Breaking the LAND SPEED RECORD in Trailmakers!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to trio makers i'm in this awesome test map it's huge and me and my emo lego friend we're gonna break the land speed record baby but we might not but i've done it in poly bridge so how hard can it be in this game right so to start off i think i think we're going to go with a cockpit because it's aerodynamic and it's light it's only 25 kilos all these other ones are pretty heavy 31.50 and the fact it says aerodynamic flight seat means it's aerodynamic surely so that's going in and we're going to start off just just with a normal engine just so we've got a bit of an idea of sort of where we're at and where we're going to get to so we'll start off with this bulldog engine the power is 333 okay it says high acceleration low top speed so probably not the engine want to start with for a land speed record and i'm thinking drag wheels are probably the way to go so we'll oh god they're huge maybe they're not the way to go they're massive all right so we've got four wheels obviously this ain't gonna break no land speed record but let's turn on the aerodynamics so we want bright green can you see our cockpit has bright green arrows at the moment we've got these sort of semi-green and the red so we're gonna have to go into our aerodynamic blocks and we want these the ones with the description very aerodynamic and you can see depending on how steep the thing is we got fairly aerodynamic moderately very so obviously we're going to use the extremely aerodynamic blocks i think basically i want them to sort of sit like that but sort of ramp up so sort of like that i think if we just grab all this and move it slightly closer all right now we need to connect them all together and i think i want to use as little weight as possible so i might use if i use these i can stick my entire thing together right so i think i'm not entirely sure i think the aerodynamics only affects what's at the front so maybe they shouldn't be affected although it could be completely wrong all right so aerodynamics good i think uh speed speed and other sorts of layouts bad 26 miles an hour we probably could get faster but i'm not gonna waste my time let's let's upgrade this thing all right first things first then we'll move these back wheels just out of the way for now we want to add a dragon engine because the power of these are 3333 which is 10 times more powerful we'll copy a few of those because the way this game works the more engines you add the more power you get i'm also going to attempt to rigid this front thing up a bit so i've added load of rigid beams i will just connect those together using those so now we've got a nice rigid structure in there hopefully that will work i still don't know about how the aerodynamics on these wheels work like maybe i need like a flat surface in front tell you what let's try moving that wheel forward ah yes okay okay okay i see what i've done so basically the aerodynamics only works if the wheel's fully blocked so what if we were to use these grid bars okay i think that does make the world better i wonder if i were to right so that's definitely made everything more aerodynamic it's pretty it's pretty over engineered i think i'm wondering maybe i just want to do a point maybe or i don't know don't know exactly we also need to do the back wheels as well but for now let's just see if that drives any better so the weight is still pretty front heavy i think the back wheels are off the ground oh but it's a lot quicker okay tops out about 90 miles an hour let's just see if we were to add aerodynamic blocks to the back wheels if i do a similar thing of filling the crevices crevices i've done a similar thing i've just filled the gap with the lightweight rods and shirts not because of their names at all purely coincidence that they called that right i'm actually wondering is that more aerodynamic than that we'll test this we'll see we'll see first where we beat 90 miles an hour with our back wheel aerodynamics yeah definitely faster i think we've topped out at about 98 miles an hour okay let's just see if we replace this front which is a bit mental if we were to replace that with this so we've got the same we got the same area covered aerodynamically i just wonder just wonder if the speed will be the same let's have a drive in this all right we're up to 92 and it seems to be slowing down so yeah maybe the flatter the blocks the better because this also weighs less as well so i was kind of expecting it to go faster if i'm honest but no okay that's really good to know right back to the drawing board all right so essentially we want to get rid of you lot get rid of you lot and then sort of just copy this back there and then we'll connect them together with more engines and now this is our new vehicle for now oh it's a bit ridiculous isn't it but let's see how much faster we've got a lot more engines so oh yeah we've already cracked 100. right so that's 140 miles an hour first off i'm thinking can i fix that all right so i want to try is copy that make it upside down and then slide you under there all right so now we've got the same on the front and back wheels we're fully aerodynamic whether the wheels will still work not entirely sure let's have a go seem to be working we've got 140 mile an hour to beat though yeah so we can see we're on 147 148 so the aerodynamics definitely helped uh now i think we just go mental we we need to add loads of engines so let's just copy the hell out of this engine come on i don't know if there's like a limit as to how many you should i'm also not sure what happens in terms of rigidity because that don't look very stable to me uh but let's find out let's let's launch this all right it seems to be holding together it's not flexing at all really so uh all right we are off i'm seeing it lots of sparks coming out the back we're on the front and it seems to be affecting our speed we're we're up to 150 last time this time we're sort of struggling to get over 140 so maybe