wow i'm forgetting to the moon we got we got some playing cards what's going on we're going for the science one oh wow there's actually loads of new items i think a sonic drive and a spearhead body interesting all right so we know this will get us to space now as you can see from the graph it's not consistent enough we're gonna go back we're gonna sell everything and now we've got a hundred and two thousand i think as it's called a space shuttle we're gonna try the space shuttle out all right so let's just start off and see what a space shuttle does from the off [Laughter] altitude reached one i don't think i moved i think it was just the height of the shuttle uh so we need a launcher i thought the space shuttle might have built in rockets but uh obviously not i've been very intrigued by this one the whole time alien bait so i assume we like we make the aliens think that we're a cow and they'll try and abduct us but then they notice it'll just be a penguin and a space shuttle and then we'll go sailing past at least i think that's how it's meant to work so let's max upgrade our alien bait and uh see how we do yeah we got a cow stuck to us the real deal we're definitely a cow oh we gotta stay in the beam got to stay in the beam the cows going higher than we are they're going to get the cow the cow is a liar but how high did we get 36 000 that's not too bad but oh we sat we sat on an airplane but on this one we definitely need to add our own sort of propulsion system so we'll go into the boosts i think as it's a space shuttle it only makes sense that you'd use a bell nozzle and surely you'd use three if you could get three on it i'm sort of thinking a shuttle reactor will go well with a shuttle so let's add two of those as well all right sorry aliens you're being tricked again stay in the beam pool stay in the beam oh they found out the cow was a lie oh wow that's our shuttle reactor it looks impressive but uh the numbers sort of say otherwise maybe we'll turn on our triple bell nozzles ready oh that's much better that is flying now but yeah for a space shuttle a little bit disappointed looks like we're gonna max out at about 80 000 feet yeah bang on 80. okay so what about maybe we get rid of our bell nozzles and we get rid of our additional shuttle reactor and maybe we just upgrade this one all right so we're up to level six and we've just gained some boosters on the side so that should help immensely i think the aliens must be of an architect variety they're definitely not engineering aliens hey look there's our cow all right so our new shuttle reactor is pretty good it's still quite slowly but paul seems fairly happy in there i think he's pleased to be inside for once all right 76 000 feet i think that was worse than before not really loving the alien bait i think we've tricked the aliens enough time now so we'll sell that and we shall swap it for i think we'll just go back to the coil keep it simple just a little bit of lift to start with and i really want to upgrade our actual shuttles so currently in a communist funded rocket what if we upgrade this oh we can get to a not nasa and the max level of course is the bird hope one funded by peng nasa and having this one allows us to upgrade our shuttle reactor a couple more times to max level oh wow and now now fuel tank's not orange it's black and it's got a moustache so you ready boing oh that spring was so that that was really not worth having was it yeah this shuttle reactor is doing pretty damn well though just over half our fuel and we're at 50 000 feet i don't think we're gonna hit a hundred thousand especially if we keep hitting these birds we got three thousand quid oh hey little guy what are you doing up there i have not noticed you before have you been there the whole time oh no he's gone he's gone i'm gonna get rid of the coil because that was pointless maybe we'll try out the powder cannon so this uses gunpowder to get us up and i saw i think i want to get rid of the shuttle reactor i haven't been too impressed with it if i'm honest i just want to make this the most impressive shuttle you've ever seen so i've added four sets of max level multi rockets and for our stage i think we're gonna go back to just a normal rocket but uh max level that out all right we'll try this out to start and then we'll level up the powder cannon oh wow okay they literally pour gunpowder into they hold down any button to add powder to the cannon careful not to fall in oh no he fell in oh what happened but uh look at that what a mess okay so these are our multi rockets poking out the sides so if we hit fire boosh nice so we are peppering the ground beneath us in in used rocket canisters sorry anyone that was stood within range of the landing area yeah they're taking us pretty highly i think we're on our last ones now and we got to 83 000 feet that's pretty good considering i cocked up the gunpowder one of paul's children definitely fell in there so we'll upgrade the pad count as much as we can that's level eight now which put the power up from 1200 to eight and a half thousand so this time i'm gonna make sure our little penguin doesn't fall in there we go holy crap okay that's a bit better isn't it all right and now multirockets oh wow this is so much better i really cocked up that first one i had no idea it looks like our main rocket's just run out and we've just hit a hundred thousand feet though now get out of the way banana all right the multi rockets are doing pretty good job looks like about 145 000 we might hit nice 147. we're basically in spaceball that was a lot of money we got there we've got our best bonus earnings yet but i don't think our actual rocket is doing too much so i'm going to sell that and invest it all in the powder cannon all right there you go perfectly balanced like all things should be and that properly launched us and now we've got our quad are they quad there's like eight of them so our oct multi rockets looks like we're gonna hit 150 000 are we are we yes all right that was pretty good but i am determined to get this into space we've got an engraved cannon people go on little dude you got this you got this boosh i really hope he doesn't lean over that as it goes off i'm gonna hope this is enough to get pull the penguin into orbit come on right i think this could be it guys we're finally getting all the astronaut into space i can't believe a space shuttle was this hard to get into space i have struggled i haven't even done it yet i'm just assuming oh no are you kidding me bloody asteroid if you me i'm gonna be mad no we did it we did it oh yes yes ah so it looks like there's different sorts of endings are there yes this one didn't we didn't make it to the moon we just made it to space the bullet one we actually made it to the moon so i wonder maybe we need to keep upgrading there's only one way to find out but you have to catch that next time guys except there's a lot of engineering going on in that episode so i need a bit of a lie down a bit of a rest but i hope you enjoyed guys peace love and space shuttles and i'll catch you next time bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 303,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indie, pc, funny, gameplay, learn to fly 3, learn to fly, learn to fly 2, learn to fly speedrun, learn to fly 3 best setup, learn to fly 3 secrets, pc games, penguin, flash game, flash games, learn to fly 3 speedrun, speedrun, omega, omega upgrades, learn to fly omega, learn to fly brick, learn to fly 3 game, penguin space game, learn to fly end, learn 2 fly, learn to fly best, learn to fly engineering games, engineer learn to fly, penguin flying, penguin rocket
Id: blI6Fxbjwfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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