that's to do with the aerodynamics have a look so what if we delete these upside down triangles here we go this is way better we're pushing 170 190 sweet okay let's see then if we were to make this a bit lighter because i'm pretty sure we can sort of delete most of this now we've got a point i'm a little bit i don't really know how like downforce works in this game but i would imagine in real life that would sort of create lift but it's just a hell of a lot less material so i'm gonna shove this on the front and the back right so let's see this should yield the same result if anything we could actually go a little bit faster because we've got less weight i just want to see mainly will we take off or are we going to stay stuck to the floor it's looking good we're on we're over 190. yeah we've cracked 200 miles an hour and we haven't taken off so i think this could be our aerodynamic sort of layout and now it's just to add more power i guess now i wanna sort of know we got quite a bit of height here i want to know if i were to raise this and then copy underneath that's not attached now but i can rotate like that alright so for a fair test that's the same length as before i do i do need to sort out this frontly so we can't fit anything under the cockpit so what i'm going to do i'm just going to join them with more of those bars so that's the same aerodynamics but we should have twice as many engines let's see is it any faster oh yes gaining some speed over 230 and what we can do i think we could even like get rid of the rear aerodynamics and make it all engine oh god it looks like we're getting a bit of speed wobble i think we're good i think we are good 285 290 i'm a bit concerned our wheels are going through the ground but i think that's just a graphical error it's not actually that painful and we've hit 300 and i've got a dog on my lap what are you doing doug what are you doing dog ah why are you licking my face right look at my face that my headphones pat my headphones what are you doing dog i'm trying to breathe the land speed record oh no you're pressed bad paddy you silly boy you silly dog aren't you right enter the fourth wall people here's my recording set up and here's my interrupting dog you interrupt her aren't you what's that tail doing down there you interrupt he's biting me he's biting me right back to the game right so before we are rudely interrupted by my dog where's my vehicle done what have you done pad what have you done right and luckily we're also at the edge of the map i wasn't sure if there was an edge of the map but there is so at least this will give us the best chance to break the speed record so we'll jump in and let's go we're going so slow i don't understand why my wheels are through the ground as well front wheels look okay but uh back wheels yeah don't know about that it seems we're really struggling to get to 300 we've just about done it yeah i might try some different wheels maybe maybe it's the wheels that are doing it these these are big mofos yeah 350 i reckon we get 320 but it's not looking great is it right goodbye wheels what other types do we have i think we're just going to compare all the wheels for now we've got an off-road wheel which doesn't sound great racing wheel go cartwheel slim wheel that has poor speed so we'll ignore that that's what we are using you'd think that would be the fastest but we will try a racing wheel then it also means i can probably reduce the size of this but then i have to lose engines so i don't know i don't know actually a slight problem in the height of these back wheels now we're gonna have to add a little block all right there we go these are so oversized now i do wonder like i assume the less aerodynamic resistance the better so i assume making them the right size will be better i don't know let's let's just try this first so 320 ish to beat we didn't really get anywhere near 320 they oh wow we've we've already smashed that whoa 420 coming up to 500 oh smashed 500 50 580 600 650. oh there's a wall there's a wall okay i just noticed as well these front wheels they should have been further forwards so that probably made some difference i got two choices now we either try out some other wheels or we make this smaller i think i think the fact is we know that the drag wheels are not as good at high speed which makes no sense in my head uh racing rules are better i wonder if go-kart wheels are any better though how big are they oh they are tiny all right we might as well try them we want to want to test everything all right so there thing different on this build are the go-kart wheels so annoyingly we gotta we gotta run to the front which takes quite a while now okay f oh speed speed okay so unfortunately our go-kart wheels don't even allow us to move which is surprising considering they do actually stick down the exact same amount as the racing wheels right so i've raised the wheels up so nothing should be touching the ground it looks like it's actually the the block that the wheels are sitting on that's scraping so i'm not entirely sure how we get around that but uh at least we know back to racing wheels all right so we're back to the racing wheels we'll just do a quick speed test so we know what we're trying to beat and then we'll play about with the aerodynamics i think we'll reduce the the ramps and stuff all right so we're over 700 720 750 760. horn unlocked we just beat was that the sound barrier we got our first sonic boom 800 miles an hour there's the edge of the map holy crap guys we did it we got a sonic boom that's so cool i was not expecting that right and all that excitement i sort of forgot what speed we got i think it was 800 was that 800 miles an hour so what i want to what i want to try and find out if we were to get rid of all of that and then move this there oh it's not quite wide enough though it is way it's way too big now isn't it so instead what if we delete all those move that to there move that down all right so an actual fact rather than doing this all as like bits and pieces everywhere i'm actually going to delete all that all right so there's our layout is pretty green let's go to our super aerodynamic blocks the question is is there a difference between that and that i am not sure but what i am sure about is i can i think i can just do that now that doesn't make much sense but i'm not sure if having like a block in there makes it any better rather than just stacking i'm also not sure whether i want to cover up the bottom of the wheel either but that's a lot lighter which surely is a good thing right and the same with these back ones i think we can just do that sort of thing copy that to the other side and i think that's a much more efficient way of making this aerodynamic it's just whether we bother to do the bottom or not i think i might leave it like that for now though all right let's see is this any better so 800 to beat was it would you reckon guys i reckon this could crack a thousand a thousand miles an hour just because i think it's a lot lighter which should help all right we're over 600 and it's still going way up you can see our little emo dude in there oh the sonic boom we're over 800 oh this is looking good we're on ron 900 are we gonna get 900 yes 900 come on keep going keep going 920 930 940 oh there's the edge we got to 9 40. whoa where's my vehicle gone why did you all right there she is right that was pretty damn impressive we got two choices now i think we either make it longer or we sort of make it wider now if we make it wider we're basically going back to what we had but tripling the amount of engines yeah so i think i am just going to do that start so let's go back to what we had so is this layout and essentially i think i want to delete these blocks completely and scrabble the engines like that and then just copy to the side and then copy to that side and then we'll have to do a bit of aerodynamic jiggery pokery at the front all right so we've got a little bit of a gap here so what i'm going to do i'm just going to fill it in with those lightweight blocks all right now the front is done although we could make it a bit narrower right so the front is looking good it's all looking good actually that's wicked all right let's go check out the back what's going on here our wheels aren't completely covered so yeah just by doing that that's good and then we can bring another engine back to there sweet let's do the same on this side and then this should be good i'm a bit worried how through the floor it is but uh we shall see right are we gonna crack a thousand this time place your bets i'm worried there's a lot of sparks coming out maybe it's too heavy this one there are sparks flying out the back oh sonic boom the sparks seem to have stopped eleven hundred miles an hour holy twelve hundred miles an hour look how fast it's going up thirteen hundred and sixty-five seems like we've maxed out we've actually maxed out whoa that was really cool there's something i want to do as well just to i know we did max out of speed but just to get a bit more speed because i'm going to keep i'm going to keep going but i want to drive to the corner of the map because assuming this is a square map we can just go from one corner to the other and that will give us like the the longest run up we possibly can all right so so we're right in the corner and as you know the two edge lines of the square aren't as long as diagonal so if we face diagonally ah that didn't work we face diagonally and repair there we go yep that's 45 degrees that should be the longest distance we can we are gonna build this first though so how can we improve i think the easiest way is let's just make it longer all right so that's a fair bit longer we'll see how that does i don't know if like that there's like a power to weight ratio i need to be aware of it looks like our complexity of vehicle looks like we can go up to 700 we're currently at 470 so we can add more stuff but for now let's get the angle right again so 45 degrees lovely perfect based on my engineering calculations i'm gonna beat that 1365 i reckon 1700. have faith oh no there's a lot of spark coming out oh we're struggling to even reach 200. oh no we're really struggling we might not even hit the sound barrier oh there she is there she is lovely this ain't going to be a record though i can't see us hitting 13. although 1100 we're still traveling 1200 13 6 ah we got 1365 again we look how accurate our bloody that was really accurate as well like the corner was there so considering i can't steer we line that up pretty well start all right i'm a bit worried it was a bit too long so what i'm thinking maybe we need extra wheels like in the middle right and we'll see is that any better hopefully the wheel in the middle should stop it grinding against the floor so much all right let's get in are we gonna do it are we gonna crack 1300 i do not know there's still a lot of sparks happening but i think it's picking up speed way quicker way quicker oh there's the sonic boom there she is all right 1200 this is looking really good 1300 1360 oh that's i think that's the max speed that slips as fast as we can go because i added way more engines and it's just not going any quicker but damn 1365 miles an hour beast what a beast and i think we'll leave that there for today guys oh that nearly went out that nearly went out all right that was absolutely wicked using just engines no jets or anything saving that for another time but using just engines i think we beat the land speed record and the on land sonic boom was pretty cool isn't it right peace love and land speed records and i'll catch you next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,503,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers centrifuge update, the centrifuge update, trailmakers sonic boom, trailmakers supersonic, trailmakers sound barrier, breaking the sound barrier, sonic boom, supersonic car, sonic boom on land, real civil engineer
Id: fNIuohi8VpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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